예제 #1
def interventions_callback(ts, reset_clicks, add_intervention_clicks, rows,
                           new_date, new_id, new_val):
    ctx = dash.callback_context
    is_reset = False
    changed = False

    if ctx.triggered:
        c_id = ctx.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0]
        if reset_clicks is not None and c_id == 'interventions-reset-defaults':
            is_reset = True
        if add_intervention_clicks is not None and c_id == 'new-intervention-add':
            d = date.fromisoformat(new_date)
            sstart = date.fromisoformat(get_variable('start_date'))
            if d < sstart or d > sstart + timedelta(
                raise dash.exceptions.PreventUpdate()

            if new_id in ('test-all-with-symptoms', ):
                new_val = None
            elif new_id == ('test-with-contact-tracing',
                if new_val > 100 or new_val < 0:
                    raise dash.exceptions.PreventUpdate()
            elif new_id in ('limit-mobility', ):
                if new_val > 100 or new_val < 0:
                    raise dash.exceptions.PreventUpdate()
            elif new_id in ('limit-mass-gatherings', 'import-infections',
                            'build-new-icu-units', 'build-new-hospital-beds'):
                if new_val < 0:
                    raise dash.exceptions.PreventUpdate()
                raise dash.exceptions.PreventUpdate()

            changed = True
            rows.append(dict(name=new_id, date=d.isoformat(), value=new_val))
        if c_id == 'interventions-table':
            changed = True

    if not is_reset and changed:
        ivs = []
        for row in sorted(rows, key=lambda x: x['date']):
            val = row['value']
            if isinstance(val, str):
                val = int(val)
            ivs.append([row['name'], row['date'], val])

        set_variable('interventions', ivs)

    rows = interventions_to_rows()
    return rows
예제 #2
    def disease_params_data_callback(ts, reset_clicks, rows):
        ctx = dash.callback_context
        if ctx.triggered:
            c_id = ctx.triggered[0]['prop_id'].split('.')[0]
            if reset_clicks is not None and c_id == 'disease-params-reset-defaults':
                for row in rows:
                    row['value'] = get_variable(row['id'])

        for row in rows:
            if not isinstance(row['value'], (int, float)):
                row['value'] = get_variable(row['id'])
            if row['value'] < 0:
                row['value'] = 0
            elif row['value'] > 100:
                row['value'] = 100
            set_variable(row['id'], float(row['value']))

        return rows