def ensure_pz_mtest(): """ Ensures that you have the PZ_MTEST dataset CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres --exec-ensure_pz_mtest python -m ibeis --tf ensure_pz_mtest Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest() """ print('ensure_pz_mtest') from ibeis import sysres workdir = sysres.get_workdir() mtest_zipped_url = const.ZIPPED_URLS.PZ_MTEST mtest_dir = ut.grab_zipped_url(mtest_zipped_url, ensure=True, download_dir=workdir) print('have mtest_dir=%r' % (mtest_dir,)) # update the the newest database version import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') print('cleaning up old database and ensureing everything is properly computed') ibs.db.vacuum() valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() assert len(valid_aids) == 119 ibs.update_annot_semantic_uuids(valid_aids) if ut.VERYVERBOSE: ibs.print_annotation_table() nid = ibs.get_name_rowids_from_text('', ensure=False) if nid is not None: ibs.set_name_texts([nid], ['lostname']) # Remove old imagesets and update to new special ones all_imgset_ids = ibs.get_valid_imgsetids() special_imgset_ids = ibs.get_special_imgsetids() other_imgset_ids = ut.setdiff(all_imgset_ids, special_imgset_ids) ibs.delete_imagesets(other_imgset_ids) ibs.set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint() ibs.update_all_image_special_imageset() occurrence_gids = [2, 9, 12, 16, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 46, 47, 52, 57, 61, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 87, 88, 90, 96, 97, 103, 106, 108, 110, 112, 113] other_gids = ut.setdiff(ibs.get_valid_gids(), occurrence_gids) other_gids1 = other_gids[0::2] other_gids2 = other_gids[1::2] ibs.set_image_imagesettext(occurrence_gids, ['Occurrence 1'] * len(occurrence_gids)) ibs.set_image_imagesettext(other_gids1, ['Occurrence 2'] * len(other_gids1)) ibs.set_image_imagesettext(other_gids2, ['Occurrence 3'] * len(other_gids2)) # hack in some tags print('Hacking in some tags') foal_aids = [4, 8, 15, 21, 28, 34, 38, 41, 45, 49, 51, 56, 60, 66, 69, 74, 80, 83, 91, 97, 103, 107, 109, 119] mother_aids = [9, 16, 35, 42, 52, 57, 61, 67, 75, 84, 98, 104, 108, 114] ibs.append_annot_case_tags(foal_aids, ['foal'] * len(foal_aids)) ibs.append_annot_case_tags(mother_aids, ['mother'] * len(mother_aids))
def modify_tags(tags_list, direct_map=None, regex_map=None, regex_aug=None, delete_unmapped=False, return_unmapped=False, return_map=False): import utool as ut tag_vocab = ut.unique(ut.flatten(tags_list)) alias_map = ut.odict() if regex_map is not None: alias_map.update(**ut.build_alias_map(regex_map, tag_vocab)) if direct_map is not None: alias_map.update(ut.odict(direct_map)) new_tags_list = tags_list new_tags_list = ut.alias_tags(new_tags_list, alias_map) if regex_aug is not None: alias_aug = ut.build_alias_map(regex_aug, tag_vocab) aug_tags_list = ut.alias_tags(new_tags_list, alias_aug) new_tags_list = [ut.unique(t1 + t2) for t1, t2 in zip(new_tags_list, aug_tags_list)] unmapped = list(set(tag_vocab) - set(alias_map.keys())) if delete_unmapped: new_tags_list = [ut.setdiff(tags, unmapped) for tags in new_tags_list] toreturn = None if return_map: toreturn = (alias_map,) if return_unmapped: toreturn = toreturn + (unmapped,) if toreturn is None: toreturn = new_tags_list else: toreturn = (new_tags_list,) + toreturn return toreturn
def execute_singles(qreq_): if qreq_.use_single_cache: qaid_to_hit = _load_singles(qreq_) else: qaid_to_hit = {} hit_all = len(qaid_to_hit) == len(qreq_.qaids) hit_any = len(qaid_to_hit) > 0 if hit_all: qaid_to_cm = qaid_to_hit else: if hit_any:'... partial cm cache hit %d/%d' % (len(qaid_to_hit), len(qreq_))) hit_aids = list(qaid_to_hit.keys()) miss_aids = ut.setdiff(qreq_.qaids, hit_aids) qreq_miss = qreq_.shallowcopy(miss_aids) else: qreq_miss = qreq_ # Compute misses qreq_miss.ensure_data() qaid_to_cm = execute_and_save(qreq_miss) # Merge misses with hits if hit_any: qaid_to_cm.update(qaid_to_hit) cm_list = ut.take(qaid_to_cm, qreq_.qaids) return cm_list
def ensure_names_are_connected(graph, aids_list): aug_graph = graph.copy().to_undirected() orig_edges = aug_graph.edges() unflat_edges = [list(itertools.product(aids, aids)) for aids in aids_list] aid_pairs = [tup for tup in ut.iflatten(unflat_edges) if tup[0] != tup[1]] new_edges = ut.setdiff_ordered(aid_pairs, aug_graph.edges()) preweighted_edges = nx.get_edge_attributes(aug_graph, 'weight') if preweighted_edges: orig_edges = ut.setdiff(orig_edges, list(preweighted_edges.keys())) aug_graph.add_edges_from(new_edges) # Ensure the largest possible set of original edges is in the MST nx.set_edge_attributes(aug_graph, name='weight', values=dict([(edge, 1.0) for edge in new_edges])) nx.set_edge_attributes(aug_graph, name='weight', values=dict([(edge, 0.1) for edge in orig_edges])) for cc_sub_graph in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(aug_graph): mst_sub_graph = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(cc_sub_graph) for edge in mst_sub_graph.edges(): redge = edge[::-1] if not (graph.has_edge(*edge) or graph.has_edge(*redge)): graph.add_edge(*redge, attr_dict={})
def predict_proba_df(clf, X_df, class_names=None): """ Calls sklearn classifier predict_proba but then puts results in a dataframe using the same index as X_df and incorporating all possible class_names given """ if class_names is not None: columns = ut.take(class_names, clf.classes_) else: columns = None if len(X_df) == 0: return pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) try: probs = clf.predict_proba(X_df) except ValueError: # solves a problem when values are infinity for whatever reason X = X_df.values.copy() X[~np.isfinite(X)] = np.nan probs = clf.predict_proba(X) probs_df = pd.DataFrame(probs, columns=columns, index=X_df.index) # add in zero probability for classes without training data if class_names is not None: missing = ut.setdiff(class_names, columns) if missing: for classname in missing: probs_df = probs_df.assign(**{ classname: np.zeros(len(probs_df))}) return probs_df
def remove_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, tag_list): if isinstance(tag_list, six.string_types): # Apply single tag to everybody tag_list = [tag_list] * len(aid_list) tags_list = [ut.ensure_iterable(tag) for tag in tag_list] text_list = ibs.get_annot_tag_text(aid_list) orig_tags_list = [[] if note is None else _parse_tags(note) for note in text_list] new_tags_list = [ut.setdiff(t2, t1) for t1, t2 in zip(tags_list, orig_tags_list)] new_text_list = [';'.join(tags) for tags in new_tags_list] ibs.set_annot_tag_text(aid_list, new_text_list)
def ensure_names_are_connected(graph, aids_list): aug_graph = graph.copy().to_undirected() orig_edges = aug_graph.edges() unflat_edges = [list(itertools.product(aids, aids)) for aids in aids_list] aid_pairs = [tup for tup in ut.iflatten(unflat_edges) if tup[0] != tup[1]] new_edges = ut.setdiff_ordered(aid_pairs, aug_graph.edges()) preweighted_edges = nx.get_edge_attributes(aug_graph, 'weight') if preweighted_edges: orig_edges = ut.setdiff(orig_edges, list(preweighted_edges.keys())) aug_graph.add_edges_from(new_edges) # Ensure the largest possible set of original edges is in the MST nx.set_edge_attributes(aug_graph, 'weight', dict([(edge, 1.0) for edge in new_edges])) nx.set_edge_attributes(aug_graph, 'weight', dict([(edge, 0.1) for edge in orig_edges])) for cc_sub_graph in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(aug_graph): mst_sub_graph = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(cc_sub_graph) for edge in mst_sub_graph.edges(): redge = edge[::-1] if not (graph.has_edge(*edge) or graph.has_edge(*redge)): graph.add_edge(*redge, attr_dict={})
def double_depcache_graph(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --show --testmode python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --save=figures5/doubledepc.png --dpath ~/latex/cand/ --diskshow --figsize=8,20 --dpi=220 --testmode --show --clipwhite python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --save=figures5/doubledepc.png --dpath ~/latex/cand/ --diskshow --figsize=8,20 --dpi=220 --testmode --show --clipwhite --arrow-width=.5 python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --save=figures5/doubledepc.png --dpath ~/latex/cand/ --diskshow --figsize=8,20 --dpi=220 --testmode --show --clipwhite --arrow-width=5 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> result = double_depcache_graph() >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import ibeis import networkx as nx import plottool as pt pt.ensure_pylab_qt4() # pt.plt.xkcd() ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') reduced = True implicit = True annot_graph = ibs.depc_annot.make_graph(reduced=reduced, implicit=implicit) image_graph = ibs.depc_image.make_graph(reduced=reduced, implicit=implicit) to_rename = ut.isect(image_graph.nodes(), annot_graph.nodes()) nx.relabel_nodes(annot_graph, {x: 'annot_' + x for x in to_rename}, copy=False) nx.relabel_nodes(image_graph, {x: 'image_' + x for x in to_rename}, copy=False) graph = nx.compose_all([image_graph, annot_graph]) #graph = nx.union_all([image_graph, annot_graph], rename=('image', 'annot')) # userdecision = ut.nx_makenode(graph, 'user decision', shape='rect', color=pt.DARK_YELLOW, style='diagonals') # userdecision = ut.nx_makenode(graph, 'user decision', shape='circle', color=pt.DARK_YELLOW) userdecision = ut.nx_makenode(graph, 'User decision', shape='rect', #width=100, height=100, color=pt.YELLOW, style='diagonals') #longcat = True longcat = False #edge = ('feat', 'neighbor_index') #data = graph.get_edge_data(*edge)[0] #print('data = %r' % (data,)) #graph.remove_edge(*edge) ## hack #graph.add_edge('featweight', 'neighbor_index', **data) graph.add_edge('detections', userdecision, constraint=longcat, color=pt.PINK) graph.add_edge(userdecision, 'annotations', constraint=longcat, color=pt.PINK) # graph.add_edge(userdecision, 'annotations', implicit=True, color=[0, 0, 0]) if not longcat: pass #graph.add_edge('images', 'annotations', style='invis') #graph.add_edge('thumbnails', 'annotations', style='invis') #graph.add_edge('thumbnails', userdecision, style='invis') graph.remove_node('Has_Notch') graph.remove_node('annotmask') layoutkw = { 'ranksep': 5, 'nodesep': 5, 'dpi': 96, # 'nodesep': 1, } ns = 1000 ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'fontsize', 72) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'fontname', 