if args.mode == "encrypt":
        ">>>>>>>>>>> Start Encryption with locally generated key.  <<<<<<<<<<<"
    ## Send pubsub messages using two different symmetric keys
    ## Note, i'm not using the expiringdict here...i'm just picking a DEK, sending N messages using it
    ## then picking another DEK and sending N messages with that one.
    ## The subscriber will use a cache of DEK values.  If it detects a DEK in the metadata that doesn't
    ## match whats in its cache, it will use KMS to try to decode it and then keep it in its cache.
    for x in range(5):
        logging.info("Rotating symmetric key")

        # create a new TINK AES DEK and encrypt it with KMS.
        #  (i.,e an encrypted tink keyset)
        cc = AESCipher(encoded_key=None)
        dek = cc.getKey()

        logging.debug("Generated dek: " + dek)
        logging.info("Starting KMS encryption API call")
        encrypt_response = kms_client.encrypt(
                'name': name,
                'plaintext': dek.encode('utf-8'),
                'additional_authenticated_data': tenantID.encode('utf-8')

        dek_encrypted = base64.b64encode(

        logging.info("Wrapped dek: " + dek_encrypted)
  logging.debug("End PubSub Publish")
  logging.info(">>>>>>>>>>> END <<<<<<<<<<<")

if args.mode =="encrypt":
    logging.info(">>>>>>>>>>> Start Encryption with locally generated key.  <<<<<<<<<<<")
    ## Send pubsub messages using two different symmetric keys
    ## Note, i'm not using the expiringdict here...i'm just picking a DEK, sending N messages using it
    ## then picking another DEK and sending N messages with that one.
    ## The subscriber will use a cache of DEK values.  If it detects a DEK in the metadata that doesn't 
    ## match whats in its cache, it will use KMS to try to decode it and then keep it in its cache.
    for x in range(30):
        logging.info("Rotating symmetric key")
        ac = AESCipher(encoded_key=None)
        dek = ac.getKey().encode()

        logging.debug("Generated dek: " + base64.b64encode(dek).decode() )

        logging.info("Starting KMS encryption API call")

        dek_encrypted = kms_client.encrypt(name=name, plaintext=dek,additional_authenticated_data=tenantID.encode('utf-8'))

        dek_key_wrapped = dek_encrypted.ciphertext
        logging.info("Wrapped dek: " +  base64.b64encode(dek_key_wrapped).decode('utf-8'))
        logging.info("End KMS encryption API call")

        logging.debug("Starting AES encryption")
        cleartext_message = {
                "data" : "foo".encode(),