def test_regionradii(self): # Create a volume of flat superpixels, where every slice # is the same (except for the actual sp ids) num_sp_per_slice = 200 slice_superpixels = generate_random_voronoi((100,200), num_sp_per_slice) superpixels = np.zeros( shape=((10,) + slice_superpixels.shape), dtype=np.uint32 ) for z in range(10): superpixels[z] = slice_superpixels + z*num_sp_per_slice superpixels = vigra.taggedView(superpixels, 'zyx') rag_flat = Rag( superpixels, flat_superpixels=True ) values = np.random.random(size=(superpixels.shape)).astype(np.float32) values = vigra.taggedView(values, 'zyx') flat_features_df = rag_flat.compute_features(values, ['standard_flatedge_regionradii'], edge_group='z') # Now compute the radii using a normal 'dense' rag rag_dense = Rag( superpixels ) dense_features_df = rag_dense.compute_features(values, ['edgeregion_edge_regionradii']) # Both methods should be reasonably close. combined_features_df = pd.merge(flat_features_df, dense_features_df, how='left', on=['sp1', 'sp2']) assert np.isclose(combined_features_df['standard_flatedge_regionradii_0'], combined_features_df['edgeregion_edge_regionradii_0'], atol=0.001).all() assert np.isclose(combined_features_df['standard_flatedge_regionradii_1'], combined_features_df['edgeregion_edge_regionradii_1'], atol=0.001).all()
def test_quantiles(self): # Create a volume of flat superpixels, where every slice # is the same (except for the actual sp ids) num_sp_per_slice = 200 slice_superpixels = generate_random_voronoi((100,200), num_sp_per_slice) superpixels = np.zeros( shape=((10,) + slice_superpixels.shape), dtype=np.uint32 ) for z in range(10): superpixels[z] = slice_superpixels + z*num_sp_per_slice superpixels = vigra.taggedView(superpixels, 'zyx') rag_flat = Rag( superpixels, flat_superpixels=True ) values = np.random.random(size=(superpixels.shape)).astype(np.float32) values = vigra.taggedView(values, 'zyx') flat_features_df = rag_flat.compute_features(values, ['standard_flatedge_quantiles'], edge_group='z') flat_features_df2 = rag_flat.compute_features(values, ['standard_edge_quantiles'], edge_group='yx') # Rename columns flat_features_df2.columns = flat_features_df.columns.values flat_features_df = pd.concat( (flat_features_df, flat_features_df2), axis=0 ) # Now compute the quantiles using a normal 'dense' rag rag_dense = Rag( superpixels ) dense_features_df = rag_dense.compute_features(values, ['standard_edge_quantiles']) all_features_df = pd.merge(dense_features_df, flat_features_df, how='left', on=['sp1', 'sp2']) assert (all_features_df['standard_edge_quantiles_0'] == all_features_df['standard_flatedge_quantiles_0']).all() assert (all_features_df['standard_edge_quantiles_100'] == all_features_df['standard_flatedge_quantiles_100']).all() # Due to the way histogram ranges are computed, we can't expect quantiles_10 to match closely # ... but quantiles_50 seems to be good. assert np.isclose(all_features_df['standard_edge_quantiles_50'], all_features_df['standard_edge_quantiles_50']).all()
def deepDetexturize( srcImg, img, nIteration=10, **kwargs ): hist=img.copy() mixIn=None for i in range(nIteration): newImg = detexturize(img=hist,**kwargs) newImgIter = newImg.copy() newImgIter = vigra.taggedView(newImgIter,'xyc') if i == 0: mixIn=newImg.copy() if i !=0 : newImg = numpy.concatenate([newImg,mixIn],axis=2) newImg = vigra.taggedView(newImg,'xyc') hist = histogram(newImg,r=2,sigma=[3.0,3.0]) f = pylab.figure() for n, iterImg in enumerate([srcImg,newImgIter]): #f.add_subplot(2, 1, n) # this line outputs images on top of each other f.add_subplot(1, 2, n) # this line outputs images side-by-side if iterImg.ndim==2: pylab.imshow(numpy.swapaxes(norm01(iterImg),0,1),cmap='gray') else : pylab.imshow(numpy.swapaxes(norm01(iterImg),0,1))
def testBasic(self): features = numpy.indices( (100,100) ).astype(numpy.float) + 0.5 features = numpy.rollaxis(features, 0, 3) features = vigra.taggedView(features, 'xyc') labels = numpy.zeros( (100,100,1), dtype=numpy.uint8 ) labels = vigra.taggedView(labels, 'xyc') labels[10,10] = 1 labels[10,11] = 1 labels[20,20] = 2 labels[20,21] = 2 graph = Graph() opTrain = OpTrainClassifierBlocked( graph=graph ) opTrain.ClassifierFactory.setValue( VigraRfLazyflowClassifierFactory(10) ) opTrain.Images.resize(1) opTrain.Labels.resize(1) opTrain.nonzeroLabelBlocks.resize(1) opTrain.Images[0].setValue( features ) opTrain.Labels[0].setValue( labels ) opTrain.nonzeroLabelBlocks[0].setValue(0) # Dummy for now (not used by operator yet) opTrain.MaxLabel.setValue(2) opTrain.Labels[0].setDirty( numpy.s_[10:11, 10:12] ) opTrain.Labels[0].setDirty( numpy.s_[20:21, 20:22] ) opTrain.Labels[0].setDirty( numpy.s_[30:31, 30:32] ) trained_classifier = opTrain.Classifier.value # This isn't much of a test at the moment... assert isinstance( trained_classifier, VigraRfLazyflowClassifier )
def testBasic2(self): a = numpy.ones((100, 101, 102)) a = a[..., None] a = vigra.taggedView(a, "tyxc") graph = Graph() opPrep = OpArrayPiper(graph=graph) opPrep.Input.setValue(a) op = OpNansheExtractF0Cached(graph=graph) op.Input.connect(opPrep.Output) op.HalfWindowSize.setValue(20) op.WhichQuantile.setValue(0.5) op.TemporalSmoothingGaussianFilterStdev.setValue(5.0) op.SpatialSmoothingGaussianFilterStdev.setValue(5.0) op.Bias.setValue(100) op.BiasEnabled.setValue(True) b = op.dF_F[...].wait() b = vigra.taggedView(b, "tyxc") assert(a.shape == b.shape) assert((b == 0).all())
def setUp(self): self.nx = 50 self.ny = 51 = 52 = 3 clusters = self.generateData((self.nx, self.ny, = clusters[0] + clusters[1] + clusters[2] + clusters[3] + clusters[4] =,)) = vigra.taggedView(, axistags='xyzc') self.minSize = 5 # first cluster doesn't pass this self.maxSize = 30 # fourth and fifth cluster don't pass this self.highThreshold = 0.65 # third cluster doesn't pass self.lowThreshold = 0.1 # Replicate the 4d data for multiple time slices self.data5d = numpy.concatenate(3*([numpy.newaxis, ...],), axis=0) self.data5d = vigra.taggedView(self.data5d, axistags="txyzc") self.sigma = {'x': 0.3, 'y': 0.3, 'z': 0.3} #pre-smooth 4d data = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(, 0.3)
