예제 #1
def angle_between_ccw(road1: Segment, road2: Segment) -> float:
    Gets the angle between road1 and road2 in a counterclockwise direction

    if road1.start == road2.start:
        vect1 = vectors.sub(road1.end, road1.start)
        vect2 = vectors.sub(road2.end, road1.start)
    elif road1.start == road2.end:
        vect1 = vectors.sub(road1.end, road1.start)
        vect2 = vectors.sub(road2.start, road1.start)
    elif road1.end == road2.start:
        vect1 = vectors.sub(road1.start, road1.end)
        vect2 = vectors.sub(road2.end, road1.end)
    elif road1.end == road2.end:
        vect1 = vectors.sub(road1.start, road1.end)
        vect2 = vectors.sub(road2.start, road1.end)

    dot = vectors.dot(vect1, vect2)
    det = vectors.determinant(vect1, vect2)

    deg = math.degrees(math.atan2(det, dot))

    if -180 <= deg <= 0:
        deg += 360

    return deg
def pnt2line(pnt, start, end):
    line_vec = vec.vector(start, end)
    pnt_vec = vec.vector(start, pnt)
    line_len = vec.length(line_vec)
    line_unitvec = vec.unit(line_vec)
    pnt_vec_scaled = vec.scale(pnt_vec, 1.0 / line_len)
    t = vec.dot(line_unitvec, pnt_vec_scaled)
    if t < 0.0:
        t = 0.0
    elif t > 1.0:
        t = 1.0
    nearest = vec.scale(line_vec, t)
    dist = vec.distance(nearest, pnt_vec)
    nearest = vec.add(nearest, start)
    return (dist, nearest)
예제 #3
def calculate_score(input, wt, wh, wb):
    for query, query_data in input.items():
        for url, doc in query_data.items():
            qv = query.split()
            tft = doc['tf_title_vector']
            tfh = doc['tf_header_vector']
            tfb = doc['tf_body_vector']

            tft = mul(tft, wt)
            tfh = mul(tfh, wh)
            tfb = mul(tfb, wb)
            t = add(tft, tfh)
            t = add(t, tfb)  # ( ... )
            t = dot(t, doc['idf'])
            score = t

            doc['score'] = score
예제 #4
def covariance(x, y):
    n = len(x)
    return dot(de_mean(x), de_mean(y)) / (n - 1)
def covariance(x, y):
    n = len(x)
    return dot(de_mean(x), de_mean(y)) / (n - 1)
예제 #6
def tcpa(s, v):
    if v.dot(s, v) < 0:
        return -(v.dot(s, v)) / v.sqv(v)
        return 0
예제 #7
def taumod(s, v, DMOD):
    if v.dot(s, v) < 0:
        return (DMOD**2 - v.sqv(s)) / v.dot(s, v)
        return -1
def transform_vector(v, components):
    return [dot(v, x) for w in components]
예제 #9
def multiply_matrix_vector(matrix, vector):
    return tuple(dot(row, vector) for row in matrix)
예제 #10
파일: daa_funcs.py 프로젝트: nasa/WellClear
def tcpa(s,v):
	if v.dot(s,v) < 0:
		return -(v.dot(s,v))/v.sqv(v)
		return 0
예제 #11
파일: daa_funcs.py 프로젝트: nasa/WellClear
def taumod(s,v,DMOD):
	if v.dot(s,v) < 0:
		return (DMOD**2 - v.sqv(s))/v.dot(s,v)
		return -1
예제 #12
def covariance(x, y):
    """covariance measures how two variables vary in tandem from their means"""
    n = len(x)
    return dot(de_mean(x), de_mean(y)) / (n -1)
def project(v, w):
    '''return the projection of v onto the directon w'''
    projection_length = dot(v, w)
    return scalar_mulltiply(projection_length, w)
def directional_variance_gradient_i(x_i, w):
    '''the contribution of row x_i to the grdient of the direction-w variance'''
    projection_length = dot(x_i, direction(w))
    return [2 * projection_length * x_ij for x_ij in x_i]
def directional_variance_i(x_i, w):
    '''the variance of the data in the direction determined by w'''
    return dot(x_i, direction(w)) ** 2
예제 #16
def _collide(e1, e2):
    # orthogonally project the polygons onto the normal of each face. if all intersect,
    # the polygons intersect
    v = [e1.vertices(), e2.vertices()]

    col = True  # currently colliding
    colfuture = False  # will collide within one step
    minstep = 999999  # for a collision this frame, 0 <= step <= 1

