예제 #1
    def create_or_del_networks(pf_name, params, remote_virsh_session=None,
        Create or delete network on local or remote

        :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
        :param pf_name: The name of PF
        :param remote_virsh_session: The virsh session object to the remote host
        :param is_del: Whether the networks should be deleted
        :raise: test.fail when fails to define/start network
        net_bridge_name = params.get("net_bridge_name", "host-bridge")
        net_bridge_fwd = params.get("net_bridge_fwd", '{"mode": "bridge"}')
        bridge_name = params.get("bridge_name", "br0")

        bridge_dict = {"net_name": net_bridge_name,
                       "net_forward": net_bridge_fwd,
                       "net_bridge": '{"name": "%s"}' % bridge_name}
        net_list = [bridge_dict]
        enable_hostdev_iface = "yes" == params.get("enable_hostdev_iface", "no")
        if enable_hostdev_iface:
            net_hostdev_name = params.get("net_hostdev_name", "hostdev-net")
            net_hostdev_fwd = params.get("net_hostdev_fwd",
                                         '{"mode": "hostdev", "managed": "yes"}')
            net_dict = {"net_name": net_hostdev_name,
                        "net_forward": net_hostdev_fwd,
                        "net_forward_pf": '{"dev": "%s"}' % pf_name}

        if not is_del:
            for net_params in net_list:
                net_dev = libvirt.create_net_xml(net_params.get("net_name"),
                if not remote_virsh_session:
                    if net_dev.get_active():
                    remote.scp_to_remote(server_ip, '22', server_user, server_pwd,
                                         net_dev.xml, net_dev.xml, limit="",
                                         log_filename=None, timeout=600,
                    remote_virsh_session.net_define(net_dev.xml, **virsh_args)

            virsh_session = virsh
            if remote_virsh_session:
                virsh_session = remote_virsh_session
            for nname in [n_dict.get("net_name") for n_dict in net_list]:
                if nname not in virsh_session.net_state_dict():
                virsh_session.net_destroy(nname, debug=True, ignore_status=True)
                virsh_session.net_undefine(nname, debug=True, ignore_status=True)
예제 #2
def create_or_del_network(net_dict, is_del=False, remote_args=None):
    Create or delete network on local or remote

    :param net_dict: Dictionary with the network parameters
    :param is_del: Whether the networks should be deleted
    :param remote_args: The parameters for remote

    remote_virsh_session = None
    if remote_args:
        remote_virsh_session = virsh.VirshPersistent(**remote_args)

    if not is_del:
        net_dev = libvirt.create_net_xml(net_dict.get("net_name"), net_dict)

        if not remote_virsh_session:
            if net_dev.get_active():
            remote_ip = remote_args.get("remote_ip")
            remote_user = remote_args.get("remote_user")
            remote_pwd = remote_args.get("remote_pwd")
            if not all([remote_ip, remote_user, remote_pwd]):
                raise exceptions.TestError(
                    "remote_[ip|user|pwd] are necessary!")
            remote_virsh_session.net_define(net_dev.xml, debug=True)
            remote.run_remote_cmd("rm -rf %s" % net_dev.xml, remote_args)
        virsh_session = virsh
        if remote_virsh_session:
            virsh_session = remote_virsh_session
        if net_dict.get("net_name") in virsh_session.net_state_dict():
    if remote_virsh_session:
예제 #3
def prepare_network(net_name, **kwargs):
    Prepare a new network for test by creating net xml, defining network
    and starting network

    :param net_name: net to be created
    :param kwargs: params of net
    new_net = libvirt.create_net_xml(net_name, kwargs)
    virsh.net_define(new_net.xml, debug=True, ignore_status=False)
    virsh.net_start(net_name, debug=True, ignore_status=False)
예제 #4
def run(test, params, env):
    Test openvswitch support for network.

