예제 #1
def possible_mana_combinations(land_list, deck=None):

        python -m mtgmonte.mtgutils --test-possible_mana_combinations

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from mtgmonte.mtgutils import *  # NOQA
        >>> from mtgmonte import mtgobjs
        >>> deck = mtgobjs.Deck(mtgobjs.load_cards(['Tropical Island', 'Sunken Hollow', 'Island']))
        >>> land_list = mtgobjs.load_cards(['Ancient Tomb', 'Island', 'Flooded Strand', 'Flooded Strand', 'Shivan Reef'])
        >>> card = land_list[-1]
        >>> mana_combos = possible_mana_combinations(land_list, deck)
        >>> result = (ut.repr2(mana_combos, nl=1, strvals=True, nobraces=True))
        >>> print(result)
        ({CC}, {U}, {G}, {U}, {C}),
        ({CC}, {U}, {G}, {B}, {C}),
        ({CC}, {U}, {U}, {U}, {C}),
        ({CC}, {U}, {U}, {B}, {C}),
        ({CC}, {U}, {G}, {U}, {R}),
        ({CC}, {U}, {G}, {B}, {R}),
        ({CC}, {U}, {U}, {U}, {R}),
        ({CC}, {U}, {U}, {B}, {R}),
    from mtgmonte import mtgobjs

    avail_mana = [land.mana_potential2(deck=deck, recurse=False) for land in land_list]
    avail_mana = filter(len, avail_mana)
    mana_combos1 = list(ut.iprod(*avail_mana))
    # Encode the idea that two fetches cant fetch the same land
    non_class1 = [[c for c in co if not isinstance(c, six.string_types)] for co in mana_combos1]
    flags = [len(co) == 0 or len(set(co)) == len(co) for co in non_class1]
    mana_combos2 = ut.compress(mana_combos1, flags)
    mana_combos3 = [
        [[c] if isinstance(c, mtgobjs.ManaSet) else c.mana_potential2(deck=deck) for c in co] for co in mana_combos2
    unflat_combos3 = [list(ut.iprod(*co)) for co in mana_combos3]
    mana_combos4 = ut.flatten(unflat_combos3)
    # mana_combos4 = [reduce(operator.add, m) for m in mana_combos4]
    # z = reduce(operator.add, m)
    # import utool
    # utool.embed()
    # avail_mana = [land.mana_potential(deck=deck) for land in land_list]
    # avail_mana = filter(len, avail_mana)
    # mana_combos4 = list(ut.iprod(*avail_mana))
    combo_ids = [tuple(sorted(x)) for x in mana_combos4]
    flags = ut.flag_unique_items(combo_ids)
    mana_combos = ut.compress(mana_combos4, flags)
    # mana_combos = list(map(tuple, [''.join(c) for c in mana_combos]))
    return mana_combos
예제 #2
    def postingest_tesdb1_func(ibs):
        # Adjust data as we see fit
        import numpy as np
        gid_list = np.array(ibs.get_valid_gids())
        unixtimes_even = (gid_list[0::2] + 100).tolist()
        unixtimes_odd  = (gid_list[1::2] + 9001).tolist()
        unixtime_list = unixtimes_even + unixtimes_odd
        ibs.set_image_unixtime(gid_list, unixtime_list)
        # Unname first aid in every name
        aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()
        nid_list = ibs.get_annot_nids(aid_list)
        nid_list = [ (nid if nid > 0 else None) for nid in nid_list]
        unique_flag = utool.flag_unique_items(nid_list)
        unique_nids = utool.filter_items(nid_list, unique_flag)
        none_nids = [ nid is not None for nid in nid_list]
        flagged_nids = [nid for nid in unique_nids if nid_list.count(nid) > 1]
        plural_flag = [nid in flagged_nids for nid in nid_list]
        flag_list = map(all, izip(plural_flag, unique_flag, none_nids))
        flagged_aids = utool.filter_items(aid_list, flag_list)
        if utool.VERYVERBOSE:
            def print2(*args):
                print('[post_testdb1] ' + ', '.join(args))
            print2('aid_list=%r' % aid_list)
            print2('nid_list=%r' % nid_list)
            print2('unique_flag=%r' % unique_flag)
            print2('plural_flag=%r' % plural_flag)
            print2('unique_nids=%r' % unique_nids)
            print2('none_nids=%r' % none_nids)
            print2('flag_list=%r' % flag_list)
            print2('flagged_nids=%r' % flagged_nids)
            print2('flagged_aids=%r' % flagged_aids)
            # print2('new_nids=%r' % new_nids)
        # Unname, some annotations for testing
        delete_aids = utool.filter_items(aid_list, flag_list)
        # Add all annotations with names as exemplars
        from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import IBEISController
        assert isinstance(ibs, IBEISController)
        unflagged_aids = utool.get_dirty_items(aid_list, flag_list)
        exemplar_flags = [True] * len(unflagged_aids)
        ibs.set_annot_exemplar_flag(unflagged_aids, exemplar_flags)

