def test_calculate_turn_initiation_distance_20(self):
        # A shallow turn at the Equator
        LATS = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.2])
        LONS = np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        ecef_points = global_Point3d(LATS, LONS)

        prev_arc = Arc3d(ecef_points[0], ecef_points[1])
        arc = Arc3d(ecef_points[1], ecef_points[2])
        TEN_NM = TWENTY_NM / 2
        turn_0 = SphereTurnArc(prev_arc, arc, TEN_NM)
        turn_angle_0 = turn_0.angle

        distance_start = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, turn_0.start, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_start, TEN_NM)

        distance_finish = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, turn_0.finish, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_finish, TEN_NM)

        point_1 = turn_0.position(turn_angle_0 / 2)
        distance_1 = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, point_1, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_1, TEN_NM, decimal=6)

        point_2 = turn_0.position(turn_angle_0 / 4)
        distance_2 = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, point_2, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE / 4)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_2, TEN_NM, decimal=6)

        point_3 = turn_0.position(3 * turn_angle_0 / 4)
        distance_3 = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, point_3, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE / 4)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_3, TEN_NM, decimal=5)
    def test_fit_arc_to_points(self):
        LATS_0 = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.float)
        LONS_0 = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

        # Test points along arc
        ecef_points_0 = global_Point3d(LATS_0, LONS_0)
        ecef_arc_0 = Arc3d(ecef_points_0[0], ecef_points_0[-1])
        new_arc_0 = fit_arc_to_points(ecef_points_0, ecef_arc_0)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(new_arc_0.a(), ecef_arc_0.a()),
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(new_arc_0.b(), ecef_arc_0.b()),

        # Test slope away from start of arc
        ecef_points_1 = global_Point3d(LONS_0, LONS_0)
        ecef_arc_1 = Arc3d(ecef_points_1[0], ecef_points_1[-1])

        new_arc_1 = fit_arc_to_points(ecef_points_1, ecef_arc_0)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(new_arc_1.a(), ecef_arc_0.a()),
            distance_radians(new_arc_1.pole(), ecef_arc_1.pole()), 0.0)

        # Test slope towards end of arc
        LATS_2 = np.array([3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0])
        ecef_points_2 = global_Point3d(LATS_2, LONS_0)
        ecef_arc_2 = Arc3d(ecef_points_2[0], ecef_points_2[-1])

        new_arc_2 = fit_arc_to_points(ecef_points_2, ecef_arc_0)
            distance_radians(new_arc_2.pole(), ecef_arc_2.pole()), 0.0)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(new_arc_2.b(), ecef_arc_0.b()),
예제 #3
    def calculate_path_distance(self, point, index, across_track_tolerance):
        Calculate the distance of a point along the path by the leg at index.

        It determines whether the point is closer to the previous or next leg
        and calculates the path distance accordingly.

        Note: index must be within the points, i.e.: index < (len(self) - 1):

        point: Point3d
            The point to measure.

        index: integer
            The index of the point at the start of the path leg.

        across_track_tolerance: float
            The maximum across track distance [radians]

        The distance [radians] of the point along the path at index.

        # calculate the closest distance between the point and the leg
        arc = Arc3d(self.points[index], self.points[index + 1])
        closest_distance = arc.closest_distance(point)

        prev_distance = closest_distance + 1.0
        if index > 0:  # not first leg
            # calculate the closest distance between the point and the previous leg
            arc = Arc3d(self.points[index - 1], self.points[index])
            prev_distance = arc.closest_distance(point)

        next_distance = closest_distance + 1.0
        if index < (len(self) - 2):  # not last leg
            # calculate the closest distance between the point and the next leg
            arc = Arc3d(self.points[index + 1], self.points[index + 2])
            next_distance = arc.closest_distance(point)

        min_distance = min(closest_distance, min(prev_distance, next_distance))
        if min_distance < across_track_tolerance:
            # Get the index of the closest leg
            if (prev_distance < closest_distance) \
                    or (next_distance < closest_distance):
                index = index - 1 if (
                    prev_distance < next_distance) else index + 1
        else:  # None of the legs are within across_track_tolerance
            index, _ = find_index_and_ratio(self.points, point)
            index = min(index, len(self) - 2)

        # Calculate the path distance of the closest leg
        path_length = self.path_lengths[index + 1]
        distance = np.clip(self.calculate_path_leg_distance(point, index), 0.0,
        # Add the cumulative path lengths
        return distance + np.sum(self.path_lengths[:index + 1])
예제 #4
    def calculate_path_cross_track_distance(self, point, index):
        Calculate the cross track distance of a point from a path leg at index.

