예제 #1
    def spin(self):

        # load and init ik solver for right hand
        velma_ikr = velmautils.VelmaIkSolver()

        # create Openrave interface
        self.openrave = openraveinstance.OpenraveInstance(
            PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(0, 0, 0.1)))


        print "openrave initialised"

        # create the robot interface for simulation
        velma = VelmaSim(self.openrave, velma_ikr)

        normals = velmautils.generateNormalsSphere(60.0 / 180.0 * math.pi)
        frames = velmautils.generateFramesForNormals(60.0 / 180.0 * math.pi,

        distance = 0.1
        space = []
        max_solutions = 0
        for x in np.arange(0.0, 1.01, distance):
            for y in np.arange(-1.0, 1.01, distance):
                for z in np.arange(1.0, 2.01, distance):
                    solutions = 0
                    for fr in frames:
                        T_Br_E = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(x, y, z)) * fr
                        if self.openrave.findIkSolution(T_Br_E) != None:
                            solutions += 1
                    space.append([x, y, z, solutions])
                    if solutions > max_solutions:
                        max_solutions = solutions
            print "x: %s" % (x)

        print "points: %s" % (len(space))
        m_id = 0
        for s in space:
            value = float(s[3]) / float(max_solutions)
            m_id = publishSinglePointMarker(
                PyKDL.Vector(s[0], s[1], s[2]),
                scale=Vector3(distance * value, distance * value,
                              distance * value),
            if m_id % 100 == 0:

        print "done"

예제 #2
    def spin(self):

        # load and init ik solver for right hand
        velma_ikr = velmautils.VelmaIkSolver()

        # create Openrave interface
        self.openrave = openraveinstance.OpenraveInstance(PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(0,0,0.1)))


        print "openrave initialised"

        # create the robot interface for simulation
        velma = VelmaSim(self.openrave, velma_ikr)

        normals = velmautils.generateNormalsSphere(60.0/180.0*math.pi)
        frames = velmautils.generateFramesForNormals(60.0/180.0*math.pi, normals)

        distance = 0.1
        space = []
        max_solutions = 0
	for x in np.arange(0.0, 1.01, distance):
            for y in np.arange(-1.0, 1.01, distance):
                for z in np.arange(1.0, 2.01, distance):
                    solutions = 0
                    for fr in frames:
                        T_Br_E = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Vector(x,y,z)) * fr
                        if self.openrave.findIkSolution(T_Br_E) != None:
                            solutions += 1
                    if solutions > max_solutions:
                        max_solutions = solutions
            print "x: %s"%(x)

        print "points: %s"%(len(space))
        m_id = 0
        for s in space:
            value = float(s[3]) / float(max_solutions)
            m_id = publishSinglePointMarker(PyKDL.Vector(s[0], s[1], s[2]), m_id, r=1, g=value, b=value, namespace='default', frame_id='world', m_type=Marker.SPHERE, scale=Vector3(distance*value, distance*value, distance*value), T=None)
            if m_id%100 == 0:

        print "done"

예제 #3
    def spin(self):
        if True:
            # Create a world object
            world = ode.World()
#            world.setGravity( (0,0,-3.81) )
            world.setGravity( (0,0,0) )
            CFM = world.getCFM()
            ERP = world.getERP()
            print "CFM: %s  ERP: %s"%(CFM, ERP)
#            world.setCFM(0.001)
#            print "CFM: %s  ERP: %s"%(CFM, ERP)

        m_id = 0
        self.pub_marker.eraseMarkers(0,3000, frame_id='world')

        # Init Openrave
        parser = OptionParser(description='Openrave Velma interface')
        (options, leftargs) = parser.parse_args()
        self.env = OpenRAVEGlobalArguments.parseAndCreate(options,defaultviewer=True)

