예제 #1
def inject_land(units_parent=None):
    """run over all counters and put them in the right place"""

    # init
    global BF, GPID, HEADER, SHEET
    print "INJECT LAND"
    if units_parent is None:
        units_parent = get_units_parent(False)

    # fill containers
    print "reading counters",
    for u in gen_filtered_rowset(sheet=SHEET["L"], header=HEADER["L"]):
            # init
            print_item = "."
            u_type = get_type(u)
            print_item = "({})".format(u_type)
            tag, col_symb, col_symb_text, col_left, col_top, col_right = ENTITY_COLOURS[u.home or "Partisan"]
            hook, is_minor = get_hook(u, units_parent)

            # piece slot, trait order in R E V E R S E !!
            ps = PieceSlot(u.name or u.year, GPID.get())
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("ROTATE", "")) # last!

            # game values and info
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_info", ",".join(u.info or [])))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_kit", get_kit(u)))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_year", u.year))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_class", u.clas))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_type", u_type))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_cost", u.cost))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_time", u.time))
            # land values
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_mv", u.mov))
            if u.rog:
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_ro", u.rog))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_cf", u.str or 0))

            # labels
            if u.name is not None and "siberian" in u.name:
                col_left = col_top = "whi"
            if u.name is not None and u.name == "GGFF":
                col_left = col_right = col_top = col_symb = "yel"
            if not is_minor:
                col_left = col_right = col_top = "blk"
                if u.info is not None and "SS" in u.info:
                    col_left = col_right = col_top = "whi"
            if is_minor is True:
                if u_type == "PART":
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_right", u.name))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_left", tag))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_left", get_col(col_left)))
                    if u.name:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_right", u.name))
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_right", get_col(col_right)))
                if u.name:
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_left", u.name))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_left", get_col(col_left)))
            if get_size(u):
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_top", get_size(u)))
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_top", get_col(col_top)))

            # counter background and symbol
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("cntr_back_num", CNTR_BACK_COL_NUM.get(u.color.lower(), 1)))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("symb_back_num", CNTR_FORE_COL_NUM.get(u.color2.lower(), 1)))
            if u_type == "Ski":
                col_symb = "blu"
            if u.home == "Comm China" and u.clas == "SUPP":
                col_symb = "red"
            if u.info is not None:
                if "SS" in u.info:
                    col_symb = "whi"
                if "CBV" in u.info and str(u.name) in CBV_COLOURS:
                    col_symb = CBV_COLOURS[u.name][0]
                    col_symb_text = CBV_COLOURS[u.name][1]
                if "mot" in map(unicode.lower, u.info) or u_type.lower() == "mot":
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("symb_wheels_num", COL_NUM[col_symb]))
            if u.size == "H":
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("symb_heavy_num", COL_NUM[col_symb]))
            if u_type in ["MIL", "TER", "WAR", "PART"]:
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("symb_text", u_type[0].upper()))
                if u.color2 == "white" and col_symb_text == "whi":
                    col_symb_text = "red"
                if "red" in u.color2.lower() and col_symb_text == "red":
                    col_symb_text = "whi"
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_symb_text", get_col(col_symb_text)))
                if u_type.lower() in ["arm", "mech", "mot", "inf"]:
                    if u.home in ["AUS", "CAN", "IND"]:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("symb_text", u.home[:1].upper()))
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_symb_text", get_col(col_symb_text)))
                    if u.home in ["NZ", "SA"]:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("symb_text", u.home[:2].upper()))
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_symb_text", get_col(col_symb_text)))

            # style and colour
            val1 = "#000000"
            val2 = "#000000"
            if u.color.lower() == "black":
                val1 = "#ff0000"
                val2 = "#ff0000"
            if u.info is not None:
                if "WP" in u.info:
                    val1 = "#ffffff"
                    val2 = "#ffffff"
                    if u.color.lower() == "white":
                        val1 = "#eeeeee"
                        val2 = "#eeeeee"
                if u.clas == "ART":
                    if "hvy" in map(unicode.lower, u.info):
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("symb_aa_hvy_num", 1))
                    val1 = "#ffffff"
                    if "grey" in u.info:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("art_num", 1))
                    elif "pink" in u.info:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("art_num", 2))
                    elif "red" in u.info:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("art_num", 3))
                        val1 = "#000000"
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_valL", val1))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_valR", val2))
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("UNITlendlease", ""))
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("LANDvalues", ""))
            if u.clas == "ART":
                ps.add_trait("prototype", ("LANDart", ""))
            if u.home == "Comm China" and u.clas == "SUPP":
                col_symb = "red"
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("LAND" + col_symb, ""))
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("LANDbase", ""))