    # cut some corners if both objects are rectangular and axis-aligned

    aa = False
    if len(v[0]) == 4 and len(
    ) == 4 and False:  # two boxes. remove the False when code is fixed
        a = sorted(v[0])
        b = sorted(v[1])

        for i in [a, b]:
            if i[0][0] != i[1][0] or a[2][0] != a[3][
                    0]:  # should be two unique x values (lists sorted by x val)
            elif i[0][1] != i[2][1] or i[1][1] != i[3][
                    1]:  # should be two unique y values
        else:  # axis aligned
            xs1 = ys1 = xs2 = ys2 = []
            for i in a:
                xs1 += i[0]
                ys1 += i[1]
            for i in b:
                xs2 += i[0]
                ys2 += i[1]

            coords = [(xs1, ys1), (xs2, ys2)]

            overx = False
            if min(xs1) > max(xs2):
                maxx, minx = xs1, xs2
                maxxe, minxe = e1, e2
            elif min(xs2) > max(xs1):
                maxx, minx = xs2, xs1
                maxxe, minxe = e2, e1
            else:  # they're overlapping on x. what if the shape moves right past?
                overx = True

            overy = False
            if min(ys1) > max(ys2):
                maxy, miny = ys1, ys2
                maxye, minye = e1, e2
            elif min(ys2) > max(ys1):
                maxy, miny = ys2, ys1
                maxye, minye = e2, e1
            else:  # they're overlapping on y
                overy = True

            if overx and overy:
                col = True
                colfuture = True
                minstep = 0
                aa = True
                #needs work
                tx = (minxe.pos[0] - maxxe.pos[0]) / (maxxe.vel[0] -
                ty = (minye.pos[1] - maxye.pos[1]) / (maxye.vel[1] -

    # generic stuff

    j = 0
    while j < 2 and not aa:
        i = 0
        while i < len(v[j]):
            axis = vectors.normalize(
                (-(v[j][i][1] - v[j][i - 1][1]),
                 v[j][i][0] - v[j][i - 1][0]))  # axis of projection / normal

            # first poly
            min1 = max1 = vectors.dot(
                axis, v[0][0]
            )  # the magnitude of a projection onto a unit vector is just their dot product
            #min1p = max1p = v[0][0]
            n = 0
            while n < len(v[0]):
                proj = vectors.dot(axis, v[0][n])
                if proj > max1:
                    max1 = proj
                    #max1p = v[0][n]
                elif proj < min1:
                    min1 = proj
                    #min1p = v[0][n]
                n += 1

            #off = vectors.dot(axis, e1.pos)
            #min1 += off
            #max1 += off

            # second poly
            min2 = max2 = vectors.dot(axis, v[1][0])
            #min2p = max2p = v[1][0]
            n = 0
            while n < len(v[1]):
                proj = vectors.dot(axis, v[1][n])
                if proj > max2:
                    max2 = proj
                    #max2p = v[1][n]
                elif proj < min2:
                    min2 = proj
                    #min2p = v[1][n]
                n += 1

            #off = vectors.dot(axis, e2.pos)
            #min2 += off
            #max2 += off

            #print "j:", j, "i:", i
            #print "axis:", axis, "normal of:", v[j][i], "and", v[j][i - 1]
            #print "\tmin1:", min1, "max2:", max2, "min2:", min2, "max1:", max1
            #print "\tmin1:", min1p, "max2:", max2p, "min2:", min2p, "max1:", max1p
            if min1 > max2 or min2 > max1:  # potential for collision!!
                col = False