        return None
예제 #3
 def add_cleanly(db, tblname, colnames, params_iter, get_rowid_from_superkey, superkey_paramx=(0,)):
     """ ADDER Extra input:
         the first item of params_iter must be a superkey (like a uuid), """
     params_list = list(params_iter)  # eagerly evaluate for superkeys
     # Extract superkeys from the params list (requires eager eval)
     superkey_lists = [[None if params is None else params[x]
                        for params in params_list]
                       for x in superkey_paramx]
     # check which parameters are valid
     isvalid_list = [params is not None for params in params_list]
     # Check for duplicate inputs
     isunique_list = utool.flag_unique_items(list(zip(*superkey_lists)))
     # Check to see if this already exists in the database
     rowid_list_ = get_rowid_from_superkey(*superkey_lists)
     isnew_list  = [rowid is None for rowid in rowid_list_]
     if VERBOSE and not all(isunique_list):
         print('[WARNING]: duplicate inputs to db.add_cleanly')
     # Flag each item that needs to added to the database
     isdirty_list = list(map(all, zip(isvalid_list, isunique_list, isnew_list)))
     if not any(isdirty_list):
         return rowid_list_  # There is nothing to add. Return the rowids
     dirty_params = utool.filter_items(params_list, isdirty_list)
     if utool.VERBOSE:
         print('[sql] adding %r/%r new %s' % (len(dirty_params), len(params_list), tblname))
     # Add any unadded parameters to the database
         db._add(tblname, colnames, dirty_params)
     except Exception as ex:
         utool.printex(ex, key_list=['isdirty_list', 'superkey_lists', 'rowid_list_'])
     # TODO: We should only have to preform a subset of adds here
     # (at the positions where rowid_list was None in the getter check)
     rowid_list = get_rowid_from_superkey(*superkey_lists)
     assert len(rowid_list) == len(params_list), 'failed sanity check'
     return rowid_list
예제 #4
def show_qres_analysis(ibs, cm, qreq_=None, **kwargs):
    Wrapper around show_qres.

        aid_list - show matches against aid_list (default top 3)

        ibs (IBEISController):  ibeis controller object
        cm (ChipMatch):  object of feature correspondences and scores
        qreq_ (QueryRequest):  query request object with hyper-parameters(default = None)

        N, show_gt, show_query, aid_list, figtitle, viz_name_score, viz_name_score

        python -m ibeis.viz.viz_qres --exec-show_qres_analysis --show

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.viz.viz_qres import *  # NOQA
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> species = ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN
        >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST')
        >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species)
        >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species)
        >>> qres_list, qreq_ = ibs.query_chips(
        >>>     [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
        >>>     cfgdict=dict(), return_request=True)
        >>> cm = qres_list[0]
        >>> kwargs = dict(show_query=False, viz_name_score=True,
        >>>               show_timedelta=True, N=3, show_gf=True)
        >>> show_qres_analysis(ibs, cm, qreq_, **kwargs)
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()
    if ut.NOT_QUIET:
        print('[show_qres] cm.show_analysis()')
    # Parse arguments
    N = kwargs.get('N', DEFAULT_NTOP)
    show_gt = kwargs.pop('show_gt', True)
    show_gf = kwargs.pop('show_gf', False)
    show_query = kwargs.pop('show_query', True)
    aid_list = kwargs.pop('aid_list', None)
    figtitle = kwargs.pop('figtitle', None)
    #viz_name_score  = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', qreq_ is not None)
    #viz_name_score  = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', False)
    viz_name_score = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', True)
    failed_to_match = False

