예제 #1
def ensure_explicit_namespace(fpath, namespace, varname_list):
    import re
    import utool as ut

    text = ut.read_from(fpath)
    orig_text = text
    new_text = text

    for varname in varname_list:
        regex = ''.join((
            ut.named_field('prefix', '[^.]'),
            ut.named_field('var', ut.whole_word(varname)),
        repl = ''.join((
            namespace, '.',

        new_text = re.sub(regex, repl, new_text)

    textdiff = ut.get_textdiff(orig_text, new_text)
    if ut.user_cmdline_prompt('Does the text look good?'):
        # if diff looks good write
        ut.write_to(fpath, new_text)
예제 #2
def ensure_explicit_namespace(fpath, namespace, varname_list):
    import re
    import utool as ut

    text = ut.read_from(fpath)
    orig_text = text
    new_text = text

    for varname in varname_list:
        regex = ''.join((
            ut.named_field('prefix', '[^.]'),
            ut.named_field('var', ut.whole_word(varname)),
        repl = ''.join(
            (ut.bref_field('prefix'), namespace, '.', ut.bref_field('var')))

        new_text = re.sub(regex, repl, new_text)

    textdiff = ut.get_textdiff(orig_text, new_text)
    if ut.user_cmdline_prompt('Does the text look good?'):
        # if diff looks good write
        ut.write_to(fpath, new_text)
예제 #3
def sort_module_functions():
    from os.path import dirname, join
    import utool as ut
    import ibeis.control
    import re
    #import re
    #regex = r'[^@]*\ndef'
    modfpath = dirname(ibeis.control.__file__)
    fpath = join(modfpath, 'manual_annot_funcs.py')
    #fpath = join(modfpath, 'manual_dependant_funcs.py')
    #fpath = join(modfpath, 'manual_lblannot_funcs.py')
    #fpath = join(modfpath, 'manual_name_species_funcs.py')
    text = ut.read_from(fpath, verbose=False)
    lines = text.splitlines()
    indent_list = [ut.get_indentation(line) for line in lines]
    isfunc_list = [line.startswith('def ') for line in lines]
    isblank_list = [len(line.strip(' ')) == 0 for line in lines]
    isdec_list = [line.startswith('@') for line in lines]

    tmp = [
        'def' if isfunc else indent
        for isfunc, indent in zip(isfunc_list, indent_list)
    tmp = ['b' if isblank else t for isblank, t in zip(isblank_list, tmp)]
    tmp = ['@' if isdec else t for isdec, t in zip(isdec_list, tmp)]
    #print('\n'.join([str((t, count + 1)) for (count, t) in enumerate(tmp)]))
    block_list = re.split('\n\n\n', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    #for block in block_list:
    #    print('#====')
    #    print(block)

    isfunc_list = [
        re.search('^def ', block, re.MULTILINE) is not None
        for block in block_list

    whole_varname = ut.whole_word(ut.REGEX_VARNAME)
    funcname_regex = r'def\s+' + ut.named_field('funcname', whole_varname)

    def findfuncname(block):
        match = re.search(funcname_regex, block)
        return match.group('funcname')

    funcnameblock_list = [
        findfuncname(block) if isfunc else None
        for isfunc, block in zip(isfunc_list, block_list)

    funcblock_list = ut.filter_items(block_list, isfunc_list)
    funcname_list = ut.filter_items(funcnameblock_list, isfunc_list)

    nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(block_list, isfunc_list)

    nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(block_list, isfunc_list)
    ismain_list = [
        re.search('^if __name__ == ["\']__main__["\']', nonfunc) is not None
        for nonfunc in nonfunc_list

    mainblock_list = ut.filter_items(nonfunc_list, ismain_list)
    nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(nonfunc_list, ismain_list)

    newtext_list = []

    for nonfunc in nonfunc_list:

    for funcblock in ut.sortedby(funcblock_list, funcname_list):

    for mainblock in mainblock_list:

    newtext = '\n'.join(newtext_list)
    print('newtext = %s' % (newtext, ))
    print('len(newtext) = %r' % (len(newtext), ))
    print('len(text) = %r' % (len(text), ))

    backup_fpath = ut.augpath(fpath,

    ut.write_to(backup_fpath, text)
    ut.write_to(fpath, newtext)
예제 #4
def sort_module_functions():
    from os.path import dirname, join
    import utool as ut
    import ibeis.control
    import re
    #import re
    #regex = r'[^@]*\ndef'
    modfpath = dirname(ibeis.control.__file__)
    fpath = join(modfpath, 'manual_annot_funcs.py')
    #fpath = join(modfpath, 'manual_dependant_funcs.py')
    #fpath = join(modfpath, 'manual_lblannot_funcs.py')
    #fpath = join(modfpath, 'manual_name_species_funcs.py')
    text = ut.read_from(fpath, verbose=False)
    lines =  text.splitlines()
    indent_list = [ut.get_indentation(line) for line in lines]
    isfunc_list = [line.startswith('def ') for line in lines]
    isblank_list = [len(line.strip(' ')) == 0 for line in lines]
    isdec_list = [line.startswith('@') for line in lines]

    tmp = ['def' if isfunc else indent for isfunc, indent in  zip(isfunc_list, indent_list)]
    tmp = ['b' if isblank else t for isblank, t in  zip(isblank_list, tmp)]
    tmp = ['@' if isdec else t for isdec, t in  zip(isdec_list, tmp)]
    #print('\n'.join([str((t, count + 1)) for (count, t) in enumerate(tmp)]))
    block_list = re.split('\n\n\n', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)

    #for block in block_list:
    #    print('#====')
    #    print(block)

    isfunc_list = [re.search('^def ', block, re.MULTILINE) is not None for block in block_list]

    whole_varname = ut.whole_word(ut.REGEX_VARNAME)
    funcname_regex = r'def\s+' + ut.named_field('funcname', whole_varname)

    def findfuncname(block):
        match = re.search(funcname_regex, block)
        return match.group('funcname')

    funcnameblock_list = [findfuncname(block) if isfunc else None
                          for isfunc, block in zip(isfunc_list, block_list)]

    funcblock_list = ut.filter_items(block_list, isfunc_list)
    funcname_list = ut.filter_items(funcnameblock_list, isfunc_list)

    nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(block_list, isfunc_list)

    nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(block_list, isfunc_list)
    ismain_list = [re.search('^if __name__ == ["\']__main__["\']', nonfunc) is not None
                   for nonfunc in nonfunc_list]

    mainblock_list = ut.filter_items(nonfunc_list, ismain_list)
    nonfunc_list = ut.filterfalse_items(nonfunc_list, ismain_list)

    newtext_list = []

    for nonfunc in nonfunc_list:

    for funcblock in ut.sortedby(funcblock_list, funcname_list):

    for mainblock in mainblock_list:

    newtext = '\n'.join(newtext_list)
    print('newtext = %s' % (newtext,))
    print('len(newtext) = %r' % (len(newtext),))
    print('len(text) = %r' % (len(text),))

    backup_fpath = ut.augpath(fpath, augext='.bak', augdir='_backup', ensure=True)

    ut.write_to(backup_fpath, text)
    ut.write_to(fpath, newtext)