def init_cameras(): #capture thermic frame cap_thermal = VideoCaptureAsync(thermal=True) cap_thermal.start() #capture normal frame cap_normal = VideoCaptureAsync(thermal=False) cap_normal.start() return cap_normal, cap_thermal
def main(): input_video_filepath = sys.argv[1] write_video_flag = False output_video_filepath = "" if len(sys.argv) > 2: output_video_filepath = sys.argv[2] write_video_flag = True async_video_flag = False config = OmegaConf.load("config.yaml") detector = LineCrossingDetector(config) counters = [PeopleCounter(**c) for c in config.people_counter] if async_video_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(input_video_filepath) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(input_video_filepath) if async_video_flag: video_capture.start() if write_video_flag: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"XVID") output_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(output_video_filepath, fourcc, 30, (w, h)) frame_index = 0 pbar = tqdm(total=int(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))) while True and frame_index < 12000: ret, frame = frame_index = frame_index + 1 if not ret: break if frame_index < 10000: continue detections = detector.detect(frame, visualize=True) for counter in counters: counter.update(detections, frame_index) counter.visualize(frame) for d in detections: print( f"Frame: {frame_index}. Track id: {d.track_id}. Line id: {d.line_id}" ) if write_video_flag: output_writer.write(frame) pbar.update() if async_video_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if write_video_flag: output_writer.release()
def main(width=640, height=360, k=False): last_detected = datetime(1990, 1, 1) if k: cap = VideoCaptureAsync(0) else: cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) if k: cap.start() t0 = time.time() i = 0 net = Detector(bytes("cfg/yolo-lite.cfg", encoding="utf-8"), bytes("moirai.weights", encoding="utf-8"), 0, bytes("", encoding="utf-8")) while True: r, frame = if r: dark_frame = Image(frame) results = net.detect(dark_frame) del dark_frame for cat, score, bounds in results: x, y, w, h = bounds cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(x - w / 2), int(y - h / 2)), (int(x + w / 2), int(y + h / 2)), (255, 0, 255)) if len(results) > 0: if > last_detected + timedelta(seconds=6): last_detected = prob = results[0][1]'', data={ "cam_id": 1, "prob": prob }) cv2.imshow('Frame', frame) cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if k: cap.stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def test(n_frames=500, width=1280, height=720, asyncr=False): if asyncr: cap = VideoCaptureAsync(0) print("If async") else: cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) print("XD") if asyncr: cap.start() t0 = time.time() i = 0 while i < n_frames: _, frame = cv2.imshow('Frame', frame) cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF i += 1 print('[i] Frames per second: {:.2f}, asyncr={}'.format( n_frames / (time.time() - t0), asyncr)) if asyncr: cap.stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def test(n_frames=500, width=1280, height=720, async_flag=False): if async_flag: cap = VideoCaptureAsync(0) # does not support using captured video # cap = VideoCaptureAsync('407156.avi') else: cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) if async_flag: cap.start() t0 = time.time() i = 0 while i < n_frames: _, frame = cv2.imshow('Frame', frame) cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF i += 1 print('[i] Frames per second: {:.2f}, async_flag={}'.format( n_frames / (time.time() - t0), async_flag)) if async_flag: cap.stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def test(n_frames=500, width=1280, height=720): cap1 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap2 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap3 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap4 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap1.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap1.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) cap2.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap2.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) cap3.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap3.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) cap4.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap4.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) cap1.start() cap2.start() cap3.start() cap4.start() while 1: _, frame1 = _, frame2 = _, frame3 = _, frame4 = cv2.imshow('Frame1', frame1) cv2.imshow('Frame2', frame2) cv2.imshow('Frame3', frame3) cv2.imshow('Frame4', frame4) cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF cap1.stop() cap2.stop() cap3.stop() cap4.stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
class Recognition(): #parametros globales para la segunda ventana def distance(self, accuracy, name): #pasar dos encodings procesa el nivel de accuracy de cada uno y devuelve un loading bar load = accuracy * 270 color = (0, 0, 255) image = np.zeros((40, 300, 3), np.uint8) cv2.rectangle(image, (0, 0), (300, 50), (255, 255, 255), cv2.FILLED) cv2.putText(image, name, (10, 15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, (125, 125, 0), 1) cv2.rectangle(image, (10, 20), (int(load) + 15, 30), color, cv2.FILLED) return image def record_date_hour(self, name): #insert where name date date = strftime("%Y/%m/%d", gmtime()) hour = strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) try: connection = psycopg2.connect( "dbname=registros user=reddy password=123456 port=5432 host=localhost port=5432" ) except: print("conexion exito") cursor = connection.cursor() postgres_insert_query = """ INSERT INTO deteccion (name, fecha, hora) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""" fecha = "'" + date + "'" hora = "'" + hour + "'" record_to_insert = (name, fecha, hora) cursor.execute(postgres_insert_query, record_to_insert) connection.commit() cursor.close() connection.close() def dahua(self, name, actual_img, accuracy): path = "knowFaces/" + name.lower() + ".png" db_img = cv2.imread(path) db_img = cv2.resize(db_img, (150, 150), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) un_img = np.concatenate((db_img, actual_img), axis=1) un_img = np.concatenate((un_img, self.distance(accuracy, name)), axis=0) self.record_date_hour(name) if (self.first): self.first = False cv2.imshow("Board", un_img) else: final = np.concatenate((un_img, self.pastUnion), axis=0) cv2.imshow("Board", final) self.pastUnion = un_img return def face_enc(self, face_image, known_face_locations=None, num_jitters=1): """ Given an image, return the 128-dimension face encoding for each face in the image. :param face_image: The image that contains one or more faces :param known_face_locations: Optional - the bounding boxes of each face if you already know them. :param num_jitters: How many times to re-sample the face when calculating encoding. Higher is more accurate, but slower (i.e. 100 is 100x slower) :return: A list of 128-dimensional face encodings (one for each face in the image) """ raw_landmarks = face_recognition.api._raw_face_landmarks( face_image, known_face_locations) return [ np.array( face_encoder.compute_face_descriptor(face_image, raw_landmark_set, num_jitters)) for raw_landmark_set in raw_landmarks ] def getEncodingFaces(self, know_persons): i = 1 for imag in know_persons: image = face_recognition.load_image_file(imag.getImgSrc()) #self.faces_encoding.append(face_recognition.face_encodings(image, num_jitters=100)[0]) self.faces_encoding.append( self.face_enc(image, num_jitters=100)[0]) self.face_names.append(imag.getNombre()) i = i + 1 return self.faces_encoding, self.face_names def __init__(self): self.pastUnion = 2 self.first = True self.path = "knowFaces/reddy.png" self.db_img = cv2.imread(self.path) self.db_img = cv2.resize(self.db_img, (150, 150), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) self.cap = VideoCaptureAsync() self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1280) self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 720) self.cap.start() frame_width = 1280 frame_height = 720 # Define the codec and create VideoWriter object.The output is stored in 'outpy.avi' file. self.out = cv2.VideoWriter('outpy.avi', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), 10, (1280, 720)) self.face_record1 = "nadies" self.nombres = {} self.first = True self.accuracy = 2 self.know_persons = getKnowPersonsFromDB() self.faces_encoding = [] self.face_names = [] self.known_face_encodings, self.known_face_names = self.getEncodingFaces( self.know_persons) self.face_locations = [] self.face_encodings = [] self.face_names = [] self.process_this_frame = True while True: ret, frame = small_frame = cv2.resize(frame, (0, 0), fx=1, fy=1) #mitad de la calidad rgb_small_frame = small_frame[:, :, ::-1] if self.process_this_frame: self.face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations( rgb_small_frame, model="cnn") #, model ="cnn") self.face_encodings = self.face_enc(rgb_small_frame, self.face_locations, num_jitters=100) self.face_names = [] self.face_values = [] for face_encoding in self.face_encodings: self.matches = face_recognition.compare_faces( self.known_face_encodings, face_encoding, tolerance=0.30) = "Unknown" self.values = np.linalg.norm(self.known_face_encodings - face_encoding, axis=1) if True in self.matches: first_match_index = self.matches.index(True) self.accuracy = self.values[ first_match_index] #get the accuracy = self.known_face_names[first_match_index] self.face_names.append( self.face_values.append(self.accuracy) #gui self.process_this_frame = not self.process_this_frame tratar = False for (top, right, bottom, left), name, acc in zip(self.face_locations, self.face_names, self.face_values): """top *= 2 right *= 2 bottom *= 2 left *= 2""" collight = (123, 123, 123) actual_img = cv2.resize(frame[top:bottom, left:right], (150, 150), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) #gui cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), collight, 1) #face bordes ##calcular el tamaño entre top y left vertical = bottom - top horizontal = right - left #draw contorns r = right l = left t = top b = bottom alpha = vertical / 4 alpha = int(alpha) betha = 2 * alpha if (name == "Unknown"): col = (255, 255, 255) else: col = (241, 175, 14) cv2.line(frame, (l, t), (l, t + alpha), col, 2) cv2.line(frame, (l, t), (l + alpha, t), col, 2) cv2.line(frame, (r, t), (r - alpha, t), col, 2) cv2.line(frame, (r, t), (r, t + alpha), col, 2) cv2.line(frame, (l, b), (l + alpha, b), col, 2) cv2.line(frame, (l, b), (l, b - alpha), col, 2) cv2.line(frame, (r, b), (r - alpha, b), col, 2) cv2.line(frame, (r, b), (r, b - alpha), col, 2) alpha = 10 cv2.line(frame, (l - alpha, t + betha), (l + alpha, t + betha), collight, 1) cv2.line(frame, (r - alpha, t + betha), (r + alpha, t + betha), collight, 1) cv2.line(frame, (l + betha, t - alpha), (l + betha, t + alpha), collight, 1) cv2.line(frame, (l + betha, b - alpha), (l + betha, b + alpha), collight, 1) #print("vertical: ", vertical) #print("horizontal: ", horizontal) #cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, bottom - 35), (right, bottom), (123, 123, 123), cv2.FILLED) #space for name cv2.putText(frame, name, (left + 6, bottom - 6), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.70, (255, 255, 0), 1) print("nombres: ", self.nombres) try: if (self.nombres[] >= 1): self.nombres[] += 1 else: self.nombres[] = 1 except: print("entrando excepcion") self.nombres[] = 1 if (name != "Unknown" and self.nombres[] == 7): if (self.face_record1 != self.dahua(, actual_img, acc) #causa 50fps con 0.02 y el mas bajo 0.001 self.face_record1 = name self.nombres[] = 1 #self.out.write(frame) cv2.imshow('Video', frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break self.cap.stop() print(self.out.release()) #out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
class ListScreen(Screen): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ListScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) # run clock Clock.schedule_interval(self.init_gui, 0.2) Clock.schedule_interval(self.show_status, 0.03) def init_gui(self, dt): self.new_file() Clock.unschedule(self.init_gui) Clock.schedule_interval(self.cam_update, 0.03) def cam_update(self, dt): try: _, frame = buf1 = cv2.flip(frame, 0) buf = buf1.tostring() texture1 = Texture.create(size=(frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0]), colorfmt='rgb') texture1.blit_buffer(buf, colorfmt='bgr', bufferfmt='ubyte') self.ids['img_cam'].texture = texture1 except Exception as e: pass #### File menu def exit_app(self): self.camera_disconnect() self.printer_disconnect() App.get_running_app().stop() def new_file(self): ## File menu / New Project self.init_project() def init_project(self): # init data self.project_file_path = "" self.project_data=data.init_project_data() self.project_data['CADMode']="None" self.ids["img_cad_origin"].set_cad_view(self.project_data) self.ids["img_cad_origin"].redraw_cad_view() self.capture = None self.print = None self.paneldisselection=[] try: self.camera_disconnect() self.camera_connect() self.printer_disconnect() self.printer_connect() except Exception as e: print(e, "cam or printer start problem") pass def load_file(self): ### File Menu / Load project content = LoadDialog(load=self.load, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) self._popup = Popup(title="Load file", content=content, size_hint=(0.9, 0.9)) self.project_data['CADMode']="None" def load(self, path, filename): ### click load button of Loading Dialog ### load all info from pre saved project file try: ### if proper project file self.project_file_path = os.path.expanduser(filename[0]) self.project_data=data.read_project_data(self.project_file_path) self.paneldisselection=[] try: self.camera_disconnect() self.camera_connect() self.printer_disconnect() self.printer_connect() except Exception as e: print(e, "cam or printer start problem") pass self.ids["img_cad_origin"].set_cad_view(self.project_data) self.ids["img_cad_origin"].redraw_cad_view() except: ### if not proper project file print("Problem loading file") self.dismiss_popup() return self.dismiss_popup() def save_file(self): ### File Menu / Save Project if self.project_file_path == "": self.save_as_file() else: data.write_project_data(self.project_file_path, self.project_data) def save_as_file(self): ### File Menu / Save as Project content = SaveDialog(, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) self._popup = Popup(title="Save file", content=content, size_hint=(0.9, 0.9)) self.project_data['CADMode']="None" def save(self, path, filename): ### after click Save button of Save Dialog self.project_file_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(path, filename)) print(path, filename, self.project_file_path) data.write_project_data(self.project_file_path, self.project_data) self.dismiss_popup() #### program menu #### def import_file(self): ### Program menu / import NC drills content = ImportDialog(load=self.import_ncdrill, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) self._popup = Popup(title="Import file", content=content, size_hint=(0.9, 0.9)) self.project_data['CADMode']="None" def import_ncdrill(self, path, filename): ### after click load button of Loading button try: ### if proper project file nc_file_path = os.path.expanduser(filename[0]) ncdata=excellon.load_nc_drill(nc_file_path) print("ncdata", ncdata) # convert tool list for selection self.project_data['NCTool']=excellon.convert_to_tools(ncdata) # convert soldering tool path self.project_data['SolderToolpath']=excellon.convert_to_json(ncdata) # redraw self.ids["img_cad_origin"].redraw_cad_view() except: ### if not proper project file self.dismiss_popup() return self.dismiss_popup() def select_side(self): ### Program menu / Select Soldering Side side = [ { "text" : "Top", "is_selected" : self.project_data['SolderSide']=="Top" }, { "text" : "Bottom", "is_selected" : self.project_data['SolderSide']=="Bottom" } ] self.ignore_first=not side[0]['is_selected'] content = ListPopup() args_converter = lambda row_index, rec: {'text': rec['text'], 'is_selected': rec['is_selected'], 'size_hint_y': None, 'height': 50} list_adapter = ListAdapter(data=side, args_converter=args_converter, propagate_selection_to_data=True, cls=ListItemButton, selection_mode='single', allow_empty_selection=False) list_view = ListView(adapter=list_adapter) content.ids.profile_list.add_widget(list_view) list_view.adapter.bind(on_selection_change=self.selected_side) self._popup = Popup(title="Select Soldering Side", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.6)) self.project_data['CADMode']="None" def selected_side(self, adapter): if self.ignore_first: self.ignore_first=False return self.project_data['SolderSide']=adapter.selection[0].text self.dismiss_popup() self.ids["img_cad_origin"].redraw_cad_view() def select_profile(self): ### Program menu / Select Soldering Profile profile = excellon.convert_to_solderingprofile(self.project_data) if len(profile) < 1: return self.ignore_first=not profile[0]['is_selected'] content = ListPopup() args_converter = lambda row_index, rec: {'text': rec['text'], 'is_selected': rec['is_selected'], 'size_hint_y': None, 'height': 50} list_adapter = ListAdapter(data=profile, args_converter=args_converter, propagate_selection_to_data=True, cls=ListItemButton, selection_mode='single', allow_empty_selection=False) list_view = ListView(adapter=list_adapter) content.ids.profile_list.add_widget(list_view) list_view.adapter.bind(on_selection_change=self.selected_profile) self._popup = Popup(title="Select Soldering Profile", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.6)) self.project_data['CADMode']="None" def selected_profile(self, adapter): ### select profile on soldering profile list if self.ignore_first: self.ignore_first=False return