def predict_300_v1(): data, labels = get_training_data()[:2] params = { 'dense1_nonlinearity': 'rectify', 'dense1_init': 'glorot_normal', 'dense1_size': 300, 'dense2_size': 0, 'dense3_size': None, 'dropout1_rate': 0.5, 'dropout2_rate': None, 'dropout3_rate': None, 'extra_feature_count': 0, } probs = predict(params, 'results/pretrain/', data) print 'logloss', calc_logloss(probs, labels)
def predict_ensemble(): test = load('/home/mark/testmat.npy') train = load('/home/mark/trainmat.npy') train_labels = load('/home/mark/trainclas.npy') test_labels = load('/home/mark/testclas.npy') params = { 'dense1_nonlinearity': 'rectify', 'dense1_init': 'glorot_normal', 'dense1_size': 300, 'dense2_size': 0, 'dense3_size': None, 'dropout1_rate': 0.5, 'dropout2_rate': None, 'dropout3_rate': None, 'extra_feature_count': 0, } probs = predict(params, 'results/pretrain/', train) print 'logloss', calc_logloss(probs, train_labels)
def geneticEnsemble(predictions, trueclasses, precision=20): Q, N, C = np.shape(predictions) P = 100 #population size pc = 0.7 #crossover probability pm = 1.0 / C #mutation probability maxiterations = 1000 if precision is None: r = lambda: np.random.rand() else: r = lambda: np.random.randint(precision) Population = np.array([[r() for j in range(Q)] for i in range(P)]) print Population[5, :] iterations = 1 bestFitness = [1000, None] fitnessTracer = np.zeros(maxiterations) while iterations < maxiterations: if iterations % 10 == 0: print 'At iteration ', iterations fitness = np.array([ calc_logloss(mean_ensemble(predictions, Population[i, :]), trueclasses) for i in range(P) ]) fitnessTracer[iterations] = fitness.min() if fitness.min() < bestFitness[0]: bestFitness = [fitness.min(), Population[np.argmin(fitness), :]] Population = np.array( [getChild(Population, pc, fitness) for i in range(P)]) Population = np.array([mutate(p, pm, r) for p in Population]) iterations += 1 print fitnessTracer return bestFitness
def add_prediction(self, prediction, _force_round = None): """ Register a classification result for scoring. :param prediction: SxC array with predicted probabilities, with each row corresponding to a test data sample and each column corresponding to a class. :return: (logloss, accuracy, duration) tuple of floats You should never need the _force_round parameter. """ duration = clock() - self.yield_time #assert prediction.shape[1] == NCLASSES, 'There should be a probability for each class.' assert len(self.results) < len(self.samples), 'There is already a prediction for each sample generated.' test_classes = self.samples[len(self.results)] logloss = calc_logloss(prediction, test_classes) accuracy = calc_accuracy(prediction, test_classes) if VERBOSITY >= 1 and not len(self.results): stdout.write(' # loss accuracy time\n') confusion = confusion_matrix(prediction, test_classes) size_mismatch = average_size_mismatch(prediction, test_classes) self.results.append((logloss, accuracy, duration, confusion, size_mismatch)) if VERBOSITY >= 1: stdout.write('{0:-3d} {1:6.3f} {2:5.2f}% {3:6.3f}s\n'.format(_force_round or len(self.results), logloss, 100 * accuracy, duration)) return logloss, accuracy, duration
