예제 #1
def get_pdb_transform(pdb, center_res, top_res):
  Returns a transformation matrix that centers pdb to 
  center_res on the z-axis and moves top_res above center_res
  on the y-axis
    soup = pdbatoms.Soup(pdb)
    atoms = soup.atoms()
    soup_center = pdbatoms.get_center(atoms)
    translation = v3.translation(-soup_center)
    result = translation

    center_atom = find_ca_of_resname(soup.atoms(), center_res)
    view = v3.vector(0, 0, 1)
    axis = v3.cross(view, center_atom.pos)
    angle = v3.vec_dihedral(view, axis, center_atom.pos)
    rotation = v3.rotation(axis, angle)
    result = v3.combine(rotation, result)

    top_atom = find_ca_of_resname(soup.atoms(), top_res)
    top_dir = v3.vector(0, 1, 0)
    axis = view.copy()
    angle = v3.vec_dihedral(top_dir, axis, top_atom.pos)
    rotation2 = v3.rotation(axis, angle)
    result = v3.combine(rotation2, result)

    del soup
    return result
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, grid_spacing, width, center):
        self.width = float(width)
        half_width = self.width / 2.0
        self.center = v3.vector(center)
        self.spacing = float(grid_spacing)
        self.inv_spacing = 1.0 / self.spacing

        self.n = 1
        cover = 0
        self.low = v3.vector()
        while cover < half_width:
            self.n += 1
            half_n_point = int(self.n / 2)
            self.low[0] = self.center[0] - half_n_point * self.spacing
            self.low[1] = self.center[1] - half_n_point * self.spacing
            self.low[2] = self.center[2] - half_n_point * self.spacing
            width_1 = abs(self.center[0] - self.low[0])
            high_x = self.low[0] + self.n * self.spacing
            width_2 = abs(high_x - self.center[0])
            cover = min(width_1, width_2)

        self.actual_width = self.n * self.spacing
        self.total_volume = self.actual_width**3
        self.total_point = self.n**3

        self.array = array.array('b')
        for i in xrange(self.total_point):
        self.n_sq = self.n**2

        self.x = [self.low[0] + i * self.spacing for i in xrange(self.n)]
        self.y = [self.low[1] + j * self.spacing for j in xrange(self.n)]
        self.z = [self.low[2] + k * self.spacing for k in xrange(self.n)]
예제 #3
def get_pdb_transform(pdb, center_res, top_res):
  Returns a transformation matrix that centers pdb to 
  center_res on the z-axis and moves top_res above center_res
  on the y-axis
  soup = pdbatoms.Soup(pdb)
  atoms = soup.atoms()
  soup_center = pdbatoms.get_center(atoms)
  translation = v3.translation(-soup_center)
  result = translation

  center_atom = find_ca_of_resname(soup.atoms(), center_res)
  view = v3.vector(0, 0, 1)
  axis = v3.cross(view, center_atom.pos)
  angle = v3.vec_dihedral(view, axis, center_atom.pos)
  rotation = v3.rotation(axis, angle)
  result = v3.combine(rotation, result)

  top_atom = find_ca_of_resname(soup.atoms(), top_res)
  top_dir = v3.vector(0, 1, 0)
  axis = view.copy()
  angle = v3.vec_dihedral(top_dir, axis, top_atom.pos)
  rotation2 = v3.rotation(axis, angle)
  result = v3.combine(rotation2, result)
  del soup
  return result
예제 #4
파일: volume.py 프로젝트: boscoh/pdbremix
  def __init__(self, grid_spacing, width, center):
    self.width = float(width)
    half_width = self.width / 2.0
    self.center = v3.vector(center)
    self.spacing = float(grid_spacing)
    self.inv_spacing = 1.0 / self.spacing