'Ubuntu') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'style', 'filled') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'width', ns * ut.PHI) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'height', ns * (1 / ut.PHI)) #for u, v, d in graph.edge(data=True): for u, vkd in graph.edge.items(): for v, dk in vkd.items(): for k, d in dk.items(): localid = d.get('local_input_id') if localid: # d['headlabel'] = localid if localid not in ['1']: d['taillabel'] = localid #d['label'] = localid if d.get('taillabel') in {'1'}: del d['taillabel'] node_alias = { 'chips': 'Chip', 'images': 'Image', 'feat': 'Feat', 'featweight': 'Feat Weights', 'thumbnails': 'Thumbnail', 'detections': 'Detections', 'annotations': 'Annotation', 'Notch_Tips': 'Notch Tips', 'probchip': 'Prob Chip', 'Cropped_Chips': 'Croped Chip', 'Trailing_Edge': 'Trailing\nEdge', 'Block_Curvature': 'Block\nCurvature', # 'BC_DTW': 'block curvature /\n dynamic time warp', 'BC_DTW': 'DTW Distance', 'vsone': 'Hots vsone', 'feat_neighbs': 'Nearest\nNeighbors', 'neighbor_index': 'Neighbor\nIndex', 'vsmany': 'Hots vsmany', 'annot_labeler': 'Annot Labeler', 'labeler': 'Labeler', 'localizations': 'Localizations', 'classifier': 'Classifier', 'sver': 'Spatial\nVerification', 'Classifier': 'Existence', 'image_labeler': 'Image Labeler', } node_alias = { 'Classifier': 'existence', 'feat_neighbs': 'neighbors', 'sver': 'spatial_verification', 'Cropped_Chips': 'cropped_chip', 'BC_DTW': 'dtw_distance', 'Block_Curvature': 'curvature', 'Trailing_Edge': 'trailing_edge', 'Notch_Tips': 'notch_tips', 'thumbnails': 'thumbnail', 'images': 'image', 'annotations': 'annotation', 'chips': 'chip', #userdecision: 'User de' } node_alias = ut.delete_dict_keys(node_alias, ut.setdiff(node_alias.keys(), graph.nodes())) nx.relabel_nodes(graph, node_alias, copy=False) fontkw = dict(fontname='Ubuntu', fontweight='normal', fontsize=12) #pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') #pt.figure() pt.show_nx(graph, layoutkw=layoutkw, fontkw=fontkw) pt.zoom_factory()
def cluster_query(model, query_vars=None, evidence=None, soft_evidence=None, method=None, operation='maximize'): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.bayes --exec-cluster_query --show ParamGrid: >>> param_grid = dict( >>> #method=['approx', 'bf', 'bp'], >>> method=['approx', 'bp'], >>> ) >>> combos = ut.all_dict_combinations(param_grid) >>> index = 0 >>> keys = 'method'.split(', ') >>> method, = ut.dict_take(combos[index], keys) Setup: >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.bayes import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> other_evidence = {} >>> name_evidence = [1, None, None, 0] >>> score_evidence = [2, 0, 2] >>> special_names = ['fred', 'sue', 'tom', 'paul'] >>> model = make_name_model( >>> num_annots=4, num_names=4, num_scores=3, verbose=True, mode=1, >>> special_names=special_names) >>> method = None >>> model, evidence, soft_evidence = update_model_evidence( >>> model, name_evidence, score_evidence, other_evidence) >>> evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence(evidence) >>> query_vars = ut.list_getattr(model.ttype2_cpds['name'], 'variable') Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> query_results = cluster_query(model, query_vars, evidence, >>> method=method) >>> print(ut.repr2(query_results['top_assignments'], nl=1)) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> pgm_ext.show_model(model, evidence=evidence, **query_results) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence(evidence) if query_vars is None: query_vars = model.nodes() orig_query_vars = query_vars # NOQA query_vars = ut.setdiff(query_vars, list(evidence.keys())) if method is None: method = ut.get_argval('--method', type_=str, default='bp') reduced_joint = compute_reduced_joint(model, query_vars, evidence, method, operation) new_reduced_joint = collapse_factor_labels(model, reduced_joint, evidence) if False: report_partitioning_statistics(new_reduced_joint) # FIXME: are these max marginals? max_marginals = {} for i, var in enumerate(query_vars): one_out = query_vars[:i] + query_vars[i + 1:] max_marginals[var] = new_reduced_joint.marginalize(one_out, inplace=False) # max_marginals[var] = joint2.maximize(one_out, inplace=False) factor_list = max_marginals.values() # Now find the most likely state reduced_variables = new_reduced_joint.variables new_state_idxs = np.array(new_reduced_joint._row_labels(asindex=True)) new_values = new_reduced_joint.values.ravel() sortx = new_values.argsort()[::-1] sort_new_state_idxs = new_state_idxs.take(sortx, axis=0) sort_new_values = new_values.take(sortx) sort_new_states = list(zip(*[ ut.dict_take(model.statename_dict[var], idx) for var, idx in zip(reduced_variables, sort_new_state_idxs.T)])) # Better map assignment based on knowledge of labels map_assign = dict(zip(reduced_variables, sort_new_states[0])) sort_reduced_rowstr_lbls = [ ut.repr2(dict(zip(reduced_variables, lbls)), explicit=True, nobraces=True, strvals=True) for lbls in sort_new_states ] top_assignments = list(zip(sort_reduced_rowstr_lbls[:4], sort_new_values)) if len(sort_new_values) > 3: top_assignments += [('other', 1 - sum(sort_new_values[:4]))] query_results = { 'factor_list': factor_list, 'top_assignments': top_assignments, 'map_assign': map_assign, 'method': method, } print('query_results = %s' % (ut.repr3(query_results, nl=2),)) return query_results
def test_model(num_annots, num_names, score_evidence=[], name_evidence=[], other_evidence={}, noquery=False, verbose=None, **kwargs): if verbose is None: verbose = ut.VERBOSE method = kwargs.pop('method', None) model = make_name_model(num_annots, num_names, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) if verbose: model.print_priors(ignore_ttypes=['match', 'score']) model, evidence, soft_evidence = update_model_evidence( model, name_evidence, score_evidence, other_evidence) if verbose and len(soft_evidence) != 0: model.print_priors(ignore_ttypes=['match', 'score'], title='Soft Evidence', color='green') #if verbose: # ut.colorprint('\n --- Soft Evidence ---', 'white') # for ttype, cpds in model.ttype2_cpds.items(): # if ttype != 'match': # for fs_ in ut.ichunks(cpds, 4): # ut.colorprint(ut.hz_str([f._cpdstr('psql') for f in fs_]), # 'green') if verbose: ut.colorprint('\n --- Inference ---', 'red') if (len(evidence) > 0 or len(soft_evidence) > 0) and not noquery: evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence(evidence) query_vars = [] query_vars += ut.list_getattr(model.ttype2_cpds['name'], 'variable') #query_vars += ut.list_getattr(model.ttype2_cpds['match'], 'variable') query_vars = ut.setdiff(query_vars, evidence.keys()) #query_vars = ut.setdiff(query_vars, soft_evidence.keys()) query_results = cluster_query(model, query_vars, evidence, soft_evidence, method) else: query_results = {} factor_list = query_results['factor_list'] if verbose: if verbose: print('+--------') semtypes = [model.var2_cpd[f.variables[0]].ttype for f in factor_list] for type_, factors in ut.group_items(factor_list, semtypes).items(): print('Result Factors (%r)' % (type_,)) factors = ut.sortedby(factors, [f.variables[0] for f in factors]) for fs_ in ut.ichunks(factors, 4): ut.colorprint(ut.hz_str([f._str('phi', 'psql') for f in fs_]), 'yellow') print('MAP assignments') top_assignments = query_results.get('top_assignments', []) tmp = [] for lbl, val in top_assignments: tmp.append('%s : %.4f' % (ut.repr2(lbl), val)) print(ut.align('\n'.join(tmp), ' :')) print('L_____\n') showkw = dict(evidence=evidence, soft_evidence=soft_evidence, **query_results) pgm_viz.show_model(model, **showkw) return (model, evidence, query_results)
def ensure_pz_mtest(): """ Ensures that you have the PZ_MTEST dataset CommandLine: python -m wbia.init.sysres --exec-ensure_pz_mtest python -m wbia --tf ensure_pz_mtest Ignore: from wbia.sysres import delete_dbdir delete_dbdir('PZ_MTEST') Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest() """'ensure_pz_mtest') dbdir = ensure_db_from_url(const.ZIPPED_URLS.PZ_MTEST) # update the the newest database version import wbia ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir)'cleaning up old database and ensureing everything is properly computed') ibs.db.vacuum() valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() assert len(valid_aids) == 119 ibs.update_annot_semantic_uuids(valid_aids) if ut.VERYVERBOSE: ibs.print_annotation_table() nid = ibs.get_name_rowids_from_text('', ensure=False) if nid is not None: ibs.set_name_texts([nid], ['lostname']) # Remove old imagesets and update to new special ones all_imgset_ids = ibs.get_valid_imgsetids() special_imgset_ids = ibs.get_special_imgsetids() other_imgset_ids = ut.setdiff(all_imgset_ids, special_imgset_ids) ibs.delete_imagesets(other_imgset_ids) ibs.set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint() ibs.update_all_image_special_imageset() occurrence_gids = [ 2, 9, 12, 16, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 46, 47, 52, 57, 61, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 87, 88, 90, 96, 97, 103, 106, 108, 110, 112, 113, ] other_gids = ut.setdiff(ibs.get_valid_gids(), occurrence_gids) other_gids1 = other_gids[0::2] other_gids2 = other_gids[1::2] ibs.set_image_imagesettext(occurrence_gids, ['Occurrence 1'] * len(occurrence_gids)) ibs.set_image_imagesettext(other_gids1, ['Occurrence 2'] * len(other_gids1)) ibs.set_image_imagesettext(other_gids2, ['Occurrence 3'] * len(other_gids2)) # hack in some tags'Hacking in some tags') foal_aids = [ 4, 8, 15, 21, 28, 34, 38, 41, 45, 49, 51, 56, 60, 66, 69, 74, 80, 83, 91, 97, 103, 107, 109, 119, ] mother_aids = [9, 16, 35, 42, 52, 57, 61, 67, 75, 84, 98, 104, 108, 114] ibs.append_annot_case_tags(foal_aids, ['foal'] * len(foal_aids)) ibs.append_annot_case_tags(mother_aids, ['mother'] * len(mother_aids)) # make part of the database complete and the other part semi-complete # make staging ahead of annotmatch. reset_mtest_graph()
