def connect_robot(obj):
     # Connect UR
    rob = van_robot.Robot("", True)  # Set IP address
    orig_tcp = (0, 0, 0.150, 0, 0, 0)
    rob.set_tcp(orig_tcp)  # Set Tool Center Point
    rob.set_payload(0.5, (0, 0, 0))  # Set payload for joints
    time.sleep(0.2)  # leave some time to robot to process the setup commands
    a, v = (0.03, 0.03)  # acceleration and movement speed of robot
    rob.movel([0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0], a, v, relative=True)

    # Connect Arduino
    arduino = arduino_serial.Arduino("COM8")
    print('arduino connected',

    # Connect aruco
    print('aruco connected',
예제 #2
 def robot_connect(self):
         self.rob = van_robot.Robot("", True)  # Set IP address
         self.orig_tcp = (0, 0, 0.290, 0, 0, 0)
         self.rob.set_tcp(self.orig_tcp)  # Set Tool Center Point
         self.rob.set_payload(0.6)  # Set payload for joints
             0.2)  # leave some time to robot to process the setup commands
         self.a, self.v = (0.03, 0.03)
         self.pos_start = self.rob.getl()
         print('connected to robot',
         self._connected_robot = True
         return True
         print("Couldn't connect to robot",
         self._connected_robot = False
         return False
switch_Y = 2
switch_Z = 0
i = 1

# Declare size window and the IR stopping distance
delta_x = 0.2
delta_z = -0.3
x_off = 0.1
z_off = -0.2
safe_US_distance = 0.3

# Declare the port and baudrate for the Arduino
arduino = arduino_serial.Arduino("COM8")
distance = arduino.distance
duration = arduino.duration

rob = van_robot.Robot("", True)  # Set IP address
orig_tcp = (0, 0, 0.135, 0, 0, 0)
rob.set_tcp(orig_tcp)  # Set Tool Center Point
rob.set_payload(0.5, (0, 0, 0))  # Set payload for joints
time.sleep(0.2)  # leave some time to robot to process the setup commands

# start position of the robot
# assumed is a robot start position which is close to the centre of the measured plane
pos_start = rob.getl()

print("Current tool pose is: ", rob.getl())

rob.measure_triangle(arduino, 0.05)
def run(window_placement_x, window_placement_y, max_window_size_x,
    # board properties

    # aruco example
    board_params = {
        "board_type": "aruco",
        "dict_type": aruco.DICT_6X6_1000,
        "markersX": 4,
        "markersY": 5,
        "markerLength": 3.75,  # Provide length of the marker's side [cm]
        "markerSeparation": 0.5,  # Provide separation between markers [cm]
    # For validating results, show aruco board to camera.
    board_params["aruco_dict"] = aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(
    """# charuco example
    board_params_params = {
        "board_type": "charuco",
        "dict_type": aruco.DICT_4X4_1000,
        "squaresX": 4,
        "squaresY": 4,
        "squareLength": 3,  # Provide length of the square's side [cm]
        "markerLength": 3 * 7 / 9,  # Provide length of the marker's side [cm]
    # For validating results, show aruco board to camera.
    board_params["aruco_dict"] = aruco.getPredefinedDictionary(board_params["dict_type"])

    # create arUco board
    if board_params["board_type"] == "aruco":
        board = aruco.GridBoard_create(board_params["markersX"],
    elif board_params["board_type"] == "charuco":
        board = aruco.CharucoBoard_create(board_params["squaresX"],
        raise ValueError("Couldn't find correct board type (aruco or charuco)")
    """uncomment following block to draw and show the board"""
    # img = board.draw((864, 1080))
    # cv2.imshow("aruco", img)
    # cv2.imwrite("aruco.png", img)

    arucoParams = aruco.DetectorParameters_create()

    # Set second camera outside laptop
    # cv2.CAP_DSHOW removes delay on logitech C920 webcam
    camera = cv2.VideoCapture(1, cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
    camera.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'))
    camera.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 960)
    camera.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 540)
    # Turn the autofocus off
    camera.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_AUTOFOCUS, 0)

    # Open calibration file created with
    with open('calibration.yaml') as f:
        loadeddict = yaml.safe_load(f)
    mtx = loadeddict.get('camera_matrix')
    dist = loadeddict.get('dist_coeff')
    mtx = np.array(mtx)
    dist = np.array(dist)

    ret, img =
    img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    h, w = img_gray.shape[:2]
    newcameramtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(mtx, dist, (w, h), 1,
                                                      (w, h))

    pose_r, pose_t = [], []

    while True:
        ret, img =
        img_aruco = img
        im_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        h, w = im_gray.shape[:2]
        dst = cv2.undistort(im_gray, mtx, dist, None, newcameramtx)
        corners, ids, rejectedImgPoints = aruco.detectMarkers(
            dst, board_params["aruco_dict"], parameters=arucoParams)
        # cv2.imshow("original", img_gray)
        if corners == None:
            raise Exception("No aruco corners found!")
            rvec = None
            tvec = None
            ret, rvec, tvec = aruco.estimatePoseBoard(corners, ids, board,
                                                      newcameramtx, dist, rvec,
                                                      tvec)  # For a board

            print("Rotation ", rvec, "\nTranslation", tvec, "\n=======")
            if ret != 0:
                img_aruco = aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(img, corners, ids,
                                                      (0, 255, 0))
                img_aruco = aruco.drawAxis(
                    img_aruco, newcameramtx, dist, rvec, tvec, 10
                )  # axis length 100 can be changed according to your requirement
            cv2.imshow("World co-ordinate frame axes", img_aruco)
            if cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

