def transform_img(img, rotx, roty, rotz, tx=0, ty=0, scale=1, adjust_frame=True): roll = rotx * math.pi / 180.0 pitch = roty * math.pi / 180.0 yaw = rotz * math.pi / 180.0 # N.B.: in the computed homography_matrix we set d=1 (see homography_matrix()) # u=fx*X/Z => on Z=d=1 one has u=fx*X/1 # if we shift the camera of tz along Z, then one has u'=fx*X/(1-tz) # hence we have a zoom_factor = 1/(1-tz) => tz = (zoom_factor - 1)/zoom_factor tz = (scale - 1) / scale (h, w) = img.shape[:2] center = np.float32([w / 2, h / 2, 1]) img_box = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, h - 1], [w - 1, h - 1], [w - 1, 0]]) #print('img_box:',img_box) H = homography_matrix(img, roll, pitch, yaw, tx, ty, tz) #print('H:',H) transformed_img_box = (H @ add_ones(img_box).T) transformed_img_box = (transformed_img_box[:2] / transformed_img_box[2]).T transformed_center = (H @ center.T).T #print('transformed_img_box:',transformed_img_box) if adjust_frame: # adjust the frame in order to contain the transformed image min_u = math.floor(transformed_img_box[:, 0].min()) max_u = math.ceil(transformed_img_box[:, 0].max()) min_v = math.floor(transformed_img_box[:, 1].min()) max_v = math.ceil(transformed_img_box[:, 1].max()) new_w = max_u - min_u new_h = max_v - min_v if H[2, 2] != 0: H = H / H[2, 2] T = np.array([[1, 0, -min_u], [0, 1, -min_v], [0, 0, 1]]) H = T @ H transformed_img_box = (H @ add_ones(img_box).T) transformed_img_box = (transformed_img_box[:2] / transformed_img_box[2]).T transformed_center = (H @ center.T).T else: # simulate the camera pose change new_w = w new_h = h img_out = cv2.warpPerspective(img, H, (new_w, new_h)) return img_out, transformed_img_box, H
def compute_hom_reprojection_error(H, kps1, kps2, mask=None): if mask is not None: mask_idxs = (mask.ravel() == 1) kps1 = kps1[mask_idxs] kps2 = kps2[mask_idxs] kps1_reproj = H @ add_ones(kps1).T kps1_reproj = kps1_reproj[:2] / kps1_reproj[2] error_vecs = kps1_reproj.T - kps2 return np.mean(np.sum(error_vecs * error_vecs, axis=1))
def unproject(self, uvs, depth): uvs = gutils.add_ones(uvs) if self.distorted: unprojs = self.newKinv @ uvs.T else: unprojs = self.Kinv @ uvs.T unprojs = unprojs.T * depth return unprojs
def rotate_img(img, center=None, angle=0, scale=1): (h, w) = img.shape[:2] if center is None: center = (w / 2, h / 2) img_box = np.float32([[0, 0], [0, h - 1], [w - 1, h - 1], [w - 1, 0]]) #print('img_box:',img_box) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale) # grab sin and cos from matrix cos = np.abs(M[0, 0]) sin = np.abs(M[0, 1]) # compute the new bounding dimensions of the image new_w = int((w * cos) + (h * sin)) new_h = int((w * sin) + (h * cos)) # adjust the rotation matrix to take into account translation (in the new image) M[0, 2] += (new_w / 2) - center[0] M[1, 2] += (new_h / 2) - center[1] rotated_img_box = (M @ add_ones(img_box).T).T #print('rotated_img_box:',rotated_img_box) img_out = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (new_w, new_h)) return img_out, rotated_img_box, M
def unproject_points(self, uvs): return, add_ones(uvs).T).T[:, 0:2]