def draw_twoday_count(ibs, visit_info_list_): import copy visit_info_list = copy.deepcopy(visit_info_list_) aids_day1, aids_day2 = ut.take_column(visit_info_list_, 'aids') nids_day1, nids_day2 = ut.take_column(visit_info_list_, 'unique_nids') resight_nids = ut.isect(nids_day1, nids_day2) if False: # HACK REMOVE DATA TO MAKE THIS FASTER num = 20 for info in visit_info_list: non_resight_nids = list(set(info['unique_nids']) - set(resight_nids)) sample_nids2 = non_resight_nids[0:num] + resight_nids[:num] info['grouped_aids'] = ut.dict_subset(info['grouped_aids'], sample_nids2) info['unique_nids'] = sample_nids2 # Build a graph of matches if False: debug = False for info in visit_info_list: edges = [] grouped_aids = info['grouped_aids'] aids_list = list(grouped_aids.values()) ams_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowids_in_cliques(aids_list) aids1_list = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annotmatch_aid1, ams_list) aids2_list = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annotmatch_aid2, ams_list) for ams, aids, aids1, aids2 in zip(ams_list, aids_list, aids1_list, aids2_list): edge_nodes = set(aids1 + aids2) ##if len(edge_nodes) != len(set(aids)): # #print('--') # #print('aids = %r' % (aids,)) # #print('edge_nodes = %r' % (edge_nodes,)) bad_aids = edge_nodes - set(aids) if len(bad_aids) > 0: print('bad_aids = %r' % (bad_aids,)) unlinked_aids = set(aids) - edge_nodes mst_links = list(ut.itertwo(list(unlinked_aids) + list(edge_nodes)[:1])) bad_aids.add(None) user_links = [(u, v) for (u, v) in zip(aids1, aids2) if u not in bad_aids and v not in bad_aids] new_edges = mst_links + user_links new_edges = [(int(u), int(v)) for u, v in new_edges if u not in bad_aids and v not in bad_aids] edges += new_edges info['edges'] = edges # Add edges between days grouped_aids1, grouped_aids2 = ut.take_column(visit_info_list, 'grouped_aids') nids_day1, nids_day2 = ut.take_column(visit_info_list, 'unique_nids') resight_nids = ut.isect(nids_day1, nids_day2) resight_aids1 = ut.take(grouped_aids1, resight_nids) resight_aids2 = ut.take(grouped_aids2, resight_nids) #resight_aids3 = [list(aids1) + list(aids2) for aids1, aids2 in zip(resight_aids1, resight_aids2)] ams_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowids_between_groups(resight_aids1, resight_aids2) aids1_list = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annotmatch_aid1, ams_list) aids2_list = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annotmatch_aid2, ams_list) between_edges = [] for ams, aids1, aids2, rawaids1, rawaids2 in zip(ams_list, aids1_list, aids2_list, resight_aids1, resight_aids2): link_aids = aids1 + aids2 rawaids3 = rawaids1 + rawaids2 badaids = ut.setdiff(link_aids, rawaids3) assert not badaids user_links = [(int(u), int(v)) for (u, v) in zip(aids1, aids2) if u is not None and v is not None] # HACK THIS OFF user_links = [] if len(user_links) == 0: # Hack in an edge between_edges += [(rawaids1[0], rawaids2[0])] else: between_edges += user_links assert np.all(0 == np.diff(np.array(ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_nids, between_edges)), axis=1)) import plottool_ibeis as pt import networkx as nx #pt.qt4ensure() #len(list(nx.connected_components(graph1))) #print(ut.graph_info(graph1)) # Layout graph layoutkw = dict( prog='neato', draw_implicit=False, splines='line', #splines='curved', #splines='spline', #sep=10 / 72, #prog='dot', rankdir='TB', ) def translate_graph_to_origin(graph): x, y, w, h = ut.get_graph_bounding_box(graph) ut.translate_graph(graph, (-x, -y)) def stack_graphs(graph_list, vert=False, pad=None): graph_list_ = [g.copy() for g in graph_list] for g in graph_list_: translate_graph_to_origin(g) bbox_list = [ut.get_graph_bounding_box(g) for g in graph_list_] if vert: dim1 = 3 dim2 = 2 else: dim1 = 2 dim2 = 3 dim1_list = np.array([bbox[dim1] for bbox in bbox_list]) dim2_list = np.array([bbox[dim2] for bbox in bbox_list]) if pad is None: pad = np.mean(dim1_list) / 2 offset1_list = ut.cumsum([0] + [d + pad for d in dim1_list[:-1]]) max_dim2 = max(dim2_list) offset2_list = [(max_dim2 - d2) / 2 for d2 in dim2_list] if vert: t_xy_list = [(d2, d1) for d1, d2 in zip(offset1_list, offset2_list)] else: t_xy_list = [(d1, d2) for d1, d2 in zip(offset1_list, offset2_list)] for g, t_xy in zip(graph_list_, t_xy_list): ut.translate_graph(g, t_xy) nx.set_node_attributes(g, name='pin', values='true') new_graph = nx.compose_all(graph_list_) #pt.show_nx(new_graph, layout='custom', node_labels=False, as_directed=False) # NOQA return new_graph # Construct graph for count, info in enumerate(visit_info_list): graph = nx.Graph() edges = [(int(u), int(v)) for u, v in info['edges'] if u is not None and v is not None] graph.add_edges_from(edges, attr_dict={'zorder': 10}) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='zorder', values=20) # Layout in neato _ = pt.nx_agraph_layout(graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) # NOQA # Extract components and then flatten in nid ordering ccs = list(nx.connected_components(graph)) root_aids = [] cc_graphs = [] for cc_nodes in ccs: cc = graph.subgraph(cc_nodes) try: root_aids.append(list(ut.nx_source_nodes(cc.to_directed()))[0]) except nx.NetworkXUnfeasible: root_aids.append(list(cc.nodes())[0]) cc_graphs.append(cc) root_nids = ibs.get_annot_nids(root_aids) nid2_graph = dict(zip(root_nids, cc_graphs)) resight_nids_ = set(resight_nids).intersection(set(root_nids)) noresight_nids_ = set(root_nids) - resight_nids_ n_graph_list = ut.take(nid2_graph, sorted(noresight_nids_)) r_graph_list = ut.take(nid2_graph, sorted(resight_nids_)) if len(n_graph_list) > 0: n_graph = nx.compose_all(n_graph_list) _ = pt.nx_agraph_layout(n_graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) # NOQA n_graphs = [n_graph] else: n_graphs = [] r_graphs = [stack_graphs(chunk) for chunk in ut.ichunks(r_graph_list, 100)] if count == 0: new_graph = stack_graphs(n_graphs + r_graphs, vert=True) else: new_graph = stack_graphs(r_graphs[::-1] + n_graphs, vert=True) #pt.show_nx(new_graph, layout='custom', node_labels=False, as_directed=False) # NOQA info['graph'] = new_graph graph1_, graph2_ = ut.take_column(visit_info_list, 'graph') if False: _ = pt.show_nx(graph1_, layout='custom', node_labels=False, as_directed=False) # NOQA _ = pt.show_nx(graph2_, layout='custom', node_labels=False, as_directed=False) # NOQA graph_list = [graph1_, graph2_] twoday_graph = stack_graphs(graph_list, vert=True, pad=None) nx.set_node_attributes(twoday_graph, name='pin', values='true') if debug: ut.nx_delete_None_edge_attr(twoday_graph) ut.nx_delete_None_node_attr(twoday_graph) print('twoday_graph(pre) info' + ut.repr3(ut.graph_info(twoday_graph), nl=2)) # Hack, no idea why there are nodes that dont exist here between_edges_ = [edge for edge in between_edges if twoday_graph.has_node(edge[0]) and twoday_graph.has_node(edge[1])] twoday_graph.add_edges_from(between_edges_, attr_dict={'alpha': .2, 'zorder': 0}) ut.nx_ensure_agraph_color(twoday_graph) layoutkw['splines'] = 'line' layoutkw['prog'] = 'neato' agraph = pt.nx_agraph_layout(twoday_graph, inplace=True, return_agraph=True, **layoutkw)[-1] # NOQA if False: fpath = ut.truepath('~/ggr_graph.png') agraph.draw(fpath) ut.startfile(fpath) if debug: print('twoday_graph(post) info' + ut.repr3(ut.graph_info(twoday_graph))) _ = pt.show_nx(twoday_graph, layout='custom', node_labels=False, as_directed=False) # NOQA
def temp_model(num_annots, num_names, score_evidence=[], name_evidence=[], other_evidence={}, noquery=False, verbose=None, **kwargs): if verbose is None: verbose = ut.VERBOSE method = kwargs.pop('method', None) model = make_name_model(num_annots, num_names, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) if verbose: model.print_priors(ignore_ttypes=[MATCH_TTYPE, SCORE_TTYPE]) model, evidence, soft_evidence = update_model_evidence( model, name_evidence, score_evidence, other_evidence) if verbose and len(soft_evidence) != 0: model.print_priors(ignore_ttypes=[MATCH_TTYPE, SCORE_TTYPE], title='Soft Evidence', color='green') # if verbose: # ut.colorprint('\n --- Soft Evidence ---', 'white') # for ttype, cpds in model.ttype2_cpds.items(): # if ttype != MATCH_TTYPE: # for fs_ in ut.ichunks(cpds, 4): # ut.colorprint(ut.hz_str([f._cpdstr('psql') for f in fs_]), # 'green') if verbose: ut.colorprint('\n --- Inference ---', 'red') if (len(evidence) > 0 or len(soft_evidence) > 0) and not noquery: evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence(evidence) query_vars = [] query_vars += ut.list_getattr(model.ttype2_cpds[NAME_TTYPE], 'variable') # query_vars += ut.list_getattr(model.ttype2_cpds[MATCH_TTYPE], 'variable') query_vars = ut.setdiff(query_vars, evidence.keys()) # query_vars = ut.setdiff(query_vars, soft_evidence.keys()) query_results = cluster_query(model, query_vars, evidence, soft_evidence, method) else: query_results = {} factor_list = query_results['factor_list'] if verbose: if verbose:'+--------') semtypes = [model.var2_cpd[f.variables[0]].ttype for f in factor_list] for type_, factors in ut.group_items(factor_list, semtypes).items():'Result Factors (%r)' % (type_, )) factors = ut.sortedby(factors, [f.variables[0] for f in factors]) for fs_ in ut.ichunks(factors, 4): ut.colorprint(ut.hz_str([f._str('phi', 'psql') for f in fs_]), 'yellow')'MAP assignments') top_assignments = query_results.get('top_assignments', []) tmp = [] for lbl, val in top_assignments: tmp.append('%s : %.4f' % (ut.repr2(lbl), val))'\n'.join(tmp), ' :'))'L_____\n') showkw = dict(evidence=evidence, soft_evidence=soft_evidence, **query_results) from wbia.algo.hots import pgm_viz pgm_viz.show_model(model, **showkw) return (model, evidence, query_results)
