def to_vertica_python_format(dsn: str): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Converts the ODBC dictionary obtained with the read_dsn method to the vertica_python format. Parameters ---------- dsn: str DSN name Returns ------- dict dictionary with all the credentials """ check_types([("dsn", dsn, [str],)]) dsn = read_dsn(dsn) conn_info = {} for elem in dsn: if elem.lower() == "servername": conn_info["host"] = dsn[elem] elif elem.lower() == "uid": conn_info["user"] = dsn[elem] elif elem.lower() == "pwd": conn_info["password"] = dsn[elem] elif elem.lower() == "kerberosservicename": conn_info["kerberos_service_name"] = dsn[elem] elif elem.lower() == "kerberoshostname": conn_info["kerberos_host_name"] = dsn[elem] else: conn_info[elem.lower()] = dsn[elem] if "port" not in [elem.lower() for elem in dsn]: conn_info["password"] = 5433 return conn_info
def vertica_conn( section: str, dsn: str = "", ): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reads the input DSN and creates a Vertica Database connection. Parameters ---------- section: str Name of the section in the configuration file. dsn: str, optional Path to the file containing the credentials. If empty, the ODBCINI environment variable will be used. Returns ------- conn Database connection See Also -------- new_auto_connection : Saves a connection to automatically create database cursors. read_auto_connect : Automatically creates a connection. """ check_types([( "dsn", dsn, [str], )]) conn = vertica_python.connect(**read_dsn(section, dsn)) return conn
def read_dsn(dsn: str): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reads the DSN information from the ODBCINI environment variable. Parameters ---------- dsn: str DSN name Returns ------- dict dictionary with all the credentials """ check_types([("dsn", dsn, [str],)]) f = open(os.environ["ODBCINI"], "r") odbc = f.close() if "[{}]".format(dsn) not in odbc: raise NameError("The DSN '{}' doesn't exist.".format(dsn)) odbc = odbc.split("[{}]\n".format(dsn))[1].split("\n\n")[0].split("\n") dsn = {} for elem in odbc: try: info = elem.replace(" ", "").split("=") dsn[info[0].lower()] = info[1] except: pass return dsn
def read_dsn( section: str, dsn: str = "", ): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reads the DSN information from the ODBCINI environment variable or the input file. Parameters ---------- section: str Name of the section in the configuration file. dsn: str, optional Path to the file containing the credentials. If empty, the ODBCINI environment variable will be used. Returns ------- dict dictionary with all the credentials """ check_types([( "dsn", dsn, [str], ), ( "section", section, [str], )]) confparser = ConfigParser() confparser.optionxform = str if not dsn: dsn = os.environ["ODBCINI"] if confparser.has_section(section): options = confparser.items(section) conn_info = {"port": 5433, "user": "******"} for elem in options: if elem[0].lower() in ("servername", "server"): conn_info["host"] = elem[1] elif elem[0].lower() == "uid": conn_info["user"] = elem[1] elif elem[0].lower() == "port": try: conn_info["port"] = int(elem[1]) except: conn_info["port"] = elem[1] elif elem[0].lower() == "pwd": conn_info["password"] = elem[1] elif elem[0].lower() == "kerberosservicename": conn_info["kerberos_service_name"] = elem[1] elif elem[0].lower() == "kerberoshostname": conn_info["kerberos_host_name"] = elem[1] else: conn_info[elem[0].lower()] = elem[1] return conn_info else: raise NameError("The DSN Section '{}' doesn't exist.".format(section))
def new_auto_connection(dsn: dict, name: str = "DSN"): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saves a connection to automatically create DB cursors. This will create a used-as-needed file to automatically set up a connection, avoiding redundant cursors. Parameters ---------- dsn: dict Dictionnary containing the information to set up the connection. database : Database Name host : Server ID password : User Password port : Database Port (optional, default: 5433) user : User ID (optional, default: dbadmin) name: str, optional Name of the auto connection. See Also -------- change_auto_connection : Changes the current auto creation. read_auto_connect : Automatically creates a connection. vertica_conn : Creates a Vertica Database connection. """ check_types([("dsn", dsn, [dict],)]) if "port" not in dsn: print( "\u26A0 Warning: No port found in the 'dsn' dictionary. The default port is 5433." ) dsn["port"] = 5433 if "user" not in dsn: print( "\u26A0 Warning: No user found in the 'dsn' dictionary. The default user is 'dbadmin'." ) dsn["user"] = "******" if ("password" not in dsn) or ("database" not in dsn) or ("host" not in dsn): raise ParameterError( 'The dictionary \'dsn\' is incomplete. It must include all the needed credentitals to set up the connection.\nExample: dsn = { "host": "", "port": "5433", "database": "testdb", "password": "******", "user": "******"}"' ) path = os.path.dirname(verticapy.__file__) + "/connections/all/{}.verticapy".format( name ) file = open(path, "w+") file.write( "Connection - {}\nhost: {}\nport: {}\ndatabase: {}\nuser: {}\npassword: {}".format( name, dsn["host"], dsn["port"], dsn["database"], dsn["user"], dsn["password"], ) ) file.close()
def new_auto_connection(dsn: dict, name: str = "DSN"): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saves a connection to automatically create database cursors. This will create a used-as-needed file to automatically set up a connection, avoiding redundant cursors. Parameters ---------- dsn: dict Dictionnary containing the information to set up the connection. database : Database Name host : Server ID password : User Password port : Database Port (optional, default: 5433) user : User ID (optional, default: dbadmin) ... name: str, optional Name of the auto connection. See Also -------- change_auto_connection : Changes the current auto creation. read_auto_connect : Automatically creates a connection. vertica_conn : Creates a Vertica Database connection. """ check_types([( "dsn", dsn, [dict], )]) path = os.path.dirname(verticapy.__file__) + "/connections.verticapy" confparser = ConfigParser() confparser.optionxform = str try: except: pass if confparser.has_section(name): confparser.remove_section(name) confparser.add_section(name) for elem in dsn: confparser.set(name, elem, str(dsn[elem])) f = open(path, "w+") confparser.write(f) f.close() change_auto_connection(name)
def vertica_conn(dsn: str): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reads the input DSN from the ODBCINI environment and creates a Vertica Database connection. Parameters ---------- dsn: str DSN name Returns ------- conn Database connection See Also -------- new_auto_connection : Saves a connection to automatically create DB cursors. read_auto_connect : Automatically creates a connection. """ check_types([("dsn", dsn, [str],)]) conn = vertica_python.connect(**to_vertica_python_format(dsn)) return conn