예제 #1
    def initialize(self, service=0):

        self.service_id = service
        self.db_conn = self.application.db_pool.connect()
        self.mail = Mail(options.mail_server)
        self._args = None
        super(BaseHandler, self).initialize()
예제 #2
class BaseHandler(RequestHandler):

    logname = 'NamelessHereForEvermore'

    def write_response(self, status_code, description, data=None, error=None,
                       reason=None, http_code=None):

        ts = datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        status = str(status_code)
        int_status = int(status_code)

        sig = ''.join((status, description, json.dumps(data), ts, 'Vanzilla'))
        sig = hashlib.sha1(sig).hexdigest()

        if not http_code:
            if int_status in httputil.responses:
                http_code = int_status
                http_code = 500

        if not reason:
            reason = self._reason

        self.set_status(http_code, reason=reason)

        self.my_response = {
            'status': int_status,
            'description': description,
            'sig': sig,
            'timestamp': ts,

        if data:
            self.my_response['data'] = data
        if error:
            self.my_response['error'] = str(error)

        self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

    def initialize(self, service=0):

        self.service_id = service
        self.db_conn = self.application.db_pool.connect()
        self.mail = Mail(options.mail_server)
        self._args = None
        super(BaseHandler, self).initialize()

    def prepare(self):

        super(BaseHandler, self).prepare()
        # If the handler is using RecordHTTPMixin, self.reqid
        # will be set to the id of the relevant http_reqs DB record
        if hasattr(self, 'reqid'):
            uid = self.reqid
            uid = uuid.uuid4()
        self.log = RequestLogger(
            self.logname, uid, self.application.settings['log_level'])
        self.client = Client(self.log, self.db_conn, self.service_id)

    def on_finish(self):

        super(BaseHandler, self).on_finish()

        critical_error_codes = [500, 501, 502, 503, 504]
        status = int(self.my_response['status'])
        if hasattr(self, 'my_response') and status in critical_error_codes:
            uri = self.request.uri
            message = ''
            if hasattr(self, 'args'):
                args = pformat(dict(self.args.__dict__.items()))
                message += 'Arguments: \n' + args + '\n\n'
            message += 'Response: \n' + pformat(self.my_response)
            opt = self.application.options
            self.mail.send(opt.maifrom, opt.mailto,
                           '[Vanzilla-app] %s' % uri, message)

    def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs):

        critical_error_codes = [500, 501, 502, 503, 504]

        if status_code in critical_error_codes and 'exc_info' in kwargs:
            current_exc = traceback.format_exc()
            message = ''.join((
                'Generated by %s \n\n' % self.request.uri,
                'Traceback: \n %s \n\n' % current_exc,
            opt = self.application.options
            self.mail.send(opt.maifrom, opt.mailto,
                           '[Vanzilla-core] Critical Error', message)

        if self.settings.get("serve_traceback") and "exc_info" in kwargs:
            # in debug mode, try to send a traceback
            self.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
            for line in traceback.format_exception(*kwargs["exc_info"]):
            if 'exc_info' in kwargs:
                error = None
                exc = kwargs['exc_info'][1]
                if hasattr(exc, 'log_message'):
                    error = exc.log_message
                    error = str(exc)
            self.write_response(status_code, description=self._reason, error=error)

    def decode_argument(self, data, name=None):

        this function try to find the encoding charset
        then decode the data to UNICODE

        At least we will have the same encoding for all data

        if isinstance(data, str):
            for enc in ('utf_8', 'latin_1', 'cp1252', 'ascii'):
                    data = data.decode(enc)
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    if enc == "ascii":
                        data = data.decode('ascii', errors='ignore')
        elif hasattr(data, 'items'):
            for k, v in data.items():
                data[k] = self.decode_argument(v)
        elif hasattr(data, '__getitem__'):
            for i, datum in enumerate(data):
                data[i] = self.decode_argument(datum)

        return data

    def get_and_check_args(self, arg_specs):

          arg_specs, list of tuples like:
                (<arg_name>, <regular_expresssion>, <default_value>, <type_function>),
            arg_name is the name of the argument
            regular_expression is a regex string against which the argument value
              will be checked, or None to skip regex check.
            default_value is the default value if the user did not supply one, or
              None if the user MUST supply a value. We recommend you use the empty
              string '' if the arg is optional but doesn't have a meaningful
              default value.
            type_function is a function that will be applied to the argument value,
              most commonly a type conversion function (int, float, etc.), or the
              value None to get the raw string. **Note that the default value is
              NOT passed through this function; if you use the type int, supply
              an int default if you want consistent values.**

            class MyHandler(BaseHandler):
                arg_specs = [
                  ('my_int', r'^[0-9]*$', 0, int),
                  ('json_list', r'^\[([^,]+(,[^,]+)*)?\]', None, json.loads),
                  ('mandatory_arg', r'^.*$', NO_DEFAULT, None),

          ArgTuple object (with arg names as attributes)

            args = get_and_check_args(arg_specs)
              'some user supplied value'

        names = []
        values = []
        for name, regex, default, typefunc in arg_specs:
            if default is NO_DEFAULT:
                # Special value set in tornado.web meaning no default
                default = self._ARG_DEFAULT
            value = self.get_argument(name, default)
            if regex is not None:
                if re.search(regex, value) is None:
                    raise ArgumentValueError(name, value, regex)
            if typefunc is not None:
                    value = typefunc(value)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ArgumentTypeError(name, value, typefunc)

        ArgTuple = namedtuple('ArgTuple', names)
        return ArgTuple(values)

    def args(self):

        You can magically access all arguments defined in
        self.arg_specs through this attribute, for example if you
        have defined the argument 'amount', you can access it with


        Argument parsing and checking is done behind the scenes.

        if not self._args and hasattr(self, 'arg_specs'):
            self._args = self.get_and_check_args(self.arg_specs)

        return self._args