def cluster_query( model, query_vars=None, evidence=None, soft_evidence=None, method=None, operation='maximize', ): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.bayes --exec-cluster_query --show GridParams: >>> param_grid = dict( >>> #method=['approx', 'bf', 'bp'], >>> method=['approx', 'bp'], >>> ) >>> combos = ut.all_dict_combinations(param_grid) >>> index = 0 >>> keys = 'method'.split(', ') >>> method, = ut.dict_take(combos[index], keys) GridSetup: >>> from wbia.algo.hots.bayes import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> other_evidence = {} >>> name_evidence = [1, None, None, 0] >>> score_evidence = [2, 0, 2] >>> special_names = ['fred', 'sue', 'tom', 'paul'] >>> model = make_name_model( >>> num_annots=4, num_names=4, num_scores=3, verbose=True, mode=1, >>> special_names=special_names) >>> method = None >>> model, evidence, soft_evidence = update_model_evidence( >>> model, name_evidence, score_evidence, other_evidence) >>> evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence(evidence) >>> query_vars = ut.list_getattr(model.ttype2_cpds[NAME_TTYPE], 'variable') GridExample: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> query_results = cluster_query(model, query_vars, evidence, >>> method=method) >>> print(ut.repr2(query_results['top_assignments'], nl=1)) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> from wbia.algo.hots import pgm_viz >>> pgm_viz.show_model(model, evidence=evidence, **query_results) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence(evidence) if query_vars is None: query_vars = model.nodes() orig_query_vars = query_vars # NOQA query_vars = ut.setdiff(query_vars, list(evidence.keys())) if method is None: method = ut.get_argval('--method', type_=str, default='bp') reduced_joint = compute_reduced_joint(model, query_vars, evidence, method, operation) new_reduced_joint = collapse_factor_labels(model, reduced_joint, evidence) if False: report_partitioning_statistics(new_reduced_joint) # FIXME: are these max marginals? max_marginals = {} for i, var in enumerate(query_vars): one_out = query_vars[:i] + query_vars[i + 1:] max_marginals[var] = new_reduced_joint.marginalize(one_out, inplace=False) # max_marginals[var] = joint2.maximize(one_out, inplace=False) factor_list = max_marginals.values() # Now find the most likely state reduced_variables = new_reduced_joint.variables new_state_idxs = np.array(new_reduced_joint._row_labels(asindex=True)) new_values = new_reduced_joint.values.ravel() sortx = new_values.argsort()[::-1] sort_new_state_idxs = new_state_idxs.take(sortx, axis=0) sort_new_values = new_values.take(sortx) sort_new_states = list( zip(*[ ut.dict_take(model.statename_dict[var], idx) for var, idx in zip(reduced_variables, sort_new_state_idxs.T) ])) # Better map assignment based on knowledge of labels map_assign = dict(zip(reduced_variables, sort_new_states[0])) sort_reduced_rowstr_lbls = [ ut.repr2(dict(zip(reduced_variables, lbls)), explicit=True, nobraces=True, strvals=True) for lbls in sort_new_states ] top_assignments = list(zip(sort_reduced_rowstr_lbls[:4], sort_new_values)) if len(sort_new_values) > 3: top_assignments += [('other', 1 - sum(sort_new_values[:4]))] query_results = { 'factor_list': factor_list, 'top_assignments': top_assignments, 'map_assign': map_assign, 'method': method, }'query_results = %s' % (ut.repr3(query_results, nl=2), )) return query_results
def ensure_pz_mtest(): """ Ensures that you have the PZ_MTEST dataset CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres --exec-ensure_pz_mtest python -m ibeis --tf ensure_pz_mtest Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest() """ print('ensure_pz_mtest') from ibeis import sysres workdir = sysres.get_workdir() mtest_zipped_url = const.ZIPPED_URLS.PZ_MTEST mtest_dir = ut.grab_zipped_url(mtest_zipped_url, ensure=True, download_dir=workdir) print('have mtest_dir=%r' % (mtest_dir, )) # update the the newest database version import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') print( 'cleaning up old database and ensureing everything is properly computed' ) ibs.db.vacuum() valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() assert len(valid_aids) == 119 ibs.update_annot_semantic_uuids(valid_aids) if ut.VERYVERBOSE: ibs.print_annotation_table() nid = ibs.get_name_rowids_from_text('', ensure=False) if nid is not None: ibs.set_name_texts([nid], ['lostname']) # Remove old imagesets and update to new special ones all_imgset_ids = ibs.get_valid_imgsetids() special_imgset_ids = ibs.get_special_imgsetids() other_imgset_ids = ut.setdiff(all_imgset_ids, special_imgset_ids) ibs.delete_imagesets(other_imgset_ids) ibs.set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint() ibs.update_all_image_special_imageset() occurrence_gids = [ 2, 9, 12, 16, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 46, 47, 52, 57, 61, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 87, 88, 90, 96, 97, 103, 106, 108, 110, 112, 113 ] other_gids = ut.setdiff(ibs.get_valid_gids(), occurrence_gids) other_gids1 = other_gids[0::2] other_gids2 = other_gids[1::2] ibs.set_image_imagesettext(occurrence_gids, ['Occurrence 1'] * len(occurrence_gids)) ibs.set_image_imagesettext(other_gids1, ['Occurrence 2'] * len(other_gids1)) ibs.set_image_imagesettext(other_gids2, ['Occurrence 3'] * len(other_gids2)) # hack in some tags print('Hacking in some tags') foal_aids = [ 4, 8, 15, 21, 28, 34, 38, 41, 45, 49, 51, 56, 60, 66, 69, 74, 80, 83, 91, 97, 103, 107, 109, 119 ] mother_aids = [9, 16, 35, 42, 52, 57, 61, 67, 75, 84, 98, 104, 108, 114] ibs.append_annot_case_tags(foal_aids, ['foal'] * len(foal_aids)) ibs.append_annot_case_tags(mother_aids, ['mother'] * len(mother_aids))
def update_visual_attrs(infr, graph=None, show_reviewed_edges=True, show_unreviewed_edges=False, show_inferred_diff=True, show_inferred_same=True, show_recent_review=False, highlight_reviews=True, show_inconsistency=True, wavy=False, simple_labels=False, show_labels=True, reposition=True, use_image=False, edge_overrides=None, node_overrides=None, colorby='name_label', **kwargs # hide_unreviewed_inferred=True ): import wbia.plottool as pt infr.print('update_visual_attrs', 3) if graph is None: graph = infr.graph # if hide_cuts is not None: # # show_unreviewed_cuts = not hide_cuts # show_reviewed_cuts = not hide_cuts if not getattr(infr, '_viz_init_nodes', False): infr._viz_init_nodes = True nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='shape', values='circle') # infr.set_node_attrs('shape', 'circle') if getattr(infr, '_viz_image_config_dirty', True): infr.update_node_image_attribute(graph=graph, use_image=use_image) def get_any(dict_, keys, default=None): for key in keys: if key in dict_: return dict_[key] return default show_cand = get_any( kwargs, ['show_candidate_edges', 'show_candidates', 'show_cand']) if show_cand is not None: show_cand = True show_reviewed_edges = True show_unreviewed_edges = True show_inferred_diff = True show_inferred_same = True if kwargs.get('show_all'): show_cand = True # alpha_low = .5 alpha_med = 0.9 alpha_high = 1.0 dark_background = graph.graph.get('dark_background', None) # Ensure we are starting from a clean slate # if reposition: ut.nx_delete_edge_attr(graph, infr.visual_edge_attrs_appearance) # Set annotation node labels node_to_nid = None if not show_labels: nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='label', values=ut.dzip(graph.nodes(), [''])) else: if simple_labels: nx.set_node_attributes( graph, name='label', values={n: str(n) for n in graph.nodes()}) else: if node_to_nid is None: node_to_nid = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'name_label') node_to_view = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'viewpoint') if node_to_view: annotnode_to_label = { aid: 'aid=%r%s\nnid=%r' % (aid, node_to_view[aid], node_to_nid[aid]) for aid in graph.nodes() } else: annotnode_to_label = { aid: 'aid=%r\nnid=%r' % (aid, node_to_nid[aid]) for aid in graph.nodes() } nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='label', values=annotnode_to_label) # NODE_COLOR: based on name_label ut.color_nodes(graph, labelattr=colorby, outof=kwargs.get('outof', None), sat_adjust=-0.4) # EDGES: # Grab different types of edges edges, edge_colors = infr.get_colored_edge_weights( graph, highlight_reviews) # reviewed_states = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'evidence_decision') reviewed_states = { e: infr.edge_decision(e) for e in infr.graph.edges() } edge_to_inferred_state = nx.get_edge_attributes( graph, 'inferred_state') # dummy_edges = [edge for edge, flag in # nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, '_dummy_edge').items() # if flag] edge_to_reviewid = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'review_id') recheck_edges = [ edge for edge, split in nx.get_edge_attributes( graph, 'maybe_error').items() if split ] decision_to_edge = ut.group_pairs(reviewed_states.items()) neg_edges = decision_to_edge[NEGTV] pos_edges = decision_to_edge[POSTV] incomp_edges = decision_to_edge[INCMP] unreviewed_edges = decision_to_edge[UNREV] inferred_same = [ edge for edge, state in edge_to_inferred_state.items() if state == 'same' ] inferred_diff = [ edge for edge, state in edge_to_inferred_state.items() if state == 'diff' ] inconsistent_external = [ edge for edge, state in edge_to_inferred_state.items() if state == 'inconsistent_external' ] inferred_notcomp = [ edge for edge, state in edge_to_inferred_state.items() if state == 'notcomp' ] reviewed_edges = incomp_edges + pos_edges + neg_edges compared_edges = pos_edges + neg_edges uncompared_edges = ut.setdiff(edges, compared_edges) nontrivial_inferred_same = ut.setdiff( inferred_same, pos_edges + neg_edges + incomp_edges) nontrivial_inferred_diff = ut.setdiff( inferred_diff, pos_edges + neg_edges + incomp_edges) nontrivial_inferred_edges = nontrivial_inferred_same + nontrivial_inferred_diff # EDGE_COLOR: based on edge_weight nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='color', values=ut.dzip(edges, edge_colors)) # LINE_WIDTH: based on review_state # unreviewed_width = 2.0 # reviewed_width = 5.0 unreviewed_width = 1.0 reviewed_width = 2.0 if highlight_reviews: nx.set_edge_attributes( graph, name='linewidth', values=ut.dzip(reviewed_edges, [reviewed_width]), ) nx.set_edge_attributes( graph, name='linewidth', values=ut.dzip(unreviewed_edges, [unreviewed_width]), ) else: nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='linewidth', values=ut.dzip(edges, [unreviewed_width])) # EDGE_STROKE: based on decision and maybe_error # fg = pt.WHITE if dark_background else pt.BLACK # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='stroke', values=ut.dzip(reviewed_edges, [{'linewidth': 3, 'foreground': fg}])) if show_inconsistency: nx.set_edge_attributes( graph, name='stroke', values=ut.dzip(recheck_edges, [{ 'linewidth': 5, 'foreground': infr._error_color }]), ) # Set linestyles to emphasize PCCs # Dash lines between PCCs inferred to be different nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='linestyle', values=ut.dzip(inferred_diff, ['dashed'])) # Treat incomparable/incon-external inference as different nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='linestyle', values=ut.dzip(inferred_notcomp, ['dashed'])) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='linestyle', values=ut.dzip(inconsistent_external, ['dashed'])) # Dot lines that we are unsure of nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='linestyle', values=ut.dzip(unreviewed_edges, ['dotted'])) # Cut edges are implicit and dashed # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='implicit', values=ut.dzip(cut_edges, [True])) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='linestyle', values=ut.dzip(cut_edges, ['dashed'])) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(cut_edges, [alpha_med])) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='implicit', values=ut.dzip(uncompared_edges, [True])) # Only matching edges should impose constraints on the graph layout nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='implicit', values=ut.dzip(neg_edges, [True])) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(neg_edges, [alpha_med])) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='implicit', values=ut.dzip(incomp_edges, [True])) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(incomp_edges, [alpha_med])) # Ensure reviewed edges are visible nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='implicit', values=ut.dzip(reviewed_edges, [False])) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(reviewed_edges, [alpha_high])) if True: # Infered same edges can be allowed to constrain in order # to make things look nice sometimes nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='implicit', values=ut.dzip(inferred_same, [False])) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(inferred_same, [alpha_high])) if not kwargs.get('show_same', True): nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(inferred_same, [0])) if not kwargs.get('show_diff', True): nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(inferred_diff, [0])) if not kwargs.get('show_positive_edges', True): nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(pos_edges, [0])) if not kwargs.get('show_negative_edges', True): nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(neg_edges, [0])) if not kwargs.get('show_incomparable_edges', True): nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(incomp_edges, [0])) if not kwargs.get('show_between', True): if node_to_nid is None: node_to_nid = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'name_label') between_edges = [(u, v) for u, v in edges if node_to_nid[u] != node_to_nid[v]] nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(between_edges, [0])) # SKETCH: based on inferred_edges # Make inferred edges wavy if wavy: # dict(scale=3.0, length=18.0, randomness=None)] nx.set_edge_attributes( graph, name='sketch', values=ut.dzip( nontrivial_inferred_edges, [dict(scale=10.0, length=64.0, randomness=None)], ), ) # Make dummy edges more transparent # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='alpha', values=ut.dzip(dummy_edges, [alpha_low])) selected_edges = kwargs.pop('selected_edges', None) # SHADOW: based on most recent # Increase visibility of nodes with the most recently changed timestamp if show_recent_review and edge_to_reviewid and selected_edges is None: review_ids = list(edge_to_reviewid.values()) recent_idxs = ut.argmax(review_ids, multi=True) recent_edges = ut.take(list(edge_to_reviewid.keys()), recent_idxs) selected_edges = recent_edges if selected_edges is not None: # TODO: add photoshop-like parameters like # spread and size. offset is the same as angle and distance. nx.set_edge_attributes( graph, name='shadow', values=ut.dzip( selected_edges, [{ 'rho': 0.3, 'alpha': 0.6, 'shadow_color': 'w' if dark_background else 'k', 'offset': (0, 0), 'scale': 3.0, }], ), ) # Z_ORDER: make sure nodes are on top nodes = list(graph.nodes()) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='zorder', values=ut.dzip(nodes, [10])) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='zorder', values=ut.dzip(edges, [0])) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='picker', values=ut.dzip(edges, [10])) # VISIBILITY: Set visibility of edges based on arguments if not show_reviewed_edges: infr.print('Making reviewed edges invisible', 10) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='style', values=ut.dzip(reviewed_edges, ['invis'])) if not show_unreviewed_edges: infr.print('Making un-reviewed edges invisible', 10) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='style', values=ut.dzip(unreviewed_edges, ['invis'])) if not show_inferred_same: infr.print('Making nontrivial_same edges invisible', 10) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='style', values=ut.dzip(nontrivial_inferred_same, ['invis'])) if not show_inferred_diff: infr.print('Making nontrivial_diff edges invisible', 10) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='style', values=ut.dzip(nontrivial_inferred_diff, ['invis'])) if selected_edges is not None: # Always show the most recent review (remove setting of invis) # infr.print('recent_edges = %r' % (recent_edges,)) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='style', values=ut.dzip(selected_edges, [''])) if reposition: # LAYOUT: update the positioning layout def get_layoutkw(key, default): return kwargs.get(key, graph.graph.get(key, default)) layoutkw = dict( prog='neato', splines=get_layoutkw('splines', 'line'), fontsize=get_layoutkw('fontsize', None), fontname=get_layoutkw('fontname', None), sep=10 / 72, esep=1 / 72, nodesep=0.1, ) layoutkw.update(kwargs) # pt.nx_agraph_layout(graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) if edge_overrides: for key, edge_to_attr in edge_overrides.items(): nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name=key, values=edge_to_attr) if node_overrides: for key, node_to_attr in node_overrides.items(): nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name=key, values=node_to_attr)
def intraoccurrence_connected(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw intraoccurrence_connected --show python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw intraoccurrence_connected --show --postcut python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw intraoccurrence_connected --show --smaller Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> result = intraoccurrence_connected() >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import ibeis import plottool as pt from ibeis.viz import viz_graph import networkx as nx pt.ensure_pylab_qt4() ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') nid2_aid = { #4880: [3690, 3696, 3703, 3706, 3712, 3721], 4880: [3690, 3696, 3703], 6537: [3739], 6653: [7671], 6610: [7566, 7408], #6612: [7664, 7462, 7522], #6624: [7465, 7360], #6625: [7746, 7383, 7390, 7477, 7376, 7579], 6630: [7586, 7377, 7464, 7478], #6677: [7500] } nid2_dbaids = { 4880: [33, 6120, 7164], 6537: [7017, 7206], 6653: [7660] } if ut.get_argflag('--small') or ut.get_argflag('--smaller'): del nid2_aid[6630] del nid2_aid[6537] del nid2_dbaids[6537] if ut.get_argflag('--smaller'): nid2_dbaids[4880].remove(33) nid2_aid[4880].remove(3690) nid2_aid[6610].remove(7408) #del nid2_aid[4880] #del nid2_dbaids[4880] aids = ut.flatten(nid2_aid.values()) temp_nids = [1] * len(aids) postcut = ut.get_argflag('--postcut') aids_list = ibs.group_annots_by_name(aids)[0] ensure_edges = 'all' if True or not postcut else None unlabeled_graph = viz_graph.make_netx_graph_from_aid_groups( ibs, aids_list, #invis_edges=invis_edges, ensure_edges=ensure_edges, temp_nids=temp_nids) viz_graph.color_by_nids(unlabeled_graph, unique_nids=[1] * len(list(unlabeled_graph.nodes()))) viz_graph.ensure_node_images(ibs, unlabeled_graph) nx.set_node_attributes(unlabeled_graph, 'shape', 'rect') #unlabeled_graph = unlabeled_graph.to_undirected() # Find the "database exemplars for these annots" if False: gt_aids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(aids) gt_aids = [ut.setdiff(s, aids) for s in gt_aids] dbaids = ut.unique(ut.flatten(gt_aids)) dbaids = ibs.filter_annots_general(dbaids, minqual='good') ibs.get_annot_quality_texts(dbaids) else: dbaids = ut.flatten(nid2_dbaids.values()) exemplars = nx.DiGraph() #graph = exemplars # NOQA exemplars.add_nodes_from(dbaids) def add_clique(graph, nodes, edgeattrs={}, nodeattrs={}): edge_list = ut.upper_diag_self_prodx(nodes) graph.add_edges_from(edge_list, **edgeattrs) return edge_list for aids_, nid in zip(*ibs.group_annots_by_name(dbaids)): add_clique(exemplars, aids_) viz_graph.ensure_node_images(ibs, exemplars) viz_graph.color_by_nids(exemplars, ibs=ibs) nx.set_node_attributes(unlabeled_graph, 'framewidth', False) nx.set_node_attributes(exemplars, 'framewidth', 4.0) nx.set_node_attributes(unlabeled_graph, 'group', 'unlab') nx.set_node_attributes(exemplars, 'group', 'exemp') #big_graph = nx.compose_all([unlabeled_graph]) big_graph = nx.compose_all([exemplars, unlabeled_graph]) # add sparse connections from unlabeled to exemplars import numpy as np rng = np.random.RandomState(0) if True or not postcut: for aid_ in unlabeled_graph.nodes(): flags = rng.rand(len(exemplars)) > .5 nid_ = ibs.get_annot_nids(aid_) exnids = np.array(ibs.get_annot_nids(list(exemplars.nodes()))) flags = np.logical_or(exnids == nid_, flags) exmatches = ut.compress(list(exemplars.nodes()), flags) big_graph.add_edges_from(list(ut.product([aid_], exmatches)), color=pt.ORANGE, implicit=True) else: for aid_ in unlabeled_graph.nodes(): flags = rng.rand(len(exemplars)) > .5 exmatches = ut.compress(list(exemplars.nodes()), flags) nid_ = ibs.get_annot_nids(aid_) exnids = np.array(ibs.get_annot_nids(exmatches)) exmatches = ut.compress(exmatches, exnids == nid_) big_graph.add_edges_from(list(ut.product([aid_], exmatches))) pass nx.set_node_attributes(big_graph, 'shape', 'rect') #if False and postcut: # ut.nx_delete_node_attr(big_graph, 'nid') # ut.nx_delete_edge_attr(big_graph, 'color') # viz_graph.ensure_graph_nid_labels(big_graph, ibs=ibs) # viz_graph.color_by_nids(big_graph, ibs=ibs) # big_graph = big_graph.to_undirected() layoutkw = { 'sep' : 1 / 5, 'prog': 'neato', 'overlap': 'false', #'splines': 'ortho', 'splines': 'spline', } as_directed = False #as_directed = True #hacknode = True hacknode = 0 graph = big_graph ut.nx_ensure_agraph_color(graph) if hacknode: nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'taillabel', {e: str(e[0]) for e in graph.edges()}) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'headlabel', {e: str(e[1]) for e in graph.edges()}) explicit_graph = pt.get_explicit_graph(graph) _, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(explicit_graph, orig_graph=graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) if ut.get_argflag('--smaller'): graph.node[7660]['pos'] = np.array([550, 350]) graph.node[6120]['pos'] = np.array([200, 600]) + np.array([350, -400]) graph.node[7164]['pos'] = np.array([200, 