#        self.openrave_robot = self.env.ReadRobotXMLFile('robots/barretthand_ros.robot.xml')

        mimic_joints = [
        ("right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleOneJoint", "right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint*1.0", "|right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint 1.0", ""),
        ("right_HandFingerOneKnuckleThreeJoint", "right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint*0.33333", "|right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint 0.33333", ""),
        ("right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleThreeJoint", "right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint*0.33333", "|right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint 0.33333", ""),
        ("right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleThreeJoint", "right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint*0.33333", "|right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint 0.33333", ""),

        rospack = rospkg.RosPack()

        self.urdf_module = RaveCreateModule(self.env, 'urdf')

        xacro_uri = rospack.get_path('barrett_hand_defs') + '/robots/barrett_hand.urdf.xml'

        urdf_uri = '/tmp/barrett_hand.urdf'
        srdf_uri = rospack.get_path('barrett_hand_defs') + '/robots/barrett_hand.srdf'
        arg1 = "collision_model_full:=true"
        arg2 = "collision_model_simplified:=false"
        arg3 = "collision_model_enlargement:=0.0"
        arg4 = "collision_model_no_hands:=false"

        subprocess.call(["rosrun", "xacro", "xacro", "-o", urdf_uri, xacro_uri, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4])
        robot_name = self.urdf_module.SendCommand('load ' + urdf_uri + ' ' + srdf_uri )
        print "robot name: " + robot_name
        self.openrave_robot = self.env.GetRobot(robot_name)


        for mimic in mimic_joints:
            mj = self.openrave_robot.GetJoint(mimic[0])
            mj.SetMimicEquations(0, mimic[1], mimic[2], mimic[3])
        self.openrave_robot = self.env.GetRobot(robot_name)

#        print "robots: "
#        print self.env.GetRobots()

        joint_names = []
        print "active joints:"
        for j in self.openrave_robot.GetJoints():
            print j

        print "passive joints:"
        for j in self.openrave_robot.GetPassiveJoints():
            print j

        # ODE does not support distance measure


        vertices, faces = surfaceutils.readStl(rospack.get_path('velma_scripts') + "/data/meshes/klucz_gerda_ascii.stl", scale=1.0)
#        vertices, faces = surfaceutils.readStl("klucz_gerda_ascii.stl", scale=1.0)
        self.addTrimesh("object", vertices, faces)

#        self.addBox("object", 0.2,0.06,0.06)
#        self.addSphere("object", 0.15)
#        vertices, faces = self.getMesh("object")

        # definition of the expected external wrenches
        ext_wrenches = []

        # origin of the external wrench (the end point of the key)
        wr_orig = PyKDL.Vector(0.039, 0.0, 0.0)

        for i in range(8):
            # expected force at the end point
            force = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotX(float(i)/8.0 * 2.0 * math.pi)) * PyKDL.Vector(0,1,0)
            # expected torque at the com
            torque = wr_orig * force
            ext_wrenches.append(PyKDL.Wrench(force, torque))

            # expected force at the end point
            force = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RotX(float(i)/8.0 * 2.0 * math.pi)) * PyKDL.Vector(-1,1,0)
            # expected torque at the com
            torque = wr_orig * force
            ext_wrenches.append(PyKDL.Wrench(force, torque))

