예제 #1
def translate_to_CUDA(Vivaldi_code='', function_name='', function_arguments=''):
	from vi2cu_translator.main import vi2cu_translator
	import numpy
	func_code = find_code(function_name=function_name, code=Vivaldi_code)
	function_argument_list = get_argument(func_code)
	dtype_dict = {}
	i = 0
	for dp in function_arguments:
		data_name = dp.data_name
		f_data_name = function_argument_list[i]
		dtype = dp.data_contents_dtype
		if dp.data_dtype == numpy.ndarray:
			dtype += '_volume'
		dtype_dict[f_data_name] = dtype
		i += 1

	# check '[' are exist
	idx = func_code.find('[')
	if idx != -1:
		print "Can not use [ in the Vivaldi, please use xxx_query_function"

	# translate
	code, _ = vi2cu_translator(func_code, dtype_dict)

	return code
예제 #2
def translate_to_CUDA(Vivaldi_code='',
    from vi2cu_translator.main import vi2cu_translator
    import numpy
    func_code = find_code(function_name=function_name, code=Vivaldi_code)

    function_argument_list = get_argument(func_code)
    dtype_dict = {}

    i = 0
    for dp in function_arguments:
        data_name = dp.data_name
        f_data_name = function_argument_list[i]
        dtype = dp.data_contents_dtype
        if dp.data_dtype == numpy.ndarray:
            dtype += '_volume'

        dtype_dict[f_data_name] = dtype
        i += 1

    # check '[' are exist
    idx = func_code.find('[')
    if idx != -1:
        print "Can not use [ in the Vivaldi, please use xxx_query_function"

    # translate
    code, _ = vi2cu_translator(func_code, dtype_dict)

    return code
예제 #3
def translate_to_CUDA_func_list(func_list, input_merge_function_list):
    output = {}
    merge_function_list = []

    for func in func_list:
        func_name = func['func_name']
        o_func_name = str(func_name)
        func_code = func['code']
        if 'dtype_dict' in func: dtype_dict = func['dtype_dict']
        else: dtype_dict = {'x': 'integer', 'y': 'integer'}

        # translation
        from vi2cu_translator.main import vi2cu_translator

        # argument matching
        function_call_argument_list = func['args']
        function_argument_list = get_argument(func_code)
        dtype_dict = dtype_matching(function_call_argument_list,
                                    function_argument_list, dtype_dict)

        # translate
        code, return_dtype = vi2cu_translator(func_code, dtype_dict)

        # make CUDA function name
        func_name = make_CUDA_kernel_func_name(func_name,

        output[func_name] = {'code': code, 'return_dtype': return_dtype}

        # merge function
        for m_elem in input_merge_function_list:
            if m_elem['user_function'] == o_func_name:
                m_elem['args'] = ['front', 'back', 'x',
                                  'y']  # need real function
                m_elem['dtype_dict'] = {}
                m_elem['dtype_dict']['front'] = return_dtype + '_volume'
                m_elem['dtype_dict']['back'] = return_dtype + '_volume'

                # append with redundant check
                # id is front, back dtype and function name
                #append_with_redandant_check(merge_function_list, m_elem, ['func_name', 'args', 'dtype_dict'])
                append_with_redandant_check(merge_function_list, m_elem,

    return output, merge_function_list
예제 #4
def translate_to_CUDA_func_list(func_list, input_merge_function_list):
	output = {}
	merge_function_list = []
	for func in func_list:
		func_name = func['func_name']
		o_func_name = str(func_name)
		func_code = func['code']		
		if 'dtype_dict' in func: dtype_dict = func['dtype_dict']
		else: dtype_dict = {'x':'integer', 'y':'integer'}

		# translation
		from vi2cu_translator.main import vi2cu_translator
		# argument matching
		function_call_argument_list = func['args']
		function_argument_list = get_argument(func_code)
		dtype_dict = dtype_matching(function_call_argument_list, function_argument_list, dtype_dict)
		 # translate
		code, return_dtype = vi2cu_translator(func_code, dtype_dict)
		# make CUDA function name
		func_name = make_CUDA_kernel_func_name(func_name, function_argument_list, dtype_dict)
		output[func_name] = {'code':code,'return_dtype':return_dtype}

		# merge function
		for m_elem in input_merge_function_list:
			if m_elem['user_function'] == o_func_name:
				m_elem['args'] = ['front','back','x','y'] # need real function
				m_elem['dtype_dict'] = {}
				m_elem['dtype_dict']['front'] = return_dtype + '_volume'
				m_elem['dtype_dict']['back'] = return_dtype + '_volume'