num=excellon.get_solderingprofile_index_by_id(self.project_data['SolderingProfile']['SolderingProfile'], adapter.selection[0].text) self.project_data['SelectedSolderingProfile']=num self.dismiss_popup() self.ids["img_cad_origin"].redraw_cad_view() self.project_data['CADMode']="Select" def select_by_dia(self): ### Program Menu / Select soldering pad by diameter tools=self.project_data['NCTool'] if len(tools) < 1: return self.ignore_first=not tools[0]['is_selected'] content = ListPopup() args_converter = lambda row_index, rec: {'text': rec['text'], 'is_selected': rec['is_selected'], 'size_hint_y': None, 'height': 40} list_adapter = ListAdapter(data=tools, args_converter=args_converter, propagate_selection_to_data=True, cls=ListItemButton, selection_mode='single', allow_empty_selection=False) list_view = ListView(adapter=list_adapter) content.ids.profile_list.add_widget(list_view) list_view.adapter.bind(on_selection_change=self.selected_tools) self._popup = Popup(title="Select Soldering Pad by Tools", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.7)) self.project_data['CADMode']="None" def selected_tools(self, adapter): ### select tool on tools' list if self.ignore_first: self.ignore_first=False return soldertoolpath=self.project_data['SolderToolpath'] num=int(adapter.selection[0].text.split(":")[0]) excellon.select_by_tool(soldertoolpath, num, self.project_data['SelectedSolderingProfile']) # redraw self.dismiss_popup() self.ids["img_cad_origin"].redraw_cad_view() def select_by_view(self): ### Program menu / Select Soldering pads by View self.project_data['CADMode']="Select" def deselect_by_view(self): ### Program Menu / Deselect by view self.project_data['CADMode']="Deselect" def set_reference1(self): ### Program Menu / Set Reference point 1 self.project_data['CADMode']="Ref1" def set_reference2(self): ### Program Menu / Set Reference Point 2 self.project_data['CADMode']="Ref2" def optmize_nc(self): ### Program Menu / Optmize NC drills soldertoolpath=self.project_data['SolderToolpath'] excellon.optimize_soldertoolpath(soldertoolpath) ##### panel menu def set_num_panel(self): num=excellon.get_num_panel(self.project_data['Panel']) content = EditPopup(save=self.save_panel_num, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) content.ids["btn_connect"].text = "Save" content.ids["text_port"].text = str(num) self._popup = Popup(title="Select panel num", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.4)) self.project_data['CADMode']="None" def save_panel_num(self, txt_port): # set num of panels num = int(txt_port) num = max(1, num) num = min(self.project_data['Setup']['MaxPanel'], num) excellon.set_num_panel(self.project_data['Panel'], num) self.dismiss_popup() def set_reference_panel(self): # show dialpad print("ref") self.ids["tab_panel"].switch_to(self.ids["tab_panel"].tab_list[0]) self.content = ControlPopup(controlXYZ=self.control_XYZ, set_panel_ref1=self.set_panel_ref1, set_panel_ref2=self.set_panel_ref2, get_panel_ref1=self.get_panel_ref1, get_panel_ref2=self.get_panel_ref2, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) self.content.ids["cur_X"].text = format(self.project_data['Setup']['TravelX'],".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text = format(self.project_data['Setup']['TravelY'],".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text = format(self.project_data['Setup']['TravelZ'],".2f") self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text = "1" self._popup = Popup(title="Set reference point", content=self.content, size_hint=(0.4, 0.4), background_color=[0, 0, 0, 0.0]) self._popup.pos_hint={"center_x": .8, "center_y": .8} self.project_data['CADMode']="None" # home printer gcode=robotcontrol.go_home(self.project_data) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def control_XYZ(self, axis, value): ### click any button on dialpad, calculate new position index=int(self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text) x=float(self.content.ids["cur_X"].text) y=float(self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text) z=float(self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text) if axis == "X": x += float(value) elif axis == "Y": y += float(value) elif axis == "Z": z += float(value) elif axis == "HomeXY": x=self.project_data['Setup']['TravelX'] y=self.project_data['Setup']['TravelY'] elif axis == "HomeZ": z=self.project_data['Setup']['TravelZ'] index = max(1, index) index = min(self.project_data['Setup']['MaxPanel'], index) x=max(self.project_data['Setup']['MinX'],x) x=min(self.project_data['Setup']['MaxX'],x) y=max(self.project_data['Setup']['MinY'],y) y=min(self.project_data['Setup']['MaxY'],y) z=max(self.project_data['Setup']['MinZ'],z) z=min(self.project_data['Setup']['MaxZ'],z) self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text = str(index) self.content.ids["cur_X"].text = format(x,".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text = format(y,".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text = format(z,".2f") # go xyz printer gcode=robotcontrol.go_xyz(self.project_data,x,y,z) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def set_panel_ref1(self): ### click set1 button on dialpad index=int(self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text) index=min(index,excellon.get_num_panel(self.project_data['Panel'])) index=max(index,1) x=float(self.content.ids["cur_X"].text) y=float(self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text) z=float(self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text) excellon.set_panel_reference_1(self.project_data['Panel'], index-1, x, y, z) def set_panel_ref2(self): ### click set2 button on dialpad index=int(self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text) x=float(self.content.ids["cur_X"].text) y=float(self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text) z=float(self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text) excellon.set_panel_reference_2(self.project_data['Panel'], index-1, x, y, z) def get_panel_ref1(self): ### click on get1 button on dialpad index=int(self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text) x,y,z = excellon.get_panel_reference_1(self.project_data['Panel'], index-1) if x==-1 and y==-1 and z==-1: x=self.project_data['Setup']['TravelX'] y=self.project_data['Setup']['TravelY'] z=self.project_data['Setup']['TravelZ'] self.content.ids["cur_X"].text = format(x,".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text = format(y,".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text = format(z,".2f") # go xyz printer gcode=robotcontrol.go_xyz(self.project_data,x,y,z) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def get_panel_ref2(self): ### click on get2 button on dialpad index=int(self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text) x,y,z = excellon.get_panel_reference_2(self.project_data['Panel'], index-1) if x==-1 and y==-1 and z==-1: x=self.project_data['Setup']['TravelX'] y=self.project_data['Setup']['TravelY'] z=self.project_data['Setup']['TravelZ'] self.content.ids["cur_X"].text = format(x,".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text = format(y,".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text = format(z,".2f") # go xyz printer gcode=robotcontrol.go_xyz(self.project_data,x,y,z) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def select_pcb_in_panel(self): num=excellon.get_num_panel(self.project_data['Panel']) content = EditPopup(save=self.save_pcb_in_panel, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) content.ids["btn_connect"].text = "Save" content.ids["text_port"].text = "" self._popup = Popup(title="Select Panels to exclude from Soldering example \"1,2\"", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.4)) self.project_data['CADMode']="None" def save_pcb_in_panel(self, txt_port): # set array of panels excludepanels=txt_port.split(",") panel=[] for p in range(excellon.get_num_panel(self.project_data['Panel'])): if str(p+1) in excludepanels: panel.append(p) self.paneldisselection=panel self.dismiss_popup() def start_soldering(self): ### toolbar start soldering button # prepare panel panel=[] for p in range(excellon.get_num_panel(self.project_data['Panel'])): if p not in self.paneldisselection: panel.append(p) # print print("panel", panel) gcode=robotcontrol.panel_soldering(self.project_data, panel, False) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def test_soldering(self): ### toolbar test soldering button # prepare panel panel=[] for p in range(excellon.get_num_panel(self.project_data['Panel'])): if p not in self.paneldisselection: panel.append(p) # print gcode=robotcontrol.panel_soldering(self.project_data, panel, True) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def pause_soldering(self): ### toolbar pause soldering button if self.print.printing: self.print.pause() def resume_soldering(self): ### toolbar resume soldering button if self.print.printing: self.print.resume() def stop_soldering(self): ### toolbar stop soldering button if self.print.printing: self.print.cancelprint() def queue_printer_command(self, gcode): garray=robotcontrol.make_array(gcode) #print("gcode raw", gcode, garray) gcoded = gcoder.LightGCode(garray) #print("gcoded", gcoded) if hasattr(self,'print') and self.print is not None: if not or not self.print.printer: print("Problem with printer",, self.print.printer) if self.print.printing: self.print.send(gcoded) else: self.print.startprint(gcoded) else: print("Problem with printer interface") #### Connect menu def set_printer(self): ### Connect Menu / Connect Printer content = EditPopup(save=self.save_printer_port, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) content.ids["text_port"].text = self.project_data['Setup']['RobotPort'] self._popup = Popup(title="Select Printer port", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.4)) self.project_data['CADMode']="None" def save_printer_port(self, txt_port): self.project_data['Setup']['RobotPort'] = txt_port try: self.printer_disconnect() self.printer_connect() except Exception as e: print(e,"exception save robot port") pass self.dismiss_popup() def set_camera(self): # set camera device content = EditPopup(save=self.save_camera_port, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) content.ids["text_port"].text = self.project_data['Setup']['CameraPort'] self._popup = Popup(title="Select Camera port", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.4)) self.project_data['CADMode']="None" def save_camera_port(self, txt_port): self.project_data['Setup']['CameraPort'] = txt_port try: self.camera_disconnect() self.camera_connect() except Exception as e: print(e,"exception save cam port") pass self.dismiss_popup() def dismiss_popup(self): self._popup.dismiss() def camera_connect(self): ### connect camera self.capture = VideoCaptureAsync(self.project_data['Setup']['CameraPort']) self.capture.start() def camera_disconnect(self): if self.capture is not None: self.capture.stop() self.capture = None def printer_connect(self): if self.print is None: self.print = printcore(self.project_data['Setup']['RobotPort'], 115200) def printer_disconnect(self): if self.print is not None: self.print.disconnect() self.print = None def show_status(self, dt): self.ids["lbl_layer_status"].text="Layer: "+self.project_data['SolderSide'] self.ids["lbl_cad_status"].text="CADMode: "+self.project_data['CADMode'] profile=excellon.get_list_soldering_profile(self.project_data['SolderingProfile']) self.ids["lbl_profile_status"].text="Profile: "+profile[self.project_data['SelectedSolderingProfile']] if hasattr(self,'capture') and self.capture is not None: self.ids["lbl_cam_status"].text="Camera: Connected" else: self.ids["lbl_cam_status"].text="Camera: Not Found" #printer if hasattr(self,'print') and self.print is not None: if self.print.printer is None: self.ids["lbl_printer_status"].text="Robot: No 3d printer found" elif self.print.printing: if len(self.print.mainqueue)>0: self.ids["lbl_printer_status"].text="Robot: Soldering "+ str(round(float(self.print.queueindex) / len(self.print.mainqueue)*100,2))+"%" else: self.ids["lbl_printer_status"].text="Robot: Soldering" elif self.ids["lbl_printer_status"].text="Robot: Idle" else: self.ids["lbl_printer_status"].text="Robot: Connected" else: self.ids["lbl_printer_status"].text="Robot: Not Found"
def test(n_frames=500, width=1280, height=720): cap1 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap2 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap3 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap4 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap1.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap1.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) cap2.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap2.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) cap3.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap3.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) cap4.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap4.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) newcameramtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(camera_matrix, dist_coefs, (720, 480), 1, (720, 480)) x, y, w, h = roi #M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((720,480),5,2) cap1.start() cap2.start() cap3.start() cap4.start() while 1: _, frame1 = _, frame2 = _, frame3 = _, frame4 = frame11 = cv2.undistort(frame1, camera_matrix, dist_coefs, None, newcameramtx) #frame11 = frame11[130:390, 110:550] frame22 = cv2.undistort(frame2, camera_matrix, dist_coefs, None, newcameramtx) #frame22 = frame22[130:390, 110:550] frame33 = cv2.undistort(frame3, camera_matrix, dist_coefs, None, newcameramtx) #frame33 = frame33[130:390, 110:550] frame44 = cv2.undistort(frame4, camera_matrix, dist_coefs, None, newcameramtx) #frame44 = frame44[130:390, 110:550] cv2.imshow('Frame1', frame1) cv2.imshow('Frame11', frame11) cv2.imshow('Frame2', frame2) cv2.imshow('Frame22', frame22) cv2.imshow('Frame3', frame3) cv2.imshow('Frame33', frame33) cv2.imshow('Frame4', frame4) cv2.imshow('Frame44', frame44) if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27: cv2.destroyAllWindows() break cap1.stop() cap2.stop() cap3.stop() cap4.stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(yolo): # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.3 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 1.0 # Deep SORT model_filename = 'model_data/mars-small128.pb' encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename,batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric) writeVideo_flag = True asyncVideo_flag = False file_path = 'video.webm' if asyncVideo_flag : video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter('output_yolov4.avi', fourcc, 30, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = while True: ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 if ret != True: break t1 = time.time() image = Image.fromarray(frame[...,::-1]) # bgr to rgb boxs = yolo.detect_image(image)[0] confidence = yolo.detect_image(image)[1] features = encoder(frame,boxs) detections = [Detection(bbox, confidence, feature) for bbox, confidence, feature in zip(boxs, confidence, features)] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression(boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])),(255,255,255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, str(track.track_id),(int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])),0, 5e-3 * 200, (0,255,0),2) for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() score = "%.2f" % round(det.confidence * 100, 2) cv2.rectangle(frame,(int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])),(255,0,0), 2) cv2.putText(frame, score + '%', (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 5e-3 * 130, (0,255,0),2) cv2.imshow('', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # and not asyncVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 fps_imutils.update() fps = (fps + (1./(time.time()-t1))) / 2 print("FPS = %f"%(fps)) # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps_imutils.stop() print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(yolo): # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.3 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 1.0 # Deep SORT model_filename = 'model_data/mars-small128.pb' encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric) np.random.seed(42) COLORS = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(200, 3), dtype="uint8") writeVideo_flag = True asyncVideo_flag = False file_path = 'testvideo2.avi' # load the COCO class labels our YOLO model was trained on 加载我们的YOLO模型经过培训的COCO类标签 labelsPath = os.path.sep.join(["model_data", "coco_classes.txt"]) LABELS = open(labelsPath).read().strip().split("\n") # print(str(len(LABELS))+"load successfully") # print(LABELS) class_nums = np.zeros(80) counter = np.zeros(80) track_id_max = -1 if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter('testvideo2_out.avi', fourcc, 30, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = img_num = 0 frame_cnt = 0 while True: ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 frame_copy = frame.copy() if ret != True or frame_cnt > 30: break t1 = time.time() image = Image.fromarray(frame[..., ::-1]) # bgr to rgb boxs, confidence, class_names = yolo.detect_image(image) features = encoder(frame, boxs) detections = [Detection(bbox, confidence, feature) for bbox, confidence, feature in zip(boxs, confidence, features)] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression(boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) # print("print indices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") # print(indices) # for i in indices: # print(str(i)+class_names[i][0]) # print(indices.shape) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] class_names = [class_names[i] for i in indices] print("class_name:" + str(class_names)) class_IDs = [] current_nums = np.zeros(80) # class_IDs=[] for class_name in class_names: for i, LABEL in enumerate(LABELS): if class_name[0] == LABEL: current_nums[i] += 1 class_IDs.append(i) # print("person:"+str(current_nums[0])) cv2.putText(frame, 'Current', (20, 70), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.75, (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, 'Total', (180, 70), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.75, (0, 255, 255), 2) x1 = 20 y1 = 100 for i, cl in enumerate(current_nums): if cl > 0: cv2.putText(frame, LABELS[i] + "=" + str(cl), (x1, y1), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (255, 255, 255), 1) # 当前帧各类别数量 y1 = y1 + 20 for i, det in enumerate(detections): bbox = det.to_tlbr() score = "%.2f" % round(det.confidence * 100, 2) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 1) cv2.putText(frame, score + '%', (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]) + 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.3, (255, 255, 255), 1) # cv2.putText(frame, class_names[i],(int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])-5), 0, 5e-3 * 130, (0, 255, 0), 2) # cv2.putText(frame, class_names[i], (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, 5e-3 * 130,(0, 255, 255), 2) print("Total of detections:" + str(len(detections))) # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections, class_IDs) # for i, cl in enumerate(class_nums): # if cl > 0: # print("add: " + LABELS[i] + str(cl - class_last_nums[i])) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: print("not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: " + str(track.track_id)) continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() color = [int(c) for c in COLORS[track.class_id % len(COLORS)]] cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), color, 2) cv2.putText(frame, str(track.track_id) + ' ' + LABELS[track.class_id], (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]) - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.4, color, 1) if track.track_id > track_id_max: counter[track.class_id] = counter[track.class_id] + 1 track_id_max = track.track_id dest = frame_copy[int(bbox[1]):int(bbox[3]), int(bbox[0]):int(bbox[2])] pdest = "./output_image/" + str(LABELS[track.class_id]) + str(int(counter[track.class_id])) + ".png" cv2.imwrite(pdest, dest) img_num += 1 # class_nums[track.class_id].append(track.track_id) # print(str(LABELS[track.class_id])+":"+class_nums[track.class_id]) # print(" " + str(track.track_id)) # print("track.class_name: " + str(LABELS[track.class_id])) print(str(counter)) print("--------------------------该帧输出完毕!