                # they are not overlapping, so both values of one projection (a) are larger than both values for the other (b)
                if (min1 > max2):  # min1 will touch max2 on collision
                    a, b = min1, max2
                    ae, be = e1, e2
                elif (min2 > max1):  # min2 will touch max1 on collision
                    a, b = min2, max1
                    ae, be = e2, e1

                # multiply the axis' unit vector by the vector magnitudes to find their coordinates
                maxp, minp = (axis[0] * a, axis[1] * a), (axis[0] * b,
                                                          axis[1] * b)

                #print "collision anticipated at step ="
                # prevent division by zero error. they are not moving or are moving at the same speed
                #if be.vel[1] - ae.vel[1]:
                #    step = (axis[0] - maxp[1] + minp[1]) / (be.vel[1] - ae.vel[1])
                #    print "\t", step
                #    if 0 <= step < minstep:
                #        minstep = step
                #if ae.vel[0] - be.vel[0]:
                #    step = (axis[1] - minp[0] + maxp[0]) / (ae.vel[0] - be.vel[0])
                #    print "\t", step
                #    if 0 <= step < minstep:
                #        minstep = step
                #          N7NN
                #       ~N77777D.
                #      .D77777777..
                #      8777777777$.
                #     ,7$7777777777N.
                #     NONNNND7777778$NNND...
                #    .ONNNN.ND777M8$7777777N..
                #     NNN===++NIN777777777777M.
                #     N=======N7777777777777777N
                #   .D$N=+===ZN==777===I~$7777777$NNNN.
                #   N$ND=+===+N7777=877N777777777777777N.
                #   .O==++==+D7?=7=+777N7777777777777777.
                #    .$NNNDNN77?=7==77N+===+?N777N777777+
                #   D7777777777?=77=$7D+++=====NO7777777.
                # .+777777N7777?=777=I:::====++N7777777D.
                # .777777N7777777777NNN=====+NN7777777M..
                # N777777D777777777N.  ..NNNNNNN777777.
                #.7777777N77777777N.    8N7777ZN777777N.
                #NZ777777D77777777        .NN777N77777$N
                #D$NO78NN777777777.     .8==N7?+NN77$7DM.
                #M==N=MDN$777777N       N~?N=+N=I=IZ+++?.
                #+=+N+N+=+N77Z7N.         .ON. N+==++NN
                #.....N=D+==+N             ...  .D.NN.
                #     .NN+==+N
                #        ...:
                denom = (axis[0] *
                         (ae.vel[0] - be.vel[0])) + (axis[1] *
                                                     (ae.vel[1] - be.vel[1]))
                if denom:
                    # "eggs"-planation: the magnitude of the step factor is the parameter value that brings two objects from different points on the
                    # projection axis to the same point. the sign of the step factor is determined by the object whose projection is largest in
                    # magnitude, as this object is always bound to 'a' and 'ae'. if this object lies below the point of intersection,
                    # the step factor will be positive, as its value needs to increase to reach the point. likewise, if it lies below,
                    # the movement is downwards, and the step factor will be negative. so we take the absolute value of the whole thing if we just
                    # want the step size
                    step = math.fabs((axis[0] * (minp[0] - maxp[0])) +
                                     (axis[1] * (minp[1] - maxp[1])) / denom)
                    #print "\t", step
                    if step < minstep:
                        minstep = step

                if minstep <= 1:  # who cares if the collision isn't happening this turn
                    colfuture = True
            i += 1
        j += 1

