def autogen_argparse2(dpath_list): r""" FUNCTION IS NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED CURRENTLY ONLY RETURNS LIST OF FLAGS THAT THE PROGRAM SILENTLY TAKES Example: >>> from utool.util_arg import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> dpath_list = [ ... ut.truepath('~/code/utool/utool'), ... ut.truepath('~/code/ibeis/ibeis'), ... ut.truepath('~/code/guitool/guitool'), ... ut.truepath('~/code/vtool/vtool'), ... ut.truepath('~/code/plottool/plottool'), ... ] >>> flagtups_list = autogen_argparse2(dpath_list) >>> flagtup_list_ = [ut.regex_replace('[)(\']','',tupstr) for tupstr in ut.flatten(flagtups_list)] >>> flagtup_list = ut.flatten([tupstr.split(',') for tupstr in flagtup_list_]) >>> flagtup_set = set([tupstr.strip() for tupstr in flagtup_list if tupstr.find('=') == -1]) >>> print('\n'.join(flagtup_set)) """ import utool as ut import parse include_patterns = ['*.py'] regex_list = ['get_argflag', 'get_argval'] recursive = True result = ut.grep(regex_list, recursive, dpath_list, include_patterns, verbose=True) (found_filestr_list, found_lines_list, found_lxs_list) = result # TODO: Check to see if in a comment block flagtups_list = [] for found_lines in found_lines_list: flagtups = [] for line in found_lines: line_ = ut.regex_replace('#.*', '', line) argval_parse_list = [ '\'{flag}\' in sys.argv', 'get_argval({flagtup}, type={type}, default={default})', 'get_argval({flagtup}, {type}, default={default})', 'get_argval({flagtup}, {type}, {default})', 'get_argval({flagtup})', ] argflag_parse_list = [ 'get_argflag({flagtup})', ] def parse_pattern_list(parse_list, line): #result_list = [] result = None for pattern in parse_list: result = parse.parse('{_prefix}' + pattern, line_) if result is not None: break #if len(result_list) > 1: # print('warning') #result_list.append(result) return result val_result = parse_pattern_list(argval_parse_list, line) flag_result = parse_pattern_list(argflag_parse_list, line) if flag_result is None and val_result is None: print('warning1') elif flag_result is not None and val_result is not None: print('warning2') else: result = flag_result if val_result is None else val_result flagtups.append(result['flagtup']) flagtups_list.append(flagtups) return flagtups_list
def autogen_sphinx_apidoc(): r""" Ignore: C:\Python27\Scripts\ pip uninstall sphinx pip install sphinx pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon pip install sphinx --upgrade pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon --upgrade cd C:\Python27\Scripts ls C:\Python27\Scripts python -c "import sphinx; print(sphinx.__version__)" CommandLine: python -m utool.util_setup --exec-autogen_sphinx_apidoc Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from utool.util_setup import * # NOQA >>> autogen_sphinx_apidoc() """ # TODO: assert sphinx-apidoc exe is found # TODO: make find_exe work? import utool as ut def build_sphinx_apidoc_cmdstr(): print('') print('if this fails try: sudo pip install sphinx') print('') apidoc = 'sphinx-apidoc' if ut.WIN32: winprefix = 'C:/Python27/Scripts/' sphinx_apidoc_exe = winprefix + apidoc + '.exe' else: sphinx_apidoc_exe = apidoc apidoc_argfmt_list = [ sphinx_apidoc_exe, '--force', '--full', '--maxdepth="{maxdepth}"', '--doc-author="{author}"', '--doc-version="{doc_version}"', '--doc-release="{doc_release}"', '--output-dir="_doc"', #'--separate', # Put documentation for each module on its own page '--private', # Include "_private" modules '{pkgdir}', ] outputdir = '_doc' author = ut.parse_author() packages = ut.find_packages(maxdepth=1) assert len(packages) != 0, 'directory must contain at least one package' if len(packages) > 1: assert len(packages) == 1,\ ('FIXME I dont know what to do with more than one root package: %r' % (packages,)) pkgdir = packages[0] version = ut.parse_package_for_version(pkgdir) modpath = dirname(ut.truepath(pkgdir)) apidoc_fmtdict = { 'author': author, 'maxdepth': '8', 'pkgdir': pkgdir, 'doc_version': version, 'doc_release': version, 