--------------------------------------") # cv2.putText(frame, 'Total', (200, 60), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.75, (255, 0, 0), 2) # x2 = 200 # y2 = 100 # for i, cl in enumerate(class_nums): # if cl > 0: # cv2.putText(frame, LABELS[i] + "=" + str(cl), (x2, y2), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, (255, 0, 0), 2) # y2 = y2 + 20 cv2.putText(frame, "FPS: %f" % (fps), (int(20), int(40)), 0, 5e-3 * 200, (0, 255, 0), 3) # !!!!!!!!!输出FPS x2 = 180 y2 = 100 for i, cl in enumerate(counter): if cl > 0: cv2.putText(frame, LABELS[i] + "=" + str(cl), (x2, y2), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 255), 1) y2 = y2 + 20 # cv2.imshow('', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # and not asyncVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 fps_imutils.update() fps = (fps + (1. / (time.time() - t1))) / 2 # print("FPS = %f"%(fps)) frame_cnt += 1 # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps_imutils.stop() print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(yolo): # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.3 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 1.0 # Deep SORT model_filename = 'model_data/mars-small128.pb' encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric) tracking = True writeVideo_flag = False asyncVideo_flag = False webcamera_flag = True ipcamera_flag = False udp_flag = True file_path = '/workspace/data/C0133_v4.mp4' if asyncVideo_flag : video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path) elif ipcamera_flag : video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture('rtsp://*****:*****@') elif webcamera_flag : video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter('output_yolov4.avi', fourcc, 30, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 if udp_flag: HOST = '' PORT = 5000 address = '' sock =socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) sock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1) sock.bind((HOST, PORT)) fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = savetime = 0 while True: nowtime = ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 t1 = time.time() if time.time() - savetime >= 30: print('save data') cv2.imwrite("/workspace/images/image.png", frame) savetime = time.time() image = Image.fromarray(frame[...,::-1]) # bgr to rgb boxes, confidence, classes = yolo.detect_image(image) if tracking: features = encoder(frame, boxes) detections = [Detection(bbox, confidence, cls, feature) for bbox, confidence, cls, feature in zip(boxes, confidence, classes, features)] else: detections = [Detection_YOLO(bbox, confidence, cls) for bbox, confidence, cls in zip(boxes, confidence, classes)] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression(boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] if tracking: # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, 1.5e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) # socket message = str(nowtime + "," + str(track.track_id) + "," + str(int(bbox[0])) + "," + str(int(bbox[1])) + "," + str(int(bbox[2])) + "," + str(int(bbox[3]))) bmessage = message.encode('utf-8') print(type(bmessage)) if udp_flag: sock.sendto(message.encode('utf-8'), (address, PORT)) for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() score = "%.2f" % round(det.confidence * 100, 2) + "%" cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 0, 0), 2) if len(classes) > 0: cls = det.cls cv2.putText(frame, str(cls) + " " + score, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 1.5e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) #cv2.imshow('', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # and not asyncVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 fps_imutils.update() if not asyncVideo_flag: fps = (fps + (1./(time.time()-t1))) / 2 print("FPS = %f"%(fps)) # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps_imutils.stop() print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
class CameraSource(object): def __init__(self, cameraSource, height, output_file=None, startFrame=0, async_read=False, outputToServer=False, capture_size=None): if async_read: = VideoCaptureAsync(cameraSource) else: = cv2.VideoCapture(cameraSource) if capture_size is not None: print(capture_size), capture_size[0]), capture_size[1]) if async_read: self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH = self.ORIGINAL_HEIGHT = else: self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH = int( self.ORIGINAL_HEIGHT = int( print('CameraSource') print('Requested capture size', capture_size) print('Actual capture size', self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH, self.ORIGINAL_HEIGHT) self.HEIGHT = height self.WIDTH = self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH * self.HEIGHT // self.ORIGINAL_HEIGHT self.WIDTH = self.WIDTH + self.WIDTH % 2 # Make it even. self.startFrame = startFrame self.nFrames = 0 self.writer = VideoWriter(output_file) if async_read: self.outputToServer = outputToServer if outputToServer: # pass #self.outputStream = CameraServer.getInstance().putVideo( # 'ProcessedVisionFrame', self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT) def GetFrame(self): # Processing on first call. if self.nFrames == 0: # Skip some frames if requested. if self.startFrame > 0: skippedFrames = 0 while True: ret, frame = if not ret or frame is None: print('No more frames') return None skippedFrames += 1 if skippedFrames >= self.startFrame: break # Start timer for first frame. self.startTime = time.time() # Get frame. frame = None frameTime = time.time() if self.nFrames > 0 and self.nFrames % 50 == 0: print('FPS: ', self.nFrames / (frameTime - self.startTime)) self.nFrames += 1 ret, frame = if ret and frame is not None: if frame.shape[0] != self.HEIGHT: frame = cv2.resize(frame, (self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT)) return frame def ImageSize(self): return (self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT) def OutputFrameAndTestContinue(self, message, frame, height=None): self.writer.OutputFrame(frame) if self.outputToServer: self.outputStream.putFrame(frame) return ShowFrameAndTestContinue(message, frame, height) def __del__(self): cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(yolo): # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.3 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 1.0 # Deep SORT model_filename = 'model_data/mars-small128.pb' encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric) tracking = True writeVideo_flag = True asyncVideo_flag = False file_path = 'IMG_3326.MOV' dfObj = pd.DataFrame( columns=['frame_num', 'track', 'cx', 'cy', 'w', 'h', 'track_temp']) dfObjDTP = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'filename', 'frame_num', 'bb1', 'bb2', 'bb3', 'bb4', 'track', 'track_temp', 'Height' ]) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter('output_yolov4.avi', fourcc, 30, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = while True: ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 if ret != True: break t1 = time.time() image = Image.fromarray(frame[..., ::-1]) # bgr to rgb boxes, confidence, classes = yolo.detect_image(image) if tracking: features = encoder(frame, boxes) detections = [ Detection(bbox, confidence, cls, feature) for bbox, confidence, cls, feature in zip( boxes, confidence, classes, features) ] else: detections = [ Detection_YOLO(bbox, confidence, cls) for bbox, confidence, cls in zip(boxes, confidence, classes) ] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression(boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] if tracking: # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() #Ini buat cropping gambar per frame #cropped_image = frame[int(bbox[1]):int(bbox[1])+(int(bbox[3])-int(bbox[1])),int(bbox[0]):int(bbox[0])+(int(bbox[2])-int(bbox[0]))] cropped_image = frame[int(bbox[1]):int(bbox[1]) + 256, int(bbox[0]):int(bbox[0]) + 128] # cropped_image = frame[2:5,6:10] # Matiin atau comment biar ga ada box putih # cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 2) # # cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, # 1.5e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) # print(cropped_image) dirname = "output_crop/{}".format(track.track_id) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) if (cropped_image.size == 0): continue else: writeStatus = cv2.imwrite( "output_crop/{}/frame_{}.png".format( track.track_id, frame_index), cropped_image) print("output_crop/{}/frame_{}.png".format( track.track_id, frame_index)) # Write CSV dfObj = dfObj.append(pd.Series([ frame_index, track.track_id, int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]), int(bbox[2]) - int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3]) - int(bbox[1]), track.time_since_update ], index=dfObj.columns), ignore_index=True) dfObjDTP = dfObjDTP.append(pd.Series([ file_path, frame_index, int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]), int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3]), track.track_id, track.time_since_update, int(bbox[3]) - int(bbox[1]) ], index=dfObjDTP.columns), ignore_index=True) for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() score = "%.2f" % round(det.confidence * 100, 2) + "%" #Matiin atau comment biar ga ada box putih di crop image # cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 0, 0), 2) # if len(classes) > 0: # cls = det.cls # cv2.putText(frame, str(cls) + " " + score, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, # 1.5e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.imshow('', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # and not asyncVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 fps_imutils.update() if not asyncVideo_flag: fps = (fps + (1. / (time.time() - t1))) / 2 print("FPS = %f" % (fps)) # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps_imutils.stop() print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() dfObj = dfObj.sort_values(["track", "frame_num"], ascending=(True, True)) dfObj.to_csv(r'result_temp.csv', index=False) dfObjDTP = dfObjDTP.sort_values(["track", "frame_num"], ascending=(True, True)) dfObjDTP.to_csv(r'result_temp_dtp.csv', index=False) convert_to_final() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def test(width, height): cap1 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap2 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap3 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap4 = VideoCaptureAsync( "rtsp://*****:*****@") cap1.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap1.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) cap2.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap2.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) cap3.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap3.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) cap4.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, width) cap4.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height) alpha = 90 beta = 90 gamma = 90 focalLength = 500 dist = 500 move_upper = 0 move_left = 0 move_right = 0 move_lower = 0 move_together = 0 cv2.namedWindow('tune_upper') cv2.namedWindow('tune_left') cv2.namedWindow('tune_right') cv2.namedWindow('tune_lower') cv2.namedWindow('move') cv2.createTrackbar('Alpha', 'tune_upper', 60, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Beta', 'tune_upper', 90, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Gamma', 'tune_upper', 90, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('f', 'tune_upper', 300, 2000, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Distance', 'tune_upper', 500, 2000, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Alpha', 'tune_left', 90, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Beta', 'tune_left', 70, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Gamma', 'tune_left', 90, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('f', 'tune_left', 300, 2000, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Distance', 'tune_left', 500, 2000, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Alpha', 'tune_right', 90, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Beta', 'tune_right', 110, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Gamma', 'tune_right', 90, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('f', 'tune_right', 300, 2000, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Distance', 'tune_right', 500, 2000, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Alpha', 'tune_lower', 60, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Beta', 'tune_lower', 90, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Gamma', 'tune_lower', 90, 180, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('f', 'tune_lower', 300, 2000, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Distance', 'tune_lower', 500, 2000, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Move upper', 'move', 0, 400, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Move left', 'move', 0, 400, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Move right', 'move', 0, 400, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Move lower', 'move', 0, 400, nothing) cv2.createTrackbar('Move together', 'move', 200, 400, nothing) cap1.start() cap2.start() cap3.start() cap4.start() h = 480 w = 720 vis = np.zeros(((w + h * 2), (w + h * 2), 3), np.uint8) vis_center = np.zeros(((w + h * 2), h, 3), np.uint8) vis_left = np.zeros(((w + h * 2), h, 3), np.uint8) vis_right = np.zeros(((w + h * 2), h, 3), np.uint8) void = np.zeros((w, w, 3), np.uint8) void_side = np.zeros((h, h, 3), np.uint8) while 1: _, frame1 = _, frame2 = _, frame3 = _, frame4 = frame11 = undistort(frame1) frame22 = undistort(frame2) frame33 = undistort(frame3) frame44 = undistort(frame4) alpha_upper = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Alpha', 'tune_upper') beta_upper = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Beta', 'tune_upper') gamma_upper = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Gamma', 'tune_upper') focalLength_upper = cv2.getTrackbarPos('f', 'tune_upper') dist_upper = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Distance', 'tune_upper') alpha_left = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Alpha', 'tune_left') beta_left = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Beta', 'tune_left') gamma_left = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Gamma', 'tune_left') focalLength_left = cv2.getTrackbarPos('f', 'tune_left') dist_left = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Distance', 'tune_left') alpha_right = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Alpha', 'tune_right') beta_right = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Beta', 'tune_right') gamma_right = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Gamma', 'tune_right') focalLength_right = cv2.getTrackbarPos('f', 'tune_right') dist_right = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Distance', 'tune_right') alpha_lower = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Alpha', 'tune_lower') beta_lower = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Beta', 'tune_lower') gamma_lower = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Gamma', 'tune_lower') focalLength_lower = cv2.getTrackbarPos('f', 