def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None): """ Default get for name, opportunity_ids if there is an exisitng partner link to the lead, find all existing opportunity link with this partnet to merge all information together """ lead_obj = self.pool["crm.lead"] res = super(crm_lead2opportunity_partner, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context=context) for lead in lead_obj.browse(cr, uid, context.get("active_ids"), context=context): if lead.vat: if vatnumber.check_vat(lead.vat): res["vat"] = lead.vat partner_ids = self.pool["res.partner"].search( cr, uid, [("vat", "ilike", lead.vat)], context=context ) if partner_ids: partner = self.pool["res.partner"].browse(cr, uid, partner_ids[0], context=context) res["partner_id"] = res["action"] = "exist" else: raise orm.except_orm(_("Error :"), _("VAT '%s' not valid.") % lead.vat) res["street"] = lead.street or "" res["street2"] = lead.street2 or "" res["zip"] = or "" res["city"] = or "" return res
def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None): """ Default get for name, opportunity_ids if there is an exisitng partner link to the lead, find all existing opportunity link with this partnet to merge all information together """ lead_obj = self.pool['crm.lead'] res = super(crm_lead2opportunity_partner, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context=context) for lead in lead_obj.browse(cr, uid, context.get('active_ids'), context=context): if lead.vat: if vatnumber.check_vat(lead.vat): res['vat'] = lead.vat partner_ids = self.pool['res.partner'].search(cr, uid, [('vat', 'ilike', lead.vat)], context=context) if partner_ids: partner = self.pool['res.partner'].browse(cr, uid, partner_ids[0], context=context) res['partner_id'] = res['action'] = 'exist' else: raise orm.except_orm(_('Error :'), _("VAT '%s' not valid.") % lead.vat) res.update({ 'street': lead.street or '', 'street2': lead.street2 or '', 'zip': or '', 'city': or '', }) return res
def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None): """ Default get for name, opportunity_ids if there is an exisitng partner link to the lead, find all existing opportunity link with this partnet to merge all information together """ lead_obj = self.pool['crm.lead'] res = super(crm_lead2opportunity_partner, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context=context) for lead in lead_obj.browse(cr, uid, context.get('active_ids'), context=context): if lead.vat: if vatnumber.check_vat(lead.vat): res['vat'] = lead.vat partner_ids = self.pool['res.partner'].search( cr, uid, [('vat', 'ilike', lead.vat)], context=context) if partner_ids: partner = self.pool['res.partner'].browse( cr, uid, partner_ids[0], context=context) res['partner_id'] = res['action'] = 'exist' else: raise orm.except_orm(_('Error :'), _("VAT '%s' not valid.") % lead.vat) res.update({ 'street': lead.street or '', 'street2': lead.street2 or '', 'zip': or '', 'city': or '', }) return res
def test_vat_numbers(self): ''' Test VAT numbers ''' for code, number, result in VAT_NUMBERS: if result: test = self.assertTrue else: test = self.assertFalse test(vatnumber.check_vat(code + number), code + number)
def __call__(self, value): # check country code country_code = str(value[:2]) country = Country(code=country_code.upper(), flag_url=None) if not country: raise ValidationError(_('{0} is not a valid country code.').format(country_code)) if not vatnumber.check_vat(value): raise ValidationError(_('{0} is not a valid VAT number').format(value)) if self.use_vies_validation and EUTaxationPolicy.is_in_EU(country_code): if not vatnumber.check_vies(value): raise ValidationError(_('{0} is not a valid VAT number').format(value))
def check_vat(vat): if vat[:2] == "ES": vat_format = vat country_id = 69 else: vat_format = "ES" + vat country_id = 69 if vatnumber.check_vat(vat_format) == False: vat_subjected = False comment = "NIF: " + vat_format vat_format = "" else: vat_subjected = True comment = "" return [vat_format, vat_subjected, comment, country_id]
def __call__(self, value): # check country code country_code = str(value[:2]) country = Country(code=country_code.upper(), flag_url=None) if not country: raise ValidationError( _('{0} is not a valid country code.').format(country_code)) if not vatnumber.check_vat(value): raise ValidationError( _('{0} is not a valid VAT number').format(value)) if self.use_vies_validation and EUTaxationPolicy.is_in_EU( country_code): if not vatnumber.check_vies(value): raise ValidationError( _('{0} is not a valid VAT number').format(value))
def validate_vies(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} values = {} partner_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner') for partner in partner_obj.browse(cr, uid, context.get('active_ids'), context=context): values['valid_vies_vat'] = False if partner.vat: vat = self._split_vat(partner.vat) #if self.check_customer_vat(cr, uid, vat[0], vat[1]): if vatnumber.check_vat(partner.vat): if vatnumber.check_vies(partner.vat): values['valid_vies_vat'] = True else: raise osv.except_osv(_("Error"), _("Client Vat Number not have a valid format")) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'} partner_obj.write(cr, uid, [], values) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
def clean_tax_number(tax_number, country): tax_number = re.sub(r'[^A-Z0-9]', '', tax_number.upper()) if tax_number and country: if country in vatnumber.countries(): number = tax_number if tax_number.startswith(country): number = tax_number[len(country):] if not vatnumber.check_vat(country + number): # This is a proper solution to bind ValidationError to a Field but it is not # working due to django bug :( # errors = defaultdict(list) # errors['tax_number'].append(_('VAT ID is not correct')) # raise ValidationError(errors) raise ValidationError(_('VAT ID is not correct')) return tax_number else: return ''
