def extrapolate_pha(lon, lat, lonr, latr, maskr, arr): cx, cy = np.cos(arr), np.sin(arr) cx = missing_interp(lon, lat, cx) cy = missing_interp(lon, lat, cy) cx = grid2xy(cx, xo=lonr, yo=latr) cy = grid2xy(cy, xo=lonr, yo=latr) if np.any(cx.mask): tmp = cx.getValue()[~cx.mask] pt = cx.mask.nonzero()[0] F = interp1d(np.arange(0, len(tmp)), tmp, 'nearest', fill_value='extrapolate') cx[cx.mask] = F(pt) tmp = cy.getValue()[~cy.mask] pt = cy.mask.nonzero()[0] F = interp1d(np.arange(0, len(tmp)), tmp, 'nearest', fill_value='extrapolate') cy[cy.mask] = F(pt) arr = np.arctan2(cy, cx) return arr
def _create_nc_gr3(self, ncfile, var): data = lon = self.hgrid.longitude lat = self.hgrid.latitude src = fill2d(data[var][:], method='carg') time0 = [ t.torelative('days since 1-1-1').value for t in data['time'].asRelativeTime() ] tin = create_time(np.ones(len(lon)) * date2num(self.t0) + 1, units='days since 1-1-1') tb = grid2xy(src, xo=lon, yo=lat, method='linear', to=tin) if np.any(tb.mask == True): bad = (tb.mask == True).nonzero()[0] tin_bad = create_time(np.ones(len(bad)) * date2num(self.t0) + 1, units='days since 1-1-1') tb[bad] = grid2xy(src, xo=np.array(lon)[bad].tolist(), yo=np.array(lat)[bad].tolist(), method='nearest', to=tin_bad) self._create_constante_gr3(tb)
def extrapolate_pha(lon, lat, lonr, latr, maskr, arr): cx, cy = np.cos(arr), np.sin(arr) cx = missing_interp(lon, lat, cx) cy = missing_interp(lon, lat, cy) cx = grid2xy(cx, xo=lonr, yo=latr) cy = grid2xy(cy, xo=lonr, yo=latr) arr = np.arctan2(cy, cx) # arr =, arr) return arr
def extrapolate_amp(lon, lat, lonr, latr, maskr, arr): arr = missing_interp(lon, lat, arr) arri = grid2xy(arr, xo=lonr, yo=latr) if np.any(arri.mask): tmp = arri.getValue()[~arri.mask] pt = arri.mask.nonzero()[0] F = interp1d(np.arange(0, len(tmp)), tmp, 'nearest', fill_value='extrapolate') arri[arri.mask] = F(pt) return arri
def plot_scattered_locs(lons, lats, depths, slice_type=None, interval=None, plotter=None, lon=None, lat=None, level=None, label='', lon_bounds_margin=.1, lat_bounds_margin=.1, data=None, warn=True, bathy=None, xybathy=None, secbathy=None, size=20, color='#2ca02c', linewidth=0.4, edgecolor='k', add_profile_line=None, add_bathy=True, add_minimap=True, add_section_bathy=True, fig=None, title="{long_name}", register_sm=True, depthshade=False, legend=False, colorbar=True, **kwargs): """Plot scattered localisations Parameters ---------- lons: n-D array lats: n-D array depths: n-D array slice_type: one of "3d"/None, "2d", "zonal", "meridional", "horizontal" The way to slice the observations. "3d"/"2d" are 3D/2D view of all observations. Other slices make a selection with a range (``interval``). interval: None, tuple of float Interval for selecting valid data Required if slice_type is not "3d"/None/"2d". map_<param>: <param> is passed to :func:`create_map` section_<param>: <param> is passed to :func:`vacumm.misc.plot.section2` minimap_<param>: <param> is passed to :func:`vacumm.misc.plot.add_map_box` Todo ---- Add time support. """ # Inits if cdms2.isVariable(data): data = data.asma() kwmap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'map_') kwminimap = kwfilter(kwargs, 'minimap_') kwsecbat = kwfilter(kwargs, 'section_bathy_') kwsection = kwfilter(kwargs, 