def switch_Process(self, *varargs): """ Show a panel for processing task only. This is a panel that should not be instantiated at the beginning of the main frame (as others) because otherwise it would immediately start running. """ duration = self.DnD.duration[:] # the streams duration list if self.showpanelbar.IsChecked(): self.btnpanel.Hide()# hide buttons bar if the user has shown it: IO_tools.process(self, varargs, self.path_log, self.panelshown, duration, self.OS, self.time_seq, ) #make the positioning: self.DnDsizer.Add(self.ProcessPanel, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) #Hide all others panels: self.DnD.Hide(), self.PrstsPanel.Hide(), self.VconvPanel.Hide() self.AconvPanel.Hide() #Show the panel: self.ProcessPanel.Show() self.Layout() self.SetTitle(_('..Start Encoding - Videomass')) self.Setup_items_bar()# call set default layout method
def switch_Process(self, *varargs): """ Show a panel for processing task only. This is a panel that should not be instantiated at the beginning of the main frame (as others) because otherwise it would immediately start running. """ duration = self.DnD.duration[:] # the streams duration list if self.showpanelbar.IsChecked(): self.btnpanel.Hide() # hide buttons bar if the user has shown it: IO_tools.process( self, varargs, self.path_log, self.panelshown, duration, self.OS, self.time_seq, ) #make the positioning: self.DnDsizer.Add(self.ProcessPanel, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 0) #Hide all others panels: self.DnD.Hide(), self.PrstsPanel.Hide(), self.VconvPanel.Hide() self.AconvPanel.Hide() #Show the panel: self.ProcessPanel.Show() self.Layout() self.SetTitle(_('..Start Encoding - Videomass')) self.Setup_items_bar() # call set default layout method
def ImportPlay(self, filepath): """ Redirect input file clicked at stream_play for playback feature. This feature is available by context menu in drag n drop panel only. """ IO_tools.stream_play( filepath, self.time_seq, '', # parameters )
def ImportPlay(self): """ Redirect input file clicked at stream_play for playback feature. This feature is available by context menu in drag n drop panel only. """ filepath = self.import_clicked IO_tools.stream_play(filepath, self.time_seq, self.ffplay_link, self.loglevel_type, self.OS, )
def ImportPlay(self): """ Redirect input file clicked at stream_play for playback feature. This feature is available by context menu in drag n drop panel only. """ filepath = self.import_clicked IO_tools.stream_play( filepath, self.time_seq, self.ffplay_link, self.loglevel_type, self.OS, )
def ImportInfo(self, event): """ Redirect input file clicked at stream_info for metadata display """ filepath = self.import_clicked if not filepath: wx.MessageBox(_("No file selected into Drag and Drop list"), 'Videomass', wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION, self) return title = 'Metadata of selected media - Videomass' IO_tools.stream_info(title, filepath, self.ffprobe_link, )
def ImportInfo(self, event): """ Redirect input file clicked at stream_info for metadata display """ filepath = self.import_clicked if not filepath: wx.MessageBox(_("No file selected into Drag and Drop list"), 'Videomass', wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION, self) return title = 'Metadata of selected media - Videomass' IO_tools.stream_info( title, filepath, self.ffprobe_link, )
def on_Selected(self, event): """ Gets output given ffmpeg -*topic* and set textctrl. The topic options are values of the dicdef dictionary. """ dicdef = {"--":'None', _("print basic options"): ['-h'], _("print more options"):['-h', 'long'], _("print all options (very long)"):['-h','full'], _("show available devices"):['-devices'], _("show available bit stream filters"):['-bsfs'], _("show available protocols"):['-protocols'], _("show available filters"):['-filters'], _("show available pixel formats"):['-pix_fmts'], _("show available audio sample formats"):['-sample_fmts'], _("show available color names"):['-colors'], _("list sources of the input device"):['-sources', 'device'], _("list sinks of the output device"):['-sinks', 'device'], _("show available HW acceleration methods"):['-hwaccels'], } if "None" in dicdef[self.cmbx_choice.GetValue()]: self.row = None self.texthelp.Clear()# reset textctrl else: self.texthelp.Clear()# reset textctrl topic = dicdef[self.cmbx_choice.GetValue()] out = IO_tools.findtopic(topic) self.row = out if self.row: self.texthelp.AppendText(self.row) else: self.texthelp.AppendText(_("\n ..Nothing available"))
def ExportPlay(self, event): """ Playback functionality for exported files, useful for result testing. The first one exported of the list will be reproduced. """ if not self.post_process: wx.MessageBox(_("No files exported with `Start Encoding` yet"), 'Videomass', wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION, self) return IO_tools.stream_play(self.post_process, '', self.ffplay_link, self.loglevel_type, self.OS, )
def dropUpdate(self, path): """ Update list-control and fileList during drag and drop. Also, enable certain buttons of the MainFrame toolbar and advise with status bar messages """ if os.path.isdir(path): mess = _("Directories/folders are not accepted: > '%s'") % path print(mess) self.parent.statusbar_msg(mess, orange) self.invalid = True return if path not in self.fileList: self.invalid = False self.fileList.append(path) self.InsertItem(self.index, path) self.index += 1 s = IO_tools.probeDuration(path, self.ffprobe_link) duration.append(s[0]) if s[1]: if s[1] == 'N/A': msg = "%s; %s" % (s[1], _('duration is skipped')) self.parent.statusbar_msg(msg, greenolive) else: self.parent.statusbar_msg(s[1], red) else: mess = _("Duplicate files are not accepted: > '%s'") % path print(mess) self.parent.statusbar_msg(mess, yellow)