def testMargin(self): graph = Graph() vol = np.zeros((100, 110, 10), dtype=np.float32) # draw a big plus sign vol[50:70, :, :] = 1.0 vol[:, 60:80, :] = 1.0 vol = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags="xyz").withAxes(*"txyzc") labels = np.zeros((100, 110, 10), dtype=np.uint32) labels[45:75, 55:85, 3:4] = 1 labels = vigra.taggedView(labels, axistags="xyz").withAxes(*"txyzc") op = OpObjectsSegment(graph=graph) piper = OpArrayPiper(graph=graph) piper.Input.setValue(vol) op.Prediction.connect(piper.Output) op.LabelImage.setValue(labels) # without margin op.Margin.setValue(np.asarray((0, 0, 0))) out = op.Output[...].wait() out = vigra.taggedView(out, axistags=op.Output.meta.axistags) out = out.withAxes(*"xyz") vol = vol.withAxes(*"xyz") assert_array_equal(out[50:70, 60:80, 3] > 0, vol[50:70, 60:80, 3] > 0.5) assert np.all(out[:45, ...] == 0) # with margin op.Margin.setValue(np.asarray((5, 5, 0))) out = op.Output[...].wait() out = vigra.taggedView(out, axistags=op.Output.meta.axistags) out = out.withAxes(*"xyz") assert_array_equal(out[45:75, 55:85, 3] > 0, vol[45:75, 55:85, 3] > 0.5) assert np.all(out[:40, ...] == 0)
def testBasic3(self): a = numpy.ones((1, 100, 101)) a = a[..., None] a = vigra.taggedView(a, "tyxc") r = numpy.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 3, 4]]).T.copy() ar = a.copy() for each_r in r: nanshe.util.xnumpy.index_axis_at_pos(nanshe.util.xnumpy.index_axis_at_pos(ar, 0, each_r[0]), -1, each_r[-1])[:] = 0 graph = Graph() opPrep = OpArrayPiper(graph=graph) opPrep.Input.setValue(ar) op = OpNansheRemoveZeroedLinesCached(graph=graph) op.Input.connect(opPrep.Output) op.ErosionShape.setValue([21, 1]) op.DilationShape.setValue([1, 3]) b = op.Output[...].wait() b = vigra.taggedView(b, "tyxc") assert((a == b).all())
def testOptimalInit(self): x = np.asarray([0, 0, 1, 1, .5]) y = np.asarray([0, 1, 0, 1, .5]) vol = np.zeros((5, 2), dtype=np.float32) vol[:, 0] = x vol[:, 1] = y vol = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags='tc') z = x*(1-y) + y*(1-x) z = vigra.taggedView(z[:, np.newaxis], axistags='tc') nvis = 2 ncent = 5 layers = [Sigmoid(layer_name='bumps', irange=0, dim=2*nvis*ncent), Sigmoid(layer_name='cents', irange=0, dim=ncent), Linear(layer_name='out', irange=0, dim=1)] mlp = MLP(layers=layers, nvis=nvis) init ={}, graph=Graph()) init.Data.setValue(vol) init.Target.setValue(z) init.init_model(mlp) op = OpForwardLayers(layers[:], graph=Graph()) op.Input.setValue(vol) z_pred = op.Output[..., 0].wait().squeeze() assert max(z_pred[0], z_pred[3]) < z_pred[4] assert min(z_pred[1], z_pred[2]) > z_pred[4]
def testCircular(self): g = Graph() op = OpLazyCC(graph=g) op.ChunkShape.setValue((3, 3, 1)) vol = np.asarray( [ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ], dtype=np.uint8, ) vol1 = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags="yx") vol2 = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags="xy") vol3 = vigra.taggedView(np.flipud(vol), axistags="yx") vol4 = vigra.taggedView(np.flipud(vol), axistags="xy") for v in (vol1, vol2, vol3, vol4): op.Input.setValue(v) for x in [0, 3, 6]: for y in [0, 3, 6]: if x == 3 and y == 3: continue op.Input.setDirty(slice(None)) out = op.Output[x : x + 3, y : y + 3].wait() print(out.squeeze()) assert out.max() == 1
def process_timestep( t ): # Request input and resize it. # FIXME: This is not quite correct. We should request a halo that is wide enough # for the BSpline used by resize(). See vigra docs for BSlineBase.radius() step_input_roi = copy.copy(input_roi) step_input_roi[0][0] = t step_input_roi[1][0] = t+1 step_input_data = self.Input( *step_input_roi ).wait() step_input_data = vigra.taggedView( step_input_data, 'tzyxc' ) step_shape_4d = numpy.array(step_input_data[0].shape) step_shape_4d_nochannel = step_shape_4d[:-1] squeezed_slicing = numpy.where(step_shape_4d_nochannel == 1, 0, slice(None)) squeezed_slicing = tuple(squeezed_slicing) + (slice(None),) step_input_squeezed = step_input_data[0][squeezed_slicing] result_step = result[t][squeezed_slicing] # vigra assumes wrong axis order if we don't specify one explicitly here... result_step = vigra.taggedView( result_step, step_input_squeezed.axistags ) if self.Input.meta.dtype == numpy.float32: vigra.sampling.resize( step_input_squeezed, out=result_step ) else: step_input_squeezed = step_input_squeezed.astype( numpy.float32 ) result_float = vigra.sampling.resize(step_input_squeezed, shape=result_step.shape[:-1]) result_step[:] = result_float.round()
def relabel(key_label_mapping): import numpy (subvolume, labels) = key_label_mapping # grab broadcast offset offset = numpy.uint64( subvolume_offsets.value[subvolume.sv_index] ) # check for body mask labels and protect from renumber fix_bodies = [] labels = labels + offset # make sure 0 is 0 labels[labels == offset] = 0 # create default map labels_view = vigra.taggedView(labels.astype(numpy.uint64), 'zyx') mapping_col = numpy.sort( vigra.analysis.unique(labels_view) ) label_mappings = dict(zip(mapping_col, mapping_col)) # create maps from merge list for mapping in master_merge_list.value: if mapping[0] in label_mappings: label_mappings[mapping[0]] = mapping[1] # apply maps new_labels = numpy.empty_like( labels, dtype=numpy.uint64 ) new_labels_view = vigra.taggedView(new_labels, 'zyx') vigra.analysis.applyMapping(labels_view, label_mappings, allow_incomplete_mapping=True, out=new_labels_view) return (subvolume, new_labels)
def testBasic2(self): a = numpy.zeros((2,2,2,), dtype=int) a[1,1,1] = 1 a[0,0,0] = 1 a = a[..., None] a = vigra.taggedView(a, "tyxc") expected_b = a.astype(float) expected_b = vigra.taggedView(expected_b, "tyxc") graph = Graph() op = OpConvertTypeCached(graph=graph) opPrep = OpArrayPiper(graph=graph) opPrep.Input.setValue(a) op.Input.connect(opPrep.Output) op.Dtype.setValue(float) b = op.Output[...].wait() b = vigra.taggedView(b, "tyxc") assert((b == expected_b).all())
def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): window = self.WindowSize.value if slot is self.Output: padding_size = max(window - 1 - roi.start[0], 0) padding = np.zeros((padding_size,), dtype=np.float32) new_start = (roi.start[0] - window + 1 + padding_size,) new_stop = (roi.stop[0],) new_roi = SubRegion(self.Input, start=new_start, stop=new_stop) input_data = self.Input.get(new_roi).wait() input_data = vigra.taggedView(input_data, axistags=self.Input.meta.axistags) input_data = input_data.withAxes('t').view(np.ndarray) input_data = np.concatenate((padding, input_data)) res_view = vigra.taggedView(result, axistags=self.Output.meta.axistags) res_view = res_view.withAxes('t') self.apply_window_function(input_data, window, res_view) elif slot is self.Valid: result[:] = 1 first_valid_index = window - 1 num_invalid = first_valid_index - roi.start[0] if num_invalid > 0: result[:num_invalid] = 0