    # Debug printing
    #print('[analysis] noshow_gt  = %r' % noshow_gt)
    #print('[analysis] show_query = %r' % show_query)
    #print('[analysis] aid_list    = %r' % aid_list)

    if aid_list is None:
        # Compare to aid_list instead of using top ranks
        #print('[analysis] showing top aids')
        top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(N)
        if len(top_aids) == 0:
            failed_to_match = True
            print('WARNING! No matches found for this query')
        if figtitle is None:
            if len(top_aids) == 0:
                figtitle = 'WARNING: no matches found!' + ibsfuncs.aidstr(
                topscore = cm.get_annot_scores(top_aids)[0]
                figtitle = ('q%s -- topscore=%r' %
                            (ibsfuncs.aidstr(cm.qaid), topscore))
        print('[analysis] showing a given list of aids')
        top_aids = aid_list
        if figtitle is None:
            figtitle = 'comparing to ' + ibsfuncs.aidstr(top_aids) + figtitle

    # Get any groundtruth if you are showing it
    showgt_aids = []
    if show_gt:
        # Get the missed groundtruth annotations
        #if isinstance(cm, chip_match.ChipMatch):
        assert qreq_ is not None
        matchable_aids = qreq_.daids
        #matchable_aids = cm.daid_list
        #    matchable_aids = cm.daids
        #matchable_aids = ibs.get_recognition_database_aids()
        #matchable_aids = list(cm.aid2_fm.keys())
        _gtaids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(cm.qaid, daid_list=matchable_aids)

        if viz_name_score:
            # Only look at the groundtruth if a name isnt in the top list
            _gtnids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(_gtaids)
            top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
            _valids = ~np.in1d(_gtnids, top_nids)
            _gtaids = ut.compress(_gtaids, _valids)

        # No need to display highly ranked groundtruth. It will already show up
        _gtaids = np.setdiff1d(_gtaids, top_aids)
        # Sort missed grountruth by score
        _gtscores = cm.get_annot_scores(_gtaids)
        _gtaids = ut.sortedby(_gtaids, _gtscores, reverse=True)
        if viz_name_score:
            if len(_gtaids) > 1:
                _gtaids = _gtaids[0:1]
            if len(_gtaids) > 3:
                # Hack to not show too many unmatched groundtruths
                #_isexmp = ibs.get_annot_exemplar_flags(_gtaids)
                _gtaids = _gtaids[0:3]
        showgt_aids = _gtaids

    if show_gf:
        # Show only one top-scoring groundfalse example
        top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
        is_groundfalse = top_nids != ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(cm.qaid)
        gf_idxs = np.nonzero(is_groundfalse)[0]
        if len(gf_idxs) > 0:
            best_gf_idx = gf_idxs[0]
            isvalid = ~is_groundfalse
            isvalid[best_gf_idx] = True
            # Filter so there is only one groundfalse
            top_aids = top_aids.compress(isvalid)
            # seems like there were no results. Must be bad feature detections
            # maybe too much spatial verification
            top_aids = []

        if len(showgt_aids) != 0:
            # Hack to just include gtaids in normal list
            top_aids = np.append(top_aids, showgt_aids)
            showgt_aids = []

    if viz_name_score:
        # Make sure that there is only one of each name in the list
        top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
        top_aids = ut.compress(top_aids, ut.flag_unique_items(top_nids))

    return show_qres(ibs,
예제 #5
def get_pipecfg_list(test_cfg_name_list, ibs=None):
    Builds a list of varied query configurations. Only custom configs depend on
    an ibs object. The order of the output is not gaurenteed to aggree with
    input order.

        test_cfg_name_list (list): list of strs
        ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object (optional)

        tuple: (cfg_list, cfgx2_lbl) -
            cfg_list (list): list of config objects
            cfgx2_lbl (list): denotes which parameters are being varied.
                If there is just one config then nothing is varied

        python -m ibeis.expt.experiment_helpers --exec-get_pipecfg_list:0
        python -m ibeis.expt.experiment_helpers --exec-get_pipecfg_list:1 --db humpbacks

