def get(self): self.session = Session() if CheckAuth(self) is False: return DoAuth(self, '/twitter') template_values = {} api = account = api.VerifyCredentials() limit = api.GetRateLimit() template_values['limit'] = limit lists = api.GetLists(account.screen_name) template_values['lists'] = lists tweets = None tweets = memcache.get('twitter_home') if tweets is None: try: tweets = api.GetHomeTimeline(count=100) except: api = None if tweets is not None: i = 0; for tweet in tweets: tweets[i].datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(tweet.created_at, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y'))) tweets[i].text = api.ConvertMentions(tweet.text) tweets[i].text = api.ExpandBitly(tweet.text) i = i + 1 memcache.set('twitter_home', tweets, 120) template_values['tweets'] = tweets else: template_values['tweets'] = tweets template_values['system_version'] = VERSION template_values['mode_twitter'] = True template_values['page_title'] = 'Twitter' path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tpl', 'writer', 'twitter.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values))
def get(self, user): self.session = Session() if CheckAuth(self) is False: return DoAuth(self, '/twitter/user/' + user) template_values = {} api = try: limit = api.GetRateLimit() template_values['limit'] = limit account = api.VerifyCredentials() lists = api.GetLists(account.screen_name) template_values['lists'] = lists if account.screen_name == user: template_values['me'] = True else: template_values['me'] = False friendships_ab = False friendships_ba = False friendships_ab = api.GetFriendshipsExists(account.screen_name, user) friendships_ba = api.GetFriendshipsExists(user, account.screen_name) tweets = None tweets = memcache.get('twitter_user_' + user) if tweets is None: try: tweets = api.GetUserTimeline(user, count=100) except: api = None if tweets is not None: i = 0; for tweet in tweets: tweets[i].datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(tweet.created_at, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y'))) tweets[i].text = api.ConvertMentions(tweet.text) tweets[i].text = api.ExpandBitly(tweet.text) i = i + 1 memcache.set('twitter_user_' + user, tweets, 120) template_values['tweets'] = tweets else: template_values['tweets'] = tweets template_values['friendships_ab'] = friendships_ab template_values['friendships_ba'] = friendships_ba template_values['twitter_user'] = tweets[0].user template_values['system_version'] = VERSION template_values['mode_twitter'] = True template_values['page_title'] = 'Twitter User' path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tpl', 'writer', 'twitter_user.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values)) except: template_values['system_version'] = VERSION template_values['mode_twitter'] = True template_values['page_title'] = 'Twitter Fail' path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tpl', 'writer', 'twitter_fail.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values))
def post(self): self.session = Session() if CheckAuth(self) is False: return DoAuth(self, '/twitter') tweet = self.request.get('status') if tweet != '': api = try: api.PostUpdate(tweet) except: api = None memcache.delete('twitter_home') self.redirect('/twitter')
def get(self, method, user): self.session = Session() if CheckAuth(self) is False: return DoAuth(self, '/twitter/user/' + user) api = account = api.VerifyCredentials() if account.screen_name == user: self.redirect('/twitter/user/' + user) else: if method == 'follow': twitter_user = api.CreateFriendship(user) if method == 'unfollow': twitter_user = api.DestroyFriendship(user) self.redirect('/twitter/user/' + user)
def get(self): site_domain = Datum.get('site_domain') site_name = Datum.get('site_name') site_author = Datum.get('site_author') site_slogan = Datum.get('site_slogan') site_analytics = Datum.get('site_analytics') site_updated = Datum.get('site_updated') if site_updated is None: site_updated = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) feed_url = Datum.get('feed_url') if feed_url is None: feed_url = '/index.xml' else: if len(feed_url) == 0: feed_url = '/index.xml' template_values = { 'site_domain' : site_domain, 'site_name' : site_name, 'site_author' : site_author, 'site_slogan' : site_slogan, 'feed_url' : feed_url } if site_analytics is not None: template_values['site_analytics'] = site_analytics output = memcache.get('tweets_output') api = if api and output is not None: account = memcache.get('twitter_account') if account is None: account = api.VerifyCredentials() memcache.set("twitter_account", account, 3600) tweets = memcache.get('tweets') if account and tweets is None: tweets = api.GetUserTimeline(account.screen_name, count=20) memcache.set("tweets", tweets, 600) elif not account: tweets = [] for tweet in tweets: tweet.datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(tweet.created_at, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y'))) tweet.text = api.ConvertMentions(tweet.text) tweet.text = api.ExpandBitly(tweet.text) pages = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Article WHERE is_page = TRUE AND is_for_sidebar = TRUE ORDER BY title ASC") if account is None: template_values['page_title'] = site_name + u' › Error' else: template_values['page_title'] = site_name + u' › Latest 20 Tweets by @' + account.screen_name template_values['twitter_account'] = template_values['twitter_followers'] = account.followers_count template_values['twitter_avatar'] = account.profile_image_url template_values['tweets'] = tweets template_values['tweets_total'] = len(tweets) template_values['pages'] = pages template_values['pages_total'] = pages.count() template_values['page_top'] = True site_theme = Datum.get('site_theme') if site_theme is None: site_theme = 'default' themes = os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tpl', 'themes')) if site_theme not in themes: site_theme = 'default' path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tpl', 'themes', site_theme, 'tweets.html') output = template.render(path, template_values) memcache.set('tweets_output', output, 600) elif not api: output = 'please config your twitter.' self.response.out.write(output)
