def char_mapping(sentences): """ Create a dictionary and mapping of characters, sorted by frequency. """ chars = ["".join([w[0] for w in s]) for s in sentences] dico = create_dico(chars) dico['<PAD>'] = 10000000 # dico[';'] = 0 char_to_id, id_to_char = create_mapping(dico) print("Found %i unique characters" % len(dico)) return dico, char_to_id, id_to_char
def tag_mapping(sentences): """ Create a dictionary and a mapping of tags, sorted by frequency. """ tags = [[word[-1] for word in s] for s in sentences] dico = create_dico(tags) dico[model.START_TAG] = -1 dico[model.STOP_TAG] = -2 tag_to_id, id_to_tag = create_mapping(dico) print("Found %i unique named entity tags" % len(dico)) # print(dico) return dico, tag_to_id, id_to_tag
def word_mapping(sentences, lower): """ Create a dictionary and a mapping of words, sorted by frequency. """ words = [[x[0].lower() if lower else x[0] for x in s] for s in sentences] dico = create_dico(words) #dict with word frequency # print(dico) dico['<PAD>'] = 10000001 dico['<UNK>'] = 10000000 dico = {k:v for k,v in dico.items() if v>=3} #prune words which has occureced less than 3 times word_to_id, id_to_word = create_mapping(dico) print("Found %i unique words (%i in total)" % ( len(dico), sum(len(x) for x in words) )) return dico, word_to_id, id_to_word