def test(): the_map = Map() tic = time.clock() the_map.discretize_map() print time.clock() - tic #obstacle = Polygon([(40,15), (45,15), (45,20), (40,20)], safety_region_length=4.0) #the_map.add_obstacles([obstacle]) tend = 10 dT = 1 h = 0.05 N = int(tend/h) + 1 N2 = int(tend/dT) + 1 x0 = np.array([10, 10, 0.0, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg = np.array([50, 50, 0]) myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(dT, N2) v = Vessel(x0, xg, h, dT, N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v.current_goal = np.array([50, 50]) world = World([v], the_map) myDynWnd.the_world = world world.update_world(0,0) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal', autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-10, 160), ylim=(-10, 160)) world.visualize(ax, 0, 0)
def __init__( self, nb_taps: int = 5, demand_uniqueness: bool = True, do_filter=True, save_data=False, ): self.do_filter = do_filter self.save_data = save_data self.demand_uniqueness = demand_uniqueness self.M = M = nb_taps self.p = p = int((M - 1) / 2) self.q = p + 1 # These vectors hold the time/values being added to the stash. self.x = deque([], maxlen=1000) self.t = deque([], maxlen=1000) # These variables are the filtered version of t/x; cannot sample from these vectors... self.t_ = deque([], maxlen=1000) self.x_ = deque([], maxlen=1000) self.x_prev = 0 # These variables are the filtered version from which we sample. We # have two versions because, depending on how quickly we're sampling # from the the object, we may exhaust the data needed for the moving # average filter. self.t_filtered = deque([], maxlen=1000) self.x_filtered = deque([], maxlen=1000) if self.save_data: datestring ="%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M") = Vessel(f"data/{datestring}.dat") = [] = []
def classify_tiles(self): """Classify all the tiles.""" scores = {} for scientific_name in tqdm(self.target_species): cnn = CNN(scientific_name, do_load_model=True) scores[scientific_name] = cnn.model.predict(self.X) self.scores = scores cm = Vessel("confusion_matrix.dat") cm.scores = scores
def extract_balanced_tiles( path_to_annotations, target_species, tile_size=128, tiles_per_class=2000 ): """Extract equal numbers of target species tiles and tiles from randomly selected species.""" print("> Extracting tiles.") maps = Vessel("data/label_maps.dat") data = Vessel(path_to_annotations) images = data.annotated_images nb_images = len(images) target_images = find_target_images(target_species, images) nb_target_images = len(target_images) y_target = np.ones(tiles_per_class) y_other = np.zeros(tiles_per_class) X_target = np.array([]) X_other = np.array([]) # Grab data from the target set. task_complete = False while not task_complete: image_number = np.random.choice(nb_target_images) image = imread(target_images[image_number]["local_location"])[0] annotations = target_images[image_number]["annotations"] tiles = extract_tiles_from_image( image, annotations, tile_size=tile_size, target_species=target_species, max_nb_tiles=tiles_per_class, ) X_target = add_to_array(X_target, tiles, tiles_per_class) task_complete = X_target.shape[0] == tiles_per_class # Grab data from random "other" species. task_complete = False while not task_complete: image_number = np.random.choice(nb_images) image = imread(images[image_number]["local_location"])[0] annotations = images[image_number]["annotations"] tiles = extract_tiles_from_image( image, annotations, tile_size=tile_size, target_species=target_species, include_target=False, max_nb_tiles=tiles_per_class, ) X_other = add_to_array(X_other, tiles, tiles_per_class) task_complete = X_other.shape[0] == tiles_per_class idx = np.arange(tiles_per_class * 2) np.random.shuffle(idx) X = np.vstack((X_target, X_other)) y = np.hstack((y_target, y_other)) print("> Extraction complete.") return X[idx, :], y[idx].astype(int)
def find_all_images(tree, imgs, truth_locations, truths): """Find all images that contain each ground truth location.""" v = Vessel("ground_truth.dat") for idx, truth in tqdm(enumerate(truths)): loc = [truth_locations[idx, :]] truth["images"] = [] _, candidates = tree.query(loc, k=100) for candidate in candidates[0]: if in_image(loc[0], imgs[candidate]["image_loc"]): truth["images"].append(imgs[candidate]["_id"]) else: v.truths = truths break
def simple_scenario_with_plot(): the_map = Map('s1') #obstacle = Polygon([(30,15), (35,15), (35,20), (30,20)], safety_region_length=4.0) #the_map.add_obstacles([obstacle]) tend = 50 dT = 1 h = 0.05 N = int(tend / h) + 1 N2 = int(tend / dT) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.5, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg = np.array([120, 120, 0]) myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(dT, N2) v = Vessel(x0, xg, h, dT, N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v.current_goal = np.array([50, 50]) world = World([v], the_map) myDynWnd.the_world = world n = 0 for t in np.linspace(0, tend, N): world.update_world(t, n, dT) n += 1 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal', autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-10, 10), ylim=(-10, 10)) #fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.grid() world.draw(ax, N) print "N, N2, n: ", N, N2, n myDynWnd.draw(ax, N2)