            # add to xml tree
        except Exception, ex:
            print_item = "!"
예제 #2
def inject_air(units_parent=None):
    # init
    global BF, GPID, HEADER, SHEET
    print "INJECT AIR"
    if units_parent is None:
        units_parent = get_units_parent(False)

    # fill containers
    print "reading counters",
    for u in gen_filtered_rowset(sheet=SHEET["A"], header=HEADER["A"],
                                 filt=lambda x: x.type not in ["PILOT"]):
            # init
            print_item = "."
            u_type = get_type(u)
            print_item = "({})".format(u_type)
            tag, col_symb, col_symb_text, col_left, col_top, col_right = ENTITY_COLOURS[u.home]
            hook, is_minor = get_hook(u, units_parent)

            # piece slot, trait order in R E V E R S E !!
            ps = PieceSlot(u.name or u.year, GPID.get())
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("ROTATE", "")) # last!

            # game values and info
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_info", ",".join(u.info or [])))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_kit", get_kit(u)))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_year", u.year))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_class", u.clas))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_type", u_type))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_cost", u.cost))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_time", u.time))
            # air values
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_ata", u.ata if u.ata is not None else "*"))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_ats", u.ats if u.ats is not None else "*"))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_tac", u.tac if u.tac is not None else "*"))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_str", u.str if u.str is not None else "*"))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_rng", u.rng))
            if u_type == "CVP":
                if u.cvp_y1 is not None:
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("sz1,yr1", u.cvp_s1, u.cvp_y1))
                if u.cvp_y2 is not None:
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("sz2,yr2", u.cvp_s2, u.cvp_y2))
                if u.cvp_y3 is not None:
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("sz3,yr3", u.cvp_s3, u.cvp_y3))

            # labels
            if u_type == "FTR":
                name = break_name(u.name)
                if not is_minor:
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_top", name[0]))
                    if len(name) > 1:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_top2", name[1]))
                    if u.name2 is not None:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_center3", u.name2))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_top", tag))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_top", get_col(col_left)))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_center3", u.name))
                if u.info is not None:
                    if "2E" in u.info:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_valTL", "#fbc834"))
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_valTL_bg", "#808080"))
                    if "NF" in u.info:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("valTL_bg_num", 2))
                        if not "2E" in u.info:
                            ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_valTL", "#ffffff"))
            if u_type in ["ATR", "LND"]:
                name = break_name(u.name)
                if len(name) == 1:
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_bottom", name[0]))
                if len(name) == 2:
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_bottom", name[0]))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_center2", name[1]))
                if u.name2 is not None:
                    name2 = break_name(u.name2)
                    if len(name2) == 1:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_center2", name2[0]))
                    if len(name2) == 2:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_center1", name2[0]))
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_center2", name2[1]))
            if u.color.lower() == "black":
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_text", "#ff0000"))
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_valTL", "#ff0000"))
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_valTR", "#ff0000"))
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_valBL", "#ff0000"))
            if u_type in ["NAV", "CVP"]:
                name = break_name(u.name)

                if len(name) > 1:
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_top2", name[0]))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_bottom", name[1]))
                    if u.name2 is not None:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_top", u.name2))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_bottom", name[0]))
                    if u.name2 is not None:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_top2", u.name2))
            if tag is not None:
                    col = {
                        "AUS": "#ff0000",
                        "CAN": "#00a2ff",
                        "IND": "#99cc33",
                        "NZ": "#ffffff",
                        "SA": "#fbc834",
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_tag", col))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_center1", tag))
                    col = get_col(col_left)
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_tag_top", col))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_top", tag))

