예제 #1
def test_tools_status():
    """ Test the tools_status function """
    instance = MenuHelper()
    core = instance.tools_status(True)
    assert isinstance(core, tuple)
    plugins = instance.tools_status(False)
    assert isinstance(plugins, tuple)
예제 #2
def test_repo_tools():
    """ Test the repo_tools function """
    instance = MenuHelper()
    status = instance.repo_tools('https://github.com/cyberreboot/vent',
                                 'master', 'HEAD')
    assert isinstance(status, tuple)
    assert status[0] == True
예제 #3
def test_repo_commits():
    """ Test the repo_commits function """
    instance = Plugin()
    status = instance.add('https://github.com/cyberreboot/vent', build=False)
    assert isinstance(status, tuple)
    assert status[0] == True
    instance = MenuHelper()
    status = instance.repo_commits('https://github.com/cyberreboot/vent')
    assert isinstance(status, tuple)
예제 #4
 def repo_tools(self, branch):
     """ Set the appropriate repo dir and get the tools available of it """
     tools = []
     m_helper = MenuHelper()
     repo = self.parentApp.repo_value['repo']
     version = self.parentApp.repo_value['versions'][branch]
     status = m_helper.repo_tools(repo, branch, version)
     if status[0]:
         r_tools = status[1]
         for tool in r_tools:
     return tools
예제 #5
def test_cores():
    """ Test the cores function """
    instance = MenuHelper()
    cores = instance.cores('install')
    assert cores[0] == True
    cores = instance.cores('build')
    assert cores[0] == True
    cores = instance.cores('start')
    assert cores[0] == True
    cores = instance.cores('stop')
    assert cores[0] == True
    cores = instance.cores('clean')
    assert cores[0] == True
예제 #6
파일: main.py 프로젝트: rubiruchi/vent
 def t_status(core):
     """ Get status of tools for either plugins or core """
     m_helper = MenuHelper()
     repos, tools = m_helper.tools_status(core)
     installed = 0
     custom_installed = 0
     built = 0
     custom_built = 0
     running = 0
     custom_running = 0
     normal = str(len(tools['normal']))
     # determine how many extra instances should be shown for running
     norm = set(tools['normal'])
     inst = set(tools['installed'])
     run_str = str(len(tools['normal']) + len(inst - norm))
     for tool in tools['running']:
         # check for multi instances too for running
         if tool in tools['normal']:
             running += 1
         elif re.sub(r'\d+$', '', tool) in tools['normal']:
             running += 1
             custom_running += 1
     for tool in tools['built']:
         if tool in tools['normal']:
             built += 1
             custom_built += 1
     for tool in tools['installed']:
         if tool in tools['normal']:
             installed += 1
         elif re.sub(r'\d+$', '', tool) not in tools['normal']:
             custom_installed += 1
     tools_str = str(running + custom_running) + '/' + run_str + ' running'
     if custom_running > 0:
         tools_str += ' (' + str(custom_running) + ' custom)'
     tools_str += ', ' + str(built + custom_built) + '/' + normal + ' built'
     if custom_built > 0:
         tools_str += ' (' + str(custom_built) + ' custom)'
     tools_str += ', ' + str(installed + custom_installed) + '/' + normal
     tools_str += ' installed'
     if custom_built > 0:
         tools_str += ' (' + str(custom_installed) + ' custom)'
     return tools_str, (running, custom_running, normal, repos)
예제 #7
파일: main.py 프로젝트: rubiruchi/vent
    def core_tools(action):
        """ Perform actions for core tools """
        def diff(first, second):
            Get the elements that exist in the first list and not in the second
            second = set(second)
            return [item for item in first if item not in second]

        def popup(original, orig_type, thr, title):
            Start the thread and display a popup of info
            until the thread is finished
            info_str = ''
            while thr.is_alive():
                if orig_type == 'containers':
                    info = diff(Containers(), original)
                elif orig_type == 'images':
                    info = diff(Images(), original)
                if info:
                    info_str = ''
                for entry in info:
                    # TODO limit length of info_str to fit box
                    info_str += entry[0] + ': ' + entry[1] + '\n'
                npyscreen.notify_wait(info_str, title=title)

        if action == 'install':
            original_images = Images()
            m_helper = MenuHelper()
            thr = Thread(target=m_helper.cores,
                         kwargs={'action': 'install'})
            popup(original_images, 'images', thr,
                  'Please wait, installing core containers...')
                'Done installing core containers (any'
                ' already installed tools untouched).',
                title='Installed core containers')
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, *args, **keywords):
     """ Initialize tool form objects """
     self.logger = Logger(__name__)
     self.api_action = Action()
     self.m_helper = MenuHelper()
     action = {'api_action': self.api_action}
     self.tools_tc = {}
     self.repo_widgets = {}
     if keywords['action_dict']:
     if keywords['names']:
         i = 1
         for name in keywords['names']:
             action['action_object' + str(i)] = getattr(
                 self.api_action, name)
             i += 1
     self.action = action
     # get list of all possible group views to display
     self.views = deque()
     possible_groups = set()
     manifest = Template(self.api_action.plugin.manifest)
     if self.action['cores']:
         tools = self.api_action.inventory(choices=['core'])[1]['core']
         tools = self.api_action.inventory(choices=['tools'])[1]['tools']
     for tool in tools:
         groups = manifest.option(tool, 'groups')[1].split(',')
         for group in groups:
             # don't do core because that's the purpose of all in views
             if group != '' and group != 'core':
     self.manifest = manifest
     self.views += possible_groups
     self.views.append('all groups')
     self.no_instance = ['build', 'remove']
     super(ToolForm, self).__init__(*args, **keywords)
예제 #9
def test_jobs():
    """ Test the jobs function """
    jobs = Jobs()
    assert isinstance(jobs, tuple)
    path = PathDirs()
    status = path.host_config()
    assert isinstance(status, tuple)
    assert status[0]
    m_helper = MenuHelper()
    status = m_helper.cores('install')
    assert isinstance(status, tuple)
    assert status[0]
    status = m_helper.cores('build')
    assert isinstance(status, tuple)
    assert status[0]
    status = m_helper.cores('start')
    assert isinstance(status, tuple)
    assert status[0]
    status = m_helper.api_action.add(
        tools=[('tcpdump_hex_parser', ''), ('gpu_example', '')])
    assert isinstance(status, tuple)
    assert status[0]
    # run test job
    with open('/opt/vent_files/foo.matrix', 'w') as f:
    pcap = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/tcpreplay-pcap-files/test.pcap'
    r = requests.get(pcap, stream=True)

    if r.status_code == 200:
        with open('/opt/vent_files/foo.pcap', 'wb') as f:
            r.raw.decode_content = True
            shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f)
    services = Services(True)
    assert isinstance(services, list)
    jobs = Jobs()
    assert isinstance(jobs, tuple)
예제 #10
 def repo_values(self):
     Set the appropriate repo dir and get the branches and commits of it
     branches = []
     commits = {}
     m_helper = MenuHelper()
     status = m_helper.repo_branches(self.parentApp.repo_value['repo'])
     # branches and commits must both be retrieved successfully
     if status[0]:
         branches = status[1]
         status = m_helper.repo_commits(self.parentApp.repo_value['repo'])
         if status[0]:
             r_commits = status[1]
             for commit in r_commits:
                 commits[commit[0]] = commit[1]
             # if commits failed, return commit errors
             return status
         # if branch failed, return branch errors
         return status
     # if everything is good, return branches with commits
     return branches, commits