480]) + np.array([350, -400]) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'pin', 'true') _, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) elif ut.get_argflag('--small'): graph.node[7660]['pos'] = np.array([750, 350]) graph.node[33]['pos'] = np.array([300, 600]) + np.array([350, -400]) graph.node[6120]['pos'] = np.array([500, 600]) + np.array([350, -400]) graph.node[7164]['pos'] = np.array([410, 480]) + np.array([350, -400]) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'pin', 'true') _, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) if not postcut: #pt.show_nx(graph.to_undirected(), layout='agraph', layoutkw=layoutkw, # as_directed=False) #pt.show_nx(graph, layout='agraph', layoutkw=layoutkw, # as_directed=as_directed, hacknode=hacknode) pt.show_nx(graph, layout='custom', layoutkw=layoutkw, as_directed=as_directed, hacknode=hacknode) else: #explicit_graph = pt.get_explicit_graph(graph) #_, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(explicit_graph, orig_graph=graph, # **layoutkw) #layout_info['edge']['alpha'] = .8 #pt.apply_graph_layout_attrs(graph, layout_info) #graph_layout_attrs = layout_info['graph'] ##edge_layout_attrs = layout_info['edge'] ##node_layout_attrs = layout_info['node'] #for key, vals in layout_info['node'].items(): # #print('[special] key = %r' % (key,)) # nx.set_node_attributes(graph, key, vals) #for key, vals in layout_info['edge'].items(): # #print('[special] key = %r' % (key,)) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, key, vals) #nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'alpha', .8) #graph.graph['splines'] = graph_layout_attrs.get('splines', 'line') #graph.graph['splines'] = 'polyline' # graph_layout_attrs.get('splines', 'line') #graph.graph['splines'] = 'line' cut_graph = graph.copy() edge_list = list(cut_graph.edges()) edge_nids = np.array(ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_nids, edge_list)) cut_flags = edge_nids.T[0] != edge_nids.T[1] cut_edges = ut.compress(edge_list, cut_flags) cut_graph.remove_edges_from(cut_edges) ut.nx_delete_node_attr(cut_graph, 'nid') viz_graph.ensure_graph_nid_labels(cut_graph, ibs=ibs) #ut.nx_get_default_node_attributes(exemplars, 'color', None) ut.nx_delete_node_attr(cut_graph, 'color', nodes=unlabeled_graph.nodes()) aid2_color = ut.nx_get_default_node_attributes(cut_graph, 'color', None) nid2_colors = ut.group_items(aid2_color.values(), ibs.get_annot_nids(aid2_color.keys())) nid2_colors = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.filter_Nones, nid2_colors) nid2_colors = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.unique, nid2_colors) #for val in nid2_colors.values(): # assert len(val) <= 1 # Get initial colors nid2_color_ = {nid: colors_[0] for nid, colors_ in nid2_colors.items() if len(colors_) == 1} graph = cut_graph viz_graph.color_by_nids(cut_graph, ibs=ibs, nid2_color_=nid2_color_) nx.set_node_attributes(cut_graph, 'framewidth', 4) pt.show_nx(cut_graph, layout='custom', layoutkw=layoutkw, as_directed=as_directed, hacknode=hacknode) pt.zoom_factory()
def intraoccurrence_connected(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw intraoccurrence_connected --show python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw intraoccurrence_connected --show --postcut python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw intraoccurrence_connected --show --smaller Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> result = intraoccurrence_connected() >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import ibeis import plottool as pt from ibeis.viz import viz_graph import networkx as nx pt.ensure_pylab_qt4() ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') nid2_aid = { #4880: [3690, 3696, 3703, 3706, 3712, 3721], 4880: [3690, 3696, 3703], 6537: [3739], 6653: [7671], 6610: [7566, 7408], #6612: [7664, 7462, 7522], #6624: [7465, 7360], #6625: [7746, 7383, 7390, 7477, 7376, 7579], 6630: [7586, 7377, 7464, 7478], #6677: [7500] } nid2_dbaids = {4880: [33, 6120, 7164], 6537: [7017, 7206], 6653: [7660]} if ut.get_argflag('--small') or ut.get_argflag('--smaller'): del nid2_aid[6630] del nid2_aid[6537] del nid2_dbaids[6537] if ut.get_argflag('--smaller'): nid2_dbaids[4880].remove(33) nid2_aid[4880].remove(3690) nid2_aid[6610].remove(7408) #del nid2_aid[4880] #del nid2_dbaids[4880] aids = ut.flatten(nid2_aid.values()) temp_nids = [1] * len(aids) postcut = ut.get_argflag('--postcut') aids_list = ibs.group_annots_by_name(aids)[0] ensure_edges = 'all' if True or not postcut else None unlabeled_graph = viz_graph.make_netx_graph_from_aid_groups( ibs, aids_list, #invis_edges=invis_edges, ensure_edges=ensure_edges, temp_nids=temp_nids) viz_graph.color_by_nids(unlabeled_graph, unique_nids=[1] * len(list(unlabeled_graph.nodes()))) viz_graph.ensure_node_images(ibs, unlabeled_graph) nx.set_node_attributes(unlabeled_graph, 'shape', 'rect') #unlabeled_graph = unlabeled_graph.to_undirected() # Find the "database exemplars for these annots" if False: gt_aids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(aids) gt_aids = [ut.setdiff(s, aids) for s in gt_aids] dbaids = ut.unique(ut.flatten(gt_aids)) dbaids = ibs.filter_annots_general(dbaids, minqual='good') ibs.get_annot_quality_texts(dbaids) else: dbaids = ut.flatten(nid2_dbaids.values()) exemplars = nx.DiGraph() #graph = exemplars # NOQA exemplars.add_nodes_from(dbaids) def add_clique(graph, nodes, edgeattrs={}, nodeattrs={}): edge_list = ut.upper_diag_self_prodx(nodes) graph.add_edges_from(edge_list, **edgeattrs) return edge_list for aids_, nid in zip(*ibs.group_annots_by_name(dbaids)): add_clique(exemplars, aids_) viz_graph.ensure_node_images(ibs, exemplars) viz_graph.color_by_nids(exemplars, ibs=ibs) nx.set_node_attributes(unlabeled_graph, 'framewidth', False) nx.set_node_attributes(exemplars, 'framewidth', 4.0) nx.set_node_attributes(unlabeled_graph, 'group', 'unlab') nx.set_node_attributes(exemplars, 'group', 'exemp') #big_graph = nx.compose_all([unlabeled_graph]) big_graph = nx.compose_all([exemplars, unlabeled_graph]) # add sparse connections from unlabeled to exemplars import numpy as np rng = np.random.RandomState(0) if True or not postcut: for aid_ in unlabeled_graph.nodes(): flags = rng.rand(len(exemplars)) > .5 nid_ = ibs.get_annot_nids(aid_) exnids = np.array(ibs.get_annot_nids(list(exemplars.nodes()))) flags = np.logical_or(exnids == nid_, flags) exmatches = ut.compress(list(exemplars.nodes()), flags) big_graph.add_edges_from(list(ut.product([aid_], exmatches)), color=pt.ORANGE, implicit=True) else: for aid_ in unlabeled_graph.nodes(): flags = rng.rand(len(exemplars)) > .5 exmatches = ut.compress(list(exemplars.nodes()), flags) nid_ = ibs.get_annot_nids(aid_) exnids = np.array(ibs.get_annot_nids(exmatches)) exmatches = ut.compress(exmatches, exnids == nid_) big_graph.add_edges_from(list(ut.product([aid_], exmatches))) pass nx.set_node_attributes(big_graph, 'shape', 'rect') #if False and postcut: # ut.nx_delete_node_attr(big_graph, 'nid') # ut.nx_delete_edge_attr(big_graph, 'color') # viz_graph.ensure_graph_nid_labels(big_graph, ibs=ibs) # viz_graph.color_by_nids(big_graph, ibs=ibs) # big_graph = big_graph.to_undirected() layoutkw = { 'sep': 1 / 5, 'prog': 'neato', 'overlap': 'false', #'splines': 'ortho', 'splines': 'spline', } as_directed = False #as_directed = True #hacknode = True hacknode = 0 graph = big_graph ut.nx_ensure_agraph_color(graph) if hacknode: nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'taillabel', {e: str(e[0]) for e in graph.edges()}) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'headlabel', {e: str(e[1]) for e in graph.edges()}) explicit_graph = pt.get_explicit_graph(graph) _, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(explicit_graph, orig_graph=graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) if ut.get_argflag('--smaller'): graph.node[7660]['pos'] = np.array([550, 350]) graph.node[6120]['pos'] = np.array([200, 600]) + np.array([350, -400]) graph.node[7164]['pos'] = np.array([200, 480]) + np.array([350, -400]) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'pin', 'true') _, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) elif ut.get_argflag('--small'): graph.node[7660]['pos'] = np.array([750, 350]) graph.node[33]['pos'] = np.array([300, 600]) + np.array([350, -400]) graph.node[6120]['pos'] = np.array([500, 600]) + np.array([350, -400]) graph.node[7164]['pos'] = np.array([410, 480]) + np.array([350, -400]) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'pin', 'true') _, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(graph, inplace=True, **layoutkw) if not postcut: #pt.show_nx(graph.to_undirected(), layout='agraph', layoutkw=layoutkw, # as_directed=False) #pt.show_nx(graph, layout='agraph', layoutkw=layoutkw, # as_directed=as_directed, hacknode=hacknode) pt.show_nx(graph, layout='custom', layoutkw=layoutkw, as_directed=as_directed, hacknode=hacknode) else: #explicit_graph = pt.get_explicit_graph(graph) #_, layout_info = pt.nx_agraph_layout(explicit_graph, orig_graph=graph, # **layoutkw) #layout_info['edge']['alpha'] = .8 #pt.apply_graph_layout_attrs(graph, layout_info) #graph_layout_attrs = layout_info['graph'] ##edge_layout_attrs = layout_info['edge'] ##node_layout_attrs = layout_info['node'] #for key, vals in layout_info['node'].items(): # #print('[special] key = %r' % (key,)) # nx.set_node_attributes(graph, key, vals) #for key, vals in layout_info['edge'].items(): # #print('[special] key = %r' % (key,)) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, key, vals) #nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'alpha', .8) #graph.graph['splines'] = graph_layout_attrs.get('splines', 'line') #graph.graph['splines'] = 'polyline' # graph_layout_attrs.get('splines', 'line') #graph.graph['splines'] = 'line' cut_graph = graph.copy() edge_list = list(cut_graph.edges()) edge_nids = np.array(ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_nids, edge_list)) cut_flags = edge_nids.T[0] != edge_nids.T[1] cut_edges = ut.compress(edge_list, cut_flags) cut_graph.remove_edges_from(cut_edges) ut.nx_delete_node_attr(cut_graph, 'nid') viz_graph.ensure_graph_nid_labels(cut_graph, ibs=ibs) #ut.nx_get_default_node_attributes(exemplars, 'color', None) ut.nx_delete_node_attr(cut_graph, 'color', nodes=unlabeled_graph.nodes()) aid2_color = ut.nx_get_default_node_attributes(cut_graph, 'color', None) nid2_colors = ut.group_items(aid2_color.values(), ibs.get_annot_nids(aid2_color.keys())) nid2_colors = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.filter_Nones, nid2_colors) nid2_colors = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.unique, nid2_colors) #for val in nid2_colors.values(): # assert len(val) <= 1 # Get initial colors nid2_color_ = { nid: colors_[0] for nid, colors_ in nid2_colors.items() if len(colors_) == 1 } graph = cut_graph viz_graph.color_by_nids(cut_graph, ibs=ibs, nid2_color_=nid2_color_) nx.set_node_attributes(cut_graph, 'framewidth', 4) pt.show_nx(cut_graph, layout='custom', layoutkw=layoutkw, as_directed=as_directed, hacknode=hacknode) pt.zoom_factory()