def test(): the_map = Map() tic = time.clock() the_map.discretize_map() print time.clock() - tic #obstacle = Polygon([(40,15), (45,15), (45,20), (40,20)], safety_region_length=4.0) #the_map.add_obstacles([obstacle]) tend = 10 dT = 1 h = 0.05 N = int(tend / h) + 1 N2 = int(tend / dT) + 1 x0 = np.array([10, 10, 0.0, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg = np.array([50, 50, 0]) myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(dT, N2) v = Vessel(x0, xg, h, dT, N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v.current_goal = np.array([50, 50]) world = World([v], the_map) myDynWnd.the_world = world world.update_world(0, 0) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal', autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-10, 160), ylim=(-10, 160)) world.visualize(ax, 0, 0)
def simple_scenario_with_plot(): the_map = Map('s1') #obstacle = Polygon([(30,15), (35,15), (35,20), (30,20)], safety_region_length=4.0) #the_map.add_obstacles([obstacle]) tend = 50 dT = 1 h = 0.05 N = int(tend/h) + 1 N2 = int(tend/dT) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.5, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg = np.array([120, 120, 0]) myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(dT, N2) v = Vessel(x0, xg, h, dT, N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v.current_goal = np.array([50, 50]) world = World([v], the_map) myDynWnd.the_world = world n = 0 for t in np.linspace(0, tend, N): world.update_world(t, n, dT) n += 1 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal', autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-10, 10), ylim=(-10, 10)) #fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.grid() world.draw(ax, N) print "N, N2, n: ", N, N2, n myDynWnd.draw(ax, N2)
def evaluate(self): """Load results, or calculate them if not available.""" results = Vessel("predictions.dat") if "y_" not in results.keys or results.scientific_name != self.scientific_name: self.y_ = self.cnn.model.predict(self.X) results.y = self.y results.y_ = self.y_ results.scientific_name = self.scientific_name self.y_ = results.y_
def find_target_images(target_species, images): """Find the target species in the annotated image collection.""" maps = Vessel("data/label_maps.dat") label_map_inverse = maps.label_map_inverse target_images = [] for img in images: codes = [ label_map_inverse[a["plant"]] for a in img["annotations"] if "plant" in a.keys() ] if target_species in codes: target_images.append(img) return target_images
def __init__(self, scientific_name): """Generate a ROC curve for the specified target.""" # If no valid batch is present, let's create one before training. invalid_batch = True batch = Vessel("batch.dat") if "scientific_name" in batch.keys: if batch.scientific_name == scientific_name: invalid_batch = False if invalid_batch: batch = create_batch(scientific_name) self.X, self.y = batch.X, batch.y self.scientific_name = scientific_name self.cnn = CNN(scientific_name, do_load_model=True) self.evaluate()
def __init__(self, target_species=TARGET_SPECIES, load_vessel=False): """Specific the list of scientific names of interest.""" # Specify the target species for the confusion matrix. self.target_species = target_species # Load data for each target species. if load_vessel: v = Vessel("confusion_matrix.dat") try: self.X = np.array(v.X) self.y = np.array(v.y) self.scores = v.scores except: self.load_targets() else: self.load_targets()
def add_outer_layers(self, temp_corebarrel, temp_downcomer, temp_vessel, hasShield, temp_shield=None): self.Corebarrel = Corebarrel(temp_corebarrel) self.Downcomer = Downcomer(temp_downcomer) self.Vessel = Vessel(temp_vessel) if hasShield: # outer radius taken from Tommy's input Mark1.txt or_OR = 162 or_shield = 164.7 or_barrel = 168 or_downcomer = 170 or_vessel = 175 # shield self.Shield = Shield( temp_Vessel ) # assume it has the same temperature as vessel, need to be separated in the future self.define_Shield(self.Shield.temp,, or_OR, or_shield) self.define_Corebarrel(self.Corebarrel.temp,, or_shield, or_barrel) self.comp_dict['Shield'] = self.Shield else: or_OR = 165 or_barrel = 167.2 or_downcomer = 170 or_vessel = 175 self.define_Corebarrel(self.Corebarrel.temp,, or_OR, or_barrel) self.define_Downcomer(self.Downcomer.temp,, or_barrel, or_downcomer) self.define_Vessel(self.Vessel.temp,, or_downcomer, or_vessel) self.comp_dict.update({ 'Downcomer': self.Downcomer, 'Corebarrel': self.Corebarrel, 'Vessel': self.Vessel })
def create_label_maps(path_to_annotations, path_to_maps): """Find species to integer (and inverse) maps.""" # Find all unique species. v = Vessel(path_to_annotations) unique_species = set({}) for img in v.annotated_images: for annotation in img["annotations"]: if "plant" not in annotation.keys(): continue unique_species.add(annotation["plant"]) unique_species = sorted(list(unique_species)) # Build label maps. label_map = {} label_map_inverse = {} for itr, plant_name in enumerate(unique_species): label_map_inverse[plant_name] = itr label_map[itr] = plant_name maps = Vessel(path_to_maps) maps.plant_to_id = label_map_inverse maps.id_to_plant = label_map
def load_targets(self): """Load example targets.""" y = [] X = [] print("> Assembling the data.") for scientific_name in tqdm(self.target_species): annotations = get_specified_target(scientific_name, nb_annotations=100) for annotation in tqdm(annotations): X_ = extract_tiles_from_annotation(annotation, 10) X.extend(X_) y_ = [scientific_name] * len(X_) y.extend(y_) self.X = X self.y = y print("> Assembly complete.") c = Vessel("confusion_matrix.dat") c.X = X c.y = y
