예제 #1
 def __init__(self, material, origin, hext):
     """Draws from the baseobject's attributes, but also has a vector representing the half extents."""
     super().__init__(material, origin)
     self.hext = hext
     self.Xhat = vector.Vector3(1, 0, 0)
     self.Yhat = vector.Vector3(0, 1, 0)
     self.Zhat = vector.Vector3(0, 0, 1)
예제 #2
    def renderOneLine(self, y):
        """Where most of the raytracer happens, the z in range determines the quality of anti aliasing"""
        for x in range(self.surf.get_width()):
            total = 0
            color = vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
            temp_color = vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
            for z in range(1):
                L = []
                dx = random.uniform(-1, 1)
                dy = random.uniform(-1, 1)
                pixelvector = vector.Vector2(x + dx, y + dy)
                otherpixel = vector.Vector2(x, y)
                e = math.exp(-((dx**2) / (2 * (0.333**2)) + (dy**2) /
                               (2 * (0.333**2))))
                total += e
                direction = (self.camera.getpixelpos(pixelvector) -
                ray = Ray(color, self.camera.getpixelpos(pixelvector),
                          direction, 1)
                b = self.raycast(ray)
                temp_color += b * e

            avg_color = temp_color / total
            color = avg_color.clamp()
            color = (color * 255).i
            self.surf.set_at(otherpixel.i, color)
예제 #3
    def draw(self):




        major = 0

        if (self.normal.z != 0 or self.normal.y != 0):
            major = vector.Vector3(0, -self.normal.z, self.normal.y)
            major = vector.Vector3(-self.normal.z, 0, self.normal.x)

        minor = self.normal.cross(major)

        if (minor.magnitude() != 0):
            minor = minor.unit() * 2.0
        if (major.magnitude() != 0):
            major = major.unit() * 2.0

        Mx, My, Mz = major
        mx, my, mz = minor

            4, pyglet.gl.GL_LINES, [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0], ('v3f', [
                Mx + mx, My + my, Mz + mz, Mx - mx, My - my, Mz - mz, -Mx - mx,
                -My - my, -Mz - mz, -Mx + mx, -My + my, -Mz + mz

예제 #4
    def __init__(self, screen, res):
        self.pos = vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0)

        # Not actually a vector, x represents looking right/left, y is up/down, z is just rotating view
        # Default (0,0,0) is looking in the positive x direction (left handed coordinate system)
        self.dir = vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0)

        self.screen = screen  # Screen to render camera on
        self.res = res  # Resolution of camera

        self.fov = math.pi / 3

        self.speed = 10
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, p1, p2, p3):
        self.equation = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        self.origin = vector.Vector3()
        self.normal = vector.Vector3()

        self.normal = cross(p2 - p1, p3 - p1)
        self.normal = self.normal.normalized()
        self.origin = p1
        self.equation[0] = self.normal.x
        self.equation[1] = self.normal.y
        self.equation[2] = self.normal.z
        self.equation[3] = -(self.normal.x * self.origin.x + self.normal.y *
                             self.origin.y + self.normal.z * self.origin.z)
예제 #6
    def barycentric(self, P):
        xaxis, yaxis = self.getAxes()
        pts3d = []
        for p in self.mPoints:
            v = self.mPos + p[0] * xaxis + p[1] * yaxis
            pts3d.append(vector.Vector3(v.x, v.y, 0))

        bcoord = []
        den = self.mArea * 2.0
        p3d = vector.Vector3(P.x, P.y, 0)
        bcoord.append(vector.cross(pts3d[1] - p3d, pts3d[2] - p3d).magnitude / den)
        bcoord.append(vector.cross(pts3d[0] - p3d, pts3d[2] - p3d).magnitude / den)
        bcoord.append(vector.cross(pts3d[0] - p3d, pts3d[1] - p3d).magnitude / den)
        return bcoord
예제 #7
    def __init__(self):
        self.pos = vector.Vector3(1, 1, 1)

        self.rot = vector.Vector2()

        self.meshFaces = []
        self.colliderFaces = []

        self.isKinetic = True
        self.velocity = vector.Vector3()
        self.useGravity = True
        self.grounded = False