def double_depcache_graph(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --show --testmode python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --save=figures5/doubledepc.png --dpath ~/latex/cand/ --diskshow --figsize=8,20 --dpi=220 --testmode --show --clipwhite python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --save=figures5/doubledepc.png --dpath ~/latex/cand/ --diskshow --figsize=8,20 --dpi=220 --testmode --show --clipwhite --arrow-width=.5 python -m ibeis.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --save=figures5/doubledepc.png --dpath ~/latex/cand/ --diskshow --figsize=8,20 --dpi=220 --testmode --show --clipwhite --arrow-width=5 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.scripts.specialdraw import * # NOQA >>> result = double_depcache_graph() >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import ibeis import networkx as nx import plottool as pt pt.ensure_pylab_qt4() # pt.plt.xkcd() ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') reduced = True implicit = True annot_graph = ibs.depc_annot.make_graph(reduced=reduced, implicit=implicit) image_graph = ibs.depc_image.make_graph(reduced=reduced, implicit=implicit) to_rename = ut.isect(image_graph.nodes(), annot_graph.nodes()) nx.relabel_nodes(annot_graph, {x: 'annot_' + x for x in to_rename}, copy=False) nx.relabel_nodes(image_graph, {x: 'image_' + x for x in to_rename}, copy=False) graph = nx.compose_all([image_graph, annot_graph]) #graph = nx.union_all([image_graph, annot_graph], rename=('image', 'annot')) # userdecision = ut.nx_makenode(graph, 'user decision', shape='rect', color=pt.DARK_YELLOW, style='diagonals') # userdecision = ut.nx_makenode(graph, 'user decision', shape='circle', color=pt.DARK_YELLOW) userdecision = ut.nx_makenode( graph, 'User decision', shape='rect', #width=100, height=100, color=pt.YELLOW, style='diagonals') #longcat = True longcat = False #edge = ('feat', 'neighbor_index') #data = graph.get_edge_data(*edge)[0] #print('data = %r' % (data,)) #graph.remove_edge(*edge) ## hack #graph.add_edge('featweight', 'neighbor_index', **data) graph.add_edge('detections', userdecision, constraint=longcat, color=pt.PINK) graph.add_edge(userdecision, 'annotations', constraint=longcat, color=pt.PINK) # graph.add_edge(userdecision, 'annotations', implicit=True, color=[0, 0, 0]) if not longcat: pass #graph.add_edge('images', 'annotations', style='invis') #graph.add_edge('thumbnails', 'annotations', style='invis') #graph.add_edge('thumbnails', userdecision, style='invis') graph.remove_node('Has_Notch') graph.remove_node('annotmask') layoutkw = { 'ranksep': 5, 'nodesep': 5, 'dpi': 96, # 'nodesep': 1, } ns = 1000 ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'fontsize', 72) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'fontname', 'Ubuntu') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'style', 'filled') ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'width', ns * ut.PHI) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'height', ns * (1 / ut.PHI)) #for u, v, d in graph.edge(data=True): for u, vkd in graph.edge.items(): for v, dk in vkd.items(): for k, d in dk.items(): localid = d.get('local_input_id') if localid: # d['headlabel'] = localid if localid not in ['1']: d['taillabel'] = localid #d['label'] = localid if d.get('taillabel') in {'1'}: del d['taillabel'] node_alias = { 'chips': 'Chip', 'images': 'Image', 'feat': 'Feat', 'featweight': 'Feat Weights', 'thumbnails': 'Thumbnail', 'detections': 'Detections', 'annotations': 'Annotation', 'Notch_Tips': 'Notch Tips', 'probchip': 'Prob Chip', 'Cropped_Chips': 'Croped Chip', 'Trailing_Edge': 'Trailing\nEdge', 'Block_Curvature': 'Block\nCurvature', # 'BC_DTW': 'block curvature /\n dynamic time warp', 'BC_DTW': 'DTW Distance', 'vsone': 'Hots vsone', 'feat_neighbs': 'Nearest\nNeighbors', 'neighbor_index': 'Neighbor\nIndex', 'vsmany': 'Hots vsmany', 'annot_labeler': 'Annot Labeler', 'labeler': 'Labeler', 'localizations': 'Localizations', 'classifier': 'Classifier', 'sver': 'Spatial\nVerification', 'Classifier': 'Existence', 'image_labeler': 'Image Labeler', } node_alias = { 'Classifier': 'existence', 'feat_neighbs': 'neighbors', 'sver': 'spatial_verification', 'Cropped_Chips': 'cropped_chip', 'BC_DTW': 'dtw_distance', 'Block_Curvature': 'curvature', 'Trailing_Edge': 'trailing_edge', 'Notch_Tips': 'notch_tips', 'thumbnails': 'thumbnail', 'images': 'image', 'annotations': 'annotation', 'chips': 'chip', #userdecision: 'User de' } node_alias = ut.delete_dict_keys( node_alias, ut.setdiff(node_alias.keys(), graph.nodes())) nx.relabel_nodes(graph, node_alias, copy=False) fontkw = dict(fontname='Ubuntu', fontweight='normal', fontsize=12) #pt.gca().set_aspect('equal') #pt.figure() pt.show_nx(graph, layoutkw=layoutkw, fontkw=fontkw) pt.zoom_factory()
def ggr_random_name_splits(): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.viz.viz_graph2 ggr_random_name_splits --show Ignore: sshfs -o idmap=user lev:/ ~/lev Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.viz.viz_graph2 import * # NOQA >>> ggr_random_name_splits() """ import wbia.guitool as gt gt.ensure_qtapp() # nid_list = ibs.get_valid_nids(filter_empty=True) import wbia dbdir = '/media/danger/GGR/GGR-IBEIS' dbdir = (dbdir if ut.checkpath(dbdir) else ut.truepath('~/lev/media/danger/GGR/GGR-IBEIS')) ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir, allow_newdir=False) import datetime day1 =, 1, 30) day2 =, 1, 31) orig_filter_kw = { 'multiple': None, # 'view': ['right'], # 'minqual': 'good', 'is_known': True, 'min_pername': 2, } orig_aids = ibs.filter_annots_general(filter_kw=ut.dict_union( orig_filter_kw, { 'min_unixtime': ut.datetime_to_posixtime(ut.date_to_datetime(day1, 0.0)), 'max_unixtime': ut.datetime_to_posixtime(ut.date_to_datetime(day2, 1.0)), }, )) orig_all_annots = ibs.annots(orig_aids) orig_unique_nids, orig_grouped_annots_ = orig_all_annots.nids) # Ensure we get everything orig_grouped_annots = [ ibs.annots(aids_) for aids_ in ibs.get_name_aids(orig_unique_nids) ] # pip install quantumrandom if False: import quantumrandom data = quantumrandom.uint16() seed = data.sum() print('seed = %r' % (seed, )) # import Crypto.Random # from Crypto import Random # quantumrandom.get_data() # StrongRandom = Crypto.Random.random.StrongRandom # aes.reseed(3340258) # chars = [str(chr(x)) for x in data.view(np.uint8)] # aes_seed = str('').join(chars) # aes = Crypto.Random.Fortuna.FortunaGenerator.AESGenerator() # aes.reseed(aes_seed) # aes.pseudo_random_data(10) orig_rand_idxs = ut.random_indexes(len(orig_grouped_annots), seed=3340258) orig_sample_size = 75 random_annot_groups = ut.take(orig_grouped_annots, orig_rand_idxs) orig_annot_sample = random_annot_groups[:orig_sample_size] # OOOPS MADE ERROR REDO ---- filter_kw = { 'multiple': None, 'view': ['right'], 'minqual': 'good', 'is_known': True, 'min_pername': 2, } filter_kw_ = ut.dict_union( filter_kw, { 'min_unixtime': ut.datetime_to_posixtime(ut.date_to_datetime(day1, 0.0)), 'max_unixtime': ut.datetime_to_posixtime(ut.date_to_datetime(day2, 1.0)), }, ) refiltered_sample = [ ibs.filter_annots_general(annot.aids, filter_kw=filter_kw_) for annot in orig_annot_sample ] is_ok = np.array(ut.lmap(len, refiltered_sample)) >= 2 ok_part_orig_sample = ut.compress(orig_annot_sample, is_ok) ok_part_orig_nids = [x.nids[0] for x in ok_part_orig_sample] # Now compute real sample aids = ibs.filter_annots_general(filter_kw=filter_kw_) all_annots = ibs.annots(aids) unique_nids, grouped_annots_ = grouped_annots = grouped_annots_ # Ensure we get everything # grouped_annots = [ibs.annots(aids_) for aids_ in ibs.get_name_aids(unique_nids)] pop = len(grouped_annots) pername_list = ut.lmap(len, grouped_annots) groups = wbia.annots.AnnotGroups(grouped_annots, ibs) match_tags = [ut.unique(ut.flatten(t)) for t in groups.match_tags] tag_case_hist = ut.dict_hist(ut.flatten(match_tags)) print('name_pop = %r' % (pop, )) print('Annots per Multiton Name' + ut.repr3(ut.get_stats(pername_list, use_median=True))) print('Name Tag Hist ' + ut.repr3(tag_case_hist)) print('Percent Photobomb: %.2f%%' % (tag_case_hist['photobomb'] / pop * 100)) print('Percent Split: %.2f%%' % (tag_case_hist['splitcase'] / pop * 100)) # Remove the ok part from this sample remain_unique_nids = ut.setdiff(unique_nids, ok_part_orig_nids) remain_grouped_annots = [ ibs.annots(aids_) for aids_ in ibs.get_name_aids(remain_unique_nids) ] sample_size = 75 import vtool as vt vt.calc_sample_from_error_bars(0.05, pop, conf_level=0.95, prior=0.05) remain_rand_idxs = ut.random_indexes(len(remain_grouped_annots), seed=3340258) remain_sample_size = sample_size - len(ok_part_orig_nids) remain_random_annot_groups = ut.take(remain_grouped_annots, remain_rand_idxs) remain_annot_sample = remain_random_annot_groups[:remain_sample_size] annot_sample_nofilter = ok_part_orig_sample + remain_annot_sample # Filter out all bad parts annot_sample_filter = [ ibs.annots(ibs.filter_annots_general(annot.aids, filter_kw=filter_kw_)) for annot in annot_sample_nofilter ] annot_sample = annot_sample_filter win = None from wbia.viz import viz_graph2 for annots in ut.InteractiveIter(annot_sample): if win is not None: win.close() win = viz_graph2.make_qt_graph_interface(ibs, aids=annots.aids, init_mode='rereview') print(win) sample_groups = wbia.annots.AnnotGroups(annot_sample, ibs) flat_tags = [ut.unique(ut.flatten(t)) for t in sample_groups.match_tags] print('Using Split and Photobomb') is_positive = ['photobomb' in t or 'splitcase' in t for t in flat_tags] num_positive = sum(is_positive) vt.calc_error_bars_from_sample(sample_size, num_positive, pop, conf_level=0.95) print('Only Photobomb') is_positive = ['photobomb' in t for t in flat_tags] num_positive = sum(is_positive) vt.calc_error_bars_from_sample(sample_size, num_positive, pop, conf_level=0.95) print('Only SplitCase') is_positive = ['splitcase' in t for t in flat_tags] num_positive = sum(is_positive) vt.calc_error_bars_from_sample(sample_size, num_positive, pop, conf_level=0.95)