        It calculates the cross track distance from the leg starting at index.
        However, if the leg has turns at the ends and the point is within one
        of the turns, it calculates the cross track distance from the turn centre.

        Note: index must be within the points, i.e.: index < (len(self) - 1):

        point: Point3d
            The point to measure.

        index: integer
            The index of the point at the start of the path leg.

        The cross track distance [radians] of the point from the path leg at index.

        # calculate the route leg arc and the point's distance from it
        arc = Arc3d(self.points[index], self.points[index + 1])
        xtd = arc.cross_track_distance(point)

        prev_turn_initiation_distance = self.turn_initiation_distances[index] \
            if (index > 0) else 0.0
        next_turn_initiation_distance = self.turn_initiation_distances[index + 1]  \
            if (index < (len(self) - 2)) else 0.0

        # if there is a turn at either end
        if (prev_turn_initiation_distance > 0.0) or \
                (next_turn_initiation_distance > 0.0):

            distance = arc.along_track_distance(point)
            inside_prev_turn = (prev_turn_initiation_distance > 0.0) and \
                (distance < prev_turn_initiation_distance)
            if inside_prev_turn:
                inbound_leg = Arc3d(self.points[index - 1], self.points[index])
                turn_arc = SphereTurnArc(inbound_leg, arc,
                xtd = turn_arc.cross_track_distance(point)
                # calculate the distance to the turn by the next point
                next_turn_distance = arc.length(
                ) - next_turn_initiation_distance
                inside_next_turn = (next_turn_initiation_distance > 0.0) and \
                    (distance > next_turn_distance)
                if inside_next_turn:
                    outbound_leg = Arc3d(self.points[index + 1],
                                         self.points[index + 2])
                    turn_arc = SphereTurnArc(arc, outbound_leg,
                    xtd = turn_arc.cross_track_distance(point)

        return xtd
예제 #5
    def turn_points(self, *, number_of_points=3):
        Calculate the path flown along route legs and around turns.

        number_of_points: integer
            The number of turn points to add between the start and end of each
            turn, default 3.

        An ordered array of points [Point3ds] containing the path flown
        along route legs and around turns.

        # Add the path start point
        points = [self.points[0]]

        for i in range(1, len(self) - 1):
            turn_distance = self.turn_initiation_distances[i]
            if turn_distance:  # if there is a turn
                # Calculate the SphereTurnArc for the turn
                inbound_leg = Arc3d(self.points[i - 1], self.points[i])
                outbound_leg = Arc3d(self.points[i], self.points[i + 1])
                turn_arc = SphereTurnArc(inbound_leg, outbound_leg,
                if turn_arc:
                    # Add the turn start point

                    if number_of_points:  # any indermediate points?
                        # calculate the angle between each point
                        delta_angle = turn_arc.angle / (1.0 + number_of_points)
                        angle = delta_angle
                        for j in range(number_of_points):  # create turn points
                            angle += delta_angle

                    # Add the turn finish point
                else:  # invalid turn_arc
            else:  # no turn

        # Add the path finish point

        return to_array(points)
예제 #6
def fit_arc_to_points(points, arc):
    Calculate a closest arc through points.

    Note: there must be at least 2 points.

    points: numpy array of Point3ds
        The points in spherical vector coordinates.

    arc: Arc3d
        An initial arc to match the ecef_points.