def test4dAnd5d(self): g = Graph() oper = OpThresholdTwoLevels5d(graph=g) oper.InputImage.setValue(*'txyzc')) oper.MinSize.setValue(self.minSize) oper.MaxSize.setValue(self.maxSize) oper.HighThreshold.setValue(self.highThreshold) oper.LowThreshold.setValue(self.lowThreshold) output = oper.Output[:].wait() output = vigra.taggedView(output, axistags=oper.Output.meta.axistags) self.checkResult(output) oper5d = OpThresholdTwoLevels(graph=g) oper5d.InputImage.setValue(self.data5d) oper5d.MinSize.setValue(self.minSize) oper5d.MaxSize.setValue(self.maxSize) oper5d.HighThreshold.setValue(self.highThreshold) oper5d.LowThreshold.setValue(self.lowThreshold) oper5d.SmootherSigma.setValue({'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0}) oper5d.Channel.setValue(0) oper5d.CurOperator.setValue(1) out5d = oper5d.Output[0:1, ...].wait() out5d = vigra.taggedView(out5d, axistags=oper5d.Output.meta.axistags) self.checkResult(out5d) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(out5d, output)
def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): assert len(roi.start) == len(roi.stop) == len(self.Output.meta.shape) assert slot == self.Output t_ind = self.RawVolume.axistags.index('t') assert t_ind < len(self.RawVolume.meta.shape) # loop over requested time slices for res_t_ind, t in enumerate(xrange(roi.start[t_ind], roi.stop[t_ind])): # Process entire spatial volume s = [slice(None) for i in range(len(self.RawVolume.meta.shape))] s[t_ind] = slice(t, t+1) s = tuple(s) rawVolume = self.RawVolume[s].wait() rawVolume = vigra.taggedView( rawVolume, axistags=self.RawVolume.meta.axistags) labelVolume = self.LabelVolume[s].wait() labelVolume = vigra.taggedView( labelVolume, axistags=self.LabelVolume.meta.axistags) # Convert to 4D (preserve axis order) axes4d = self.RawVolume.meta.getTaggedShape().keys() axes4d = filter(lambda k: k in 'xyzc', axes4d) rawVolume = rawVolume.withAxes(*axes4d) labelVolume = labelVolume.withAxes(*axes4d) acc = self._extract(rawVolume4d, labelVolume4d) result[res_t_ind] = acc return result
def testAgainstOwn(self): g = Graph() oper = OpThresholdTwoLevels(graph=g) oper.InputImage.setValue(self.data5d) oper.MinSize.setValue(self.minSize) oper.MaxSize.setValue(self.maxSize) oper.HighThreshold.setValue(self.highThreshold) oper.LowThreshold.setValue(self.lowThreshold) oper.SmootherSigma.setValue({'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0}) oper.CurOperator.setValue(1) output = oper.Output[0, ..., 0].wait() output = vigra.taggedView(output, axistags=oper.Output.meta.axistags) output = output.withAxes(*'xyz') output2 = self.thresholdTwoLevels(self.data5d[0, ..., 0]) output2 = vigra.taggedView(output2, axistags='xyz') ref = output*output2 idx = np.where(ref != output) print(oper.Output.meta.getTaggedShape()) print(output.shape) print(idx) print(output[idx]) print(output2[idx]) numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ref, output)
def _label(self, roi, result): result = vigra.taggedView(result, axistags=self.Output.meta.axistags) # get the background values bg = self.Background[...].wait() bg = vigra.taggedView(bg, axistags=self.Background.meta.axistags) bg = bg.withAxes(*'ct') assert np.all(self.Background.meta.shape[3:] == self.Input.meta.shape[3:]),\ "Shape of background values incompatible to shape of Input" # do labeling in parallel over channels and time slices pool = RequestPool() start = np.asarray(roi.start, stop = np.asarray(roi.stop, for ti, t in enumerate(range(roi.start[4], roi.stop[4])): start[4], stop[4] = t, t+1 for ci, c in enumerate(range(roi.start[3], roi.stop[3])): start[3], stop[3] = c, c+1 newRoi = SubRegion(self.Output, start=tuple(start), stop=tuple(stop)) resView = result[..., ci, ti].withAxes(*'xyz') req = Request(partial(self._label3d, newRoi, bg[c, t], resView)) pool.add(req) logger.debug( "{}: Computing connected components for ROI {} ...".format(, roi)) pool.wait() pool.clean() logger.debug("{}: Connected components computed.".format(
def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): if slot == self.Detector: result = self.dumps() return result # sanity check assert self.DetectionMethod.value in ['svm', 'classic'], \ "Unknown detection method '{}'".format(self.DetectionMethod.value) # prefill result resultZYXCT = vigra.taggedView( result, self.InputVolume.meta.axistags).withAxes(*'zyxct') # acquire data data = self.InputVolume.get(roi).wait() dataZYXCT = vigra.taggedView( data, self.InputVolume.meta.axistags).withAxes(*'zyxct') # walk over time and channel axes for t in range(dataZYXCT.shape[4]): for c in range(dataZYXCT.shape[3]): resultZYXCT[..., c, t] = \ self._detectMissing(dataZYXCT[..., c, t]) return result
def testBasic(self): features = numpy.indices((100, 100)).astype(numpy.float32) + 0.5 features = numpy.rollaxis(features, 0, 3) features = vigra.taggedView(features, "xyc") labels = numpy.zeros((100, 100, 1), dtype=numpy.uint8) labels = vigra.taggedView(labels, "xyc") labels[10, 10] = 1 labels[10, 11] = 1 labels[20, 20] = 2 labels[20, 21] = 2 graph = Graph() opFeatureMatrixCache = OpFeatureMatrixCache(graph=graph) opFeatureMatrixCache.FeatureImage.setValue(features) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setValue(labels) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setDirty(numpy.s_[10:11, 10:12]) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setDirty(numpy.s_[20:21, 20:22]) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setDirty(numpy.s_[30:31, 30:32]) opTrain = OpTrainClassifierFromFeatureVectors(graph=graph) opTrain.ClassifierFactory.setValue(ParallelVigraRfLazyflowClassifierFactory(100)) opTrain.MaxLabel.setValue(2) opTrain.LabelAndFeatureMatrix.connect(opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelAndFeatureMatrix) assert opTrain.Classifier.ready() trained_classifier = opTrain.Classifier.value # This isn't much of a test at the moment... assert isinstance( trained_classifier, ParallelVigraRfLazyflowClassifier ), "classifier is of the wrong type: {}".format(type(trained_classifier))
def testBasic2(self): a = numpy.zeros((2,2,2,)) a[1,1,1] = 1 a[0,0,0] = 1 a = a[..., None] a = vigra.taggedView(a, "tyxc") expected_b = a.mean(axis=0) expected_b = vigra.taggedView(expected_b, "yxc") graph = Graph() op = OpMeanProjectionCached(graph=graph) opPrep = OpArrayPiper(graph=graph) opPrep.Input.setValue(a) op.Input.connect(opPrep.Output) op.Axis.setValue(0) b = op.Output[...].wait() b = vigra.taggedView(b, "yxc") assert((b == expected_b).all())
def test2(): vol = np.zeros((2, 3, 4, 5, 6), dtype=np.uint8) vol1 = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags='txyzc') vol2 = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags='czyxt') g = Graph() pipe1 = OpArrayPiper(graph=g) pipe1.Input.setValue(vol1) pipe2 = OpArrayPiper(graph=g) pipe2.Input.setValue(vol2) op = OpThresholdTwoLevels(graph=g) printer = Printer(graph=g) printer.Input.connect(op.Output) op.InputImage.connect(pipe1.Output) #print(op.Output.meta.getTaggedShape()) #print(op.CachedOutput.meta.getTaggedShape()) print("") #op.InputImage.connect(pipe2.Output) op.InputImage.meta.axistags = vol2.axistags op.InputImage._sig_changed()