    # output from aruco
    theta = Symbol('theta')

    # aruco marker values [cm]
    aruco_rvec = [rvec[0][0], rvec[1][0], rvec[2][0]]
    aruco_tvec = [tvec[0][0], tvec[1][0], tvec[2][0]]

    # x-value is off by 84 mm
    # y-value is off by 4 mm
    # z-value is off by 25 mm
    aruco_x = aruco_tvec[0] / 100
    aruco_y = aruco_tvec[
        2] / 100  # y and z-axis are switched in the robot coordinates!!!
    aruco_z = aruco_tvec[
        1] / -100  # y and z-axis are switched in the robot coordinates!!! the minus is to compensate for axis orientation
    aruco_angle = 0

    theta = aruco_angle
    x, y, z = 0.485, -0.295, 0.456  # coordinates of camera in respect to robot coord [m]
    a, b, c = aruco_x, aruco_y, aruco_z  # coordinates of marker in respect to the camera [m]

    # translate 3d coordinate systems
    Robot = CoordSys3D('Robot')  # base coordinate system
    Cam = Robot.locate_new('Cam', x * Robot.i + y * Robot.j + z * Robot.k)
    Cam2 = Cam.orient_new_axis('Cam2', theta, Cam.i)
    Marker = Cam2.locate_new('Marker', a * Cam2.i + b * Cam2.j + c * Cam2.k)

    # Calculate marker position with respect to the robots base
    mat = Marker.position_wrt(Robot).to_matrix(Robot)
    mat = dense.matrix2numpy(mat, float)

    fig = pyplot.figure()
    ax = Axes3D(fig)

    ax.scatter(0, 0, 0, label='Robot position')
    ax.scatter(x, y, z, label='Camera position')

    ax.scatter(mat[0][0], mat[1][0], mat[2][0], label='Label position')


    # Plot positions of robot_base, camera and position of the marker in 3D
    # todo turn on plot for info (turned off for fast testing)

    # Robot movements
    # todo: Moving x, y and z-plane robot
    # todo: Line up with aruco Marker (0.2m y-offset from board)

    rob = van_robot.Robot("", True)  # Set IP address
    orig_tcp = (0, 0, 0.150, 0, 0, 0)
    rob.set_tcp(orig_tcp)  # Set Tool Center Point
    rob.set_payload(0.5, (0, 0, 0))  # Set payload for joints
    time.sleep(0.2)  # leave some time to robot to process the setup commands
    a, v = (0.05, 0.5)  # acceleration and movementspeed of robot

    # Start from the pose the robot is in
    pos0 = rob.getl()

    # Tool orientation [rx, ry, rz]
    tool_orient = [0, -2.221441469, -2.221441469]

    # Put the X, Y, Z of start pose in (last 3 coordinates are tool head positioning)
    pos_start = [
        pos0[0], pos0[1], pos0[2], tool_orient[0], tool_orient[1],

    # Take the Y-distance 0.10[m] out of the van
    safe_dist = mat[1] - 0.12

    # Move to the aruco marker point
    # todo turn on move command
    rob.movel((mat[0], safe_dist, mat[2], tool_orient[0], tool_orient[1],
               tool_orient[2]), a, v)

    # Calibration Y-plane and X,Z-Axis

    # Declare the port and baudrate for the Arduino and connect to the Arduino
    # todo CHECK COM!
    arduino = arduino_serial.Arduino("COM3")

    # start position of the robot (from aruco marker)
    # assumed is a robot start position which is close to the centre of the measured plane
    pos_start = (mat[0], safe_dist, mat[2], tool_orient[0], tool_orient[1],

    # Take safe offset from Y-plan after global aruco Y-value
    measurement_distance = -0.03
    board_distance = -0.1
    rob.centre_for_triangle(arduino, measurement_distance, board_distance)

    # Define Y-plane
    rob.measure_triangle(arduino, 0.160, a, v)

    # Define X,Z-axis
    points1, points2 = rob.repetitive_def_axis(arduino, -0.02)

    # Create origin

    # coordinates in [X,Z]

    # SIDE Coordinates [z-formula]
    coor1 = [points1[0][2][0], points1[0][2][2]]  # [X,Z]
    coor2 = [points2[0][2][0], points2[0][2][2]]

    # TOP Coordinates [x-formula]
    coor3 = [points1[1][2][0], points1[1][2][2]]
    coor4 = [points2[1][2][0], points2[1][2][2]]

    # create_origin.formula_line('x',coor1,coor2)
    # create_origin.formula_line('z',coor3,coor4)
    line_x = create_origin.formula_line('x', coor1, coor2)
    line_z = create_origin.formula_line('z', coor3, coor4)
    origin = create_origin.intersect_lines(line_x, line_z)
    print(origin)  # [X,Z]

    # Calculate translation to origin
    cur_pos = rob.getl()
    cur_pos[0] = origin[0]
    cur_pos[2] = origin[1]
    # Move to origin (first moves out, then in x,z-plane)
    print("X,Z-Axis origin has been set.")
    print("Moving to origin.")
    rob.move_y_plane(-0.15, cur_pos)

    #test stuff for rectangle
    delta_x = window_placement_x  # distance in meters
    delta_z = window_placement_y  # distance in meters
    radius = 0.06
    x_axis_offset = max_window_size_x  # [m]
    z_axis_offset = -max_window_size_y  # [m]

    rob.draw_square(delta_x, delta_z, radius, -0.012, x_axis_offset,