def main(video=0, dowsample=True): print('QUAD Vision, Python:', version, ' OpenCV:', cv2.__version__) vid = Video(video, 'ORB Detection testing', delay=1, fast=False, skip=20, downsample=downsample) detector = Detector() if ros_mode: import rospy from sensor_msgs.msg import Image from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError from quad.msg import Target_coordinates pub_detection = rospy.Publisher('detection', Target_coordinates, queue_size=5) pub_frame = rospy.Publisher('annotated_frame', msg.image, queue_size=15) rospy.init_node('detection', anonymous=True) rospy.init_node('annotated_frame', anonymous=True) # Detection profiles detector.load_profile(profiles.idea_orange) # detector.load_profile(profiles.quadbox_black) # detector.load_profile(profiles.quadbox_white) # detector.load_profile(profiles.idea_red) # detector.load_profile(profiles.sim_drone) vid.skip(20) t = Timer('Detection') while frame = vid.img t.start() # start timer img, confidence, x, y = detector.detect(frame) print('Detection:', confidence, x, y) t.end() vid.display(img) if ros_mode: detection = Target_coordinates() detection.confidence = confidence detection.x = x detection.y = y try: pub_detection.publish(detection) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) # ros_img = CvBridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, encoding="passthrough") # pub_frame.publish(ros_img) vid.close() t.output()
def main(args): # Imports are here so we don't need to wait for them to load unecessarily. import os import tkinter from video import Video from annotation import Annotations from state import State import gui # Parameters video_file_path = args.video_file_path annotation_file_path = args.annotation_file_path if annotation_file_path is None: # Expect the following dir structure: # dataset/ # - videos/ # - annotations/ split_path = os.path.split(video_file_path) annotation_file_name = split_path[-1].split('.')[0] + '.pkl' annotation_file_dir = list(split_path[:-1]) + ['..', 'annotations'] annotation_file_dir = os.path.join(*annotation_file_dir) if not os.path.isdir(annotation_file_dir): print('Invalid directory structure.') return annotation_file_path = os.path.join(annotation_file_dir, annotation_file_name) # Load Video video = Video(video_file_path) annotations = Annotations(annotation_file_path, video) state = State(video, annotations) # Create GUI gui.App(tkinter.Tk(), state) # When everything done, release the video capture object video.close()
'erosion_kernel', 'n_erosions', 'n_objects', 'min_arc_length', 'max_arc_length', ]: detector.cfg[param] = cv.getTrackbarPos(param, panel) detector.cfg['inversion'] = bool( cv.getTrackbarPos('inversion', panel)) detector.cfg['roi'] = ( cv.getTrackbarPos('roi_width', panel) / 100.0, cv.getTrackbarPos('roi_height', panel) / 100.0, ) detector.cfg['lower_bound'] = ( cv.getTrackbarPos('lh', panel), cv.getTrackbarPos('ls', panel), cv.getTrackbarPos('lv', panel), ) detector.cfg['upper_bound'] = ( cv.getTrackbarPos('uh', panel), cv.getTrackbarPos('us', panel), cv.getTrackbarPos('uv', panel), ) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Terminated.') cv.destroyAllWindows() video.close()
class App(object): """ Main application class Attributes: rfid_uids [list(string)] UIDs of the RFID tags, in the format '0x44 0xDE 0xE7 0x53' sensor_state_to_video_name [list(string)] name of the videos associated to the RFID/Photo combinations (sensor_state) transmission_rate [int] baud rate fps [int] frame rate of the update loop, and also of the videos fullscreen [int] should the window be fullscreen? serial [Serial] serial configuration to receive Arduino signal video [Video] video wrapper for an running [bool] should be application be running? last_input_keycode [int] keycode of the last input received, -1 if no input received in last frame sensor_state [list(int)] state of the RFID and photo sensors in the format [RFID, PHOTO1, PHOTO2, PHOTO3] with RFID = 0 (no RFID), 1, 2 or 3 and PHOTOX = 0 (nothing) or 1 (covered) """ def __init__(self, rfid_uids, sensor_state_to_video_name, window_name='window', transmission_rate=9600, fps=25, fullscreen=False): self.rfid_uids = rfid_uids self.sensor_state_to_video_name = sensor_state_to_video_name self.window_name = window_name self.transmission_rate = transmission_rate self.fps = fps self.fullscreen = fullscreen self.serial = serial.Serial( baudrate=transmission_rate, timeout=0.006 ) # timeout corresponds to sending 80 octal chars at 115200 baud rate = Video( window_name ) # create video wrapper in advance, we will load each video by name later self.running = False self.last_input_keycode = -1 self.sensor_state = [0, False, False, False] def run(self): """ Run application by opening window and listening to serial port while rendering videos """ print 'Run app in window "{}"'.format(self.window_name) # FPS1 = cvRound( cvGetCaptureProperty(capture1, CV_CAP_PROP_FPS) fixed_tick_diff = 1. / self.fps * cv2.getTickFrequency( ) # equivalent of delta time, in ticks # open main window in fullscreen mode print 'Open fullscreen window' cv2.namedWindow(self.window_name, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.setWindowProperty( self.window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN if self.fullscreen else cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # initial video self.on_sensor_state_changed() self.running = True lag = 0 tick_end = cv2.getTickCount() while self.running: tick_start = cv2.getTickCount() lag += tick_start - tick_end # KEYBOARD INPUT # IMPROVE: we do not need to check input as fast as rendering, so use a different fps self.process_input() # SERIAL PORT INPUT if not self.serial.is_open: # no port device connected yet or previous device connection was lost # detect any existing serial port self.open_connected_port() if self.serial.is_open: self.read_serial() # UPDATE / RENDER while lag >= fixed_tick_diff: self.update() lag -= fixed_tick_diff tick_end = cv2.getTickCount() lag += tick_end - tick_start # Some tricks from CombineVids.c # Make sure the video runs at roughly the correct speed. # Add a delay that would result in roughly the desired frames per second. # Factor in how much time was used to process this frame already. delay = fixed_tick_diff - lag delay_ms = int(round(float(delay) * 1000 / cv2.getTickFrequency())) # Make sure there is at least some delay, to allow OpenCV to do its internal processing. # (this includes the case of being late ie having a negative delay) if delay_ms < 1: delay_ms = 1 c = cv2.waitKey( delay_ms ) # Wait for a keypress, and let OpenCV display its GUI. self.last_input_keycode = c & 0xFF if self.serial.is_open: self.serial.close() def process_input(self): """ Process keyboard input to quit application and for debugging """ # Quit on ESC press if self.last_input_keycode == 27: self.running = False # Toggle fullscreen on F press (may not work at times, do not overdo it) if self.last_input_keycode == ord('f'): old_fullscreen_mode = cv2.getWindowProperty( self.window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN) new_fullscreen_mode = cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN if old_fullscreen_mode == cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL else cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL print 'Switching fullscreen mode from {} to {}'.format( old_fullscreen_mode, new_fullscreen_mode) cv2.setWindowProperty(self.window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, new_fullscreen_mode) # Stop current video on S press if self.last_input_keycode == ord('s'): self.stop_video() # DEBUG: simulate sensors if self.last_input_keycode == ord('d'): self.on_rfid_lost() if self.last_input_keycode == ord('f'): self.on_rfid_detected(1) if self.last_input_keycode == ord('g'): self.on_rfid_detected(2) if self.last_input_keycode == ord('h'): self.on_rfid_detected(3) if self.last_input_keycode == ord('j'): self.on_rfid_detected(4) if self.last_input_keycode == ord('v'): self.toggle_photo_state(1) if self.last_input_keycode == ord('b'): self.toggle_photo_state(2) if self.last_input_keycode == ord('n'): self.toggle_photo_state(3) def update(self): if # to make things simple, we assume that the FPS of the app is the FPS of the video def open_connected_port(self): """ Check if a new port was connected or seek a new serial port (often '/dev/ttyACM0' or '/dev/ttyACM1' on Unix) if the current port is not valid, and start listening to this port """ ports = list( # DEBUG # for p in ports: # print p if len(ports) == 0: # print 'No serial ports found' return if self.serial.is_open and self.serial.port in (p.device for p in ports): # Current port device still in list, keep it (if possible, do not call this method if already