def serialize(features, properties=None): if not properties: properties = ['title', 'description', 'owner_id'] djf = Django.Django(geodjango="geometry", properties=properties) geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() jsonstring = geoj.encode(djf.decode(features)) return jsonstring
def geojson(request): try: westlng = request.GET["westlng"] eastlng = request.GET["eastlng"] northlat = request.GET["northlat"] southlat = request.GET["southlat"] except KeyError: return json_response({}) wkt = ( "POLYGON((" "%(w)s %(s)s, " "%(w)s %(n)s, " "%(e)s %(n)s, " "%(e)s %(s)s, " "%(w)s %(s)s" "))" % {"w": westlng, "e": eastlng, "s": southlat, "n": northlat} ) qs = Parcel.objects.filter(geom__intersects=wkt).prefetch_mapped() features = [] serializer = UIParcelSerializer() for parcel in qs: feature = Feature( feature.geometry = { "type": parcel.geom.geom_type, "coordinates": parcel.geom.coords, } = features.append(feature) output = GeoJSON.GeoJSON().encode(features, to_string=False) return json_response(output)
def wkt_to_geojson(wktStr): """Return GeoJSON from a WKT string.""" # Create instances of vectorfeatures WKT/GeoJSON Classes inWKT = WKT.WKT() outGeoJSON = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() # Decode WKT to vectorformats features, and re-encode as GeoJSON return outGeoJSON.encode(inWKT.decode(wktStr), to_string=True)
def source_points(request): from vectorformats.Formats import Django, GeoJSON source_points = Source.objects.exclude(point=None) djf = Django.Django(geodjango="point", properties=['name', 'id', 'absolute_url']) geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() s = geoj.encode(djf.decode(source_points)) return HttpResponse(s, content_type="application/json")
def labels(request, id=0): from vectorformats.Formats import Django, GeoJSON qs = Label.objects.filter(track=id) djf = Django.Django(geodjango="geom", properties=['name', 'desc']) geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() s = geoj.encode(djf.decode(qs)) response = HttpResponse(s, mimetype="application/json") return response
def puntjson(request): puntos = PuntosInteres.objects.all() djf = Django.Django(geodjango="geometry", properties=['name', 'descripcion']) geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() string = geoj.encode(djf.decode(puntos)) data = serializers.serialize('json', puntos) print string return HttpResponse(string, mimetype='application/json')
def puntosjson(request): puntos = PuntosInteres.objects.all() djf = Django.Django(geodjango="geometry", properties=['name', 'descripcion']) geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() string = geoj.encode(djf.decode(puntos)) print string return render_to_response('world/leatflet.html', [string], context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ TODO: improve readability and cleanup """ node = Node.objects.published().accessible_to(request.user) dj = Django.Django(geodjango="coords", properties=['name', 'description']) geojson = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() string = geojson.encode(dj.decode(node)) return Response(json.loads(string))
def get_hospitals(request): qs = Facility.objects.exclude(the_geom=None) djf = Django.Django(geodjango="the_geom", properties=['id', 'name', 'description', 'manager_id', 'address', 'phone', 'email', 'facility_type_id']) geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() geojson_output = geoj.encode(djf.decode(qs)) response = HttpResponse(mimetype="application/json") response.write(geojson_output) return response
def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs): """ Return as a nice geojson layer """ village_list = context['village_list'] properties_wanted = [ 'name', 'population', 'provinsi', 'kecamatan', 'desa', 'quartile', 'dataseries' ] djf = Django.Django(geodjango="geom", properties=properties_wanted) encoder = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() geojson_str = encoder.encode(djf.decode(village_list)) return HttpResponse(geojson_str, content_type="application/json")
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns data in GeoJSON format ready to be consumed by a mapping system """ queryset = Venue.objects.filter(city__icontains="toronto") django_formatter = Django.Django( geodjango="coordinates", properties=['name', 'city', 'state']) geojson_formatter = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() data = json.loads(geojson_formatter.encode(django_formatter.decode(queryset))) return Response(data)