        # definition of the grasps
        grasp_id = 0
        if grasp_id == 0:
            grasp_direction = [0, 1, -1, 1]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [60.0/180.0*math.pi, None, None, None]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.122103662206, -0.124395758838, -0.702726011729, 0.689777190329), PyKDL.Vector(-0.00115787237883, -0.0194999426603, 0.458197712898))
#            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.174202588426, -0.177472708083, -0.691231954612, 0.678495061771), PyKDL.Vector(0.0, -0.0213436260819, 0.459123969078))
        elif grasp_id == 1:
            grasp_direction = [0, 1, -1, 1]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [90.0/180.0*math.pi, None, None, None]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.0187387771868, -0.708157209758, -0.0317875569224, 0.705090018033), PyKDL.Vector(4.65661287308e-10, 0.00145332887769, 0.472836345434))
        elif grasp_id == 2:
            grasp_direction = [0, 1, 0, 0]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [90.0/180.0*math.pi, None, 90.0/180.0*math.pi, 0]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.0187387763947, -0.708157179826, -0.0317875555789, 0.705089928626), PyKDL.Vector(0.0143095180392, 0.00145332887769, 0.483659058809))
        elif grasp_id == 3:
            grasp_direction = [0, 1, 1, 1]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [90.0/180.0*math.pi, None, None, None]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(-0.00518634245761, -0.706548316769, -0.0182458505507, 0.707410947861), PyKDL.Vector(0.000126354629174, -0.00217361748219, 0.47637796402))
        elif grasp_id == 4:
            grasp_direction = [0, 0, 1, 0]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [90.0/180.0*math.pi, 100.0/180.0*math.pi, None, 100.0/180.0*math.pi]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.153445252933, -0.161230275653, 0.681741576082, 0.696913201022), PyKDL.Vector(0.000126355327666, 0.00152841210365, 0.466048002243))
        elif grasp_id == 5:
            grasp_direction = [0, 0, 1, 0]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [100.0/180.0*math.pi, 101.5/180.0*math.pi, None, 101.5/180.0*math.pi]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.155488650062, -0.159260521271, 0.690572597636, 0.688163302213), PyKDL.Vector(-0.000278688268736, 0.00575117766857, 0.461560428143))
        elif grasp_id == 6:
            grasp_direction = [0, 1, -1, 1]    # spread, f1, f3, f2
            grasp_initial_configuration = [90.0/180.0*math.pi, None, 0, 0]
            self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(0.512641041738, -0.485843507183, -0.514213889193, 0.48655882699), PyKDL.Vector(-0.000278423947748, -0.00292747467756, 0.445628076792))
            print "ERROR: unknown grasp_id: %s"%(grasp_id)

        self.updatePose("object", self.T_W_O)

        with open('barret_hand_openrave2ros_joint_map2.txt', 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            joint_map = {}
            for line in lines:
                line_s = line.split()
                if len(line_s) == 2:
                    joint_map[line_s[0]] = line_s[1]
                elif len(line_s) != 1:
                    print "error in joint map file"

        print joint_map

        self.pub_js = rospy.Publisher("/joint_states", JointState)

        if True:
            def getDirectionIndex(n):
                min_angle = -45.0/180.0*math.pi
                angle_range = 90.0/180.0*math.pi
                angles_count = 5
                angles_count2 = angles_count * angles_count
                max_indices = angles_count2 * 6
                if abs(n.x()) > abs(n.y()) and abs(n.x()) > abs(n.z()):
                    if n.x() > 0:
                        sec = 0
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.y(), n.x())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.z(), n.x())
                        sec = 1
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.y(), -n.x())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.z(), -n.x())
                elif abs(n.y()) > abs(n.x()) and abs(n.y()) > abs(n.z()):
                    if n.y() > 0:
                        sec = 2
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.x(), n.y())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.z(), n.y())
                        sec = 3
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.x(), -n.y())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.z(), -n.y())
                    if n.z() > 0:
                        sec = 4
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.x(), n.z())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.y(), n.z())
                        sec = 5
                        a1 = math.atan2(n.x(), -n.z())
                        a2 = math.atan2(n.y(), -n.z())

                a1i = int(angles_count*(a1-min_angle)/angle_range)
                a2i = int(angles_count*(a2-min_angle)/angle_range)
                if a1i < 0:
                    print sec, a1i, a2i
                    a1i = 0
                if a1i >= angles_count:
#                    print sec, a1i, a2i
                    a1i = angles_count-1
                if a2i < 0:
                    print sec, a1i, a2i
                    a2i = 0
                if a2i >= angles_count:
                    print sec, a1i, a2i
                    a2i = angles_count-1
                return sec * angles_count2 + a1i * angles_count + a2i