def testBasic(self): features = numpy.indices( (100,100) ).astype(numpy.float32) + 0.5 features = numpy.rollaxis(features, 0, 3) features = vigra.taggedView(features, 'xyc') labels = numpy.zeros( (100,100,1), dtype=numpy.uint8 ) labels = vigra.taggedView(labels, 'xyc') labels[10,10] = 1 labels[10,11] = 1 labels[20,20] = 2 labels[20,21] = 2 graph = Graph() opFeatureMatrixCache = OpFeatureMatrixCache(graph=graph) opFeatureMatrixCache.FeatureImage.setValue(features) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setValue(labels) opFeatureMatrixCache.NonZeroLabelBlocks.setValue(0) labels_and_features = opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelAndFeatureMatrix.value assert labels_and_features.shape == (0,3), "Empty feature matrix has wrong shape: {}".format( labels_and_features.shape ) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setDirty( numpy.s_[10:11, 10:12] ) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setDirty( numpy.s_[20:21, 20:22] ) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setDirty( numpy.s_[30:31, 30:32] ) labels_and_features = opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelAndFeatureMatrix.value assert labels_and_features.shape == (4,3) assert (labels_and_features[:,0] == 1).sum() == 2 assert (labels_and_features[:,0] == 2).sum() == 2 # Can't check for equality because feature blocks can be in a random order. # Just check that all features are present, regardless of order. for feature_vec in [[10.5, 10.5], [10.5, 11.5], [20.5, 20.5], [20.5, 21.5]]: assert feature_vec in labels_and_features[:,1:]
def testFunnyAxes(self): vol =*'ztxcy') g = Graph() oper = OpThresholdOneLevel(graph=g) oper.MinSize.setValue(self.minSize) oper.MaxSize.setValue(self.maxSize) oper.Threshold.setValue(0.5) oper.InputImage.setValue(vol) output = oper.Output[:].wait() assert numpy.all(output.shape == vol.shape) clusters = self.generateData((self.nx, self.ny,, output = vigra.taggedView(output, axistags=oper.Output.meta.axistags) output = output.withAxes(*'xyzc') cluster1 = numpy.logical_and(output, clusters[0]) assert numpy.any(cluster1 != 0) oper.MinSize.setValue(5) output = oper.Output[:].wait() cluster1 = numpy.logical_and(output, clusters[0]) assert numpy.all(cluster1 == 0) cluster4 = numpy.logical_and(output.squeeze(), clusters[3]) assert numpy.all(cluster4 == 0) cluster5 = numpy.logical_and(output.squeeze(), clusters[2]) assert numpy.all(cluster5 == 0) oper.Threshold.setValue(0.2) output = oper.Output[:].wait() output = vigra.taggedView(output, axistags=oper.Output.meta.axistags) output = output.withAxes(*'xyzc') cluster5 = numpy.logical_and(output.squeeze(), clusters[2]) assert numpy.any(cluster5 != 0)
def testSingletonZ(self): vol = np.zeros((82, 70, 1, 5, 5), dtype=np.uint8) vol = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags='xyzct') blocks = np.zeros(vol.shape, dtype=np.uint8) blocks[30:50, 40:60, :, 2:4, 3:5] = 1 blocks[30:50, 40:60, :, 2:4, 0:2] = 2 blocks[60:70, 30:40, :, :, :] = 3 vol[blocks == 1] = 255 vol[blocks == 2] = 255 vol[blocks == 3] = 255 op = OpLabelVolume(graph=Graph()) op.Method.setValue(self.method) op.Input.setValue(vol) out = op.Output[...].wait() tags = op.Output.meta.getTaggedShape() print(tags) out = vigra.taggedView(out, axistags="".join([s for s in tags])) for c in range(out.shape[3]): for t in range(out.shape[4]): print("t={}, c={}".format(t, c)) assertEquivalentLabeling(blocks[..., c, t], out[..., c, t])
def setUp(self): g = Graph() rawimg = np.random.randint(0, 255, (2, 10, 10, 10, 1)) binimg = rawimg>100 cc0 = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(binimg[0,:, :, :, 0].astype(np.uint8)) cc1 = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(binimg[1,:, :, :, 0].astype(np.uint8)) nobj = np.max(cc0)+1+np.max(cc1)+1 segmimg = np.zeros(rawimg.shape, cc0.dtype) segmimg[0,:, : , :, 0] = cc0[:] segmimg[1,:, :, :,0] = cc1[:] rawimg = vigra.taggedView(rawimg, 'txyzc') binimg = vigra.taggedView(rawimg, 'txyzc') segmimg = vigra.taggedView(segmimg, 'txyzc') self.features = {"Bad Plugin": {"bad_feature_1": {}, "bad_feature_2":{}}} self.featureArrays = {0: {"Bad Plugin":{"bad_feature_1": np.array(range(nobj)), \ "bad_feature_2": np.array(range(nobj))}}, 1: {"Bad Plugin":{"bad_feature_1": np.array(range(nobj)), \ "bad_feature_2": np.array(range(nobj))}}} self.op = OpObjectClassification(graph = g) self.op.RawImages.setValues([rawimg]) self.op.BinaryImages.setValues([binimg]) self.op.SegmentationImages.setValues([segmimg]) self.op.ObjectFeatures.setValues([self.featureArrays]) self.op.ComputedFeatureNames.setValue(self.features) self.op.SelectedFeatures.setValue(self.features)
def testBasic2(self): a = numpy.eye(3, dtype = numpy.float32) a = a[None, ..., None] a = vigra.taggedView(a, "tyxc") expected_b = numpy.array([[ 0.59375, -0.375 , -0.34375], [-0.375 , 0.625 , -0.375 ], [-0.34375, -0.375 , 0.59375]], dtype=numpy.float32) expected_b = expected_b[None, ..., None] expected_b = vigra.taggedView(expected_b, "tyxc") graph = Graph() opPrep = OpArrayPiper(graph=graph) opPrep.Input.setValue(a) op = OpNansheWaveletTransform(graph=graph) op.Input.connect(opPrep.Output) op.Scale.setValue((0, 1, 1)) b = op.Output[...].wait() b = vigra.taggedView(b, "tyxc") assert((b == expected_b).all())
def testMinimalRequest(): """ Make sure that unneeded slices are not requested by the stacker. """ graph = Graph() ops = [] for op in range(10): data = numpy.random.random( (100,100) ) data = vigra.taggedView( data, 'yx' ) meta = MetaDict( { 'shape' : data.shape, 'dtype' : data.dtype, 'axistags' : data.axistags } ) opData = OpTrackedOutputProvider( data, meta, graph=graph ) ops.append( opData ) opStacker = OpMultiArrayStacker(graph=graph) opStacker.AxisFlag.setValue('z') opStacker.AxisIndex.setValue(0) opStacker.Images.resize( len(ops) ) for islot, opData in zip( opStacker.Images, ops ): islot.connect( opData.Output ) assert opStacker.Output.meta.getTaggedShape()['z'] == len(ops) stacked_data = opStacker.Output[3:5,:,:].wait() assert stacked_data.shape == (2, 100, 100) stacked_data = vigra.taggedView( stacked_data, 'zyx' ) expected_data = numpy.concatenate( (ops[3]._data[numpy.newaxis, :], ops[4]._data[numpy.newaxis, :]) ) expected_data = vigra.taggedView( expected_data, 'zyx' ) assert (stacked_data == expected_data).all(), "Stacker returned the wrong data" for index, op in enumerate(ops): assert len(op.requested_rois) == 0 or index in range(3,5), "Stacker requested more data than it needed."
