예제 #1
파일: kad.py 프로젝트: orihikarna/Hermit
def draw_corner(cnr_type, a, cnr_data, b, layer, width, dump=False):
    apos, aangle = a
    bpos, bangle = b
    avec = vec2.rotate(aangle)
    bvec = vec2.rotate(bangle + 180)
    curv = None
    if cnr_type != Bezier and abs(vec2.dot(avec, bvec)) > 0.999:
        cnr_type = Line
        #print( avec, bvec )
    if cnr_type == Line:
        add_line(apos, bpos, layer, width)
    elif cnr_type == Linear:
        xpos, alen, blen = vec2.find_intersection(apos, avec, bpos, bvec)
        if cnr_data == None:
            add_line(apos, xpos, layer, width)
            add_line(bpos, xpos, layer, width)
            delta = cnr_data[0]
            #print( delta, alen, xpos )
            amid = vec2.scale(alen - delta, avec, apos)
            bmid = vec2.scale(blen - delta, bvec, bpos)
            add_line(apos, amid, layer, width)
            add_line(bpos, bmid, layer, width)
            add_line(amid, bmid, layer, width)
    elif cnr_type == Bezier:
        num_data = len(cnr_data)
        alen = cnr_data[0]
        blen = cnr_data[-2]
        ndivs = cnr_data[-1]
        apos2 = vec2.scale(alen, avec, apos)
        bpos2 = vec2.scale(blen, bvec, bpos)
        pnts = [apos, apos2]
        if num_data > 3:
            for pt in cnr_data[1:num_data - 2]:
        curv = calc_bezier_points(pnts, ndivs)
        add_lines(curv, layer, width)
    elif cnr_type == BezierRound:
        radius = cnr_data[0]
        # _, alen, blen = vec2.find_intersection( apos, avec, bpos, bvec )
        # debug = False
        # if alen <= radius:
        #     print( 'BezierRound: alen < radius, {} < {}, at {}'.format( alen, radius, apos ) )
        #     debug = True
        # if blen <= radius:
        #     print( 'BezierRound: alen < radius, {} < {}, at {}'.format( blen, radius, bpos ) )
        #     debug = True
        # amid = vec2.scale( alen - radius, avec, apos )
        # bmid = vec2.scale( blen - radius, bvec, bpos )
        # add_line( apos, amid, layer, width )
        # add_line( bpos, bmid, layer, width )
        # angle = vec2.angle( avec, bvec )
        # if angle < 0:
        #     #angle += 360
        #     angle *= -1
        # ndivs = int( round( angle / 4.5 ) )
        # #print( 'BezierRound: angle = {}, ndivs = {}'.format( angle, ndivs ) )
        # coeff = (math.sqrt( 0.5 ) - 0.5) / 3 * 8
        # #print( 'coeff = {}'.format( coeff ) )
        # actrl = vec2.scale( alen + (coeff - 1) * radius, avec, apos )
        # bctrl = vec2.scale( blen + (coeff - 1) * radius, bvec, bpos )
        # pnts = [amid, actrl, bctrl, bmid]
        curv = calc_bezier_round_points(apos, avec, bpos, bvec, radius)
        add_lines(curv, layer, width)
    elif cnr_type == Round:
        radius = cnr_data[0]
        # print( 'Round: radius = {}'.format( radius ) )
        # print( apos, avec, bpos, bvec )
        xpos, alen, blen = vec2.find_intersection(apos, avec, bpos, bvec)
        # print( xpos, alen, blen )
        debug = False
        if not is_supported_round_angle(aangle):
            #print( 'Round: warning aangle = {}'.format( aangle ) )
            #debug = True
        if not is_supported_round_angle(bangle):
            #print( 'Round: warning bangle = {}'.format( bangle ) )
            #debug = True
        if alen < radius:
            print('Round: alen < radius, {} < {}'.format(alen, radius))
            debug = True
        if blen < radius:
            print('Round: blen < radius, {} < {}'.format(blen, radius))
            debug = True
        if debug:
            add_arc(xpos, vec2.add(xpos, (10, 0)), 360, layer, width)
            return b, curv
        angle = vec2.angle(avec, bvec)
        angle = math.ceil(angle * 10) / 10
        tangent = math.tan(abs(angle) / 2 / 180 * math.pi)
        side_len = radius / tangent
        # print( 'angle = {}, radius = {}, side_len = {}, tangent = {}'.format( angle, radius, side_len, tangent ) )

        amid = vec2.scale(-side_len, avec, xpos)
        bmid = vec2.scale(-side_len, bvec, xpos)
        add_line(apos, amid, layer, width)
        add_line(bpos, bmid, layer, width)

        aperp = (-avec[1], avec[0])
        if angle >= 0:
            ctr = vec2.scale(-radius, aperp, amid)
            add_arc2(ctr, bmid, amid, 180 - angle, layer, width)
            ctr = vec2.scale(+radius, aperp, amid)
            add_arc2(ctr, amid, bmid, 180 + angle, layer, width)
    elif cnr_type == Spline:
        vec_scale = cnr_data[0]
        ndivs = int(round(vec2.distance(apos, bpos) / 2.0))
        avec = vec2.rotate(aangle + 90)
        bvec = vec2.rotate(bangle - 90)
        curv = calc_spline_points(apos, avec, bpos, bvec, ndivs, vec_scale)
        add_lines(curv, layer, width)
    return b, curv
예제 #2
import vec2, math

def intersectLineCircle((p, no), (C, r)):
    x = vec2.sub(p, C)
    b = 2. * vec2.dot(no, x)
    c = vec2.sqr(x) - r * r
    dist = b * b - 4 * c

    if dist < 0:
        return None
        d = math.sqrt(dist)
        t0 = (-b - d) * .5
        t1 = (-b + d) * .5
        return (t0, t1)

# def intersectLineCircle((lineP,lineN),(circleP,circleR)):
# 	dx,dy = vec2.sub(lineP,circleP)
# 	nx,ny = lineN
# 	a =   (nx*nx + ny*ny)
# 	b = 2*(dx*nx + dy*ny)
# 	c =   (dx*dx + dy*dy) - circleR*circleR
# 	k = b*b - 4*a*c
# 	if k<0:
# 		return None
# 	else:
# 		d = math.sqrt(k)
예제 #3
파일: mat2.py 프로젝트: Jokerzyq/klee-zyq
def transmulvec2(m_trans,v):
	return tuple([vec2.dot(v, m_c) for m_c in m_trans])
예제 #4
# ===-- Intersect2D.py ----------------------------------------------------===##
#                      The KLEE Symbolic Virtual Machine
#  This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
#  License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
# ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===##

import vec2, math

def intersectLineCircle((p, no), (C, r)):
	x = vec2.sub(p,C)
	b = 2.*vec2.dot(no, x)
	c = vec2.sqr(x) - r*r
	dist = b*b - 4*c
	if dist<0:
		return None
		d = math.sqrt(dist)
		t0 = (-b - d)*.5
		t1 = (-b + d)*.5
		return (t0,t1)
#def intersectLineCircle((lineP,lineN),(circleP,circleR)):
#	dx,dy = vec2.sub(lineP,circleP)
#	nx,ny = lineN
#	a =   (nx*nx + ny*ny)
#	b = 2*(dx*nx + dy*ny)