'tune_lower') dist_lower = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Distance', 'tune_lower') move_upper = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Move upper', 'move') move_left = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Move left', 'move') move_right = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Move right', 'move') move_lower = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Move lower', 'move') move_together = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Move together', 'move') alpha_upper = (alpha_upper - 90) * math.pi / 180 beta_upper = (beta_upper - 90) * math.pi / 180 gamma_upper = (gamma_upper - 90) * math.pi / 180 alpha_left = (alpha_left - 90) * math.pi / 180 beta_left = (beta_left - 90) * math.pi / 180 gamma_left = (gamma_left - 90) * math.pi / 180 alpha_right = (alpha_right - 90) * math.pi / 180 beta_right = (beta_right - 90) * math.pi / 180 gamma_right = (gamma_right - 90) * math.pi / 180 alpha_lower = (alpha_lower - 90) * math.pi / 180 beta_lower = (beta_lower - 90) * math.pi / 180 gamma_lower = (gamma_lower - 90) * math.pi / 180 #rotation_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((360,240), 180, 1) #print("Transformation: ", Transformation.shape) #print("Rotation: ", rotation_mat.shape) transformation_upper = get_transformation(w, h, alpha_upper, beta_upper, gamma_upper, dist_upper, focalLength_upper) transformation_left = get_transformation(h, w, alpha_left, beta_left, gamma_left, dist_left, focalLength_left) transformation_right = get_transformation(h, w, alpha_right, beta_right, gamma_right, dist_right, focalLength_right) transformation_lower = get_transformation(w, h, alpha_lower, beta_lower, gamma_lower, dist_lower, focalLength_lower) left = rotate_bound(frame33, 270) right = rotate_bound(frame22, 90) result_upper = cv2.warpPerspective(frame11, transformation_upper, (720, 480)) result_left = cv2.warpPerspective(left, transformation_left, (480, 720)) result_right = cv2.warpPerspective(right, transformation_right, (480, 720)) result_lower = cv2.warpPerspective(frame44, transformation_lower, (720, 480)) #cv2.imshow('Frame1', frame1) #cv2.imshow('Frame11', frame11) #cv2.imshow('Frame2', frame2) #cv2.imshow('Frame22', frame22) #cv2.imshow('Frame3', frame3) #cv2.imshow('Frame33', frame33) #cv2.imshow('Frame4', frame4) #cv2.imshow('Frame44', frame44) #left = rotate_bound(result_left, 270) #right = rotate_bound(result_right, 90) result_lower = cv2.flip(result_lower, 0) #cv2.imshow('left', left) #cv2.imshow('right',right) #vis_center = np.concatenate((result,void,frame44),axis=0) #vis_right = np.concatenate((void_side,right,void_side),axis=0) #vis_left = np.concatenate((void_side,left,void_side),axis=0) #vis = np.concatenate((vis_left,vis_center,vis_right),axis=1) vis[move_upper + move_together:result_upper.shape[0] + move_upper + move_together, h - (result_upper.shape[1] - 720) / 2:result_upper.shape[1] + h - (result_upper.shape[1] - 720) / 2, :] = result_upper vis[h:result_left.shape[0] + h, move_left + move_together:result_left.shape[1] + move_left + move_together:] += result_left vis[h:result_right.shape[0] + h, h + w - move_right - move_together:result_right.shape[1] - move_right - move_together + w + h, :] += result_right vis[h + w - move_lower - move_together:result_lower.shape[0] - move_lower - move_together + w + h, h:result_lower.shape[1] + h, :] += result_lower height, width = vis.shape[:2] res = cv2.resize(vis, (width * 4 / 7, height * 4 / 7), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) #cv2.imshow('combined', vis_center) #cv2.imshow('combined_left', vis_left) #cv2.imshow('combined_right', vis_right) cv2.imshow('vis', res) vis = np.zeros(((w + h * 2), (w + h * 2), 3), np.uint8) if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27: cv2.destroyAllWindows() break cap1.stop() cap2.stop() cap3.stop() cap4.stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(yolo): # Definition of the parameters with open("cfg/detection_tracker_cfg.json") as detection_config: detect_config = json.load(detection_config) with open("cfg/doors_info.json") as doors_config: doors_config = json.load(doors_config) with open("cfg/around_doors_info.json") as around_doors_config: around_doors_config = json.load(around_doors_config) model_filename = detect_config["tracking_model"] input_folder, output_folder = detect_config["input_folder"], detect_config[ "output_folder"] meta_folder = detect_config["meta_folder"] output_format = detect_config["output_format"] # Deep SORT max_cosine_distance = 0.3 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 1.0 encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) show_detections = True asyncVideo_flag = False check_gpu() # from here should start loop to process videos from folder # for video_name in os.listdir(input_folder): HOST = "localhost" PORT = 8075 with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: sock.bind((HOST, PORT)) sock.listen() conn, addr = sock.accept() with conn: print('Connected by', addr) # loop over all videos while True: data = conn.recv(1000) video_motion_list = data.decode("utf-8").split(';') videos_que = deque() for video_motion in video_motion_list: videos_que.append(video_motion) video_name = videos_que.popleft() if not video_name.endswith(output_format): continue print('elements in que', len(videos_que)) print("opening video: {}".format(video_name)) full_video_path = join(input_folder, video_name) # full_video_path = "rtsp://*****:*****@" meta_name = meta_folder + video_name[:-4] + ".json" with open(meta_name) as meta_config_json: meta_config = json.load(meta_config_json) camera_id = meta_config["camera_id"] if not os.path.exists(output_folder + str(camera_id)): os.mkdir(output_folder + str(camera_id)) output_name = output_folder + camera_id + '/out_' + video_name counter = Counter(counter_in=0, counter_out=0, track_id=0) tracker = Tracker(metric) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(full_video_path) video_capture.start() w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(full_video_path) w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_name, fourcc, 25, (w, h)) door_array = doors_config["{}".format(camera_id)] around_door_array = tuple( around_doors_config["{}".format(camera_id)]) rect_door = Rectangle(door_array[0], door_array[1], door_array[2], door_array[3]) border_door = door_array[3] # loop over video save_video_flag = False while True: fps_imutils = ret, frame = if not ret: with open('videos_saved/log_results.txt', 'a') as log: log.write( 'processed (ret). Time: {}, camera id: {}\n'. format(video_name, camera_id)) break t1 = time.time() # lost_ids = counter.return_lost_ids() image = Image.fromarray(frame[..., ::-1]) # bgr to rgb # image = image.crop(around_door_array) boxes, confidence, classes = yolo.detect_image(image) features = encoder(frame, boxes) detections = [ Detection(bbox, confidence, cls, feature) for bbox, confidence, cls, feature in zip( boxes, confidence, classes, features) ] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) classes = np.array([d.cls for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression( boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(door_array[0]), int(door_array[1])), (int(door_array[2]), int(door_array[3])), (23, 158, 21), 3) if len(detections) != 0: counter.someone_inframe() for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() if show_detections and len(classes) > 0: score = "%.2f" % (det.confidence * 100) + "%" cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 0, 0), 3) else: if counter.need_to_clear(): counter.clear_all() # identities = [track.track_id for track in tracker.tracks] # counter.update_identities(identities) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed( ) or track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() if track.track_id not in counter.people_init or counter.people_init[ track.track_id] == 0: # counter.obj_initialized(track.track_id) ratio_init = find_ratio_ofbboxes( bbox=bbox, rect_compare=rect_door) if ratio_init > 0: if ratio_init >= 0.5: # and bbox[3] < door_array[3]: counter.people_init[ track.track_id] = 2 # man in the door elif ratio_init < 0.5: # and bbox[3] > door_array[3]: # initialized in the outside counter.people_init[track.track_id] = 1 else: counter.people_init[track.track_id] = 1 counter.people_bbox[track.track_id] = bbox counter.cur_bbox[track.track_id] = bbox adc = "%.2f" % (track.adc * 100 ) + "%" # Average detection confidence cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]) + 50), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 3) if not show_detections: track_cls = track.cls cv2.putText(frame, str(track_cls), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 3) cv2.putText(frame, 'ADC: ' + adc, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3] + 2e-2 * frame.shape[1])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 3) # if track.time_since_update >= 15: # id_get_lost.append(track.track_id) id_get_lost = [ track.track_id for track in tracker.tracks if track.time_since_update >= 15 ] for val in counter.people_init.keys(): ratio = 0 cur_c = find_centroid(counter.cur_bbox[val]) init_c = find_centroid(counter.people_bbox[val]) if val in id_get_lost and counter.people_init[ val] != -1: ratio = find_ratio_ofbboxes( bbox=counter.cur_bbox[val], rect_compare=rect_door) if counter.people_init[val] == 2 \ and ratio < 0.6: # and counter.people_bbox[val][3] > border_door \ counter.get_out() save_video_flag = True print(counter.people_init[val], ratio) elif counter.people_init[val] == 1 \ and ratio >= 0.6: counter.get_in() save_video_flag = True print(counter.people_init[val], ratio) counter.people_init[val] = -1 ins, outs = counter.return_counter() cv2.rectangle(frame, (frame.shape[1] - 150, 0), (frame.shape[1], 50), (0, 0, 0), -1, 8) cv2.putText(frame, "in: {}, out: {} ".format(ins, outs), (frame.shape[1] - 140, 20), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (255, 255, 255), 3) out.write(frame) fps_imutils.update() if not asyncVideo_flag: pass # fps = (1. / (time.time() - t1)) # print("FPS = %f" % fps) # if len(fpeses) < 15: # fpeses.append(round(fps, 2)) # # elif len(fpeses) == 15: # # fps = round(np.median(np.array(fpeses))) # median_fps = float(np.median(np.array(fpeses))) # fps = round(median_fps, 1) # print('max fps: ', fps) # # fps = 20 # counter.fps = fps # fpeses.append(fps) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() del video_capture else: video_capture.release() if save_video_flag: with open('videos_saved/log_results.txt', 'a') as log: log.write( 'detected!!! time: {}, camera id: {}, detected move in: {}, out: {}\n' .format(video_name, camera_id, ins, outs)) log.write('video written {}\n\n'.format(output_name)) out.release() else: if out.isOpened(): out.release() if os.path.isfile(output_name): os.remove(output_name) if os.path.isfile(full_video_path): os.remove(full_video_path) if os.path.isfile(meta_name): os.remove(meta_name) save_video_flag = False cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): PATH_TO_CKPT_PERSON = 'models/faster_rcnn_restnet50.pb' # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.3 nn_budget = 200 nms_max_overlap = 1.0 yolo = YOLO() reid = PERSON_REID() frozen_person = FROZEN_GRAPH_INFERENCE(PATH_TO_CKPT_PERSON) # # Deep SORT # model_filename = 'model_data/mars-small128.pb' # encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric) # file_path = 0 if VIDEO_CAPTURE == 0 and asyncVideo_flag == True: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path) elif VIDEO_CAPTURE == 1 and asyncVideo_flag == True: video_capture = myVideoCapture(file_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path) im_width = int(video_capture.get(3)) im_height = int(video_capture.get(4)) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_filename, fourcc, 30, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = boxs = list() confidence = list() persons = list() frame_count = 0 track_count = 0 num_files = 0 while True: t1 = time.time() ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 frame_org = frame.copy() if ret != True: break frame_count += 1 # print('Frame count: {}'.format(frame_count)) # Person detection using Frozen Graph persons = frozen_person.run_frozen_graph(frame, im_width, im_height) boxs = [[ person['left'], person['top'], person['width'], person['height'] ] for person in persons] confidence = [person['confidence'] for person in persons] cropped_persons = list(person['cropped'] for person in persons) # # Person detection using YOLO - Keras-converted model # image = Image.fromarray(frame[...,::-1]) # bgr to rgb # boxs = yolo.detect_image(image)[0] # confidence = yolo.detect_image(image)[1] # cropped_persons = [np.array(frame[box[1]:box[1]+box[3], box[0]:box[0]+box[2]]) for box in boxs] #[x,y,w,h] # features = encoder(frame, boxs) if len(cropped_persons) > 0: features = reid.extract_feature_imgTensor(cropped_persons) # print(features.shape) detections = [ Detection(bbox, confidence, feature) for bbox, confidence, feature in zip( boxs, confidence, features) ] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression( boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, 5e-3 * 200, (0, 255, 0), 2) directory = os.path.join('output', str(track.track_id)) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) # file_count = len([name for name in os.listdir(directory+'/') if os.path.isfile(name)]) file_count = sum( [len(files) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory)]) # print(file_count) if file_count == 0: cv2.imwrite( directory + '/' + str(file_count + 1) + '.jpg', frame_org[int(bbox[1]):int(bbox[3]), int(bbox[0]):int(bbox[2])]) elif file_count > 0 and track_count % 10 == 0: cv2.imwrite( directory + '/' + str(file_count + 1) + '.jpg', frame_org[int(bbox[1]):int(bbox[3]), int(bbox[0]):int(bbox[2])]) track_count += 1 for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() score = "%.2f" % round(det.confidence * 100, 2) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.putText(frame, score + '%', (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 5e-3 * 130, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('YOLO DeepSort', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # and not asyncVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 fps_imutils.update() fps = (fps + (1. / (time.time() - t1))) / 2 # print("FPS = %f"%(fps)) # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps_imutils.stop() # print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(yolo): # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.3 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 1.0 # Deep SORT model_filename = 'model_data/mars-small128.pb' encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) # Calculate cosine Distance Metric metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric) # Flags for process tracking = True # Set False if you only want to do detection writeVideo_flag = True # Set False if you don't want to write frames locally asyncVideo_flag = False # It uses asynchronous processing for better FPS :Warning: Shuttering Problem # Video File Path file_path = '/mydrive/test.mp4' # Check if asyncVideo flag set to True if asyncVideo_flag : video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') output_file = os.path.basename(file_path)[:-4] out = cv2.VideoWriter('./Output/' + output_file + "-prueba-test.avi", fourcc, 30, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = while True: ret, frame = # Capture frames if ret != True: break t1 = time.time() # bgr to rgb frame conversion image = Image.fromarray(frame[...,::-1]) # YOLOv4 Detection boxes, confidence, classes = yolo.detect_image(image) if tracking: # Encodes the frame and boxes for DeepSORT features = encoder(frame, boxes) # DeepSORT Detection detections = [Detection(bbox, confidence, cls, feature) for bbox, confidence, cls, feature in zip(boxes, confidence, classes, features)] else: # Only YOLOv4 Detection detections = [Detection_YOLO(bbox, confidence, cls) for bbox, confidence, cls in zip(boxes, confidence, classes)] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression(boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] if tracking: # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() # Draw white bbox for DeepSORT cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1.5,(0, 255, 0), 1) for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() score = "%.2f" % round(det.confidence * 100, 2) # Check the class for colored bbox if len(classes) > 0: cls = det.cls center_bbox = (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[2])) if str(cls) == 'person': # Draw Blue bbox for YOLOv4 person detection cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (219, 152, 52), 2) elif str(cls) == 'backpack' or 'handbag' or 'suitcase': # Draw Orange bbox for YOLOv4 handbag, backpack and suitcase detection cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (65, 176, 245), 2) if not asyncVideo_flag: fps = (fps + (1./(time.time()-t1))) / 2 print("FPS = %f"%(fps)) cv2.putText(frame, "GPU: NVIDIA Tesla P100", (5, 70), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.putText(frame, "FPS: %.2f" % fps, (5, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 1) # draw the timestamp on the frame timestamp = ts = timestamp.strftime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S") cv2.putText(frame, ts, (5, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 1) #cv2.imshow('', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # and not asyncVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 fps_imutils.update() # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps_imutils.stop() print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release()
