def test_CollectorAPI(vcf_ip, collector_ip, uname, passwd): """ """ apiobj = vcfapi(vcf_ip) s = apiobj.getAPISession() pprint("## Collector Verification") r = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/collector' % vcf_ip, verify=False).json() print " Collector: %s" % r pprint("## Add a seed switch") switch_id, switch_name = apiobj.createSeedSwitch(collector_ip, uname, passwd) print switch_id pprint("## Add a Collector") collector_payload = { "switch-id": switch_id, "username": uname, "password": passwd, "license": {} } r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/collector' % vcf_ip, json=collector_payload, verify=False) print r.text assert r.status_code == 201 pprint("# delete the collector") r = s.delete('https://%s/vcf-center/api/collector/1' % vcf_ip, verify=False) print r.content assert r.status_code == 200 s = None
def test_AdminUser(vcf_ip, uname, passwd): """ """ s = vcfapi(vcf_ip).getAPISession() pprint("## Add admin user ") adminpayload = { "role": "ROLE_VCF_ADMIN", "username": uname, "password": passwd } r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/user' % vcf_ip, json=adminpayload, verify=False) print r.text assert r.status_code == 200 pprint("# Get List of admins") r = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/user' % vcf_ip, verify=False).json() pprint("# delete the user") # r = s.delete('https://%s/vcf-center/api/user/%s' % (vcf_ip,uname), verify=False) # print r.content # assert r.status_code == 200 s = None
def test_PCAPAgentAPI(vcf_ip): """ """ ### PCAP Agent API Verification s = vcfapi(vcf_ip).getAPISession() pprint("# Get list of interfaces") js = {"ip": "%s" % vcf_ip, "port": "8080"} r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/pcapengine/interfaces' % vcf_ip, json=js, verify=False) assert r.status_code == 200 assert json.loads(r.text)[0]['iface'] == 'eth0' or 'eth1' assert json.loads(r.text)[1]['iface'] == 'eth0' or 'eth1' cliobj = vcfccli(vcf_ip) ifacejson = [ {"name": "null", "ip": cliobj.getInterfaceIP("eth1"), "iface": "eth1", "mac": cliobj.getInterfaceMac("eth1"), "include": "true"}, \ {"name": "null", "ip": cliobj.getInterfaceIP("eth0"), "iface": "eth0", "mac": cliobj.getInterfaceMac("eth0"), "include": "true"}] pprint("#create a pcap engine") pcapenginedata = { "external": "false", "ifaces": ifacejson, "name": "local-%d" % int(time.time()), "ip": "%s" % vcf_ip, "port": "8080" } r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/pcapengine' % vcf_ip, json=pcapenginedata, verify=False) print r.text assert r.status_code == 201 pprint("# Get List of Pcap Engines") r = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/pcapengine' % vcf_ip, verify=False).json() id = r[0]['id'] assert id is not None pprint("#get status of the created engine") r = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/pcapengine/%d/status' % (vcf_ip, id), verify=False).json() print r assert r[u'freeDiskSpace'] is not None pprint("# delete the engine") r = s.delete('https://%s/vcf-center/api/pcapengine/%d' % (vcf_ip, id), verify=False) assert r.status_code == 200 pprint("#get status of the non existent engine") r = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/pcapengine/%d/status' % (vcf_ip, id), verify=False).json() print r ## Gives 500 Error SHUD NOT Return 404 s = None
def test_LicenseAPI(vcf_ip, pnc_user, pnc_pass): """ """ s = vcfapi(vcf_ip).getAPISession() ##get machine id and assert that its correct r = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/license/machineid' % vcf_ip, verify=False).json() mid = r['machineid'] assert mid is not None ##get machine id and assert that its correct licensepost_data = { "username": pnc_user, "machineId": mid, "password": pnc_pass } r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/settings/pnc' % vcf_ip, json=licensepost_data, verify=False) print r.content r = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/order' % vcf_ip, verify=False).json() print r assert r[0]['product_name'] is not None oids = [(x['id'], y['license_key']) for x in r for y in x['order_activations'] if y['device_id'] == mid] for order_id, keys in oids: print order_id, keys licenseactivate_data = {"id": order_id} r = s.put('https://%s/vcf-center/api/order/%d/activate' % (vcf_ip, order_id), json=licenseactivate_data, verify=False) print r.content # assert r.status_code == 200 ===> Fails r = s.put('https://%s/vcf-center/api/license' % vcf_ip, data=keys, verify=False) print r.content r = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/license' % vcf_ip, verify=False).json() activation_ids = [x['id'] for x in r] for activation_id in activation_ids: print activation_id r = s.delete('https://%s/vcf-center/api/license/%d' % (vcf_ip, activation_id), verify=False) assert r.status_code == 200 # License Validation of Flows r = s.get('https://%s/maestro/config/license' % vcf_ip, verify=False).json() print r assert r['flowCount'] is not None assert r['pcapCount'] is not None
