def post(self): auth_header = request.headers.get('Authorization') if auth_header is None: response = { 'message': 'No token provided. Please provide a valid token.'} return make_response(jsonify(response)), 401 access_token = auth_header.split(" ")[1] if access_token: #register user email =['email'].strip() new_password =['new_password'].strip() confirm_new_password =['confirm_new_password'].strip() if not email or not new_password or not confirm_new_password: return make_response(jsonify({'message':'All fields are required'})) if validate.validate_email(email) == "False": return make_response(jsonify({'message':'Invalid email format'})) if validate.validate_password(new_password) == "False": return make_response(jsonify({'message': 'Password is short. Enter a password longer than 6 characters'})) if new_password != confirm_new_password: return make_response(jsonify({'message': 'Password mismatch'})) user = RecipeApp.query.filter_by(email=email).first() if user: user.password = Bcrypt().generate_password_hash(new_password).decode() response = {'message': 'Your password has been reset'} return make_response(jsonify(response)), 201 return make_response(jsonify({'message': 'Email does not exist, try again'})), 401 return make_response(jsonify({'message': 'Invalid token'})), 401
def register(): while True: username = input("Enter your username: "******"Please enter correct username...") continue else: break print("Enter atmost 7 passwords...") # password = input().split(",") # passwords.append(password) while len(passwords) < maxLengthList: password = input() passwords.append(password) print("-----------------------------") print("These are your passwords:") print(passwords) print("-----------------------------") username = username password = password add_new_user(username, password) if len(the_users) > 0: print("") print("New user added:") print("-----------------------------") for user in the_users: valid_passwords = [] print("") print("Welcome " + user.username) print("") print("Your prefered Passwords are:") for password in passwords: if validate_password(password) == True: valid_passwords.append(password) valid_passwords = ', '.join(map(str, valid_passwords)) print(valid_passwords) print("") print("-----------------------------") return True return False
def validate(): template = jinja_env.get_template('form.html') username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] verify = request.form['verify'] email = request.form['email'] username_error = '' password_error = '' verify_password_error = '' email_error = '' errors = 0 if validate_username(username): username_error = "Username needs to be between 3 and 20 characters" errors += 1 else: username_error = '' if validate_password(password): password_error = "That's not a valid password" errors += 1 else: password_error = '' if verify_password(password, verify): verify_password_error = "Passwords don't match" errors += 1 else: verify_password_error = '' if verify_email(email): email_error = "That's not a valid email" errors += 1 else: email_error = '' if errors == 0: user = username return redirect('/hello?user={0}'.format(user)) else: return template.render(user=username, email_address=email, username_error=username_error, password_error=password_error, verify_password_error=verify_password_error, email_error=email_error)
def post(self): user = RecipeApp.query.filter_by(['email']).first() if user: return make_response(jsonify({'message': 'User already exists. Please login or use another email.'})), 409 try: # Register the user email =['email'] username =['username'] password =['password'] confirm_password =['confirm_password'] if not email or not password or not confirm_password: return make_response(jsonify({'message': 'All fields are required'})), 400 if validate.validate_email(email) != "True": return make_response(jsonify({'message': 'Invalid email! A valid email should in this format [email protected]' })), 401 if validate.validate_password(password) != "True": return make_response(jsonify({'message': 'Password is short. Enter a password longer than 6 characters'})), 400 if password != confirm_password: return make_response(jsonify({'message': 'Passwords do not match'})), 400 else: user = RecipeApp(email=email, password=password, username=username) return make_response(jsonify({'message': 'You registered successfully.', 'username':username})), 201 except Exception as e: return make_response(jsonify({'message': str(e)})), 400
def test_valid_password(self): resp = validate_password(self.valid_password) self.assertEqual(resp, True)
