def cognitive_radio_loop(options, radio, channel_list): """ Program loop here. @param options @param radio A RadioDevice instance. @param channel_list List of Channel objects. """ # Export my server command = callback_radio(radio) my_rpc = RPCExporter(addr=("", 8000 + options.my_id)) my_rpc.register_function('command', command) my_rpc.start() # Wait broker start while not 1 #### #Import OTHER RADIOS RPCS #### rpc_arr = [] for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]: rpc_cli = RPCImporter(addr="http://%s:%d" % (HOSTS_IP[i], 8000 + i)) rpc_cli.register_function('command') rpc_arr.append(rpc_cli) # Import PassiveRadio RPC calls bs_rpc = RPCImporter(addr="http://%s:9000" % (options.broker_ip)) bs_rpc.register_function('command') # Register parameters for transmission Logger.register('radio', ['tx_pkts', 'rx_pkts', 'rx2_pkts', 'channel', 'operation', 'receiver', 'starving', 'total_tx', 'total_rx', 'total_starving']) # loop pkt_len = options.pkt_len payload = struct.pack('%sB' % pkt_len, *[options.my_id] * pkt_len) print '##### Entering Transmitter loop' c_starving = 0 while """ ######## FUNCOES: ---- BW do canal ---- Channel's bandwidth. radio.get_bandwidth() ---- Num. simbolos na modulacao --- Number of symbols in the modulation. radio.{tx,rx}.symbols() ---- B/S da modulacao ---- B/S of the modulation radio.{tx,rx}.bits_per_symbol() ---- Pkt/s NO ULTIMO SEGUNDO ---- Pkt/s in the last second. radio.{tx,rx}.counter.get_pkts() ---- b/s NO ULTIMO SEGUNDO. ---- b/s in the last second. radio.{tx,rx}.counter.get_bps() ---- Pacotes acumulados desde a ultima chamada. ---- Accumulated packages since the last call. radio.{tx,rx}.counter.get_pkt_accumulated(clear = False) ---- Troca de canal. channel eh um objeto Channel ---- Channel changing. channel is a Channel object. radio.set_channel(channel) ################# """ # sense while not command.sense and 1 if not break sense_data = [] radio.set_gain(0) for channel in channel_list: decision, energy =, 0.1) sense_data.append((decision, float(energy), channel.get_channel())) bs_rpc.command([options.my_id, 'sense_data', sense_data]) # CHOOSE RECEIVER #while not command.request_transmission: # 1 # Select a receiver randomly #opt = [0, 1, 2, 3] #opt.remove(options.my_id) #receiver = random.choice(opt) #print '##### DEVICE %d requesting TX to %d' % (options.my_id, receiver) #bs_rpc.command([options.my_id, 'request_tx', receiver]) #radio.set_gain(radios_gain[]) # REQUEST CHANNEL while not command.request_channel: 1 receiver, operation, channel_idx = bs_rpc.command([options.my_id, 'request_channel', 9999]) # Configure radio. Go to distant frequency if 'idle' if channel_idx > -1 or operation == OPERATIONS['idle']: if channel_idx > -1: radio.set_channel(channel_list[channel_idx]) else: radio.set_channel(CHANNEL_IDLE) while not command.transmission: 1 # tx pkts is the number of packets transmitted # globs.instant_rx is the number of packets received. # Is global cause it is hard to be synchronized with the TX dev when WE are the RX # The easiest way is to let the TX dev control when get this value. And we do it in the RPC server method tx_pkts = globs.instant_rx = 0 if operation == OPERATIONS['tx']: # change rx freq to another freq or we will receiver our own packets print "##### ... %d - TRANSMITTING - CHANNEL %d - TO: %d" % (options.my_id, channel_idx, receiver) tx_pkts = PktSender.flood_by_time(duration=options.sending_duration, tx_pkt_arch=radio.tx, payload=payload) globs.instant_rx = rpc_arr[receiver].command((options.my_id, 'get_accumulated', True)) print "##### ... Transmitted %d/%d pkts in Channel %d" % (tx_pkts, globs.instant_rx, channel_idx) globs.total_tx += tx_pkts c_starving = 0 elif operation == OPERATIONS['rx']: print "##### ... %d - RECEIVING - CHANNEL %d" % (options.my_id, channel_idx) receiver = 10 globs.wait_for_get = True while globs.wait_for_get: time.sleep(0.2) tx_pkts = 0 globs.total_rx += globs.instant_rx c_starving += 1 globs.total_starving += 1 elif operation == OPERATIONS['idle']: print '##### ... %d is IDLE' % options.my_id receiver = -1 time.sleep(options.sending_duration) c_starving += 1 globs.total_starving += 1 bs_rpc.command([options.my_id, 'transmission_res', (tx_pkts, globs.instant_rx)]) _idle = 0 if operation != OPERATIONS['idle'] else -1 Logger.append('radio', 'tx_pkts', tx_pkts if _idle > -1 else _idle) Logger.append('radio', 'rx_pkts', globs.instant_rx if operation == OPERATIONS['tx'] else _idle) Logger.append('radio', 'rx2_pkts', globs.instant_rx if operation == OPERATIONS['rx'] else _idle) Logger.append('radio', 'channel', channel_idx) Logger.append('radio', 'operation', operation) Logger.append('radio', 'receiver', receiver) Logger.append('radio', 'starving', c_starving) Logger.set('radio', 'total_tx', globs.total_tx) Logger.set('radio', 'total_rx', globs.total_rx) Logger.set('radio', 'total_starving', globs.total_starving)
