예제 #1
def gtsdb(root=config.GTSDB):
	conflict = 0

	labels = np.loadtxt(root+'/gt.txt', delimiter=';', dtype=str)
	image_names = labels[:, 0]
	bounding_box = labels[:, 1:5].astype(float)
	classes = labels[:, 5].astype(int)

	X, Y = [], []
	files = [f for f in os.listdir(root) if f.endswith('.ppm')]
	x_size = (448, 448)
	for i in trange(len(files)):
		img = cv2.imread(root + '/' + image_names[i])
		img_resize = cv2.resize(img, x_size)

		y = np.zeros((grid_num, grid_num, 5+class_num))
		h_ori, w_ori = img.shape[0:2]
		h_resize, w_resize = img_resize.shape[0:2]
		indices = np.where(image_names == image_names[i])[0]
		for index in indices:
			box_xy = bounding_box[index]
			box_xy_resize = utils.box_xy_resize(h_ori, w_ori, h_resize, w_resize, box_xy)
			box_cwh = utils.xy_to_cwh(box_xy_resize)
			(xc, yc, w, h), (row, col) = utils.normalize_box_cwh(box_cwh, h_resize, w_resize, grid_num)

			if y[row, col, 0] == 1:
				conflict += 1
			y[row, col, 0:5] = [1, xc, yc, w, h]
			c = classes[index]
			y[row, col, 5+c] = 1

	X, Y = np.array(X), np.array(Y)
	X, Y = utils.shuffle(X, Y)

	split = len(files) // 10
	x_dev = X[:split]
	y_dev = Y[:split]
	x_test = X[split:2*split]
	y_test = Y[split:2*split]
	x_train = X[2*split:]
	y_train = Y[2*split:]

	print('Build dataset done.')
	print('Train shape:', x_train.shape, y_train.shape)
	print('Val shape:', x_dev.shape, y_dev.shape)
	print('Test shape:', x_test.shape, y_test.shape)
	print('Number of boxes:', bounding_box.shape[0])
	print('Conflict count:', conflict)
예제 #2
    # Load and resize ith image
    name = utils.get_image_name(i)
    image = plt.imread(data_dir + name)
    resized_image = imresize(image, (image_resize, image_resize))

    # Load bounding boxes
    y = np.zeros((num_grid, num_grid, 5 + params.num_classes))
    orig_hw = image.shape[0:2]
    resized_hw = resized_image.shape[0:2]
    indices = np.argwhere(image_names == name).reshape(-1, )

    for index in indices:
        box_xy = box_coords[index]
        resized_box_xy = utils.resize_box_xy(orig_hw, resized_hw, box_xy)
        box_cwh = utils.xy_to_cwh(resized_box_xy)
        normalized_cwh, position = utils.normalize_box_cwh(
            resized_hw, num_grid, box_cwh)
        row, col = position
        xc, yc, w, h = normalized_cwh

        # skip if the grid cell has object
        if y[row, col, 0] == 1:
            conflict_count[i] += 1

        y[row, col, 0:5] = [1, xc, yc, w, h]
        if params.num_classes != 0:
            c = classes[index]
            y[row, col, 5 + c] = 1
예제 #3
def gtsdb(params, aug_size=0, root=config.GTSDB):
    data_dir = root + '/raw_GTSDB'
    image_files = [f for f in os.listdir(data_dir) if f.endswith('.ppm')]
    data_size = len(image_files)
    raw_data = np.loadtxt(data_dir + '/gt.txt', delimiter=';', dtype=str)

    image_names = raw_data[:, 0]
    box_coords = raw_data[:, 1:5].astype(float)
    classes = raw_data[:, 5].astype(int)

    X, Y = [], []
    X_aug, Y_aug = [], []
    conflict_count = 0

    for i in trange(data_size):
        name = image_files[i]
        image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, name))
        resized_image = cv2.resize(
            image, (params.darknet_input, params.darknet_input))

        # Load bounding boxes
        y = np.zeros((params.n_grid, params.n_grid, 5 + params.n_classes))
        orig_hw = image.shape[0:2]
        resized_hw = resized_image.shape[0:2]
        indices = np.argwhere(image_names == name).reshape(-1, )

        for index in indices:
            box_xy = box_coords[index]
            resized_box_xy = utils.resize_box_xy(orig_hw, resized_hw, box_xy)
            box_cwh = utils.xy_to_cwh(resized_box_xy)
            (xc, yc, w,
             h), (row, col) = utils.normalize_box_cwh(resized_hw,
                                                      params.n_grid, box_cwh)

            # skip if the grid cell has object
            if y[row, col, 0] == 1:
                conflict_count += 1

            y[row, col, 0:5] = [1, xc, yc, w, h]
            if params.n_classes != 0:
                c = classes[index]
                y[row, col, 5 + c] = 1


        # Data Augmentation
        for itr in range(aug_size):
            x_aug, y_aug = gtsdb_aug_(params, image, \
                box_coords[indices], classes[indices])


    X_aug, Y_aug = np.array(X_aug).squeeze(), np.array(Y_aug).squeeze()