    self.n = 1
    cover = 0
    self.low = v3.vector()
    while cover < half_width:
      self.n += 1
      half_n_point = int(self.n / 2)
      self.low[0] = self.center[0] - half_n_point*self.spacing
      self.low[1] = self.center[1] - half_n_point*self.spacing
      self.low[2] = self.center[2] - half_n_point*self.spacing
      width_1 = abs(self.center[0] - self.low[0])
      high_x = self.low[0] + self.n*self.spacing
      width_2 = abs(high_x - self.center[0])
      cover = min(width_1, width_2)
    self.actual_width = self.n*self.spacing
    self.total_volume = self.actual_width**3
    self.total_point = self.n**3
    self.array = array.array('b')
    for i in xrange(self.total_point):
    self.n_sq = self.n**2
    self.x = [self.low[0] + i*self.spacing for i in xrange(self.n)]
    self.y = [self.low[1] + j*self.spacing for j in xrange(self.n)]
    self.z = [self.low[2] + k*self.spacing for k in xrange(self.n)]
예제 #5
파일: volume.py 프로젝트: boscoh/pdbremix
 def exclude_sphere(self, pos, r):
   low = v3.vector(pos[0] - r, pos[1] - r, pos[2] - r)
   low_i, low_j, low_k = self.indices(low)
   high = v3.vector(pos[0] + r, pos[1] + r, pos[2] + r)
   high_i, high_j, high_k = self.indices(high)
   r_sq = r*r
   for i in self.int_range(low_i, high_i):
     for j in self.int_range(low_j, high_j):
       for k in self.int_range(low_k, high_k):
         l = i*self.n_sq + j*self.n + k 
         if self.array[l] == 0:
           if self.is_grid_point_near_sphere(i, j, k, pos, r_sq):
             self.array[l] = 1
예제 #6
 def exclude_sphere(self, pos, r):
     low = v3.vector(pos[0] - r, pos[1] - r, pos[2] - r)
     low_i, low_j, low_k = self.indices(low)
     high = v3.vector(pos[0] + r, pos[1] + r, pos[2] + r)
     high_i, high_j, high_k = self.indices(high)
     r_sq = r * r
     for i in self.int_range(low_i, high_i):
         for j in self.int_range(low_j, high_j):
             for k in self.int_range(low_k, high_k):
                 l = i * self.n_sq + j * self.n + k
                 if self.array[l] == 0:
                     if self.is_grid_point_near_sphere(i, j, k, pos, r_sq):
                         self.array[l] = 1
예제 #7
 def __init__(self):
   self.is_hetatm = False
   self.pos = v3.vector()
   self.vel = v3.vector()
   self.mass = 0.0
   self.type = ""
   self.element = ""
   self.chain_id = " "
   self.res_type = ""
   self.res_num = ""
   self.res_insert = ""
   self.bfactor = 0.0
   self.occupancy = 0.0
   self.num = 0
예제 #8
 def __init__(self):
     self.is_hetatm = False
     self.pos = v3.vector()
     self.vel = v3.vector()
     self.mass = 0.0
     self.type = ""
     self.element = ""
     self.chain_id = " "
     self.res_type = ""
     self.res_num = ""
     self.res_insert = ""
     self.bfactor = 0.0
     self.occupancy = 0.0
     self.num = 0
예제 #9
def get_center(atoms):
  Returns the geometric center position vector of atoms.
  center = v3.vector()
  for atom in atoms:
    center += atom.pos
  result = v3.scale(center, 1.0/float(len(atoms)))
  return result
예제 #10
def average_vel(atoms):
  Returns the mass-averaged velocity of atoms.
    momentum = v3.vector()
    mass = 0.0
    for a in atoms:
        momentum += v3.scale(a.vel, a.mass)
        mass += a.mass
    return v3.scale(momentum, 1.0 / mass)
예제 #11
def average_vel(atoms):
  Returns the mass-averaged velocity of atoms.
  momentum = v3.vector()