def server_loop(options): """ Receiver radios in this loop @param options """ # Export my 'command' function to be accessible via RPC my_rpc = RPCExporter(addr=("", 9000)) command = server_callback(globs.channel_list) my_rpc.register_function('command', command) my_rpc.start() interferer_rpc = RPCImporter(addr="") interferer_rpc.register_function('command') #### #Import OTHER RADIOS RPCS #### for i in DEVICES: rpc_cli = RPCImporter(addr="" % (8000 + i)) rpc_cli.register_function('command') globs.rpc_arr.append(rpc_cli) def command_sense(val): """ @param val """ [x.command([BS_ID, 'sense', val]) for x in globs.rpc_arr] def command_request_transmission(val): """ @param val """ [x.command([BS_ID, 'request_transmission', val]) for x in globs.rpc_arr] def command_request_channel(val): """ @param val """ [x.command([BS_ID, 'request_channel', val]) for x in globs.rpc_arr] def command_transmission(val): """ @param val """ [x.command([BS_ID, 'transmission', val]) for x in globs.rpc_arr] # Start execution on all RC nodes interferer_rpc.command([BS_ID, 'run', True]) [x.command([BS_ID, 'run', True]) for x in globs.rpc_arr] t_fin = time.time() + options.test_duration while t_fin > time.time(): t_it = time.time() print "!!!!! SENSING PHASE" command_sense(True) while not globs.sense_done: 1 globs.sense_done = False command_sense(False) print "!!!!! TRANSMISSION PHASE" command_transmission(True) globs.p_fin_transmission_time = time.time() + options.sending_duration while not globs.transmission_done: 1 globs.p_fin_transmission_time = None ## moment to evaluate links # HERE #### # clear all used data globs.transmission_done = False globs.clear() globs.p_total_iterations += 1 command_transmission(False) Logger.append('bs', 'it_dur', time.time() - t_it) # Stop execution on all CR nodes interferer_rpc.command([BS_ID, 'run', False]) [x.command([BS_ID, 'run', False]) for x in globs.rpc_arr]
def cognitive_radio_loop(options, radio, channel_list): """ Program loop here. @param options @param radio A RadioDevice instance. @param channel_list List of Channel objects. """ # Export my server command = callback_radio(radio) my_rpc = RPCExporter(addr=("", 8000 + options.my_id)) my_rpc.register_function('command', command) my_rpc.start() # Wait broker start while not 1 #### #Import OTHER RADIOS RPCS #### rpc_arr = [] RADIOS = [0, 3] for i in RADIOS: rpc_cli = RPCImporter(addr="http://%s:%d" % (HOSTS_IP[i], 8000 + i)) rpc_cli.register_function('command') rpc_arr.append(rpc_cli) # Import PassiveRadio RPC calls bs_rpc = RPCImporter(addr="http://%s:9000" % (options.broker_ip)) bs_rpc.register_function('command') # Register parameters for transmission Logger.register('radio', ['tx_pkts', 'rx_pkts', 'rx2_pkts' , 'channel', 'operation', 'receiver', 'starving', 'total_tx', 'total_rx', 'total_starving']) # loop pkt_len = options.pkt_len payload = struct.pack('%sB' % pkt_len, *[options.my_id] * pkt_len) print '##### Entering Transmitter loop' c_starving = 0 while """ ######## FUNCOES: ######## Functions: ---- BW do canal ---- channel's bandwidth. radio.get_bandwidth() ---- Num. simbolos na modulacao ---- Number of symbols in the modulation. radio.{tx,rx}.symbols() ---- B/S da modulacao ---- B/S of the modulation. radio.{tx,rx}.bits_per_symbol() ---- Pkt/s NO ULTIMO SEGUNDO ---- Pkt/s in the last second. radio.{tx,rx}.counter.get_pkts() ---- b/s NO ULTIMO SEGUNDO. ---- b/s in the last second. radio.{tx,rx}.counter.get_bps() ---- Pacotes acumulados desde a ultima chamada. ---- Accumulated packages since the last call. radio.{tx,rx}.counter.get_pkt_accumulated(clear = False) ---- Troca de canal. channel eh um objeto Channel ---- Channel changing. channel is a Channel object radio.set_channel(channel) ################# """ # sense while not command.sense and 1 if not break sense_data = [] radio.set_gain(0) for channel in channel_list: decision, energy =, 0.1) sense_data.append((decision, float(energy), channel.get_channel())) print 'Channel energy: ', energy bs_rpc.command([options.my_id, 'sense_data', sense_data]) while not command.transmission: 1 # tx pkts is the number of packets transmitted # globs.instant_rx is the number of packets received. # Is global cause it is hard to be synchronized with the TX dev when WE are the RX # The easiest way is to let the TX dev control when get this value. And we do it in the RPC server method tx_pkts = globs.instant_rx = 0 time.sleep(options.sending_duration) bs_rpc.command([options.my_id, 'transmission_res', (tx_pkts, globs.instant_rx)]) Logger.set('radio', 'total_tx', globs.total_tx) Logger.set('radio', 'total_rx', globs.total_rx) Logger.set('radio', 'total_starving', globs.total_starving)