            # generate a dictionary of indexed directions
            normals_sphere_indexed_dir = velmautils.generateNormalsSphere(3.0/180.0*math.pi)
            print len(normals_sphere_indexed_dir)
            indices_directions = {}
            for n in normals_sphere_indexed_dir:
                index = getDirectionIndex(n)
                if not index in indices_directions:
                    indices_directions[index] = [n]

            for index in indices_directions:
                n_mean = PyKDL.Vector()
                for n in indices_directions[index]:
                    n_mean += n
                indices_directions[index] = n_mean

            # test direction indexing
            if False:
                normals_sphere = velmautils.generateNormalsSphere(3.0/180.0*math.pi)
                print len(normals_sphere)
                m_id = 0
                for current_index in range(5*5*6):
                  count = 0
                  r = random.random()
                  g = random.random()
                  b = random.random()
                  for n in normals_sphere:
                    sec = -1
                    a1 = None
                    a2 = None
                    index = getDirectionIndex(n)
                    if index == current_index:
                        m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(n*0.1, m_id, r=r, g=g, b=b, namespace='default', frame_id='world', m_type=Marker.CUBE, scale=Vector3(0.007, 0.007, 0.007), T=None)
                        count += 1
                  print current_index, count
                for index in indices_directions:
                    m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(indices_directions[index]*0.12, m_id, r=1, g=1, b=1, namespace='default', frame_id='world', m_type=Marker.CUBE, scale=Vector3(0.012, 0.012, 0.012), T=None)


        # PyODE test
        if True:

            fixed_joints_names_for_fixed_DOF = [
            ["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint", "right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleOneJoint"],          # spread
            ["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint", "right_HandFingerOneKnuckleThreeJoint"],        # f1
            ["right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint", "right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleThreeJoint"],    # f3
            ["right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint", "right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleThreeJoint"],        # f2
            coupled_joint_names_for_fingers = ["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleThreeJoint", "right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleThreeJoint", "right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleThreeJoint"]

            actuated_joints_for_DOF = [
            ["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleOneJoint", "right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleOneJoint"],  # spread
            ["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint"],                                        # f1
            ["right_HandFingerThreeKnuckleTwoJoint"],                                      # f3
            ["right_HandFingerTwoKnuckleTwoJoint"]]                                        # f2

            ignored_links = ["world", "world_link"]

            self.run_ode_simulation = False

            print "grasp_direction = [%s, %s, %s, %s]    # spread, f1, f3, f2"%(grasp_direction[0], grasp_direction[1], grasp_direction[2], grasp_direction[3])
            print "grasp_initial_configuration = [%s, %s, %s, %s]"%(grasp_initial_configuration[0], grasp_initial_configuration[1], grasp_initial_configuration[2], grasp_initial_configuration[3])
            print "grasp_final_configuration = %s"%(self.openrave_robot.GetDOFValues())
            rot_q = self.T_W_O.M.GetQuaternion()
            print "self.T_W_O = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(%s, %s, %s, %s), PyKDL.Vector(%s, %s, %s))"%(rot_q[0], rot_q[1], rot_q[2], rot_q[3], self.T_W_O.p.x(), self.T_W_O.p.y(), self.T_W_O.p.z())

            raw_input("Press ENTER to continue...")

            # reset the gripper in Openrave

            # read the position of all links
            grasp_links_poses = {}
            for link in self.openrave_robot.GetLinks():
                grasp_links_poses[link.GetName()] = self.OpenraveToKDL(link.GetTransform())

#            print "obtained the gripper configuration for the grasp:"
#            print finalconfig[0]

            # simulation in ODE

            # Create a world object
            world = ode.World()
#            world.setGravity( (0,0,-3.81) )
            world.setGravity( (0,0,0) )
            CFM = world.getCFM()
            ERP = world.getERP()
            print "CFM: %s  ERP: %s"%(CFM, ERP)
#            world.setCFM(0.001)
#            print "CFM: %s  ERP: %s"%(CFM, ERP)

            self.space = ode.Space()

