def build(box, base, debug): """Builds vagrant box""" organization = box[:box.rfind('/')] box_name = box[box.rfind('/') + 1:box.rfind(':')] version_ = box[box.rfind(':') + 1:] template = Template(""" { "builders": [ { "box_name" : "{{ box }}", "output_dir" : "/tmp/vagrant/build/{{ organization }}/{{ box_name }}", "box_version" : "{{ version }}", "communicator": "ssh", "source_path" : "{{ base }}", "provider" : "virtualbox", "skip_add" : true, "type" : "vagrant" } ], "provisioners": [ { "ansible_env_vars": [ "ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=debug" ], "extra_arguments" : [ "--extra-vars", "target=default user=vagrant ansible_os_family=Debian" ], "type" : "ansible", "playbook_file" : "{{ box_name }}.yml", "user" : "vagrant" } ] }""") try: os.makedirs(f'/tmp/vagrant/template/{organization}/{box_name}') except OSError: # do nothing pass output = template.render(box=box, base=base, box_name=box_name, organization=organization, version=version_) template_path = f'/tmp/vagrant/template/{organization}/{box_name}/{box_name}.json' f = open(template_path, 'w+') f.write(output) f.close() if debug: print(output) script_path = exec.get_script_path( f'build/ clean {organization} {box_name}') returncode, lines =, False) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) script_path = exec.get_script_path(f'build/ build {template_path}') returncode, lines =, False) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1)
def push(box, debug, skip): """Publishes vagrant box to target environment""" organization = box[:box.rfind('/')] box_name = box[box.rfind('/') + 1:box.rfind(':')] version_ = box[box.rfind(':') + 1:] if not skip: print("scp-ing the box") script_path = exec.get_script_path( f'build/ push {organization} {box_name}') returncode, lines =, False) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) try: os.makedirs(f'/tmp/vagrant/metadata/{organization}/{box_name}') except OSError: # do nothing pass metadata_template = Template(""" { "description": "", "name": "{{ organization }}/{{ box_name }}", "versions": [ { "providers": [ { "checksum": "{{ sha1sum }}", "checksum_type": "sha1", "name": "virtualbox", "url": "{{ organization }}/{{ box_name }}/" } ], "version": "{{ version }}" } ] }""") metadata_output = metadata_template.render( box=box, organization=organization, box_name=box_name, sha1sum=hash_util.sha1sum( f'/tmp/vagrant/build/{organization}/{box_name}/'), version=version_) metadata_json_path = f'/tmp/vagrant/metadata/{organization}/{box_name}/metadata.json' f = open(metadata_json_path, 'w+') f.write(metadata_output) f.close() if debug: print(metadata_output) print("scp-ing the metadata.json") script_path = exec.get_script_path( f'build/ metadata {organization} {box_name}') returncode, lines =, False) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1)
def ssh(box, debug): """SSH to vagrant test Vagrant instance""" organization = box[:box.rfind('/')] box_name = box[box.rfind('/') + 1:] script_path = exec.get_script_path( f'build/ ssh {organization} {box_name}') exec.fork(script_path, debug)
def build(repo: str, branch: str, debug: bool): """builds your project""" script_path = exec.get_script_path(f' build {repo} {branch}') if debug: print(f'script_path={script_path}') return_code = exec.run_raw(script_path) if return_code != 0: sys.exit(1)
def clean(box, debug): """Cleans up vagrant build, terminates vagrant instance etc""" organization = box[:box.rfind('/')] box_name = box[box.rfind('/') + 1:] script_path = exec.get_script_path( f'build/ clean {organization} {box_name}') returncode, lines =, False) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1)
def test(box, debug): """Start a test Vagrant instance""" organization = box[:box.rfind('/')] box_name = box[box.rfind('/') + 1:] script_path = exec.get_script_path( f'build/ test {organization} {box_name}') returncode, lines =, False) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1)