#    if col:
#        print "axis:", axis
#        print "\tmin1:", min1, "max2:", max2, "min2:", min2, "max1:", max1
#        print "\tmin1:", min1p, "max2:", max2p, "min2:", min2p, "max1:", max1p

    if col:
        minstep = 0
    return (col, colfuture, minstep)
예제 #17
def linear_hypothesis(X, theta):
	return vectors.dot(theta, X)
예제 #18
 def test_can_calculate_dot_product_of_two_vectors(self):
     self.assertEqual(vectors.dot([1, 2], [8, 2]), 12)
def _collide(e1, e2):
    # orthogonally project the polygons onto the normal of each face. if all intersect,
    # the polygons intersect
    v = [e1.vertices(), e2.vertices()]

    col = True          # currently colliding
    colfuture = False   # will collide within one step
    minstep = 999999    # for a collision this frame, 0 <= step <= 1
    # cut some corners if both objects are rectangular and axis-aligned

    aa = False
    if len(v[0]) == 4 and len(v[1]) == 4 and False: # two boxes. remove the False when code is fixed
        a = sorted(v[0])
        b = sorted(v[1])

        for i in [a, b]:
            if i[0][0] != i[1][0] or a[2][0] != a[3][0]: # should be two unique x values (lists sorted by x val)
            elif i[0][1] != i[2][1] or i[1][1] != i[3][1]: # should be two unique y values
        else: # axis aligned
            xs1 = ys1 = xs2 = ys2 = []
            for i in a:
                xs1 += i[0]
                ys1 += i[1]
            for i in b:
                xs2 += i[0]
                ys2 += i[1]

            coords = [(xs1, ys1), (xs2, ys2)]        

            overx = False
            if min(xs1) > max(xs2):
                maxx, minx = xs1, xs2
                maxxe, minxe = e1, e2
            elif min(xs2) > max(xs1):
                maxx, minx = xs2, xs1
                maxxe, minxe = e2, e1
            else:                       # they're overlapping on x. what if the shape moves right past?
                overx = True

            overy = False
            if min(ys1) > max(ys2):
                maxy, miny = ys1, ys2
                maxye, minye = e1, e2
            elif min(ys2) > max(ys1):
                maxy, miny = ys2, ys1
                maxye, minye = e2, e1
            else:                       # they're overlapping on y
                overy = True

            if overx and overy:
                col = True
                colfuture = True
                minstep = 0
                aa = True
#needs work
                tx = (minxe.pos[0] - maxxe.pos[0]) / (maxxe.vel[0] - minxe.vel[0])
                ty = (minye.pos[1] - maxye.pos[1]) / (maxye.vel[1] - maxye.vel[1])

    # generic stuff

    j = 0
    while j < 2 and not aa:
        i = 0
        while i < len(v[j]):
            axis = vectors.normalize((-(v[j][i][1] - v[j][i-1][1]), v[j][i][0] - v[j][i-1][0])) # axis of projection / normal
            # first poly
            min1 = max1 = vectors.dot(axis, v[0][0]) # the magnitude of a projection onto a unit vector is just their dot product
            #min1p = max1p = v[0][0]
            n = 0
            while n < len(v[0]):
                proj = vectors.dot(axis, v[0][n])
                if proj > max1:
                    max1 = proj
                    #max1p = v[0][n]
                elif proj < min1:
                    min1 = proj
                    #min1p = v[0][n]
                n += 1
            #off = vectors.dot(axis, e1.pos)
            #min1 += off
            #max1 += off

            # second poly
            min2 = max2 = vectors.dot(axis, v[1][0])
            #min2p = max2p = v[1][0]
            n = 0
            while n < len(v[1]):
                proj = vectors.dot(axis, v[1][n])
                if proj > max2:
                    max2 = proj
                    #max2p = v[1][n]
                elif proj < min2:
                    min2 = proj
                    #min2p = v[1][n]
                n += 1
            #off = vectors.dot(axis, e2.pos)
            #min2 += off
            #max2 += off

            #print "j:", j, "i:", i
            #print "axis:", axis, "normal of:", v[j][i], "and", v[j][i - 1]
            #print "\tmin1:", min1, "max2:", max2, "min2:", min2, "max1:", max1
            #print "\tmin1:", min1p, "max2:", max2p, "min2:", min2p, "max1:", max1p
            if min1 > max2 or min2 > max1: # potential for collision!!
                col = False
                # they are not overlapping, so both values of one projection (a) are larger than both values for the other (b)
                if(min1 > max2): # min1 will touch max2 on collision
                    a, b = min1, max2
                    ae, be = e1, e2
                elif(min2 > max1): # min2 will touch max1 on collision
                    a, b = min2, max1
                    ae, be = e2, e1