def make_pretrain(pretrain_path, data, labels, minimum_train_loss=0.7, **params): """ Make a pretrain file given parameters. If there are iterable parameters, a 'random' one is chosen. """ if not pretrain_path or isfile(pretrain_path): return print 'pretraining file not found, pretraining a network now' pretrain_params = { 'dense1_nonlinearity': 'leaky20', 'dense1_init': 'glorot_uniform', 'dense1_size': params['dense1_size'], 'dense2_size': params['dense2_size'], 'dense3_size': params['dense3_size'], 'learning_rate': params['learning_rate'], 'learning_rate_scaling': 10, 'momentum': 0.9, 'momentum_scaling': 10, 'dropout1_rate': 0.5 if params['dense1_size'] else 0, 'dropout2_rate': 0.5 if params['dense2_size'] else 0, 'dropout3_rate': 0.5 if params['dense3_size'] else 0, 'weight_decay': params['weight_decay'], 'max_epochs': 1000, 'extra_feature_count': params['extra_feature_count'], } for key, val in pretrain_params.items(): if is_nonstr_iterable(val): pretrain_params[key] = val[0] net, train, duplicate = train_NN(data, labels, None, **pretrain_params) train_err = calc_logloss(net.predict_proba(train), labels) assert train_err < minimum_train_loss, 'Pre-training did not converge ({0:.4f} >= {1:.4f})'.format( train_err, minimum_train_loss) save_knowledge(net, pretrain_path)
'dense2_size': 0, 'dense3_size': None, 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'learning_rate_scaling': 100, 'momentum': 0.9, 'momentum_scaling': 10, 'dropout1_rate': 0.5, 'dropout2_rate': None, 'dropout3_rate': None, 'weight_decay': 0, 'max_epochs': 1500, 'auto_stopping': False, 'extra_feature_count': 0, 'pretrain': False, # keep this OFF 'save_snapshots_stepsize': 500, 'name': name_from_file(), 'outlier_method': 'EE', 'outlier_frac': None, 'normalize_log': True, 'use_calibration': False, 'use_rescale_priors': True, 'extra_feature_seed': 0, 'test_data_confidence': None, } prediction = train_test_NN(train, train_labels, test, **params) # do things with prediction print calc_logloss(prediction, test_labels) save('nnpred.npy', prediction)
'weight_decay': 0, # constrain the weights to avoid overfitting 'max_epochs': 30, # it terminates when overfitting or increasing, so just leave high 'output_nonlinearity': 'softmax', # just keep softmax 'auto_stopping': True, # stop training automatically if it seems to be failing 'pretrain': pretrain, # use pretraining? (True for automatic, filename for specific) 'outlier_method': 'OCSVM', # method for outlier removal ['OCSVM', 'EE'] 'outlier_frac': None, # which fraction of each class to remove as outliers 'normalize_log': True, # use logarithm for normalization 'use_calibration': False, # use calibration of probabilities 'use_rescale_priors': False, # rescale predictions to match priors } print calc_logloss( train_test_NN(train_data, true_labels, train_data, **params), true_labels) exit() validator = SampleCrossValidator(train_data, true_labels, rounds=1, test_frac=0.2, use_data_frac=1) optimizer = ParallelGridOptimizer(train_test_func=train_test_NN, validator=validator, use_caching=False, **params).readygo(topprint=20, save_fig_basename=name, log_name=name + '.log', only_show_top=True)
print '>> pretraining network' make_pretrain(pretrain, train, labels, extra_feature_count = extra_feature_count, **params) print '>> loading pretrained network' load_knowledge(net, pretrain) print '>> training network' out =, labels - 1) print '>> saving network' save_knowledge(net, join(NNET_STATE_DIR, '')) print '>> calculating train error' prediction = net.predict_proba(train) prediction = scale_to_priors(prediction, priors = bincount(labels)[1:] / float64(len(labels))) print 'train loss: {0:.4f} / {0:.4f} (unscaled / scaled)'.format(calc_logloss(prediction, labels)) print '>> predicting test data' prediction = net.predict_proba(test) print '>> scaling to priors' prediction = scale_to_priors(prediction, priors = bincount(labels)[1:] / float64(len(labels))) print '>> making submission file' make_submission(prediction, fname = join(SUBMISSIONS_DIR, 'single.csv'), digits = 8) print '>> plotting training progress' fig, ax = show_train_progress(net) print '>> done!'