예제 #1
def average_vel(atoms):
  Returns the mass-averaged velocity of atoms.
  momentum = v3.vector()
  mass = 0.0
  for a in atoms:
    momentum += v3.scale(a.vel, a.mass)
    mass += a.mass
  return v3.scale(momentum, 1.0/mass)
예제 #2
def average_vel(atoms):
  Returns the mass-averaged velocity of atoms.
    momentum = v3.vector()
    mass = 0.0
    for a in atoms:
        momentum += v3.scale(a.vel, a.mass)
        mass += a.mass
    return v3.scale(momentum, 1.0 / mass)
예제 #3
 def change_vels(self):
     # calculate the vel diff vector to apply
     diff_vel = self.target_val * self.dt
     diff_axis_vel2to1 = v3.scale(self.axis2to1, diff_vel)
     self.vel_diff = v3.dot(diff_axis_vel2to1, self.axis2to1)
     if self.is_first_domain_only:
         add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms1, diff_axis_vel2to1)
         # apply half of vel_diff to each domain
         diff_axis_vel2to1 = v3.scale(diff_axis_vel2to1, 0.5)
         add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms1, diff_axis_vel2to1)
         add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms2, -diff_axis_vel2to1)
예제 #4
 def change_vels(self):
   # calculate the vel diff vector to apply
   diff_vel = self.target_val * self.dt
   diff_axis_vel2to1 = v3.scale(self.axis2to1, diff_vel)
   self.vel_diff = v3.dot(diff_axis_vel2to1, self.axis2to1)
   if self.is_first_domain_only:
     add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms1, diff_axis_vel2to1)
     # apply half of vel_diff to each domain
     diff_axis_vel2to1 = v3.scale(diff_axis_vel2to1, 0.5)
     add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms1, diff_axis_vel2to1)
     add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms2, -diff_axis_vel2to1)
예제 #5
    def change_vels(self):
        # calculate the vel diff vector
        target_axis_vel2to1 = v3.scale(self.axis2to1, self.target_val)
        diff_axis_vel2to1 = target_axis_vel2to1 - self.axis_vel2to1
        self.vel_diff = v3.dot(diff_axis_vel2to1, self.axis2to1)

        # now change velocities of movable atoms
        self.old_kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy(self.move_atoms)
        if self.is_first_domain_only:
            add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms1, diff_axis_vel2to1)
            # apply half of vel_diff to each domain
            v3.scale(diff_axis_vel2to1, 0.5)
            add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms1, diff_axis_vel2to1)
            add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms2, -diff_axis_vel2to1)
        self.kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy(self.move_atoms)
예제 #6
파일: force.py 프로젝트: ejjordan/pdbremix
  def change_vels(self):
    # calculate the vel diff vector 
    target_axis_vel2to1 = v3.scale(self.axis2to1, self.target_val)
    diff_axis_vel2to1 = target_axis_vel2to1 - self.axis_vel2to1
    self.vel_diff = v3.dot(diff_axis_vel2to1, self.axis2to1)