    X, Y = np.array(X), np.array(Y)
    X, Y, X_aug, Y_aug, file_indices = utils.shuffle_aug(X, Y, X_aug, Y_aug)

    print('Augmentation shape:')

    split_aug = data_size * aug_size // 10
    X_ev_aug = X_aug[:split_aug]
    Y_ev_aug = Y_aug[:split_aug]
    X_te_aug = X_aug[split_aug:2 * split_aug]
    Y_te_aug = Y_aug[split_aug:2 * split_aug]
    X_tr_aug = X_aug[2 * split_aug:]
    Y_tr_aug = Y_aug[2 * split_aug:]

    split = data_size // 10
    X_ev = X[:split]
    Y_ev = Y[:split]
    X_te = X[split:2 * split]
    Y_te = Y[split:2 * split]
    X_tr = X[2 * split:]
    Y_tr = Y[2 * split:]

    X_small = X[0:2]
    Y_small = Y[0:2]

    if int(args.aug) > 0:
        X_tr = np.concatenate((X_tr, X_tr_aug), axis=0)
        Y_tr = np.concatenate((Y_tr, Y_tr_aug), axis=0)
        X_ev = np.concatenate((X_ev, X_ev_aug), axis=0)
        Y_ev = np.concatenate((Y_ev, Y_ev_aug), axis=0)
        X_te = np.concatenate((X_te, X_te_aug), axis=0)
        Y_te = np.concatenate((Y_te, Y_te_aug), axis=0)

    X_tr, X_ev, X_te = list(map(utils.center_rgb, [X_tr, X_ev, X_te]))
    np.save(root + '/train_X', X_tr)
    np.save(root + '/eval_X', X_ev)
    np.save(root + '/test_X', X_te)
    np.save(root + '/train_Y', Y_tr)
    np.save(root + '/eval_Y', Y_ev)
    np.save(root + '/test_Y', Y_te)

    # Get names for each class
    class_names = np.loadtxt(data_dir + '/Readme.txt',
    for i, name in enumerate(class_names):
        class_names[i] = name.split('=')[1]
    np.savetxt(root + '/class_names.txt',

    image_files = np.array(image_files)
    np.save(root + '/train_names', image_files[file_indices[2 * split:]])
    np.save(root + '/eval_names', image_files[file_indices[:split]])
    np.save(root + '/test_names', image_files[file_indices[split:2 * split]])

    print('Build dataset done.')
    print('Train shape:', X_tr.shape, Y_tr.shape)
    print('Val shape:', X_ev.shape, Y_ev.shape)
    print('Test shape:', X_te.shape, Y_te.shape)
    print('Number of boxes:', box_coords.shape[0])
    print('Conflict count:', conflict_count)
예제 #4
def gtsdb_aug_(params, image, box_xy, classes):
    class_dir = 'data/GTSRB/Images/'

    add_signs = params.add_signs
    resized_hw = [params.darknet_input, params.darknet_input]

    # two data loaders
    X_aug, Y_aug = [], []

    # extract the existing signs' bounding boxes
    signs_list = {}
    num_orign_signs = box_xy.shape[0]

    # occlude the existing and paste "add_signs" new signs
    num_signs = num_orign_signs + add_signs
    # num_signs = np.random.randint(num_orign_signs, max_signs+1)

    # randomly select num_signs
    for itr_sign in range(num_signs):

        # a class from 43 classes
        class_name = random.choice(os.listdir(class_dir))
        while "0" not in class_name:
            class_name = random.choice(os.listdir(class_dir))

        # a sign from that class
        sign_name = random.choice(os.listdir(class_dir + class_name + '/'))
        while "ppm" not in sign_name:
            sign_name = random.choice(os.listdir(class_dir + class_name + '/'))

        # load sign bounding boxes
        data_signs = np.loadtxt(class_dir +  class_name + '/GT-' + class_name \
            + '.csv', delimiter = ';', dtype= str)[1:]

        selected = np.argwhere(data_signs == sign_name)[0][0]

        box_coords_data = data_signs[selected, 1:8].astype(int)
        #   key    height width startX startY endX endY  class
        # "name"    0      1      2       3     4     5    6

        signs_list[str(data_signs[selected, 0])] = box_coords_data

    # array y records new bounding boxes recording
    y = np.zeros((params.n_grid, params.n_grid, 5 + params.n_classes))

    idx = 0

    # perform data augmentation
    for key in signs_list:

        # one sign's info
        single_sign = signs_list[key]
        class_name = utils.get_image_name(single_sign[6])[:-4]
        sign = cv2.imread(class_dir + '/' + class_name + '/' + key)

        # FROM this sign
        fromX1, fromY1, fromX2, fromY2 = single_sign[2:6]
        fromH, fromW = fromY2 - fromY1, fromX2 - fromX1

        # 1. occlude existing signs
        if idx < num_orign_signs:

            # TO the selected image
            toX1, toY1, toX2, toY2 = box_xy[idx].astype(int)
            toH, toW = toY2 - toY1, toX2 - toX1
            ratioH, ratioW = toH / fromH, toW / fromW
            rescaleH, rescaleW = int(ratioH * fromH), int(ratioW * fromW)

