예제 #1
async def event_stream(request):
    auth = request.headers.get("Authorization")
    if auth is None:
        return web.HTTPForbidden()

    token = auth[auth.find("Bearer") + 7:]
    if token not in BOT_TOKENS:
        log.error("BOT account auth with token %s failed" % token)
        return web.HTTPForbidden()

    user_agent = request.headers.get("User-Agent")
    username = user_agent[user_agent.find("user:"******"users"]
    seeks = request.app["seeks"]
    sockets = request.app["websockets"]
    games = request.app["games"]
    db = request.app["db"]

    resp = web.StreamResponse()
    resp.content_type = "text/plain"
    await resp.prepare(request)

    if username in users:
        bot_player = users[username]
        # After BOT lost connection it may have ongoing games
        # We notify BOT and he can ask to create new game_streams
        # to continue those games
        for gameId in bot_player.game_queues:
            if gameId in games and games[gameId].status == STARTED:
                await bot_player.event_queue.put(games[gameId].game_start)
        bot_player = User(bot=True, username=username)
        users[bot_player.username] = bot_player

        doc = await db.user.find_one({"_id": username})
        if doc is None:
            result = await db.user.insert_one({
                "_id": username,
                "first_name": None,
                "last_name": None,
                "country": None,
                "title": "BOT",
            print("db insert user result %s" % repr(result.inserted_id))

    bot_player.bot_online = True

    log.info("+++ BOT %s connected" % bot_player.username)

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    pinger_task = loop.create_task(
        bot_player.pinger(sockets, seeks, users, games))

    # inform others
    # TODO: do we need this at all?
    await lobby_broadcast(sockets, get_seeks(seeks))

    # send "challenge" and "gameStart" events from event_queue to the BOT
    while bot_player.online:
        answer = await bot_player.event_queue.get()
            if request.protocol.transport.is_closing():
                    "BOT %s request.protocol.transport.is_closing() == True ..."
                    % username)
                await resp.write(answer.encode("utf-8"))
                await resp.drain()
        except Exception:
            log.error("BOT %s event_stream is broken..." % username)

    await bot_player.clear_seeks(sockets, seeks)
    return resp