            # Create a body inside the world
            body = ode.Body(world)
            M = ode.Mass()
            M.setCylinderTotal(0.02, 1, 0.005, 0.09)

            ode_mesh = ode.TriMeshData()
            ode_mesh.build(vertices, faces)
            geom = ode.GeomTriMesh(ode_mesh, self.space)
            geom.name = "object"

            self.setOdeBodyPose(geom, self.T_W_O)

            ode_gripper_geoms = {}
            for link in self.openrave_robot.GetLinks():

                link_name = link.GetName()
                if link_name in ignored_links:
                    print "ignoring: %s"%(link_name)
                print "adding: %s"%(link_name)

                ode_mesh_link = None
                body_link = None

                T_W_L = self.OpenraveToKDL(link.GetTransform())

                col = link.GetCollisionData()
                vertices = col.vertices
                faces = col.indices
                ode_mesh_link = ode.TriMeshData()
                ode_mesh_link.build(vertices, faces)
                ode_gripper_geoms[link_name] = ode.GeomTriMesh(ode_mesh_link, self.space)

                if True:
                    body_link = ode.Body(world)
                    M_link = ode.Mass()
                    M_link.setCylinderTotal(0.05, 1, 0.01, 0.09)
                    ode_gripper_geoms[link_name].name = link.GetName()
                    self.setOdeBodyPose(body_link, T_W_L)

            actuated_joint_names = []
            for dof in range(4):
                for joint_name in actuated_joints_for_DOF[dof]:

            ode_gripper_joints = {}
            for joint_name in joint_names:
                joint = self.openrave_robot.GetJoint(joint_name)
                link_parent = joint.GetHierarchyParentLink().GetName()
                link_child = joint.GetHierarchyChildLink().GetName()
                if link_parent in ode_gripper_geoms and link_child in ode_gripper_geoms:
                    axis = joint.GetAxis()
                    anchor = joint.GetAnchor()
                    if joint_name in actuated_joint_names:
                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name] = ode.AMotor(world)
                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].attach(ode_gripper_geoms[link_parent].getBody(), ode_gripper_geoms[link_child].getBody())
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setNumAxes(3)
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setAxis(1,1,axis)
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setAxis(2,1,axis)
                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamFMax, 10.0)
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamFMax2, 10.0)
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamFMax3, 10.0)
                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name] = ode.HingeJoint(world)
                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].attach(ode_gripper_geoms[link_parent].getBody(), ode_gripper_geoms[link_child].getBody())

#                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name] = ode.HingeJoint(world)
#                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].attach(ode_gripper_geoms[link_parent].getBody(), ode_gripper_geoms[link_child].getBody())
#                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setAxis(-axis)
#                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setAnchor(anchor)

#                    if joint_name in actuated_joint_names:
#                        ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamFMax, 10.0)

                    limits = joint.GetLimits()
                    value = joint.GetValue(0)
#                    print joint_name
#                    print "limits: %s %s"%(limits[0], limits[1])
#                    print "axis: %s"%(axis)
#                    print "anchor: %s"%(anchor)
#                    print "value: %s"%(value)

                    lim = [limits[0], limits[1]]
                    if limits[0] <= -math.pi:
#                        print "lower joint limit %s <= -PI, setting to -PI+0.01"%(limits[0])
                        lim[0] = -math.pi + 0.01
                    if limits[1] >= math.pi:
#                        print "upper joint limit %s >= PI, setting to PI-0.01"%(limits[1])
                        lim[1] = math.pi - 0.01
                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamLoStop, lim[0])
                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamHiStop, lim[1])
#                    ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].setParam(ode.ParamFudgeFactor, 0.5)

            ode_fixed_joint = ode.FixedJoint(world)
            ode_fixed_joint.attach(None, ode_gripper_geoms["right_HandPalmLink"].getBody())