def test_UploadPCAP(vcf_ip): """ """ ### PCAP Agent API Verification apiobj = vcfapi(vcf_ip) s = apiobj.getAPISession() apiobj.createPCAPAgent() pprint("# Upload a PCAP") f = {'name': open('test.pcap', 'rb')} r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/pcapfile?stream=true' % vcf_ip, files=f, verify=False) assert r.status_code == 201
def test_AuthenticationServer(vcf_ip, ldap_ip, uname, passwd): """ """ s = vcfapi(vcf_ip).getAPISession() pprint("## Add auth server ") ldappayload = { "isEdit": "false", "type": "LDAP", "scheme": "ldap", "port": 389, "host-name": "", "base-dn": "DC=pluribusnetworks,DC=com", "ldap-manager-dn": "CN=TACACS,CN=Users,DC=pluribusnetworks,DC=com", "ldap-manager-pass": "******", "ldap-user-dn-patterns": "uid={0},ou=people", "ldap-user-search-filter": "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName={0}))" } r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/ldap' % vcf_ip, json=ldappayload, verify=False) print r.text assert r.status_code == 200 pprint("# Get List of LDAP Servers") r = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/ldap' % vcf_ip, verify=False).json() pprint("# Test LDAP user") testldap = {"username": uname, "password": passwd, "type": "LDAP"} r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/ldap/test' % vcf_ip, json=testldap, verify=False).json() assert r["message"] == "Test succeeded." pprint("# delete the LDAP") r = s.delete('https://%s/vcf-center/api/ldap/LDAP' % vcf_ip, verify=False) print r.content assert r.status_code == 200 s = None
def test_SeedSwitchAPI(vcf_ip, seed_switch_ip, uname, passwd): """ """ s = vcfapi(vcf_ip).getAPISession() pprint("## Seed switch Verification") r = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/switch' % vcf_ip, verify=False).json() print " First Seed Switch: %s" % r pprint("## Add a seed switch") seedswitchpayload = { "name": "local-%d" % int(time.time()), "mgmt-ip": seed_switch_ip, "username": uname, "password": passwd } r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/switch' % vcf_ip, json=seedswitchpayload, verify=False) print r.text assert r.status_code == 201 pprint("# Get List of Seed Switches") r = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/switch' % vcf_ip, verify=False).json() swid = [ x['id'] for x in r if x['vrest-switch']['mgmt-ip'] == seed_switch_ip ][0] print swid assert swid is not None pprint("# delete the switch") r = s.delete('https://%s/vcf-center/api/switch/%d' % (vcf_ip, swid), verify=False) print r.content assert r.status_code == 200 s = None
def test_VflowManagerPortOnly(vcf_ip): """ """ ### Vflow Manager API Verification vflow_name = "vflow-%d" % int(time.time()) apiobj = vcfapi(vcf_ip) s = apiobj.getAPISession() pcapid, pcapname = apiobj.createPCAPAgent() switchid, switchname = apiobj.createSeedSwitch("", "network-admin", "test123") vflow_create_port_payload = { "_isAccordion_": "true", "id": "null", "switchname": switchname, "switch-id": switchid, "duration": "5", "pcap-id": pcapid, "pcap-name": pcapname, "pcap-external": "false", "pcap-iface": "eth1", "vrestmirror": { "_isAccordion_": "true", "direction": "ingress", "filtering": "port", "span-encap": "none", "name": vflow_name, "in-port": "33", "out-port": "22", "span-tagging-vlan": "null", "span-remote-ip": "null" } } r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/flowfilter' % vcf_ip, json=vflow_create_port_payload, verify=False) assert r.status_code == 201 vflowjson = s.get('https://%s/vcf-center/api/flowfilter' % vcf_ip, verify=False).json() vflowid = [ x["id"] for x in vflowjson if x["vrestmirror"]["name"] == vflow_name ][0] ## Start the VFlow pprint(vflowid) r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/flowfilter/%d/start' % (vcf_ip, vflowid), verify=False) #assert r.status_code == 200 time.sleep(5) r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/flowfilter/%d/status' % (vcf_ip, vflowid), verify=False) #pprint("Vflow Status: %r" % r.json()) ## Stop the VFlow r ='https://%s/vcf-center/api/flowfilter/%d/stop' % (vcf_ip, vflowid), verify=False) #assert r.status_code == 200 time.sleep(5) ## Delete the VFlow r = s.delete('https://%s/vcf-center/api/flowfilter/%d' % (vcf_ip, vflowid), verify=False)