예제 #1
    def test_device_attahed_to_network_standard(self):

        self.assertFalse(VNicService.device_is_attached_to_network(None, None))

        network_name = "TEST"
        device = Mock()
        device.backing = Mock()
        device.backing.network = Mock()
        device.backing.network.name = network_name
        self.assertTrue(VNicService.device_is_attached_to_network(device, network_name))

        network = Mock(spec=vim.Network)
        network.name = "xnet"
        nicspec = Mock()

        nicspec.device = device
        res = VNicService.vnic_attach_to_network_standard(nicspec, network)
        self.assertEquals(res.device.backing.network.name, "xnet")
    def test_is_device_match_network_not_found(self):
        # arrange
        device = Mock()
        device.backing = Mock(spec=[])

        virtual_switch_to_machine_connector = VirtualSwitchToMachineDisconnectCommand(Mock(), Mock(), 'anetwork')

        # act
        # res = virtual_switch_to_machine_connector.is_device_match_network(device, 'Fake name')
        res = VNicService.device_is_attached_to_network(device, 'Fake name')

        # assert
예제 #3
    def test_is_device_match_network_not_found(self):
        # arrange
        device = Mock()
        device.backing = Mock(spec=[])

        virtual_switch_to_machine_connector = VirtualSwitchToMachineDisconnectCommand(
            Mock(), Mock(), 'anetwork')

        # act
        # res = virtual_switch_to_machine_connector.is_device_match_network(device, 'Fake name')
        res = VNicService.device_is_attached_to_network(device, 'Fake name')

        # assert
예제 #4
    def test_is_device_match_network_other_type(self):
        # arrange
        backing = Mock(spec=[])
        device = Mock()
        nerwork = Mock()

        device.backing = backing
        backing.network = nerwork
        nerwork.name = 'vln name or network name'

        # act
        res = VNicService.device_is_attached_to_network(device, nerwork.name)

        # assert
    def remove_vnic(self, si, vm_uuid, network_name=None):
        disconnect all of the network adapter of the vm
        :param <str> si:
        :param <str> vm_uuid: the uuid of the vm
        :param <str> network_name: the name of the specific network to disconnect & vNic remove
        _logger.debug(u"Revoking ALL Interfaces from VM '{}'...".format(vm_uuid))
        vm = self.pyvmomi_service.find_by_uuid(si, vm_uuid)

        condition = lambda device: \
            VNicService.device_is_attached_to_network(device, network_name) if network_name else lambda x: True

        return self.remove_interfaces_from_vm_task(vm, condition)
    def test_is_device_match_network_other_type(self):
        # arrange
        backing = Mock(spec=[])
        device = Mock()
        nerwork = Mock()

        device.backing = backing
        backing.network = nerwork
        nerwork.name = 'vln name or network name'

        # act
        res = VNicService.device_is_attached_to_network(device, nerwork.name)

        # assert
    def test_is_device_match_network_port_type(self):
        # arrange
        backing = Mock(spec=[])
        device = Mock()
        port = Mock()

        device.backing = backing
        backing.port = port
        port.portgroupKey = 'port key'

        # act
        res = VNicService.device_is_attached_to_network(device, port.portgroupKey)

        # assert
    def remove_vnic(self, si, vm_uuid, network_name=None):
        disconnect all of the network adapter of the vm
        :param <str> si:
        :param <str> vm_uuid: the uuid of the vm
        :param <str> network_name: the name of the specific network to disconnect & vNic remove
            u"Revoking ALL Interfaces from VM '{}'...".format(vm_uuid))
        vm = self.pyvmomi_service.find_by_uuid(si, vm_uuid)

        condition = lambda device: \
            VNicService.device_is_attached_to_network(device, network_name) if network_name else lambda x: True

        return self.remove_interfaces_from_vm_task(vm, condition)
예제 #9
    def test_is_device_match_network_port_type(self):
        # arrange
        backing = Mock(spec=[])
        device = Mock()
        port = Mock()

        device.backing = backing
        backing.port = port
        port.portgroupKey = 'port key'

        # act
        res = VNicService.device_is_attached_to_network(
            device, port.portgroupKey)

        # assert
예제 #10
    def test_device_attahed_to_network_distributed(self):
        network_name = "PORT-GROUP"
        device = Mock()
        device.backing = MagicMock()
        device.backing.port = Mock()
        hasattr(device.backing, "network")
        del device.backing.network
        device.backing.port.portgroupKey = network_name
        self.assertTrue(VNicService.device_is_attached_to_network(device, network_name))

        port_group = Mock(spec=vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup)
        port_group.key = "group_net"
        port_group.config.distributedVirtualSwitch.uuid = "6686"
        nicspec = Mock()

        nicspec.device = device
        res = VNicService.vnic_attach_to_network_distributed(nicspec, port_group)
        self.assertEquals(res.device.backing.port.portgroupKey, "group_net")