# hyper-parameters for bounding boxes shape # loading models face_detection = cv2.CascadeClassifier(detection_model_path) emotion_classifier = load_model(emotion_model_path, compile=False) EMOTIONS = [ "angry", "disgust", "scared", "happy", "sad", "surprised", "neutral" ] #feelings_faces = [] #for index, emotion in enumerate(EMOTIONS): # feelings_faces.append(cv2.imread('emojis/' + emotion + '.png', -1)) # starting video streaming cv2.namedWindow('your_face') camera = VideoCaptureAsync() camera.start() #camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: frame =[1] frame =[1] frame =[1] #reading the frame #frame = imutils.resize(frame,width=300) frame = cv2.resize(frame, (300, 250)) ## #r = 300.0 / float(frame.shape[1]) #dim = (300, int(frame.shape[1] * frame.shape[0])) # resize the image frame = cv2.resize(frame, dim)
def main(yolo): # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.3 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 1.0 # Deep SORT model_filename = 'model_data/mars-small128.pb' encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric) tracking = True writeVideo_flag = True asyncVideo_flag = False file_path = 'video.webm' if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter('output_yolov4.avi', fourcc, 30, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = model_par, valid_transform = model_init_par() while True: ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 if ret != True: break t1 = time.time() image = Image.fromarray(frame[..., ::-1]) # bgr to rgb boxes, confidence, classes = yolo.detect_image(image) if tracking: features = encoder(frame, boxes) detections = [ Detection(bbox, confidence, cls, feature) for bbox, confidence, cls, feature in zip( boxes, confidence, classes, features) ] else: detections = [ Detection_YOLO(bbox, confidence, cls) for bbox, confidence, cls in zip(boxes, confidence, classes) ] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression(boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() score = "%.2f" % round(det.confidence * 100, 2) + "%" cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 0, 0), 2) if len(classes) > 0: cls = det.cls cv2.putText(frame, str(cls) + " " + score, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) if tracking: # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() #crop_img = frame[int(bbox[1]):int(bbox[3]),int(bbox[0]):int(bbox[2])] crop_img = image.crop( [int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]), int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])]) #res_txt = demo_par(model_par, valid_transform, crop_img) #draw.rectangle(xy=person_bbox[:-1], outline='red', width=1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) font = ImageFont.truetype( '/home/sohaibrabbani/PycharmProjects/Strong_Baseline_of_Pedestrian_Attribute_Recognition/arial.ttf', size=10) # positive_cnt = 1 # for txt in res_txt: # if 'personal' in txt: # #draw.text((x1, y1 + 20 * positive_cnt), txt, (255, 0, 0), font=font) # cv2.putText(frame, txt, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]) + 20 * positive_cnt), 0, # 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) # positive_cnt += 1 cv2.imshow('', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # and not asyncVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 fps_imutils.update() if not asyncVideo_flag: fps = (fps + (1. / (time.time() - t1))) / 2 print("FPS = %f" % (fps)) # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps_imutils.stop() print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(yolo): # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.2 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 1.0 output_format = 'mp4' # Deep SORT model_filename = 'model_data/mars-small128.pb' encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric) show_detections = True writeVideo_flag = True asyncVideo_flag = False fpeses = [] check_gpu() video_name = 'test1.mp4' print("opening video: {}".format(video_name)) file_path = join('data_files/videos', video_name) output_name = 'save_data/out_' + video_name[0:-3] + output_format counter = Counter(counter_in=0, counter_out=0, track_id=0) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) if writeVideo_flag: fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_name, fourcc, 15, (w, h)) left_array = [0, 0, w / 2, h] fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = rect_left = Rectangle(left_array[0], left_array[1], left_array[2], left_array[3]) border_door = left_array[3] while True: ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 if not ret: with open('log_results.txt', 'a') as log: log.write('1') break t1 = time.time() image = Image.fromarray(frame[..., ::-1]) # bgr to rgb boxes, confidence, classes = yolo.detect_image(image) features = encoder(frame, boxes) detections = [ Detection(bbox, confidence, cls, feature) for bbox, confidence, cls, feature in zip( boxes, confidence, classes, features) ] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) classes = np.array([d.cls for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression(boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(left_array[0]), int(left_array[1])), (int(left_array[2]), int(left_array[3])), (23, 158, 21), 3) if len(detections) != 0: counter.someone_inframe() for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() if show_detections and len(classes) > 0: score = "%.2f" % (det.confidence * 100) + "%" cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 0, 0), 3) else: if counter.need_to_clear(): counter.clear_all() for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() if track.track_id not in counter.people_init or counter.people_init[ track.track_id] == 0: counter.obj_initialized(track.track_id) ratio_init = find_ratio_ofbboxes(bbox=bbox, rect_compare=rect_left) if ratio_init > 0: if ratio_init >= 0.8 and bbox[3] < left_array[3]: counter.people_init[ track.track_id] = 2 # man in left side elif ratio_init < 0.8 and bbox[3] > left_array[ 3]: # initialized in the bus, mb going out counter.people_init[track.track_id] = 1 else: counter.people_init[track.track_id] = 1 counter.people_bbox[track.track_id] = bbox counter.cur_bbox[track.track_id] = bbox adc = "%.2f" % (track.adc * 100) + "%" # Average detection confidence cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]) + 50), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 5) if not show_detections: track_cls = track.cls cv2.putText(frame, str(track_cls), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.putText( frame, 'ADC: ' + adc, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3] + 2e-2 * frame.shape[1])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) id_get_lost = [ track.track_id for track in tracker.tracks if track.time_since_update >= 5 ] # TODO clear people_init and other dicts for val in counter.people_init.keys(): ratio = 0 cur_c = find_centroid(counter.cur_bbox[val]) init_c = find_centroid(counter.people_bbox[val]) vector_person = (cur_c[0] - init_c[0], cur_c[1] - init_c[1]) if val in id_get_lost and counter.people_init[val] != -1: ratio = find_ratio_ofbboxes(bbox=counter.cur_bbox[val], rect_compare=rect_left) if vector_person[0] > 200 and counter.people_init[val] == 2 \ and ratio < 0.7: # and counter.people_bbox[val][3] > border_door \ counter.get_out() print(vector_person[0], counter.people_init[val], ratio) elif vector_person[0] < -100 and counter.people_init[val] == 1 \ and ratio >= 0.7: counter.get_in() print(vector_person[0], counter.people_init[val], ratio) counter.people_init[val] = -1 del val ins, outs = counter.show_counter() cv2.rectangle(frame, (700, 0), (950, 50), (0, 0, 0), -1, 8) cv2.putText(frame, "in: {}, out: {} ".format(ins, outs), (710, 35), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (255, 255, 255), 3) cv2.namedWindow('video', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # cv2.resizeWindow('video', 1422, 800) cv2.imshow('video', frame) if writeVideo_flag: out.write(frame) fps_imutils.update() if not asyncVideo_flag: fps = (fps + (1. / (time.time() - t1))) / 2 print("FPS = %f" % fps) if len(fpeses) < 15: fpeses.append(round(fps, 2)) elif len(fpeses) == 15: # fps = round(np.median(np.array(fpeses))) median_fps = float(np.median(np.array(fpeses))) fps = round(median_fps, 1) print('max fps: ', fps) fps = 20 counter.fps = fps fpeses.append(fps) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def run(self): asyncVideo_flag = self.args.asyncVideo_flag writeVideo_flag = self.args.writeVideo_flag if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(self.video_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(self.video_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter('output_yolov4.avi', fourcc, 30, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = count_frame = 0 while True: count_frame += 1 t1 = time.time() ret, frame = if ret != True: break _frame = frame # process frame = self.process(frame, _frame, count_frame) # visualize if self.args.visualize: frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=1000) cv2.imshow("Final result", frame) if writeVideo_flag: # and not asyncVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 fps_imutils.update() if not asyncVideo_flag: fps = (fps + (1. / (time.time() - t1))) / 2 print("FPS = %f" % (fps)) # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps_imutils.stop() print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(yolo): # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.2 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 1.0 output_format = 'mp4' video_name = 'bus4_2in_4out.mp4' file_path = join('data_files/videos', video_name) output_name = 'save_data/out_' + video_name[0:-3] + output_format initialize_door_by_yourself = False door_array = None # Deep SORT model_filename = 'model_data/mars-small128.pb' encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric) show_detections = True writeVideo_flag = True asyncVideo_flag = False counter = Counter(counter_in=0, counter_out=0, track_id=0) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_name, fourcc, 15, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = ret, first_frame = if door_array is None: if initialize_door_by_yourself: door_array = select_object(first_frame)[0] print(door_array) else: all_doors = read_door_info('data_files/doors_info.csv') door_array = all_doors[video_name] border_door = door_array[3] error_values = [] truth = get_truth(video_name) while True: ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 if not ret: total_count = counter.return_total_count() true_total = truth.inside + truth.outside err = abs(total_count - true_total) / true_total log_res = "in video: {}\n predicted / true\n counter in: {} / {}\n counter out: {} / {}\n" \ " total: {} / {}\n error: {}\n______________\n".format(video_name, counter.counter_in, truth.inside, counter.counter_out, truth.outside, total_count, true_total, err) with open('log_results.txt', 'w') as file: file.write(log_res) print(log_res) error_values.append(err) break t1 = time.time() image = Image.fromarray(frame[..., ::-1]) # bgr to rgb boxes, confidence, classes = yolo.detect_image(image) features = encoder(frame, boxes) detections = [ Detection(bbox, confidence, cls, feature) for bbox, confidence, cls, feature in zip( boxes, confidence, classes, features) ] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) classes = np.array([d.cls for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression(boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(door_array[0]), int(door_array[1])), (int(door_array[2]), int(door_array[3])), (23, 158, 21), 2) for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() if show_detections and len(classes) > 0: score = "%.2f" % (det.confidence * 100) + "%" rect_head = Rectangle(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]) rect_door = Rectangle(int(door_array[0]), int(door_array[1]), int(door_array[2]), int(door_array[3])) intersection = rect_head & rect_door if intersection: squares_coeff = rect_square(*intersection) / rect_square( *rect_head) cv2.putText( frame, score + " inter: " + str(round(squares_coeff, 3)), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 100, 255), 5) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 0, 0), 3) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() # first appearence of object with if track.track_id not in counter.people_init or counter.people_init[ track.track_id] == 0: counter.obj_initialized(track.track_id) rect_head = Rectangle(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]) rect_door = Rectangle(door_array[0], door_array[1], door_array[2], door_array[3]) res = rect_head & rect_door if res: inter_square = rect_square(*res) head_square = rect_square(*rect_head) # was initialized in door, probably going in if (inter_square / head_square) >= 0.8: counter.people_init[track.track_id] = 2 # initialized in the bus, mb going out elif (inter_square / head_square) <= 0.4 or bbox[3] > border_door: counter.people_init[track.track_id] = 1 # res is None, means that object is not in door contour else: counter.people_init[track.track_id] = 1 counter.people_bbox[track.track_id] = bbox counter.cur_bbox[track.track_id] = bbox adc = "%.2f" % (track.adc * 100) + "%" # Average detection confidence cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 5) if not show_detections: track_cls = track.cls cv2.putText(frame, str(track_cls), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.putText( frame, 'ADC: ' + adc, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3] + 2e-2 * frame.shape[1])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) id_get_lost = [ track.track_id for track in tracker.tracks if track.time_since_update >= 25 and track.age >= 29 ] id_inside_tracked = [ track.track_id for track in tracker.tracks if track.age > 60 ] for val in counter.people_init.keys(): # check bbox also cur_c = find_centroid(counter.cur_bbox[val]) init_c = find_centroid(counter.people_bbox[val]) vector_person = (cur_c[0] - init_c[0], cur_c[1] - init_c[1]) if val in id_get_lost and counter.people_init[val] != -1: # if vector_person < 0 then current coord is less than initialized, it means that man is going # in the exit direction if vector_person[1] > 70 and counter.people_init[ val] == 2: # and counter.people_bbox[val][3] > border_door \ counter.get_in() elif vector_person[1] < -70 and counter.people_init[val] == 1: counter.get_out() counter.people_init[val] = -1 print(f"person left frame") print(f"current centroid - init : {cur_c} - {init_c}\n") print(f"vector: {vector_person}\n") del val # elif val in id_inside_tracked and val not in id_get_lost and counter.people_init[val] == 1 \ # and bb_intersection_over_union(counter.cur_bbox[val], door_array) <= 0.3 \ # and vector_person[1] > 0: # and \ # # counter.people_bbox[val][3] > border_door: # counter.get_in() # # counter.people_init[val] = -1 # print(f"person is tracked for a long time") # print(f"current centroid - init : {cur_c} - {init_c}\n") # print(f"vector: {vector_person}\n") # imaggg = cv2.line(frame, find_centroid(counter.cur_bbox[val]), # find_centroid(counter.people_bbox[val]), # (0, 0, 255), 7) # cv2.imshow('frame', imaggg) # cv2.waitKey(0) ins, outs = counter.show_counter() cv2.putText(frame, "in: {}, out: {} ".format(ins, outs), (10, 30), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (255, 0, 0), 5) cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow('image', 1400, 800) cv2.imshow('image', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 fps_imutils.update() if not asyncVideo_flag: fps = (fps + (1. / (time.time() - t1))) / 2 # print("FPS = %f" % (fps)) # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps_imutils.stop() print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() mean_error = np.mean(error_values) print("mean error for {} video: {}".format(video_name, mean_error))