    A closest arc through points, minimising their across track distances.

    atds = calculate_atds(arc, points)
    xtds = calculate_xtds(arc, points)
    # calculate the slope and intercept of the closest line through the  points
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(
        atds, xtds)
    a = arc.perp_position(arc.a(), intercept)
    b = arc.perp_position(arc.b(), intercept + arc.length() * slope)
    return Arc3d(a, b)
    def test_find_extreme_point_along_track_index(self):
        # A line of Lat Longs around the Equator
        LATITUDES = np.zeros(10, dtype=float)
        LONGITUDES = np.array(range(-5, 5), dtype=float)
        ecef_points_0 = global_Point3d(LATITUDES, LONGITUDES)

        # All points within arc
        arc = Arc3d(ecef_points_0[0], ecef_points_0[-1])
        index_0 = find_extreme_point_along_track_index(arc, ecef_points_0,
                                                       1.0 * NM)
        self.assertEqual(index_0, 0)

        # Point 2 before start of arc
        LONGITUDES[2] = -6
        ecef_points_1 = global_Point3d(LATITUDES, LONGITUDES)
        index_1 = find_extreme_point_along_track_index(arc, ecef_points_1,
                                                       1.0 * NM)
        self.assertEqual(index_1, 2)

        # Point 8 past end of arc
        LONGITUDES[8] = 8
        ecef_points_2 = global_Point3d(LATITUDES, LONGITUDES)
        index_2 = find_extreme_point_along_track_index(arc, ecef_points_2,
                                                       1.0 * NM)
        self.assertEqual(index_2, 8)
예제 #8
def calculate_intersection(prev_arc, arc):
    Calculate the intersection point between a pair of arcs.

    If the arcs are on (or very close to) the same Great Circle, it returns
    the start point of the second arc.

    prev_arc, arc: Arc3ds
        The arcs before and after the intersection.

    The intersection point of the arcs.

    intersection = Arc3d(prev_arc.pole(), arc.pole())
    if MIN_LENGTH < intersection.length() < MAX_LENGTH:
        intersection_point = intersection.pole()
        # swap sign if intersection_point is antipodal point
        return -intersection_point \
            if distance_radians(arc.a(), intersection_point) > HALF_PI else \
        return arc.a()
예제 #9
def calculate_position(points, index, ratio=0.0):
    Calculate the position of a point at index and ratio along a list of Point3ds.

    points: Point3ds array
        An array of Point3ds.

    index: integer
        The index of the point, or the point before if ratio > 0.0

    ratio: ratio
        The ratio of the position after the point at index, default 0.0.
        0.0 <= ratio < 1.0

    The Point3d at index and ratio along the Point3ds array.

    point = points[index]
    if ratio > 0.0:
        if index < len(points) - 1:
            arc = Arc3d(point, points[index + 1])
            point = arc.position(ratio * arc.length())
            point = points[-1]

    return point
예제 #10
    def test_SphereTurnArc_invalid_init(self):
        """Test initialisation of SphereTurnArc class."""
        ecef_point_0 = Point3d(ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[1][0], ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[1][1],
        ecef_point_1 = Point3d(ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[2][0], ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[2][1],
        arc_0 = Arc3d(ecef_point_0, ecef_point_1)
        arc_1 = Arc3d(ecef_point_1, ecef_point_0)

        turn_0 = SphereTurnArc(arc_0, arc_1, TWENTY_NM)

        #  Ensure Turn start, centre and end points are at waypoint
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(ecef_point_1, turn_0.start), 0.0)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(ecef_point_1, turn_0.centre), 0.0)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(ecef_point_1, turn_0.finish), 0.0)
예제 #11
def find_index_and_ratio(points, point):
    Calculate the  index and ratio of the closest point along points to point.

    points: numpy array of Point3ds
        The trajectory points in spherical vector coordinates.

    point: Point3d
        The point to find the closest point to.

    The index and ratio of the closest point along the Point3ds array.

    # Calculate the closest distances of the point to the legs between points
    arcs = calculate_Arc3ds(points)
    distances = calculate_closest_distances(arcs, point)

    # The index of the closest leg
    index = distances.argmin()

    # Calculate the ratio along the closest leg
    arc = Arc3d(points[index], points[index + 1])
    atd = arc.along_track_distance(point)
    ratio = atd / arc.length()

