def read_ordering_file(fname): if isinstance(fname, list): labnam = [] deleters = [] for i, item in enumerate(fname): if item == 'delete': deleters.append(i) else: labnam.append(item) return labnam, deleters labnam = [] deleters = [] with open(fname, 'r') as fd: i = 0 for line in fd: l = line.strip().lower() if l == 'delete': deleters.append(i) else: labnam.append(l) i += 1 #try to raise an exception if this is not a real text file try: str(unicode(labnam[0])) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise CVUError("This doesn't look like a text file: %s" % fname) except IndexError: raise CVUError('Ordering file %s is empty or has only deletes' % fname) return labnam, deleters
def add_dataset(self, ds, display_metadata, panel=None, group=None): '''Given a dataset, add it to the controller. If panel and group are specified, add it to that panel, otherwise any panel will do''' if in self.ds_instances: raise CVUError('A dataset with this name already exists') if panel is None and group is None: panel_ref = self._create_new_panel( panel = panel_ref.panel_name group = 2 if panel_ref.is_full(group=1) else 1 elif group is not None: raise CVUError('Cannot specify group without panel') elif panel is not None: panel_ref = self.get_named_panel(panel) if panel_ref.is_full(): raise CVUError('That panel is full') group = 2 if panel_ref.is_full(group=1) else 1 else: panel_ref = self.get_named_panel(panel) panel_ref.populate(ds, group=group) #group can be none, doesnt matter ds_meta = DatasetUIMetadata(self, panel,, display_metadata) self.ds_instances.update({ ds}) self.ds_metadatae.update({ ds_meta}) self.panel_instances.update({panel_ref.panel_name: panel_ref}) self.panel_metadatae.update({panel_ref.panel_name: ds_meta}) self.show_panel(panel_ref)
def flip_adj_ord(adj, adjlabfile, labnam, ign_dels=False): import numpy as np if adjlabfile == None or adjlabfile == '': return adj init_ord, bads = read_ordering_file(adjlabfile) #delete the extras if not ign_dels: adj = np.delete(adj, bads, axis=0) adj = np.delete(adj, bads, axis=1) #if adj ordering is a different size than the new adjmat, we can't #possibly know how to fix it. crash outright. if len(init_ord) != len(adj): raise CVUError( 'The adjmat ordering file %s has %i entries ' 'after deletions, but the adjmat specified has %i regions.' % (adjlabfile, len(init_ord), len(adj))) adj_ord = adj_sort(init_ord, labnam) #get rid of the None items, regions not in parc ordering ord_extras_rm =, None) adj_ord = np.array(ord_extras_rm.compressed(), dtype=int) #swap the new order #adj=adj[adj_ord][:,adj_ord] adj = adj[np.ix_(adj_ord, adj_ord)] #warn about the omitted entries if len(adj_ord) != len(init_ord): for lab in init_ord: if lab not in labnam: print( "Warning: Label %s present in adjmat ordering %s " "was not in the current parcellation. It was omitted." % (lab, adjlabfile)) return adj
def calcparc(labels, labnam, quiet=False, parcname=' ', subjdir='.', subject='fsavg5', lhsurf=None, rhsurf=None): #subjdir and subject are passed here in order to get subcortical #structures from a brain other than fsavg5 import numpy as np lab_pos = np.zeros((len(labnam), 3)) #an nlogn sorting algorithm is theoretically possible here but rather hard labs_used = [] labv = {} # return just the vertices associated with the label. for lab in labels: try: i = labnam.index(parse.mangle_hemi( labs_used.append(parse.mangle_hemi( labv.update({ lab.vertices}) except ValueError: if not quiet: print("Label %s deleted as requested" % continue lab_pos[i, :] = np.mean(lab.pos, axis=0) #print,lab_pos[i,:] #the data seems to be incorrectly scaled by a factor of roughly 1000 lab_pos *= 1000 import volume valid_subcortical_keys = volume.aseg_rois.keys() asegd = None for i, lab in enumerate(labnam): if lab not in labs_used: if lab in valid_subcortical_keys: if asegd is None: try: import nibabel as nib except ImportError as e: raise CVUError( 'Nibabel is required for handling of ' 'parcellations with subcortical structures') aseg = nib.load(os.path.join(subject, 'mri', 'aseg.mgz')) asegd = aseg.get_data() lab_pos[i, :] = volume.roi_coords(lab, asegd, subjdir=subjdir, subject=subject, lhsurf=lhsurf, rhsurf=rhsurf) #let the user know if parc order file has unrecongized entries elif not quiet: print("Warning: Label %s not found in parcellation %s" % (lab, parcname)) return lab_pos, labv
def adj_sort(adj_ord, desired_ord): if len(adj_ord) < len(desired_ord): raise CVUError( 'Parcellation order is larger than adjmat order. Parc ' 'ordering has %i (non-delete) entries and adjmat order has %i ' % (len(adj_ord), len(desired_ord))) keys = {} for i, k in enumerate(adj_ord): keys.update({k: i}) return map(keys.get, desired_ord)