def add_points(self, points3d, mask_pts3d, kf1, kf2, idxs1, idxs2, img1, do_check=True, cos_max_parallax=Parameters.kCosMaxParallax): with self._lock: assert (kf1.is_keyframe and kf2.is_keyframe) # kf1 and kf2 must be keyframes assert (points3d.shape[0] == len(idxs1)) assert (len(idxs2) == len(idxs1)) added_points = [] out_mask_pts3d = np.full(points3d.shape[0], False, dtype=bool) if mask_pts3d is None: mask_pts3d = np.full(points3d.shape[0], True, dtype=bool) ratio_scale_consistency = Parameters.kScaleConsistencyFactor * Frame.feature_manager.scale_factor if do_check: # project points uvs1, depths1 = kf1.project_points(points3d) bad_depths1 = depths1 <= 0 uvs2, depths2 = kf2.project_points(points3d) bad_depths2 = depths2 <= 0 # compute back-projected rays (unit vectors) rays1 =, add_ones(kf1.kpsn[idxs1]).T).T norm_rays1 = np.linalg.norm(rays1, axis=-1, keepdims=True) rays1 /= norm_rays1 rays2 =, add_ones(kf2.kpsn[idxs2]).T).T norm_rays2 = np.linalg.norm(rays2, axis=-1, keepdims=True) rays2 /= norm_rays2 # compute dot products of rays cos_parallaxs = np.sum(rays1 * rays2, axis=1) bad_cos_parallaxs = np.logical_or( cos_parallaxs < 0, cos_parallaxs > cos_max_parallax) # compute reprojection errors errs1 = uvs1 - kf1.kpsu[idxs1] errs1_sqr = np.sum(errs1 * errs1, axis=1) # squared reprojection errors kps1_levels = kf1.octaves[idxs1] invSigmas2_1 = Frame.feature_manager.inv_level_sigmas2[ kps1_levels] chis2_1 = errs1_sqr * invSigmas2_1 # chi square bad_chis2_1 = chis2_1 > Parameters.kChi2Mono # chi-square 2 DOFs (Hartley Zisserman pg 119) errs2 = uvs2 - kf2.kpsu[idxs2] errs2_sqr = np.sum(errs2 * errs2, axis=1) # squared reprojection errors kps2_levels = kf2.octaves[idxs2] invSigmas2_2 = Frame.feature_manager.inv_level_sigmas2[ kps2_levels] chis2_2 = errs2_sqr * invSigmas2_2 # chi square bad_chis2_2 = chis2_2 > Parameters.kChi2Mono # chi-square 2 DOFs (Hartley Zisserman pg 119) # scale consistency scale_factors_x_depths1 = Frame.feature_manager.scale_factors[ kps1_levels] * depths1 scale_factors_x_depths1_x_ratio_scale_consistency = scale_factors_x_depths1 * ratio_scale_consistency scale_factors_x_depths2 = Frame.feature_manager.scale_factors[ kps2_levels] * depths2 scale_factors_x_depths2_x_ratio_scale_consistency = scale_factors_x_depths2 * ratio_scale_consistency bad_scale_consistency = np.logical_or( (scale_factors_x_depths1 > scale_factors_x_depths2_x_ratio_scale_consistency), (scale_factors_x_depths2 > scale_factors_x_depths1_x_ratio_scale_consistency)) # combine all checks bad_points = bad_cos_parallaxs | bad_depths1 | bad_depths2 | bad_chis2_1 | bad_chis2_2 | bad_scale_consistency img_coords = np.rint(kf1.kps[idxs1]).astype( np.intp) # image keypoints coordinates # build img patches coordinates delta = Parameters.kColorPatchDelta patch_extension = 1 + 2 * delta # patch_extension x patch_extension img_pts_start = img_coords - delta img_pts_end = img_coords + delta img_ranges = np.linspace(img_pts_start, img_pts_end, patch_extension, dtype=np.intp)[:, :].T def img_range_elem(ranges, i): return ranges[:, i] for i, p in enumerate(points3d): if not mask_pts3d[i]: #print('p[%d] not good' % i) continue idx1_i = idxs1[i] idx2_i = idxs2[i] # perform different required checks before adding the point if do_check: if bad_points[i]: continue # check parallax is large enough (this is going to filter out all points when the inter-frame motion is almost