'section_') kwplt = kwfilter(kwargs, 'plotter_') dict_check_defaults(kwmap, **kwplt) dict_check_defaults(kwsection, **kwplt) kwpf = kwfilter(kwargs, 'add_profile_line') kwleg = kwfilter(kwargs, 'legend') kwcb = kwfilter(kwargs, 'colorbar') long_name = get_long_name(data) units = getattr(data, 'units', '') if long_name is None: long_name = "Locations" if not title: title = None elif title is True: title = long_name else: title = title.format(**locals()) # Slice type if slice_type is None: slice_type = "3d" else: slice_type = str(slice_type).lower() valid_slice_types = [ '3d', "2d", 'zonal', 'merid', 'horiz', 'bottom', 'surf' ] assert slice_type in valid_slice_types, ('Invalid slice type. ' 'It must be one of: ' + ', '.join(valid_slice_types)) # Numeric horizontal coordinates xx = lons[:].copy() yy = lats[:].copy() # Profiles? profiles = (not isinstance(depths, str) and (isaxis(depths) or N.shape(depths) != N.shape(xx) or (data is not None and data.ndim == 2))) # Force some options if not profiles or slice_type not in ('3d', 'merid', 'zonal'): add_profile_line = False elif add_profile_line is None: add_profile_line = True # Bathymetry need_xybathy = int(add_profile_line) if depths == 'bottom' and slice_type not in ('bottom', '2d'): need_xybathy = 2 if need_xybathy and xybathy is not None: if bathy is not None: xybathy = grid2xy(bathy, lons, lats) if xybathy.mask.all(): if warn: sonat_warn( 'Bathymetry is fully masked at bottom locs. Skipping...' ) if need_xybathy == 2: return xybathy = None elif need_xybathy == 2 and warn: # we really need it sonat_warn('Bathymetry is needed at obs locations. Skipping...') return if xybathy is None: add_profile_line = False # Special depths: surf and bottom indepths = depths if (depths == 'surf' and slice_type != 'surf'): # surface depths = N.zeros(len(lons)) elif (depths == 'bottom' and slice_type not in ('bottom', '2d')): # bottom depths = -xybathy if interval is not None and N.isscalar(interval[0]): interval = (depths + interval[0], depths + interval[1]) # Numeric vertical coordinates strdepths = isinstance(depths, str) if not strdepths: zz = N.array(depths[:], copy=True) # Shape if data is not None: dshape = data.shape elif not profiles or strdepths: dshape = xx.shape elif zz.ndim == 2: dshape = zz.shape else: dshape = zz.shape + xx.shape # Masking outside interval if (slice_type != '3d' and slice_type != '2d' and (slice_type != 'surf' or depths != 'surf') and (slice_type != 'bottom' or depths != 'bottom')): assert interval is not None, ( 'You must provide a valid ' '"interval" for slicing scattered locations') stype = 'horiz' if slice_type in ('surf', 'bottom') else slice_type data = mask_scattered_locs(xx, yy, depths, stype, interval, data=data) if data is None: return # Get the full mask: (np), or (nz, np) for profiles # - mask with data if data is not None: if data.dtype.char == '?': mask = data data = None else: mask = else: mask = N.zeros(dshape) # - mask with coordinates if or # lons/lats xymask = | mask |= N.resize(mask, dshape) if not strdepths and # depths if profiles: zmask = if zz.ndim == 1: zmask = N.repeat(, (-1, 1)), xx.size, axis=1) mask |= zmask else: mask |= # - check if mask.all(): if warn: sonat_warn('All your data are