def get_geojson(request): defzwiedzanie = request.GET['zwiedzanie'] deftype = request.GET['typ'] forty_ob = Forty.objects.filter(typ__contains=deftype, zwiedzanie__contains=defzwiedzanie) djf = Django.Django( geodjango='mpoly', properties=['nazwa', 'adres', 'typ', 'otwarty', 'zwiedzanie']) geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() gjson = geoj.encode(djf.decode(forty_ob)) return HttpResponse(gjson)
def poligonos(request): puntos = Poligonos.objects.all() djf = Django.Django(geodjango="geometry", properties=['name', 'descripcion']) geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() data = geoj.encode(djf.decode(puntos)) pnt = Point(-65.7833, -28.4667, srid=4326) pnt.transform(4269) lon, lat = pnt.coords pnti = Point(-65.7833, -28.4667, srid=4326) pnti.transform(900913) loni, lati = pnti.coords #data = serializers.serialize('json',puntos) #return HttpResponse(data, mimetype='application/json') return render_to_response('world/poligonos.html', locals(), context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def get_hospitals(request): qs = Facility.objects.all() # TODO: Only for test! must be rewritten ASAP search = request.GET.get("search", None) if search: pathologies = Pathology.objects.filter(name__contains=search) qs = set() for p in pathologies: qs.update(p.facility_set.all()) djf = Django.Django(geodjango="the_geom", properties=["id", "name"]) geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() geojson_output = geoj.encode(djf.decode(qs)) response = HttpResponse(mimetype="application/json") response.write(geojson_output) return response
def annotations(request, mapid, id=None): geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() if id != None: obj = MapNote.objects.get(pk=id) map_obj = Map.objects.get(id=mapid) if request.method == "DELETE": if == obj.owner_id or request.user.has_perm( 'maps.change_map', obj=map_obj): obj.delete() return HttpResponse(status=200) else: return HttpResponse(status=403) elif request.method != "GET": if == obj.owner_id: features = geoj.decode(request.raw_post_data) obj = applyGeometry(obj, features[0]) else: return HttpResponse(status=403) return HttpResponse(serialize([obj], ['title', 'content', 'owner_id']), status=200) if request.method == "GET": bbox = [ float(n) for n in re.findall('[0-9\.\-]+', request.GET["bbox"]) ] features = MapNote.objects.filter( map=Map.objects.get(pk=mapid), geometry__intersects=Envelope(bbox).wkt) else: if is not None: features = geoj.decode(request.raw_post_data) created_features = [] for feature in features: obj = MapNote(map=Map.objects.get(id=mapid), owner=request.user) obj = applyGeometry(obj, feature) created_features.append(obj) features = created_features else: return HttpResponse(status=301) data = serialize(features, ['title', 'content', 'owner_id']) if 'callback' in request.REQUEST: data = '%s(%s);' % (request.REQUEST['callback'], data) return HttpResponse(data, "text/javascript") return HttpResponse(data, "application/json")
def handle(self, *args, **options): """ Exports neighborhood to data directory, simplifying the polygons in the process. Simplify: """ data_path = 'portal/static/js' neighborhoods = Neighborhood.objects.annotate( num_schools=Count('location')).filter() for n in neighborhoods: = n.get_center() # Simplify our boundaries so they take up less space newBoundary = n.boundary.simplify(settings.SIMPLIFY_EPSILON, True) if newBoundary.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon': n.boundary = newBoundary elif newBoundary.geom_type == 'Polygon': n.boundary = MultiPolygon(newBoundary) else: raise TypeError('Invalid type ' + n.boundary.geom_type + ' encountered') geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() djf = Django.Django( geodjango='boundary', properties=['primary_name', 'pk', 'center', 'num_schools']) json = geoj.encode(djf.decode(neighborhoods)) output = open(data_path + '/neighborhoods.json', 'w') output.write(json) output.close() topo_path = data_path + '/neighborhoods-topo.json' geo_path = data_path + '/neighborhoods.json' subprocess.check_call(['topojson', '-p', '-o', topo_path, geo_path]) sys.stdout.write('Succesfully exported %s neighborhoods\n' % len(neighborhoods))