				# append with redundant check
				# id is front, back dtype and function name
				#append_with_redandant_check(merge_function_list, m_elem, ['func_name', 'args', 'dtype_dict'])
				append_with_redandant_check(merge_function_list, m_elem, m_elem.keys())

	return output, merge_function_list
예제 #5
def test(test_data, test_set=True, detail=0):
	if test_set:
		vivaldi_code = test_data['test_input']
		local_dict = test_data['dtype_dict']
		import ast
		local_dict= ast.literal_eval(local_dict)
		test_output = test_data['test_output']
		test_return_dtype = test_data['return_dtype']
		# test
		result, result_return_dtype = vi2cu_translator(vivaldi_code=vivaldi_code, local_dict=local_dict)
		flag = True
		if flag: # check code
			flag = dif(result.strip(), test_output.strip())
		if flag:
			print "OK"
			return True
			print "FAILED"
			print "test_input:", vivaldi_code.strip()
			print "test_output:", test_output.strip()
			print "result:", result.strip()
			return False
		test_input = test_data
		target = 'CUDA'
		from preprocessing.main import preprocessing
		code = preprocessing(test_input)
		print "CODE"
		print "=============================================="
		print code
		print "=============================================="
		from parse_main.main import parse_main
		mc = find_main(code)
		mc, func_list, merge_function_list = parse_main(mc)
		for elem in func_list:
			print "FUNC", elem
		print "TRNALSATED"
		print "=============================================="
		full_code = str(code)
		i = 0
		n = len(func_list)
		while i < n:
			func = func_list[i] 
			func_name = func['func_name']
			func['code'] = find_code(func_name, full_code)
			i += 1	
		output = {}
		for func in func_list:
			func_name = func['func_name']
			func_code = func['code']
			dtype_dict = func['dtype_dict'] if 'dtype_dict' in func else {}

			o_func_name = str(func_name)
			# redundant check
			arg_list = func['args']
			for arg in arg_list:
				if arg in dtype_dict:
					dtype = dtype_dict[arg]
					dtype = dtype.replace('_volume','')
					func_name += dtype
			if func_name in output:
			# translation
			from vi2cu_translator.main import vi2cu_translator
			# argument matching
			function_call_argument_list = func['args']
			function_argument_list = get_argument(func_code)
			dtype_dict = dtype_matching(function_call_argument_list, function_argument_list, dtype_dict)

			code, return_dtype = vi2cu_translator(func_code, dtype_dict)
			output[func_name] = {'code':code,'return_dtype':return_dtype}
		#result, result_return_dtype = vi2cu_translator(vivaldi_code=result, local_dict=[])
		for elem in output:
			print "FUNC_NAME", elem
			print "=============================================="
			print output[elem]['code']
		return True
	return False
예제 #6
from vi2cu_translator.main import vi2cu_translator

code = """
def viv_add(data, x):
    b = 10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
    a = list(10)
    for elem in range(10):
        #a[elem] = elem
        b = 10

    cnt = x%10 
    return a[cnt] + data[x]

_code = """
def mip(volume, x, y):                                                                                                
    step = 1.0                                                                                                        
    line_iter = orthogonal_iter(volume, x, y, step)                                                                   
    max = 0                                                                                                           
    for elem in line_iter:                                                                                            
        val = linear_query_3d(volume, elem)                                                                           
        if max < val:max = val                                                                                        
    return max 

print vi2cu_translator(code)[0]
예제 #7
def test(test_data, test_set=True, detail=0):

    if test_set:
        vivaldi_code = test_data['test_input']
        local_dict = test_data['dtype_dict']
        import ast
        local_dict = ast.literal_eval(local_dict)
        test_output = test_data['test_output']
        test_return_dtype = test_data['return_dtype']

        # test
        result, result_return_dtype = vi2cu_translator(
            vivaldi_code=vivaldi_code, local_dict=local_dict)

        flag = True
        if flag:  # check code
            flag = dif(result.strip(), test_output.strip())
        if flag:
            print "OK"
            return True
            print "FAILED"
            print "test_input:", vivaldi_code.strip()
            print "test_output:", test_output.strip()
            print "result:", result.strip()
            return False

        test_input = test_data
        target = 'CUDA'

        from preprocessing.main import preprocessing

        code = preprocessing(test_input)
        print "CODE"
        print "=============================================="
        print code
        print "FUNCTION_LIST"
        print "=============================================="
        from parse_main.main import parse_main
        mc = find_main(code)
        mc, func_list, merge_function_list = parse_main(mc)

        for elem in func_list:
            print "FUNC", elem

        print "TRNALSATED"
        print "=============================================="

        full_code = str(code)
        i = 0
        n = len(func_list)
        while i < n:
            func = func_list[i]
            func_name = func['func_name']
            func['code'] = find_code(func_name, full_code)
            i += 1

        output = {}
        for func in func_list:
            func_name = func['func_name']
            func_code = func['code']
            dtype_dict = func['dtype_dict'] if 'dtype_dict' in func else {}

            o_func_name = str(func_name)
            # redundant check
            arg_list = func['args']
            for arg in arg_list:
                if arg in dtype_dict:
                    dtype = dtype_dict[arg]
                    dtype = dtype.replace('_volume', '')
                    func_name += dtype

            if func_name in output:

            # translation
            from vi2cu_translator.main import vi2cu_translator

            # argument matching
            function_call_argument_list = func['args']
            function_argument_list = get_argument(func_code)
            dtype_dict = dtype_matching(function_call_argument_list,
                                        function_argument_list, dtype_dict)

            code, return_dtype = vi2cu_translator(func_code, dtype_dict)
            output[func_name] = {'code': code, 'return_dtype': return_dtype}

        #result, result_return_dtype = vi2cu_translator(vivaldi_code=result, local_dict=[])

        for elem in output:
            print "FUNC_NAME", elem
            print "=============================================="
            print output[elem]['code']
        return True
    return False