def viewLaserExtension( self, robot, id, data ): if id == 'laser' or id == 'laser2': # if self.firstData: # self.dumpLaserGeometry( robot.laser.pose ) # self.firstData = False if id == 'laser': self.dumpLaserGeometry( robot.laser.pose ) else: self.dumpLaserGeometry( robot.laser2.pose ) if robot.localisation: s = 2*self.degStep data2 = [ (x == 0 or x > self.distanceLimit*1000) and 100000 or x for x in data] if self.sideLimit: if len(data) == 541: for i in range(90-20, 90+20) + range(540-90-20, 540-90+20): if data[i] != 0 and data[i] < self.sideLimit*1000: data2[i] = data[i] elif len(data) == 271: s = self.degStep else: print "Laser bad data size:", len(data) arr = [min(i)/1000.0 for i in [islice(data2, start, start+s) for start in range(0,len(data2),s)]] if len(arr) > 0: viewlog.dumpSharps( robot.localisation.pose(), arr )
def viewLaserExtension(self, robot, id, data): if id == 'laser' or id == 'laser2': # if self.firstData: # self.dumpLaserGeometry( robot.laser.pose ) # self.firstData = False if id == 'laser': self.dumpLaserGeometry(robot.laser.pose) else: self.dumpLaserGeometry(robot.laser2.pose) if robot.localisation: s = 2 * self.degStep data2 = [(x == 0 or x > self.distanceLimit * 1000) and 100000 or x for x in data] if self.sideLimit: if len(data) == 541: for i in range(90 - 20, 90 + 20) + range( 540 - 90 - 20, 540 - 90 + 20): if data[i] != 0 and data[i] < self.sideLimit * 1000: data2[i] = data[i] elif len(data) == 271: s = self.degStep else: print "Laser bad data size:", len(data) arr = [ min(i) / 1000.0 for i in [ islice(data2, start, start + s) for start in range(0, len(data2), s) ] ] if len(arr) > 0: viewlog.dumpSharps(robot.localisation.pose(), arr)
def viewLaserExtension( robot, id, data ): if id == 'laser': if robot.localisation: s = 10 arr = [min(i)/1000.0 for i in [itertools.islice(data, start, start+s) for start in range(0,len(data),s)]] # print "arr", len(arr) # arr = [x > 1.0 and 10.0 or x for x in arr] # arr = [x < 0.3 and 10.0 or x for x in arr] viewlog.dumpSharps( robot.localisation.pose(), arr )
def viewLaserExtension(robot, id, data): if id == 'laser': if robot.localisation: s = 10 arr = [ min(i) / 1000.0 for i in [ itertools.islice(data, start, start + s) for start in range(0, len(data), s) ] ] # print "arr", len(arr) # arr = [x > 1.0 and 10.0 or x for x in arr] # arr = [x < 0.3 and 10.0 or x for x in arr] viewlog.dumpSharps(robot.localisation.pose(), arr)