    1.Prepare test environment,destroy or suspend a VM.
    2.Edit xml and start the domain.
    3.Perform test operation.
    4.Recover test environment.
    5.Confirm the test result.
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    def modify_iface_xml():
        Modify interface xml options
        vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        xml_devices = vmxml.devices
        iface_index = xml_devices.index(
        iface = xml_devices[iface_index]

        iface_type = params.get("iface_type")
        if iface_type:
            iface.type_name = iface_type
        source = eval(iface_source)
        if source:
            del iface.source
            iface.source = source
        iface_model = params.get("iface_model", "virtio")
        iface.model = iface_model
        iface_virtualport = params.get("iface_virtualport")
        if iface_virtualport:
            iface.virtualport_type = iface_virtualport
        logging.debug("New interface xml file: %s", iface)
        vmxml.devices = xml_devices

    def check_ovs_port(ifname, brname):
        Check OVS port that created by libvirt
        pg_name = params.get("porgroup_name", "").split()
        pg_vlan = params.get("portgroup_vlan", "").split()
        if_source = eval(iface_source)
        port_vlan = {}
        if if_source.has_key("portgroup"):
            pg = if_source["portgroup"]
            for (name, vlan) in zip(pg_name, pg_vlan):
                if pg == name:
                    port_vlan = eval(vlan)
        # Check bridge name by port name
        _, bridge = utils_net.find_current_bridge(ifname)
        assert bridge == brname
        # Get port info from ovs-vsctl output
        cmd = "ovs-vsctl list port %s" % ifname
        output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
        logging.debug("ovs port output: %s", output)
        for line in output.splitlines():
            if line.count("tag"):
                tag_info = line.rsplit(':')
                if (port_vlan.has_key("id") and tag_info[0] == "tag"):
                    assert port_vlan["id"] == tag_info[1]
            elif line.count("vlan_mode"):
                mode_info = line.rsplit(':')
                if (port_vlan.has_key("nativeMode")
                        and mode_info[0] == "vlan_mode"):
                    assert (port_vlan["nativeMode"] == "native-%s" %

    start_error = "yes" == params.get("start_error", "no")

    # network specific attributes.
    net_name = params.get("net_name", "default")
    net_bridge = params.get("net_bridge", "{'name':'virbr0'}")
    iface_source = params.get("iface_source", "{}")
    create_network = "yes" == params.get("create_network", "no")
    change_iface_option = "yes" == params.get("change_iface_option", "no")
    test_ovs_port = "yes" == params.get("test_ovs_port", "no")

    # Destroy the guest first
    if vm.is_alive():

    # Back up xml file.
    netxml_backup = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml("default")
    iface_mac = vm_xml.VMXML.get_first_mac_by_name(vm_name)
    params["guest_mac"] = iface_mac
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)

    bridge_name = eval(net_bridge)['name']
    # Build the xml and run test.
        # Edit the network xml or create a new one.
        if create_network:
            # Try to add ovs bridge first
            if not utils_net.ovs_br_exists(bridge_name):
            netxml = libvirt.create_net_xml(net_name, params)
        # Edit the interface xml.
        if change_iface_option:
            # Try to add bridge if needed
            source = eval(iface_source)
            if source:
                if source.has_key("bridge"):
                    if not utils_net.ovs_br_exists(source["bridge"]):

            # Start the VM.
            if start_error:
                raise error.TestFail("VM started unexpectedly")

            iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)
            if test_ovs_port:
                check_ovs_port(iface_name, bridge_name)

        except virt_vm.VMStartError, details:
            if start_error:
                raise error.TestFail('VM Failed to start for some reason!')

        # Recover VM.
        if vm.is_alive():
        logging.info("Restoring network...")
        if net_name == "default":
            # Destroy and undefine new created network
        # Try to recovery ovs bridge
        if utils_net.ovs_br_exists(bridge_name):
예제 #5
def run(test, params, env):
    Test interafce xml options.