def get_injured_sharks(): """ >>> from wbia.scripts.getshark import * # NOQA """ import requests url = '' resp = requests.get(url) assert resp.status_code == 200 keywords = resp.json()['keywords'] key_list = ut.take_column(keywords, 'indexName') key_to_nice = {k['indexName']: k['readableName'] for k in keywords} injury_patterns = [ 'injury', 'net', 'hook', 'trunc', 'damage', 'scar', 'nicks', 'bite', ] injury_keys = [ key for key in key_list if any([pat in key for pat in injury_patterns]) ] noninjury_keys = ut.setdiff(key_list, injury_keys) injury_nice = ut.lmap(lambda k: key_to_nice[k], injury_keys) # NOQA noninjury_nice = ut.lmap(lambda k: key_to_nice[k], noninjury_keys) # NOQA key_list = injury_keys keyed_images = {} for key in ut.ProgIter(key_list, lbl='reading index', bs=True): key_url = url + '?indexName={indexName}'.format(indexName=key) key_resp = requests.get(key_url) assert key_resp.status_code == 200 key_imgs = key_resp.json()['images'] keyed_images[key] = key_imgs key_hist = {key: len(imgs) for key, imgs in keyed_images.items()} key_hist = ut.sort_dict(key_hist, 'vals') nice_key_hist = ut.map_dict_keys(lambda k: key_to_nice[k], key_hist) nice_key_hist = ut.sort_dict(nice_key_hist, 'vals') key_to_urls = { key: ut.take_column(vals, 'url') for key, vals in keyed_images.items() } overlaps = {} import itertools overlap_img_list = [] for k1, k2 in itertools.combinations(key_to_urls.keys(), 2): overlap_imgs = ut.isect(key_to_urls[k1], key_to_urls[k2]) num_overlap = len(overlap_imgs) overlaps[(k1, k2)] = num_overlap overlaps[(k1, k1)] = len(key_to_urls[k1]) if num_overlap > 0: #'[%s][%s], overlap=%r' % (k1, k2, num_overlap)) overlap_img_list.extend(overlap_imgs) all_img_urls = list(set(ut.flatten(key_to_urls.values()))) num_all = len(all_img_urls) # NOQA'num_all = %r' % (num_all, )) # Determine super-categories categories = ['nicks', 'scar', 'trunc'] # Force these keys into these categories key_to_cat = {'scarbite': 'other_injury'} cat_to_keys = ut.ddict(list) for key in key_to_urls.keys(): flag = 1 if key in key_to_cat: cat = key_to_cat[key] cat_to_keys[cat].append(key) continue for cat in categories: if cat in key: cat_to_keys[cat].append(key) flag = 0 if flag: cat = 'other_injury' cat_to_keys[cat].append(key) cat_urls = ut.ddict(list) for cat, keys in cat_to_keys.items(): for key in keys: cat_urls[cat].extend(key_to_urls[key]) cat_hist = {} for cat in list(cat_urls.keys()): cat_urls[cat] = list(set(cat_urls[cat])) cat_hist[cat] = len(cat_urls[cat]) key_to_cat = dict([(val, key) for key, vals in cat_to_keys.items() for val in vals]) # ingestset = { # '__class__': 'ImageSet', # 'images': ut.ddict(dict) # } # for key, key_imgs in keyed_images.items(): # for imgdict in key_imgs: # url = imgdict['url'] # encid = imgdict['correspondingEncounterNumber'] # # Make structure # encdict = encounters[encid] # encdict['__class__'] = 'Encounter' # imgdict = ut.delete_keys(imgdict.copy(), ['correspondingEncounterNumber']) # imgdict['__class__'] = 'Image' # cat = key_to_cat[key] # annotdict = {'relative_bbox': [.01, .01, .98, .98], 'tags': [cat, key]} # annotdict['__class__'] = 'Annotation' # # Ensure structures exist # encdict['images'] = encdict.get('images', []) # imgdict['annots'] = imgdict.get('annots', []) # # Add an image to this encounter # encdict['images'].append(imgdict) # # Add an annotation to this image # imgdict['annots'].append(annotdict) # # # get_enc_url = '' % (encid,) # resp = requests.get(get_enc_url) # # # Download the files to the local disk # fpath_list = all_urls = ut.unique( ut.take_column( ut.flatten( ut.dict_subset(keyed_images, ut.flatten(cat_to_keys.values())).values()), 'url', )) dldir = ut.truepath('~/tmpsharks') from os.path import commonprefix, basename # NOQA prefix = commonprefix(all_urls) suffix_list = [url_[len(prefix):] for url_ in all_urls] fname_list = [suffix.replace('/', '--') for suffix in suffix_list] fpath_list = [] for url, fname in ut.ProgIter(zip(all_urls, fname_list), lbl='downloading imgs', freq=1): fpath = ut.grab_file_url(url, download_dir=dldir, fname=fname, verbose=False) fpath_list.append(fpath) # Make sure we keep orig info # url_to_keys = ut.ddict(list) url_to_info = ut.ddict(dict) for key, imgdict_list in keyed_images.items(): for imgdict in imgdict_list: url = imgdict['url'] info = url_to_info[url] for k, v in imgdict.items(): info[k] = info.get(k, []) info[k].append(v) info['keys'] = info.get('keys', []) info['keys'].append(key) # url_to_keys[url].append(key) info_list = ut.take(url_to_info, all_urls) for info in info_list: if len(set(info['correspondingEncounterNumber'])) > 1: assert False, 'url with two different encounter nums' # Combine duplicate tags hashid_list = [ ut.get_file_uuid(fpath_, stride=8) for fpath_ in ut.ProgIter(fpath_list, bs=True) ] groupxs = ut.group_indices(hashid_list)[1] # Group properties by duplicate images # groupxs = [g for g in groupxs if len(g) > 1] fpath_list_ = ut.take_column(ut.apply_grouping(fpath_list, groupxs), 0) url_list_ = ut.take_column(ut.apply_grouping(all_urls, groupxs), 0) info_list_ = [ ut.map_dict_vals(ut.flatten, ut.dict_accum(*info_)) for info_ in ut.apply_grouping(info_list, groupxs) ] encid_list_ = [ ut.unique(info_['correspondingEncounterNumber'])[0] for info_ in info_list_ ] keys_list_ = [ut.unique(info_['keys']) for info_ in info_list_] cats_list_ = [ut.unique(ut.take(key_to_cat, keys)) for keys in keys_list_] clist = ut.ColumnLists({ 'gpath': fpath_list_, 'url': url_list_, 'encid': encid_list_, 'key': keys_list_, 'cat': cats_list_, }) # for info_ in ut.apply_grouping(info_list, groupxs): # info = ut.dict_accum(*info_) # info = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.flatten, info) # x = ut.unique(ut.flatten(ut.dict_accum(*info_)['correspondingEncounterNumber'])) # if len(x) > 1: # info = info.copy() # del info['keys'] # flags = ut.lmap(ut.fpath_has_imgext, clist['gpath']) clist = clist.compress(flags) import wbia ibs = wbia.opendb('WS_Injury', allow_newdir=True) gid_list = ibs.add_images(clist['gpath']) clist['gid'] = gid_list failed_flags = ut.flag_None_items(clist['gid'])'# failed %s' % (sum(failed_flags), )) passed_flags = ut.not_list(failed_flags) clist = clist.compress(passed_flags) ut.assert_all_not_None(clist['gid']) # ibs.get_image_uris_original(clist['gid']) ibs.set_image_uris_original(clist['gid'], clist['url'], overwrite=True) # ut.zipflat(clist['cat'], clist['key']) if False: # Can run detection instead clist['tags'] = ut.zipflat(clist['cat']) aid_list = ibs.use_images_as_annotations(clist['gid'], adjust_percent=0.01, tags_list=clist['tags']) aid_list import wbia.plottool as pt from wbia import core_annots pt.qt4ensure() # annots = ibs.annots() # aids = [1, 2] # ibs.depc_annot.get('hog', aids , 'hog') # ibs.depc_annot.get('chip', aids, 'img') for aid in ut.InteractiveIter(ibs.get_valid_aids()): hogs = ibs.depc_annot.d.get_hog_hog([aid]) chips = ibs.depc_annot.d.get_chips_img([aid]) chip = chips[0] hogimg = core_annots.make_hog_block_image(hogs[0]) pt.clf() pt.imshow(hogimg, pnum=(1, 2, 1)) pt.imshow(chip, pnum=(1, 2, 2)) fig = pt.gcf() fig.canvas.draw() # # if False: # groupxs = ut.find_duplicate_items(ut.lmap(basename, suffix_list)).values() #, groupxs))) # # FIX # for fpath, fname in zip(fpath_list, fname_list): # if ut.checkpath(fpath): # ut.move(fpath, join(dirname(fpath), fname)) #'fpath = %r' % (fpath,)) # import wbia # from wbia.dbio import ingest_dataset # dbdir = wbia.sysres.lookup_dbdir('WS_ALL') # self = ingest_dataset.Ingestable2(dbdir) if False: # Show overlap matrix import wbia.plottool as pt import pandas as pd import numpy as np dict_ = overlaps s = pd.Series(dict_, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(overlaps)) df = s.unstack() lhs, rhs = df.align(df.T) df = lhs.add(rhs, fill_value=0).fillna(0) label_texts = df.columns.values def label_ticks(label_texts): import wbia.plottool as pt truncated_labels = [repr(lbl[0:100]) for lbl in label_texts] ax = pt.gca() ax.set_xticks(list(range(len(label_texts)))) ax.set_xticklabels(truncated_labels) [lbl.set_rotation(-55) for lbl in ax.get_xticklabels()] [ lbl.set_horizontalalignment('left') for lbl in ax.get_xticklabels() ] # xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(range(len(label_texts)), range(len(label_texts))) # pt.plot_surface3d(xgrid, ygrid, disjoint_mat) ax.set_yticks(list(range(len(label_texts)))) ax.set_yticklabels(truncated_labels) [ lbl.set_horizontalalignment('right') for lbl in ax.get_yticklabels() ] [ lbl.set_verticalalignment('center') for lbl in ax.get_yticklabels() ] # [lbl.set_rotation(20) for lbl in ax.get_yticklabels()] # df = df.sort(axis=0) # df = df.sort(axis=1) sortx = np.argsort(df.sum(axis=1).values)[::-1] df = df.take(sortx, axis=0) df = df.take(sortx, axis=1) fig = pt.figure(fnum=1) fig.clf() mat = df.values.astype(np.int32) mat[np.diag_indices(len(mat))] = 0 vmax = mat[(1 - np.eye(len(mat))).astype(np.bool)].max() import matplotlib.colors norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=vmax, clip=True) pt.plt.imshow(mat, cmap='hot', norm=norm, interpolation='none') pt.plt.colorbar() pt.plt.grid('off') label_ticks(label_texts) fig.tight_layout() # overlap_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(overlap_img_list) class TmpImage(ut.NiceRepr): pass from skimage.feature import hog from skimage import data, color, exposure import wbia.plottool as pt image2 = color.rgb2gray(data.astronaut()) # NOQA fpath = './GOPR1120.JPG' import vtool as vt for fpath in [fpath]: """ """ image = vt.imread(fpath, grayscale=True) image = pt.color_funcs.to_base01(image) fig = pt.figure(fnum=2) fd, hog_image = hog( image, orientations=8, pixels_per_cell=(16, 16), cells_per_block=(1, 1), visualise=True, ) fig, (ax1, ax2) = pt.plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax1.axis('off') ax1.imshow(image, ax1.set_title('Input image') ax1.set_adjustable('box-forced') # Rescale histogram for better display hog_image_rescaled = exposure.rescale_intensity(hog_image, in_range=(0, 0.02)) ax2.axis('off') ax2.imshow(hog_image_rescaled, ax2.set_title('Histogram of Oriented Gradients') ax1.set_adjustable('box-forced')