    # now change velocities of movable atoms
    self.old_kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy(self.move_atoms)
    if self.is_first_domain_only:
      add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms1, diff_axis_vel2to1)
      # apply half of vel_diff to each domain
      v3.scale(diff_axis_vel2to1, 0.5)
      add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms1, diff_axis_vel2to1)
      add_vel_to_atoms(self.atoms2, -diff_axis_vel2to1)
    self.kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy(self.move_atoms)
예제 #7
def move_back(char, m=1, fly=False):
    if not char['block_b']:
        f = char['forw']
        f = v3.normalize(v3.Vec(f.x, f.y * fly, f.z))
        addto(char, 'pos', v3.scale(f, -0.5 * m))
        return True
    return False
예제 #8
def get_center(atoms):
  Returns the geometric center position vector of atoms.
  center = v3.vector()
  for atom in atoms:
    center += atom.pos
  result = v3.scale(center, 1.0/float(len(atoms)))
  return result
예제 #9
def add_rotational_velocity(atoms, rot_vel, axis, anchor):
  Adds the rot_vel to the vel vector of atoms with respect
  to the rotation around axis and attached to anchor.
    for atom in atoms:
        r_perp = v3.perpendicular(atom.pos - anchor, axis)
        v_tang_dir = v3.cross(axis, r_perp)
        v_tang_dir_len = v3.mag(v_tang_dir)
        if v3.is_similar_mag(v_tang_dir_len, 0):
            v_tang = v3.vector()
            v_new_len = rot_vel * v3.mag(r_perp)
            v_tang = v3.scale(v_tang_dir, v_new_len / v_tang_dir_len)
        atom.vel += v_tang
예제 #10
def add_rotational_velocity(atoms, rot_vel, axis, anchor):
  Adds the rot_vel to the vel vector of atoms with respect
  to the rotation around axis and attached to anchor.
  for atom in atoms:
    r_perp = v3.perpendicular(atom.pos - anchor, axis)
    v_tang_dir = v3.cross(axis, r_perp)
    v_tang_dir_len = v3.mag(v_tang_dir)
    if v3.is_similar_mag(v_tang_dir_len, 0):
      v_tang = v3.vector()
      v_new_len = rot_vel * v3.mag(r_perp)
      v_tang = v3.scale(v_tang_dir, v_new_len/v_tang_dir_len)
    atom.vel += v_tang
예제 #11
    def ray(v, forwstep):
        backstep = v3.scale(forwstep, -0.1)
        for k in range(0, int(maxdist / step)):
            n = k * step
            v = v3.add(v, forwstep)
            b = check(L, v)
            if b != 0:
                for m in range(10):
                    v = v3.add(v, backstep)
                    if check(L, v) == 0:
                        return n - m * 0.1, v, b
                    b = check(L, v)
                return n, v, b

        return -1, v, 1
예제 #12
def anderson_velocity_scale(atoms, temperature, n_degree_of_freedom):
  Scales the velocity of atoms such that average energy
  is consistent with the temperature.
  # This is the classic Anderson approach to temperature
  # regulation. Whilst deterministic, can be easily trapped in
  # local minima.
  target_energy = mean_energy(temperature, n_degree_of_freedom)
  kin = kinetic_energy(atoms)
  if v3.is_similar_mag(kin, 0):
    gas_randomize(atoms, temperature)
    scaling_factor = math.sqrt(target_energy / kin)
    for atom in atoms:
      v3.set_vector(atom.vel, v3.scale(atom.vel, scaling_factor))
예제 #13
def anderson_velocity_scale(atoms, temperature, n_degree_of_freedom):
  Scales the velocity of atoms such that average energy
  is consistent with the temperature.
    # This is the classic Anderson approach to temperature
    # regulation. Whilst deterministic, can be easily trapped in
    # local minima.
    target_energy = mean_energy(temperature, n_degree_of_freedom)
    kin = kinetic_energy(atoms)
    if v3.is_similar_mag(kin, 0):
        gas_randomize(atoms, temperature)
        scaling_factor = math.sqrt(target_energy / kin)
        for atom in atoms:
            v3.set_vector(atom.vel, v3.scale(atom.vel, scaling_factor))
예제 #14
def calculate_asa_optimized(atoms, probe, n_sphere_point=960):
  Returns the accessible-surface areas of the atoms, by rolling a
  ball with probe radius over the atoms with their radius
    sphere_points = generate_sphere_points(n_sphere_point)

    const = 4.0 * math.pi / len(sphere_points)
    areas = []
    neighbor_list = adjacency_list(
        atoms, 2 * (probe + max(atoms, key=lambda p: p.radius).radius))
    for i, atom_i in enumerate(atoms):

        neighbor_indices = [neig for neig in neighbor_list[i]]
        neighbor_indices = find_neighbor_indices_modified(
            atoms, neighbor_indices, probe, i)  # even further narrow diapazon
        n_neighbor = len(neighbor_indices)
        j_closest_neighbor = 0
        radius = probe + atom_i.radius

        n_accessible_point = 0
        for point in sphere_points:
            is_accessible = True
            test_point = v3.scale(point, radius) + atom_i.pos
            cycled_indices = range(j_closest_neighbor, n_neighbor)

            for j in cycled_indices:
                atom_j = atoms[neighbor_indices[j]]
                r = atom_j.radius + probe
                diff2 = v3.mag2(atom_j.pos - test_point)
                if diff2 < r * r:
                    j_closest_neighbor = j
                    is_accessible = False
            if is_accessible:
                n_accessible_point += 1

        area = const * n_accessible_point * radius * radius

    return areas
예제 #15
def load_crd_or_rst_into_soup(soup, crd_or_rst):
  Loads the coordinates and velocities of .crd or .rst into the soup.
    f = open(crd_or_rst, "r")

    f.readline()  # skip first line
    n_atom = int(f.readline().split()[0])