def post(self, key = ''): self.session = Session() if CheckAuth(self) is False: return DoAuth(self, '/writer') site_domain = Datum.get('site_domain') site_domain_sync = Datum.get('site_domain_sync') site_name = Datum.get('site_name') site_author = Datum.get('site_author') site_slogan = Datum.get('site_slogan') site_analytics = Datum.get('site_analytics') site_default_format = Datum.get('site_default_format') if 'page' in self.session: page = self.session['page'] else: page = 0 site_default_format = Datum.get('site_default_format') if (self.request.get('content') != ''): if (key): article = db.get(db.Key(key)) article.title = self.request.get('title') article.title_link = self.request.get('title_link') article.title_url = self.request.get('title_url') article.parent_url = self.request.get('parent_url') article.content = self.request.get('content') article.article_set = self.request.get('article_set') article.format = self.request.get('format') if article.format not in CONTENT_FORMATS: article.format = site_default_format if article.format == 'markdown': article.content_formatted = markdown.markdown(article.content) if (self.request.get('is_page') == 'True'): article.is_page = True else: article.is_page = False if (self.request.get('is_for_sidebar') == 'True'): article.is_for_sidebar = True else: article.is_for_sidebar = False article.put() self.session['message'] = '<div style="float: right;"><a href="http://' + site_domain + '/' + article.title_url + '" target="_blank" class="super normal button">View Now</a></div>Changes has been saved into <a href="/writer/edit/' + key + '">' + article.title + '</a>' else: article = Article() article.title = self.request.get('title') article.title_link = self.request.get('title_link') article.title_url = self.request.get('title_url') article.parent_url = self.request.get('parent_url') article.content = self.request.get('content') article.article_set = self.request.get('article_set') article.format = self.request.get('format') if article.format not in CONTENT_FORMATS: article.format = site_default_format if article.format == 'markdown': article.content_formatted = markdown.markdown(article.content) if (self.request.get('is_page') == 'True'): article.is_page = True else: article.is_page = False if (self.request.get('is_for_sidebar') == 'True'): article.is_for_sidebar = True else: article.is_for_sidebar = False article.put() self.session['message'] = '<div style="float: right;"><a href="http://' + site_domain + '/' + article.title_url + '" target="_blank" class="super normal button">View Now</a></div>New article <a href="/writer/edit/' + str(article.key()) + '">' + article.title + '</a> has been created' # Ping Twitter twitter_sync = Datum.get('twitter_sync') if twitter_sync == 'True' and article.is_page is False: api = if api: try: status = api.PostUpdate(article.title + ' http://' + site_domain_sync + '/' + article.title_url + ' (Sync via @projectpicky)') except: api = None obsolete = ['archive', 'archive_output', 'feed_output', 'index', 'index_output', 'writer_articles', 'writer_urls'] memcache.delete_multi(obsolete) Datum.set('site_updated', time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())) # Ping Google Blog Search if site_domain.find('localhost') == -1: try: google_ping = '' + urllib.quote(Datum.get('site_name')) + '&url=http://' + urllib.quote(Datum.get('site_domain')) + '/&changesURL=http://' + urllib.quote(Datum.get('site_domain')) + '/sitemap.xml' result = urlfetch.fetch(google_ping) except: taskqueue.add(url='/writer/ping') self.redirect('/writer/overview?page=' + str(page)) else: article = Article() article.title = self.request.get('title') article.title_link = self.request.get('title_link') article.title_url = self.request.get('title_url') article.content = self.request.get('content') article.article_set = self.request.get('article_set') article.format = self.request.get('format') if article.format not in CONTENT_FORMATS: article.format = site_default_format if (self.request.get('is_page') == 'True'): article.is_page = True else: article.is_page = False if (self.request.get('is_for_sidebar') == 'True'): article.is_for_sidebar = True else: article.is_for_sidebar = False template_values = { 'site_default_format' : site_default_format, 'article' : article, 'page_mode' : 'new', 'page_title' : 'New Article', 'page_reminder': reminder.writer_write, 'message' : message.content_empty, 'user_email' :, 'page' : page } if site_analytics is not None: template_values['site_analytics'] = site_analytics template_values['system_version'] = VERSION path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tpl', 'writer', 'write.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values))