def sh_cmd(cmd): import subprocess import os with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull: try: subprocess.check_call( cmd, #stdout=devnull,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise CVUError(str(e))
def calcparc_gifti(labnam, labv, surf_struct, quiet=False): import numpy as np # define constants and reshape surfaces vert = np.vstack((surf_struct[0], surf_struct[2])) nr_labels = len(labnam) nr_verts = len(labv) if nr_verts != len(vert): print nr_verts print len(vert) raise CVUError('Parcellation has inconsistent number of vertices') if not quiet: print 'Surface has ' + str(nr_verts) + ' vertices' print('Parcellation has ' + str(nr_labels) + ' labels (before bad channel' ' removal)') lab_pos = np.zeros((nr_labels, 3)) ## CHECK FOR BAD CHANNELS AND DEFINE LABEL LOCATIONS AS VERTEX AVERAGES ## bad_labs = [] deleters = [] for i in xrange(0, nr_labels, 1): if labnam[i] == 'delete': deleters.append(i) continue curlab = np.flatnonzero(np.array(map(eqfun(labnam[i]), labv))) if len(curlab) == 0: print("Warning: label " + labnam[i] + ' has no vertices in it. This ' 'channel will be deleted') bad_labs.append(i) continue if not quiet: print "generating coordinates for " + labnam[i] lab_pos[i] = np.mean(vert[curlab], axis=0) ## DELETE THE BAD CHANNELS ## if len(deleters) > 0: print "Removed " + str(len(deleters)) + " bad channels" lab_pos = np.delete(lab_pos, deleters, axis=0) labnam = np.delete(labnam, deleters, axis=0) nr_labels -= len(deleters) else: print "No bad channels" if (len(bad_labs) > 0): lab_pos = np.delete(lab_pos, bad_labs, axis=0) labnam = np.delete(labnam, bad_labs, axis=0) nr_labels -= len(bad_labs) return lab_pos
def rename_panel(self, old_name, new_name): try: panel = self.panel_instances[old_name] ds_meta = self.panel_metadatae[old_name] except KeyError: raise CVUError('No such panel') del self.panel_instances[old_name] del self.panel_metadatae[old_name] self.panel_instances.update({new_name: panel}) self.panel_metadatae.update({new_name: ds_meta}) panel.panel_name = new_name
def rename_dataset(self, old_name, new_name): try: ds = self.ds_instances[old_name] ds_meta = self.ds_metadatae[old_name] except KeyError: raise CVUError('No such dataset') del self.ds_instances[old_name] del self.ds_metadatae[old_name] self.ds_instances.update({new_name: ds}) self.ds_metadatae.update({new_name: ds_meta}) = new_name
def populate(self, ds, ds2=None, group=None, force=False): if ds2 is not None: grps = ('group_1', 'group_2') elif group == 1 or group is None: grps = ('group_1', ) elif group == 2: grps = ('group_2', ) elif self.is_full(): raise CVUError('Panel is full') else: raise ValueError('Cannot populate ViewPanel with group >=2') if not force: for group in grps: if self.__getattribute__(group) is not None: raise CVUError('Group specified is full, overwrite with ' 'force=True') datasets = ((ds, ds2) if (ds2 is not None) else (ds, )) for group, d in zip(grps, datasets): dvl = DatasetViewportLayout() dvl.mayavi_port = Viewport(ds=d) dvl.matrix_port = Viewport(ds=d) dvl.circle_port = Viewport(ds=d) self.__setattr__(group, dvl)
def loadmat(fname, field=None, is_adjmat=True): import numpy as np # well_formed numpy matrix if isinstance(fname, np.ndarray) or isinstance(fname, np.matrix): mat = fname # matlab elif fname.endswith('.mat'): if not field: raise CVUError("For .mat matrices, you must specify a field name") import mat =[field] # numpy elif fname.endswith('.npy'): mat = np.load(fname) elif fname.endswith('.npz'): if not field: raise CVUError("For .npz matrices, you must specify a field name") mat = np.load(fname)[field] # other elif fname.endswith('.pkl'): raise IOError('Pickled matrices are not supported yet') elif fname.endswith('.txt'): mat = np.loadtxt(fname) else: raise IOError( 'File type not understood. Only supported matrix ' 'formats are matlab and numpy. File extensions are used to ' 'differentiate file formats and are not optional.') return if is_adjmat: if mat.ndim != 2 or mat.shape[0] != mat.shape[1]: raise CVUError('Adjacency matrix is not square') if not np.allclose(mat, mat.T): raise CVUError('Adjacency matrix is not symmetric') return mat