from vessel import Vessel from cv2 import resize from glob import glob from ipdb import set_trace as debug import numpy as np from pylab import imread, ion, imshow, close, subplot from tqdm import tqdm # Load all training data into the memory. v = Vessel("targets.dat") nb_classes = len(v.target_names) def one_hot(class_number, total_number_of_classes): """Convert integer class number to the total number of classes.""" vector = np.zeros(total_number_of_classes) vector[class_number] = 1 return vector def resize_image(image, target_size=128): """Resize an image to specified width, preserving aspect ratio.""" height, width = image.shape h2 = / 2) w2 = / 2) max_size = np.min((height, width)) half_max = / 2) square_image = image[h2 - half_max:h2 + half_max, w2 - half_max:w2 + half_max] return resize(square_image, (target_size, target_size))
from vessel import Vessel from vessel import FileAccessWrapper INPUT_FILE = '/home/kelvin/Documents/NMEA_Logs/de_guingand_bowl_20170513/log.txt' OUTPUT_FILE = '/home/kelvin/Documents/NMEA_Logs/de_guingand_bowl_20170513/log.csv' polar_file = FileAccessWrapper('modules/process/inter_polar.csv') vessel = Vessel(polar_file) timestamp = '0' with open(OUTPUT_FILE, 'w') as w: for a in dir(vessel): if not a.startswith('__') and not a.startswith('Last') and not \ a.startswith('polar_file') and not \ a.startswith('line_offset') and not \ a.startswith('boat_speed_list') and not callable(getattr(vessel, a)): w.write(a + ',') w.write('\n') with open(INPUT_FILE, 'r') as f: for line in f: vessel.NMEAInput(line) if timestamp != str(vessel.time): for a in dir(vessel): if not a.startswith('__') and not a.startswith('Last') and\ not \ a.startswith('polar_file') and not \ a.startswith('line_offset') and not \ a.startswith('boat_speed_list') and not callable(getattr(vessel, a)): w.write(str(getattr(vessel, a)) + ',') timestamp = str(vessel.time)
import numpy as np import plotly.plotly as py import as tls import plotly.graph_objs as go import datetime import time from vessel import Vessel INPUT_FILE = '/home/kelvin/Documents/NMEA_Logs/nab_challenge_20170319/log.txt' vessel = Vessel() stream_ids = tls.get_credentials_file()['stream_ids'] #print(stream_ids) def GPSTrack_setup(): stream_id = stream_ids[0] stream_1 = go.Stream( token=stream_id, # link stream id to 'token' key maxpoints=200) trace1 = go.Scatter( x=[], y=[], mode='markers', stream=stream_1 # (!) embed stream id, 1 per trace ) data = go.Data([trace1]) layout = go.Layout(title='GPS Track')
print('Change: ' + str(change)) return (center[0], center[1], center[2]) if __name__ == '__main__': #parser = OptionParser() #parser.add_option('-f', '--filename', dest='filename', help='File to read data from.') #(options, args) = parser.parse_args() # x, y = generate_circle(200) # print(find_center(x, y)) # center = descent(x, y) # print('Done! Center: ' + str(center)) v = Vessel('edges.vsl') image = random.choice(v.edges) center = descent(image) plt.imshow(image) plt.plot([center[0]], [center[1]], marker='o', color='red') print(center) # run_single_image(random.choice(v.edges)) ''' &= -(p(Y = Yes|X = Fast)log_{2}p(Y = Yes|X = Fast) + p(Y = No|X = Fast)log_{2}p(Y = No|X = Fast)) \begin{comment} + p(Y = Yes|X = Slow)log_{2}p(Y = Yes|X = Slow) + p(Y = No|X = Slow)log_{2}p(Y = No|X = Slow)) \end{comment}\\ '''
def generate_benchmark(): """ function to generate benchmarks ABCDEFG :return: None """ # set A counter = 1 for n in range(10, 41, 5): for j in range(1, 11): Instance.seed(j) v = Vessel(b=10, c=200, f=0.5, d=1.0, g=0.0, n=n, loc="uni") qu = Quay(2, t=1, ready_time=0) instance = Instance(safety_margin=1, vessel=v, quay=qu) instance.generate(style="json", name="QCSP_Set_A_{}.json".format(counter)) counter += 1 # set B counter = 1 for n in range(45, 71, 5): for j in range(1, 11): Instance.seed(j) v = Vessel(b=15, c=400, f=0.5, d=1.0, g=0.0, n=n, loc="uni") qu = Quay(4, t=1, ready_time=0) instance = Instance(safety_margin=1, vessel=v, quay=qu) instance.generate(style="json", name="QCSP_Set_B_{}.json".format(counter)) counter += 1 # set C counter = 1 for n in range(75, 101, 5): for j in range(1, 11): Instance.seed(j) v = Vessel(b=20, c=600, f=0.5, d=1.0, g=0.0, n=n, loc="uni") qu = Quay(6, t=1, ready_time=0) instance = Instance(safety_margin=1, vessel=v, quay=qu) instance.generate(style="json", name="QCSP_Set_C_{}.json".format(counter)) counter += 1 # set D counter = 1 for f, loc in itertools.product([0.2, 0.8], ["cl1", "cl2", "uni"]): for j in range(1, 11): Instance.seed(j) v = Vessel(b=10, c=400, f=f, d=1.0, g=0.0, n=50, loc=loc) qu = Quay(4, t=1, ready_time=0) instance = Instance(safety_margin=1, vessel=v, quay=qu) instance.generate(style="json", name="QCSP_Set_D_{}.json".format(counter)) counter += 1 # set E counter = 1 for d in [0.80, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 1.0]: for j in range(1, 11): Instance.seed(j) v = Vessel(b=15, c=400, f=0.5, d=d, g=0.0, n=50, loc="uni") qu = Quay(4, t=1, ready_time=0) instance = Instance(safety_margin=1, vessel=v, quay=qu) instance.generate(style="json", name="QCSP_Set_E_{}.json".format(counter)) counter += 1 # set F counter = 1 for q in range(2, 7): for j in range(1, 11): Instance.seed(j) v = Vessel(b=15, c=400, f=0.5, d=1, g=0.0, n=50, loc="uni") qu = Quay(q, t=1, ready_time=0) instance = Instance(safety_margin=1, vessel=v, quay=qu) instance.generate(style="json", name="QCSP_Set_F_{}.json".format(counter)) counter += 1 # set G counter = 1 for s in range(0, 5): for j in range(1, 11): Instance.seed(j) v = Vessel(b=15, c=400, f=0.5, d=1, g=0.0, n=50, loc="uni") qu = Quay(4, t=1, ready_time=0) instance = Instance(safety_margin=s, vessel=v, quay=qu) instance.generate(style="json", name="QCSP_Set_G_{}.json".format(counter)) counter += 1