    # if the closest point is at the end of the leg, use start of next leg
    if ratio >= 1.0:
        ratio = 0.0
        index += 1

    return index, ratio
    def test_calculate_turn_initiation_distance_90(self):
        # A 90 degree turn at the Equator
        LATS = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        LONS = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        ecef_points = global_Point3d(LATS, LONS)

        prev_arc = Arc3d(ecef_points[0], ecef_points[1])
        arc = Arc3d(ecef_points[1], ecef_points[2])
        TEN_NM = TWENTY_NM / 2
        turn_0 = SphereTurnArc(prev_arc, arc, TEN_NM)
        turn_angle_0 = turn_0.angle

        distance_start = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, turn_0.start, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_start, TEN_NM)

        distance_finish = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, turn_0.finish, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_finish, TEN_NM)

        point_1 = turn_0.position(turn_angle_0 / 2)
        distance_1 = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, point_1, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_1, TEN_NM)

        point_2 = turn_0.position(turn_angle_0 / 4)
        distance_2 = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, point_2, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_2, TEN_NM)

        point_3 = turn_0.position(3 * turn_angle_0 / 4)
        distance_3 = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, point_3, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_3, TEN_NM)

        # Test with a point further than TWENTY_NM from the intersection
        turn_30 = SphereTurnArc(prev_arc, arc, TWENTY_NM + TEN_NM)
        distance_4 = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, turn_30.start, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE)
        self.assertEqual(distance_4, TWENTY_NM)

        point_30 = turn_30.position(3 * turn_angle_0 / 4)
        distance_30 = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_arc, arc, point_30, TWENTY_NM, ACROSS_TRACK_TOLERANCE)
        self.assertEqual(distance_30, TWENTY_NM)
예제 #13
    def test_eq(self):
        ecef_point_0 = Point3d(ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[1][0], ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[1][1],
        ecef_point_1 = Point3d(ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[2][0], ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[2][1],
        ecef_point_2 = Point3d(ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[3][0], ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[3][1],
        arc_0 = Arc3d(ecef_point_0, ecef_point_1)
        arc_1 = Arc3d(ecef_point_1, ecef_point_2)

        turn_0 = SphereTurnArc(arc_0, arc_1, TWENTY_NM)

        self.assertTrue(turn_0 == turn_0)

        arc_2 = Arc3d(ecef_point_2, ecef_point_1)
        arc_3 = Arc3d(ecef_point_1, ecef_point_0)

        turn_1 = SphereTurnArc(arc_2, arc_3, TWENTY_NM)

        self.assertFalse(turn_0 == turn_1)
    def test_calculate_intersection(self):
        ecef_points = global_Point3d(ROUTE_LATS, ROUTE_LONS)

        # intersection point between arcs on different Great Circles
        prev_arc = Arc3d(ecef_points[0], ecef_points[1])
        arc = Arc3d(ecef_points[1], ecef_points[2])
        point_1 = calculate_intersection(prev_arc, arc)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(point_1, ecef_points[1]), 0.0)

        # intersection point between arcs on same Great Circles
        next_point = arc.position(2 * arc.length())
        next_arc = Arc3d(ecef_points[2], next_point)
        point_2 = calculate_intersection(arc, next_arc)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(point_2, ecef_points[2]), 0.0)

        # intersection point between arcs on different Great Circles,
        # opposite direction turn
        prev_arc = Arc3d(ecef_points[5], ecef_points[6])
        arc = Arc3d(ecef_points[6], ecef_points[7])
        point_3 = calculate_intersection(prev_arc, arc)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(point_3, ecef_points[6]), 0.0)
예제 #15
    def subsection_positions(self, start_distance, finish_distance):
        Return the points between start_distance and finish_distance.

        start_distance: float
            The start distance along the EcefPath in Nautical Miles].

        finish_distance: float
            The finish distance along the EcefPath in Nautical Miles].

        points: Point3ds points array.
            The array of Point3ds between start_distance and finish_distance
            including points at start_distance and finish_distance.

        distances_nm = rad2nm(self.path_distances())
        start_index, start_ratio = calculate_value_reference(
            distances_nm, start_distance)
        finish_index, finish_ratio = calculate_value_reference(
            distances_nm, finish_distance)

        arc = Arc3d(self.points[start_index], self.points[start_index + 1])
        start_position = arc.position(start_ratio * arc.length())
        positions = [start_position]

        for i in range(start_index + 1, finish_index + 1):

        if finish_ratio > 0.0:
            arc = Arc3d(self.points[finish_index],
                        self.points[finish_index + 1])
            finish_position = arc.position(finish_ratio * arc.length())

        return to_array(positions)
예제 #16
    def point_angle(self, point):
        Calculate the angle of a point from the start of the turn arc.

