def test_verify_firefox_aliases_redirect_to_correct_products(self, base_url, os):
        """Verifies the downloaded version of Firefox matches the expected version number
        and filename when a resource is requested using a go-bouncer alias.

        The test verifies the following aliases: firefox-latest, firefox-esr-latest,
        firefox-nightly-latest, firefox-beta-latest, firefox-beta-latest, firefox-aurora-latest.
        releng_obj = RelengHelper()
        releng_aliases = releng_obj.fetch_current_fx_product_details()
        expected_products = releng_obj.generate_fx_alias_ver_mappings(releng_aliases)
        get_params = {
            'product': 'alias',
            'lang': 'en-US',
            'os': os
        for alias, product_version in expected_products.iteritems():
            fx_pkg_name = self.get_expected_fx_pkg_str(os, alias, product_version)
            # set the GET params that will be sent to bouncer.
            get_params['product'] = alias
            # make the GET request
            response = self._head_request(base_url, params=get_params)
            parsed_url = urlparse(response.url)
            # verify service is up
            assert == response.status_code, \
                'Redirect failed with HTTP status. %s' % \
                self.response_info_failure_message(base_url, get_params, response)
            # verify download location
            assert parsed_url.netloc in self.cdn_netloc_locations, \
                'Failed, redirected to unknown host. %s' % \
                self.response_info_failure_message(base_url, get_params, response)
            # verify Firefox package name and version
            assert fx_pkg_name in response.url, \
                'Failed: Expected product str did not match what was returned %s' % \
                self.response_info_failure_message(base_url, get_params, response)