from filters import * from vessel import Vessel from glob import glob import numpy as np import pylab as plt import seaborn as sns # List all collected data files. datafiles = glob("data/*.dat") datafiles = sorted(datafiles) # Locate and load the latest datafile. datafile = datafiles[-1] # grab the latest v = Vessel(datafile) t, x = v.t, v.x t = np.array(t) x = np.array(x) t -= t[0] # Filter the data. x_, _ = lowpass(t, x, freq_cutoff=3) plt.ion() plt.close('all') plt.figure(100) plt.plot(t[100:], x_[100:])
counter = 1 for s in range(0, 5): for j in range(1, 11): Instance.seed(j) v = Vessel(b=15, c=400, f=0.5, d=1, g=0.0, n=50, loc="uni") qu = Quay(4, t=1, ready_time=0) instance = Instance(safety_margin=s, vessel=v, quay=qu) instance.generate(style="json", name="QCSP_Set_G_{}.json".format(counter)) counter += 1 if __name__ == "__main__": try: Instance.seed() v = Vessel(b=20, c=600, f=0.5, d=1.0, g=0.0, n=20, loc="uni") q = Quay(6, t=1, ready_time=[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 0]) instance = Instance(safety_margin=1, vessel=v, quay=q) instance.generate(style="json", name="QCSP.json") # Instance.seed(123) # v = Vessel(b=10, c=200, f=0.5, d=1.0, g=0.0, n=20, loc="uni") # qu = Quay(2, t=1, ready_time=0) # instance = Instance(safety_margin=1, vessel=v, quay=qu) # instance.generate(style="json", name="test.json") # v = Vessel(b=15, c=400, f=0.5, d=1, g=0.0, loc='uni', n=50) # import copy # bay_size = 20 # vessel_size = 100 # Instance.seed("hello") # v_0 = Vessel(b=bay_size, c=600, f=0.5, d=1.0, g=0.0, n=200, loc="uni")
if __name__ == "__main__": a_map = Map('s1', gridsize=0.5) tend = 1.0 dT = 0.5 h = 0.05 N = int(np.around(tend/h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(tend/dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([5,5,0, 2.0,0,0]) xg = np.array([120, 120, 0]) potfield = PotentialFields(a_map, N2) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, h, dT, N, [potfield], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') potfield.update(vobj) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False) ax.axis('scaled') ax.set_xlim((-10, 160)) ax.set_ylim((-10, 160)) ax.set_xlabel('x [m]') ax.set_ylabel('y [m]') ax.grid() a_map.draw(ax) potfield.draw(ax)
class Stash(object): """Store data and filter it.""" def __init__( self, nb_taps: int = 5, demand_uniqueness: bool = True, do_filter=True, save_data=False, ): self.do_filter = do_filter self.save_data = save_data self.demand_uniqueness = demand_uniqueness self.M = M = nb_taps self.p = p = int((M - 1) / 2) self.q = p + 1 # These vectors hold the time/values being added to the stash. self.x = deque([], maxlen=1000) self.t = deque([], maxlen=1000) # These variables are the filtered version of t/x; cannot sample from these vectors... self.t_ = deque([], maxlen=1000) self.x_ = deque([], maxlen=1000) self.x_prev = 0 # These variables are the filtered version from which we sample. We # have two versions because, depending on how quickly we're sampling # from the the object, we may exhaust the data needed for the moving # average filter. self.t_filtered = deque([], maxlen=1000) self.x_filtered = deque([], maxlen=1000) if self.save_data: datestring ="%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M") = Vessel(f"data/{datestring}.dat") = [] = [] def add(self, t, x): """Add new point.""" if self.demand_uniqueness: # Cannot add two successive identical values. if len(self.x) > 0: if self.x[-1] != x: self.t.append(t) self.x.append(x) self.save_to_store(t, x) else: self.t.append(t) self.x.append(x) self.save_to_store(t, x) else: self.t.append(t) self.x.append(x) self.save_to_store(t, x) if len(self.x) >= self.M and self.do_filter: self.filter() def save_to_store(self, t, x): if self.save_data: if np.mod(len(, 1000) == 0: # Save every 1000 samples. def filter(self): """Super efficient moving average filter.""" M, p, q = self.M, self.p, self.q x = self.x idx = len(self.x) - (p + 1) x_ = self.x_prev + (x[idx + p] - x[idx - q]) / M self.t_.append(self.t[idx]) self.t_filtered.append(self.t[idx]) self.x_.append(x_) self.x_filtered.append(x_) self.x_prev = x_ @property def sample(self): """Return first observed pair (t, x), still in queue.""" if self.do_filter: if len(self.t_filtered) > 0: yield self.t_filtered.popleft(), self.x_filtered.popleft() else: yield None, None else: # let's not filter if len(self.t) > 0: yield self.t.popleft(), self.x.popleft() else: yield None, None
from ipdb import set_trace as debug from tqdm import tqdm if __name__ == "__main__": # Update all images to have annotations and ground truth. images = list(image_collection.find({})) for image in tqdm(images): image['ground_truth'] = [] image['annotations'] = [] image_collection.update_one({'_id': image['_id']}, {'$set': image}, upsert=False) # Load the ground truth data from the vessel. gt = Vessel("ground_truth.dat") # For each point, find the image in which it appears, if any. for truth in tqdm(gt.truths): # What plant are we talking about here? plant_data = plant_collection.find_one( {"species_codes": truth["species_code"]}) # If this is not a plant, we don't care. if not plant_data: continue for image_id in truth["images"]: # Load the image.