'outputdir': outputdir, } ut.assert_exists('') ut.ensuredir('_doc') apidoc_fmtstr = ' '.join(apidoc_argfmt_list) apidoc_cmdstr = apidoc_fmtstr.format(**apidoc_fmtdict) print('[util_setup] autogenerate sphinx docs for %r' % (pkgdir,)) if ut.VERBOSE: print(ut.dict_str(apidoc_fmtdict)) return apidoc_cmdstr, modpath, outputdir def build_conf_replstr(): # # Make custom edits to # FIXME: #ext_search_text = ut.unindent( # r''' # extensions = [ # [^\]]* # ] # ''') ext_search_text = r'extensions = \[[^/]*\]' # TODO: #'sphinx.ext.mathjax', exclude_modules = [] # ['ibeis.all_imports'] ext_repl_text = ut.codeblock( ''' MOCK_MODULES = {exclude_modules} if len(MOCK_MODULES) > 0: import mock for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES: sys.modules[mod_name] = mock.Mock() extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', # For LaTeX 'sphinx.ext.pngmath', # For Google Sytle Docstrs # 'sphinxcontrib.napoleon', #'sphinx.ext.napoleon', ] ''' ).format(exclude_modules=str(exclude_modules)) #theme_search = 'html_theme = \'default\'' theme_search = 'html_theme = \'[a-zA-Z_1-3]*\'' theme_repl = ut.codeblock( ''' import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] ''') head_text = ut.codeblock( ''' from sphinx.ext.autodoc import between import sphinx_rtd_theme import sys import os # Dont parse IBEIS args os.environ['IBIES_PARSE_ARGS'] = 'OFF' os.environ['UTOOL_AUTOGEN_SPHINX_RUNNING'] = 'ON' sys.path.append('{modpath}') sys.path.append(sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../"))) autosummary_generate = True modindex_common_prefix = ['_'] ''' ).format(modpath=ut.truepath(modpath)) tail_text = ut.codeblock( ''' def setup(app): # Register a sphinx.ext.autodoc.between listener to ignore everything # between lines that contain the word IGNORE app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', between('^.*IGNORE.*$', exclude=True)) return app ''' ) return (ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, theme_search, theme_repl, head_text, tail_text) apidoc_cmdstr, modpath, outputdir = build_sphinx_apidoc_cmdstr() ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, theme_search, theme_repl, head_text, tail_text = build_conf_replstr() dry = ut.get_argflag('--dry') if not dry: # Execute sphinx-apidoc ut.cmd(apidoc_cmdstr, shell=True) # sphinx-apidoc outputs to <outputdir>, add custom commands # # Change dir to <outputdir> print('chdir' + outputdir) os.chdir(outputdir) conf_fname = '' conf_text = ut.read_from(conf_fname) conf_text = conf_text.replace('import sys', 'import sys # NOQA') conf_text = conf_text.replace('import os', 'import os # NOQA') conf_text = ut.regex_replace(theme_search, theme_repl, conf_text) conf_text = ut.regex_replace(ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, conf_text) conf_text = head_text + '\n' + conf_text + tail_text ut.write_to(conf_fname, conf_text) # Make the documentation #if ut.LINUX: # ut.cmd('make html', shell=True) #if ut.WIN32: #raw_input('waiting') if not ut.get_argflag('--nomake'): ut.cmd('make', 'html', shell=True) else: print(apidoc_cmdstr) print('cd ' + outputdir) print('manual edits of') print('make html')
def autogen_sphinx_apidoc(): r""" Ignore: C:\Python27\Scripts\ pip uninstall sphinx pip install sphinx pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon pip install sphinx --upgrade pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon --upgrade cd C:\Python27\Scripts ls C:\Python27\Scripts python -c "import sphinx; print(sphinx.