            # set the poses of all links as for the grasp
            for link_name in grasp_links_poses:
                if link_name in ignored_links:
                ode_body = ode_gripper_geoms[link_name].getBody()
                T_W_L = grasp_links_poses[link_name]
                self.setOdeBodyPose(ode_body, T_W_L)

            fixed_joint_names = []
            fixed_joint_names += coupled_joint_names_for_fingers
            for dof in range(4):
                if grasp_direction[dof] == 0.0:
                    for joint_name in fixed_joints_names_for_fixed_DOF[dof]:
                        if not joint_name in fixed_joint_names:

            # change all coupled joints to fixed joints
            fixed_joints = {}
            for joint_name in fixed_joint_names:
                # save the bodies attached
                body0 = ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].getBody(0)
                body1 = ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].getBody(1)
                # save the joint angle
                if joint_name in actuated_joint_names:
                    angle = ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].getAngle(0)
                    angle = ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].getAngle()
                # detach the joint
                ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].attach(None, None)
                del ode_gripper_joints[joint_name]
                fixed_joints[joint_name] = [ode.FixedJoint(world), angle]
                fixed_joints[joint_name][0].attach(body0, body1)

            # change all actuated joints to motor joints
#            actuated_joint_names = []
#            for dof in range(4):
#                for joint_name in actuated_joints_for_DOF[dof]:
#                    actuated_joint_names.append(joint_name)
#            for joint_name in actuated_joint_names:

            # A joint group for the contact joints that are generated whenever
            # two bodies collide
            contactgroup = ode.JointGroup()

            print "ode_gripper_geoms:"
            print ode_gripper_geoms

            initial_T_W_O = self.T_W_O
            # Do the simulation...
            dt = 0.001
            total_time = 0.0
            failure = False

            # PID
            Kc = 1.0
#            Ti = 1000000000000.0
            KcTi = 0.0
            Td = 0.0
            Ts = 0.001
            pos_d = 1.0
            e0 = 0.0
            e1 = 0.0
            e2 = 0.0
            u = 0.0
            u_max = 1.0
            while total_time < 5.0 and not rospy.is_shutdown():
                # ODE simulation

                joint = ode_gripper_joints["right_HandFingerOneKnuckleTwoJoint"]
                e2 = e1
                e1 = e0
                e0 = pos_d - joint.getAngle(0)
                u = u + Kc * (e0 - e1) + KcTi * Ts * e0 + Kc * Td / Ts * (e0 - 2.0 * e1 + e2)
                if u > u_max:
                    u = u_max
                if u < -u_max:
                    u = -u_max
                joint.setParam(ode.ParamFMax, 10000.0)
                joint.setParam(ode.ParamVel, 1.1)
#                joint.setParam(ode.ParamVel2, 1.1)
#                joint.setParam(ode.ParamVel3, 1.1)
                print joint.getAngle(0), "   ", u #, "   ", joint.getAngleRate(0)
#                print u

#                joint.addTorque(u)
#                for dof in range(4):
#                    for joint_name in actuated_joints_for_DOF[dof]:
#                        if joint_name in ode_gripper_joints:
#                            ode_gripper_joints[joint_name].addTorque(1*grasp_direction[dof])

                self.grasp_contacts = []
                self.space.collide((world,contactgroup), self.near_callback)
                total_time += dt

                # ROS interface

                old_m_id = m_id
                m_id = 0
                # publish frames from ODE
                if False:
                    for link_name in ode_gripper_geoms:
                        link_body = ode_gripper_geoms[link_name].getBody()
                        if link_body == None:
                            link_body = ode_gripper_geoms[link_name]
                        T_W_Lsim = self.getOdeBodyPose(link_body)
                        m_id = self.pub_marker.publishFrameMarker(T_W_Lsim, m_id, scale=0.05, frame='world', namespace='default')

                # publish the mesh of the object
                T_W_Osim = self.getOdeBodyPose(body)
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishConstantMeshMarker("package://velma_scripts/data/meshes/klucz_gerda_binary.stl", m_id, r=1, g=0, b=0, scale=1.0, frame_id='world', namespace='default', T=T_W_Osim)