a port!) print 'Keep current serial port ({})'.format(self.serial.port) else: # No current port device or the current device was lost, choose an arbitrary one self.serial.port = ports[0].device print 'Open serial port: {}'.format(self.serial.port) def read_serial(self): """ Read data received at serial port and trigger corresponding events """ # try-catch adapted from try: line = self.serial.readline( ) # ensure short timeout to continue looping quickly if no signal except serial.SerialException as e: # Lost connection with Arduino print 'Lost connection with Arduino' # close port (port does not seem to close when plugging Arduino out); you can keep last port in self.serial.port self.serial.close() return except TypeError as e: # We lost connection with Arduino, cancel serial port device and wait for next frame to detect another # port if possible print 'Disconnect of USB->UART occured' # self.serial.port = '' # DEBUG print 'error: {}'.format(e.message) print 'Serial is open? {}'.format(serial.is_open) # self.serial.close() # close port (would be done anyway?) return if not line: return # Some data was received line = line.strip() # DEBUG # print 'line: {}'.format(line) # Detect RFID detected if line.startswith('UID Value'): # RFID found, parse UID in 'UID Value: 0x44 0xDE 0xE7 0x53' for instance (keep string value) uid = re.findall('^UID Value: ([0-9xA-F\s]+)$', line)[0] if uid not in self.rfid_uids: print 'Found unknown UID {0}, cannot choose output video'.format( uid) return rfid_idx = self.rfid_uids.index(uid) if rfid_idx == 0: print 'Found dummy UID {0}, probably an error on Arduino side'.format( uid) return print 'RFID #{0} detected (UID {1})'.format(rfid_idx, uid) self.on_rfid_detected(rfid_idx) # Detect RFID lost if line.startswith('Lost UID Value'): # RFID lost print 'RFID lost' # OPTIONAL: parse UID and check we lost the previous RFID detected uid = re.findall('^Lost UID Value: ([0-9xA-F\s]+)$', line)[0] # photo ID is from 1 to 5 but we added dummy ID 0, so it is really like an index rfid_idx = self.rfid_uids.index(uid) if rfid_idx == self.sensor_state[0]: print '(#{0} (UID {1}))'.format(rfid_idx, uid) else: # mismatch error coming from Arduino, but clear current RFID anyway print 'Warning: lost #{0} (UID {1}) whereas last RFID detected was #{2} (UID {3})'\ .format(rfid_idx, uid, self.sensor_state[0], self.rfid_uids[self.sensor_state[0]]) self.on_rfid_lost() # Detect PHOTO detected if line.startswith('Photo'): # Photo found, parse ID from 1 to 3 photo_id = int(re.findall('^Photo: ([0-9]+)$', line)[0]) print 'Photoresistor #{0} detected'.format(photo_id) self.on_photo_detected(photo_id) # Detect PHOTO lost if line.startswith('Lost Photo'): # Photo found, parse ID from 1 to 3 photo_id = int(re.findall('^Lost Photo: ([0-9]+)$', line)[0]) print 'Photoresistor #{0} lost'.format(photo_id) self.on_photo_lost(photo_id) def on_rfid_detected(self, rfid_idx): assert rfid_idx self.sensor_state[0] = rfid_idx # from 1 to 5 self.on_sensor_state_changed() def on_rfid_lost(self): self.sensor_state[0] = 0 self.on_sensor_state_changed() def on_photo_detected(self, photo_id): # photo ID is from 1 to 3 so no need to offset index self.sensor_state[photo_id] = True self.on_sensor_state_changed() def on_photo_lost(self, photo_id): # photo ID is from 1 to 3 so no need to offset index self.sensor_state[photo_id] = False self.on_sensor_state_changed() def toggle_photo_state(self, photo_id): if not self.sensor_state[photo_id]: self.on_photo_detected(photo_id) else: self.on_photo_lost(photo_id) def on_sensor_state_changed(self): # play video based on new state (OpenCV VideoCapture interface will also release previous video automatically) video_key = tuple(self.sensor_state) if video_key in self.sensor_state_to_video_name: # lookup corresponding video in dictionary (convert list to tuple since we need hashable keys) print 'Play video for RFID/Photo combination: {}'.format( self.sensor_state) self.play_video(self.sensor_state_to_video_name[video_key], looping=True, same_frame=True) else: # if possible, play video with closest sensor state; else print 'WARNING: undefined RFID/Photo combination: {}'.format( self.sensor_state) self.stop_video() def play_video(self, filename, looping=False, same_frame=False): if same_frame:, looping) else:, looping) def stop_video(self): """Stop current video and show white frame"""