    1.Prepare test environment,destroy or suspend a VM.
    2.Edit xml and start the domain.
    3.Perform test operation.
    4.Recover test environment.
    5.Confirm the test result.
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    def prepare_pxe_boot():
        Prepare tftp server and pxe boot files
        pkg_list = ["syslinux", "tftp-server",
                    "tftp", "ipxe-roms-qemu", "wget"]
        # Try to install required packages
        if not utils_misc.yum_install(pkg_list):
            raise error.TestError("Failed ot install "
                                  "required packages")
        boot_initrd = params.get("boot_initrd", "EXAMPLE_INITRD")
        boot_vmlinuz = params.get("boot_vmlinuz", "EXAMPLE_VMLINUZ")
        if boot_initrd.count("EXAMPLE") or boot_vmlinuz.count("EXAMPLE"):
            raise error.TestNAError("Please provide initrd/vmlinuz URL")
        # Download pxe boot images
        utils.run("wget %s -O %s/initrd.img"
                  % (boot_initrd, tftp_root))
        utils.run("wget %s -O %s/vmlinuz"
                  % (boot_vmlinuz, tftp_root))
        utils.run("cp -f /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 {0};"
                  " mkdir -m 777 -p {0}/pxelinux.cfg".format(tftp_root))
        pxe_file = "%s/pxelinux.cfg/default" % tftp_root
        boot_txt = """
DISPLAY boot.txt
LABEL rhel
        kernel vmlinuz
        append initrd=initrd.img
        with open(pxe_file, 'w') as p_file:

    def modify_iface_xml():
        Modify interface xml options
        vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        if pxe_boot:
            # Config boot console for pxe boot
            osxml = vm_xml.VMOSXML()
            osxml.type = vmxml.os.type
            osxml.arch = vmxml.os.arch
            osxml.machine = vmxml.os.machine
            osxml.loader = "/usr/share/seabios/bios.bin"
            osxml.bios_useserial = "yes"
            osxml.bios_reboot_timeout = "-1"
            osxml.boots = ['network']
            del vmxml.os
            vmxml.os = osxml

        xml_devices = vmxml.devices
        iface_index = xml_devices.index(
        iface = xml_devices[iface_index]
        iface_bandwidth = {}
        iface_inbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
        iface_outbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
        if iface_inbound:
            iface_bandwidth["inbound"] = iface_inbound
        if iface_outbound:
            iface_bandwidth["outbound"] = iface_outbound
        if iface_bandwidth:
            bandwidth = iface.new_bandwidth(**iface_bandwidth)
            iface.bandwidth = bandwidth

        iface_type = params.get("iface_type", "network")
        iface.type_name = iface_type
        source = ast.literal_eval(iface_source)
        if not source:
            source = {"network": "default"}
        net_ifs = utils_net.get_net_if(state="UP")
        # Check source device is valid or not,
        # if it's not in host interface list, try to set
        # source device to first active interface of host
        if (iface.type_name == "direct" and
            source.has_key('dev') and
                source['dev'] not in net_ifs):
            logging.warn("Source device %s is not a interface"
                         " of host, reset to %s",
                         source['dev'], net_ifs[0])
            source['dev'] = net_ifs[0]
        del iface.source
        iface.source = source
        iface_model = params.get("iface_model", "virtio")
        iface.model = iface_model
        logging.debug("New interface xml file: %s", iface)
        vmxml.devices = xml_devices

    def run_dnsmasq_default_test(key, value=None, exists=True):
        Test dnsmasq configuration.
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf"
        if not os.path.exists(conf_file):
            raise error.TestNAError("Can't find default.conf file")

        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if value:
            config = "%s=%s" % (key, value)
            config = key

        if not configs.count(config):
            if exists:
                raise error.TestFail("Can't find %s=%s in configuration"
                                     " file" % (key, value))
            if not exists:
                raise error.TestFail("Found %s=%s in configuration"
                                     " file" % (key, value))

    def run_dnsmasq_addnhosts_test(hostip, hostnames):
        Test host ip and names configuration
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.addnhosts"
        hosts_re = ".*".join(hostnames)
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if not re.search(r"%s.*%s" % (hostip, hosts_re), configs, re.M):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find '%s' in configuration"
                                 " file" % hostip)

    def run_dnsmasq_host_test(iface_mac, guest_ip, guest_name):
        Test host name and ip configuration for dnsmasq
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.hostsfile"
        config = "%s,%s,%s" % (iface_mac, guest_ip, guest_name)
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if not configs.count(config):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find host configuration"
                                 " in file %s" % conf_file)