                # update the gripper visualization in ros
                js = JointState()
                js.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
                for jn in joint_map:
                    ros_joint_name = joint_map[jn]
                    if jn in ode_gripper_joints:
                        if jn in actuated_joint_names:
                            js.position.append( ode_gripper_joints[jn].getAngle(0) )
                            js.position.append( ode_gripper_joints[jn].getAngle() )
                    elif jn in fixed_joints:

                # draw contacts
                for c in self.grasp_contacts:
                    cc = PyKDL.Vector(c[0], c[1], c[2])
                    cn = PyKDL.Vector(c[3], c[4], c[5])
                    m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(cc, cc+cn*0.04, m_id, 1, 0, 0, frame='world', namespace='default', scale=0.003)

                if m_id < old_m_id:
                    self.pub_marker.eraseMarkers(m_id,old_m_id+1, frame_id='world')

                diff_T_W_O = PyKDL.diff(initial_T_W_O, T_W_Osim)
#                if diff_T_W_O.vel.Norm() > 0.02 or diff_T_W_O.rot.Norm() > 30.0/180.0*math.pi:
#                    print "the object moved"
#                    print diff_T_W_O
#                    failure = True
#                    break

            if not failure:
                T_O_Wsim = T_W_Osim.Inverse()
                TR_O_Wsim = PyKDL.Frame(T_O_Wsim.M)
                contacts = []
                for c in self.grasp_contacts:
                    cc_W = PyKDL.Vector(c[0], c[1], c[2])
                    cn_W = PyKDL.Vector(c[3], c[4], c[5])
                    cc_O = T_O_Wsim * cc_W
                    cn_O = TR_O_Wsim * cn_W
                    contacts.append([cc_O[0], cc_O[1], cc_O[2], cn_O[0], cn_O[1], cn_O[2]])
                gws, contact_planes = self.generateGWS(contacts, 1.0)

                grasp_quality = None
                for wr in ext_wrenches:
                    wr_qual = self.getQualityMeasure2(gws, wr)
                    if grasp_quality == None or wr_qual < grasp_quality:
                        grasp_quality = wr_qual

                grasp_quality_classic = self.getQualityMeasure(gws)

                print "grasp_quality_classic: %s     grasp_quality: %s"%(grasp_quality_classic, grasp_quality)

예제 #4
    def __init__(self, vol_radius, vol_samples_count, T_H_O, orientations_angle, vertices_obj, faces_obj):
        self.vol_radius = vol_radius
        self.vol_samples_count = vol_samples_count
        self.index_factor = float(self.vol_samples_count)/(2.0*self.vol_radius)
        self.vol_samples = []
        for x in np.linspace(-self.vol_radius, self.vol_radius, self.vol_samples_count):
            for y in np.linspace(-self.vol_radius, self.vol_radius, self.vol_samples_count):
                for z in np.linspace(-self.vol_radius, self.vol_radius, self.vol_samples_count):
                    self.vol_samples[-1][-1][-1] = {}
        self.vol_sample_points = []
        for xi in range(self.vol_samples_count):
            for yi in range(self.vol_samples_count):
                for zi in range(self.vol_samples_count):
                    self.vol_sample_points.append( self.getVolPoint(xi,yi,zi) )
        self.T_H_O = T_H_O
        self.T_O_H = self.T_H_O.Inverse()

        # generate the set of orientations
        self.orientations_angle = orientations_angle
        normals_sphere = velmautils.generateNormalsSphere(self.orientations_angle)

        orientations1 = velmautils.generateFramesForNormals(self.orientations_angle, normals_sphere)
        orientations2 = []
        for ori in orientations1:
            x_axis = ori * PyKDL.Vector(1,0,0)
            if x_axis.z() > 0.0:
        self.orientations = {}
        for ori_idx in range(len(orientations2)):
            self.orientations[ori_idx] = orientations2[ori_idx]