zero) # ray1 =, add_ones_1D(kf1.kpsn[idx1_i])) # ray2 =, add_ones_1D(kf2.kpsn[idx2_i])) # cos_parallax = / (np.linalg.norm(ray1) * np.linalg.norm(ray2)) # if cos_parallax < 0 or cos_parallax > cos_max_parallax: # #print('p[',i,']: ',p,' not enough parallax: ', cos_parallaxs[i]) # continue # check points are visible on f1 # uv1, depth1 = kf1.project_point(p) # is_visible1 = kf1.is_in_image(uv1, depth1) # N.B.: is_in_image() check is redundant since we check the reproj errror # if not is_visible1: # continue # check points are visible on f2 # uv2, depth2 = kf2.project_point(p) # is_visible2 = kf2.is_in_image(uv2, depth2) # N.B.: is_in_image() check is redundant since we check the reproj errror # if not is_visible2: # continue # check reprojection error on f1 #kp1_level = kf1.octaves[idx1_i] #invSigma2_1 = Frame.feature_manager.inv_level_sigmas2[kp1_level] # err1 = uvs1[i] - kf1.kpsu[idx1_i] # chi2_1 = np.inner(err1,err1)*invSigma2_1 # if chi2_1 > Parameters.kChi2Mono: # chi-square 2 DOFs (Hartley Zisserman pg 119) # continue # check reprojection error on f2 # kp2_level = kf2.octaves[idx2_i] # invSigma2_2 = Frame.feature_manager.inv_level_sigmas2[kp2_level] # err2 = uvs2[i] - kf2.kpsu[idx2_i] # chi2_2 = np.inner(err2,err2)*invSigma2_2 # if chi2_2 > Parameters.kChi2Mono: # chi-square 2 DOFs (Hartley Zisserman pg 119) # continue #check scale consistency # scale_factor_x_depth1 = Frame.feature_manager.scale_factors[kps1_levels[i]] * depths1[i] # scale_factor_x_depth2 = Frame.feature_manager.scale_factors[kps2_levels[i]] * depths2[i] # if (scale_factor_x_depth1 > scale_factor_x_depth2*ratio_scale_consistency) or \ # (scale_factor_x_depth2 > scale_factor_x_depth1*ratio_scale_consistency): # continue # get the color of the point try: #color = img1[int(round(kf1.kps[idx1_i, 1])), int(round(kf1.kps[idx1_i, 0]))] #img_pt = np.rint(kf1.kps[idx1_i]).astype( # color at the point #color = img1[img_pt[1],img_pt[0]] # buils color patch #color_patch = img1[img_pt[1]-delta:img_pt[1]+delta,img_pt[0]-delta:img_pt[0]+delta] #color = color_patch.mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0) # compute the mean color in the patch # average color in a (1+2*delta) x (1+2*delta) patch #pt_start = img_pts_start[i] #pt_end = img_pts_end[i] #color_patch = img1[pt_start[1]:pt_end[1],pt_start[0]:pt_end[0]] # average color in a (1+2*delta) x (1+2*delta) patch img_range = img_range_elem(img_ranges, i) color_patch = img1[img_range[1][:, np.newaxis], img_range[0]] #print('color_patch.shape:',color_patch.shape) color = cv2.mean( color_patch)[:3] # compute the mean color in the patch except IndexError:'color out of range') color = (255, 0, 0) # add the point to this map mp = MapPoint(p[0:3], color, kf2, idx2_i) self.add_point(mp) # add point to this map mp.add_observation(kf1, idx1_i) mp.add_observation(kf2, idx2_i) mp.update_info() out_mask_pts3d[i] = True added_points.append(mp) return len(added_points), out_mask_pts3d, added_points