        point: Point3d
            The point to measure.

        angle: float
            The angle between point and the start of the turn [radians].

        start_arc = Arc3d(self.centre, self.start)
        return start_arc.start_angle(point)
예제 #17
    def position(self, angle):
        Calcuate the position of a point along the turn at angle from the start point.

        angle: float
            The angle between point and the start of the turn [radians].

            point: Point3d
            The point at angle from the start along the turn arc.

        start_arc = Arc3d(self.centre, self.start)
        return start_arc.angle_position(angle)
예제 #18
    def calculate_ground_track(self, index, ratio):
        Calculate the ground track of a point along the path at index and ratio.

        It calculates whether the point is on a route leg or in a turn at either
        end of the route leg and then calculates the ground track accordingly.

        index: integer
            The index of the point at the start of a route leg.

        ratio: ratio
            The ratio of the position as its distance along the path divided
            bu the path length. Note: 0.0 <= ratio < 1.0

        The ground track at index and ratio along the path in [radians].

        # ensure index is within the points
        if index < len(self) - 1:
            # calculate the route leg arc
            arc = Arc3d(self.points[index], self.points[index + 1])

            #  calculate the distance from the point at index
            path_length = self.path_lengths[index + 1]
            distance = ratio * path_length

            # calcuate the distance to the turn by the next point
            next_turn_distance = path_length - self.turn_half_lengths[index +

            # if point is in a Turn
            inside_start_turn = (self.turn_half_lengths[index] > 0.0) and \
                (distance < self.turn_half_lengths[index])
            inside_finish_turn = (self.turn_half_lengths[index + 1] > 0.0) and \
                (distance > next_turn_distance)
            if (inside_start_turn and (index > 0)) or \
                    (inside_finish_turn and (index < len(self) - 2)):
                inbound_leg = arc
                outbound_leg = arc
                turn_initiation_distance = self.turn_initiation_distances[
                if inside_finish_turn:
                    turn_initiation_distance = self.turn_initiation_distances[
                        index + 1]
                    outbound_leg = Arc3d(self.points[index + 1],
                                         self.points[index + 2])
                    distance -= next_turn_distance
                    ratio = 0.5 * distance / self.turn_half_lengths[index + 1]
                else:  # inside_start_turn
                    inbound_leg = Arc3d(self.points[index - 1],
                    distance += self.turn_half_lengths[index]
                    ratio = 0.5 * distance / self.turn_half_lengths[index]

                turn_arc = SphereTurnArc(inbound_leg, outbound_leg,
                return inbound_leg.calculate_azimuth(turn_arc.start) \
                    + ratio * turn_arc.angle
            else:  # point is along straight section
                # if the leg starts with a turn
                if self.turn_initiation_distances[index]:
                    distance += self.turn_initiation_distances[index] - \
                ratio = (distance / self.leg_lengths[index + 1])
                point = arc.position(ratio * arc.length())
                return arc.calculate_azimuth(point)
            arc = Arc3d(self.points[-2], self.points[-1])
            return arc.calculate_azimuth(self.points[-1])
예제 #19
    def calculate_path_leg_distance(self, point, index):
        Calculate the distance of a point along a path leg starting at index.

        It calculates the along track distance along the leg starting at index.
        If the leg starts with a turn and the point is within it,
        the distance is the turn distance.
        If the leg finishes with a turn and the point is within it,
        the distance is the distance in the turn.
        Otherwise, if the leg starts with a turn, the distance is adjusted by
        the path length through the turn.

        Note: index must be within the points, i.e.: index < (len(self) - 1):

        point: Point3d
            The point to measure.

        index: integer
            The index of the point at the start of the path leg.