    # calculate size of file based on field sizes
    n_crd = n_atom * 3
    n_line = n_crd / 6
    if n_crd % 6 > 0:
        n_line += 1

    # read all the numbers in the coordinate section
    line_list = [f.readline()[:-1] for i in range(0, n_line)]
    s = "".join(line_list)
    vals = [float(s[i:i + 12]) for i in xrange(0, len(s), 12)]
    if len(vals) != n_crd:
        raise ValueError, "Improper number of coordinates in rst file."

    # load numbers into soup object
    for i, atom in enumerate(sorted(soup.atoms(), pdbatoms.cmp_atom)):
        v3.set_vector(atom.pos, vals[i * 3], vals[i * 3 + 1], vals[i * 3 + 2])

    # if .rst file, then there will be velocity values
    if crd_or_rst.endswith('.rst'):
        line_list = [f.readline()[:-1] for i in range(0, n_line)]
        s = "".join(line_list)
        vals = [float(s[i:i + 12]) for i in xrange(0, len(s), 12)]
        if len(vals) != n_crd:
            raise ValueError, "Improper number of coordinates in rst file."

        # now convert amber velocities to angs/ps and load into soup
        convert_vel_to_angs_per_ps = 20.455
        for i, atom in enumerate(sorted(soup.atoms(), pdbatoms.cmp_atom)):
            v3.set_vector(atom.vel, vals[i * 3], vals[i * 3 + 1],
                          vals[i * 3 + 2])
            atom.vel = v3.scale(atom.vel, convert_vel_to_angs_per_ps)

예제 #16
def calculate_asa_optimized(atoms, probe, n_sphere_point=960):
  Returns the accessible-surface areas of the atoms, by rolling a
  ball with probe radius over the atoms with their radius
  sphere_points = generate_sphere_points(n_sphere_point)
  const = 4.0 * math.pi / len(sphere_points)
  areas = []
  neighbor_list = adjacency_list(atoms, 2 * (probe + max(atoms, key=lambda p: p.radius).radius))
  for i, atom_i in enumerate(atoms):
    neighbor_indices = [neig for neig in neighbor_list[i]]
    neighbor_indices = find_neighbor_indices_modified(atoms, neighbor_indices, probe, i) # even further narrow diapazon
    n_neighbor = len(neighbor_indices)
    j_closest_neighbor = 0
    radius = probe + atom_i.radius
    n_accessible_point = 0
    for point in sphere_points:
      is_accessible = True
      test_point = v3.scale(point, radius) + atom_i.pos
      cycled_indices = range(j_closest_neighbor, n_neighbor)
      for j in cycled_indices:
        atom_j = atoms[neighbor_indices[j]]
        r = atom_j.radius + probe
        diff2 = v3.mag2(atom_j.pos - test_point)
        if diff2 < r*r:
          j_closest_neighbor = j
          is_accessible = False
      if is_accessible:
        n_accessible_point += 1
    area = const*n_accessible_point*radius*radius 

  return areas
예제 #17
def load_crd_or_rst_into_soup(soup, crd_or_rst):
  Loads the coordinates and velocities of .crd or .rst into the soup.
  f = open(crd_or_rst, "r")
  f.readline() # skip first line
  n_atom = int(f.readline().split()[0])

  # calculate size of file based on field sizes
  n_crd = n_atom * 3
  n_line = n_crd / 6
  if n_crd % 6 > 0:
    n_line += 1

  # read all the numbers in the coordinate section
  line_list = [f.readline()[:-1] for i in range(0, n_line)]
  s = "".join(line_list)
  vals = [float(s[i:i+12]) for i in xrange(0, len(s), 12)]
  if len(vals) != n_crd:
    raise ValueError, "Improper number of coordinates in rst file."

  # load numbers into soup object  
  for i, atom in enumerate(sorted(soup.atoms(), pdbatoms.cmp_atom)):
    v3.set_vector(atom.pos, vals[i*3], vals[i*3+1], vals[i*3+2])

  # if .rst file, then there will be velocity values
  if crd_or_rst.endswith('.rst'):
    line_list = [f.readline()[:-1] for i in range(0, n_line)]
    s = "".join(line_list)
    vals = [float(s[i:i+12]) for i in xrange(0, len(s), 12)]
    if len(vals) != n_crd:
      raise ValueError, "Improper number of coordinates in rst file."