import os import sys import shutil import numpy as np import pylab as plt from tqdm import tqdm from glob import glob from vessel import Vessel from utils import load_image_num FOLDER_NAME = sys.argv[1:][0] if __name__ == "__main__": # Load the previously calculated velocity field data. data_kalman = Vessel("fields_kalman.dat") image_location_kalman = "./videos/kalman" data_smoothed = Vessel("fields_smoothed_kalman.dat") image_location_smoothed = "./videos/smoothed_kalman" MAX_NUMBER_FRAMES = 100 # Clear previous frames. if os.path.isdir(image_location_kalman): shutil.rmtree(image_location_kalman) if os.path.isdir(image_location_smoothed): shutil.rmtree(image_location_smoothed) os.mkdir(image_location_kalman) os.mkdir(image_location_smoothed) plt.ioff() for it in tqdm(np.arange(1, MAX_NUMBER_FRAMES)):
import colors import pygame import math import time from risk_assessment_model import vessel as vessel_dict, assess_risk from utils import ang_dis_to_coo from vessel import Vessel from target import Target from utils import rand """ This module draws the radar screen """ dis_thresh = 350 vessel = Vessel(vessel_dict) def draw_arrow(screen, colour, start, end, arrow_size=10): pygame.draw.line(screen, colour, start, end, arrow_size // 2) rotation = math.degrees(math.atan2(start[1] - end[1], end[0] - start[0])) + 90 pygame.draw.polygon( screen, colour, ((end[0] + arrow_size * math.sin(math.radians(rotation)), end[1] + arrow_size * math.cos(math.radians(rotation))), (end[0] + arrow_size * math.sin(math.radians(rotation - 120)), end[1] + arrow_size * math.cos(math.radians(rotation - 120))), (end[0] + arrow_size * math.sin(math.radians(rotation + 120)), end[1] + arrow_size * math.cos(math.radians(rotation + 120))))) def draw_target(radarDisplay, target, x, y, fontRenderer):, target.color, (x, y), 10) rel_x = math.cos(math.radians(target.direction)) * target.velocity
import json import time import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from constants import SENSOR_HEIGHT from garden_state import State from sensors import moisture, environment, ultrasonic, light from vessel import Vessel if __name__ == "__main__": client = mqtt.Client("home") client.connect(host="localhost") moisture_obj = moisture.Moisture() six_quart = Vessel(17.78, 21.59, 21.59) # 7"x8.5"x8.5" distance_obj = ultrasonic.Distance(six_quart, SENSOR_HEIGHT) environ_obj = environment.Environment() light_obj = light.Light() state = State(moisture_obj, distance_obj, environ_obj, light_obj) while True: data = print(data) client.publish("garden/sensors", json.dumps(data)) time.sleep(1)
def __init__(self, mapname, ctrlnames, scenname, name='s1'): = scenname + "-" + "-".join(ctrlnames) self.tend = 150 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1 if scenname == "s1": # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([140, 140, 0]) elif scenname == "s2": # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([140, 140, 0]) elif scenname == "s3": # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([100.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 3.14/2]) # Follower x0f = np.array([120.,110,-np.pi,1.5,0,0]) xgf = np.array([250,110,0]) ppf = PurePursuit(mode='pursuit') else: # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([10.0, 10.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([100, 125, 3.14/2]) the_map = Map(mapname, gridsize=1., safety_region_length=4.0) controllers = [] for name in ctrlnames: if name == "dwa": controllers.append(DynamicWindow(self.dT, N2, the_map)) elif name == "potfield": controllers.append(PotentialFields(the_map, N2)) if len(controllers) > 1: controllers[-1].d_max = 20. elif name == "astar": controllers.append(AStar(x01, xg1, the_map)) controllers.append(LOSGuidance(switch_criterion="progress")) elif name == "hastar": controllers.append(HybridAStar(x01, xg1, the_map)) controllers.append(LOSGuidance(switch_criterion="progress")) v0 = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, controllers, is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') vessels = [v0] if scenname == "s3": ppf.cGoal = v0.x vf = Vessel(x0f, xgf, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [ppf], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') vf.u_d = 2.5 vessels.append(vf) = World(vessels, the_map) return if name == 's1': the_map = Map('s1', gridsize=2.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 150 self.h = 0.05 self.dT = 0.5 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) +1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([150, 150, np.pi/4]) myastar = AStar(x01, xg1, the_map) mypp = PurePursuit() v1 = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myastar, mypp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([v1], the_map) elif name == 'collision': the_map = Map('s1') self.tend = 100 self.h = 0.05 self.dT = 0.5 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 self.h = 0.05 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([120, 120, np.pi/4]) myLOS1 = LOSGuidance() myAstar = HybridAStar(x01, xg1, the_map) v1 = Vessel(x01, xg1,self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myLOS1], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v1.waypoints = np.array([[0, 0], [50, 60], [70, 60], [120, 10], [120, 120]]) #v1.waypoints = np.array([[0, 0], [140, 0], [120, 120]]) # Vessel 2 x02 = np.array([0, 120, 0, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg2 = np.array([120, 0, 0]) myLOS2 = LOSGuidance() v2 = Vessel(x02, xg2,self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myLOS2], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') v2.waypoints = np.array([[0, 120], [120, 120], [120, 0]]) # Vessel 3 x03 = np.array([0, 50, np.pi/2, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg3 = np.array([140, 0, 0]) myLOS3 = LOSGuidance() v3 = Vessel(x03, xg3, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myLOS3], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') v3.waypoints = np.array([[0, 50], [0, 120], [120, 120]]) = World([v1, v2], the_map) elif name == 's1-dynwnd': the_map = Map('s1', gridsize=0.5,safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 80 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([140, 140, 0]) myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1, the_map) v1 = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v1.goal = np.array([140, 140, 0]) = World([v1], the_map) elif name == 's1-potfield': the_map = Map('s1', gridsize=0.5, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 140.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 0]) potfield = PotentialFields(the_map, N2) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [potfield], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='s1-hybridastar': the_map = Map('s1', gridsize=2.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 0.0]) hastar = HybridAStar(x0, xg, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='s1-astar': the_map = Map('s1', gridsize=2.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, np.pi/4]) astar = AStar(x0, xg, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [astar, pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='s2-potfield': the_map = Map('s2', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 150.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 0]) potfield = PotentialFields(the_map, N2) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [potfield], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name == 's2-dynwnd': the_map = Map('s2', gridsize=0.5,safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 80 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([140, 140, 0]) myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1, the_map) v1 = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v1.goal = np.array([140, 140, 0]) = World([v1], the_map) elif name=='s2-astar': the_map = Map('s2', gridsize=2.