def validate_vies(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} values = {} partner_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner') for partner in partner_obj.browse(cr, uid, context.get('active_ids'), context=context): values['valid_vies_vat'] = False if partner.vat: vat = self._split_vat(partner.vat) #if self.check_customer_vat(cr, uid, vat[0], vat[1]): if vatnumber.check_vat(partner.vat): if vatnumber.check_vies(partner.vat): values['valid_vies_vat'] = True else: raise osv.except_osv( _("Error"), _("Client Vat Number not have a valid format")) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'} partner_obj.write(cr, uid, [], values) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
def check_vat(value): if value != "" and not vatnumber.check_vat(value): raise ValidationError(_(u"%s is not a valid VAT number") % value)
def import_row(self, cr, uid, row_list, book_datemode): if not len(row_list) == len(self.HEADER): error = u'Riga {0} non importata. Colonne non corrsipondono al Header definito'.format( self.processed_lines) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False if DEBUG: # pprint(row_list) row_str_list = [self.simple_string(value) for value in row_list] pprint(zip(self.HEADER, row_str_list)) record = self.Record._make([self.toStr(value) for value in row_list]) if self.first_row: if not warning = u'Riga {0}: Trovato Header'.format( self.processed_lines) _logger.debug(warning) self.warning.append(warning) return True else: for column in record: # column_ascii = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', column).encode('ascii', 'ignore').lower() if column in self.HEADER: warning = u'Riga {0}: Trovato Header'.format( self.processed_lines) _logger.debug(warning) self.warning.append(warning) return True self.first_row = False for field in self.REQUIRED: if not getattr(record, field): error = u"Riga {0}: Manca il valore della {1}. La riga viene ignorata.".format( self.processed_lines, field) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False # manage partners vals_partner = { 'name':, 'fiscalcode': record.fiscalcode, self.partner_type: True } if self.PARTNER_UNIQUE_OFFICE_CODE: if hasattr(record, 'fiscalcode') and record.fiscalcode: if len(vals_partner['fiscalcode']) == 6: vals_partner['unique_office_code'] = vals_partner[ 'fiscalcode'] if hasattr(record, 'additiona_id') and record.additional_id: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = vals_partner[ 'additional_id'] else: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = False else: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = False if 'supplier' in vals_partner: vals_partner.update({'customer': False, 'supplier': True}) if hasattr(record, 'person_name') and record.person_name: vals_partner['name'] += ' {0}'.format(record.person_name) if hasattr(record, 'country_code'): country_code = COUNTRY_CODES.get(record.country_code, record.country_code) else: if hasattr(record, 'vat') and record.vat and record.vat[:2] in VAT_CODES: country_code = record.vat[:2] else: country_code = '' if country_code: country_id = self._contry_by_code(cr, uid, country_code) if country_id: country = self.pool[''].browse( cr, uid, country_id, self.context) fiscal_position_ids = cr, uid, [('name', '=ilike',], context=self.context) if fiscal_position_ids and len(fiscal_position_ids) == 1: vals_partner[ 'property_account_position'] = fiscal_position_ids[0] else: warning = u"Riga {0}: Fiscal position can't be determined for partner {1}".format( self.processed_lines, vals_partner['name']) _logger.debug(warning) self.warning.append(warning) else: error = u"Riga {0}: Country code '{1}' non è riconosciuto. La riga viene ignorata.".format( self.processed_lines, country_code) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False if hasattr(record, 'fiscal_position') and record.fiscal_position: fiscal_position = self.partner_template.map_account_fiscal_position( cr, uid, self.partner_template_id, record.fiscal_position) if fiscal_position: vals_partner['property_account_position'] = fiscal_position if hasattr(record, 'payment_term') and record.payment_term: vals_payment = self.partner_template.map_payment_term( cr, uid, self.partner_template_id, record.payment_term) if vals_payment.get('property_payment_term', False): vals_partner['property_payment_term'] = vals_payment[ 'property_payment_term'] if vals_payment.get('company_bank_id', False): vals_partner['company_bank_id'] = vals_payment[ 'company_bank_id'] if hasattr(record, 'credit_limit') and record.credit_limit: vals_partner['credit_limit'] = record.credit_limit if record.vat and len(record.vat) > 3: vals_partner['vat_subjected'] = True vals_partner['individual'] = False if country_code: country_code = country_code[:2] else: country_code = '' vat = record.vat if vat and len(vat) == 10 and country_code[:2] == 'IT': vat = '0' + vat if vat and len(vat) == 9 and country_code[:2] == 'IT': vat = '00' + vat if not country_code == record.vat[:2]: vals_partner['vat'] = country_code + vat else: vals_partner['vat'] = vat vals_partner['vat'] = vals_partner['vat'].replace(' ', '') # if not self.partner_obj.simple_vat_check(cr, uid, country_code.lower(), vals_partner['vat'][2:], None): if vatnumber.check_vat(vals_partner['vat']): if record.vat == record.fiscalcode: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = vals_partner['vat'] else: error = u"Riga {line}: Partner '{record.code} {}'; Partita IVA errata: <strong>'{vat}'</strong>".format( line=self.processed_lines, record=record, vat=vals_partner['vat']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) if DONT_STOP_ON_WRONG_VAT: del vals_partner['vat'] if vals_partner.get('fiscalcode'): del vals_partner['fiscalcode'] else: return False # if record.fiscalcode and not record.fiscalcode == record.vat and not len(record.fiscalcode) == 16: # error = u"Riga {0}: Codice Fiscale {1} errato".format(self.processed_lines, record.fiscalcode) # _logger.debug(error) # self.error.append(error) # return False # elif record.fiscalcode and not record.vat: # vals_partner['individual'] = True if vals_partner.get('fiscalcode') and not vals_partner.get('vat'): vals_partner['individual'] = True # if country_code == 'IT': # vals_partner['property_account_position'] = self.italy_fiscal_position_id # if record.vat: # pdb.set_trace() # old_vat = vals_input['Partita IVA'] # if len(vals_input['Partita IVA']) < 11: # zero_add = 11 - len(vals_input['Partita IVA']) # for zero in range(0, zero_add): # vals_input['Partita IVA'] = '0' + vals_input['Partita IVA'] if hasattr(record, 'comment') and record.comment: vals_partner['comment'] = record.comment record_code = self.simple_string(record.code, as_integer=True) if self.UPDATE_ON_CODE and PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]: code_partner_ids = cr, uid, [(PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type], '=', record_code)], context=self.context) else: code_partner_ids = False if code_partner_ids and not self.UPDATE_ON_CODE: code_partner_data = self.partner_obj.browse( cr, uid, code_partner_ids[0], self.context) if vals_partner.get( 'vat', False ) and not code_partner_data.vat == vals_partner['vat']: error = u"Riga {0}: Partner '{1} {2}'; codice gia utilizzato per partner {3}. La riga viene ignorata.".format( self.processed_lines, record_code, vals_partner['name'], code_partner_data['name']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False elif vals_partner.get( 'fiscalcode', False ) and not code_partner_data.fiscalcode == vals_partner[ 'fiscalcode']: error = u"Riga {0}: Partner '{1} {2}'; codice gia utilizzato per partner {3}. La riga viene ignorata.".format( self.processed_lines, record_code, vals_partner['name'], code_partner_data['name']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False elif code_partner_ids and self.UPDATE_ON_CODE: vals_partner[PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]] = record_code if PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type] not in self.PARTNER_SEARCH: self.PARTNER_SEARCH.insert(0, PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]) else: if record_code: vals_partner[PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]] = record_code if hasattr(record, 'category') and record.category: category_ids = cr, uid, [('name', 'ilike', record.category)], context=self.context) if len(category_ids) == 1: vals_partner['category_id'] = [(6, 0, category_ids)] else: vals_partner['category_id'] = [(6, 0, [ self.category_obj.create(cr, uid, { 'name': record.category, 'active': True }), self.context ])] # partner_id = self._find_partner(cr, uid, record) partner_id = self._find_partner(cr, uid, vals_partner) if partner_id and partner_id > 0: self.partner_obj.write(cr, uid, partner_id, vals_partner, self.context) self.updated += 1 elif partner_id and partner_id < 0: return False else: self.context['import'] = True try: partner_id = self.partner_obj.create(cr, uid, vals_partner, self.context) self.uo_new += 1 # except ValidateError as e: except Exception as e: # e = sys.exc_info()[0] e = e[1].split(':')[1] error = u"Riga {0}: Partner '{1} {2}'. I dati non corretti. (Error: {3}) La riga viene ignorata.".format( self.processed_lines, record_code, vals_partner['name'], e) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False address_type_1 = self.ADDRESS_TYPE[0] address_type_2 = self.ADDRESS_TYPE[1] if getattr(record, 'street_' + address_type_1) or getattr( record, 'zip_' + address_type_1) or getattr( record, 'city_' + address_type_1) or getattr( record, 'province_' + address_type_1): first_address = True else: first_address = False if getattr(record, 'street_' + address_type_2) or getattr( record, 'zip_' + address_type_2) or getattr( record, 'city_' + address_type_2) or getattr( record, 'province_' + address_type_2): second_address = True else: second_address = False if first_address and second_address: self.write_address(cr, uid, address_type_1, partner_id, record, vals_partner, country_code) self.write_address(cr, uid, address_type_2, partner_id, record, vals_partner, country_code) elif first_address: self.write_address(cr, uid, address_type_1, partner_id, record, vals_partner, country_code, force_default=True) elif second_address: self.write_address(cr, uid, address_type_2, partner_id, record, vals_partner, country_code, force_default=True) return partner_id