__version__)" CommandLine: python -m utool.util_setup --exec-autogen_sphinx_apidoc Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from utool.util_setup import * # NOQA >>> autogen_sphinx_apidoc() """ # TODO: assert sphinx-apidoc exe is found # TODO: make find_exe work? import utool as ut def build_sphinx_apidoc_cmdstr(): print('') print('if this fails try: sudo pip install sphinx') print('') apidoc = 'sphinx-apidoc' if ut.WIN32: winprefix = 'C:/Python27/Scripts/' sphinx_apidoc_exe = winprefix + apidoc + '.exe' else: sphinx_apidoc_exe = apidoc apidoc_argfmt_list = [ sphinx_apidoc_exe, '--force', '--full', '--maxdepth="{maxdepth}"', '--doc-author="{author}"', '--doc-version="{doc_version}"', '--doc-release="{doc_release}"', '--output-dir="_doc"', #'--separate', # Put documentation for each module on its own page '--private', # Include "_private" modules '{pkgdir}', ] outputdir = '_doc' author = ut.parse_author() packages = ut.find_packages(maxdepth=1) assert len( packages) != 0, 'directory must contain at least one package' if len(packages) > 1: assert len(packages) == 1,\ ('FIXME I dont know what to do with more than one root package: %r' % (packages,)) pkgdir = packages[0] version = ut.parse_package_for_version(pkgdir) modpath = dirname(ut.truepath(pkgdir)) apidoc_fmtdict = { 'author': author, 'maxdepth': '8', 'pkgdir': pkgdir, 'doc_version': version, 'doc_release': version, 'outputdir': outputdir, } ut.assert_exists('') ut.ensuredir('_doc') apidoc_fmtstr = ' '.join(apidoc_argfmt_list) apidoc_cmdstr = apidoc_fmtstr.format(**apidoc_fmtdict) print('[util_setup] autogenerate sphinx docs for %r' % (pkgdir, )) if ut.VERBOSE: print(ut.dict_str(apidoc_fmtdict)) return apidoc_cmdstr, modpath, outputdir def build_conf_replstr(): # # Make custom edits to # FIXME: #ext_search_text = ut.unindent( # r''' # extensions = [ # [^\]]* # ] # ''') ext_search_text = r'extensions = \[[^/]*\]' # TODO: #'sphinx.ext.mathjax', exclude_modules = [] # ['ibeis.all_imports'] ext_repl_text = ut.codeblock(''' MOCK_MODULES = {exclude_modules} if len(MOCK_MODULES) > 0: import mock for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES: sys.modules[mod_name] = mock.Mock() extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', # For LaTeX 'sphinx.ext.pngmath', # For Google Sytle Docstrs # 'sphinxcontrib.napoleon', #'sphinx.ext.napoleon', ] ''').format(exclude_modules=str(exclude_modules)) #theme_search = 'html_theme = \'default\'' theme_search = 'html_theme = \'[a-zA-Z_1-3]*\'' theme_repl = ut.codeblock(''' import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] ''') head_text = ut.codeblock(''' from sphinx.ext.autodoc import between import sphinx_rtd_theme import sys import os # Dont parse IBEIS args os.environ['IBIES_PARSE_ARGS'] = 'OFF' os.environ['UTOOL_AUTOGEN_SPHINX_RUNNING'] = 'ON' sys.path.append('{modpath}') sys.path.append(sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../"))) autosummary_generate = True modindex_common_prefix = ['_'] ''').format(modpath=ut.truepath(modpath)) tail_text = ut.codeblock(''' def setup(app): # Register a sphinx.ext.autodoc.between listener to ignore everything # between lines that contain the word IGNORE app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', between('^.*IGNORE.*$', exclude=True)) return app ''') return (ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, theme_search, theme_repl, head_text, tail_text) apidoc_cmdstr, modpath, outputdir = build_sphinx_apidoc_cmdstr() ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, theme_search, theme_repl, head_text, tail_text = build_conf_replstr( ) dry = ut.get_argflag('--dry') if not dry: # Execute sphinx-apidoc ut.cmd(apidoc_cmdstr, shell=True) # sphinx-apidoc outputs to <outputdir>, add custom commands # # Change dir to <outputdir> print('chdir' + outputdir) os.chdir(outputdir) conf_fname = '' conf_text = ut.read_from(conf_fname) conf_text = conf_text.replace('import sys', 'import sys # NOQA') conf_text = conf_text.replace('import os', 'import os # NOQA') conf_text = ut.regex_replace(theme_search, theme_repl, conf_text) conf_text = ut.regex_replace(ext_search_text, ext_repl_text, conf_text) conf_text = head_text + '\n' + conf_text + tail_text ut.write_to(conf_fname, conf_text) # Make the documentation #if ut.LINUX: # ut.cmd('make html', shell=True) #if ut.WIN32: #raw_input('waiting') if not ut.get_argflag('--nomake'): ut.cmd('make', 'html', shell=True) else: print(apidoc_cmdstr) print('cd ' + outputdir) print('manual edits of') print('make html')