def test1(): vol = np.zeros((1, 2, 3, 4, 5), dtype=np.uint8) vol1 = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags='txyzc') vol2 = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags='czyxt') g = Graph() pipe1 = OpArrayPiper(graph=g) pipe1.Input.setValue(vol1) pipe2 = OpArrayPiper(graph=g) pipe2.Input.setValue(vol2) slicer = OpMultiArraySlicer(graph=g) slicer.AxisFlag.setValue('c') op = OperatorWrapper(TestOp, graph=g) op.Input.connect(slicer.Slices) stacker = OpMultiArrayStacker(graph=g) stacker.AxisFlag.setValue('c') stacker.Images.connect(op.Output) stacker.AxisIndex.setValue(0) slicer.Input.connect(pipe1.Output) print(stacker.Output.meta.getTaggedShape()) print() stacker.AxisIndex.setValue(0) slicer.Input.connect(pipe2.Output) print(stacker.Output.meta.getTaggedShape())
def _execute_HYSTERESIS(self, roi, result): self._execute_SIMPLE(roi, result) final_labels = vigra.taggedView( result, self.Output.meta.axistags ) core_labels = self.CoreLabels(roi.start, roi.stop).wait() core_labels = vigra.taggedView( core_labels, self.CoreLabels.meta.axistags ) select_labels(core_labels, final_labels) # Edits final_labels in-place
def testBasic2(self): a = numpy.ones((100, 101, 102)) a = a[..., None] a = vigra.taggedView(a, "tyxc") graph = Graph() opPrep = OpArrayPiper(graph=graph) opPrep.Input.setValue(a) op = OpNansheEstimateF0Cached(graph=graph) op.Input.connect(opPrep.Output) op.HalfWindowSize.setValue(20) op.WhichQuantile.setValue(0.5) op.TemporalSmoothingGaussianFilterStdev.setValue(5.0) op.SpatialSmoothingGaussianFilterStdev.setValue(5.0) b = op.Output[...].wait() b = vigra.taggedView(b, "tyxc") assert(a.shape == b.shape) assert((b == 1).all())
def testReconnect(self): """ Can we connect an image, then replace it with a differently-ordered image? """ predRaw = np.zeros((20, 22, 21, 3), dtype=np.uint32) pred1 = vigra.taggedView(predRaw, axistags='zyxc') pred2 = vigra.taggedView(predRaw, axistags='tyxc') oper5d = OpThresholdTwoLevels(graph=Graph()) oper5d.InputImage.setValue(pred1) oper5d.MinSize.setValue(self.minSize) oper5d.MaxSize.setValue(self.maxSize) oper5d.HighThreshold.setValue(self.highThreshold) oper5d.LowThreshold.setValue(self.lowThreshold) oper5d.SmootherSigma.setValue(self.sigma) oper5d.Channel.setValue(0) oper5d.CoreChannel.setValue(0) oper5d.CurOperator.setValue(1) out5d = oper5d.CachedOutput[:].wait() oper5d.InputImage.disconnect() # FIXME: Why is this line necessary? Ideally, it shouldn't be... oper5d.InputImage.setValue(pred2) out5d = oper5d.CachedOutput[:].wait()
def testSingletonZ(self): vol = np.zeros((82, 70, 1, 5, 5), dtype=np.uint8) vol = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags="xyzct") blocks = np.zeros(vol.shape, dtype=np.uint8) blocks[30:50, 40:60, :, 2:4, 3:5] = 1 blocks[30:50, 40:60, :, 2:4, 0:2] = 2 blocks[60:70, 30:40, :, :, :] = 3 vol[blocks == 1] = 255 vol[blocks == 2] = 255 vol[blocks == 3] = 255 op = OpLabelVolume(graph=Graph()) op.Method.setValue(self.method) op.Input.setValue(vol) out = op.Output[...].wait() tags = op.Output.meta.getTaggedShape() out = vigra.taggedView(out, axistags="".join([s for s in tags])) for c in range(out.shape[3]): for t in range(out.shape[4]): assertEquivalentLabeling(blocks[..., c, t], out[..., c, t])
def _execute_bbox(self, roi, result): cc = self.LabelImage.get(roi).wait() cc = vigra.taggedView(cc, axistags=self.LabelImage.meta.axistags) cc = cc.withAxes(*'xyz') logger.debug("computing bboxes...") feats = vigra.analysis.extractRegionFeatures( cc.astype(np.float32), cc.astype(np.uint32), features=["Count", "Coord<Minimum>", "Coord<Maximum>"]) feats_dict = {} feats_dict["Coord<Minimum>"] = feats["Coord<Minimum>"] feats_dict["Coord<Maximum>"] = feats["Coord<Maximum>"] feats_dict["Count"] = feats["Count"] return feats_dict
def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): if slot == self.Detector: result = self.dumps() return result # sanity check assert self.DetectionMethod.value in ["svm", "classic"], "Unknown detection method '{}'".format( self.DetectionMethod.value ) # prefill result resultZYXCT = vigra.taggedView(result, self.InputVolume.meta.axistags).withAxes(*"zyxct") # acquire data data = self.InputVolume.get(roi).wait() dataZYXCT = vigra.taggedView(data, self.InputVolume.meta.axistags).withAxes(*"zyxct") # walk over time and channel axes for t in range(dataZYXCT.shape[4]): for c in range(dataZYXCT.shape[3]): resultZYXCT[..., c, t] = self._detectMissing(dataZYXCT[..., c, t]) return result
def testOpSelectLabels(self): op = OpSelectLabels(graph=Graph()) small = numpy.asarray( [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]).astype(np.uint32) big = numpy.asarray( [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]).astype(np.uint32) small = vigra.taggedView(small[:,:,None], 'yxc') big = vigra.taggedView(big[:,:,None], 'yxc') op.BigLabels.setValue(big) op.SmallLabels.setValue(small) out = op.Output[...].wait() numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(out, big) op.BigLabels.setValue(big) op.SmallLabels.setValue(small*0) out = op.Output[...].wait() numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(out, big*0)
def testReconnectWithoutRequest(self): vol = numpy.zeros((200, 100, 50), dtype=numpy.float32) vol1 = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags='xyz') vol2 = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags='zyx').withAxes(*'xyz') graph = Graph() opData1 = OpArrayPiper(graph=graph) opData1.Input.setValue(vol1) op = OpCompressedCache(graph=graph) op.Input.connect(opData1.Output) op.BlockShape.setValue((200, 100, 10)) out = op.Output[...].wait().view(numpy.ndarray) assert (out == vol).all(), "Incorrect output!" op.BlockShape.setValue((50, 100, 10)) # Older versions of OpCompressedCache threw an exception here because # we tried to access the cache after changing the blockshape. # But in the current version, we claim that's okay. out = op.Output[...].wait() assert (out == vol).all(), "Incorrect output!"