            # range and extras
            rng_num = 1
            if u.info is not None and ("ATR" in u.info or "XATR" in u.info):
                rng_num = 3
            if u.info is not None and "EX" in u.info:
                rng_num = 5
            if len(str(u.rng)) > 1:
                rng_num += 1
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_rng_num", rng_num))

            # counter background and stripes
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("cntr_back_num", CNTR_BACK_COL_NUM.get(u.color.lower(), 1)))
            if u.info is not None and "FB" in u.info:
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("h_stripe_num", 2))
            is_ll = False
            if u.info is not None:
                for item in u.info:
                    if item.startswith("LL-"):
                        rec = item[3:]
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("ll_stripe_num", CONTROL_NUM[rec]))
                        is_ll = True

            # air prototypes
            base = {
                "FTR": "FTR",
                "LND": "LND",
                "ATR": "LND",
                "NAV": "NAV",
                "CVP": "NAV",
                "ABOMB": "FTR",
                "VWEAP": "NAV",

            if not is_ll:
                ps.add_trait("prototype", ("UNITlendlease", ""))
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("AIRrng" + base, ""))
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("AIRvalues", ""))
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("AIRbase", ""))

            # add to xml tree
        except Exception, ex:
            print_item = "!"
예제 #3
def inject_naval(units_parent=None):
    # init
    global BF, GPID, HEADER, SHEET
    print "INJECT NAVAL"
    if units_parent is None:
        units_parent = get_units_parent(False)

    # fill containers
    print "reading counters",
    for u in gen_filtered_rowset(sheet=SHEET["N"], header=HEADER["N"],
                                 filt=lambda x: x.type not in ["CONV", "TANK"]):
            # init
            print_item = "."
            u_type = get_type(u)
            print_item = "({})".format(u_type)
            tag, col_symb, col_symb_text, col_left, col_top, col_right = ENTITY_COLOURS[u.home]
            hook, is_minor = get_hook(u, units_parent)

            # piece slot, trait order in R E V E R S E !!
            ps = PieceSlot(u.name or u.year, GPID.get())
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("ROTATE", "")) # last!

            # game values and info
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_info", ",".join(u.info or [])))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_kit", get_kit(u)))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_year", u.year))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_class", u.clas))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_type", u_type))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_cost", u.cost))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_time", u.time))
            # naval values
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_mov", u.mov if u.aa is not None else "0"))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_rng", u.rng if u.aa is not None else "0"))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_atk", u.atk if u.atk is not None else "0"))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_dfs", u.dfs if u.dfs is not None else "0"))
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_aa", u.aa if u.aa is not None else "0"))
            if u.cv is not None:
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_sb", u.cv))
                if u_type == "FROG":
                    if "Blue" in u.name2:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_cv_num", 8))
                    if "Violet" in u.name2:
                        ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_cv_num", 9))
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_cv_num", u.cv))
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_sb", u.sb or "0"))

            # labels
            if u.name is not None:
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_name", u.name))
            if u.color.lower() == "black":
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_text", "#ff0000"))
            if tag is not None:
                    col = {
                        "AUS": "#ff0000",
                        "CAN": "#00a2ff",
                        "IND": "#99cc33",
                        "NZ": "#ffffff",
                        "SA": "#fbc834",
                    col = get_col(col_left)
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("col_tag", col))
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_tag", tag))

            # range and extras
            if u_type == "ASW":
                if "pink" in u.info:
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_asw_num", 1))
                if "red" in u.info:
                    ps.add_trait("mark", ("val_asw_num", 2))

            # counter background and stripes
            ps.add_trait("mark", ("cntr_back_num", CNTR_BACK_COL_NUM.get(u.color.lower(), 1)))

            # naval prototypes
            if u.name2 is not None and "LL-FR" in u.name2:
                ps.add_trait("mark", ("ll_stripe_num", "4"))
                ps.add_trait("prototype", ("UNITlendlease", ""))
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("NAVALvalues", ""))
            ps.add_trait("prototype", ("NAVALbase", ""))

            # add to xml tree
        except Exception, ex:
            print_item = "!"