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, np.pi/4]) astar = AStar(x0, xg, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [astar, pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='s2-hybridastar': the_map = Map('s2', gridsize=2.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 0.0]) hastar = HybridAStar(x0, xg, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='s3-potfield': the_map = Map('', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([60.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 0]) potfield = PotentialFields(the_map, N2) vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [potfield], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') # Follower x0f = np.array([120.,110,-np.pi,1.5,0,0]) xgf = np.array([250,110,0]) pp = PurePursuit(mode='pursuit') pp.cGoal = vobj.x vobj3 = Vessel(x0f, xgf, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') vobj3.u_d = 2.5 = World([vobj, vobj3], the_map) elif name == 's3-dynwnd': the_map = Map('', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 80 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([100.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 0]) myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, N2, the_map) vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') #v1.goal = np.array([140, 140, 0]) # Follower x0f = np.array([120.,110,-np.pi,1.5,0,0]) xgf = np.array([250,110,0]) pp = PurePursuit(mode='pursuit') pp.cGoal = vobj.x vobj3 = Vessel(x0f, xgf, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') vobj3.u_d = 2.5 = World([vobj, vobj3], the_map) elif name == 's3-astar': the_map = Map('', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 80 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([100.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 0]) astar = AStar(x01,xg1,the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50) vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [astar, pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') #v1.goal = np.array([140, 140, 0]) # Follower x0f = np.array([120.,110,-np.pi,1.5,0,0]) xgf = np.array([250,110,0]) pp = PurePursuit(mode='pursuit') pp.cGoal = vobj.x vobj3 = Vessel(x0f, xgf, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') vobj3.u_d = 2.5 = World([vobj, vobj3], the_map) elif name == 's3-hybridastar': the_map = Map('', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 300 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([100.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 3.14/2]) hastar = HybridAStar(x01, xg1, the_map) los = LOSGuidance(switch_criterion="progress") dwa = DynamicWindow(self.dT, int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1, the_map) dwa.alpha = .5 dwa.beta = .4 dwa.gamma = .4 pot = PotentialFields(the_map, N2) pot.d_max = 40 vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, los, dwa], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') #v1.goal = np.array([140, 140, 0]) # Follower x0f = np.array([120.,110,-np.pi,1.5,0,0]) xgf = np.array([250,110,0]) pp = PurePursuit(mode='pursuit') pp.cGoal = vobj.x vobj3 = Vessel(x0f, xgf, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') vobj3.u_d = 2.5 = World([vobj, vobj3], the_map) elif name == 'hastar+dynwnd': the_map = Map('s2', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 100 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 0]) hastar = HybridAStar(x01, xg1, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(mode='goal-switcher') los = LOSGuidance(switch_criterion="progress") myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1, the_map) myDynWnd.alpha = .5 myDynWnd.beta = .4 myDynWnd.gamma = .4 vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, los, myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') xo0 = np.array([50.,130,5*np.pi/4,0.0,0,0]) xog = np.array([250,110,0]) vobj2 = Vessel(xo0, xog, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='hurtigruta') = World([vobj, vobj2], the_map) = elif name == 'cb-test': the_map = Map('', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 80 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([60.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 0]) pp = PurePursuit() vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') # Other vessel xo0 = np.array([40.,60,-np.pi/4,1.5,0,0]) xog = np.array([250,110,0]) cb = ConstantBearing(vobj.x) vobj2 = Vessel(xo0, xog, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [cb], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='hurtigruta') = World([vobj, vobj2], the_map) elif name == 'dwacollision': the_map = Map(gridsize=0.5,safety_region_length=4.5) self.tend = 60 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([5, 5, np.pi/4, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([120, 120, np.pi/4]) myLOS1 = LOSGuidance() myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1) v1 = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v1.waypoints = np.array([[0, 0], [120, 120]]) #v1.waypoints = np.array([[0, 0], [140, 0], [120, 120]]) # Vessel 2 x02 = np.array([80, 80, -3*np.pi/4, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg2 = np.array([0, 0, -3*np.pi/4]) myLOS2 = LOSGuidance(u_d = 2.0) v2 = Vessel(x02, xg2, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myLOS2], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') v2.waypoints = np.array([[120, 120], [0, 0]]) = World([v1, v2], the_map) myDynWnd.the_world = elif name=='hybridastar': the_map = Map('s1',gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=6.0) self.tend = 140.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([130, 130, 8.0]) hastar = HybridAStar(x0, xg, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50, mode="goal-switcher") dynwnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, N2, the_map) dynwnd.alpha = 0.8 dynwnd.beta = 0.1 dynwnd.gamma = 0.1 ptf = PotentialFields(the_map, N2) = 10 ptf.d_max = 30 ptf.k = 10. vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, pp, dynwnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) dynwnd.the_world = = elif name=='minima': the_map = Map('minima', gridsize=0.5, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.1 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([30,30,0, 2.0,0,0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 3*np.pi/4]) hastar = HybridAStar(x0, xg, the_map) los = LOSGuidance() vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, los], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='pptest': the_map = Map('', gridsize=0.5, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.1 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0,0,0, 2.0,0,0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 3*np.pi/4]) pp = PurePursuit() vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') vobj.waypoints = np.array([(50.,50.), (50., 0.), (100., 100.)]) = World([vobj], the_map) else: print("You might have spelled the scenario name wrong...") self.tend = 0 self.dT = 0.1 self.h = 0.05 self.N = 0 = None