masked') return # - mask back xymask = mask if mask.ndim == 1 else mask.all(axis=0) xx =, xx, copy=False) yy =, yy, copy=False) if not strdepths: if mask.shape == zz.shape: zz =, zz, copy=False) elif zz.ndim == 1: zz =, zz, copy=False) if data is not None: data =, data, copy=0) # Plotter as Axes if isinstance(plotter, P.Axes): ax = plotter fig = ax.get_figure() plotter = None elif plotter is None: ax = None elif isinstance(plotter, Plot): ax = plotter.axes else: raise SONATError('Plotter must be matplotlib Axes instance or ' 'a vacumm Plot instance') if slice_type == '3d': if ax is None: ax = '3d' elif not isinstance(ax, Axes3D): sonat_warn("Requesting 3D plot but provided axes are not 3D." " Skipping...") axes = None # Coordinate bounds if level is None and slice_type in ['3d', 'zonal', 'merid']: if strdepths or zz.min() == 0: level_min = -200 # Fall back to this min depth else: level_min = 1.1 * zz.min() level = (level_min, 0) if (lon is None and slice_type in ['3d', "2d", "horiz", 'surf', 'bottom', 'zonal']): lon = rescale_itv((xx.min(), xx.max()), 1.1) if (lat is None and slice_type in ['3d', "2d", "horiz", 'surf', 'bottom', 'merid']): lat = rescale_itv((yy.min(), yy.max()), 1.1) # Get the plotter if slice_type in ['3d', "2d", "horiz", 'surf', 'bottom']: # map # Map if plotter is None: plotter = create_map(lon, lat, level=level, bathy=bathy, add_bathy=add_bathy, fig=fig, axes=ax, **kwmap) ax = plotter.axes # Projection xx, yy = plotter(xx, yy) else: # sections if plotter is None: # Base plot kwsection.update(fig=fig, axes=ax, show=False, close=False) if add_minimap: dict_check_defaults(kwsection, top=.9, right=.9) if slice_type == 'merid': plotter = section(data=None, xaxis=MV2.array(lat, id='lat'), yaxis=MV2.array(level, id='dep'), **kwsection) else: plotter = section(data=None, xaxis=MV2.array(lon, id='lon'), yaxis=MV2.array(level, id='dep'), **kwsection) ax = plotter.axes # Add minimap if add_minimap: if slice_type == 'merid': xlim = interval ylim = plotter.axes.get_xlim() else: xlim = plotter.axes.get_xlim() ylim = interval extents = dict(x=xlim, y=ylim) dict_check_defaults(kwminimap, map_square=True, map_zoom=.5, map_res=None, map_arcgisimage="ocean", map_epsg=3395, linewidth=.6) kwminimap['map_fig'] = ax.figure add_map_box((xx, yy), extents, **kwminimap) # Bathy profile if add_section_bathy and bathy is not None or secbathy is not None: if secbathy is None: # interpolate if slice_type == 'merid': secbathy = transect( bathy, [0.5 * (interval[0] + interval[1])] * 2, ylim, outaxis='lat') else: secbathy = transect( bathy, xlim, [0.5 * (interval[0] + interval[1])] * 2, outaxis='lon') tx = secbathy.getAxis(0)[:] tb = secbathy.asma() axis_bounds = ax.axis() dict_check_defaults(kwsecbat, facecolor="0.7") ax.fill_between(tx, ax.get_ylim()[0], tb, **kwsecbat) ax.axis(axis_bounds) axis_bounds = ax.axis() # Plot params for scatter kwargs.update(linewidth=linewidth, s=size, edgecolor=edgecolor) # Data kwargs if data is not None: dict_check_defaults(kwargs, vmin=data.min(), vmax=data.max()) # 3D pp = [] if slice_type == "3d": kwargs['depthshade'] = depthshade # Depth labels zfmtfunc = lambda x, pos: deplab(x, nosign=True) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(zfmtfunc)) # Scatter plots