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.expt.experiment_helpers import *  # NOQA
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1')
        >>> #test_cfg_name_list = ['best', 'custom', 'custom:sv_on=False']
        >>> #test_cfg_name_list = ['default', 'default:sv_on=False', 'best']
        >>> test_cfg_name_list = ['default', 'default:sv_on=False', 'best']
        >>> # execute function
        >>> (pcfgdict_list, pipecfg_list) = get_pipecfg_list(test_cfg_name_list, ibs)
        >>> # verify results
        >>> assert pipecfg_list[0].sv_cfg.sv_on is True
        >>> assert pipecfg_list[1].sv_cfg.sv_on is False
        >>> pipecfg_lbls = get_varied_pipecfg_lbls(pcfgdict_list)
        >>> result = ('pipecfg_lbls = '+ ut.list_str(pipecfg_lbls))
        >>> print(result)
        pipecfg_lbls = [

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> import ibeis_flukematch.plugin
        >>> from ibeis.expt.experiment_helpers import *  # NOQA
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='humpbacks')
        >>> test_cfg_name_list = ['default:pipeline_root=BC_DTW,decision=average', 'default:K=[1,4]']
        >>> (pcfgdict_list, pipecfg_list) = get_pipecfg_list(test_cfg_name_list, ibs)
        >>> pipecfg_lbls = get_varied_pipecfg_lbls(pcfgdict_list)
        >>> result = ('pipecfg_lbls = '+ ut.list_str(pipecfg_lbls))
        >>> print(result)
        >>> print_pipe_configs(pcfgdict_list, pipecfg_list)
    if ut.VERBOSE:
        print('[expt_help.get_pipecfg_list] building pipecfg_list using: %s' %
    if isinstance(test_cfg_name_list, six.string_types):
        test_cfg_name_list = [test_cfg_name_list]
    _standard_cfg_names = []
    _pcfgdict_list = []

    # HACK: Parse out custom configs first
    for test_cfg_name in test_cfg_name_list:
        if test_cfg_name.startswith('custom:') or test_cfg_name == 'custom':
            print('[expthelpers] Parsing nonstandard custom config')
            if test_cfg_name.startswith('custom:'):
                # parse out modifications to custom
                cfgstr_list = ':'.join(test_cfg_name.split(':')[1:]).split(',')
                augcfgdict = ut.parse_cfgstr_list(cfgstr_list, smartcast=True)
                augcfgdict = {}
            # Take the configuration from the ibeis object
            pipe_cfg = ibs.cfg.query_cfg.deepcopy()
            # Update with augmented params
            # Parse out a standard cfgdict
            cfgdict = dict(pipe_cfg.parse_items())
            cfgdict['_cfgname'] = 'custom'
            cfgdict['_cfgstr'] = test_cfg_name
    # Handle stanndard configs next
    if len(_standard_cfg_names) > 0:
        # Get parsing information
        #cfg_default_dict = dict(Config.QueryConfig().parse_items())
        #valid_keys = list(cfg_default_dict.keys())
        cfgstr_list = _standard_cfg_names
        named_defaults_dict = ut.dict_subset(
            experiment_configs.__dict__, experiment_configs.TEST_NAMES)
        alias_keys = experiment_configs.ALIAS_KEYS
        # Parse standard pipeline cfgstrings
        metadata = {'ibs': ibs}
        dict_comb_list = cfghelpers.parse_cfgstr_list2(
            # Hack out valid keys for humpbacks
        # Get varied params (there may be duplicates)

    # TODO: respsect different algorithm parameters
    # like flukes

    # Expand cfgdicts into PipelineConfig config objects
    if ibs is None:
        configclass_list = [Config.QueryConfig] * len(_pcfgdict_list)
        root_to_config = ibs.depc.configclass_dict
        configclass_list = [
            root_to_config.get(_cfgdict.get('pipeline_root', 'vsmany'), Config.QueryConfig)
            for _cfgdict in _pcfgdict_list]
    _pipecfg_list = [cls(**_cfgdict) for cls, _cfgdict in zip(configclass_list, _pcfgdict_list)]