    def check_class_rules(ifname, rule_id, bandwidth):
        Check bandwidth settings via 'tc class' output
        cmd = "tc class show dev %s" % ifname
        class_output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
        logging.debug("Bandwidth class output: %s", class_output)
        class_pattern = (r"class htb %s.*rate (\d+)Kbit ceil"
                         " (\d+)Kbit burst (\d+)(K?M?)b.*" % rule_id)
        se = re.search(class_pattern, class_output, re.M)
        if not se:
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find outbound setting"
                                 " for htb %s" % rule_id)
        logging.debug("bandwidth from tc output:%s" % str(se.groups()))
        ceil = None
        if bandwidth.has_key("floor"):
            ceil = int(bandwidth["floor"]) * 8
        elif bandwidth.has_key("average"):
            ceil = int(bandwidth["average"]) * 8
        if ceil:
            assert int(se.group(1)) == ceil
        if bandwidth.has_key("peak"):
            assert int(se.group(2)) == int(bandwidth["peak"]) * 8
        if bandwidth.has_key("burst"):
            if se.group(4) == 'M':
                tc_burst = int(se.group(3)) * 1024
                tc_burst = int(se.group(3))
            assert tc_burst == int(bandwidth["burst"])

    def check_filter_rules(ifname, bandwidth):
        Check bandwidth settings via 'tc filter' output
        cmd = "tc -d filter show dev %s parent ffff:" % ifname
        filter_output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
        logging.debug("Bandwidth filter output: %s", filter_output)
        if not filter_output.count("filter protocol all pref"):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find 'protocol all' settings"
                                 " in filter rules")
        filter_pattern = ".*police.*rate (\d+)Kbit burst (\d+)(K?M?)b.*"
        se = re.search(r"%s" % filter_pattern, filter_output, re.M)
        if not se:
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find any filter policy")
        logging.debug("bandwidth from tc output:%s" % str(se.groups()))
        logging.debug("bandwidth from setting:%s" % str(bandwidth))
        if bandwidth.has_key("average"):
            assert int(se.group(1)) == int(bandwidth["average"]) * 8
        if bandwidth.has_key("burst"):
            if se.group(3) == 'M':
                tc_burst = int(se.group(2)) * 1024
                tc_burst = int(se.group(2))
            assert tc_burst == int(bandwidth["burst"])

    def check_host_routes():
        Check network routes on host
        for rt in routes:
                route = ast.literal_eval(rt)
                addr = "%s/%s" % (route["address"], route["prefix"])
                cmd = "ip route list %s" % addr
                if route.has_key("family") and route["family"] == "ipv6":
                    cmd = "ip -6 route list %s" % addr
                output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
                match_obj = re.search(r"via (\S+).*metric (\d+)", output)
                if match_obj:
                    via_addr = match_obj.group(1)
                    metric = match_obj.group(2)
                    logging.debug("via address %s for %s, matric is %s"
                                  % (via_addr, addr, metric))
                    assert via_addr == route["gateway"]
                    if route.has_key("metric"):
                        assert metric == route["metric"]
            except KeyError:

    def run_bandwidth_test(check_net=False, check_iface=False):
        Test bandwidth option for network or interface by tc command.
        iface_inbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
        iface_outbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
        net_inbound = ast.literal_eval(net_bandwidth_inbound)
        net_outbound = ast.literal_eval(net_bandwidth_outbound)
        net_bridge_name = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)["name"]
        iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)

            if check_net and net_inbound:
                # Check qdisc rules
                cmd = "tc -d qdisc show dev %s" % net_bridge_name
                qdisc_output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
                logging.debug("Bandwidth qdisc output: %s", qdisc_output)
                if not qdisc_output.count("qdisc ingress ffff:"):
                    raise error.TestFail("Can't find ingress setting")
                check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:1",
                                  {"average": net_inbound["average"],
                                   "peak": net_inbound["peak"]})
                check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:2", net_inbound)

            # Check filter rules on bridge interface
            if check_net and net_outbound:
                check_filter_rules(net_bridge_name, net_outbound)