def test_invalid_password(self): resp = validate_password(self.invalid_password) self.assertEqual(resp, False)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Execute troubleshooting operation(s)') parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', dest='user', metavar='<username>', help='provide username for ssh login to devices') parser.add_argument('-p', '--pass', dest='passwd', metavar='<password>', help='provide ssh password or passphrase') parser.add_argument('-n', '--nopass', action='store_true', help='disable password prompting') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='ssh_config', metavar='<ssh_config>', default='', help='provide ssh config path') parser.add_argument('-i', '--inventory', dest='inventory_path', metavar='<inventory_path>', help='provide ansible inventory path') parser.add_argument('-l', '--limit', dest='limit', metavar='<limit>', help='specify host or group to run operations on') parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='disable optional interactive prompts') args = parser.parse_args() print( f"{Fore.YELLOW}Welcome to the Python license management script for Junos boxes using PyEZ{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) if (not args.user and not args.inventory_path and not args.quiet and validate_bool( "Would you like to print the command line help? (y/n) " "(type n to continue in interactive mode) ")): parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) user = validate_str("Enter your username: "******"Enter your password: "******"Enter path to ssh config: ", cli_input=args.ssh_config) else: ssh_config = None if not args.inventory_path: inventory_dir = Path("inventory") inventory_choices = [x for x in inventory_dir.iterdir() if x.is_dir()] inventory_choices.sort() print("\nAvailable Datacenters:") for idx, choice in enumerate(inventory_choices): print(f"{idx+1}: {}") user_choice = validate_int( "\nSelect Datacenter (Type Number only and press Enter):", input_min=1, input_max=inventory_choices.__len__()) choice = inventory_choices[user_choice - 1] datacenter = choice.as_posix() print(f"Datacenter {} selected") else: datacenter = args.inventory_path # Ensure inventory path exists. Safeguard mainly when user provides path via cmd line # extract the datacenter name from the path dc_name = datacenter.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1] if not Path(datacenter).exists(): print(f"Inventory Path '{datacenter}' does not exist. quitting...") sys.exit(1) if (not args.limit and not args.quiet and validate_bool( "Do you want to limit the execution to a specific set of hosts or groups? (y/n) " )): limit = validate_str( "Wildcard matching is supported like * and ? or [1-6] or [a:d] " "i.e. qfx5?00-[a:d] or qfx5100*\nEnter your limit: ") elif args.limit: limit = args.limit else: limit = None loader = DataLoader() inventory = InventoryManager(loader=loader, sources=datacenter) variables = VariableManager(loader=loader, inventory=inventory) if limit: if "*" in limit: limit = limit.replace("*", ".*") if "?" in limit: limit = limit.replace("?", ".") if ":" in limit: limit = limit.replace(":", "-") license_status_path = Path(f'{dc_name}-license_status.yml') if not license_status_path.exists(): license_status_path.touch() license_status_path.chmod(0o660) license_status = {'licensed': {}, 'unlicensed': {}} yaml.dump(license_status, license_status_path) else: license_status = yaml.load(license_status_path) for host in inventory.get_hosts(): hostname = host.get_name() match = False if limit: if re.match(limit, hostname): match = True else: for group in (str(g) for g in host.get_groups()): if re.match(limit, group): match = True if not match: continue netconf_port = variables.get_vars(host=host)['netconf_port'] try: ansible_host = variables.get_vars(host=host)['ansible_host'] except: ansible_host = hostname # Begin Device Output to User print( f"{Fore.BLUE}{Style.BRIGHT}Checking existing host_vars structure for device {hostname}{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) try: host_path = Path(f'{datacenter}/host_vars/{hostname}') license_path = Path( f'{datacenter}/host_vars/{hostname}/licenses.yml') if not host_path.exists(): print(f"Creating host_vars directory for host {hostname}") host_path.mkdir() host_path.chmod(0o770) old_yml_path = Path(f'{datacenter}/host_vars/{hostname}.yml') new_yml_path = Path( f'{datacenter}/host_vars/{hostname}/system.yml') if old_yml_path.exists(): print( f"Moving old host_vars file for {hostname} to {new_yml_path}" ) old_yml_path.rename(new_yml_path) licenses = None if license_path.exists(): print(f"loading license.yml for host {hostname}") licenses = yaml.load(license_path) else: print(f"initializing license.yml for host {hostname}") license_path.touch( ) # mode in touch does not set correctly. could be a umask issue license_path.chmod(0o660) # mode works with chmod as expected. if licenses == None: licenses = {} if 'license_keys' not in licenses: licenses['license_keys'] = [] yaml.dump(licenses, license_path) # Saving a copy for comparison later to see if we need to write updates to the yml original_licenses_in_yml = licenses['license_keys'].copy() print( f"{Fore.BLUE}{Style.BRIGHT}Retrieving existing licenses for device {hostname}{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) with Device(host=ansible_host, port=netconf_port, user=user, passwd=passwd, ssh_config=ssh_config, auto_probe=5) as dev: serial = dev.facts['serialnumber'] model = dev.facts['model'] hostname = dev.facts['hostname'] print(f"device {hostname} has serialnumber {serial}") license_keys = dev.rpc.get_license_key_information() for key in license_keys: key_data = key.xpath('key-data') key_data = key_data[0].text.strip() key_data = ' '.join(key_data.split('\n')) key_data = ' '.join(key_data.split()) if key_data not in licenses['license_keys']: key_name = key_data.split(' ')[0] print( f"{Fore.MAGENTA}Found unmanaged license key {key_name} on device {hostname}. " f"Saving...