def search_frame_for_triangulation_test(f1, f2, img2, img1 = None): idxs2_out = [] idxs1_out = [] lines_out = [] num_found_matches = 0 img2_epi = None if __debug__: timer = Timer() timer.start() O1w = f1.Ow O2w = f2.Ow # compute epipoles e1,_ = f1.project_point(O2w) # in first frame e2,_ = f2.project_point(O1w) # in second frame #print('e1: ', e1) #print('e2: ', e2) baseline = np.linalg.norm(O1w-O2w) # if the translation is too small we cannot triangulate # if False: # if baseline < Parameters.kMinTraslation: # we assume the Inializer has been used for building the first map #"search for triangulation: impossible with almost zero translation!") # return idxs1_out, idxs2_out, num_found_matches, img2_epi # EXIT # else: medianDepthF2 = f2.compute_points_median_depth() ratioBaselineDepth = baseline/medianDepthF2 if ratioBaselineDepth < Parameters.kMinRatioBaselineDepth:"search for triangulation: impossible with too low ratioBaselineDepth!") return idxs1_out, idxs2_out, num_found_matches, img2_epi # EXIT # compute the fundamental matrix between the two frames by using their estimated poses F12, H21 = computeF12(f1, f2) idxs1 = [] for i, p in enumerate(f1.get_points()): if p is None: # we consider just unmatched keypoints kp = f1.kpsu[i] scale_factor = Frame.feature_manager.scale_factors[f1.octaves[i]] # discard points which are too close to the epipole if np.linalg.norm(kp-e1) < Parameters.kMinDistanceFromEpipole * scale_factor: continue idxs1.append(i) kpsu1 = f1.kpsu[idxs1] if __debug__: print('search_frame_for_triangulation - timer1: ', timer.elapsed()) timer.start() # compute epipolar lines in second image lines2 = cv2.computeCorrespondEpilines(kpsu1.reshape(-1,1,2), 2, F12) lines2 = lines2.reshape(-1,3) xs2_inf =, add_ones(kpsu1).T).T # x2inf = H21 * x1 where x2inf is corresponding point according to infinite homography [Hartley Zisserman pag 339] xs2_inf = xs2_inf[:, 0:2] / xs2_inf[:, 2:] line_edges = [ epiline_to_end_points(line, e2, x2_inf, f2.width) for line, x2_inf in zip(lines2, xs2_inf) ] #print("line_edges: ", line_edges) if __debug__: print('search_frame_for_triangulation - timer3: ', timer.elapsed()) assert(len(line_edges) == len(idxs1)) timer.start() len_des2 = len(f2.des) flag_match = np.full(len_des2, False, dtype=bool) dist_match = np.zeros(len_des2) index_match = np.full(len_des2, 0, dtype=int) for i, idx in enumerate(idxs1): # N.B.: a point in f1 can be matched to more than one point in f2, we avoid this by caching matches with f2 points f2_idx, dist = find_matches_along_line(f2, e2, line_edges[i], f1.des[idx]) if f2_idx > -1: if not flag_match[f2_idx]: # new match flag_match[f2_idx] = True dist_match[f2_idx] = dist idxs2_out.append(f2_idx) idxs1_out.append(idx) index_match[f2_idx] = len(idxs2_out)-1 assert(f2.get_point_match(f2_idx) is None) assert(f1.get_point_match(idx) is None) if __debug__: lines_out.append(line_edges[i]) else: # already matched if dist < dist_match[f2_idx]: # update in case of a smaller distance dist_match[f2_idx] = dist index = index_match[f2_idx] idxs1_out[index] = idx if __debug__: lines_out[index] = line_edges[i] num_found_matches = len(idxs1_out) assert(len(idxs1_out) == len(idxs2_out)) if __debug__: #print("num found matches: ", num_found_matches) if True: kpsu2 = f2.kpsu[idxs2_out] img2_epi = draw_lines(img2.copy(), lines_out, kpsu2) #cv2.imshow("epipolar lines",img2_epi) #cv2.waitKey(0) if __debug__: print('search_frame_for_triangulation - timer4: ', timer.elapsed()) return idxs1_out, idxs2_out, num_found_matches, img2_epi