            # Check class rules on interface inbound settings
            if check_iface and iface_inbound:
                check_class_rules(iface_name, "1:1",
                                  {'average': iface_inbound['average'],
                                   'peak': iface_inbound['peak'],
                                   'burst': iface_inbound['burst']})
                if iface_inbound.has_key("floor"):
                    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 1):
                        raise error.TestNAError("Not supported Qos"
                                                " options 'floor'")

                    check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:3",
                                      {'floor': iface_inbound["floor"]})

            # Check filter rules on interface outbound settings
            if check_iface and iface_outbound:
                check_filter_rules(iface_name, iface_outbound)
        except AssertionError:
            raise error.TestFail("Failed to check network bandwidth")

    def check_name_ip(session):
        Check dns resolving on guest
        # Check if bind-utils is installed
        if not utils_misc.yum_install(['bind-utils'], session):
            raise error.TestError("Failed to install bind-utils"
                                  " on guest")
        # Run host command to check if hostname can be resolved
        if not guest_ipv4 and not guest_ipv6:
            raise error.TestFail("No ip address found from parameters")
        guest_ip = guest_ipv4 if guest_ipv4 else guest_ipv6
        cmd = "host %s | grep %s" % (guest_name, guest_ip)
        if session.cmd_status(cmd):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't resolve name %s on guest" %

    def check_ipt_rules(check_ipv4=True, check_ipv6=False):
        Check iptables for network/interface
        br_name = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)["name"]
        net_forward = ast.literal_eval(params.get("net_forward", "{}"))
        net_ipv4 = params.get("net_ipv4")
        net_ipv6 = params.get("net_ipv6")
        ipt_rules = ("FORWARD -i {0} -o {0} -j ACCEPT".format(br_name),
                     "FORWARD -o %s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp" % br_name,
                     "FORWARD -i %s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp" % br_name)
        net_dev_in = ""
        net_dev_out = ""
        if net_forward.has_key("dev"):
            net_dev_in = " -i %s" % net_forward["dev"]
            net_dev_out = " -o %s" % net_forward["dev"]
        if check_ipv4:
            ipv4_rules = list(ipt_rules)
            ctr_rule = ""
            nat_rules = []
            if net_forward.has_key("mode") and net_forward["mode"] == "nat":
                nat_port = ast.literal_eval(params.get("nat_port"))
                p_start = nat_port["start"]
                p_end = nat_port["end"]
                ctr_rule = " -m .* RELATED,ESTABLISHED"
                nat_rules = [("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p tcp -j MASQUERADE"
                              " --to-ports {1}-{2}".format(net_ipv4, p_start, p_end)),
                             ("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p udp -j MASQUERADE"
                              " --to-ports {1}-{2}".format(net_ipv4, p_start, p_end)),
                             ("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p udp"
                              " -j MASQUERADE".format(net_ipv4))]
            if nat_rules:
            if (net_ipv4 and net_forward.has_key("mode") and
                    net_forward["mode"] in ["nat", "route"]):
                rules = [("FORWARD -d %s%s -o %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv4, net_dev_in, br_name, ctr_rule)),
                         ("FORWARD -s %s -i %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv4, br_name, net_dev_out))]

            output = utils.run("iptables-save").stdout.strip()
            logging.debug("iptables: %s", output)
            for ipt in ipv4_rules:
                if not re.findall(r"%s" % ipt, output, re.M):
                    raise error.TestFail("Can't find iptable rule:\n%s" % ipt)
        if check_ipv6:
            ipv6_rules = list(ipt_rules)
            if (net_ipv6 and net_forward.has_key("mode") and
                    net_forward["mode"] in ["nat", "route"]):
                rules = [("FORWARD -d %s%s -o %s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv6, net_dev_in, br_name)),
                         ("FORWARD -s %s -i %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv6, br_name, net_dev_out))]
            output = utils.run("ip6tables-save").stdout.strip()
            logging.debug("iptables: %s", output)
            for ipt in ipv6_rules:
                if not output.count(ipt):
                    raise error.TestFail("Can't find ipbtable rule:\n%s" % ipt)

    def run_ip_test(session, ip_ver):
        Check iptables on host and ipv6 address on guest
        if ip_ver == "ipv6":
            # Clean up iptables rules for guest to get ipv6 address
            session.cmd_status("ip6tables -F")