def importar(): dbf ='dbf', 'Subcta.dbf'), encoding='latin-1') for row in dbf: # PARA PROVEEDORES if ((row["COD"].startswith('410') and row["COD"] != "41000000") or (row["COD"].startswith('400') and row["COD"] != "40000000")): country_obj = origen.model('') country_id = country_obj.browse([('name', 'ilike', row['PROVINCIA'])]) if country_id: country_id = country_id[0].id else: country_id = False partner = { 'name': row['TITULO'].strip(), 'vat': decodeCIF(row['NIF']), 'supplier': True, 'customer': False, 'opt_out': True, 'street': row['DOMICILIO'].strip(), 'zip': row['CODPOSTAL'], 'city': row['POBLACION'], 'state_id': country_id } if not vatnumber.check_vat(partner['vat']): partner['vat'] = False partner_obj = origen.model(name='res.partner') if not partner_obj.browse([('name', '=', row['TITULO'])]): partner = partner_obj.create(partner) # PARA CLIENTES if ((row["COD"].startswith('430') and row["COD"] != "43000000") or (row["COD"].startswith('440') and row["COD"] != "44000000")): country_obj = origen.model('') country_id = country_obj.browse([('name', 'ilike', row['PROVINCIA'])]) if country_id: country_id = country_id[0].id else: country_id = False partner = { 'name': row['TITULO'].strip(), 'vat': decodeCIF(row['NIF']), 'supplier': False, 'customer': True, 'opt_out': True, 'street': row['DOMICILIO'].strip(), 'zip': row['CODPOSTAL'], 'city': row['POBLACION'], 'state_id': country_id } if not vatnumber.check_vat(partner['vat']): partner['vat'] = False partner_obj = origen.model(name='res.partner') if not partner_obj.browse([('name', '=', row['TITULO'])]): partner = partner_obj.create(partner) # CREACIÓN DE CUENTAS account_obj = origen.model(name='account.account') accounts = account_obj.browse([("code", "=", row['COD'][0:2] + '0000') ]) if not accounts: accounts = account_obj.browse([("code", "like", row['COD'][0:2])]) account = { 'name': row['TITULO'].strip(), 'code': row['COD'], 'user_type_id': accounts[0] or 1, 'reconcile': accounts[0].reconcile } if not account_obj.browse([('code', '=', row['COD'])]): account = account_obj.create(account)
def import_row(self, cr, uid, row_list, book_datemode): if not len(row_list) == len(self.HEADER): error = u'Riga {0} non importata. Colonne non corrsipondono al Header definito'.format(self.processed_lines) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False if DEBUG: # pprint(row_list) row_str_list = [self.simple_string(value) for value in row_list] pprint(zip(self.HEADER, row_str_list)) record = self.Record._make([self.toStr(value) for value in row_list]) if self.first_row: if not warning = u'Riga {0}: Trovato Header'.format(self.processed_lines) _logger.debug(warning) self.warning.append(warning) return True else: for column in record: #column_ascii = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', column).encode('ascii', 'ignore').lower() if column in self.HEADER: warning = u'Riga {0}: Trovato Header'.format(self.processed_lines) _logger.debug(warning) self.warning.append(warning) return True self.first_row = False for field in self.REQUIRED: if not getattr(record, field): error = u"Riga {0}: Manca il valore della {1}. La riga viene ignorata.".format(self.processed_lines, field) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False # manage partners vals_partner = { 'name':, 'fiscalcode': record.fiscalcode, self.partner_type: True } if 'supplier' in vals_partner: vals_partner['customer'] = False if hasattr(record, 'person_name') and record.person_name: vals_partner['name'] += ' {0}'.format(record.person_name) country_code = COUNTRY_CODES.get(record.country_code, record.country_code) if country_code: country_id = self._contry_by_code(cr, uid, country_code) if country_id: country = self.pool[''].browse(cr, uid, country_id) fiscal_position_ids =, uid, [('name', '=ilike',]) if fiscal_position_ids and len(fiscal_position_ids) == 1: vals_partner['property_account_position'] = fiscal_position_ids[0] else: warning = u"Riga {0}: Fiscal position can't be determined for partner {1}".format(self.processed_lines, vals_partner['name']) _logger.debug(warning) self.warning.append(warning) else: error = u"Riga {0}: Country code '{1}' non è riconosciuto. La riga viene ignorata.".format(self.processed_lines, country_code) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False if hasattr(record, 'fiscal_position') and record.fiscal_position: fiscal_position = self.partner_template.map_account_fiscal_position(cr, uid, self.partner_template_id, record.fiscal_position) if fiscal_position: vals_partner['property_account_position'] = fiscal_position if hasattr(record, 'payment_term') and record.payment_term: vals_payment = self.partner_template.map_payment_term(cr, uid, self.partner_template_id, record.payment_term) if vals_payment.get('property_payment_term', False): vals_partner['property_payment_term'] = vals_payment['property_payment_term'] if vals_payment.get('company_bank_id', False): vals_partner['company_bank_id'] = vals_payment['company_bank_id'] if record.vat and len(record.vat) > 3: vals_partner['vat_subjected'] = True vals_partner['individual'] = False if not country_code == record.vat[:2]: vals_partner['vat'] = country_code + record.vat else: vals_partner['vat'] = record.vat #if not self.partner_obj.simple_vat_check(cr, uid, country_code.lower(), vals_partner['vat'][2:], None): if not vatnumber.check_vat(vals_partner['vat']): error = u"Riga {line}: Partner '{record.code} {}'; Partita IVA errata: {record.vat}".format(line=self.processed_lines, record=record) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) if DONT_STOP_ON_WRONG_VAT: del vals_partner['vat'] else: return False if record.vat == record.fiscalcode: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = vals_partner['vat'] # if record.fiscalcode and not record.fiscalcode == record.vat and not len(record.fiscalcode) == 16: # error = u"Riga {0}: Codice Fiscale {1} errato".format(self.processed_lines, record.fiscalcode) # _logger.debug(error) # self.error.append(error) # return False # elif record.fiscalcode and not record.vat: # vals_partner['individual'] = True if record.fiscalcode and not record.vat: vals_partner['individual'] = True # if country_code == 'IT': # vals_partner['property_account_position'] = self.italy_fiscal_position_id # if