    # Enforce rule that removes duplicate configs
    # by using feasiblity from ibeis.algo.Config
    # TODO: Move this unique finding code to its own function
    # and then move it up one function level so even the custom
    # configs can be uniquified
    _flag_list = ut.flag_unique_items(_pipecfg_list)
    cfgdict_list = ut.compress(_pcfgdict_list, _flag_list)
    pipecfg_list = ut.compress(_pipecfg_list, _flag_list)
    if ut.NOT_QUIET:
        print('[harn.help] return %d / %d unique pipeline configs from: %r' %
              (len(cfgdict_list), len(_pcfgdict_list), test_cfg_name_list))

    if ut.get_argflag(('--pcfginfo', '--pinfo', '--pipecfginfo')):
        import sys
        ut.colorprint('Requested PcfgInfo for tests... ', 'red')
        print_pipe_configs(cfgdict_list, pipecfg_list)
        ut.colorprint('Finished Reporting PcfgInfo. Exiting', 'red')
    return (cfgdict_list, pipecfg_list)
예제 #6
파일: viz_qres.py 프로젝트: Erotemic/ibeis
def show_qres_analysis(ibs, cm, qreq_=None, **kwargs):
    Wrapper around show_qres.

        aid_list - show matches against aid_list (default top 3)

        ibs (IBEISController):  ibeis controller object
        cm (ChipMatch):  object of feature correspondences and scores
        qreq_ (QueryRequest):  query request object with hyper-parameters(default = None)

        N, show_gt, show_query, aid_list, figtitle, viz_name_score, viz_name_score

        python -m ibeis.viz.viz_qres --exec-show_qres_analysis --show

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.viz.viz_qres import *  # NOQA
        >>> import ibeis
        >>> species = ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN
        >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST')
        >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species)
        >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species)
        >>> qres_list, qreq_ = ibs.query_chips(
        >>>     [1], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
        >>>     cfgdict=dict(), return_request=True)
        >>> cm = qres_list[0]
        >>> kwargs = dict(show_query=False, viz_name_score=True,
        >>>               show_timedelta=True, N=3, show_gf=True)
        >>> show_qres_analysis(ibs, cm, qreq_, **kwargs)
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()
    if ut.NOT_QUIET:
        print('[show_qres] cm.show_analysis()')
    # Parse arguments
    N = kwargs.get('N', DEFAULT_NTOP)
    show_gt  = kwargs.pop('show_gt', True)
    show_gf  = kwargs.pop('show_gf', False)
    show_query = kwargs.pop('show_query', True)
    aid_list   = kwargs.pop('aid_list', None)
    figtitle   = kwargs.pop('figtitle', None)
    #viz_name_score  = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', qreq_ is not None)
    #viz_name_score  = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', False)
    viz_name_score  = kwargs.get('viz_name_score', True)
    failed_to_match = False

    # Debug printing
    #print('[analysis] noshow_gt  = %r' % noshow_gt)
    #print('[analysis] show_query = %r' % show_query)
    #print('[analysis] aid_list    = %r' % aid_list)

    if aid_list is None:
        # Compare to aid_list instead of using top ranks
        #print('[analysis] showing top aids')
        top_aids = cm.get_top_aids(N)
        if len(top_aids) == 0:
            failed_to_match = True
            print('WARNING! No matches found for this query')
        if figtitle is None:
            if len(top_aids) == 0:
                figtitle = 'WARNING: no matches found!' + ibsfuncs.aidstr(cm.qaid)
                topscore = cm.get_annot_scores(top_aids)[0]
                figtitle = ('q%s -- topscore=%r' % (ibsfuncs.aidstr(cm.qaid), topscore))
        print('[analysis] showing a given list of aids')
        top_aids = aid_list
        if figtitle is None:
            figtitle = 'comparing to ' + ibsfuncs.aidstr(top_aids) + figtitle

    # Get any groundtruth if you are showing it
    showgt_aids = []
    if show_gt:
        # Get the missed groundtruth annotations
        #if isinstance(cm, chip_match.ChipMatch):
        assert qreq_ is not None
        matchable_aids = qreq_.daids
        #matchable_aids = cm.daid_list
        #    matchable_aids = cm.daids
        #matchable_aids = ibs.get_recognition_database_aids()
        #matchable_aids = list(cm.aid2_fm.keys())
        _gtaids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(cm.qaid, daid_list=matchable_aids)

        if viz_name_score:
            # Only look at the groundtruth if a name isnt in the top list
            _gtnids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(_gtaids)
            top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
            _valids = ~np.in1d(_gtnids, top_nids)
            _gtaids = ut.compress(_gtaids, _valids)