def _prepare_data_zyx(self): file_base = self._tmp_dir + "/rand_3d" X, Y = (100, 100) Z = 10 rand_data_3d = numpy.random.random((Z, Y, X)) rand_data_3d *= 256 rand_data_3d = rand_data_3d.astype(numpy.uint8) rand_data_3d = vigra.taggedView(rand_data_3d, 'zyx') for z in range(Z): file_name = file_base + "_z{}.tiff".format(z) vigra.impex.writeImage(rand_data_3d[z, :, :], file_name) return (rand_data_3d, file_base + "*.tiff")
def test_3d(self, tmp_path): data = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, (50, 100, 200, 3)).astype(numpy.uint8) tiff_path = str(tmp_path / "test-3d.tiff") for z_slice in data: vigra.impex.writeImage(vigra.taggedView(z_slice, "yxc"), tiff_path, dtype="NATIVE", mode="a") op = OpTiffReader(graph=Graph()) op.Filepath.setValue(tiff_path) assert op.Output.ready() assert (op.Output[20:30, 50:100, 50:150].wait() == data[20:30, 50:100, 50:150]).all()
def testPatchDetection(self): vol = vigra.taggedView(np.ones((5, 5), dtype=np.uint8) * 128, axistags=vigra.defaultAxistags('xy')) vol[2:5, 2:5] = 0 expected = np.zeros((5, 5)) expected[3:5, 3:5] = 1 self.op.PatchSize.setValue(2) self.op.HaloSize.setValue(1) self.op.DetectionMethod.setValue('classic') self.op.InputVolume.setValue(vol) out = self.op.Output[:].wait() assert_array_equal(expected[3:5, 3:5], out[3:5, 3:5])
def setUp(self): = 50 self.ny = 51 self.nx = 52 = 3 clusters = self.generateData((, self.ny, self.nx)) = clusters[0] + clusters[1] + clusters[2] + clusters[3] + clusters[4] = + (1,)) = vigra.taggedView(, axistags="zyxc") self.minSize = 5 # first cluster doesn't pass this self.maxSize = 30 # fourth and fifth cluster don't pass this self.highThreshold = 0.65 # third cluster doesn't pass self.lowThreshold = 0.1 # Replicate the 4d data for multiple time slices self.data5d = numpy.concatenate(3 * ([numpy.newaxis, ...],), axis=0) self.data5d = vigra.taggedView(self.data5d, axistags="tzyxc") self.sigma = {"z": 0.3, "y": 0.3, "x": 0.3} # pre-smooth 4d data = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(, 0.3)
def testBasic(self): features = numpy.indices((100, 100)).astype(numpy.float32) + 0.5 features = numpy.rollaxis(features, 0, 3) features = vigra.taggedView(features, 'xyc') labels = numpy.zeros((100, 100, 1), dtype=numpy.uint8) labels = vigra.taggedView(labels, 'xyc') labels[10, 10] = 1 labels[10, 11] = 1 labels[20, 20] = 2 labels[20, 21] = 2 graph = Graph() opFeatureMatrixCache = OpFeatureMatrixCache(graph=graph) opFeatureMatrixCache.FeatureImage.setValue(features) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setValue(labels) opFeatureMatrixCache.NonZeroLabelBlocks.setValue(0) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setDirty(numpy.s_[10:11, 10:12]) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setDirty(numpy.s_[20:21, 20:22]) opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelImage.setDirty(numpy.s_[30:31, 30:32]) opTrain = OpTrainClassifierFromFeatureVectors(graph=graph) opTrain.ClassifierFactory.setValue( ParallelVigraRfLazyflowClassifierFactory(100)) opTrain.MaxLabel.setValue(2) opTrain.LabelAndFeatureMatrix.connect( opFeatureMatrixCache.LabelAndFeatureMatrix) assert opTrain.Classifier.ready() trained_classifer = opTrain.Classifier.value # This isn't much of a test at the moment... assert isinstance( trained_classifer, ParallelVigraRfLazyflowClassifier ), \ "classifier is of the wrong type: {}".format(type(trained_classifer))
def test(self): """ Test use-case from """ data = numpy.zeros((20, 20)) data = vigra.taggedView(data, 'xy') op = OpArrayCache(graph=Graph()) op.Input.setValue(data) assert (op.Output[0:20, 0:20].wait() == 0).all() # Should not crash... op.Input[0:20, 0:20] = numpy.ones((20, 20)) assert (op.Output[0:20, 0:20].wait() == 1).all()
def _label(self, roi, result): result = vigra.taggedView(result, axistags=self.Output.meta.axistags) # get the background values bg = self.Background[...].wait() bg = vigra.taggedView(bg, axistags=self.Background.meta.axistags) bg = bg.withAxes(*'ct') assert np.all(self.Background.meta.shape[0] == self.Input.meta.shape[0]),\ "Shape of background values incompatible to shape of Input" assert np.all(self.Background.meta.shape[4] == self.Input.meta.shape[4]),\ "Shape of background values incompatible to shape of Input" # do labeling in parallel over channels and time slices pool = RequestPool() start = np.asarray(roi.start, stop = np.asarray(roi.stop, for ti, t in enumerate(range(roi.start[0], roi.stop[0])): start[0], stop[0] = t, t + 1 for ci, c in enumerate(range(roi.start[4], roi.stop[4])): start[4], stop[4] = c, c + 1 newRoi = SubRegion(self.Output, start=tuple(start), stop=tuple(stop)) resView = result[ti, ..., ci].withAxes(*'xyz') req = Request(partial(self._label3d, newRoi, bg[c, t], resView)) pool.add(req) logger.debug( "{}: Computing connected components for ROI {} ...".format(, roi)) pool.wait() pool.clean() logger.debug("{}: Connected components computed.".format(
def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): assert slot == self.Output, "Unknown slot requested: {}".format(slot) for i in (0, 4): assert roi.stop[i] - roi.start[i] == 1,\ "Invalid roi for graph-cut: {}".format(str(roi)) # request the prediction image pred = self.Prediction.get(roi).wait() pred = vigra.taggedView(pred, axistags=self.Prediction.meta.axistags) pred = pred.withAxes(*'zyx') # prepare result resView = vigra.taggedView(result, axistags=self.Output.meta.axistags) resView = resView.withAxes(*'zyx')"Executing graph cut ... (this might take a while)") threshold_binary = segmentGC(pred, self.Beta.value) threshold_binary = vigra.taggedView(threshold_binary, 'zyx')"Graph-cut done") # label the segmentation so that this operator is consistent with # the other thresholding operators vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground( threshold_binary.astype(np.uint8), out=resView)
def testMargin(self): graph = Graph() vol = np.zeros((100, 110, 10), dtype=np.float32) # draw a big plus sign vol[50:70, :, :] = 1.0 vol[:, 60:80, :] = 1.0 vol = vigra.taggedView(vol, axistags='zyx').withAxes(*'tzyxc') labels = np.zeros((100, 110, 10), dtype=np.uint32) labels[45:75, 55:85, 3:4] = 1 labels = vigra.taggedView(labels, axistags='zyx').withAxes(*'tzyxc') op = OpObjectsSegment(graph=graph) piper = OpArrayPiper(graph=graph) piper.Input.setValue(vol) op.Prediction.connect(piper.Output) op.LabelImage.setValue(labels) # without margin op.MarginZYX.setValue(np.asarray((0, 0, 0))) out = op.Output[...].wait() out = vigra.taggedView(out, axistags=op.Output.meta.axistags) out = out.withAxes(*'zyx') vol = vol.withAxes(*'zyx') assert_array_equal(out[50:70, 60:80, 3] > 0, vol[50:70, 60:80, 3] > .5) assert np.all(out[:45, ...] == 0) # with margin op.MarginZYX.setValue(np.asarray((5, 5, 0))) out = op.Output[...].wait() out = vigra.taggedView(out, axistags=op.Output.meta.axistags) out = out.withAxes(*'zyx') assert_array_equal(out[45:75, 55:85, 3] > 0, vol[45:75, 55:85, 3] > .5) assert np.all(out[:40, ...] == 0)