record.vat: # pdb.set_trace() # old_vat = vals_input['Partita IVA'] # if len(vals_input['Partita IVA']) < 11: # zero_add = 11 - len(vals_input['Partita IVA']) # for zero in range(0, zero_add): # vals_input['Partita IVA'] = '0' + vals_input['Partita IVA'] if hasattr(record, 'comment') and record.comment: vals_partner['comment'] = record.comment record_code = self.simple_string(record.code, as_integer=True) code_partner_ids =, uid, [(PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type], '=', record_code)]) if code_partner_ids and not UPDATE_ON_CODE: code_partner_data = self.partner_obj.browse(cr, uid, code_partner_ids[0]) if vals_partner.get('vat', False) and not code_partner_data.vat == vals_partner['vat']: error = u"Riga {0}: Partner '{1} {2}'; codice gia utilizzato per partner {3}. La riga viene ignorata.".format(self.processed_lines, record_code, vals_partner['name'], code_partner_data['name']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False elif vals_partner.get('fiscalcode', False) and not code_partner_data.fiscalcode == vals_partner['fiscalcode']: error = u"Riga {0}: Partner '{1} {2}'; codice gia utilizzato per partner {3}. La riga viene ignorata.".format(self.processed_lines, record_code, vals_partner['name'], code_partner_data['name']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False elif code_partner_ids and UPDATE_ON_CODE: vals_partner[PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]] = record_code if PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type] not in self.PARTNER_SEARCH: self.PARTNER_SEARCH.insert(0, PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]) else: vals_partner[PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]] = record_code if hasattr(record, 'category') and record.category: category_ids =, uid, [('name', 'ilike', record.category)]) if len(category_ids) == 1: vals_partner['category_id'] = [(6, 0, category_ids)] else: vals_partner['category_id'] = [(6, 0, [self.category_obj.create(cr, uid, { 'name': record.category, 'active': True })])] # partner_id = self._find_partner(cr, uid, record) partner_id = self._find_partner(cr, uid, vals_partner) if partner_id and partner_id > 0: self.partner_obj.write(cr, uid, partner_id, vals_partner, self.context) self.updated += 1 elif partner_id and partner_id < 0: return False else: self.context['import'] = True partner_id = self.partner_obj.create(cr, uid, vals_partner, self.context) self.uo_new += 1 address_type_1 = self.ADDRESS_TYPE[0] address_type_2 = self.ADDRESS_TYPE[1] if getattr(record, 'street_' + address_type_1) or getattr(record, 'zip_' + address_type_1) or getattr(record, 'city_' + address_type_1) or getattr(record, 'province_' + address_type_1): first_address = True else: first_address = False if getattr(record, 'street_' + address_type_2) or getattr(record, 'zip_' + address_type_2) or getattr(record, 'city_' + address_type_2) or getattr(record, 'province_' + address_type_2): second_address = True else: second_address = False if first_address and second_address: self.write_address(cr, uid, address_type_1, partner_id, record, vals_partner, country_code) self.write_address(cr, uid, address_type_2, partner_id, record, vals_partner, country_code) elif first_address: self.write_address(cr, uid, address_type_1, partner_id, record, vals_partner, country_code, force_default=True) elif second_address: self.write_address(cr, uid, address_type_2, partner_id, record, vals_partner, country_code, force_default=True) return partner_id
def collect_values(self, cr, uid, record): self.first_row = False for field in self.REQUIRED: if not getattr(record, field): error = u"Riga {0}: Manca il valore della {1}. La riga viene ignorata.".format( self.processed_lines, field) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False if self.FORMAT == 'FormatOmnitron': if record.client_supplier == u'1': self.partner_type = 'supplier' else: self.partner_type = 'customer' # manage partners vals_partner = { 'name':, 'fiscalcode': record.fiscalcode, self.partner_type: True } if self.is_fiscalcode(record.fiscalcode): vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = record.fiscalcode else: error = u"Riga {0}: Fiscalcode {1} is not valid".format( self.processed_lines, record.fiscalcode) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = '' if self.PARTNER_UNIQUE_OFFICE_CODE: if hasattr(record, 'fiscalcode') and record.fiscalcode: if len(vals_partner['fiscalcode']) == 6: vals_partner['unique_office_code'] = vals_partner[ 'fiscalcode'] if hasattr(record, 'additiona_id') and record.additional_id: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = vals_partner[ 'additional_id'] else: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = False else: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = False if self.FORMAT == 'FormatOmnitron': if 'customer' in vals_partner: del vals_partner['customer'] if record.client_supplier == u'1': vals_partner.update({ 'supplier': True, }) else: vals_partner.update({'customer': True}) else: # TODO: Check this code!!! if 'supplier' in vals_partner: vals_partner.update({'customer': False, 'supplier': True}) if hasattr(record, 'person_name') and record.person_name: vals_partner['name'] += ' {0}'.format(record.person_name) if hasattr(record, 'country_code'): country_id = self._country_by_code(cr, uid, record.country_code) elif getattr(record, 'country_name'): country_id = self._country_by_code(cr, uid, record.country_name) if not country_id: _logger.error("Can't find country {}".format( record.country_name)) else: country_id = False if country_id: country = self.pool[''].browse(cr, uid, country_id, self.context) country_code = country.code else: if hasattr(record, 'vat') and record.vat and record.vat[:2] in VAT_CODES: country_code = record.vat[:2] country_id = self._country_by_code(cr, uid, country_code) country = self.pool[''].browse( cr, uid, country_id, self.context) else: country_code = '' if country_id: fiscal_position_ids = cr, uid, [('name', '=ilike',], context=self.context) if fiscal_position_ids and len(fiscal_position_ids) == 1: vals_partner[ 'property_account_position'] = fiscal_position_ids[0] else: warning = u"Riga {0}: Fiscal position can't be determined for partner {1}".format( self.processed_lines, vals_partner['name']) _logger.debug(warning) self.warning.append(warning) else: error = u"Riga {0}: {1} Country non è riconosciuto".format( self.processed_lines, vals_partner['name']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) if hasattr(record, 'fiscal_position') and record.fiscal_position: fiscal_position = self.partner_template.map_account_fiscal_position( cr, uid, self.partner_template_id, record.fiscal_position) if fiscal_position: vals_partner['property_account_position'] = fiscal_position if hasattr(record, 'payment_term') and record.payment_term: vals_payment = self.partner_template.map_payment_term( cr, uid, self.partner_template_id, record.payment_term) if vals_payment.get('property_payment_term', False): vals_partner['property_payment_term'] = vals_payment[ 'property_payment_term'] if vals_payment.get('company_bank_id', False): vals_partner['company_bank_id'] = vals_payment[ 'company_bank_id'] if hasattr(record, 'credit_limit') and record.credit_limit: vals_partner['credit_limit'] = record.credit_limit if record.vat and len(record.vat) > 3: vals_partner['vat_subjected'] = True vals_partner['individual'] = False vat = record.vat if vat and len(vat) == 10 and country_code[:2] == 'IT': vat = '0' + vat if vat and len(vat) == 9 and country_code[:2] == 'IT': vat = '00' + vat if not country_code == record.vat[:2]: vals_partner['vat'] = country_code + vat else: vals_partner['vat'] = vat vals_partner['vat'] = vals_partner['vat'].replace(' ', '') # if not self.partner_obj.simple_vat_check(cr, uid, country_code.lower(), vals_partner['vat'][2:], None): if vatnumber.check_vat(vals_partner['vat']) or vatnumber.check_vat( 'IT' + vals_partner['vat']): if vatnumber.check_vat('IT' + vals_partner['vat']): vals_partner['vat'] = 'IT' + vals_partner['vat'] if record.vat == record.fiscalcode: if codicefiscale.isvalid(record.vat): vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = vals_partner['vat'] else: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = False else: error = u"Riga {line}: Partner '{record.code} {}'; Partita IVA errata: <strong>'{vat}'</strong>".format( line=self.processed_lines, record=record, vat=vals_partner['vat']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) if DONT_STOP_ON_WRONG_VAT: del vals_partner['vat'] if vals_partner.get('fiscalcode'): del vals_partner['fiscalcode'] else: return False # if record.fiscalcode and not record.fiscalcode == record.vat and not len(record.fiscalcode) == 16: # error = u"Riga {0}: Codice Fiscale {1} errato".format(self.processed_lines, record.fiscalcode) # _logger.debug(error) # self.error.append(error) # return False # elif record.fiscalcode and not record.vat: # vals_partner['individual'] = True if vals_partner.get('fiscalcode') and not vals_partner.get('vat'): vals_partner['individual'] = True # if country_code == 'IT': # vals_partner['property_account_position'] = self.italy_fiscal_position_id # if record.vat: # pdb.set_trace() # old_vat = vals_input['Partita IVA'] # if len(vals_input['Partita IVA']) < 11: # zero_add = 11 - len(vals_input['Partita IVA']) # for zero in range(0, zero_add): # vals_input['Partita IVA'] = '0' + vals_input['Partita IVA'] if hasattr(record, 'comment') and record.comment: vals_partner['comment'] = record.comment record_code = self.simple_string(record.code, as_integer=True) if self.UPDATE_ON_CODE and PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]: code_partner_ids = cr, uid, [(PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type], '=', record_code)], context=self.context) else: code_partner_ids = False if code_partner_ids and not self.UPDATE_ON_CODE: code_partner_data = self.partner_obj.browse( cr, uid, code_partner_ids[0], self.context) if vals_partner.get( 'vat', False ) and not code_partner_data.vat == vals_partner['vat']: error = u"Riga {0}: Partner '{1} {2}'; codice gia utilizzato per partner {3}. La riga viene ignorata.".format( self.processed_lines, record_code, vals_partner['name'], code_partner_data['name']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False elif vals_partner.get( 'fiscalcode', False ) and not code_partner_data.fiscalcode == vals_partner[ 'fiscalcode']: error = u"Riga {0}: Partner '{1} {2}'; codice gia utilizzato per partner {3}. La riga viene ignorata.".format( self.processed_lines, record_code, vals_partner['name'], code_partner_data['name']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False elif code_partner_ids and self.UPDATE_ON_CODE: vals_partner[PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]] = record_code if PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type] not in self.PARTNER_SEARCH: self.PARTNER_SEARCH.insert(0, PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]) else: if record_code: vals_partner[PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]] = record_code if hasattr(record, 'category') and record.category: category_ids = cr, uid, [('name', '=', record.category)], context=self.context) if len(category_ids): vals_partner['category_id'] = [(6, 0, category_ids)] else: category_id = self.category_obj.create(cr, uid, { 'name': record.category, 'active': True }, self.context) vals_partner['category_id'] = [(6, 0, [category_id])] return vals_partner, country_id
