예제 #1
def clip_async_render(
    clip: vs.VideoNode,
    outfile: BinaryIO | None = None,
    timecodes: TextIO | None = None,
    progress: str | None = "Rendering clip...",
    callback: RenderCallback | List[RenderCallback] | None = None
) -> List[float]:
    Render a clip by requesting frames asynchronously using clip.get_frame_async,
    providing for callback with frame number and frame object.

    This is mostly a re-implementation of VideoNode.output, but a little bit slower since it's pure python.
    You only really need this when you want to render a clip while operating on each frame in order
    or you want timecodes without using vspipe.

    :param clip:      Clip to render.
    :param outfile:   Y4MPEG render output BinaryIO handle. If None, no Y4M output is performed.
                      Use ``sys.stdout.buffer`` for stdout. (Default: None)
    :param timecodes: Timecode v2 file TextIO handle. If None, timecodes will not be written.
    :param progress:  String to use for render progress display.
                      If empty or ``None``, no progress display.
    :param callback:  Single or list of callbacks to be preformed. The callbacks are called
                      when each sequential frame is output, not when each frame is done.
                      Must have signature ``Callable[[int, vs.VideoNode], None]``
                      See :py:func:`lvsfunc.comparison.diff` for a use case (Default: None).

    :return:          List of timecodes from rendered clip.
    cbl = [] if callback is None else callback if isinstance(
        callback, list) else [callback]

    if progress:
        p = get_render_progress()
        task = p.add_task(progress, total=clip.num_frames)

        def _progress_cb(n: int, f: vs.VideoFrame) -> None:
            p.update(task, advance=1)


    ctx = RenderContext(clip, core.num_threads)

    bad_timecodes: bool = False

    def cb(f: Future[vs.VideoFrame], n: int) -> None:
        ctx.frames[n] = f.result()
        nn = ctx.queued

        while ctx.frames_rendered in ctx.frames:
            nonlocal timecodes
            nonlocal bad_timecodes

            frame = ctx.frames[ctx.frames_rendered]
            # if a frame is missing timing info, clear timecodes because they're worthless
            if ("_DurationNum" not in frame.props or "_DurationDen"
                    not in frame.props) and not bad_timecodes:
                bad_timecodes = True
                if timecodes:
                    timecodes = None
                ctx.timecodes = []
                    "clip_async_render: frame missing duration information, discarding timecodes"
            elif not bad_timecodes:
                ctx.timecodes.append(ctx.timecodes[-1] +
                                     get_prop(frame, "_DurationNum", int) /
                                     get_prop(frame, "_DurationDen", int))
            finish_frame(outfile, timecodes, ctx)
                cb(ctx.frames_rendered, ctx.frames[ctx.frames_rendered])
                for cb in cbl
            del ctx.frames[ctx.frames_rendered]  # tfw no infinite memory
            ctx.frames_rendered += 1

        # enqueue a new frame
        if nn < clip.num_frames:
            ctx.queued += 1
            cbp = partial(cb, n=nn)
            clip.get_frame_async(nn).add_done_callback(cbp)  # type: ignore


    if outfile:
        if clip.format is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "clip_async_render: 'Cannot render a variable format clip to y4m!'"
        if clip.format.color_family not in (vs.YUV, vs.GRAY):
            raise ValueError(
                "clip_async_render: 'Can only render YUV and GRAY clips to y4m!'"
        if clip.format.color_family == vs.GRAY:
            y4mformat = "mono"
            ss = (clip.format.subsampling_w, clip.format.subsampling_h)
            if ss == (1, 1):
                y4mformat = "420"
            elif ss == (1, 0):
                y4mformat = "422"
            elif ss == (0, 0):
                y4mformat = "444"
            elif ss == (2, 2):
                y4mformat = "410"
            elif ss == (2, 0):
                y4mformat = "411"
            elif ss == (0, 1):
                y4mformat = "440"
                raise ValueError("clip_async_render: 'What have you done'")

        y4mformat = f"{y4mformat}p{clip.format.bits_per_sample}" if clip.format.bits_per_sample > 8 else y4mformat

        header = f"YUV4MPEG2 C{y4mformat} W{clip.width} H{clip.height} " \
            f"F{clip.fps.numerator}:{clip.fps.denominator} Ip A0:0\n"

    if timecodes:
        timecodes.write("# timestamp format v2\n")