def testCompressed(self): graph = Graph() opDataProvider = OpArrayPiperWithAccessCount(graph=graph) opCache = OpUnblockedArrayCache(graph=graph) opCache.CompressionEnabled.setValue(True) data = np.random.random((100, 100, 100)).astype(np.float32) opDataProvider.Input.setValue(vigra.taggedView(data, 'zyx')) opCache.Input.connect(opDataProvider.Output) roi = ((30, 30, 30), (50, 50, 50)) cache_data = opCache.Output(*roi).wait() assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*roi)]).all() assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 1 # Request the same data a second time. # Access count should not change. cache_data = opCache.Output(*roi).wait() assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*roi)]).all() assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 1 # Now invalidate a part of the data # The cache will discard it, so the access count should increase. opDataProvider.Input.setDirty((30, 30, 30), (31, 31, 31)) cache_data = opCache.Output(*roi).wait() assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*roi)]).all() assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 2 # Repeat this next part just for safety for _ in range(10): # Make sure the cache is empty opDataProvider.Input.setDirty((30, 30, 30), (31, 31, 31)) opDataProvider.accessCount = 0 # Create many requests for the same data. # Upstream data should only be accessed ONCE. pool = RequestPool() for _ in range(10): pool.add(opCache.Output(*roi)) pool.wait() assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 1 # Also, make sure requests for INNER rois of stored blocks are also serviced from memory opDataProvider.accessCount = 0 inner_roi = ((35, 35, 35), (45, 45, 45)) cache_data = opCache.Output(*inner_roi).wait() assert (cache_data == data[roiToSlice(*inner_roi)]).all() assert opDataProvider.accessCount == 0
def calc_std_features(data_filename, output_filename, n_images, sigmas): #return type: none but produces file with name output_filename containing feature_array [x,y,t,c, type_feature, sigmas] #data_filename: name of file with dataset 'data' in shape [t,x,y,c] to calculate features on #output_filename: name of file with dataset 'data' in shape [x,y,n_images, cDim, 7, len(sigmas)] #n_images: compute convolutions on first n_images of data_filename #sigmas: sigmas for following features: sigmasGaussian, sigmasLoG, sigmasGGM, sigmasSTE, sigmasHoGE #open data file rawdataF = h5py.File(data_filename, 'r') xDim = rawdataF['data'].shape[1] yDim = rawdataF['data'].shape[2] cDim = rawdataF['data'].shape[3] outF = h5py.File(output_filename, 'w') #number of features types: 7 because STE and HoGE consists of two eigenvalues n_feat_types = 7 outF.create_dataset( "data", (xDim, yDim, n_images, cDim, n_feat_types, len(sigmas)), dtype=np.float32, compression='gzip') for t in np.arange(n_images): data = np.zeros((xDim, yDim, cDim), dtype=np.float32) data = rawdataF['data'][t, :, :, :] print data.shape #rawdata = rawdata.swapaxes(0,2).swapaxes(0,1) rawdata = vg.taggedView(data.astype(np.float32), "xyc") features = np.zeros((xDim, yDim, cDim, n_feat_types, len(sigmas)), dtype=np.float32) for c in np.arange(cDim): for i, sigma in enumerate(sigmas): features[:, :, c, 0, i] = vg.filters.gaussianSmoothing( rawdata[:, :, c], sigma) features[:, :, c, 1, i] = vg.filters.laplacianOfGaussian( rawdata[:, :, c], sigma) features[:, :, c, 2, i] = vg.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude( rawdata[:, :, c], sigma) data1 = vg.filters.structureTensorEigenvalues( rawdata[:, :, c], sigma, sigma) features[:, :, c, 3, i] = data1[:, :, 0] features[:, :, c, 4, i] = data1[:, :, 1] data2 = vg.filters.hessianOfGaussianEigenvalues( rawdata[:, :, c], sigma) features[:, :, c, 5, i] = data2[:, :, 0] features[:, :, c, 6, i] = data2[:, :, 1] outF['data'][:, :, t, :, :, :] = features[:, :, :, :, :] outF.close() rawdataF.close() return features
def testCacheApi(self): graph = Graph() opDataProvider = OpArrayPiperWithAccessCount(graph=graph) opCache = OpUnblockedArrayCache(graph=graph) data = np.random.random((100, 100, 100)).astype(np.float32) opDataProvider.Input.setValue(vigra.taggedView(data, 'zyx')) opCache.Input.connect(opDataProvider.Output) opCache.Output[10:20, 20:40, 50:100].wait() opCache.Output[11:21, 22:43, 53:90].wait() l = opCache.getBlockAccessTimes() assert len(l) == 2 for k, t in l: assert t > 0.0
def test_attempt_drop_nonsingleton_axis(self): """ Attempt to configure the operator with invalid settings by trying to drop a non-singleton axis. The execute method should assert in that case. """ data = numpy.zeros( (100,100,100), dtype=numpy.uint8 ) data = vigra.taggedView( data, vigra.defaultAxistags('xyz') ) op = OpReorderAxes( graph=Graph() ) op.Input.setValue( data ) # Attempt to drop some axes that can't be dropped. op.AxisOrder.setValue( 'txc' ) # Make sure this results in an error. self.assertRaises( AssertionError, op.Output[:].wait )
def testStrangeAxesWithout(self): pred = np.zeros((20, 22, 21, 3), dtype=np.uint32) pred = vigra.taggedView(pred, axistags='tyxc') oper5d = OpThresholdTwoLevels(graph=Graph()) oper5d.InputImage.setValue(pred) oper5d.MinSize.setValue(self.minSize) oper5d.MaxSize.setValue(self.maxSize) oper5d.HighThreshold.setValue(self.highThreshold) oper5d.LowThreshold.setValue(self.lowThreshold) oper5d.SmootherSigma.setValue(self.sigma) oper5d.Channel.setValue(0) oper5d.CurOperator.setValue(2) oper5d.UsePreThreshold.setValue(False) out5d = oper5d.CachedOutput[:].wait()
def allPairsOfShortestPath(graph, weights): pathFinder = vigra.graphs.ShortestPathPathDijkstra(graph) distances = numpy.zeros([graph.nodeNum] * 2) for ni, node in enumerate(graph.nodeIter()):**1, node) d = pathFinder.distances()**1 distances[ni, :] = d[:] ggf = graph.projectNodeFeaturesToGridGraph(d) ggf = vigra.taggedView(ggf, 'xy') if ni < 1: vigra.imshow(ggf) print distances.min(), distances.max() return distances