def sh_cmd_grep(cmd, grep): #this function is inspired by a similar function from connectomemapper import subprocess import os import random import time import tempfile t = random.randint(1, 10000000) try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'cvu')) except OSError: pass fname = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "out_fifo_%s" % str(t)) try: os.unlink(fname) except: pass retln = [] os.mkfifo(fname) try: fifo = os.fdopen(, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)) newcmd = "( %s ) 1>%s" % (cmd, fname) process = subprocess.Popen(newcmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) while process.returncode == None: time.sleep(.5) process.poll() try: ln = fifo.readline().strip() except: continue if ln and grep in ln: retln.append(ln) rem = if rem: for ln in [ln for ln in rem.split('\n') if ln.strip()]: if grep in ln: retln.append(ln) if process.returncode: raise CVUError('%s failed with error code %s' % (cmd, process.returncode)) finally: try: os.unlink(fname) except: pass return retln
def sh_cmd_retproc(cmd, debug=False): import subprocess import os with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull: outfd = None if debug else devnull process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=outfd, stderr=outfd) #checks to see if the specified command was bad if process.poll(): process.kill() raise CVUError('% failed with error code %s' % (cmd, process.returncode)) return process
def remove_dataset(self, ds_name): #remove the metadata elements associated with this dataset ds_meta = self.ds_metadatae[ds_name] panel_name = ds_meta.panel #dispose of the window if necessary panel = self.panel_instances[panel_name] panel.conditionally_dispose() ds = self.ds_instances[ds_name] self.gui.reset_controls(ds) try: del self.ds_instances[ds_name] del self.ds_metadatae[ds_name] del self.panel_instances[panel_name] del self.panel_metadatae[panel_name] except KeyError as e: raise CVUError('Inconsistent metadata')
def cli_args(argv): import getopt; import os adjmat_location=None; parcellation_name=None; subject_name=None; subjects_dir=None; parcellation_order=None; adjmat_order=None; surface_type=None; field_name=None; max_edges=None; quiet=False; script=None #check for passed arguments try: opts,args=getopt.getopt(argv,'p:a:s:o:qd:hvf:', ["parc=","adjmat=","adj=","data=","datadir="\ "surf=","order=","surf-type=","parcdir=", "help","field=","subjects-dir=","subject=", "max-edges=","max_edges","adj-order=","adj_order=", "script="]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print "Argument %s" % str(e) usage() for opt,arg in opts: if opt in ["-p","--parc"]: parcellation_name = arg elif opt in ["-a","--adjmat","--adj"]: adjmat_location = arg elif opt in ["-d","--data","--datadir","--subjects-dir","--parcdir"]: subjects_dir = arg elif opt in ["-o","--order"]: parcellation_order = arg elif opt in ["--adj-order","--adj_order"]: adjmat_order = arg elif opt in ["-s","--surf","--surf-type"]: surface_type = arg elif opt in ["--subject"]: subject_name = arg elif opt in ["-q"]: quiet = True elif opt in ["-v"]: pass elif opt in ["-h","--help"]: usage() sys.exit(0) elif opt in ["-f","--field"]: field_name = arg elif opt in ["--max-edges","--max_edges"]: max_edges = arg elif opt in ["--script"]: script = arg #assign default values if subjects_dir is None: subjects_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) if adjmat_location is None: adjmat_location = 'data/sample_data.npy' if parcellation_name is None: parcellation_name = 'sparc' if parcellation_order is None: if parcellation_name != 'sparc': raise CVUError('A text file containing channel names must be' ' supplied with your parcellation') else: #TODO export this design pattern for relative paths where necessary parcellation_order=os.path.join(subjects_dir,'orders','sparc.txt') if surface_type is None: surface_type='pial' if subject_name is None: subject_name='fsavg5' if max_edges is None: max_edges=20000 if not os.path.isfile(parcellation_order): raise CVUError('Channel names %s file not found' % parcorder) if not os.path.isfile(adjmat_location): raise CVUError('Adjacency matrix %s file not found' % adjmat) if not os.path.isdir(subjects_dir): raise CVUError('SUBJECTS_DIR %s file not found' % subjects_dir) if adjmat_order and not os.path.isfile(adjmat_order): raise CVUError('Adjancency matrix order %s file not found' % adjorder) return {'parc':parcellation_name, 'adjmat':adjmat_location, 'subject':subject_name, 'subjdir':subjects_dir, 'parcorder':parcellation_order, 'adjorder':adjmat_order, 'surftype':surface_type, 'maxedges':max_edges, 'field':field_name, 'quiet':quiet, 'script':script}
def _get_named_dataset(self, ds_name): try: return self.ds_instances[ds_name] except KeyError as e: raise CVUError('No such dataset')
def _get_named_panel(self, panel_name): try: return self.panel_instances[panel_name] except KeyError as e: raise CVUError('No such panel')