        # No need to display highly ranked groundtruth. It will already show up
        _gtaids = np.setdiff1d(_gtaids, top_aids)
        # Sort missed grountruth by score
        _gtscores = cm.get_annot_scores(_gtaids)
        _gtaids = ut.sortedby(_gtaids, _gtscores, reverse=True)
        if viz_name_score:
            if len(_gtaids) > 1:
                _gtaids = _gtaids[0:1]
            if len(_gtaids) > 3:
                # Hack to not show too many unmatched groundtruths
                #_isexmp = ibs.get_annot_exemplar_flags(_gtaids)
                _gtaids = _gtaids[0:3]
        showgt_aids = _gtaids

    if show_gf:
        # Show only one top-scoring groundfalse example
        top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
        is_groundfalse = top_nids != ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(cm.qaid)
        gf_idxs = np.nonzero(is_groundfalse)[0]
        if len(gf_idxs) > 0:
            best_gf_idx = gf_idxs[0]
            isvalid = ~is_groundfalse
            isvalid[best_gf_idx] = True
            # Filter so there is only one groundfalse
            top_aids = top_aids.compress(isvalid)
            # seems like there were no results. Must be bad feature detections
            # maybe too much spatial verification
            top_aids = []

        if len(showgt_aids) != 0:
            # Hack to just include gtaids in normal list
            top_aids = np.append(top_aids, showgt_aids)
            showgt_aids = []

    if viz_name_score:
        # Make sure that there is only one of each name in the list
        top_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)
        top_aids = ut.compress(top_aids, ut.flag_unique_items(top_nids))

    return show_qres(ibs, cm, gt_aids=showgt_aids, top_aids=top_aids,
                     figtitle=figtitle, show_query=show_query, qreq_=qreq_,
예제 #7
def get_pipecfg_list(test_cfg_name_list, ibs=None, verbose=None):
    Builds a list of varied query configurations. Only custom configs depend on
    an ibs object. The order of the output is not gaurenteed to aggree with
    input order.

        This breaks if you proot=BC_DTW and ibs is None

        test_cfg_name_list (list): list of strs
        ibs (wbia.IBEISController): wbia controller object (optional)

        tuple: (cfg_list, cfgx2_lbl) -
            cfg_list (list): list of config objects
            cfgx2_lbl (list): denotes which parameters are being varied.
                If there is just one config then nothing is varied

        python -m wbia get_pipecfg_list:0
        python -m wbia get_pipecfg_list:1 --db humpbacks
        python -m wbia get_pipecfg_list:2

        >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from wbia.expt.experiment_helpers import *  # NOQA
        >>> import wbia
        >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1')
        >>> #test_cfg_name_list = ['best', 'custom', 'custom:sv_on=False']
        >>> #test_cfg_name_list = ['default', 'default:sv_on=False', 'best']
        >>> test_cfg_name_list = ['default', 'default:sv_on=False', 'best']
        >>> # execute function
        >>> (pcfgdict_list, pipecfg_list) = get_pipecfg_list(test_cfg_name_list, ibs)
        >>> # verify results
        >>> assert pipecfg_list[0].sv_cfg.sv_on is True
        >>> assert pipecfg_list[1].sv_cfg.sv_on is False
        >>> pipecfg_lbls = get_varied_pipecfg_lbls(pcfgdict_list)
        >>> result = ('pipecfg_lbls = '+ ut.repr2(pipecfg_lbls))
        >>> print(result)
        pipecfg_lbls = ['default:', 'default:sv_on=False']

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> import wbia_flukematch.plugin
        >>> from wbia.expt.experiment_helpers import *  # NOQA
        >>> import wbia
        >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='humpbacks')
        >>> test_cfg_name_list = ['default:pipeline_root=BC_DTW,decision=average,crop_dim_size=[960,500]', 'default:K=[1,4]']
        >>> (pcfgdict_list, pipecfg_list) = get_pipecfg_list(test_cfg_name_list, ibs)
        >>> pipecfg_lbls = get_varied_pipecfg_lbls(pcfgdict_list)
        >>> result = ('pipecfg_lbls = '+ ut.repr2(pipecfg_lbls))
        >>> print(result)
        >>> print_pipe_configs(pcfgdict_list, pipecfg_list)
    if verbose is None:
        verbose = ut.VERBOSE
    if ut.VERBOSE:
            '[expt_help.get_pipecfg_list] building pipecfg_list using: %s'
            % test_cfg_name_list
    if isinstance(test_cfg_name_list, six.string_types):
        test_cfg_name_list = [test_cfg_name_list]
    _standard_cfg_names = []
    _pcfgdict_list = []

