def change(): menu = viewMenu.catsMenu() if request.method == 'POST': # access post parameters old = request.form.get('oldpassword') new = request.form.get('newpassword') conf = request.form.get('confirmation') # see if new and confirmation password match if new != conf: return apology("New passord and confirmation don't match.") # query database to access user data row = mydb.execute("select * from users where id = ?", (session['user_id'], )) oldhash = row[0]['hash'] if not check_password_hash(oldhash, old): return apology('Current password is wrong.') newhash = generate_password_hash(new) # update database with new user password mydb.execute('update users set hash = ? where id = ?', ( newhash, session['user_id'], )) return redirect(url_for('auth_bp.logout')) else: return render_template('change.html', menu=menu)
def create(): menu = viewMenu.catsMenu() categories = list(map(lambda x: {'cat_name': x['name']}, menu)) listCats = list(map(lambda x: x['cat_name'], categories)) if request.method == 'POST': # category always case independent category = request.form.get('category').lower() url = request.form.get('url') # see: url = quote(url) title = request.form.get('title') description = request.form.get('description') if category not in listCats: mydb.execute( 'insert into categories(cat_name, user_id) values(?,?)', category, session['user_id']) mydb.execute( 'insert into menu(cat_name,user_id,visible) values(?,?,?)', category, session['user_id'], 1) mydb.execute( '''insert into bookmarks(categ_name, user_id, url, title, description) values(?,?,?,?,?)''', category, session['user_id'], url, title, description) urlImage(mydb, url) flash(f"Bookmark added to category {category}") return redirect(url_for('index')) else: # print(listCats) return render_template('create.html', categories=listCats, menu=menu)
def rem_bookmark(): menu = viewMenu.catsMenu() categories = list(map(lambda x: {'cat_name': x['name']}, menu)) bookmarks = build_bookmarks(mydb, categories) #print(bookmarks) flash('Select the bookmark you want to remove') return render_template('rem_bookmark.html', bookmarks=bookmarks, menu=menu)
def rem_cat(): menu = viewMenu.catsMenu() categories = list(map(lambda x: {'cat_name': x['name']}, menu)) listCats = list(map(lambda x: x['cat_name'], categories)) flash( 'Warning: Removing a category implies deleting all bookmarks linked to it' ) return render_template('rem_cat.html', categories=listCats, menu=menu)
def edit_id(id): menu = viewMenu.catsMenu() categories = list(map(lambda x: {'cat_name': x['name']}, menu)) bid = int(id) rows = mydb.execute('select * from bookmarks where id = ? and user_id = ?', bid, session['user_id']) listCats = list(map(lambda x: x['cat_name'], categories)) html = render_template('edit_id.html', row=rows[0], categories=listCats, menu=menu) return html
def import_bms(): menu = viewMenu.catsMenu() known_cats = mydb.execute( 'select cat_name from categories where user_id = ?', (session['user_id'], )) listCats = list(map(lambda x: x['cat_name'], known_cats)) if request.method == 'POST': categories = [] urls = mydb.execute('select url from bookmarks where user_id = ?', (session['user_id'], )) listUrls = list(map(lambda x: x['url'], urls)) # see:,the%20long%20form%20%60%60storage. try: file = request.files['filename'] except: return apology('Sorry, could not open the file') else: try: file_content ='utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return apology('Sorry, this does not seem to be a text file.') else: # json -> python dictionary try: bm_dict = json.loads(file_content) except: return apology( 'Sorry, could not recognize this as a JSON file.') else: # consider only bookmarks bar # in the application, test if the if the key ['root']['bookmar_bar'] is defined! try: bm_dict = bm_dict['roots']['bookmark_bar']['children'] except: return apology( 'Sorry, could not find bookmark_bar inside the file.' ) else: for child in bm_dict: if child['type'] == 'url': categories.append(processURL(child)) if child['type'] == 'folder': categories += processFolder(child) for category in categories: print('category', category['category'].lower()) print('ListCats', listCats) if category['category'].lower() not in listCats: mydb.execute( 'insert into categories(cat_name, user_id) values(?,?)', category['category'].lower(), session['user_id']) mydb.execute( 'insert into menu(cat_name,user_id,visible) values(?,?,?)', category['category'].lower(), session['user_id'], 1) listCats.append(category['category'].lower()) if category['url'] in listUrls: # print('updating bookmarks in import') mydb.execute( '''update bookmarks set categ_name=?, title = ?, description = ? where user_id = ? and url = ?''', category['category'].lower(), category['title'], category['description'], session['user_id'], category['url']) else: mydb.execute( '''insert into bookmarks(categ_name, user_id, url, title, description) values(?,?,?,?,?)''', category['category'].lower(), session['user_id'], category['url'], category['title'], category['description']) return redirect(url_for('index')) else: return render_template('import.html', categories=listCats, menu=menu)
def index(): menu = viewMenu.catsMenu() categories = list(map(lambda x: {'cat_name': x['name']}, menu)) bookmarks = build_bookmarks(mydb, categories) # print(bookmarks) return render_template('index-grid-css.html', bookmarks=bookmarks, menu=menu)
def readme(): menu = viewMenu.catsMenu() categories = list(map(lambda x: {'cat_name': x['name']}, menu)) bookmarks = build_bookmarks(mydb, categories) return render_template('readme.html', bookmarks=bookmarks, menu=menu)
def hide_all(): menu = viewMenu.catsMenu() categories = list(map(lambda x: {'cat_name': x['name']}, menu)) for cat in categories: viewMenu.setChecked(cat['cat_name'], False) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def edit(): menu = viewMenu.catsMenu() categories = list(map(lambda x: {'cat_name': x['name']}, menu)) bookmarks = build_bookmarks(mydb, categories) flash('Select the bookmark you want to edit') return render_template('edit.html', bookmarks=bookmarks, menu=menu)