def main(yolo): # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.25 max_cross_cosine_distance = 0.5 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 0.5 frame_rate = 12 file_path = 'reid-wide2' file_path2 = 'reid-long2' show_detections = False writeVideo_flag = False asyncVideo_flag = False beta_calulate_flag = False predict_ns_flag = False predict_time = 0.5 multi_camera_flag = True # Deep SORT model_filename = 'model_data/mars-small128.pb' encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric, frame_rate=frame_rate) if multi_camera_flag: metric2 = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric( "cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker2 = Tracker(metric2, frame_rate=frame_rate) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path + ".mp4") else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path + ".mp4") if multi_camera_flag: video_capture2 = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path2 + ".mp4") if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) if writeVideo_flag: fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter(file_path2 + "-output.avi", fourcc, frame_rate, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 if multi_camera_flag: out2 = cv2.VideoWriter(file_path + "-output2.avi", fourcc, frame_rate, (w, h)) fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = alpha = np.arctan((326 + (369 - 326) * (250 - 110) / (300 - 110) - w / 2) / w * 6.4 / 3.6) * 180 / np.pi beta = 0 beta_last = 0 x_temp = 0 track_angle = np.array([]) x_axis = np.array([]) x_predict = np.array([]) x_current = np.array([]) x_kalman = np.array([]) matches_id = [] alert_mode_flag = False while True: ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 if ret != True: break t1 = time.time() image = Image.fromarray(frame[..., ::-1]) # bgr to rgb boxes, confidence, classes = yolo.detect_image(image) features = encoder(frame, boxes) detections = [ Detection(bbox, confidence, cls, feature) for bbox, confidence, cls, feature in zip( boxes, confidence, classes, features) ] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) classes = np.array([d.cls for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression(boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) if predict_ns_flag: tracker.predict_ns(predict_time) if alert_mode_flag: if len(tracker.tracks) > p: ret = tracker.tracks[track1_idx].is_confirmed() if not ret: alert_mode_flag = False else: alert_mode_flag = False if not alert_mode_flag: for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() if show_detections and len(classes) > 0: det_cls = det.cls score = "%.2f" % (det.confidence * 100) + "%" cv2.putText(frame, str(det_cls) + " " + score, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 0, 0), 2) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 5: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) if predict_ns_flag: if track.x_predict > 0 and track.x_predict < w:, (track.x_predict, int(h / 2)), 15, (0, 0, 255), -1) x_temp += 1 / frame_rate x_axis = np.append(x_axis, x_temp) x_predict = np.append(x_predict, track.x_predict) x_current = np.append(x_current, track.x_current) x_kalman = np.append(x_kalman, track.mean[0]) if beta_calulate_flag: beta = np.arctan( (track.mean[0] - w / 2) / w * 6.4 / 16) * 180 / np.pi else: bbox = tracker.tracks[track1_idx].to_tlbr() cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) # if not show_detections: # track_cls = track.cls # adc = "%.2f" % (track.adc * 100) + "%" # Average detection confidence # cv2.putText(frame, str(track_cls), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), # 1) # cv2.putText(frame, 'ADC: ' + adc, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3] + 2e-2 * frame.shape[1])), 0, # 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) if beta_calulate_flag: if np.isclose(beta, beta_last) and abs(beta) > 7: beta = np.sign(beta) * np.arctan(3.2 / 16) * 180 / np.pi cv2.putText(frame, "Beta_angle: " + '{:4.2f}'.format(beta), (20, 20), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 0, 255), 1) beta_last = beta x_temp += 1 / frame_rate x_axis = np.append(x_axis, x_temp) track_angle = np.append(track_angle, alpha + beta) cv2.imshow('camera1', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 if multi_camera_flag: ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 if ret != True: break image = Image.fromarray(frame[..., ::-1]) # bgr to rgb boxes, confidence, classes = yolo.detect_image(image) features = encoder(frame, boxes) detections = [ Detection(bbox, confidence, cls, feature) for bbox, confidence, cls, feature in zip( boxes, confidence, classes, features) ] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) classes = np.array([d.cls for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression( boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] # Call the tracker tracker2.predict() tracker2.update(detections) matches, unmatched_tracks_1, unmatched_tracks_2 = cross_tracker_match( tracker, tracker2, max_cross_cosine_distance) matches_id.clear() for track_1_idx, track_2_idx in matches: matches_id.append((tracker.tracks[track_1_idx].track_id, tracker2.tracks[track_2_idx].track_id)) print("Matches:", matches_id) if alert_mode_flag: if len(tracker2.tracks) > track2_idx: ret = tracker2.tracks[track2_idx].is_confirmed() if not ret: alert_mode_flag = False else: alert_mode_flag = False if not alert_mode_flag: for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() if show_detections and len(classes) > 0: det_cls = det.cls score = "%.2f" % (det.confidence * 100) + "%" cv2.putText(frame, str(det_cls) + " " + score, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 0, 0), 2) for track in tracker2.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 5: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('t'): roi = cv2.selectROI("Select Target", frame) Roi = [Detection(roi, 0, None, 0)] ret, track2_idx = ROI_target_match(tracker2, Roi) cv2.destroyWindow("Select Target") if ret: t_list = [i for (i, j) in matches if j == track2_idx] if t_list != []: track1_idx = t_list[0] alert_mode_flag = True else: bbox = tracker2.tracks[track2_idx].to_tlbr() cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.imshow('camera2', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # save a frame out2.write(frame) # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # if not asyncVideo_flag: # fps = (fps + (1. / (time.time() - t1))) / 2 # print("FPS = %.2f" % (fps)) fps_imutils.update() fps_imutils.stop() print('imutils FPS: {:.2f}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() if multi_camera_flag: out2.release() if predict_ns_flag:"x_axis.npy", x_axis)"x_predict.npy", x_predict)"x_current.npy", x_current)"x_kalman.npy", x_kalman) plt.plot(x_axis, x_current, label='X_Measured') plt.plot(x_axis, x_kalman, label='X_Filtered') plt.plot(x_axis, x_predict, label='X_Predicted') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Pixel') plt.title('Motion Prediction') if beta_calulate_flag:"x_axis.npy", x_axis)"track_angle.npy", track_angle) plt.plot(x_axis, track_angle) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Angle (deg)') plt.title('Target Angle') cv2.destroyAllWindows()
img = np.tile(img[..., None], [1, 1, 3]) img = resize(img, (256, 256))[..., :3] avatars.append(img) log('load checkpoints..') generator, kp_detector = load_checkpoints(config_path=opt.config, checkpoint_path=opt.checkpoint, device=device) fa = face_alignment.FaceAlignment(face_alignment.LandmarksType._2D, flip_input=True, device=device) cap = VideoCaptureAsync( cap.start() if _streaming: ret, frame = stream = pyfakewebcam.FakeWebcam(f'/dev/video{opt.virt_cam}', frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0]) cur_ava = 0 avatar = None change_avatar(fa, avatars[cur_ava]) passthrough = False cv2.namedWindow('cam', cv2.WINDOW_GUI_NORMAL) cv2.namedWindow('avatarify', cv2.WINDOW_GUI_NORMAL) cv2.moveWindow('cam', 0, 0) cv2.moveWindow('avatarify', 600, 0)
import pyautogui import pyttsx3 from gui import Interface if __name__ == '__main__': eyeTrack = EyeTrack() int2Text = ['zero', 'um', 'dois', 'tres', 'quatro', 'cinco'] contadorOlhosFechados = 0 gui = Interface() gui.speech_assistant( 'Olá estou aqui para ajudar você a expressar algumas necessidades. Por favor, olhe em direção ao cartão que expressa a sua necessidade' ) video = VideoCaptureAsync(0) video.start()'tab') while True: (grabed, frame) = if not grabed: break coords, frame = eyeTrack.getCoordenada(frame, debug=False) if coords: direcao = eyeTrack.getEyeDirection(coords) if direcao == Direction.DIREITA: gui.speech_assistant('direita')
class ListScreen(Screen): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ListScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) # run clock Clock.schedule_interval(self.init_gui, 0.2) Clock.schedule_interval(self.show_status, 0.03) def init_gui(self, dt): self.new_file() Clock.unschedule(self.init_gui) Clock.schedule_interval(self.cam_update, 0.03) def cam_capture_video( self, frame, path, scalex, scaley, footprint, designator, angle, polarity, bodyShape, bodySize, maskShape, maskSize, ): frame2 = frame.copy() rotated = imutils.rotate(frame, int(angle)) # create a mask image of the same shape as input image, filled with 0s (black color) mask = np.zeros_like(rotated) if maskShape == "Rectangular": # create a white filled ellipse center = (rotated.shape[1] * 0.5, rotated.shape[0] * 0.5) bottomleft = ( int(center[0] - maskSize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(center[1] - maskSize[1] * scaley * 0.5), ) topright = ( int(center[0] + maskSize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(center[1] + maskSize[1] * scaley * 0.5), ) maskMask = cv2.rectangle(mask, bottomleft, topright, (255, 255, 255), -1) cropped = rotated[bottomleft[1]:topright[1], topright[0]:bottomleft[0]] elif maskShape == "Circular": # create a white filled ellipse center = (int(rotated.shape[1] * 0.5), int(rotated.shape[0] * 0.5)) axis = (int(maskSize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(maskSize[1] * scaley * 0.5)) maskMask = cv2.ellipse(mask, center, axis, 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), -1) cropped = rotated[center[1] - axis[1]:center[1] + axis[1], center[0] - axis[0]:center[0] + axis[0], ] # Bitwise AND operation to black out regions outside the mask resultMask = np.bitwise_and(rotated, maskMask) # create a mask image of the same shape as input image, filled with 0s (black color) mask = np.zeros_like(rotated) if bodyShape == "Rectangular": # create a white filled ellipse center = (rotated.shape[1] * 0.5, rotated.shape[0] * 0.5) bottomleft = ( int(center[0] - bodySize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(center[1] - bodySize[1] * scaley * 0.5), ) topright = ( int(center[0] + bodySize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(center[1] + bodySize[1] * scaley * 0.5), ) maskBody = cv2.rectangle(mask, bottomleft, topright, (255, 255, 255), -1) elif bodyShape == "Circular": # create a white filled ellipse center = (int(rotated.shape[1] * 0.5), int(rotated.shape[0] * 0.5)) axis = (int(bodySize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(bodySize[1] * scaley * 0.5)) maskBody = cv2.ellipse(mask, center, axis, 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), -1) # Bitwise AND operation to black out regions outside the mask maskSolder = np.bitwise_and(maskMask, np.invert(maskBody)) resultBody = np.bitwise_and(rotated, maskBody) resultSolder = np.bitwise_and(rotated, maskSolder) station = self.project_data["Setup"]["Station"] timestamp = time.time() filename = inspection.create_part_identifier( station, timestamp, self.capture_video_panel, designator, footprint, angle, polarity, bodyShape, bodySize, maskShape, maskSize, ) joined = os.path.join(path, filename) print("Capturing", joined + "*.png") if self.capture_video_calibration: if len(self.project_data["Marker"]) == 0: print("No marker teached") else: template_rgb = imageprocessing.convert_image_from_base64( self.project_data["Marker"]) template_rgb, template_gray = brightness_correction.BrightnessAndContrastAuto( template_rgb, 2.0) calibrate_rgb, calibrate_gray = brightness_correction.BrightnessAndContrastAuto( rotated, 2.0) center = [rotated.shape[1] * 0.5, rotated.shape[0] * 0.5] pixscale = [ self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationScaleX"], self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationScaleY"], ] # find the marker markers, templatelocm, keypointsm = findmarker.find_marker( calibrate_gray, pixscale, bodyShape, bodySize, maskShape, maskSize, template_gray, self.project_data["Setup"]["MarkerThreshold"], center, debug=False, ) if len(markers) >= 1: self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationScaleX"] = ( np.sqrt( np.square(markers[0]["RefX"] - center[0]) + np.square(markers[0]["RefY"] - center[1])) / self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationOffset"]) self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationScaleY"] = ( np.sqrt( np.square(markers[0]["RefX"] - center[0]) + np.square(markers[0]["RefY"] - center[1])) / self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationOffset"]) else: print("marker not detected") cv2.imwrite(joined + "RotatedMask.jpg", resultMask, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 90]) cv2.imwrite(joined + "RotatedBody.jpg", resultBody, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 90]) cv2.imwrite(joined + "RotatedSolder.jpg", resultSolder, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 90]) cv2.imwrite(joined + "MaskMask.png", maskMask, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 9]) cv2.imwrite(joined + "MaskBody.png", maskBody, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 9]) cv2.imwrite(joined + "MaskSolder.png", maskSolder, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 9]) cv2.imwrite(joined + "Raw.jpg", frame2, [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 90]) if self.capture_video_marker: self.project_data[ "Marker"] = imageprocessing.convert_image_to_base64(cropped) def cam_draw_crosshair(self, frame): center = (int(frame.shape[1] * 0.5), int(frame.shape[0] * 0.5)) left = (center[0] - 100, center[1]) right = (center[0] + 100, center[1]) top = (center[0], center[1] - 100) bottom = (center[0], center[1] + 100) cv2.line(frame, left, right, (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.line(frame, top, bottom, (255, 0, 0), 2) for i in range(-5, 6): # horizontal dashes start = (center[0] + i * 20, center[1] + 5) end = (center[0] + i * 20, center[1] - 5) cv2.line(frame, start, end, (255, 0, 0), 2) # vertical dashes start = (center[0] + 5, center[1] + i * 20) end = (center[0] - 5, center[1] + i * 20) cv2.line(frame, start, end, (255, 0, 0), 2) def cam_teachin_part( self, frame, scalex, scaley, angle, polarity, bodyShape, bodySize, maskShape, maskSize, ): # translated = imutils.translate(frame, x,y) # or use center in rotate function rotated = imutils.rotate(frame, int(angle)) cv2.putText( rotated, self.overlay_teachin_designator + " " + self.overlay_teachin_footprint, (10, 35), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, ) if polarity == True: center = (5, 5) axis = (5, 5) cv2.ellipse(rotated, center, axis, 0, 0, 360, (0, 0, 0), 2) # draw body if bodyShape == "Rectangular": center = (rotated.shape[1] * 0.5, rotated.shape[0] * 0.5) bottomleft = ( int(center[0] - bodySize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(center[1] - bodySize[1] * scaley * 0.5), ) topright = ( int(center[0] + bodySize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(center[1] + bodySize[1] * scaley * 0.5), ) cv2.rectangle(rotated, bottomleft, topright, (0, 0, 0), 2) elif bodyShape == "Circular": center = (int(rotated.shape[1] * 0.5), int(rotated.shape[0] * 0.5)) axis = (int(bodySize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(bodySize[1] * scaley * 0.5)) cv2.ellipse(rotated, center, axis, 0, 0, 360, (0, 0, 0), 2) # draw mask if maskShape == "Rectangular": center = (rotated.shape[1] * 0.5, rotated.shape[0] * 0.5) bottomleft = ( int(center[0] - maskSize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(center[1] - maskSize[1] * scaley * 0.5), ) topright = ( int(center[0] + maskSize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(center[1] + maskSize[1] * scaley * 0.5), ) cv2.rectangle(rotated, bottomleft, topright, (0, 0, 0), 2) elif maskShape == "Circular": center = (int(rotated.shape[1] * 0.5), int(rotated.shape[0] * 0.5)) axis = (int(maskSize[0] * scalex * 0.5), int(maskSize[1] * scaley * 0.5)) cv2.ellipse(rotated, center, axis, 0, 0, 360, (0, 0, 0), 2) return rotated def cam_update(self, dt): try: _, frame = # capture if (self.capture_video or self.capture_video_marker or self.capture_video_calibration): path = os.path.expanduser( self.project_data["Setup"]["ReportingPath"]) inspectpart = self.project_data["InspectionPath"][ self.capture_video_inspectionpart] panel = self.capture_video_panel partref = inspectpart["Partsdefinition"] if partref != -1: part = inspection.get_part_definition( self.project_data["PartsDefinition"] ["PartsDefinition"], partref) body_shape = part["BodyShape"] body_size = part["BodySize"] mask_shape = part["MaskShape"] mask_size = part["MaskSize"] rotation = inspectpart["Rotation"] - part["Rotation"] polarity = part["Polarity"] designator = inspectpart["Designator"] footprint = inspectpart["Footprint"] self.cam_capture_video( frame, path, self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationScaleX"], self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationScaleY"], footprint, designator, rotation, polarity, body_shape, body_size, mask_shape, mask_size, ) self.capture_video = 0 self.capture_video_marker = 0 self.capture_video_calibration = 0 # overlay cross if self.overlay_crosshair: self.cam_draw_crosshair(frame) if self.overlay_teachin: # print("overlay", self.overlay_teachin_body_shape, self.overlay_teachin_body_size, self.overlay_teachin_mask_shape, self.overlay_teachin_mask_size, self.overlay_teachin_rotation) frame = self.cam_teachin_part( frame, self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationScaleX"], self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationScaleY"], self.overlay_teachin_rotation, self.overlay_teachin_polarity, self.overlay_teachin_body_shape, self.overlay_teachin_body_size, self.overlay_teachin_mask_shape, self.overlay_teachin_mask_size, ) buf1 = cv2.flip(frame, 0) buf = buf1.tostring() texture1 = Texture.create(size=(frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0]), colorfmt="rgb") texture1.blit_buffer(buf, colorfmt="bgr", bufferfmt="ubyte") self.ids["img_cam"].texture = texture1 except Exception as e: print("cam exception", e) pass #### File menu def exit_app(self): self.camera_disconnect() self.printer_disconnect() App.get_running_app().stop() def new_file(self): ## File menu / New Project self.init_project() def init_project(self): # init data self.project_file_path = "" self.project_data = data.init_project_data() self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" self.ids["img_cad_origin"].set_cad_view(self.project_data, self.teachin) self.ids["img_cad_origin"].redraw_cad_view() self.capture = None self.print = None self.paneldisselection = [] self.overlay_crosshair = 0 self.overlay_teachin = 0 self.capture_video_marker = 0 self.capture_video = 0 try: self.camera_disconnect() self.camera_connect() self.printer_disconnect() self.printer_connect() except Exception as e: print(e, "cam or printer start problem") pass def load_file(self): ### File Menu / Load project content = LoadDialog(load=self.load, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) self._popup = Popup(title="Load file", content=content, size_hint=(0.9, 0.9)) self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" def load(self, path, filename): ### click load button of Loading Dialog ### load all info from pre saved project file try: ### if proper project file self.project_file_path = os.path.expanduser(filename[0]) self.project_data = data.read_project_data(self.project_file_path) self.paneldisselection = [] try: self.camera_disconnect() self.camera_connect() self.printer_disconnect() self.printer_connect() except Exception as e: print(e, "cam or printer start problem") pass self.ids["img_cad_origin"].set_cad_view(self.project_data, self.teachin) self.ids["img_cad_origin"].redraw_cad_view() except: ### if not proper project file print("Problem loading file") self.dismiss_popup() return self.dismiss_popup() def save_file(self): ### File Menu / Save Project if self.project_file_path == "": self.save_as_file() else: data.write_project_data(self.project_file_path, self.project_data) def save_as_file(self): ### File Menu / Save as Project content = SaveDialog(, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) self._popup = Popup(title="Save file", content=content, size_hint=(0.9, 0.9)) self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" def save(self, path, filename): ### after click Save button of Save Dialog self.project_file_path = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join(path, filename)) print(path, filename, self.project_file_path) data.write_project_data(self.project_file_path, self.project_data) self.dismiss_popup() def export_partsdefinition(self): ### File Menu / Export Partsdefinition old = data.helper_read_json("partsdefinition") data.helper_write_json("temp/partsdefinition", old) new = self.project_data["PartsDefinition"].copy() inspection.merge_partsdefinition(new, old) data.helper_write_json("partsdefinition", new) #### program menu #### def import_file(self): ### Program menu / import pick and place content = ImportDialog(load=self.import_pp, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) self._popup = Popup(title="Import file", content=content, size_hint=(0.9, 0.9)) self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" def import_pp(self, path, filename): ### after click load button of Loading button try: ### if proper project file pp_file_path = os.path.expanduser(filename[0]) inspection.load_pick_place(self.project_data, pp_file_path) inspection.assign_partsdefinition(self.project_data) # print("data", self.project_data) # redraw self.ids["img_cad_origin"].redraw_cad_view() except: ### if not proper project file self.dismiss_popup() return self.dismiss_popup() def teachin_select(self): ### Program Menu / Teachin select part self.project_data["CADMode"] = "Teachin" def select_side(self): ### Program menu / Select Soldering Side side = [ { "text": "Top", "is_selected": self.project_data["InspectionSide"] == "Top", }, { "text": "Bottom", "is_selected": self.project_data["InspectionSide"] == "Bottom", }, ] self.ignore_first = not side[0]["is_selected"] content = ListPopup() args_converter = lambda row_index, rec: { "text": rec["text"], "is_selected": rec["is_selected"], "size_hint_y": None, "height": 50, } list_adapter = ListAdapter( data=side, args_converter=args_converter, propagate_selection_to_data=True, cls=ListItemButton, selection_mode="single", allow_empty_selection=False, ) list_view = ListView(adapter=list_adapter) content.ids.profile_list.add_widget(list_view) list_view.adapter.bind(on_selection_change=self.selected_side) self._popup = Popup(title="Select Soldering Side", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.6)) self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" def selected_side(self, adapter): if self.ignore_first: self.ignore_first = False return self.project_data["InspectionSide"] = adapter.selection[0].text self.dismiss_popup() self.ids["img_cad_origin"].redraw_cad_view() def set_reference1(self): ### Program Menu / Set Reference point 1 self.project_data["CADMode"] = "Ref1" def set_reference2(self): ### Program Menu / Set Reference Point 2 self.project_data["CADMode"] = "Ref2" def teachin(self, partindex): ### Program Menu / Teachin if partindex == -1: partindex = inspection.find_first_unassigned_part( self.project_data["InspectionPath"]) if partindex == -1: return self.set_part_overlay(partindex) self.ids["tab_panel"].switch_to(self.ids["tab_panel"].tab_list[0]) self.content = TeachinPopup( controlTeachin=self.control_teachin, save=self.select_teachin_save, cancel=self.dismiss_popup, ) # initialize control self.content.ids["body_input_x"].text = str( self.overlay_teachin_body_size[0]) self.content.ids["body_input_y"].text = str( self.overlay_teachin_body_size[1]) self.content.ids["mask_input_x"].text = str( self.overlay_teachin_mask_size[0]) self.content.ids["mask_input_y"].text = str( self.overlay_teachin_mask_size[1]) self.content.ids["rotation"].text = str(self.overlay_teachin_rotation) self.content.ids[ "polarity_switch"].active = self.overlay_teachin_polarity if self.overlay_teachin_body_shape == "Rectangular": self.content.ids["body_switch"].active = True else: self.content.ids["body_switch"].active = False if self.overlay_teachin_mask_shape == "Rectangular": self.content.ids["mask_switch"].active = True else: self.content.ids["mask_switch"].active = False self._popup = Popup( title="Teachin Part", content=self.content, size_hint=(0.2, 0.5), background_color=[0, 0, 0, 0.0], ) self._popup.pos_hint = {"center_x": 0.9, "center_y": 0.75} self.overlay_crosshair = 1 self.overlay_teachin = 1 self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" def control_teachin(self, field, value): if field == "TextRotation": val = min(360, max(-360, float(self.content.ids["rotation"].text))) self.content.ids["rotation"].text = str(val) self.overlay_teachin_rotation = val elif field == "SwitchBody": if value == True: self.overlay_teachin_body_shape = "Rectangular" else: self.overlay_teachin_body_shape = "Circular" elif field == "SwitchMask": if value == True: self.overlay_teachin_mask_shape = "Rectangular" else: self.overlay_teachin_mask_shape = "Circular" elif field == "SwitchPolarity": self.overlay_teachin_polarity = value elif field == "TextBodyX": val = min(100, max(0, float(self.content.ids["body_input_x"].text))) self.overlay_teachin_body_size = [ val, self.overlay_teachin_body_size[1] ] self.content.ids["body_input_x"].text = str(val) elif field == "TextBodyY": val = min(100, max(0, float(self.content.ids["body_input_y"].text))) self.overlay_teachin_body_size = [ self.overlay_teachin_body_size[0], val ] self.content.ids["body_input_y"].text = str(val) elif field == "TextMaskX": val = min(100, max(0, float(self.content.ids["mask_input_x"].text))) self.overlay_teachin_mask_size = [ val, self.overlay_teachin_mask_size[1] ] self.content.ids["mask_input_x"].text = str(val) elif field == "TextMaskY": val = min(100, max(0, float(self.content.ids["mask_input_y"].text))) self.overlay_teachin_mask_size = [ self.overlay_teachin_mask_size[0], val ] self.content.ids["mask_input_y"].text = str(val) def select_teachin_save(self): index = inspection.helper_get_index_by_designator( self.project_data["InspectionPath"], self.overlay_teachin_designator) if self.project_data["InspectionSide"] == "Top": rot = (self.project_data["InspectionPath"][index]["Rotation"] - self.overlay_teachin_rotation) else: rot = (self.overlay_teachin_rotation - self.project_data["InspectionPath"][index]["Rotation"]) part = { "BodyShape": self.overlay_teachin_body_shape, "BodySize": self.overlay_teachin_body_size, "Id": self.overlay_teachin_footprint, "MaskShape": self.overlay_teachin_mask_shape, "MaskSize": self.overlay_teachin_mask_size, "Polarity": self.overlay_teachin_polarity, "Rotation": rot, "Type": "Part", } partsdefinition = self.project_data["PartsDefinition"][ "PartsDefinition"] index = inspection.find_part_in_definition(partsdefinition, part["Id"]) if index != -1: partsdefinition[index] = part else: partsdefinition.append(part) # try to assign all unassigned parts with that footprint inspection.assign_partsdefinition(self.project_data) self.overlay_crosshair = 0 self.overlay_teachin = 0 self.dismiss_popup() self.ids["img_cad_origin"].redraw_cad_view() ##### panel menu def set_num_panel(self): num = inspection.get_num_panel(self.project_data["Panel"]) content = EditPopup(save=self.save_panel_num, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) content.ids["btn_connect"].text = "Save" content.ids["text_port"].text = str(num) self._popup = Popup(title="Select panel num", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.4)) self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" def save_panel_num(self, txt_port): # set num of panels num = int(txt_port) num = max(1, num) num = min(self.project_data["Setup"]["MaxPanel"], num) inspection.set_num_panel(self.project_data["Panel"], num) self.dismiss_popup() def set_part_overlay(self, partindex): partref = -1 if partindex != -1: inspectpart = self.project_data["InspectionPath"][partindex] partref = inspectpart["Partsdefinition"] self.overlay_teachin_designator = inspectpart["Designator"] self.overlay_teachin_footprint = inspectpart["Footprint"] else: self.overlay_teachin_designator = "" self.overlay_teachin_footprint = "" if partref != -1: part = inspection.get_part_definition( self.project_data["PartsDefinition"]["PartsDefinition"], partref) self.overlay_teachin_body_shape = part["BodyShape"] self.overlay_teachin_body_size = part["BodySize"] self.overlay_teachin_mask_shape = part["MaskShape"] self.overlay_teachin_mask_size = part["MaskSize"] self.overlay_teachin_polarity = part["Polarity"] if self.project_data["InspectionSide"] == "Top": self.overlay_teachin_rotation = (inspectpart["Rotation"] - part["Rotation"]) else: self.overlay_teachin_rotation = (part["Rotation"] - inspectpart["Rotation"]) else: setup = self.project_data["Setup"] self.overlay_teachin_body_shape = setup["BodyShape"] self.overlay_teachin_body_size = setup["BodySize"] self.overlay_teachin_mask_shape = setup["MaskShape"] self.overlay_teachin_mask_size = setup["MaskSize"] self.overlay_teachin_polarity = setup["Polarity"] self.overlay_teachin_rotation = setup["Rotation"] # print("overlay", self.overlay_teachin_body_shape, self.overlay_teachin_body_size, self.overlay_teachin_mask_shape, self.overlay_teachin_mask_size, self.overlay_teachin_rotation) self.overlay_teachin = 1 self.overlay_crosshair = 1 def set_reference_panel(self): # show dialpad # print("ref") self.ids["tab_panel"].switch_to(self.ids["tab_panel"].tab_list[0]) self.content = ControlPopup( controlXYZ=self.control_XYZ, set_panel_ref1=self.set_panel_ref1, set_panel_ref2=self.set_panel_ref2, get_panel_ref1=self.get_panel_ref1, get_panel_ref2=self.get_panel_ref2, calibrate=self.calibrate, teachin_reference=self.teachin_reference, cancel=self.dismiss_popup, ) self.content.ids["cur_X"].text = format( self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelX"], ".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text = format( self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelY"], ".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text = format( self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelZ"], ".2f") self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text = "1" self._popup = Popup( title="Set reference point", content=self.content, size_hint=(0.4, 0.4), background_color=[0, 0, 0, 0.0], ) self._popup.pos_hint = {"center_x": 0.8, "center_y": 0.8} self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" # set body and mask ref = inspection.get_reference_1(self.project_data["InspectionPath"]) self.capture_video_inspectionpart = ref self.set_part_overlay(ref) # home printer gcode = robotcontrol.go_home(self.project_data) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def teachin_reference(self): # trigger capturing to data as base64 here self.capture_video_marker = 1 return def control_XYZ(self, axis, value): ### click any button on dialpad, calculate new position index = int(self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text) x = float(self.content.ids["cur_X"].text) y = float(self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text) z = float(self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text) if axis == "X": x += float(value) elif axis == "Y": y += float(value) # TODO cleanup dialpad # elif axis == "Z": # z += float(value) elif axis == "HomeXY": x = self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelX"] y = self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelY"] elif axis == "HomeZ": z = self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelZ"] index = max(1, index) index = min(self.project_data["Setup"]["MaxPanel"], index) x = max(self.project_data["Setup"]["MinX"], x) x = min(self.project_data["Setup"]["MaxX"], x) y = max(self.project_data["Setup"]["MinY"], y) y = min(self.project_data["Setup"]["MaxY"], y) z = max(self.project_data["Setup"]["MinZ"], z) z = min(self.project_data["Setup"]["MaxZ"], z) self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text = str(index) self.content.ids["cur_X"].text = format(x, ".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text = format(y, ".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text = format(z, ".2f") # go xyz printer gcode = robotcontrol.go_xyz(self.project_data, x, y, z) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def set_panel_ref1(self): ### click set1 button on dialpad index = int(self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text) index = min(index, inspection.get_num_panel(self.project_data["Panel"])) index = max(index, 1) x = float(self.content.ids["cur_X"].text) y = float(self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text) z = float(self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text) inspection.set_panel_reference_1(self.project_data["Panel"], index - 1, x, y) def set_panel_ref2(self): ### click set2 button on dialpad index = int(self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text) x = float(self.content.ids["cur_X"].text) y = float(self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text) z = float(self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text) inspection.set_panel_reference_2(self.project_data["Panel"], index - 1, x, y) def get_panel_ref1(self): ### click on get1 button on dialpad index = int(self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text) x, y = inspection.get_panel_reference_1(self.project_data["Panel"], index - 1) if x == -1 and y == -1: x = self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelX"] y = self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelY"] z = self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelZ"] self.content.ids["cur_X"].text = format(x, ".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text = format(y, ".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text = format(z, ".2f") # set body and mask ref = inspection.get_reference_1(self.project_data["InspectionPath"]) self.set_part_overlay(ref) self.capture_video_inspectionpart = ref # go xyz printer gcode = robotcontrol.go_xyz(self.project_data, x, y, z) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def get_panel_ref2(self): ### click on get2 button on dialpad index = int(self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text) x, y = inspection.get_panel_reference_2(self.project_data["Panel"], index - 1) if x == -1 and y == -1: x = self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelX"] y = self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelY"] z = self.project_data["Setup"]["TravelZ"] self.content.ids["cur_X"].text = format(x, ".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text = format(y, ".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text = format(z, ".2f") # set body and mask ref = inspection.get_reference_2(self.project_data["InspectionPath"]) self.set_part_overlay(ref) self.capture_video_inspectionpart = ref # go xyz printer gcode = robotcontrol.go_xyz(self.project_data, x, y, z) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def calibrate(self, axis): ### click on calibrate X or Y button on dialpad index = int(self.content.ids["cur_panel"].text) x, y = inspection.get_panel_reference_1(self.project_data["Panel"], index - 1) if x == -1 and y == -1: return z = self.project_data["Setup"]["CameraParameters"]["FocusZ"] br = self.project_data["Setup"]["CameraParameters"]["IlluminationPWM"] # add offset for calibration centerx = x centery = y if axis == "X": x += self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationOffset"] if axis == "Y": y += self.project_data["Setup"]["CalibrationOffset"] self.content.ids["cur_X"].text = format(x, ".