  mass = 0.0
  for a in atoms:
    momentum += v3.scale(a.vel, a.mass)
    mass += a.mass
  return v3.scale(momentum, 1.0/mass)
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, pos=None, atom_type="", res_num=None):
   Normally initialized as an empty container, and filled
   up progressively as fields are read by parsers.
   self.is_hetatm = False
   self.pos = v3.vector() if pos is None else pos
   self.vel = v3.vector()
   self.mass = 0.0
   self.charge = 0.0
   self.type = ""
   self.element = ""
   self.chain_id = " "
   self.res_type = ""
   self.res_num = ""
   self.res_insert = ""
   self.bfactor = 0.0
   self.occupancy = 0.0
   self.num = 0
   self.alt_conform = " "
예제 #13
def generate_sphere_points(n):
  Returns list of coordinates on a sphere using the Golden-
  Section Spiral algorithm.
    points = []
    inc = math.pi * (3 - math.sqrt(5))
    offset = 2 / float(n)
    for k in range(int(n)):
        y = k * offset - 1 + (offset / 2)
        r = math.sqrt(1 - y * y)
        phi = k * inc
        points.append(v3.vector(math.cos(phi) * r, y, math.sin(phi) * r))
    return points
예제 #14
def generate_sphere_points(n):
  Returns list of coordinates on a sphere using the Golden-
  Section Spiral algorithm.
  points = []
  inc = math.pi * (3 - math.sqrt(5))
  offset = 2 / float(n)
  for k in range(int(n)):
    y = k * offset - 1 + (offset / 2)
    r = math.sqrt(1 - y*y)
    phi = k * inc
    points.append(v3.vector(math.cos(phi)*r, y, math.sin(phi)*r))
  return points
예제 #15
def add_rotational_velocity(atoms, rot_vel, axis, anchor):
  Adds the rot_vel to the vel vector of atoms with respect
  to the rotation around axis and attached to anchor.
  for atom in atoms:
    r_perp = v3.perpendicular(atom.pos - anchor, axis)
    v_tang_dir = v3.cross(axis, r_perp)
    v_tang_dir_len = v3.mag(v_tang_dir)
    if v3.is_similar_mag(v_tang_dir_len, 0):
      v_tang = v3.vector()
      v_new_len = rot_vel * v3.mag(r_perp)
      v_tang = v3.scale(v_tang_dir, v_new_len/v_tang_dir_len)
    atom.vel += v_tang
예제 #16
def add_rotational_velocity(atoms, rot_vel, axis, anchor):
  Adds the rot_vel to the vel vector of atoms with respect
  to the rotation around axis and attached to anchor.
    for atom in atoms:
        r_perp = v3.perpendicular(atom.pos - anchor, axis)
        v_tang_dir = v3.cross(axis, r_perp)
        v_tang_dir_len = v3.mag(v_tang_dir)
        if v3.is_similar_mag(v_tang_dir_len, 0):
            v_tang = v3.vector()
            v_new_len = rot_vel * v3.mag(r_perp)
            v_tang = v3.scale(v_tang_dir, v_new_len / v_tang_dir_len)
        atom.vel += v_tang
예제 #17
def soup_from_psf(psf):
  Returns a Soup from a .psf file
  soup = pdbatoms.Soup()
  curr_res_num = None
  is_header = True
  for line in open(psf):
    if is_header:
      if "NATOM" in line:
        n_atom = int(line.split()[0])
        is_header = False
    words = line.split()
    atom_num = int(words[0])
    chain_id = words[1]
    res_num = int(words[2])
    res_type = words[3]
    atom_type = words[4]
    charge = float(words[6])
    mass = float(words[7])
    if chain_id.startswith('WT') or chain_id.startswith('ION'):
      is_hetatm = True
      chain_id = " "
      is_hetatm = False
      chain_id = chain_id[0]
    if curr_res_num != res_num:
      res = pdbatoms.Residue(res_type, chain_id, res_num)
      curr_res_num = res_num
    atom = pdbatoms.Atom()
