예제 #1
def _utilities2_pairwise_breaking(qfx2_utilities):
    print('[vote] building pairwise matrix')
    hstack = np.hstack
    cartesian = utool.cartesian
    tnxs = [util[1] for utils in qfx2_utilities for util in utils]
    altx2_tnx = utool.unique_ordered2(tnxs)
    tnx2_altx = {nid: altx for altx, nid in enumerate(altx2_tnx)}
    nUtilities = len(qfx2_utilities)
    nAlts = len(altx2_tnx)
    altxs = np.arange(nAlts)
    pairwise_mat = np.zeros((nAlts, nAlts))
    qfx2_porder = [
        np.array([tnx2_altx[util[1]] for util in utils])
        for utils in qfx2_utilities

    def sum_win(ij):
        """ pairiwse wins on off-diagonal """
        pairwise_mat[ij[0], ij[1]] += 1

    def sum_loss(ij):
        """ pairiwse wins on off-diagonal """
        pairwise_mat[ij[1], ij[1]] -= 1

    nVoters = 0
    for qfx in range(nUtilities):
        # partial and compliment order over alternatives
        porder = utool.unique_ordered2(qfx2_porder[qfx])
        nReport = len(porder)
        if nReport == 0:
        corder = np.setdiff1d(altxs, porder)
        # pairwise winners and losers
        pw_winners = [porder[r:r + 1] for r in range(nReport)]
        pw_losers = [hstack((corder, porder[r + 1:])) for r in range(nReport)]
        pw_iter = zip(pw_winners, pw_losers)
        pw_votes_ = [cartesian((winner, losers)) for winner, losers in pw_iter]
        pw_votes = np.vstack(pw_votes_)
        #pw_votes = [(w,l) for votes in pw_votes_ for w,l in votes if w != l]
        list(map(sum_win, iter(pw_votes)))
        list(map(sum_loss, iter(pw_votes)))
        nVoters += 1
    PLmatrix = pairwise_mat / nVoters
    # sum(0) gives you the sum over rows, which is summing each column
    # Basically a column stochastic matrix should have
    # M.sum(0) = 0
    #print('CheckMat = %r ' % all(np.abs(PLmatrix.sum(0)) < 1E-9))
    return PLmatrix, altx2_tnx
예제 #2
def _utilities2_pairwise_breaking(qfx2_utilities):
    print('[vote] building pairwise matrix')
    hstack = np.hstack
    cartesian = utool.cartesian
    tnxs = [util[1] for utils in qfx2_utilities for util in utils]
    altx2_tnx = utool.unique_ordered2(tnxs)
    tnx2_altx = {nid: altx for altx, nid in enumerate(altx2_tnx)}
    nUtilities = len(qfx2_utilities)
    nAlts   = len(altx2_tnx)
    altxs   = np.arange(nAlts)
    pairwise_mat = np.zeros((nAlts, nAlts))
    qfx2_porder = [np.array([tnx2_altx[util[1]] for util in utils])
                   for utils in qfx2_utilities]

    def sum_win(ij):
        """ pairiwse wins on off-diagonal """
        pairwise_mat[ij[0], ij[1]] += 1

    def sum_loss(ij):
        """ pairiwse wins on off-diagonal """
        pairwise_mat[ij[1], ij[1]] -= 1

    nVoters = 0
    for qfx in range(nUtilities):
        # partial and compliment order over alternatives
        porder = utool.unique_ordered2(qfx2_porder[qfx])
        nReport = len(porder)
        if nReport == 0:
        corder = np.setdiff1d(altxs, porder)
        # pairwise winners and losers
        pw_winners = [porder[r:r + 1] for r in range(nReport)]
        pw_losers = [hstack((corder, porder[r + 1:])) for r in range(nReport)]
        pw_iter = zip(pw_winners, pw_losers)
        pw_votes_ = [cartesian((winner, losers)) for winner, losers in pw_iter]
        pw_votes = np.vstack(pw_votes_)
        #pw_votes = [(w,l) for votes in pw_votes_ for w,l in votes if w != l]
        list(map(sum_win,  iter(pw_votes)))
        list(map(sum_loss, iter(pw_votes)))
        nVoters += 1
    PLmatrix = pairwise_mat / nVoters
    # sum(0) gives you the sum over rows, which is summing each column
    # Basically a column stochastic matrix should have
    # M.sum(0) = 0
    #print('CheckMat = %r ' % all(np.abs(PLmatrix.sum(0)) < 1E-9))
    return PLmatrix, altx2_tnx
예제 #3
def _get_alts_from_utilities(qfx2_utilities):
    """ get temp name indexes """
    tnxs = [utool[1] for utils in qfx2_utilities for utool in utils]
    altx2_tnx = utool.unique_ordered2(tnxs)
    tnx2_altx = {nid: altx for altx, nid in enumerate(altx2_tnx)}
    nUtilities = len(qfx2_utilities)
    nAlts   = len(altx2_tnx)
    altxs   = np.arange(nAlts)
    return tnxs, altx2_tnx, tnx2_altx, nUtilities, nAlts, altxs
예제 #4
def _get_alts_from_utilities(qfx2_utilities):
    """ get temp name indexes """
    tnxs = [utool[1] for utils in qfx2_utilities for utool in utils]
    altx2_tnx = utool.unique_ordered2(tnxs)
    tnx2_altx = {nid: altx for altx, nid in enumerate(altx2_tnx)}
    nUtilities = len(qfx2_utilities)
    nAlts = len(altx2_tnx)
    altxs = np.arange(nAlts)
    return tnxs, altx2_tnx, tnx2_altx, nUtilities, nAlts, altxs