def process_images(tile_size=100, step_size=100, max_number_images=20, dt=DELTA_TIME): """Process multiple images.""" crs = [] vfs = [] weights = [] image_numbers = [] print("Processing Images.") for image_number in tqdm(np.arange(1, max_number_images)): img1 = load_image_num(image_number, FOLDER_NAME) img2 = load_image_num(image_number + FRAME_INTERVAL, FOLDER_NAME) cr, vf, sims = estimate_velocity_field(img1, img2, tile_size, step_size, dt) crs.append(cr) vfs.append(vf) weights.append(sims) image_numbers.append(image_number) # Kalman filter data for each tile and get computed smoothed kalman filtered data. crs = np.array(crs) vfs = np.array(vfs) kalman_vfs = np.zeros_like(vfs) smoothed_kalman_vfs = np.zeros_like(vfs) print("Applying filter.") n_tiles = len(crs[0]) for index in tqdm(np.arange(n_tiles)): tile_field_series = [vf[index] for vf in vfs] tile_weight_series = [w[index] for w in weights] k_vx, k_vy = kalman(tile_field_series) new_k = np.matrix(tuple(zip(k_vy, k_vx))) new_u = smooth_kalman(k_vx, k_vy, tile_weight_series) for seq in range(len(kalman_vfs)): kalman_vfs[seq][index] = new_k[seq] smoothed_kalman_vfs[seq][index] = new_u[seq] # Save this data. v = Vessel("fields_kalman.dat") = crs v.vfs = kalman_vfs v.image_numbers = image_numbers v = Vessel("fields_smoothed_kalman.dat") = crs v.vfs = smoothed_kalman_vfs v.image_numbers = image_numbers
(xy[0] + 1, xy[1] + 1), (xy[0] - 1, xy[1] + 1), (xy[0] - 1, xy[1] - 1), (xy[0] + 1, xy[1] - 1)] results = filter(self.in_bounds, results) results = filter(self.passable, results) return results if __name__ == "__main__": mymap = Map("s2", gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=5.0) x0 = np.array([10, 10, np.pi/4, 3.0, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 5*np.pi/4]) myvessel = Vessel(x0, xg, 0.05, 0.5, 1, [], True, 'viknes') myastar = AStar(x0, xg, mymap) myastar.update(myvessel) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False) ax.plot(myvessel.waypoints[:,0], myvessel.waypoints[:,1], '-') ax.plot(x0[0], x0[1], 'bo') ax.plot(xg[0], xg[1], 'ro') myvessel.draw_patch(ax, myvessel.x, fcolor='b')
def __init__(self, mapname, ctrlnames, scenname, name='s1'): = scenname + "-" + "-".join(ctrlnames) self.tend = 150 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1 if scenname == "s1": # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([140, 140, 0]) elif scenname == "s2": # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([140, 140, 0]) elif scenname == "s3": # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([100.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 3.14/2]) # Follower x0f = np.array([120.,110,-np.pi,1.5,0,0]) xgf = np.array([250,110,0]) ppf = PurePursuit(mode='pursuit') else: # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([10.0, 10.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([100, 125, 3.14/2]) the_map = Map(mapname, gridsize=1., safety_region_length=4.0) controllers = [] for name in ctrlnames: if name == "dwa": controllers.append(DynamicWindow(self.dT, N2, the_map)) elif name == "potfield": controllers.append(PotentialFields(the_map, N2)) if len(controllers) > 1: controllers[-1].d_max = 20. elif name == "astar": controllers.append(AStar(x01, xg1, the_map)) controllers.append(LOSGuidance(switch_criterion="progress")) elif name == "hastar": controllers.append(HybridAStar(x01, xg1, the_map)) controllers.append(LOSGuidance(switch_criterion="progress")) v0 = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, controllers, is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') vessels = [v0] if scenname == "s3": ppf.cGoal = v0.x vf = Vessel(x0f, xgf, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [ppf], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') vf.u_d = 2.5 vessels.append(vf) = World(vessels, the_map) return if name == 's1': the_map = Map('s1', gridsize=2.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 150 self.h = 0.05 self.dT = 0.5 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) +1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([150, 150, np.pi/4]) myastar = AStar(x01, xg1, the_map) mypp = PurePursuit() v1 = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myastar, mypp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([v1], the_map) elif name == 'collision': the_map = Map('s1') self.tend = 100 self.h = 0.05 self.dT = 0.5 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 self.h = 0.05 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([120, 120, np.pi/4]) myLOS1 = LOSGuidance() myAstar = HybridAStar(x01, xg1, the_map) v1 = Vessel(x01, xg1,self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myLOS1], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v1.waypoints = np.array([[0, 0], [50, 60], [70, 60], [120, 10], [120, 120]]) #v1.waypoints = np.array([[0, 0], [140, 0], [120, 120]]) # Vessel 2 x02 = np.array([0, 120, 0, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg2 = np.array([120, 0, 0]) myLOS2 = LOSGuidance() v2 = Vessel(x02, xg2,self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myLOS2], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') v2.waypoints = np.array([[0, 120], [120, 120], [120, 0]]) # Vessel 3 x03 = np.array([0, 50, np.pi/2, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg3 = np.array([140, 0, 0]) myLOS3 = LOSGuidance() v3 = Vessel(x03, xg3, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myLOS3], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') v3.waypoints = np.array([[0, 50], [0, 120], [120, 120]]) = World([v1, v2], the_map) elif name == 's1-dynwnd': the_map = Map('s1', gridsize=0.5,safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 80 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([140, 140, 0]) myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1, the_map) v1 = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v1.goal = np.array([140, 140, 0]) = World([v1], the_map) elif name == 's1-potfield': the_map = Map('s1', gridsize=0.5, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 140.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 0]) potfield = PotentialFields(the_map, N2) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [potfield], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='s1-hybridastar': the_map = Map('s1', gridsize=2.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 0.0]) hastar = HybridAStar(x0, xg, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='s1-astar': the_map = Map('s1', gridsize=2.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, np.pi/4]) astar = AStar(x0, xg, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [astar, pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='s2-potfield': the_map = Map('s2', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 150.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 0]) potfield = PotentialFields(the_map, N2) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [potfield], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name == 's2-dynwnd': the_map = Map('s2', gridsize=0.5,safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 80 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([140, 140, 0]) myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1, the_map) v1 = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v1.goal = np.array([140, 140, 0]) = World([v1], the_map) elif name=='s2-astar': the_map = Map('s2', gridsize=2.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, np.pi/4]) astar = AStar(x0, xg, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [astar, pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='s2-hybridastar': the_map = Map('s2', gridsize=2.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 0.0]) hastar = HybridAStar(x0, xg, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50) vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='s3-potfield': the_map = Map('', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([60.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 0]) potfield = PotentialFields(the_map, N2) vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [potfield], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') # Follower x0f = np.array([120.,110,-np.pi,1.5,0,0]) xgf = np.array([250,110,0]) pp = PurePursuit(mode='pursuit') pp.cGoal = vobj.x vobj3 = Vessel(x0f, xgf, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') vobj3.u_d = 2.5 = World([vobj, vobj3], the_map) elif name == 's3-dynwnd': the_map = Map('', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 80 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([100.