    # seed threads
    if progress:
        for n in range(min(clip.num_frames, core.num_threads)):
            cbp = partial(cb, n=n)  # lambda won't bind the int immediately
            clip.get_frame_async(n).add_done_callback(cbp)  # type: ignore

        while ctx.frames_rendered != clip.num_frames:
        if progress:

    return ctx.timecodes  # might as well
예제 #2
파일: clip.py 프로젝트: stuxcrystal/yuuno2
def get_frame_async(node: VideoNode, frame: int) -> Awaitable[VideoFrame]:
    sfut = node.get_frame_async(frame)
    return wrap_future(sfut)
예제 #3
def clip_async_render(
    clip: vs.VideoNode,
    outfile: Optional[BinaryIO] = None,
    timecodes: Optional[TextIO] = None,
    callback: Union[RenderCallback, List[RenderCallback], None] = None
) -> List[float]:
    Render a clip by requesting frames asynchronously using clip.get_frame_async,
    providing for callback with frame number and frame object.

    This is mostly a re-implementation of VideoNode.output, but a little bit slower since it's pure python.
    You only really need this when you want to render a clip while operating on each frame in order
    or you want timecodes without using vspipe.

    :param clip:      Clip to render.
    :param outfile:   Y4MPEG render output BinaryIO handle. If None, no Y4M output is performed.
                      Use ``sys.stdout.buffer`` for stdout. (Default: None)
    :param timecodes: Timecode v2 file TextIO handle. If None, timecodes will not be written.
    :param callback:  Single or list of callbacks to be preformed. The callbacks are called
                      when each sequential frame is output, not when each frame is done.
                      Must have signature ``Callable[[int, vs.VideoNode], None]``
                      See :py:func:`lvsfunc.comparison.diff` for a use case (Default: None).

    :return:          List of timecodes from rendered clip.
    cbl = [] if callback is None else callback if isinstance(
        callback, list) else [callback]

    ctx = RenderContext(clip, core.num_threads)

    def cb(f: Future[vs.VideoFrame], n: int) -> None:
        ctx.frames[n] = f.result()
        nn = ctx.queued

        while ctx.frames_rendered in ctx.frames:
            frame = ctx.frames[ctx.frames_rendered]
            ctx.timecodes.append(ctx.timecodes[-1] +
                                 get_prop(frame, "_DurationNum", int) /
                                 get_prop(frame, "_DurationDen", int))
            finish_frame(outfile, timecodes, ctx)
                cb(ctx.frames_rendered, ctx.frames[ctx.frames_rendered])
                for cb in cbl
            del ctx.frames[ctx.frames_rendered]  # tfw no infinite memory
            ctx.frames_rendered += 1

        # enqueue a new frame
        if nn < clip.num_frames:
            ctx.queued += 1
            cbp = partial(cb, n=nn)
            clip.get_frame_async(nn).add_done_callback(cbp)  # type: ignore


    if outfile:
        if clip.format is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "clip_async_render: 'Cannot render a variable format clip to y4m!'"
        if clip.format.color_family not in (vs.YUV, vs.GRAY):
            raise ValueError(
                "clip_async_render: 'Can only render YUV and GRAY clips to y4m!'"
        if clip.format.color_family == vs.GRAY:
            y4mformat = "mono"
            ss = (clip.format.subsampling_w, clip.format.subsampling_h)
            if ss == (1, 1):
                y4mformat = "420"
            elif ss == (1, 0):
                y4mformat = "422"
            elif ss == (0, 0):
                y4mformat = "444"
            elif ss == (2, 2):
                y4mformat = "410"
            elif ss == (2, 0):
                y4mformat = "411"
            elif ss == (0, 1):
                y4mformat = "440"
                raise ValueError("clip_async_render: 'What have you done'")

        y4mformat = f"{y4mformat}p{clip.format.bits_per_sample}" if clip.format.bits_per_sample > 8 else y4mformat

        header = f"YUV4MPEG2 C{y4mformat} W{clip.width} H{clip.height} F{clip.fps_num}:{clip.fps_den} Ip A0:0\n"

    if timecodes:
        timecodes.write("# timestamp format v2\n")


    # seed threads
    for n in range(min(clip.num_frames, core.num_threads)):
        cbp = partial(cb, n=n)  # lambda won't bind the int immediately
        clip.get_frame_async(n).add_done_callback(cbp)  # type: ignore

    while ctx.frames_rendered != clip.num_frames:

    return ctx.timecodes  # might as well