def list(debug): """lists running vagrant instances""" script_path = exec.get_script_path('instance/') returncode, lines =, True) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) home = expanduser("~") for instance in lines: if len(instance) > 0: f = open(f'{home}/VirtualBox VMs/{instance}/{instance}.vbox', 'r') xml_str = obj = untangle.parse(xml_str) machine = obj.VirtualBox.Machine os_type = machine['OSType'] memory = machine.Hardware.Memory['RAMSize'] name = machine['name'] shared_folder = machine.Hardware.SharedFolders.SharedFolder[ 'hostPath'] vagrant_f = open(shared_folder + '/Vagrantfile', 'r') ip = '' for line in vagrant_f.readlines(): if '' in line and 'ip:' in line: tokens = line.split(',') for token in tokens: if 'ip:' in token: ip = token.replace('ip:', '').strip().replace('"', '') print(f""" name : {name} shared : {shared_folder} os : {os_type} ip : {ip} memory : {memory}""") f.close()
def deploy(repo: str, stage: str, debug: bool): """deploys your project""" script_path = exec.get_script_path(f' deploy {repo} {stage}') return_code = exec.run_raw(script_path) if return_code != 0: sys.exit(1)
def deploy(repo_name_revision, debug): """deploys docker image in nomad environment""" # last_slash_idx = repo_name_revision.rfind('/') docker_registry_uri = repo_name_revision[:last_slash_idx] name_revision = repo_name_revision[last_slash_idx + 1:] tokens = name_revision.split(':') service, group = get_service_and_group(tokens[0]) if debug: print(f'service = {service}, group = {group}') version = tokens[1] image = f'{docker_registry_uri}/{service}:{version}' if debug: print(f'image = {image}') template = Template(""" job "{{ service }}" { datacenters = ["dc1"] type = "service" update { stagger = "60s" max_parallel = 1 } group "{{ group }}" { count = 1 network { port "http" { to = {{ port }} } port "ssh" { to = 22 } } task "container" { driver = "docker" config { image = "{{ image }}" ports = [ "http", "ssh" ]{% if log_driver is not none %} logging { type = "elasticsearch" config { elasticsearch-url="" elasticsearch-sniff=false elasticsearch-index="docker-%F" elasticsearch-type="_doc" elasticsearch-timeout="60s" elasticsearch-version=5 elasticsearch-fields="containerID,containerName,containerImageName" elasticsearch-bulk-workers=1 elasticsearch-bulk-actions=1000 elasticsearch-bulk-size=1024 elasticsearch-bulk-flush-interval="1s" } }{% endif %} volumes = [ "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" ] } resources { cpu = 20 memory = {{ memory }} }{% if health_check is not none %} service { tags = [ {% for tag in tags %}{% if loop.index0 > 0 %},{% endif %} "{{tag}}"{% endfor %} ] port = "http" check { type = "http" path = "{{ health_check }}" interval = "10s" timeout = "2s" } }{% else %} service { port = "ssh" }{% endif %} env { {% for key, value in envs.items() %} {{ key }} = "{{ value }}"{% endfor %} } } } }""") current_dir = os.getcwd() app_file = f'{current_dir}/{service}-{group}.app' if debug: print(f'app_file = {app_file}') try: data = except IndexError: print(f'error while processing {app_file}') sys.exit(1) if debug: print(f'data is \n {data}') # if image is specified use it stead of deriving it from service name image_from_config = get(data, 'image', '') if image_from_config: image = image_from_config tags = data['tags'] if not tags: urlprefix = f'urlprefix-{ service }-{ group }' host = get(data, 'host', '') path = get(data, 'path', '/') if host: urlprefix = f'urlprefix-{host}{path}' tags.append(urlprefix) if debug: print(f'tags = {tags}') try: os.makedirs(f'/tmp/nomad') except OSError: # do nothing pass output = template.render(service=service, group=group, image=image, memory=get(data, 'memory', 128), port=get(data, 'port', 4242), health_check=get(data, 'health', None), log_driver=get(data, 'log_driver', None), tags=tags, envs=data['envs']) template_path = f'/tmp/nomad/{service}-{group}.nomad' f = open(template_path, 'w+') f.write(output) f.close() if debug: print(output) return 0 script_path = exec.get_script_path(f' {template_path}') returncode, lines =, False) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1)