    # HACK: Parse out custom configs first
    for test_cfg_name in test_cfg_name_list:
        if test_cfg_name.startswith('custom:') or test_cfg_name == 'custom':
            logger.info('[expthelpers] Parsing nonstandard custom config')
            assert False, 'custom is no longer supported'
            # if test_cfg_name.startswith('custom:'):
            #    # parse out modifications to custom
            #    cfgstr_list = ':'.join(test_cfg_name.split(':')[1:]).split(',')
            #    augcfgdict = ut.parse_cfgstr_list(cfgstr_list, smartcast=True)
            # else:
            #    augcfgdict = {}
            # # Take the configuration from the wbia object
            # pipe_cfg = ibs.--cfg.query_cfg.deepcopy()
            # # Update with augmented params
            # pipe_cfg.update_query_cfg(**augcfgdict)
            # # Parse out a standard cfgdict
            # cfgdict = dict(pipe_cfg.parse_items())
            # cfgdict['_cfgname'] = 'custom'
            # cfgdict['_cfgstr'] = test_cfg_name
            # _pcfgdict_list.append(cfgdict)
    # Handle stanndard configs next
    if len(_standard_cfg_names) > 0:
        # Get parsing information
        # cfg_default_dict = dict(Config.QueryConfig().parse_items())
        # valid_keys = list(cfg_default_dict.keys())
        cfgstr_list = _standard_cfg_names
        named_defaults_dict = ut.dict_subset(
            experiment_configs.__dict__, experiment_configs.TEST_NAMES
        alias_keys = experiment_configs.ALIAS_KEYS
        # Parse standard pipeline cfgstrings
        metadata = {'ibs': ibs}
        dict_comb_list = cfghelpers.parse_cfgstr_list2(
            # Hack out valid keys for humpbacks
            # valid_keys=valid_keys,
        # Get varied params (there may be duplicates)

    # Expand cfgdicts into PipelineConfig config objects
    # TODO: respsect different algorithm parameters like flukes
    if ibs is None:
        configclass_list = [Config.QueryConfig] * len(_pcfgdict_list)
        root_to_config = ibs.depc_annot.configclass_dict.copy()
        from wbia.algo.smk import smk_pipeline

        root_to_config['smk'] = smk_pipeline.SMKRequestConfig
        configclass_list = [
                _cfgdict.get('pipeline_root', _cfgdict.get('proot', 'vsmany')),
            for _cfgdict in _pcfgdict_list
    _pipecfg_list = [
        cls(**_cfgdict) for cls, _cfgdict in zip(configclass_list, _pcfgdict_list)

    # Enforce rule that removes duplicate configs
    # by using feasiblity from wbia.algo.Config
    # TODO: Move this unique finding code to its own function
    # and then move it up one function level so even the custom
    # configs can be uniquified
    _flag_list = ut.flag_unique_items(_pipecfg_list)
    cfgdict_list = ut.compress(_pcfgdict_list, _flag_list)
    pipecfg_list = ut.compress(_pipecfg_list, _flag_list)
    if verbose:
        # for cfg in _pipecfg_list:
        #    logger.info(cfg.get_cfgstr())
        #    logger.info(cfg)
            '[harn.help] return %d / %d unique pipeline configs from: %r'
            % (len(cfgdict_list), len(_pcfgdict_list), test_cfg_name_list)