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Get nodes of specified existing and published layer or otherwise return 404 Outputs nodes in geojson format TODO: improve readability and cleanup """ # ensure exists try: # retrieve slug value from instance attribute kwargs, which is a dictionary slug_value = self.kwargs.get('slug', None) # get node, ensure is published layer = Layer.objects.get(slug=slug_value) except Exception: raise Http404(_('Layer not found')) node = layer.node_set.all() dj = Django.Django(geodjango="coords", properties=['name', 'description']) geojson = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() string = geojson.encode(dj.decode(node)) return Response(json.loads(string))
def djangoToExportFormat(request, filter_object, properties_list=None, geom_col="geom", format="geojson"): """Convert a GeoDjango QuerySet to a GeoJSON Object""" #Workaround for mutable default value if properties_list is None: properties_list = [] #Return dictionary of key value pairs filter_dict = filter_object[0].__dict__ #Remove bunk fields for d in filter_dict: if isinstance(filter_dict[d], django.db.models.base.ModelState): pass # Convert decimal to float elif isinstance(filter_dict[d], Decimal): for obj in filter_object: setattr(obj, d, float(obj.__dict__[d])) properties_list.append(d) # Convert date to string elif isinstance(filter_dict[d], date): for obj in filter_object: setattr(obj, d, str(obj.__dict__[d])) properties_list.append(d) # Convert time to string elif isinstance(filter_dict[d], time): for obj in filter_object: setattr(obj, d, str(obj.__dict__[d])) properties_list.append(d) else: properties_list.append(d) properties_list.remove(geom_col) queryset = filter_object djf = Django.Django(geodjango=geom_col, properties=properties_list) decode_djf = djf.decode(queryset) if format.lower() == 'geojson': geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() # Pretty Print using JSON dumps method. Note requires setting # vectorformats encode method to_string param to False. geom_out = dumps(geoj.encode(decode_djf, to_string=False), indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) response = HttpResponse(geom_out, content_type="text/plain") elif format.lower() == 'kml': # title property can be passed as a keyword arg. # See vectorformats kml = KML.KML(title_property='name') geom_out = kml.encode(decode_djf) response = HttpResponse( geom_out, content_type="application/") response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="kml_out.kml"' elif format.lower() == 'shp': # convert to GeoJSON, then Use Fiona to Create a Shapefile. geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() geoJSON = dumps(geoj.encode(decode_djf, to_string=False), indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) # Hard source properties for the destination shapefile. # These will be passed to Fiona. shp_driver = 'ESRI Shapefile' shp_crs = { 'no_defs': True, 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'datum': 'WGS84', 'proj': 'longlat' } shp_schema = { 'geometry': decode_djf[0].geometry['type'], 'properties': { 'addDate': 'str', 'collectDate': 'str', 'collectionMethod': 'str', 'comment': 'str', 'featurePurpose': 'str', 'group': 'str', 'name': 'str', 'updateDate': 'str' } } upload_dir = make_temp_dir() zipdir = os.path.join(upload_dir, decode_djf[0].properties['group']) with, 'w', driver=shp_driver, crs=shp_crs, schema=shp_schema) as dest_shp: for feature in decode_djf: out_feature = {'geometry': {}, 'properties': {}} for property in shp_schema['properties']: out_feature['properties'][property] = feature[ 'properties'][property] out_feature['geometry'] = feature['geometry'] dest_shp.write(out_feature) # Create the zip archive zip = make_zip_archive(zipdir) shp_zip = open(zip.filename) response = HttpResponse(FileWrapper(shp_zip), content_type='application/zip') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;' response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(zip.filename) else: raise ValueError return response
def _convert_geodjango_to_json(queryset, properties): djf = Django.Django(geodjango='geometry', properties=properties) geoj = GeoJSON.GeoJSON() return geoj.encode(djf.decode(queryset))