        self.fixedTime = .01
        self.t = 0
예제 #8
 def rayTest(self, R):
     """Returns a list of sorted Raycollisions or none if its empty."""
     hits = []
     hat_rack = [
         self.Xhat, -self.Xhat, self.Yhat, -self.Yhat, self.Zhat, -self.Zhat
     hext_test = [
         self.hext.x, self.hext.x, self.hext.y, self.hext.y, self.hext.z,
     for i in range(6):
         norm = hat_rack[i]
         d = vector.dot((self.origin + (hext_test[i] * norm)), norm)
         if vector.dot(R.Dhat, norm) != 0:
             t = (d - vector.dot(R.origin, norm)) / (vector.dot(
                 R.Dhat, norm))
             if t < 0:
             Pw = R.getPoint(t)
             Q = Pw - self.origin
             Pl = vector.Vector3(vector.dot(Q, self.Xhat),
                                 vector.dot(Q, self.Yhat),
                                 vector.dot(Q, self.Zhat))
             if -self.hext.x - 0.0001 <= Pl.x and Pl.x <= self.hext.x + 0.0001:
                 if -self.hext.y - 0.0001 <= Pl.y and Pl.y <= self.hext.y + 0.0001:
                     if -self.hext.z - 0.0001 <= Pl.z and Pl.z <= self.hext.z + 0.0001:
                         hits += [
                             Raycollision(R, self, t, R.getPoint(t), norm)
     return hits
예제 #9
    def lighting(self, lights, camera, transform):
        temp_color = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
        supern = (self.normal * transform).normalized()
        for l in range(len(lights)):
            center = self.center * transform
            amb = self.scene.pairwise_mult(self.md[self.material]["amb"])
            temp_color += amb
            n = (lights[l].pos - center).normalized()
            o = vector.dot(n, supern)
            if o < 0:

                r = 2 * o * supern - n
                i = VectorN(camera.pos.x, camera.pos.y, camera.pos.z, 1)
                v = (i - center).normalized()
                m = vector.dot(v, r)
                diff_c = o * lights[l].diff.pairwise_mult(
                if m < 0:
                    spec_c = vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
                    spec_c = m ** self.md[self.material]["hard"] * \
                temp_color += spec_c + diff_c
        return temp_color.clamp()
예제 #10
def matrix_x_vector(m: Matrix4, i: Vector3):
    v = vector.Vector3(
        i.x * m.m[0][0] + i.y * m.m[1][0] + i.z * m.m[2][0] + i.w * m.m[3][0],
        i.x * m.m[0][1] + i.y * m.m[1][1] + i.z * m.m[2][1] + i.w * m.m[3][1],
        i.x * m.m[0][2] + i.y * m.m[1][2] + i.z * m.m[2][2] + i.w * m.m[3][2],
        i.x * m.m[0][3] + i.y * m.m[1][3] + i.z * m.m[2][3] + i.w * m.m[3][3]
    return v
예제 #11
    def pygameDraw(self, surf):
        """Draws the plane line to the surf."""
        if abs(self.norm[1]) >= abs(self.norm[0]):
            # Horizontal
            self.B = vector.Vector3(
                ((self.distance - self.width * self.norm.x) / self.norm.y), 0)
            self.startpos = vector.Vector3(0, (self.distance / self.norm.y), 0)
            # Vertical
            self.B = vector.Vector3(
                (self.distance - self.height * self.norm.y) / self.norm.x,
                self.height, 0)
            self.startpos = vector.Vector3((self.distance / self.norm.x), 0, 0)

        pygame.draw.line(surf, (self.material["diff"] * 255).i,
                         (int(self.startpos.x), int(self.startpos.y)),
                         (int(self.B.x), int(self.B.y)), 1)
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, color, pos, points):
     super().__init__(color, pos)
     self.mPoints = []
     self.mPoints3d = []
     for p in points:
         v = p - self.mPos
         self.mPoints3d.append(vector.Vector3(v.x, v.y, 0))
     self.mArea = vector.cross(self.mPoints3d[1] - self.mPoints3d[0], self.mPoints3d[2] - self.mPoints3d[0]).magnitude / 2.0
예제 #13
    def __init__(self):
        self.res = (960, 540)
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.res)
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        self.cam = camera.Camera(self.screen, self.res)

        self.font_log = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 24)
        #textrect = text.get_rect()
        #textrect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx
        #textrect.centery = screen.get_rect().centery

        self.mouseLock = False

        self.polyList = [
                vector.Vector3(10, 1, 0),
                vector.Vector3(10, 0, 1),
                vector.Vector3(10, 0, -1)

        for i in range(100):
                    vector.Vector3(10 + 5 * math.sin(i / 20), 1 + i / 10, 0),
                    vector.Vector3(10 + 5 * math.sin(i / 20), 0, 1 + i / 10),
                    vector.Vector3(10 + 5 * math.sin(i / 20), 0, -1 - i / 10)
예제 #14
    def draw(self, surf, camera):
        draw function for actors, currently animates basic temporary sprites
        :param surf: pygame style Surface
        :param camera: camera object for world coordinate conversion
        :return: nothing
        if self.is_dead(): # dead men tell no tales

        temp_rect = camera.apply(self.current_pos)  # create temporary list to protect the current position
          # converts from world coord to screen coords

        temp_cube = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0), self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mPos.copy(),
                           vector.Vector2(48, 4))

        temp_cube.mAngle = self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mAngle
        temp_vec = camera.apply(temp_cube.mPos)
        temp_cube.mPos = temp_vec

        if isinstance(self, Enemy) and self.is_chasing:

            if self.sprite_row == 4 or self.sprite_row == 1 or self.sprite_row == 2 or self.sprite_row == 3 or self.sprite_row == 0:
                x = temp_cube.mPos.x - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_width() // 2
                y = temp_cube.mPos.y - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_height() // 2

                surf.blit(self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img, (x, y))

        # Drawing the actor from the sprite sheet using known attributes, and offsets the sprite so current_pos is the
        #... center of the sprite
        surf.blit(self.sprite_sheet, (temp_rect[0] - (self.sprite_size // 2),
                   temp_rect[1] - (self.sprite_size // 2)),
                  (self.sprite_column * self.sprite_size + self.sprite_offset[0],
                   self.sprite_row * self.sprite_size + self.sprite_offset[1],
                   self.sprite_size, self.sprite_size))

        if isinstance(self, Enemy) and self.is_chasing:
            if self.sprite_row == 5 or self.sprite_row == 6 or self.sprite_row == 7:
                x = temp_cube.mPos.x - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_width()//2
                y = temp_cube.mPos.y - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_height()//2
                surf.blit(self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img, (x, y))

            pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0, 0, 0), (temp_rect[0] - 20, temp_rect[1] - 20, 40, 3), 0)
            pygame.draw.rect(surf, (255, 0, 0), (temp_rect[0] - 20, temp_rect[1] - 20, 40 * (self.health/self.max_health), 3), 0)

        elif isinstance(self, NPC) and self.gui_runner.Visible:
예제 #15
    def draw(self, surf, camera):
        draw function for actors, currently animates basic temporary sprites
        :param surf: pygame style Surface
        :param camera: camera object for world coordinate conversion
        :return: nothing
        if self.is_dead():  # dead men tell no tales
        # print(self.current_weapon)
        # print(self.Spear.Hitbox)
        temp_cube = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0), self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mPos.copy(), vector.Vector2(48, 4))

        # temp_cube = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0), self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mPos.copy(), vector.Vector2(self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mExtents[0] * 2, self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mExtents[1] * 2))
        temp_cube.mAngle = self.current_weapon.Hitbox.mAngle
        temp_vec = camera.apply(temp_cube.mPos)
        temp_cube.mPos = temp_vec
        # ##--Lane(Weapon_drawing)--##
        if self.current_weapon.weapon_drawn is True:   # if weapon_drawn is True then draw weapon hit box
            if self.sprite_row == 4 or self.sprite_row == 1 or self.sprite_row == 2 or self.sprite_row == 3 or self.sprite_row == 0:
                x = temp_cube.mPos.x - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_width()//2
                y = temp_cube.mPos.y - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_height()//2

                surf.blit(self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img, (x, y))

        temp_rect = camera.apply(self.current_pos)  # create temporary list to protect the current position
        # converts from world coord to screen coords

        # Drawing the actor from the sprite sheet using known attributes, and offsets the sprite so current_pos is the
        # ... center of the sprite
        surf.blit(self.sprite_sheet, (temp_rect[0] - (self.sprite_size // 2),
                   temp_rect[1] - (self.sprite_size // 2)),
                  (self.sprite_column * self.sprite_size + self.sprite_offset[0],
                   self.sprite_row * self.sprite_size + self.sprite_offset[1],
                   self.sprite_size, self.sprite_size))

        # ##--Lane(Weapon_drawing)--##
        if self.current_weapon.weapon_drawn is True:  # if weapon_drawn is True then draw weapon hit box
            if self.sprite_row == 5 or self.sprite_row == 6 or self.sprite_row == 7:
                x = temp_cube.mPos.x - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_width()//2
                y = temp_cube.mPos.y - self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img.get_height()//2
                surf.blit(self.current_weapon.rotated_weap_img, (x, y))

        pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0, 0, 0), (temp_rect[0] - 20, temp_rect[1] - 20, 40, 3), 0)
        pygame.draw.rect(surf, (255, 255, 0), (temp_rect[0] - 20, temp_rect[1] - 20, 40 * (self.health/self.max_health), 3), 0)
예제 #16
    def pygameDraw(self, surf):
        """Draws the box to the surf"""
        # First Box
        A_local = vector.Vector3(-self.hext.x, -self.hext.y, -self.hext.z)
        B_local = vector.Vector3(self.hext.x, -self.hext.y, -self.hext.z)
        C_local = vector.Vector3(self.hext.x, self.hext.y, -self.hext.z)
        D_local = vector.Vector3(-self.hext.x, self.hext.y, -self.hext.z)
        A_world = self.origin + A_local.x * self.Xhat + A_local.y * self.Yhat + A_local.z * self.Zhat
        B_world = self.origin + B_local.x * self.Xhat + B_local.y * self.Yhat + B_local.z * self.Zhat
        C_world = self.origin + C_local.x * self.Xhat + C_local.y * self.Yhat + C_local.z * self.Zhat
        D_world = self.origin + D_local.x * self.Xhat + D_local.y * self.Yhat + D_local.z * self.Zhat

        # Second Box
        A2_local = vector.Vector3(-self.hext.x, -self.hext.y, self.hext.z)
        B2_local = vector.Vector3(self.hext.x, -self.hext.y, self.hext.z)
        C2_local = vector.Vector3(self.hext.x, self.hext.y, self.hext.z)
        D2_local = vector.Vector3(-self.hext.x, self.hext.y, self.hext.z)
        A2_world = self.origin + A2_local.x * self.Xhat + A2_local.y * self.Yhat + A2_local.z * self.Zhat
        B2_world = self.origin + B2_local.x * self.Xhat + B2_local.y * self.Yhat + B2_local.z * self.Zhat
        C2_world = self.origin + C2_local.x * self.Xhat + C2_local.y * self.Yhat + C2_local.z * self.Zhat
        D2_world = self.origin + D2_local.x * self.Xhat + D2_local.y * self.Yhat + D2_local.z * self.Zhat

        # Drawing the boxes
        pygame.draw.line(surf, (self.material["diff"] * 255).i,
                         (A_world.x, A_world.y), (A2_world.x, A2_world.y), 1)
        pygame.draw.line(surf, (self.material["diff"] * 255).i,
                         (B_world.x, B_world.y), (B2_world.x, B2_world.y), 1)
        pygame.draw.line(surf, (self.material["diff"] * 255).i,
                         (C_world.x, C_world.y), (C2_world.x, C2_world.y), 1)
        pygame.draw.line(surf, (self.material["diff"] * 255).i,
                         (D_world.x, D_world.y), (D2_world.x, D2_world.y), 1)
        pygame.draw.polygon(surf, (self.material["diff"] * 255).i,
                            ((A_world.x, A_world.y), (B_world.x, B_world.y),
                             (C_world.x, C_world.y), (D_world.x, D_world.y)),
        pygame.draw.polygon(surf, (self.material["diff"] * 255).i,
                            ((A2_world.x, A2_world.y),
                             (B2_world.x, B2_world.y),
                             (C2_world.x, C2_world.y),
                             (D2_world.x, D2_world.y)), 1)
예제 #17
    def __init__(self, w, h):
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        self.cx = w // 2
        self.cy = h // 2

        self.pos = vector.Vector3()
        self.rot = vector.Vector2()

        self.half_w, self.half_h = w / 2, h / 2
        self.fov = 90/180*math.pi; self.half_fov = self.fov/2
        self.half_w, self.half_h = w/2,h/2
        self.projY = self.half_h/math.tan(self.half_fov)
        self.projX = self.half_w/math.tan(self.half_fov)/(w/h)

        os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'
        self.display = pygame.display.set_mode((w, h))
예제 #18
        self.normal = cross(p2 - p1, p3 - p1)
        #self.normal = np.cross(p2-p1, p3-p1)
        self.normal = self.normal.normalized()
        self.origin = p1
        self.equation[0] = self.normal.x
        self.equation[1] = self.normal.y
        self.equation[2] = self.normal.z
        self.equation[3] = -(self.normal.x * self.origin.x + self.normal.y *
                             self.origin.y + self.normal.z * self.origin.z)

    # bool of whether direction intersects tri
    def isFrontFacingTo(self, direction):
        dot_product = dot(self.normal, direction)
        return dot_product <= 0

    def signedDistanceTo(self, point):
        return dot(point, self.normal) + self.equation[3]

tri = Plane()

    vector.Vector3(1, 1, 0),  # 0,0,0
    vector.Vector3(2, 1, 0),  # 1,0,0
    vector.Vector3(2, 2, 0))  # 1,0,1

print(tri.signedDistanceTo(vector.Vector3(743, 5000, 6)))
예제 #19
    def raycast(self, ray):
        L = []
        maxi = 0
        weight = ray.weight
        temp_color = vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
        for s in range(len(self.shapelist)):
            a = self.shapelist[s].rayTest(ray)
            L += a
        if L == []:
            background = self.scene.pairwise_mult(vector.Vector3(
                0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
            temp_color += background
            amb_c = self.scene.pairwise_mult(L[0].otherobject.material["amb"])
            temp_color += amb_c
            for l in self.lightlist:
                n = (l.pos - L[0].point).normalized()
                o = vector.dot(n, L[0].normal)
                if o < 0:
                    r = 2 * o * L[0].normal - n
                    v = (self.camera.pos - L[0].point).normalized()
                    m = vector.dot(v, r)
                    if m > maxi:
                        maxi = m
                    shadow = False
                    c = Ray(L[0].otherobject.material,
                            L[0].point + 0.0001 * L[0].normal, n, weight)
                    abba = ((L[0].point + 0.0001 * L[0].normal) -
                    for s in self.shapelist:
                        temp = s.rayTest(c)
                        for z in temp:
                            if z.distance <= abba:
                                shadow = True

                            elif z.distance >= abba and shadow is not True:
                                shadow = False

                    if shadow is False:
                        diff_c = o * l.diff.pairwise_mult(
                        if m < 0:
                            spec_c = vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
                            spec_c = m ** L[0].otherobject.material["shiny"] * \
                        temp_color += spec_c + diff_c

            if maxi > 0:
                weight -= maxi
                if weight < 0:
                    weight = 0
                z = 2 * (vector.dot(-ray.Dhat, L[0].normal) * L[0].normal -
                newray = Ray(L[0].otherobject.material, L[0].point + (z), z, 1)
                o = self.raycast(newray)
                temp_color = weight * temp_color + (1 - weight) * o
        return temp_color
예제 #20
    def __init__(self, material, origin, objfile):
        """Draws from the baseobject's attributes, but also takes an objfile exported from blender."""
        super().__init__(material, origin)
        self.Xhat = vector.Vector3(1, 0, 0)
        self.Yhat = vector.Vector3(0, 1, 0)
        self.Zhat = vector.Vector3(0, 0, 1)
        self.vlist = []
        self.plist = []
        self.nlist = []
        self.max_x = 0
        self.max_y = 0
        self.max_z = 0
        fp = open(objfile)
        for line in fp:
            if line[0] == "v" and line[1] == "n":
                deparsed = line.split("vn ")
                for i in range(1):
                    refined = deparsed[i].split("\n")
                almost = refined[0].split(" ")
                temp_n = []
                for i in range(len(almost)):
                    temp_n += [float(almost[i])]
                x = vector.Vector3(temp_n[0], temp_n[1], temp_n[2])

            if line[0] == "v" and line[1] != "n":
                parsed = line.split(" ")
                temp_v = []
                for i in parsed:
                    if i != "v":
                x = vector.Vector3(temp_v[0], temp_v[1], temp_v[2])
            if line[0] == "f":
                unparsed = line.split("f ")
                for i in unparsed:
                    if i == "":
                    refined = unparsed[0].split(" ")
                    refined[-1] = refined[-1].rstrip("\n")
                    rl = []
                    for i in refined:
                        almost = i.split("//")
                        rl += almost
                    temp_p = []
                    for r in rl:
                        temp_p.append(int(r) - 1)
        for i in self.vlist:
            if abs(i.x) > self.max_x:
                self.max_x = abs(i.x)
            if abs(i.y) > self.max_y:
                self.max_y = abs(i.y)
            if abs(i.z) > self.max_z:
                self.max_z = abs(i.z)
        hext = vector.Vector3(self.max_x, self.max_y, self.max_z)
        self.boundbox = Box(self.material, self.origin, hext)
        self.tlist = []
        for i in range(len(self.plist)):
            a = self.plist[i][0]
            b = self.plist[i][2]
            c = self.plist[i][4]
            a1 = self.plist[i][1]
            b2 = self.plist[i][3]
            c2 = self.plist[i][5]
            n1 = self.nlist[a1]
            n2 = self.nlist[b2]
            n3 = self.nlist[c2]
            v1 = self.vlist[a]
            v2 = self.vlist[b]
            v3 = self.vlist[c]
            p1 = self.origin + v1.x * self.Xhat + v1.y * self.Yhat + v1.z * self.Zhat
            p2 = self.origin + v2.x * self.Xhat + v2.y * self.Yhat + v2.z * self.Zhat
            p3 = self.origin + v3.x * self.Xhat + v3.y * self.Yhat + v3.z * self.Zhat
            triangle = Triangle(self.material, p1, p2, p3, n1, n2, n3)
예제 #21
 def __init__(self):
     self.equation = [0, 0, 0, 0]
     self.origin = vector.Vector3()
     self.normal = vector.Vector3()
예제 #22
def cross(a, b):
    c = vector.Vector3(a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y, a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z,
                       a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x)
    return c
예제 #23
Main_Menu_Music = pygame.mixer.Sound("Assets/Sounds/MainMusic.wav")
Start_Button = pygame.mixer.Sound("Assets/Sounds/Main_Menu_Effect_1.wav")
Menu_Sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("Assets/Sounds/Menu_Sounds.wav")
Good_Image = pygame.image.load("Assets/Good_Image.png")
Evil_Image = pygame.image.load("Assets/Evil_Image.png")
Title = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 70)
Start = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 45)
Quit = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 45)
Select = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 55)

Text = Title.render("Journey To Vauss", True, (255, 215, 0))
Start_Object = Start.render("Start", True, (255, 215, 0))
Quit_Object = Quit.render("Quit", True, (255, 215, 0))
Select = Select.render("Select your destiny  ...it's your choice.", True,
                       (255, 215, 0))
Start_Bounds = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0), vector.Vector2(485, 465),
                      vector.Vector2(90, 40))
Quit_Bounds = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(255, 255, 255), vector.Vector2(485, 515),
                     vector.Vector2(90, 40))
Good_Bounds = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(255, 255, 255), vector.Vector2(200, 300),
                     vector.Vector2(390, 590))
Evil_Bounds = Cuboid(vector.Vector3(0, 0, 0), vector.Vector2(600, 300),
                     vector.Vector2(390, 590))

Sword_Image = pygame.image.load('Assets/Sword_Image.png').convert_alpha()

theMap = m.Map("Test_map")

done = 0
game_won = 0
In_Menu = 1