    if ut.get_argflag(('--pcfginfo', '--pinfo', '--pipecfginfo')):
        ut.colorprint('Requested PcfgInfo for tests... ', 'red')
        print_pipe_configs(cfgdict_list, pipecfg_list)
        ut.colorprint('Finished Reporting PcfgInfo. Exiting', 'red')
    return (cfgdict_list, pipecfg_list)
예제 #8
    def postingest_tesdb1_func(ibs):
        import numpy as np
        from ibeis import constants as const
        # Adjust data as we see fit
        gid_list = np.array(ibs.get_valid_gids())
        # Set image unixtimes
        unixtimes_even = (gid_list[0::2] + 100).tolist()
        unixtimes_odd  = (gid_list[1::2] + 9001).tolist()
        unixtime_list = unixtimes_even + unixtimes_odd
        ibs.set_image_unixtime(gid_list, unixtime_list)
        # Unname first aid in every name
        aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()
        nid_list = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(aid_list)
        nid_list = [ (nid if nid > 0 else None) for nid in nid_list]
        unique_flag = ut.flag_unique_items(nid_list)
        unique_nids = ut.compress(nid_list, unique_flag)
        none_nids = [ nid is not None for nid in nid_list]
        flagged_nids = [nid for nid in unique_nids if nid_list.count(nid) > 1]
        plural_flag = [nid in flagged_nids for nid in nid_list]
        flag_list = list(map(all, zip(plural_flag, unique_flag, none_nids)))
        flagged_aids = ut.compress(aid_list, flag_list)
        if ut.VERYVERBOSE:
            def print2(*args):
                print('[post_testdb1] ' + ', '.join(args))
            print2('aid_list=%r' % aid_list)
            print2('nid_list=%r' % nid_list)
            print2('unique_flag=%r' % unique_flag)
            print2('plural_flag=%r' % plural_flag)
            print2('unique_nids=%r' % unique_nids)
            print2('none_nids=%r' % none_nids)
            print2('flag_list=%r' % flag_list)
            print2('flagged_nids=%r' % flagged_nids)
            print2('flagged_aids=%r' % flagged_aids)
            # print2('new_nids=%r' % new_nids)
        # Unname, some annotations for testing
        unname_aids = ut.compress(aid_list, flag_list)
        # Add all annotations with names as exemplars
        #from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import IBEISController
        #assert isinstance(ibs, IBEISController)
        unflagged_aids = ut.get_dirty_items(aid_list, flag_list)
        exemplar_flags = [True] * len(unflagged_aids)
        ibs.set_annot_exemplar_flags(unflagged_aids, exemplar_flags)
        # Set some test species labels
        species_text_list = ibs.get_annot_species_texts(aid_list)
        for ix in range(0, 6):
            species_text_list[ix] = const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN
        # These are actually plains zebras.
        for ix in range(8, 10):
            species_text_list[ix] = const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_GREVY
        for ix in range(10, 12):
            species_text_list[ix] = const.TEST_SPECIES.BEAR_POLAR

        ibs.set_annot_species(aid_list, species_text_list)
        ibs.set_annot_notes(aid_list[8:10], ['this is actually a plains zebra'] * 2)
        ibs.set_annot_notes(aid_list[0:1], ['aid 1 and 2 are correct matches'])
        ibs.set_annot_notes(aid_list[6:7], ['very simple image to debug feature detector'])
        ibs.set_annot_notes(aid_list[7:8], ['standard test image'])

        # Set some randomish gps flags that are within nnp
        unixtime_list = ibs.get_image_unixtime(gid_list)
        valid_lat_min = -1.4446
        valid_lat_max = -1.3271
        valid_lon_min = 36.7619
        valid_lon_max = 36.9622
        valid_lat_range = valid_lat_max - valid_lat_min
        valid_lon_range = valid_lon_max - valid_lon_min
        randstate = np.random.RandomState(unixtime_list)
        new_gps_list = randstate.rand(len(gid_list), 2)
        new_gps_list[:, 0] = (new_gps_list[:, 0] * valid_lat_range) + valid_lat_min
        new_gps_list[:, 1] = (new_gps_list[:, 1] * valid_lon_range) + valid_lon_min
        new_gps_list[8, :] = [-1, -1]
        ibs.set_image_gps(gid_list, new_gps_list)

        # TODO: add a nan timestamp
        ibs.append_annot_case_tags([2], ['error:bbox'])
        ibs.append_annot_case_tags([4], ['quality:washedout'])
        ibs.append_annot_case_tags([4], ['lighting'])

        aidgroups = ibs.group_annots_by_name(
            ibs.filter_annots_general(min_pername=2, verbose=True))[0]
        aid1_list = ut.take_column(aidgroups, 0)
        aid2_list = ut.take_column(aidgroups, 1)
        annotmatch_rowids = ibs.add_annotmatch(aid1_list, aid2_list)

        ibs.set_annotmatch_truth(annotmatch_rowids, [True] * len(annotmatch_rowids))
        ibs.set_annotmatch_truth(annotmatch_rowids, [True] * len(annotmatch_rowids))
        ibs.set_annotmatch_prop('photobomb', annotmatch_rowids, [True] * len(annotmatch_rowids))

        for aids in aidgroups:

        return None