if not profiles: # fully scattered # Points if data is not None: kwargs['c'] = data else: kwargs['c'] = color pp.append(ax.scatter(xx, yy, depths, label=label, **kwargs)) # Profile lines if add_profile_line: for ip, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(xx, yy)): plot_profile_line_3d(ax, x, y, xybathy[ip], zorder=pp[-1].get_zorder() - 0.01, **kwpf) else: # profiles for ip, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(xx, yy)): # Skip fully masked if mask[:, ip].all(): # if warn: # sonat_warn('Profile fully masked') continue # Points if zz.ndim == 2: z = depths[:, ip] else: z = zz z =[:, ip], z, copy=False) if data is not None: kwargs['c'] = data[..., ip] else: kwargs['c'] = color pp.append( ax.scatter([x] * len(z), [y] * len(z), z, label=label, **kwargs)) label = '_' + str(label) # Profile line if add_profile_line: plot_profile_line_3d(ax, x, y, -xybathy[ip], zorder=pp[-1].get_zorder() - 0.01, **kwpf) # Horizontal elif slice_type in ['2d', 'surf', 'bottom', 'horiz']: # Barotropic case if data is not None and data.ndim != 1: data = data.mean(axis=0) # Scatter plot if data is not None: kwargs['c'] = data else: kwargs['c'] = color pp.append(ax.scatter(xx, yy, label=label, **kwargs)) if pp[-1].norm.vmin is None: pass # Sections else: # X axis data if slice_type == 'zonal': xdata = xx else: xdata = yy # Scatter plots if not profiles: # scattered if data is not None: kwargs['c'] = data else: kwargs['c'] = color pp.append(ax.scatter(xdata, depths, label=label, **kwargs)) else: # profiles for ip, x in enumerate(xdata): # Skip fully masked if mask[:, ip].all(): # if warn: # sonat_warn('Profile fully masked') continue # Points if depths[:].ndim == 2: z = zz[:, ip] else: z = zz z =[:, ip], z, copy=False) if data is not None: kwargs['c'] = data[:, ip] else: kwargs['c'] = color pp.append(ax.scatter([x] * len(z), z, label=label, **kwargs)) label = '_' + str(label) # Profile line if add_profile_line: plot_profile_line_3d(ax, x, -xybathy[ip], zorder=pp[-1].get_zorder() - 0.01, **kwpf) # Finalise ax.axis(axis_bounds) if title: ax.set_title(title) if legend: plotter.legend(**kwleg) if colorbar and data is not None: add_colorbar(plotter, pp, units=units, **kwcb) if data is not None and register_sm: register_scalar_mappable(ax, pp, units=units) register_scatter(ax, pp, label) return plotter
def create_Dthnc(self, fileout, TimeSeries): if '2D' in fileout: self.i23d = 2 else: self.i23d = 3 # create file if self.i23d == 3: Nlev = self.zz.shape[1] else: Nlev = 1 time_Series, nc = create_ncTH( fileout, len(self.llon), Nlev, self.ivs, np.round((TimeSeries - TimeSeries[0]) * 24 * 3600)) for n in range(0, len(TimeSeries)): tin = create_time(np.ones(len(self.llon) * Nlev) * (TimeSeries[n] + 1), units='days since 1-1-1') total = np.zeros(shape=(self.ivs, len(self.llon), Nlev)) # get tide if self.tidal: var = self.HC.keys() for i, v in enumerate(sorted(var)): # horizontal interpolation tmp = get_tide(self.constidx, self.tfreq, self.HC[v], np.array(TimeSeries[n]), self.lat0) if self.i23d > 2: # vertical interpolation tmp = vertical_extrapolation(tmp, self.zz, z0=self.z0) total[i, :, :] = total[i, :, :] + tmp if self.residual: var = self.res_vars for i, v in enumerate(sorted(var)): arri = self.res_file[v][:] if