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 0]) myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, N2, the_map) vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') #v1.goal = np.array([140, 140, 0]) # Follower x0f = np.array([120.,110,-np.pi,1.5,0,0]) xgf = np.array([250,110,0]) pp = PurePursuit(mode='pursuit') pp.cGoal = vobj.x vobj3 = Vessel(x0f, xgf, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') vobj3.u_d = 2.5 = World([vobj, vobj3], the_map) elif name == 's3-astar': the_map = Map('', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 80 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([100.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 0]) astar = AStar(x01,xg1,the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50) vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [astar, pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') #v1.goal = np.array([140, 140, 0]) # Follower x0f = np.array([120.,110,-np.pi,1.5,0,0]) xgf = np.array([250,110,0]) pp = PurePursuit(mode='pursuit') pp.cGoal = vobj.x vobj3 = Vessel(x0f, xgf, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') vobj3.u_d = 2.5 = World([vobj, vobj3], the_map) elif name == 's3-hybridastar': the_map = Map('', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 300 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([100.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 3.14/2]) hastar = HybridAStar(x01, xg1, the_map) los = LOSGuidance(switch_criterion="progress") dwa = DynamicWindow(self.dT, int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1, the_map) dwa.alpha = .5 dwa.beta = .4 dwa.gamma = .4 pot = PotentialFields(the_map, N2) pot.d_max = 40 vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, los, dwa], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') #v1.goal = np.array([140, 140, 0]) # Follower x0f = np.array([120.,110,-np.pi,1.5,0,0]) xgf = np.array([250,110,0]) pp = PurePursuit(mode='pursuit') pp.cGoal = vobj.x vobj3 = Vessel(x0f, xgf, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') vobj3.u_d = 2.5 = World([vobj, vobj3], the_map) elif name == 'hastar+dynwnd': the_map = Map('s2', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 100 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 0]) hastar = HybridAStar(x01, xg1, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(mode='goal-switcher') los = LOSGuidance(switch_criterion="progress") myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1, the_map) myDynWnd.alpha = .5 myDynWnd.beta = .4 myDynWnd.gamma = .4 vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, los, myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') xo0 = np.array([50.,130,5*np.pi/4,0.0,0,0]) xog = np.array([250,110,0]) vobj2 = Vessel(xo0, xog, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='hurtigruta') = World([vobj, vobj2], the_map) = elif name == 'cb-test': the_map = Map('', gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 80 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([60.0, 0.0, 3.14/4, 2.5, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([80, 145, 0]) pp = PurePursuit() vobj = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') # Other vessel xo0 = np.array([40.,60,-np.pi/4,1.5,0,0]) xog = np.array([250,110,0]) cb = ConstantBearing(vobj.x) vobj2 = Vessel(xo0, xog, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [cb], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='hurtigruta') = World([vobj, vobj2], the_map) elif name == 'dwacollision': the_map = Map(gridsize=0.5,safety_region_length=4.5) self.tend = 60 # Simulation time (seconds) self.h = 0.05 # Integrator time step self.dT = 0.5 # Controller time step self.N = int(np.around(self.tend / self.h)) + 1 # Vessel 1 (Main vessel) x01 = np.array([5, 5, np.pi/4, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg1 = np.array([120, 120, np.pi/4]) myLOS1 = LOSGuidance() myDynWnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, int(self.tend/self.dT) + 1) v1 = Vessel(x01, xg1, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myDynWnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') v1.waypoints = np.array([[0, 0], [120, 120]]) #v1.waypoints = np.array([[0, 0], [140, 0], [120, 120]]) # Vessel 2 x02 = np.array([80, 80, -3*np.pi/4, 3.0, 0, 0]) xg2 = np.array([0, 0, -3*np.pi/4]) myLOS2 = LOSGuidance(u_d = 2.0) v2 = Vessel(x02, xg2, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [myLOS2], is_main_vessel=False, vesseltype='viknes') v2.waypoints = np.array([[120, 120], [0, 0]]) = World([v1, v2], the_map) myDynWnd.the_world = elif name=='hybridastar': the_map = Map('s1',gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=6.0) self.tend = 140.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.05 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0.0, 2.5, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([130, 130, 8.0]) hastar = HybridAStar(x0, xg, the_map) pp = PurePursuit(R2=50, mode="goal-switcher") dynwnd = DynamicWindow(self.dT, N2, the_map) dynwnd.alpha = 0.8 dynwnd.beta = 0.1 dynwnd.gamma = 0.1 ptf = PotentialFields(the_map, N2) = 10 ptf.d_max = 30 ptf.k = 10. vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, pp, dynwnd], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) dynwnd.the_world = = elif name=='minima': the_map = Map('minima', gridsize=0.5, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.1 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([30,30,0, 2.0,0,0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 3*np.pi/4]) hastar = HybridAStar(x0, xg, the_map) los = LOSGuidance() vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [hastar, los], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') = World([vobj], the_map) elif name=='pptest': the_map = Map('', gridsize=0.5, safety_region_length=4.0) self.tend = 120.0 self.dT = 0.5 self.h = 0.1 self.N = int(np.around(self.tend/self.h)) + 1 N2 = int(np.around(self.tend/self.dT)) + 1 x0 = np.array([0,0,0, 2.0,0,0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 3*np.pi/4]) pp = PurePursuit() vobj = Vessel(x0, xg, self.h, self.dT, self.N, [pp], is_main_vessel=True, vesseltype='viknes') vobj.waypoints = np.array([(50.,50.), (50., 0.), (100., 100.)]) = World([vobj], the_map) else: print "You might have spelled the scenario name wrong..." self.tend = 0 self.dT = 0.1 self.h = 0.05 self.N = 0 = None
(xy[0], xy[1] - 1), (xy[0] + 1, xy[1] + 1), (xy[0] - 1, xy[1] + 1), (xy[0] - 1, xy[1] - 1), (xy[0] + 1, xy[1] - 1)] results = filter(self.in_bounds, results) results = filter(self.passable, results) return results if __name__ == "__main__": mymap = Map("s2", gridsize=1.0, safety_region_length=5.0) x0 = np.array([10, 10, np.pi / 4, 3.0, 0.0, 0]) xg = np.array([140, 140, 5 * np.pi / 4]) myvessel = Vessel(x0, xg, 0.05, 0.5, 1, [], True, 'viknes') myastar = AStar(x0, xg, mymap) myastar.update(myvessel) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False) ax.plot(myvessel.waypoints[:, 0], myvessel.waypoints[:, 1], '-') ax.plot(x0[0], x0[1], 'bo') ax.plot(xg[0], xg[1], 'ro') myvessel.draw_patch(ax, myvessel.x, fcolor='b') #nonpass = np.array(nonpassable)
close, plot, imshow, imread, xlabel, ylabel, xlim, ylim, subplot, figure, ) if __name__ == "__main__": # Load the example data. v = Vessel("batch.dat") X, y = v.X, v.y targets = np.nonzero(y == 1)[0] confusors = np.nonzero(y == 0)[0] # Load the example data. ion() close("all") max_confusors = 600 figure() subplot("221") idx = targets[np.random.randint(1000)] imshow(X[idx, :]) subplot("222")