        The distance [radians] of the point along the path leg at index.

        distance = 0.0

        # calculate the route leg arc and the point's distance along it
        arc = Arc3d(self.points[index], self.points[index + 1])
        distance = arc.along_track_distance(point)

        # if there is a start turn and the point is within it
        prev_turn_initiation_distance = self.turn_initiation_distances[index] \
            if (index > 0) else 0.0
        inside_prev_turn = (prev_turn_initiation_distance > 0.0) and \
            (distance < prev_turn_initiation_distance)
        if inside_prev_turn:
            inbound_leg = Arc3d(self.points[index - 1], self.points[index])
            turn_arc = SphereTurnArc(inbound_leg, arc,
            distance = turn_arc.along_track_distance(point) \
                - self.turn_half_lengths[index]
            # calculate the distance to the turn by the next point
            next_turn_initiation_distance = self.turn_initiation_distances[index + 1]  \
                if (index < (len(self) - 2)) else 0.0
            next_turn_distance = arc.length() - next_turn_initiation_distance
            inside_next_turn = (next_turn_initiation_distance > 0.0) and \
                (distance > next_turn_distance)
            if inside_next_turn:
                outbound_leg = Arc3d(self.points[index + 1],
                                     self.points[index + 2])
                turn_arc = SphereTurnArc(arc, outbound_leg,
                distance = turn_arc.along_track_distance(point)
                distance += self.path_lengths[index + 1] \
                    - self.turn_half_lengths[index + 1]
            elif prev_turn_initiation_distance > 0.0:
                # point is along straight section that starts with a turn
                distance += self.turn_half_lengths[
                    index] - prev_turn_initiation_distance

        return distance
예제 #20
    def test_SphereTurnArc_init(self):
        """Test initialisation of SphereTurnArc class."""
        ecef_point_0 = Point3d(ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[1][0], ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[1][1],
        ecef_point_1 = Point3d(ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[2][0], ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[2][1],
        ecef_point_2 = Point3d(ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[3][0], ECEF_ICOSAHEDRON[3][1],
        arc_0 = Arc3d(ecef_point_0, ecef_point_1)
        arc_1 = Arc3d(ecef_point_1, ecef_point_2)

        turn_0 = SphereTurnArc(arc_0, arc_1, TWENTY_NM)

        #  Ensure Turn start and end points are along inbound and outbound arcs
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(ecef_point_1, turn_0.start),
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(ecef_point_1, turn_0.finish),

        assert_almost_equal(arc_0.cross_track_distance(turn_0.start), 0.0)
        assert_almost_equal(arc_1.cross_track_distance(turn_0.finish), 0.0)

        ANGLE = 0.2 * np.pi
        RADIUS = 20.0 / np.tan(ANGLE / 2.0)  # 61.553670693462841 NM

        assert_almost_equal(turn_0.angle, -ANGLE)
        assert_almost_equal(rad2nm(turn_0.radius), RADIUS)
        assert_almost_equal(rad2nm(turn_0.length()), RADIUS * ANGLE)

        DISTANCE = TWENTY_NM / np.sin(ANGLE / 2.0)  # 64.721359549995796 NM
        assert_almost_equal(turn_0.radial_distance(ecef_point_1), DISTANCE)

                            DISTANCE - turn_0.radius)

        self.assertEqual(turn_0.point_angle(turn_0.centre), 0.0)
        assert_almost_equal(turn_0.point_angle(turn_0.start), 0.0)
                            turn_0.angle / 2.0,

        assert_almost_equal(turn_0.along_track_distance(turn_0.start), 0.0)
                            turn_0.length() / 2.0,

        pos_1 = turn_0.position(turn_0.angle)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(pos_1, turn_0.centre),
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(pos_1, turn_0.finish),

        pos_2 = turn_0.position(turn_0.angle / 2.0)
        assert_almost_equal(distance_radians(pos_2, turn_0.centre),
        assert_almost_equal(turn_0.point_angle(pos_2), turn_0.angle / 2.0)
예제 #21
def find_extreme_point_index(points, first_index, last_index, threshold,
                             xtd_ratio, calc_along_track):
    Find the index of the point in points furthest from the Arc.

    The points are searched between first_index and last_index.

    If the Arc is longer than MINIMUM_ARC_LENGTH, it finds the point with the
    largest across track distance. If the distance is larger than threshold
    or xtd_ratio time the arc length, it returns the index of the point.
    Otherwise, it calculates whether any points are beyond the end of the arc,
    if so it returns the index of the furthest point.