                # multiply the axis' unit vector by the vector magnitudes to find their coordinates
                maxp, minp = (axis[0] * a, axis[1] * a), (axis[0] * b, axis[1] * b) 

                #print "collision anticipated at step ="
                # prevent division by zero error. they are not moving or are moving at the same speed
                #if be.vel[1] - ae.vel[1]: 
                #    step = (axis[0] - maxp[1] + minp[1]) / (be.vel[1] - ae.vel[1])
                #    print "\t", step
                #    if 0 <= step < minstep:
                #        minstep = step
                #if ae.vel[0] - be.vel[0]:
                #    step = (axis[1] - minp[0] + maxp[0]) / (ae.vel[0] - be.vel[0])
                #    print "\t", step
                #    if 0 <= step < minstep:
                #        minstep = step 
                #          N7NN                          
                #       ~N77777D.                        
                #      .D77777777..                      
                #      8777777777$.                      
                #     ,7$7777777777N.                    
                #     NONNNND7777778$NNND...             
                #    .ONNNN.ND777M8$7777777N..           
                #     NNN===++NIN777777777777M.          
                #     N=======N7777777777777777N         
                #   .D$N=+===ZN==777===I~$7777777$NNNN.  
                #   N$ND=+===+N7777=877N777777777777777N.
                #   .O==++==+D7?=7=+777N7777777777777777.
                #    .$NNNDNN77?=7==77N+===+?N777N777777+
                #   D7777777777?=77=$7D+++=====NO7777777.
                # .+777777N7777?=777=I:::====++N7777777D.
                # .777777N7777777777NNN=====+NN7777777M..
                # N777777D777777777N.  ..NNNNNNN777777.  
                #.7777777N77777777N.    8N7777ZN777777N. 
                #NZ777777D77777777        .NN777N77777$N 
                #D$NO78NN777777777.     .8==N7?+NN77$7DM.
                #M==N=MDN$777777N       N~?N=+N=I=IZ+++?.
                #+=+N+N+=+N77Z7N.         .ON. N+==++NN  
                #.....N=D+==+N             ...  .D.NN.   
                #     .NN+==+N                           
                #        ...:   
                denom = (axis[0] * (ae.vel[0] - be.vel[0])) + (axis[1] * (ae.vel[1] - be.vel[1]))
                if denom:  
                    # "eggs"-planation: the magnitude of the step factor is the parameter value that brings two objects from different points on the
                    # projection axis to the same point. the sign of the step factor is determined by the object whose projection is largest in
                    # magnitude, as this object is always bound to 'a' and 'ae'. if this object lies below the point of intersection,
                    # the step factor will be positive, as its value needs to increase to reach the point. likewise, if it lies below, 
                    # the movement is downwards, and the step factor will be negative. so we take the absolute value of the whole thing if we just
                    # want the step size
                    step = math.fabs((axis[0] * (minp[0] - maxp[0])) + (axis[1] * (minp[1] - maxp[1])) / denom)
                    #print "\t", step
                    if step < minstep:
                        minstep = step

                if minstep <= 1: # who cares if the collision isn't happening this turn
                    colfuture = True
            i += 1
        j += 1
#    if col:
#        print "axis:", axis
#        print "\tmin1:", min1, "max2:", max2, "min2:", min2, "max1:", max1
#        print "\tmin1:", min1p, "max2:", max2p, "min2:", min2p, "max1:", max1p

    if col:
        minstep = 0
    return (col, colfuture, minstep)
예제 #20
def covariance(x, y):
    """how two variables vary in tandem from their means"""
    n = len(x)
    return dot(de_mean(x), de_mean(y)) / (n - 1)