def collect_values(self, cr, uid, record): self.first_row = False for field in self.REQUIRED: if not getattr(record, field): error = u"Riga {0}: Manca il valore della {1}. La riga viene ignorata.".format(self.processed_lines, field) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False if self.FORMAT == 'FormatOmnitron': if record.client_supplier == u'1': self.partner_type = 'supplier' else: self.partner_type = 'customer' # manage partners vals_partner = { 'name':, 'fiscalcode': record.fiscalcode, self.partner_type: True } if self.is_fiscalcode(record.fiscalcode): vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = record.fiscalcode else: error = u"Riga {0}: Fiscalcode {1} is not valid".format(self.processed_lines, record.fiscalcode) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = '' if self.PARTNER_UNIQUE_OFFICE_CODE: if hasattr(record, 'fiscalcode') and record.fiscalcode: if len(vals_partner['fiscalcode']) == 6: vals_partner['unique_office_code'] = vals_partner['fiscalcode'] if hasattr(record, 'additiona_id') and record.additional_id: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = vals_partner['additional_id'] else: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = False else: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = False if self.FORMAT == 'FormatOmnitron': if 'customer' in vals_partner: del vals_partner['customer'] if record.client_supplier == u'1': vals_partner.update({ 'supplier': True, }) else: vals_partner.update({ 'customer': True }) else: # TODO: Check this code!!! if 'supplier' in vals_partner: vals_partner.update({ 'customer': False, 'supplier': True }) if hasattr(record, 'person_name') and record.person_name: vals_partner['name'] += ' {0}'.format(record.person_name) if hasattr(record, 'country_code'): country_id = self._country_by_code(cr, uid, record.country_code) elif getattr(record, 'country_name'): country_id = self._country_by_code(cr, uid, record.country_name) if not country_id: _logger.error("Can't find country {}".format(record.country_name)) else: country_id = False if country_id: country = self.pool[''].browse(cr, uid, country_id, self.context) country_code = country.code else: if hasattr(record, 'vat') and record.vat and record.vat[:2] in VAT_CODES: country_code = record.vat[:2] country_id = self._country_by_code(cr, uid, country_code) country = self.pool[''].browse(cr, uid, country_id, self.context) else: country_code = '' if country_id: fiscal_position_ids = cr, uid, [('name', '=ilike',], context=self.context ) if fiscal_position_ids and len(fiscal_position_ids) == 1: vals_partner['property_account_position'] = fiscal_position_ids[0] else: warning = u"Riga {0}: Fiscal position can't be determined for partner {1}".format( self.processed_lines, vals_partner['name']) _logger.debug(warning) self.warning.append(warning) else: error = u"Riga {0}: {1} Country non è riconosciuto".format( self.processed_lines, vals_partner['name']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) if hasattr(record, 'fiscal_position') and record.fiscal_position: fiscal_position = self.partner_template.map_account_fiscal_position( cr, uid, self.partner_template_id, record.fiscal_position) if fiscal_position: vals_partner['property_account_position'] = fiscal_position if hasattr(record, 'payment_term') and record.payment_term: vals_payment = self.partner_template.map_payment_term( cr, uid, self.partner_template_id, record.payment_term) if vals_payment.get('property_payment_term', False): vals_partner['property_payment_term'] = vals_payment['property_payment_term'] if vals_payment.get('company_bank_id', False): vals_partner['company_bank_id'] = vals_payment['company_bank_id'] if hasattr(record, 'credit_limit') and record.credit_limit: vals_partner['credit_limit'] = record.credit_limit if record.vat and len(record.vat) > 3: vals_partner['vat_subjected'] = True vals_partner['individual'] = False vat = record.vat if vat and len(vat) == 10 and country_code[:2] == 'IT': vat = '0' + vat if vat and len(vat) == 9 and country_code[:2] == 'IT': vat = '00' + vat if not country_code == record.vat[:2]: vals_partner['vat'] = country_code + vat else: vals_partner['vat'] = vat vals_partner['vat'] = vals_partner['vat'].replace(' ', '') # if not self.partner_obj.simple_vat_check(cr, uid, country_code.lower(), vals_partner['vat'][2:], None): if vatnumber.check_vat(vals_partner['vat']) or vatnumber.check_vat('IT' + vals_partner['vat']): if vatnumber.check_vat('IT' + vals_partner['vat']): vals_partner['vat'] = 'IT' + vals_partner['vat'] if record.vat == record.fiscalcode: if codicefiscale.isvalid(record.vat): vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = vals_partner['vat'] else: vals_partner['fiscalcode'] = False else: error = u"Riga {line}: Partner '{record.code} {}'; Partita IVA errata: <strong>'{vat}'</strong>".format( line=self.processed_lines, record=record, vat=vals_partner['vat'] ) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) if DONT_STOP_ON_WRONG_VAT: del vals_partner['vat'] if vals_partner.get('fiscalcode'): del vals_partner['fiscalcode'] else: return False # if record.fiscalcode and not record.fiscalcode == record.vat and not len(record.fiscalcode) == 16: # error = u"Riga {0}: Codice Fiscale {1} errato".format(self.processed_lines, record.fiscalcode) # _logger.debug(error) # self.error.append(error) # return False # elif record.fiscalcode