def dropUpdate(self, path): """ Update list-control during drag and drop """ msg_dir = _("Directories are not allowed, just add files, please.") if os.path.isdir(path): self.parent.statusbar_msg(msg_dir, orange) return if not [x for x in data_files if x['format']['filename'] == path]: data = IO_tools.probeInfo(path) if data[1]: self.parent.statusbar_msg(data[1], red) return data = eval(data[0]) self.InsertItem(self.index, path) self.index += 1 if not 'duration' in data['format'].keys(): data['format']['duration'] = 0 else: data.get('format')['time'] = data.get('format').pop('duration') t = time_seconds(data.get('format')['time']) data['format']['duration'] = t data_files.append(data) self.parent.statusbar_msg('', None) else: mess = _("Duplicate files are rejected: > '%s'") % path self.parent.statusbar_msg(mess, yellow)
def dropUpdate(self, path): """ Update list-control and fileList during drag and drop. Also, enable certain buttons of the MainFrame toolbar and advise with status bar messages """ if os.path.isdir(path): mess = _("Directories/folders are not accepted: > '%s'") % path print (mess) self.parent.statusbar_msg(mess, orange) self.invalid = True return if path not in self.fileList: self.invalid = False self.fileList.append(path) self.InsertItem(self.index, path) self.index += 1 s = IO_tools.probeDuration(path, self.ffprobe_link) duration.append(s[0]) if s[1]: if s[1] == 'N/A': msg = "%s; %s" %(s[1],_('duration is skipped')) self.parent.statusbar_msg(msg, greenolive) else: self.parent.statusbar_msg(s[1], red) else: mess = _("Duplicate files are not accepted: > '%s'") % path print (mess) self.parent.statusbar_msg(mess, yellow)
def ExportPlay(self, event): """ Playback functionality for exported files, useful for result testing. The first one exported of the list will be reproduced. """ if not self.post_process: wx.MessageBox(_("No files exported with `Start Encoding` yet"), 'Videomass', wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION, self) return IO_tools.stream_play( self.post_process, '', self.ffplay_link, self.loglevel_type, self.OS, )
def ExportPlay(self, event): """ Playback with FFplay """ with wx.FileDialog( self, "Videomass: Open a file to playback", defaultDir=self.file_destin, #wildcard="Audio source (%s)|%s" % (f, f), style=wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) as fileDialog: if fileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return pathname = fileDialog.GetPath() IO_tools.stream_play( pathname, '', # time_seq is useless for the exported file '', # no others parameters are needed )
def parse_info(self): """ Data parsing from youtube-dl extract_info. This method should also populate the listctrl and fill the list. If meta[1] is None, sets attribute with dict objetc items and return error=False. Otherwise is a empty list and return error=True. """ index = 0 if not self.txt_code.Clear() self.parent.statusbar_msg(_("wait... I'm getting the data"), 'GOLDENROD') for link in data = IO_tools.youtube_info(link) for meta in data: if meta[1]: self.parent.statusbar_msg('Youtube Downloader', None) wx.MessageBox(meta[1], 'youtube_dl ERROR', wx.ICON_ERROR), self.error = [], True return self.error if 'entries' in meta[0]: meta[0]['entries'][0] # not parse all playlist ftime = '%s (%s sec.)' % (time_human( meta[0]['duration']), meta[0]['duration']) date = '%s/%s/%s' % (meta[0]['upload_date'][:4], meta[0]['upload_date'][4:6], meta[0]['upload_date'][6:8]){ 'url': link, 'title': meta[0]['title'], 'categories': meta[0]['categories'], 'license': meta[0]['license'], 'format': meta[0]['format'], 'upload_date': date, 'uploader': meta[0]['uploader'], 'view': meta[0]['view_count'], 'like': meta[0]['like_count'], 'dislike': meta[0]['dislike_count'], 'average_rating': meta[0]['average_rating'], 'id': meta[0]['id'], 'duration': ftime, 'description': meta[0]['description'], }) self.fcode.InsertItem(index, meta[0]['title']) self.fcode.SetItem(index, 1, link) self.fcode.SetItemBackgroundColour(index, 'GREEN') formats = meta[0].get('formats', [meta[0]]) for f in formats: index += 1 if f['vcodec'] == 'none': vcodec = '' fps = '' else: vcodec = f['vcodec'] fps = '%sfps' % f['fps'] if f['acodec'] == 'none': acodec = 'Video only' else: acodec = f['acodec'] if f['filesize']: size = format_bytes(float(f['filesize'])) else: size = '' self.fcode.InsertItem(index, '') self.fcode.SetItem(index, 1, '') self.fcode.SetItem(index, 2, f['format_id']) self.fcode.SetItem(index, 3, f['ext']) self.fcode.SetItem(index, 4, f['format'].split('-')[1]) self.fcode.SetItem(index, 5, vcodec) self.fcode.SetItem(index, 6, fps) self.fcode.SetItem(index, 7, acodec) self.fcode.SetItem(index, 8, size) self.txt_code.WriteText(f['format_id']) self.parent.statusbar_msg(_('Ready, Youtube Downloader'), None) return self.error
def Check_conf(self, event): """ Call IO_tools.test_conf """ IO_tools.test_conf()
def Check_formats(self, event): """ IO_tools.test_formats """ IO_tools.test_formats()
def Openconf(self, event): """ Open the configuration folder with file manager """ IO_tools.openpath('dirconf')
def Openlog(self, event): """ Open the log diretctory with file manager """ IO_tools.openpath('openlog')
def Check_dec(self, event): """ IO_tools.test_encoders """ IO_tools.test_codecs('-decoders')