    If the Arc is not longer than MINIMUM_ARC_LENGTH, if finds the furthest point
    the start. If the distance from the point to the start and end points is
    greater than MINIMUM_ARC_LENGTH, it returns the index of the point.

    points: numpy array of Point3ds
        The trajectory points in spherical vector coordinates.

    first_index, last_index: integers
        Indicies of the first and last points to use.

    threshold: float
        The across track distance threshold.

    The index of the point furthest from the Arc joining the points at
    first_index and last_index.

    max_xtd_index = last_index
    # If there is at least a point between first_index and last_index
    if ((last_index - first_index) > 1):
        arc = Arc3d(points[first_index], points[last_index])
        # first point is after arc start
        if arc.length() > MINIMUM_ARC_LENGTH:
            # calculate cross track distances relative to the base arc
            xtds = calculate_xtds(arc, points[first_index + 1:last_index])
            max_xtd, xtd_index = find_most_extreme_value(xtds)
            xtd_index += 1
            # set the threshold to the minimum of the threshold or a
            # fraction of the arc length
            xtd_threshold = min(threshold, xtd_ratio * arc.length())
            xtd_threshold = max(xtd_threshold, MINIMUM_ARC_LENGTH)
            if (np.abs(max_xtd) > xtd_threshold):
                # if the point is further than the threshold, return it
                max_xtd_index = first_index + xtd_index
            elif calc_along_track:  # points are in-line
                # test whether a point is past the start or end of the arc
                atd_index = find_extreme_point_along_track_index(
                    arc, points[first_index:last_index], MINIMUM_ARC_LENGTH)
                if atd_index:
                    max_xtd_index = first_index + atd_index
        else:  # short arc
            # calculate the furthest point from the start point
            distance, xtd_index = \
                find_furthest_distance(points[first_index: last_index])
            if (distance > MINIMUM_ARC_LENGTH):
                # ensure that the point is far enough from the end point
                xtd_index += first_index
                end_distance = distance_radians(points[xtd_index],
                if end_distance > MINIMUM_ARC_LENGTH:
                    max_xtd_index = xtd_index

    return max_xtd_index
예제 #22
def derive_horizontal_path(points, threshold, calc_along_track=False):
    Derive horizontal path waypoints and turn anticipation distances from points.

    points: numpy array of Point3ds
        The trajectory points in spherical vector coordinates.

    threshold: float
        The across track distance threshold [radians].

    calc_along_track : Boolean
        Calculate the along track distance, default False.

    The SpherePath between the points.

    # Find extreme points and their indicies in the ecef_points array
    indicies = find_extreme_point_indicies(points,
    extreme_points = points[[indicies]]

    # Calculate the Great Circle arc along the first route leg
    prev_index = 0
    index = indicies[1]
    prev_arc = Arc3d(extreme_points[0], extreme_points[1])
    prev_arc = fit_arc_to_points(points[prev_index:index + 1], prev_arc)

    # Create lists for the waypoints and turn initiation distances
    # Starting with the first point
    path_waypoints = [prev_arc.a()]
    turn_distances = [0.0]

    prev_length = prev_arc.length()
    for i in range(1, len(extreme_points) - 1):
        # Calculate the Great Circle arc along the next route leg
        prev_index = index
        index = indicies[i + 1]
        arc = Arc3d(extreme_points[i], extreme_points[i + 1])
        arc = fit_arc_to_points(points[prev_index:index + 1], arc)

        # Calculate the turn parameters at the waypoint
        turn_angle = prev_arc.turn_angle(arc.b())
        max_turn_distance = calculate_max_turn_initiation_distance(
            prev_length, arc.length())

        waypoint = arc.a()
        turn_distance = 0.0

        # Determine whether the turn is valid, calculate waypoint and
        # turn initiation distance accordingly
        is_valid_turn = (MIN_TURN_ANGLE < abs(turn_angle) <= MAX_TURN_ANGLE) and \
            (max_turn_distance > TWO_NM)
        if is_valid_turn:
            waypoint = calculate_intersection(prev_arc, arc)
            turn_distance = calculate_turn_initiation_distance(
                prev_arc, arc, points[prev_index + 1], max_turn_distance,
                threshold / 4.0)

        prev_arc = arc
        prev_length = arc.length()

    # Add the last point

    return SpherePath(to_array(path_waypoints), np.array(turn_distances))