        # generate a set of surface points
        self.surface_points_obj = surfaceutils.sampleMeshDetailedRays(vertices_obj, faces_obj, 0.0015)
        print "surface of the object has %s points"%(len(self.surface_points_obj))

        # disallow contact with the surface points beyond the key handle
        for p in self.surface_points_obj:
            if p.pos.x() > 0.0:
                p.allowed = False

        surface_points_obj_init = []
        surface_points2_obj_init = []
        for sp in self.surface_points_obj:
            if sp.allowed:

        print "generating a subset of surface points of the object..."

        while True:
            p_idx = random.randint(0, len(self.surface_points_obj)-1)
            if self.surface_points_obj[p_idx].allowed:
        p_dist = 0.003

        self.sampled_points_obj = []
        while True:
            surface_points_obj2 = []
            for sp in surface_points_obj_init:
                if (sp.pos-self.surface_points_obj[p_idx].pos).Norm() > p_dist:
            if len(surface_points_obj2) == 0:
            surface_points_obj_init = surface_points_obj2
            p_idx = surface_points_obj_init[0].id

        print "subset size: %s"%(len(self.sampled_points_obj))

        print "generating a subset of other surface points of the object..."

        p_dist2 = 0.006

        while True:
            p_idx = random.randint(0, len(self.surface_points_obj)-1)
            if not self.surface_points_obj[p_idx].allowed:

        self.sampled_points2_obj = []
        while True:
            surface_points2_obj2 = []
            for sp in surface_points2_obj_init:
                if (sp.pos-self.surface_points_obj[p_idx].pos).Norm() > p_dist2:
            if len(surface_points2_obj2) == 0:
            surface_points2_obj_init = surface_points2_obj2
            p_idx = surface_points2_obj_init[0].id

        # test volumetric model
        if False:
            for pt_idx in self.sampled_points2_obj:
                pt = self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx]
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(pt.pos, m_id, r=1, g=0, b=0, namespace='default', frame_id='world', m_type=Marker.CUBE, scale=Vector3(0.003, 0.003, 0.003), T=None)

            for pt_idx in self.sampled_points_obj:
                pt = self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx]
                m_id = self.pub_marker.publishSinglePointMarker(pt.pos, m_id, r=0, g=1, b=0, namespace='default', frame_id='world', m_type=Marker.CUBE, scale=Vector3(0.003, 0.003, 0.003), T=None)

        print "subset size: %s"%(len(self.sampled_points2_obj))

        print "calculating surface curvature at sampled points of the obj..."
        m_id = 0
        planes = 0
        edges = 0
        points = 0
        for pt_idx in range(len(self.surface_points_obj)):
            indices, nx, pc1, pc2 = surfaceutils.pclPrincipalCurvaturesEstimation(self.surface_points_obj, pt_idx, 5, 0.003)
#            m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(self.T_W_O * self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].pos, self.T_W_O * (self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].pos + nx*0.004), m_id, 1, 0, 0, frame='world', namespace='default', scale=0.0002)
#            m_id = self.pub_marker.publishVectorMarker(self.T_W_O * self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].pos, self.T_W_O * (self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].pos + self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].normal*0.004), m_id, 0, 0, 1, frame='world', namespace='default', scale=0.0002)
            self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].frame = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation(nx, self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].normal * nx, self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].normal), self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].pos)
            self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].pc1 = pc1
            self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].pc2 = pc2
            if pc1 < 0.2:
                self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].is_plane = True
                self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].is_edge = False
                self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].is_point = False
                planes += 1
            elif pc2 < 0.2:
                self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].is_plane = False
                self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].is_edge = True
                self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].is_point = False
                edges += 1
                self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].is_plane = False
                self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].is_edge = False
                self.surface_points_obj[pt_idx].is_point = True
                points += 1

        print "obj planes: %s  edges: %s  points: %s"%(planes, edges, points)