예제 #1
파일: nb.py 프로젝트: varnittewari/vectorbt
def sl_choice_nb(col, from_i, to_i, ts, stop, trailing, first):
    """`choice_func_nb` that returns the first index of `ts` being below the stop defined at `from_i-1`."""
    ts = ts[from_i - 1:to_i, col]
    stop = stop[from_i - 1:to_i, col]
    if trailing:
        # Propagate the maximum value from the entry using expanding max
        stop = (1 - stop) * generic_nb.expanding_max_1d_nb(ts)
        # Get the absolute index of the first ts being below that stop
        exits = from_i + np.flatnonzero(ts[1:] <= stop[1:])
        exits = from_i + np.flatnonzero(ts[1:] <= (1 - stop[0]) * ts[0])
    if first:
        return exits[:1]
    return exits
예제 #2
def drawdown_1d_nb(returns):
    """Drawdown of cumulative returns."""
    cum_returns = cum_returns_1d_nb(returns, start_value=100.)
    max_returns = generic_nb.expanding_max_1d_nb(cum_returns, minp=1)
    return cum_returns / max_returns - 1