            # resize the selected sign to fit into the space of existing signs
            resized_single_sign = \
                cv2.resize(sign[fromY1:fromY2, fromX1:fromX2], (toW, toH))

            # paste
            image[toY1:toY2, toX1:toX2] = resized_single_sign

            # record the new bounding boxes
            # Note: box_xy is the same as the existing signs
            new_box_xy = box_xy[idx].astype(int)
            resized_box_xy = \
                utils.resize_box_xy(image.shape[0:2], resized_hw, new_box_xy)
            box_cwh = utils.xy_to_cwh(resized_box_xy)
            (xc, yc, w, h), (row, col) = \
                utils.normalize_box_cwh(resized_hw, params.n_grid, box_cwh)
            y[row, col, 0:5] = [1, xc, yc, w, h]
            y[row, col, 5 + single_sign[6]] = 1

            idx += 1

        # 2. add new signs

            # TO a random position of the selected image
            X_start = np.random.randint(0, image.shape[1] - single_sign[0])
            Y_start = np.random.randint(0, image.shape[0] - single_sign[1])
            toX1, toY1, toX2, toY2 = X_start, Y_start, X_start + fromW, Y_start + fromH
            toH, toH = toY2 - toY1, toX2 - toX1

            # paste
            image[toY1:toY2, toX1:toX2] = sign[fromY1:fromY2, fromX1:fromX2]

            # record the new bounding boxes
            # Note: box_xy is the newly defined bounding boxes
            new_box_xy = [toX1, toY1, toX2, toY2]
            resized_box_xy = \
                utils.resize_box_xy(image.shape[0:2], resized_hw, new_box_xy)
            box_cwh = utils.xy_to_cwh(resized_box_xy)
            (xc, yc, w, h), (row, col) = \
                utils.normalize_box_cwh(resized_hw, params.n_grid, box_cwh)
            y[row, col, 0:5] = [1, xc, yc, w, h]
            y[row, col, 5 + single_sign[6]] = 1

    resized_image = cv2.resize(image,
                               (params.darknet_input, params.darknet_input))

    # X_aug, Y_aug = np.array(X_aug), np.array(Y_aug)

    return X_aug, Y_aug
def gtsdb(params, root=config.GTSDB):
    data_dir = root + '/raw_GTSDB'
    image_files = [f for f in os.listdir(data_dir) if f.endswith('.ppm')]
    data_size = len(image_files)
    raw_data = np.loadtxt(data_dir + '/gt.txt', delimiter=';', dtype=str)

    image_names = raw_data[:, 0]
    box_coords = raw_data[:, 1:5].astype(float)
    classes = raw_data[:, 5].astype(int)

    X, Y = [], []
    conflict_count = 0

    for i in trange(data_size):
        name = image_files[i]
        image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, name))
        resized_image = cv2.resize(image,
                                   (params.image_resize, params.image_resize))

        # Load bounding boxes
        y = np.zeros(
            (params.num_grid, params.num_grid, 5 + params.num_classes))
        orig_hw = image.shape[0:2]
        resized_hw = resized_image.shape[0:2]
        indices = np.argwhere(image_names == name).reshape(-1, )

        for index in indices:
            box_xy = box_coords[index]
            resized_box_xy = utils.resize_box_xy(orig_hw, resized_hw, box_xy)
            box_cwh = utils.xy_to_cwh(resized_box_xy)
            (xc, yc, w,
             h), (row, col) = utils.normalize_box_cwh(resized_hw,
                                                      params.num_grid, box_cwh)

            # skip if the grid cell has object
            if y[row, col, 0] == 1:
                conflict_count += 1

            y[row, col, 0:5] = [1, xc, yc, w, h]
            if params.num_classes != 0:
                c = classes[index]
                y[row, col, 5 + c] = 1


    X, Y = np.array(X), np.array(Y)
    X, Y = utils.shuffle(X, Y)

    split = data_size // 10
    X_ev = X[:split]
    Y_ev = Y[:split]
    X_te = X[split:2 * split]
    Y_te = Y[split:2 * split]
    X_tr = X[2 * split:]
    Y_tr = Y[2 * split:]

    pickle.dump((X_tr, Y_tr), open(root + '/train.p', 'wb'))
    pickle.dump((X_ev, Y_ev), open(root + '/eval.p', 'wb'))
    pickle.dump((X_te, Y_te), open(root + '/test.p', 'wb'))

    # Get names for each class
    class_names = np.loadtxt(data_dir + '/Readme.txt',
    for i, name in enumerate(class_names):
        class_names[i] = name.split('=')[1]
    np.savetxt(root + '/class_names.txt',

    print('Build dataset done.')
    print('Train shape:', X_tr.shape, Y_tr.shape)
    print('Val shape:', X_ev.shape, Y_ev.shape)
    print('Test shape:', X_te.shape, Y_te.shape)
    print('Number of boxes:', box_coords.shape[0])
    print('Conflict count:', conflict_count)