and not record.vat: # vals_partner['individual'] = True if vals_partner.get('fiscalcode') and not vals_partner.get('vat'): vals_partner['individual'] = True # if country_code == 'IT': # vals_partner['property_account_position'] = self.italy_fiscal_position_id # if record.vat: # pdb.set_trace() # old_vat = vals_input['Partita IVA'] # if len(vals_input['Partita IVA']) < 11: # zero_add = 11 - len(vals_input['Partita IVA']) # for zero in range(0, zero_add): # vals_input['Partita IVA'] = '0' + vals_input['Partita IVA'] if hasattr(record, 'comment') and record.comment: vals_partner['comment'] = record.comment record_code = self.simple_string(record.code, as_integer=True) if self.UPDATE_ON_CODE and PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]: code_partner_ids =, uid, [(PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type], '=', record_code)], context=self.context) else: code_partner_ids = False if code_partner_ids and not self.UPDATE_ON_CODE: code_partner_data = self.partner_obj.browse(cr, uid, code_partner_ids[0], self.context) if vals_partner.get('vat', False) and not code_partner_data.vat == vals_partner['vat']: error = u"Riga {0}: Partner '{1} {2}'; codice gia utilizzato per partner {3}. La riga viene ignorata.".format(self.processed_lines, record_code, vals_partner['name'], code_partner_data['name']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False elif vals_partner.get('fiscalcode', False) and not code_partner_data.fiscalcode == vals_partner['fiscalcode']: error = u"Riga {0}: Partner '{1} {2}'; codice gia utilizzato per partner {3}. La riga viene ignorata.".format(self.processed_lines, record_code, vals_partner['name'], code_partner_data['name']) _logger.debug(error) self.error.append(error) return False elif code_partner_ids and self.UPDATE_ON_CODE: vals_partner[PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]] = record_code if PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type] not in self.PARTNER_SEARCH: self.PARTNER_SEARCH.insert(0, PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]) else: if record_code: vals_partner[PROPERTY_REF_MAP[self.partner_type]] = record_code if hasattr(record, 'category') and record.category: category_ids =, uid, [('name', '=', record.category)], context=self.context) if len(category_ids): vals_partner['category_id'] = [(6, 0, category_ids)] else: category_id = self.category_obj.create(cr, uid, { 'name': record.category, 'active': True }, self.context) vals_partner['category_id'] = [(6, 0, [category_id])] return vals_partner, country_id
def importar(): dbf ='dbfs', 'FacCliT.dbf'), encoding='latin-1') for row in dbf: # COMPROBAR SI ESTA EL CLIENTE partner_obj = origen.model(name='res.partner') partner_id = partner_obj.browse([('name', '=', row['CNOMCLI'].strip()) ]) if partner_id: partner_id[0].ref = row['CCODCLI'].strip() if not partner_id[0].customer: partner_id[0].customer = True partner_id = partner_id[0].id # partner_id =[('ref','=',row['CCODCLI'].strip())]) else: country_obj = origen.model('') country_id = country_obj.browse([('name', 'ilike', row['CNACCLI']) ]) if country_id: country_id = country_id[0].id else: country_id = False #CREACION DE CLIENTES SI NO ESTÁN partner = { 'name': row['CNOMCLI'].strip(), 'ref': row['CCODCLI'].strip(), 'vat': decodeCIF(row['CDNICIF']), 'supplier': False, 'customer': True, 'opt_out': True, 'street': row['CDIRCLI'].strip(), 'zip': row['CPTLCLI'].strip(), 'city': row['CPOBCLI'], 'country_id': country_id, # 'company_id': } if not vatnumber.check_vat(partner['vat']): partner['vat'] = False partner = partner_obj.create(partner) partner_id = invoice_obj = origen.model('account.invoice') #CREACION DE FACTURAS RECTIFICATIVAS if 'Abono' in row['COBSERV']: invoice_rect_vals = { 'name': str(row['CSERIE']) + '0' + str(row['NNUMFAC']), # 'account_id': invoice_id[0], 'partner_id': partner_id, 'date_invoice': row['DFECFAC'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'type': 'out_refund', # 'company_id': } invoice_obj.create(invoice_rect_vals) else: #CREACION DE FACTURAS invoice_vals = { 'name': str(row['CSERIE']) + '0' + str(row['NNUMFAC']), # 'account_id':, 'partner_id': partner_id, 'date_invoice': row['DFECFAC'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'type': 'out_invoice', # 'company_id': } invoice_obj.create(invoice_vals)
def import_partner(self, partner_data): partner_obj = self.env['res.partner'] state_obj = self.env[''] country_obj = self.env[''] partner_array = [] for partner in partner_data: partner_id =[('invoiceplane_id', '=', partner['client_id'])]) if not partner_id: partner_id =[('name', '=', partner['client_name']), ('customer', '=', True)]) if partner_id: partner_id = partner_id[0] partner_id.write({'invoiceplane_id': partner['client_id']}) country_id =[('code', '=', partner['client_country'])]) if not country_id: country_id =[('code', '=', 'ES')]) state_id =[('name', '=', partner['client_state']), ('country_id', '=',]) if not partner_id: values = { 'invoiceplane_id': partner['client_id'], 'name': partner['client_name'], 'mobile': partner['client_mobile'], 'phone': partner['client_phone'], 'email': partner['client_email'], 'street': partner['client_address_1'], 'city': partner['client_city'], 'state_id': state_id[0].id if state_id else False, 'zip': partner['client_zip'], 'country_id': if country_id else False, 'customer': True, 'supplier': False, 'opt_out': True, 'vat': partner['client_vat_id'] if vatnumber.check_vat( partner['client_vat_id']) else False, 'type': 'invoice', 'invoiceplane_import': True, } partner_id = partner_obj.create(values) partner_array.append( return partner_array