def test_2d(self): graph = Graph() data2d = numpy.random.random((2,100,100,1,3)) data2d = vigra.taggedView(data2d, axistags='txyzc') # Define operators opFeatures = OpFeatureSelection(graph=graph) opFeatures.Scales.connect(self.opFeatures.Scales[0]) opFeatures.FeatureIds.connect(self.opFeatures.FeatureIds[0]) opFeatures.SelectionMatrix.connect(self.opFeatures.SelectionMatrix[0]) # Set input data opFeatures.InputImage.setValue(data2d) # Compute results for the top slice only topSlice = [0, slice(None), slice(None), 0, slice(None)] result = opFeatures.OutputImage[topSlice].wait()
def __init__(self, *, preloaded_array: numpy.ndarray, axistags: AxisTags = None, nickname: str = "", **info_kwargs): self.preloaded_array = vigra.taggedView( preloaded_array, axistags or get_default_axisordering(preloaded_array.shape)) super().__init__( nickname=nickname or "preloaded-{}-array".format(, default_tags=self.preloaded_array.axistags, laneShape=preloaded_array.shape, laneDtype=preloaded_array.dtype, **info_kwargs, )
def test_attempt_drop_nonsingleton_axis(self): """ Attempt to configure the operator with invalid settings by trying to drop a non-singleton axis. The execute method should assert in that case. """ data = numpy.zeros((100, 100, 100), dtype=numpy.uint8) data = vigra.taggedView(data, vigra.defaultAxistags("xyz")) # Attempt to drop some axes that can't be dropped. op = OpReorderAxes(graph=Graph(), Input=data, AxisOrder="txc") # Make sure this results in an error. req = op.Output[:] req.notify_failed( lambda *args: None ) # We expect an exception here, so disable the default fail handler to hide the traceback self.assertRaises(AssertionError, req.wait)
def processSingleObject(i): logger.debug("processing object {}".format(i)) # maxs are inclusive, so we need to add 1 xmin = max(mins[i][0] - margin[0], 0) ymin = max(mins[i][1] - margin[1], 0) zmin = max(mins[i][2] - margin[2], 0) xmax = min(maxs[i][0] + margin[0] + 1, cc.shape[0]) ymax = min(maxs[i][1] + margin[1] + 1, cc.shape[1]) zmax = min(maxs[i][2] + margin[2] + 1, cc.shape[2]) ccbox = cc[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax] resbox = resultXYZ[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax] nVoxels = ccbox.size if nVoxels > MAXBOXSIZE: #problem too large to run graph cut, assign to seed logger.warn("Object {} too large for graph cut.".format(i)) resbox[ccbox == i] = 1 return probbox = pred[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax, zmin:zmax] gcsegm = segmentGC(probbox, beta) gcsegm = vigra.taggedView(gcsegm, axistags='xyz') ccsegm = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground( gcsegm.astype(np.uint8)) # Extended bboxes of different objects might overlap. # To avoid conflicting segmentations, we find all connected # components in the results and only take the one, which # overlaps with the object "core" or "seed", defined by the # pre-thresholding seed = ccbox == i filtered = seed * ccsegm passed = vigra.analysis.unique(filtered) passed.sort() assert len(passed.shape) == 1 if passed.size > 2: logger.warn("ambiguous label assignment for region {}".format( (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax))) resbox[ccbox == i] = 1 elif passed.size <= 1: logger.warn("box {} segmented out with beta {}".format( i, beta)) else: # assign to the overlap region label = passed[1] # 0 is background resbox[ccsegm == label] = 1
def distance_transform(mask, background=False, smoothing=0.0, negate=False): """ Compute the distance transform of voxels inside (or outside) the given mask, with smoothing and negation post-processing options as a convenience. """ mask = mask.astype(bool, copy=False) mask = vigra.taggedView(mask, 'zyx').astype(np.uint32) dt = vigra.filters.distanceTransform(mask, background=background) del mask if smoothing > 0.0: vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(dt, smoothing, dt, window_size=2.0) if negate: dt[:] *= -1 return dt
def testSimpleUsage(self): n = self.vol.shape[2] op = OpMultiArrayStacker(graph=self.g) op.AxisFlag.setValue('z') provider = OperatorWrapper(OpArrayPiper, graph=self.g) vol = self.vol op.Images.connect(provider.Output) provider.Input.resize(n) for i in range(n): provider.Input[i].setValue(vol[..., i]) out = op.Output[...].wait() out = vigra.taggedView(out, axistags='xyz') numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(out, vol)
def test_tzyxc(self): expected_volume_tzyxc, globstring = self._prepare_data( "rand_4dc", (5, 10, 50, 100, 3), "tzyxc", "t") graph = Graph() op = OpStackLoader(graph=graph) op.globstring.setValue(globstring) assert len(op.stack.meta.axistags) == 5 assert op.stack.meta.getAxisKeys() == list("tzyxc") assert op.stack.meta.dtype == expected_volume_tzyxc.dtype vol_from_stack_tzyxc = op.stack[:].wait() vol_from_stack_tzyxc = vigra.taggedView(vol_from_stack_tzyxc, "tzyxc") assert (vol_from_stack_tzyxc == expected_volume_tzyxc ).all(), "4D+c Volume from stack did not match expected data."
def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result): rag = self.Rag.value channel_feature_names = self.FeatureNames.value edge_feature_dfs = [] for c in range(self.VoxelData.meta.shape[-1]): channel_name = self.VoxelData.meta.channel_names[c] if channel_name not in channel_feature_names: continue feature_names = [ decodeToStringIfBytes(f) for f in channel_feature_names[channel_name] ] if not feature_names: # No features selected for this channel continue voxel_data = self.VoxelData[..., c:c + 1].wait() voxel_data = vigra.taggedView(voxel_data, self.VoxelData.meta.axistags) voxel_data = voxel_data[..., 0] # drop channel edge_features_df = rag.compute_features(voxel_data, feature_names) #if np.isnan(edge_features_df.values).any(): # raise RuntimeError("Whoa, why are there NaN values in the feature matrix?") edge_features_df = edge_features_df.iloc[:, 2:] # Discard columns [sp1, sp2] # Prefix all column names with the channel name, to guarantee uniqueness # (Generally a nice feature, but also required for serialization.) edge_features_df.columns = [ channel_name + ' ' + feature_name for feature_name in edge_features_df.columns.values ] edge_feature_dfs.append(edge_features_df) # Could use join() or merge() here, but we know the rows are already in the right order, and concat() should be faster. all_edge_features_df = pd.DataFrame(rag.edge_ids, columns=['sp1', 'sp2']) all_edge_features_df = pd.concat([all_edge_features_df] + edge_feature_dfs, axis=1, copy=False) result[0] = all_edge_features_df