def retrieveSavedSchools(email):
    # open the userInformation workbook
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook('userInformation.xls')

    # open the userInformation worksheet
    ws = wb.sheet_by_name('userInformation')

    # create schoolList
    schoolList = []

    # gives row index the email is stored in in the userInformation database
    row = findEmailInDB(email)

    # if email does not exist in database
    if row == -1:
        # no record, no sorting
        return False

# retrieve number of schools stored in that record
    numOfSchools = int(ws.cell(row + 1, 0).value)

    # for each school in that record
    for i in range(numOfSchools):
        # append that school into schoolList
        schoolList.append(ws.cell(row + 1, i + 1).value)

    return schoolList
예제 #2
def saveSchool(email, schoolName, savedDate):
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook('userInformation.xls')
    ws = wb.sheet_by_name('userInformation')
    newWB = copy(wb)
    newWS = newWB.get_sheet(0)

    # gives the row index where that email is stored
    row = findEmailInDB(email)

    # if row == -1, the email is not in the database
    if row == -1:
        # cannot save that school
        return False

    # retrieve number of schools stored in that record
    numOfSchools = int(ws.cell(row + 1, 0).value)

    # increment the number of schools saved
    numOfSchools += 1

    # write the new number of schools saved to the record
    newWS.write(row + 1, 0, numOfSchools)

    # at the matching column index, write the new school and its saved date
    newWS.write(row + 1, numOfSchools, schoolName)
    newWS.write(row + 2, numOfSchools, savedDate)

    # move one cell to the right and write 'end' to it
    newWS.write(row + 1, numOfSchools + 1, 'end')
    newWS.write(row + 2, numOfSchools + 1, 'end')'userInformation.xls')

    # school is successfully saved
    return True
예제 #3
def login():

    # create the form object
    form = LoginForm()

    # validate user input
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        # all form data is stored in the request object flask auto creates
        # read in the email
        email = request.form['email']

        # returns the row index the email is located in in the userInformation database, if found
        emailRow = findEmailInDB(email)

        # an actual row index got returned
        if emailRow > 0:
            # read in the password
            password = request.form['password']

            # make sure that the password matches that paired with that email in database
            matches = passwordMatchesThatPairedWithEmailInDB(
                password, emailRow)
            if matches == True:
                global log_in
                log_in = True
                global global_email
                global_email = email
                global global_userSavedSchoolList
                global_userSavedSchoolList = retrieveSavedSchools(global_email)
                # both email and password are correct, redirect to initial UI page
                return redirect(url_for('savedlist'))

    # render template on html and form
    return render_template('login.html', form=form)
예제 #4
def writeNewUserToDB(email, password, postalCode):
	# if email already exists in the database, not a new user 
	# cannot create a new record for that user 
	# return false  
	if (findEmailInDB(email) > 0):
		return False 
	# open the userInformation workbook
	wb = xlrd.open_workbook('userInformation.xls')
	# make a copy of the userInformation workbook
	newWB = copy(wb)

	# use the copy to open the worksheet
	newWS = newWB.get_sheet(0)
	# open the userInformation worksheet
	ws = wb.sheet_by_name('userInformation')
	# read the number of records stored from this cell
	numOfRecords = int(ws.cell(0, 1).value)

	# calculate the index of the row to write to 
	row = 2 + (numOfRecords*4)

	# write the email
	newWS.write(row, 0, email)

	# write the password 
	newWS.write(row, 1, password)

	# if the postal code is an empty string
	if postalCode == '':
		# write postal code as 'null'
		newWS.write(row, 2, 'null')
	# else, write the actual postal code
		newWS.write(row, 2, postalCode)

	# set no of schools saved to 0
	newWS.write(row+1, 0,0)

	# increment the number of records and write it to the database
	newWS.write(0, 1, numOfRecords + 1) 
	# save the workbook'userInformation.xls')
	return True
def retrievePostalCode(email):
    # open the userInformation workbook
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook('userInformation.xls')

    # open the userInformation worksheet
    ws = wb.sheet_by_name('userInformation')

    # gives row index the email is stored in in the userInformation database
    row = findEmailInDB(email)

    # if email does not exist in database
    if row == -1:
        # no record, no sorting
        return False

    # retrieve postalcode
    postalCode = (ws.cell(row, 2).value)

    return postalCode
예제 #6
def deleteSavedSchool(email, schoolName):
    # make a copy of the workbook and make changes to it
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook('userInformation.xls')
    ws = wb.sheet_by_name('userInformation')
    newWB = copy(wb)
    newWS = newWB.get_sheet(0)

    # gives the row index where the email is stored
    row = findEmailInDB(email)

    # if email does not exist in the database
    if row == -1:
        # cannot delete
        return False

    # retrieve number of schools stored in that record
    numOfSchools = int(ws.cell(row + 1, 0).value)

    # decrement the number of schools saved
    numOfSchools -= 1

    # write the new number of schools saved to the record
    newWS.write(row + 1, 0, numOfSchools)

    # initialize col
    col = 1

    # initialize sn
    sn = ws.cell(row + 1, col).value

    # while we have not reached 'end'
    while (sn != 'end'):

        # compare sn with schoolName
        if sn == schoolName:

            col += 1
            sn = ws.cell(row + 1, col).value

    # if sn == 'end'
    if (sn == 'end'):
        print('The school is not saved!')
        return False

    # increment col
    col += 1

    # get the next sn
    sn = ws.cell(row + 1, col).value
    sd = ws.cell(row + 2, col).value

    # loop through the remaining cells till 'end' and shift them left by one column each
    while (sn != 'end'):

        # shift the school name left by one cell
        newWS.write(row + 1, col - 1, sn)

        # shift the saved date left by one cell
        newWS.write(row + 2, col - 1, sd)

        # move on to the next school
        col += 1
        sn = ws.cell(row + 1, col).value
        sd = ws.cell(row + 2, col).value

    # shift 'end' left by one cell
    newWS.write(row + 1, col - 1, 'end')
    newWS.write(row + 2, col - 1, 'end')
    newWS.write(row + 1, col, '')
    newWS.write(row + 2, col, '')'userInformation.xls')

    # removal successful
    return True