    atom.vel = v3.vector()
    atom.chain_id = chain_id
    atom.is_hetatm = is_hetatm
    atom.num = atom_num
    atom.res_num = res_num
    atom.res_type = res_type
    atom.type = atom_type
    atom.mass = mass
    atom.charge = charge
    atom.element = data.guess_element(res_type, atom_type)
    soup.insert_atom(-1, atom)
    if len(soup.atoms()) == n_atom:
  return soup
예제 #18
def soup_from_topology(topology):
  Returns a Soup from a topology dictionary.
  soup = pdbatoms.Soup()
  chain_id = ''
  n_res = topology['NRES']
  n_atom = topology['NATOM']
  for i_res in range(n_res):
    res_type = topology['RESIDUE_LABEL'][i_res].strip()
    if res_type == "WAT":
      res_type = "HOH"
    res = pdbatoms.Residue(res_type, chain_id, i_res+1)
    res = soup.residue(i_res)
    i_atom_start = topology['RESIDUE_POINTER'][i_res] - 1
    if i_res == n_res-1:
      i_atom_end = n_atom
      i_atom_end = topology['RESIDUE_POINTER'][i_res+1] - 1
    for i_atom in range(i_atom_start, i_atom_end):
      atom = pdbatoms.Atom()
      atom.vel = v3.vector()
      atom.num = i_atom+1
      atom.res_num = i_res+1
      atom.res_type = res_type
      atom.type = topology['ATOM_NAME'][i_atom].strip()
      atom.mass = topology['MASS'][i_atom]
      atom.charge = topology['CHARGE'][i_atom]/sqrt_of_k
      atom.element = data.guess_element(
          atom.res_type, atom.type)
      soup.insert_atom(-1, atom)
  if topology['IFBOX'] > 0:
    # create dummy dimension to ensure box dimension recognized
    soup.box_dimension_str = "1.000000 1.0000000 1.000000"
  return soup
예제 #19
def soup_from_topology(topology):
  Returns a Soup from a topology dictionary.
    soup = pdbatoms.Soup()
    chain_id = ''
    n_res = topology['NRES']
    n_atom = topology['NATOM']
    for i_res in range(n_res):
        res_type = topology['RESIDUE_LABEL'][i_res].strip()
        if res_type == "WAT":
            res_type = "HOH"
        res = pdbatoms.Residue(res_type, chain_id, i_res + 1)
        res = soup.residue(i_res)
        i_atom_start = topology['RESIDUE_POINTER'][i_res] - 1
        if i_res == n_res - 1:
            i_atom_end = n_atom
            i_atom_end = topology['RESIDUE_POINTER'][i_res + 1] - 1
        for i_atom in range(i_atom_start, i_atom_end):
            atom = pdbatoms.Atom()
            atom.vel = v3.vector()
            atom.num = i_atom + 1
            atom.res_num = i_res + 1
            atom.res_type = res_type
            atom.type = topology['ATOM_NAME'][i_atom].strip()
            atom.mass = topology['MASS'][i_atom]
            atom.charge = topology['CHARGE'][i_atom] / sqrt_of_k
            atom.element = data.guess_element(atom.res_type, atom.type)
            soup.insert_atom(-1, atom)
    if topology['IFBOX'] > 0:
        # create dummy dimension to ensure box dimension recognized
        soup.box_dimension_str = "1.000000 1.0000000 1.000000"
    return soup
예제 #20
def get_center(atoms):
    center = v3.vector()
    for atom in atoms:
        center += atom.pos
    return center / float(len(atoms))
예제 #21
 def pos(self, i, j, k):
     return v3.vector(self.x[i], self.y[j], self.z[k])
예제 #22
def get_center(atoms):
  center = v3.vector()
  for atom in atoms:
    center += atom.pos
  return center/float(len(atoms))
예제 #23
파일: volume.py 프로젝트: boscoh/pdbremix
 def pos(self, i, j, k):
   return v3.vector(self.x[i], self.y[j], self.z[k])