예제 #1
def get_app_info(server_name):
    """Gets mine inventory for the provided instance. """

    server_info = call_master_cmd('mine.get', arg=[server_name, 'inventory'])
    if not server_info:
        raise Exception(
            'Attempted to get app info for %s but mine.get returned empty. ' %
    raise tornado.gen.Return(server_info)
예제 #2
def get_openvpn_users():
        description: Gets openvpn users and current status. Then merges users to find currently active ones and their usage data. 
            - test_user
            - test_user_2
          status: {}
        visible: True

    cl = LocalClient()
    openvpn_users = call_master_cmd('openvpn.list_users')

    if type(openvpn_users) == str:
        raise Exception(
            "Could not get openvpn users list. Contact your administrator for more information. "

    #openvpn_users returns {"revoked" : [list, of, revoked, users], "active" : [list, of, active, users], "status" : {"client_list" : [], "routing_table" : []}}
    #We want to convert it to {"revoked" : [], "status" : [client, list], active" : [{"name" : "", "check" : False, "connected" : True/False}]}

    users = {'revoked': openvpn_users['revoked']}
    users_names = [
        i['Common Name'] for i in openvpn_users['status']['client_list']
    users['active'] = [{
        'name': x,
        'check': False,
        'connected': x in users_names
    } for x in openvpn_users['active']]
    users['status'] = openvpn_users['status']['client_list'] or []

    #Virtual address is missing from client_list, we have to find it in the routing table and update it.
    for x in openvpn_users['status']['client_list']:
            'Real Address': [
                y.get('Virtual Address')
                for y in openvpn_users['status']['routing_table']
                if y['Real Address'] == x['Real Address']

    #Make bytes human readable
    for k in ['Bytes Received', 'Bytes Sent']:
        for x in openvpn_users['status']['client_list']:
            x[k] = bytes_to_readable(x[k])

    raise tornado.gen.Return(users)
예제 #3
def list_user_logins(username):
        description: Provides a list of previous openvpn logins. 
          - name: username
            description: Will return a list of logins for the user with this username
            required: True
            type: string
        output: A list of user logins. 

    success = call_master_cmd('openvpn.list_user_logins',
                              kwarg={'username': username})
    if type(success) == str:
        raise Exception('Listing user logins returned with an error. ')
    raise tornado.gen.Return(success)
예제 #4
def add_openvpn_user(username):
        description: Creates a new openvpn user. 
          - name: username
            description: The username for the new user
            required: True
            type: string
            example: test_user
        visible: True

    success = call_master_cmd('openvpn.add_user', kwarg={'username': username})
    if success:
        raise Exception('Adding an openvpn user returned with an error. ')
    raise tornado.gen.Return({
        'success': True,
        'data': None,
        'message': 'User added successfuly. '
예제 #5
def download_vpn_cert(username, handler):
        description: Downloads the vpn certificate for the required user. Works by copying the file to /tmp/{username}_vpn.cert and then serving it through Tornado. 
          - name: username
            description: Returns the vpn cert for this username. 
        output: Serves the vpn cert for the user. 
        visible: True
    success = call_master_cmd('openvpn.get_config',
                              kwarg={'username': username})

    cert_has_error = yield handler.has_error(cert)
    if cert_has_error:
        raise Exception('Getting certificate for %s returned with an error. ' %

    vpn_cert_path = '/tmp/' + username + '_vpn.cert'
    with open(vpn_cert_path, 'w') as f:

    raise tornado.gen.Return({'data_type': 'file'})
예제 #6
def revoke_openvpn_user(username):
        description: Revokes an existing vpn user
          - name: username
            description: The username of the user to be revoked
            required: True
            type: string

    success = call_master_cmd('openvpn.revoke_user',
                              kwarg={'username': username})

    if success:
        raise Exception('Revoking %s returned with an error. ' % (username))
    raise tornado.gen.Return({
        'success': True,
        'data': None,
        'message': 'User revoked successfuly. '

    raise tornado.gen.Return(success)
예제 #7
def get_openvpn_status():
    """Just gets the openvpn status information, which lists the current clients. """

    status = call_master_cmd('openvpn.get_status')
    raise tornado.gen.Return(status)