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Y"].text = format(y, ".2f") self.content.ids["cur_Z"].text = format(z, ".2f") ref = inspection.get_reference_1(self.project_data["InspectionPath"]) self.set_part_overlay(ref) self.capture_video_inspectionpart = ref # inspect xyz printer gcode = robotcontrol.inspect_xyz(self.project_data, x, y, z, br, centerx, centery, index - 1, ref) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def select_pcb_in_panel(self): num = inspection.get_num_panel(self.project_data["Panel"]) content = EditPopup(save=self.save_pcb_in_panel, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) content.ids["btn_connect"].text = "Save" content.ids["text_port"].text = "" self._popup = Popup( title='Select Panels to exclude from Soldering example "1,2"', content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.4), ) self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" def save_pcb_in_panel(self, txt_port): # set array of panels excludepanels = txt_port.split(",") panel = [] for p in range(inspection.get_num_panel(self.project_data["Panel"])): if str(p + 1) in excludepanels: panel.append(p) self.paneldisselection = panel self.dismiss_popup() def start_inspection(self): ### toolbar start soldering button # prepare panel panel = [] for p in range(inspection.get_num_panel(self.project_data["Panel"])): if p not in self.paneldisselection: panel.append(p) # print # print("panel", panel) gcode = robotcontrol.panel_inspection(self.project_data, panel) self.queue_printer_command(gcode) def pause_inspection(self): ### toolbar pause inspection button if self.print.printing: self.print.pause() def resume_inspection(self): ### toolbar resume inspection button if self.print.printing: self.print.resume() def stop_inspection(self): ### toolbar stop inspection button if self.print.printing: self.print.cancelprint() def queue_printer_command(self, gcode): garray = robotcontrol.make_array(gcode) # print("gcode raw", gcode, garray) gcoded = gcoder.LightGCode(garray) # print("gcoded", gcoded) if hasattr(self, "print") and self.print is not None: if not or not self.print.printer: print("Problem with printer",, self.print.printer) if self.print.printing: self.print.send(gcoded) else: self.print.startprint(gcoded) else: print("Problem with printer interface") #### Connect menu def set_printer(self): ### Connect Menu / Connect Printer content = EditPopup(save=self.save_printer_port, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) content.ids["text_port"].text = self.project_data["Setup"]["RobotPort"] self._popup = Popup(title="Select Printer port", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.4)) self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" def save_printer_port(self, txt_port): self.project_data["Setup"]["RobotPort"] = txt_port try: self.printer_disconnect() self.printer_connect() except Exception as e: print(e, "exception save robot port") pass self.dismiss_popup() def set_camera(self): # set camera device content = EditPopup(save=self.save_camera_port, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) content.ids["text_port"].text = self.project_data["Setup"][ "CameraPort"] self._popup = Popup(title="Select Camera port", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.4)) self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" def save_camera_port(self, txt_port): self.project_data["Setup"]["CameraPort"] = txt_port try: self.camera_disconnect() self.camera_connect() except Exception as e: print(e, "exception save cam port") pass self.dismiss_popup() def set_reporting(self): # set camera device content = EditPopup(save=self.save_camera_port, cancel=self.dismiss_popup) content.ids["text_port"].text = self.project_data["Setup"][ "ReportingPath"] self._popup = Popup(title="Select Camera port", content=content, size_hint=(0.5, 0.4)) self.project_data["CADMode"] = "None" def save_reporting_port(self, txt_port): self.project_data["Setup"]["ReportingPath"] = txt_port self.dismiss_popup() def dismiss_popup(self): self._popup.dismiss() self.overlay_crosshair = 0 self.overlay_teachin = 0 def camera_connect(self): ### connect camera self.capture = VideoCaptureAsync( self.project_data["Setup"]["CameraPort"], self.project_data["Setup"]["CameraResX"], self.project_data["Setup"]["CameraResY"], ) self.capture.start() def camera_disconnect(self): if self.capture is not None: self.capture.stop() self.capture = None def printer_connect(self): if self.print is None: self.print = printcore(self.project_data["Setup"]["RobotPort"], 115200) self.print.addEventHandler(self) def printer_disconnect(self): if self.print is not None: self.print.disconnect() self.print = None # printrun events: def on_init(self): return # self.__write("on_init") def on_send(self, command, gline): return # self.__write("on_send", command) def on_capture(self, command): # Trigger capture of image # String given in command must be translated to body mask.... # See printerinspect.txt for details # CAPTURE %Panel %PartRef %CenterX %CenterY %PosX %PosY %PosZ %Brightness panel, partref, centerX, centerY, posX, posY, posZ, brigthness = robotcontrol.parse_capture_command( command) self.capture_video_inspectionpart = partref self.capture_video_panel = panel self.capture_video = 1 return # self.__write("on_send", command) def on_recv(self, line): return # self.__write("on_recv", line.strip()) def on_connect(self): return # self.__write("on_connect") def on_disconnect(self): return # self.__write("on_disconnect") def on_error(self, error): return # self.__write("on_error", error) def on_online(self): return # self.__write("on_online") def on_temp(self, line): return # self.__write("on_temp", line) def on_start(self, resume): return # self.__write("on_start", "true" if resume else "false") def on_end(self): return # self.__write("on_end") def on_layerchange(self, layer): return # self.__write("on_layerchange", "%f" % (layer)) def on_preprintsend(self, gline, index, mainqueue): return # self.__write("on_preprintsend", gline) def on_printsend(self, gline): return # self.__write("on_printsend", gline) def show_status(self, dt): self.ids["lbl_layer_status"].text = ( "Layer: " + self.project_data["InspectionSide"]) self.ids[ "lbl_cad_status"].text = "CADMode: " + self.project_data["CADMode"] unassigned = inspection.get_list_unassigned_parts(self.project_data) self.ids["lbl_profile_status"].text = "# unassigned parts: " + str( len(unassigned)) if hasattr(self, "capture") and self.capture is not None: self.ids["lbl_cam_status"].text = "Camera: Connected" else: self.ids["lbl_cam_status"].text = "Camera: Not Found" # printer if hasattr(self, "print") and self.print is not None: if self.print.printer is None: self.ids[ "lbl_printer_status"].text = "Robot: No 3d printer found" elif self.print.printing: if len(self.print.mainqueue) > 0: self.ids["lbl_printer_status"].text = ( "Robot: Inspecting " + str( round( float(self.print.queueindex) / len(self.print.mainqueue) * 100, 2, )) + "%") else: self.ids["lbl_printer_status"].text = "Robot: Inspecting" elif self.ids["lbl_printer_status"].text = "Robot: Idle" else: self.ids["lbl_printer_status"].text = "Robot: Connected" else: self.ids["lbl_printer_status"].text = "Robot: Not Found"
def main(yolo): # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.2 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 1.0 output_format = 'mp4' initialize_door_by_yourself = False door_array = None # Deep SORT model_filename = '../model_data/mars-small128.pb' encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric) show_detections = True writeVideo_flag = True asyncVideo_flag = False error_values = [] check_gpu() files = sorted(os.listdir('data_files/videos')) for video_name in files: print("opening video: {}".format(video_name)) file_path = join('data_files/videos', video_name) output_name = 'save_data/out_' + video_name[0:-3] + output_format counter = Counter(counter_in=0, counter_out=0, track_id=0) truth = get_truth(video_name) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_name, fourcc, 15, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = all_doors = read_door_info('data_files/doors_info_links.json') door_array = all_doors[video_name] rect_door = Rectangle(door_array[0], door_array[1], door_array[2], door_array[3]) border_door = door_array[3] while True: ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 if not ret: y1 = (counter.counter_in - truth.inside)**2 y2 = (counter.counter_out - truth.outside)**2 total_count = counter.return_total_count() true_total = truth.inside + truth.outside if true_total != 0: err = abs(total_count - true_total) / true_total else: err = abs(total_count - true_total) mse = (y1 + y2) / 2 log_res = "in video: {}\n predicted / true\n counter in: {} / {}\n counter out: {} / {}\n" \ " total: {} / {}\n error: {}\n mse error: {}\n______________\n".format(video_name, counter.counter_in, truth.inside, counter.counter_out, truth.outside, total_count, true_total, err, mse) with open('../log_results.txt', 'a') as log: log.write(log_res) print(log_res) error_values.append(err) break t1 = time.time() image = Image.fromarray(frame[..., ::-1]) # bgr to rgb boxes, confidence, classes = yolo.detect_image(image) features = encoder(frame, boxes) detections = [ Detection(bbox, confidence, cls, feature) for bbox, confidence, cls, feature in zip( boxes, confidence, classes, features) ] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) classes = np.array([d.cls for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression( boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(door_array[0]), int(door_array[1])), (int(door_array[2]), int(door_array[3])), (23, 158, 21), 3) for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() if show_detections and len(classes) > 0: score = "%.2f" % (det.confidence * 100) + "%" # rect_head = Rectangle(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]) # rect_door = Rectangle( int(door_array[0]), int(door_array[1]), int(door_array[2]), int(door_array[3]) ) # intersection = rect_head & rect_door # # if intersection: # squares_coeff = rect_square(*intersection)/ rect_square(*rect_head) # cv2.putText(frame, score + " inter: " + str(round(squares_coeff, 3)), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, # 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 100, 255), 5) cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 0, 0), 3) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() # first appearence of object with if track.track_id not in counter.people_init or counter.people_init[ track.track_id] == 0: counter.obj_initialized(track.track_id) rect_head = Rectangle(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]) intersection = rect_head & rect_door if intersection: intersection_square = rect_square(*intersection) head_square = rect_square(*rect_head) rat = intersection_square / head_square # 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 100, 255), 5) # was initialized in door, probably going in if rat >= 0.7: counter.people_init[track.track_id] = 2 # initialized in the bus, mb going out elif rat <= 0.4 or bbox[3] > border_door: counter.people_init[track.track_id] = 1 # initialized between the exit and bus, not obvious state elif rat > 0.4 and rat < 0.7: counter.people_init[track.track_id] = 3 counter.rat_init[track.track_id] = rat # res is None, means that object is not in door contour else: counter.people_init[track.track_id] = 1 counter.people_bbox[track.track_id] = bbox counter.cur_bbox[track.track_id] = bbox adc = "%.2f" % (track.adc * 100) + "%" # Average detection confidence cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 5) if not show_detections: track_cls = track.cls cv2.putText(frame, str(track_cls), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.putText( frame, 'ADC: ' + adc, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3] + 2e-2 * frame.shape[1])), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) id_get_lost = [ track.track_id for track in tracker.tracks if track.time_since_update >= 35 ] # and track.age >= 29] # id_inside_tracked = [track.track_id for track in tracker.tracks if track.age > 60] for val in counter.people_init.keys(): # check bbox also inter_square = 0 cur_square = 0 ratio = 0 cur_c = find_centroid(counter.cur_bbox[val]) init_c = find_centroid(counter.people_bbox[val]) vector_person = (cur_c[0] - init_c[0], cur_c[1] - init_c[1]) if val in id_get_lost and counter.people_init[val] != -1: rect_сur = Rectangle(counter.cur_bbox[val][0], counter.cur_bbox[val][1], counter.cur_bbox[val][2], counter.cur_bbox[val][3]) inter = rect_сur & rect_door if inter: inter_square = rect_square(*inter) cur_square = rect_square(*rect_сur) try: ratio = inter_square / cur_square except ZeroDivisionError: ratio = 0 # if vector_person < 0 then current coord is less than initialized, it means that man is going # in the exit direction if vector_person[1] > 70 and counter.people_init[val] == 2 \ and ratio < 0.9: # and counter.people_bbox[val][3] > border_door \ counter.get_in() elif vector_person[1] < -70 and counter.people_init[val] == 1 \ and ratio >= 0.6: counter.get_out() elif vector_person[1] < -70 and counter.people_init[val] == 3 \ and ratio > counter.rat_init[val] and ratio >= 0.6: counter.get_out() elif vector_person[1] > 70 and counter.people_init[val] == 3 \ and ratio < counter.rat_init[val] and ratio < 0.6: counter.get_in() counter.people_init[val] = -1 del val ins, outs = counter.show_counter() cv2.rectangle(frame, (0, 0), (250, 50), (0, 0, 0), -1, 8) cv2.putText(frame, "in: {}, out: {} ".format(ins, outs), (10, 35), 0, 1e-3 * frame.shape[0], (255, 255, 255), 3) cv2.namedWindow('video', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow('video', 1422, 800) cv2.imshow('video', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 fps_imutils.update() if not asyncVideo_flag: fps = (fps + (1. / (time.time() - t1))) / 2 # print("FPS = %f" % fps) # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps_imutils.stop() print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() del door_array mean_error = np.mean(error_values) print("mean error for {} videos: {}".format(len(files), mean_error))
def run_video(self): # init for classify module clf_model = None clf_labels = None encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(self.cfg.DEEPSORT.MODEL, batch_size=4) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric( "cosine", self.cfg.DEEPSORT.MAX_COSINE_DISTANCE, self.cfg.DEEPSORT.NN_BUDGET) tracker = Tracker(self.cfg, metric) tracking = True writeVideo_flag = self.args.out_video asyncVideo_flag = False list_classes = ['loai_1', 'loai_2', 'loai_3', 'loai_4'] arr_cnt_class = np.zeros((len(list_classes), self.number_MOI), dtype=int) fps = 0.0 fps_imutils = counted_obj = [] count_frame = 0 objs_dict = {} if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(self.video_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(self.video_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') output_camname = 'output' + '_' + self.video_name + '.avi' out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_camname, fourcc, 10, (1280, 720)) frame_index = -1 while True: count_frame += 1 print('frame processing .......: ', count_frame) ret, frame = if ret != True: break frame_info = self.video_name + "_" + str(count_frame - 1) t1 = time.time() # frame = cv2.flip(frame, -1) _frame = self.process(frame, count_frame, frame_info, encoder, tracking, tracker, objs_dict, counted_obj, arr_cnt_class, clf_model, clf_labels) if writeVideo_flag: # and not asyncVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(_frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 # visualize if self.args.visualize: _frame = imutils.resize(_frame, width=1000) cv2.imshow("Final result", _frame) fps_imutils.update() if not asyncVideo_flag: fps = (fps + (1. / (time.time() - t1))) / 2 print("FPS = %f" % (fps)) # Press Q to stop! if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break fps_imutils.stop() print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.') parser.add_argument('input', type=str, help='Input video path') parser.add_argument('bbox', type=str, help='Input bounding box path') parser.add_argument('output', type=str, help='Ouput video path') args = parser.parse_args() # Definition of the parameters max_cosine_distance = 0.3 nn_budget = None nms_max_overlap = 1.0 # Deep SORT model_filename = 'model_data/mars-small128.pb' encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(model_filename, batch_size=1) metric = nn_matching.NearestNeighborDistanceMetric("cosine", max_cosine_distance, nn_budget) tracker = Tracker(metric) tracking = True writeVideo_flag = True asyncVideo_flag = False file_path = args.input if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture = VideoCaptureAsync(file_path) else: video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(file_path) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.start() if writeVideo_flag: if asyncVideo_flag: w = int(video_capture.cap.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.cap.get(4)) else: w = int(video_capture.get(3)) h = int(video_capture.get(4)) fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') out = cv2.VideoWriter(args.output, fourcc, 30, (w, h)) frame_index = -1 fps = 0.0 # fps_imutils = with open(args.bbox) as f: data = json.load(f) frame_index = 0 while True: ret, frame = # frame shape 640*480*3 if ret != True: break t1 = time.time() image = Image.fromarray(frame[..., ::-1]) # bgr to rgb boxes = np.asarray( [pred['bbox'] for pred in data[frame_index]['annotations']]) confidence = np.asarray( [pred['score'] for pred in data[frame_index]['annotations']]) classes = np.asarray( [pred['label'] for pred in data[frame_index]['annotations']]) if tracking: features = encoder(frame, boxes) detections = [ Detection(bbox, confidence, cls, feature) for bbox, confidence, cls, feature in zip( boxes, confidence, classes, features) ] # Run non-maxima suppression. boxes = np.array([d.tlwh for d in detections]) scores = np.array([d.confidence for d in detections]) indices = preprocessing.non_max_suppression(boxes, nms_max_overlap, scores) detections = [detections[i] for i in indices] if tracking: # Call the tracker tracker.predict() tracker.update(detections) for track in tracker.tracks: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: continue bbox = track.to_tlbr() cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, "ID: " + str(track.track_id), (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), 0, 1.5e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) for det in detections: bbox = det.to_tlbr() score = "%.2f" % round(det.confidence * 100, 2) + "%" cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), (255, 0, 0), 2) if len(classes) > 0: cls = det.cls cv2.putText(frame, str(cls) + " " + score, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[3])), 0, 1.5e-3 * frame.shape[0], (0, 255, 0), 1) # cv2.imshow('', frame) if writeVideo_flag: # and not asyncVideo_flag: # save a frame out.write(frame) frame_index = frame_index + 1 # fps_imutils.update() # if not asyncVideo_flag: # fps = (fps + (1./(time.time()-t1))) / 2 # print("FPS = %f"%(fps)) # Press Q to stop! # if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): # break # fps_imutils.stop() # print('imutils FPS: {}'.format(fps_imutils.fps())) if asyncVideo_flag: video_capture.stop() else: video_capture.release() if writeVideo_flag: out.release()