self.i23d > 2: dep = create_depth(arri.getAxis(1)[:]) extra = create_axis(N.arange(1), id='member') arri2 = np.tile(arri, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) arri3 = MV2.array(arri2, axes=[ extra, arri.getAxis(0), dep, arri.getAxis(2), arri.getAxis(3) ], copy=False, fill_value=1e20) zi = arri.getAxis(1)[:] if np.mean(zi) > 0: zi = zi * -1 tb = grid2xy(arri3, xo=np.tile(self.llon, [Nlev, 1]).T.flatten(), yo=np.tile(self.llat, [Nlev, 1]).T.flatten(), zo=self.zz.flatten(), method='linear', to=tin, zi=zi) else: tb = grid2xy(arri, xo=self.llon, yo=self.llat, method='linear', to=tin) if np.any(tb.mask == True): bad = tb.mask == True if len(bad.shape) > 1: bad = bad[0, :] tin_bad = create_time(np.ones(len(bad)) * (TimeSeries[n] + 1), units='days since 1-1-1') if self.i23d > 2: llon = np.tile(self.llon, [Nlev, 1]).T.flatten() llat = np.tile(self.llat, [Nlev, 1]).T.flatten() zz = self.zz.flatten() zi = arri.getAxis(1)[:] if np.mean(zi) > 0: zi = zi * -1 tb[0, bad] = grid2xy(arri3, xo=llon[bad], yo=llat[bad], zo=zz[bad], method='nearest', to=tin_bad, zi=zi) else: tb[bad] = grid2xy( arri, xo=np.array(self.llon)[bad].tolist(), yo=np.array(self.llat)[bad].tolist(), method='nearest', to=tin_bad) if np.any(tb.mask == True): print('probleme') total[i, :, :] = total[i, :, :] + np.reshape( tb, (len(self.llon), Nlev)) total = np.transpose(total, (1, 2, 0)) if np.isnan(total).any(): import pdb pdb.set_trace() if n % 100 == 0: 'For timestep=%.f, max=%.4f, min=%.4f , max abs diff=%.4f' % (TimeSeries[n], total.max(), total.min(), abs(np.diff(total, n=1, axis=0)).max())) time_Series[n, :, :, :] = total nc.close()
data = N.resize(lat[:], (ne, nt, nz, nx, ny)) # function of y data = N.moveaxis(data, -1, -2) #data = N.arange(nx*ny*nz*nt*ne, dtype='d').reshape(ne, nt, nz, ny, nx) vi = MV2.array(data, axes=[extra, time, dep, lat, lon], copy=False, fill_value=1e20) N.random.seed(0) xo = N.random.uniform(lon0, lon1, np) yo = N.random.uniform(lat0, lat1, np) zo = N.random.uniform(dep0, dep1, np) to = comptime(N.random.uniform(reltime(time0, time.units).value, reltime(time1, time.units).value, np), time.units) # Rectangular xyzt with 1d z vo = grid2xy(vi, xo=xo, yo=yo, zo=zo, to=to, method='linear') von = grid2xy(vi, xo=xo, yo=yo, zo=zo, to=to, method='nearest') assert vo.shape==(ne, np) N.testing.assert_allclose(vo[0], yo) kwp = dict(vmin=vi.min(), vmax=vi.max()) P.figure(figsize=(6, 3)) P.subplot(121) P.scatter(xo, yo, c=vo[0], cmap='jet', **kwp) add_grid(vi.getGrid()) P.title('linear4d') P.subplot(122) P.scatter(xo, yo, c=von[0], cmap='jet', **kwp) add_grid(vi.getGrid()) P.title('nearest4d') P.figtext(.5, .98, 'grid2xy in 4D', va='top', ha='center', weight='bold') P.tight_layout()
def extrapolate_amp(lon, lat, lonr, latr, maskr, arr): arr = missing_interp(lon, lat, arr) arri = grid2xy(arr, xo=lonr, yo=latr) return arri