    # now convert amber velocities to angs/ps and load into soup
    convert_vel_to_angs_per_ps = 20.455
    for i, atom in enumerate(sorted(soup.atoms(), pdbatoms.cmp_atom)):
      v3.set_vector(atom.vel, vals[i*3], vals[i*3+1], vals[i*3+2])
      atom.vel = v3.scale(atom.vel, convert_vel_to_angs_per_ps)

예제 #18
def raycast(L,
            cam=v3.Vec(0.3, 0.2, 0.3),
            win=v3.Vec(10, 10, 0)):
    field = {}
    step = 1
    forw = v3.roteuler(v3.Vec(0, 0, 1), rot)

    def ray(v, forwstep):
        backstep = v3.scale(forwstep, -0.1)
        for k in range(0, int(maxdist / step)):
            n = k * step
            v = v3.add(v, forwstep)
            b = check(L, v)
            if b != 0:
                for m in range(10):
                    v = v3.add(v, backstep)
                    if check(L, v) == 0:
                        return n - m * 0.1, v, b
                    b = check(L, v)
                return n, v, b

        return -1, v, 1

    for i in range(-win.x / 2, win.x / 2):
        for j in range(-win.y / 2, win.y / 2):
            xi = i / (win.x / 2.0) * (cam.x / 2.0)
            yi = j / (win.y / 2.0) * (cam.y / 2.0)
            v = v3.Vec(xi, yi, cam.z)
            v = v3.roteuler(v, rot)

            fs = v3.scale(v3.normalize(v), step)
            v = v3.add(pos, v)
            n, p, b = ray(v, fs)
            field[i + win.x / 2, j + win.y / 2] = (n, b)
    field['size'] = win
    return field
예제 #19
def calculate_asa(atoms, probe, n_sphere_point=960):
  Returns the accessible-surface areas of the atoms, by rolling a
  ball with probe radius over the atoms with their radius
  sphere_points = generate_sphere_points(n_sphere_point)
  const = 4.0 * math.pi / len(sphere_points)
  areas = []
  for i, atom_i in enumerate(atoms):
    neighbor_indices = find_neighbor_indices(atoms, probe, i)
    n_neighbor = len(neighbor_indices)
    j_closest_neighbor = 0
    radius = probe + atom_i.radius
    n_accessible_point = 0
    for point in sphere_points:
      is_accessible = True
      test_point = v3.scale(point, radius) + atom_i.pos
      cycled_indices = range(j_closest_neighbor, n_neighbor)
      for j in cycled_indices:
        atom_j = atoms[neighbor_indices[j]]
        r = atom_j.radius + probe
        diff = v3.distance(atom_j.pos, test_point)
        if diff*diff < r*r:
          j_closest_neighbor = j
          is_accessible = False
      if is_accessible:
        n_accessible_point += 1
    area = const*n_accessible_point*radius*radius 

  return areas
예제 #20
def calculate_asa(atoms, probe, n_sphere_point=960):
  Returns the accessible-surface areas of the atoms, by rolling a
  ball with probe radius over the atoms with their radius
    sphere_points = generate_sphere_points(n_sphere_point)

    const = 4.0 * math.pi / len(sphere_points)
    areas = []
    for i, atom_i in enumerate(atoms):

        neighbor_indices = find_neighbor_indices(atoms, probe, i)
        n_neighbor = len(neighbor_indices)
        j_closest_neighbor = 0
        radius = probe + atom_i.radius

        n_accessible_point = 0
        for point in sphere_points:
            is_accessible = True
            test_point = v3.scale(point, radius) + atom_i.pos
            cycled_indices = range(j_closest_neighbor, n_neighbor)

            for j in cycled_indices:
                atom_j = atoms[neighbor_indices[j]]
                r = atom_j.radius + probe
                diff = v3.distance(atom_j.pos, test_point)
                if diff * diff < r * r:
                    j_closest_neighbor = j
                    is_accessible = False
            if is_accessible:
                n_accessible_point += 1

        area = const * n_accessible_point * radius * radius

    return areas