{Style.RESET_ALL}") licenses['license_keys'].append(key_data) new_license_paths = Path("licenses/").glob(f"{serial}*.txt") for new_license_path in new_license_paths: # These two lines processed license files in the old multiline format which had a header that we skipped # new_license = new_license_path.read_text().splitlines()[8:] # new_license = ' '.join([line.strip() # for line in new_license if line is not '']) # This is the new one line format where the files are generated by the # helper script new_license = new_license_path.read_text().strip() if new_license not in licenses['license_keys']: key_name = new_license.split(' ')[0] print( f"{Fore.MAGENTA}Found new license key {key_name} in file '{new_license_path}' " f"for device {hostname}. Converting...{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) licenses['license_keys'].append(new_license) if licenses['license_keys'] != original_licenses_in_yml: print(f"Updating licenses.yml for host {hostname}...") yaml.dump(licenses, license_path) else: print( f"{Fore.GREEN}Licenses already in sync for host {hostname}{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) # Track what devices are licensed by datacenter if licenses['license_keys'] == []: try: del license_status['licensed'][model][hostname] except KeyError: pass if model not in license_status['unlicensed'].keys(): license_status['unlicensed'][model] = {} if hostname not in license_status['unlicensed'][model].keys(): license_status['unlicensed'][model][hostname] = serial else: try: del license_status['unlicensed'][model][hostname] except KeyError: pass if model not in license_status['licensed'].keys(): license_status['licensed'][model] = {} if hostname not in license_status['licensed'][model].keys(): license_status['licensed'][model][hostname] = serial except ConnectAuthError as err: print("Unable to login. Check username/password") print("Exiting so you don't lock yourself out :)") sys.exit(1) except (ProbeError, ConnectError) as err: print( "Cannot connect to device: \nMake sure device is reachable and " "'set system services netconf ssh' is set") except Exception as err: print(err.__class__.__name__ + ": " + err) sys.exit(1) # Remove empty subkeys (Model numbers with no entries) license_status_copy = copy.deepcopy(license_status) for k, v in license_status_copy['licensed'].items(): if v == {}: del license_status['licensed'][k] for k, v in license_status_copy['unlicensed'].items(): if v == {}: del license_status['unlicensed'][k] yaml.dump(license_status, license_status_path) print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}License Sync Complete!{Style.RESET_ALL}")
def login(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('login.html', form_type="") else: if 'button' in request.form: return render_template('login.html', form_type=request.form['button'], default_username="") else: message = validate.validate_request(request.form) if message != "": return render_template('login.html', form_type="", specmessage=message) else: if request.form['task'] == "login": userdata = queries.get_user_by_name( request.form['username']) if not userdata: message = "Wrong username or password" return render_template( 'login.html', form_type='login', default_username=request.form['username'], message=message) password_hash = userdata[0]['password'] if bcrypt.checkpw(request.form['password'].encode('utf-8'), password_hash.encode('utf-8')): session['account_id'] = userdata[0]['id'] session['username'] = userdata[0]['username'] return redirect('/account') else: message = "Wrong username or password" return render_template( 'login.html', form_type='login', default_username=request.form['username'], message=message) else: userdata = queries.get_user_by_name( request.form['username']) if len(userdata) == 0: message = validate.validate_password( request.form['password']) if message != "": return render_template( 'login.html', form_type='register', default_username=request.form['username'], message=message) else: password_hash = bcrypt.hashpw( request.form['password'].encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt()).decode('utf-8') queries.add_user_account(request.form['username'], password_hash) return redirect('/login') else: message = "Username already taken." return render_template( 'login.html', form_type='register', default_username=request.form['username'], message=message)
print(validate.validate_f_name(f_name)) while True: l_name = input("please enter your last name: ").strip() if validate.validate_l_name(l_name) == True: break else: print(validate.validate_l_name(l_name)) while True: email = input("please enter your email: ").strip() if validate.validate_email(email) == True: break else: print("Invalid email address or email used before") while True: password = input("please enter your password: "******"please enter your confirmation password: "******"please enter your mobile number: ").strip() if validate.validate_mobile(mobile) == True: