예제 #1
 def test_normalisation(self):
     r = np.random.rand(100,3)
     n = norm_vect(r)
     d = dot_product(n,n)
     ones = np.ones((100))
     assert_almost_equal(d, ones, 8, err_msg="Your vectors don't normalise too well")
예제 #2
    def push(self, bullet_blob, strength):
        direction = vector.normalize(
            vector.substract(self.position, bullet_blob.get_position()))
        bullet_force = bullet_blob.get_force()

        self_force_strength = vector.dot_product(direction,
                                                 bullet_force) * strength
        self.add_force(vector.multiply(direction, self_force_strength))
        bullet_blob.set_force(vector.substract(bullet_force, self.force))
def covariance(
):  #sometimes counting starts at 0, which results in the covariance to be divided by n-1
    if (len(list_a) != len(list_b)):
        raise Exception("lists must be same length")

    n = len(list_a)
    return dot_product([sub_mean(list_a), sub_mean(list_b)]) / n - offset
예제 #4
def ray_colour(r, s):
    normal = sphere.normal(s, r[0])
    # calculate angle to ray
    dot = abs(vector.dot_product(r[1], normal) / 2.0)
    # apply specular
    dot = dot * s[3]
    # scale colour by the brightness
    colour = vector.scale(s[2], dot)
    # clamp to 255
    colour = [min(colour[0], 255), min(colour[1], 255), min(colour[2], 255)]
    return colour
예제 #5
    def test_block_vect(self):
        r = np.random.rand(100, 3)

        d = dot_product(r, r)

        r_sqar = np.power(r[:,:], 2)
        r_sum = np.sum(r_sqar[:,:], axis=1)

        assert_equal(np.shape(d), np.shape(r_sum), err_msg="The shape of the final dot product is not right")

        assert_almost_equal(d[:], r_sum[:], 8, err_msg="The dot_product sum does not add up (funny, huh?)")
예제 #6
def dihedral_calc(r1, r2, r3, r4):
    This function calculates the  angle made by the vectors normal
    to the planes made by r1, r2, r3 and r2, r3, r4. 

    Each of the positions is assumed to be a 3 by n array for 
    n lists of dihedral sets


    The angle for dihedral will go between +180 and -180 degrees
    r12 = vect_calc(r1, r2)
    r23 = vect_calc(r2, r3)
    r34 = vect_calc(r3, r4)

    r123 = np.cross(r12[:], r23[:])
    r234 = np.cross(r23[:], r34[:])

    n123 = norm_vect(r123)
    n234 = norm_vect(r234)

    axis_2 = np.cross(n123[:], r23[:])
    axis_2_norm = norm_vect(axis_2)

    x = dot_product(n123[:], n234[:])
    y = dot_product(axis_2_norm[:], n234[:])

    dih_angle = np.arctan2(y, x)

    return dih_angle
예제 #7
def point_at(pos: Vector3, target: Vector3, up: Vector3):
    # Calculate new forward direction
    new_forward = vector.subtract(target, pos)

    # Calculate new Up direction
    a: Vector3 = vector.multiply(new_forward, vector.dot_product(up, new_forward))
    new_up: Vector3 = vector.subtract(up, a)

    # New Right direction is easy, its just cross product
    new_right: vector.Vector3 = vector.cross_product(new_up, new_forward)

    # Construct Dimensioning and Translation Matrix
    matrix = Matrix4()
    matrix.m[0][0] = new_right.x;	matrix.m[0][1] = new_right.y;	matrix.m[0][2] = new_right.z;	matrix.m[0][3] = 0
    matrix.m[1][0] = new_up.x;		matrix.m[1][1] = new_up.y;		matrix.m[1][2] = new_up.z;		matrix.m[1][3] = 0
    matrix.m[2][0] = new_forward.x;	matrix.m[2][1] = new_forward.y;	matrix.m[2][2] = new_forward.z;	matrix.m[2][3] = 0
    matrix.m[3][0] = pos.x;			matrix.m[3][1] = pos.y;			matrix.m[3][2] = pos.z;			matrix.m[3][3] = 1
    return matrix
예제 #8
 def dist(p: Vector3):
     # Return shortest distance from point to plane, plane normal must be normalised
     return (plane_n.x * p.x + plane_n.y * p.y + plane_n.z * p.z -
             vector.dot_product(plane_n, plane_p))
예제 #9
    def test_sum_vect(self):
        r = np.array(([[1,2,3]]))

        d = dot_product(r,r)

        assert_equal(d, 14, err_msg="sum in dot_product is broken")
예제 #10
    def _dim_vect(self,r):
        d = dot_product(r,r)

        assert_equal( d, 4, err_msg="dot_product is in 1 dimension broken")
def covariance(xs: List[float], ys: List[float]) -> float:
    "Measure of how two variables vary in tandem from their means"
    assert len(xs) == len(ys), "xs and ys must have same number of elements"

    return dot_product(delta_mean(xs), delta_mean(ys)) / (len(xs) - 1)