def slice_gridded_var(var, member=None, time=None, depth=None, lat=None, lon=None): """Make slices of a variable and squeeze out singletons to reduce it The "member" axis is considered here as a generic name for the first axis of unkown type. .. warning:: All axes must be 1D """ # Check order var = var(squeeze=1) order = var.getOrder() # Unkown axis if '-' in order and member is not None: i = order.find('-') id = var.getAxisIds()[i] if isinstance(member, slice): kw = {id:member} var = var(**kw) else: axo = create_axis(member) cp_atts(var.getAxis(i), axo) var = regrid1d(var, axo, iaxi=i)(squeeze=N.isscalar(member)) # Time interpolation if 't' in order and time is not None: axi = var.getTime() if isinstance(time, slice): var = var(time=time) else: axo = create_time(time, axi.units) var = regrid1d(var, axo)(squeeze=N.isscalar(time)) # Depth interpolation if 'z' in order and depth is not None: if depth=='bottom': var = slice_bottom(var) else: if depth=='surf': depth = slice(-1, None) if isinstance(depth, slice): var = var(level=depth, squeeze=1) # z squeeze only? elif (N.isscalar(depth) and var.getLevel()[:].ndim==1 and depth in var.getLevel()): var = var(level=depth) else: axo = create_dep(depth) if axo[:].max()>10: sonat_warn('Interpolation depth is positive. Taking this opposite') axo[:] *=-1 var = regrid1d(var, axo)(squeeze=N.isscalar(depth)) # Point if (order.endswith('yx') and lon is not None and lat is not None and not isinstance(lat, slice) and not isinstance(lon, slice)): var = grid2xy(var, lon, lat)(squeeze=N.isscalar(lon)) else: # Latitude interpolation if 'y' in order and lat: if isinstance(lat, slice): var = var(lat=lat) else: axo = create_lat(lat) var = regrid1d(var, axo)(squeeze=N.isscalar(lat)) # Longitude interpolation if 'x' in order and lon: if isinstance(lon, slice): var = var(lon=lon) else: axo = create_lon(lon) var = regrid1d(var, axo)(squeeze=N.isscalar(lon)) return var
def get_file_interpolator(sourcefile, var_res, lonr, latr): sourcedata = Dataset(sourcefile, 'r') sourcedata_dms2 = f_out = {} LONR = {} LATR = {} time0 = [ t.torelative('days since 1-1-1').value for t in sourcedata_dms2['time'].asRelativeTime() ] tres = np.array(time0) for varname in var_res: # arri = griddata(lat.ravel(),lon.ravel(), tempf[0,:,:].compressed(), tempf.getGrid(), method='nearest') lon, lat, arri = missing_interp(sourcedata_dms2[varname].getAxis(2)[:], sourcedata_dms2[varname].getAxis(1)[:], sourcedata_dms2[varname][:]) import pdb pdb.set_trace() tt = create_time(time0, units='days since 1-1-1') tb = grid2xy(arri, xo=lonr, yo=latr, method='nearest', to=tt) Res_val = >= 1e36, tempf) if len(Res_val.shape) > 3: LONR[varname] = [] LATR[varname] = [] f_out[varname] = [] for all_l in range(0, Res_val.shape[1]): test = Res_val[:, all_l, :, :].reshape( Res_val.shape[0], Res_val.shape[2] * Res_val.shape[3]) gd_node = test[0, :].nonzero()[0] test = np.array(test) test = == Res_val.fill_value, test) test = test[:, gd_node] if test.shape[1] > 0: gd_ts = test[:, int(test.shape[1] / 2)].nonzero()[0] f_out[varname].append( interp1d(tres[gd_ts], test[gd_ts], axis=0, fill_value=np.nan)) LONR[varname].append(lonr[gd_node]) LATR[varname].append(latr[gd_node]) else: test = Res_val[:, :, :].reshape( Res_val.shape[0], Res_val.shape[1] * Res_val.shape[2]) gd_node = test[0, :].nonzero()[0] test = np.array(test) test = >= 1e20, test) test = test[:, gd_node] gd_ts = test[:, int(test.shape[1] / 2)].nonzero()[0] LONR[varname] = lonr[gd_node] LATR[varname] = latr[gd_node] f_out[varname] = interp1d(tres[gd_ts], test[gd_ts], axis=0, fill_value=np.nan) #'extrapolate') return f_out, LONR, LATR