        # It may take some time to get the ip address
        def get_ip_func():
            return utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(session, iface_mac,
        utils_misc.wait_for(get_ip_func, 5)
        if not get_ip_func():
            utils_net.restart_guest_network(session, iface_mac,
            utils_misc.wait_for(get_ip_func, 5)
        vm_ip = get_ip_func()
        logging.debug("Guest has ip: %s", vm_ip)
        if not vm_ip:
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find ip address on guest")
        ip_gateway = net_ip_address
        if ip_ver == "ipv6":
            ip_gateway = net_ipv6_address
            # Cleanup ip6talbes on host for ping6 test
            utils.run("ip6tables -F")
        if ip_gateway and not routes:
            ping_s, _ = ping(dest=ip_gateway, count=5,
                             timeout=10, session=session)
            if ping_s:
                raise error.TestFail("Failed to ping gateway address: %s"
                                     % ip_gateway)

    def run_guest_libvirt(session):
        Check guest libvirt network
        # Try to install required packages
        if not utils_misc.yum_install(['libvirt'], session):
            raise error.TestError("Failed ot install libvirt"
                                  " package on guest")
        result = True
        # Try to load tun module first
        session.cmd("lsmod | grep tun || modprobe  tun")
        # Check network state on guest
        cmd = ("service libvirtd restart; virsh net-info default"
               " | grep 'Active:.*no'")
        if session.cmd_status(cmd):
            result = False
            logging.error("Default network isn't in inactive state")
        # Try to start default network on guest, check error messages
        if result:
            cmd = "virsh net-start default"
            status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd)
            logging.debug("Run command on guest exit %s, output %s"
                          % (status, output))
            if not status or not output.count("already in use"):
                result = False
                logging.error("Failed to see network messges on guest")
        if session.cmd_status("yum -y remove libvirt*"):
            logging.error("Failed to remove libvirt packages on guest")

        if not result:
            raise error.TestFail("Check libvirt network on guest failed")

    start_error = "yes" == params.get("start_error", "no")
    define_error = "yes" == params.get("define_error", "no")
    restart_error = "yes" == params.get("restart_error", "no")

    # network specific attributes.
    net_name = params.get("net_name", "default")
    net_bridge = params.get("net_bridge", "{'name':'virbr0'}")
    net_domain = params.get("net_domain")
    net_ip_address = params.get("net_ip_address")
    net_ipv6_address = params.get("net_ipv6_address")
    net_dns_forward = params.get("net_dns_forward")
    net_dns_txt = params.get("net_dns_txt")
    net_dns_srv = params.get("net_dns_srv")
    net_dns_hostip = params.get("net_dns_hostip")
    net_dns_hostnames = params.get("net_dns_hostnames", "").split()
    dhcp_start_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_start_ipv4")
    dhcp_end_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_end_ipv4")
    guest_name = params.get("guest_name")
    guest_ipv4 = params.get("guest_ipv4")
    guest_ipv6 = params.get("guest_ipv6")
    tftp_root = params.get("tftp_root")
    pxe_boot = "yes" == params.get("pxe_boot", "no")
    routes = params.get("routes", "").split()
    net_bandwidth_inbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_inbound", "{}")
    net_bandwidth_outbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_outbound", "{}")
    iface_bandwidth_inbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_inbound", "{}")
    iface_bandwidth_outbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_outbound", "{}")
    iface_num = params.get("iface_num", "1")
    iface_source = params.get("iface_source", "{}")
    multiple_guests = params.get("multiple_guests")
    create_network = "yes" == params.get("create_network", "no")
    attach_iface = "yes" == params.get("attach_iface", "no")
    serial_login = "******" == params.get("serial_login", "no")
    change_iface_option = "yes" == params.get("change_iface_option", "no")
    test_bridge = "yes" == params.get("test_bridge", "no")
    test_dnsmasq = "yes" == params.get("test_dnsmasq", "no")
    test_dhcp_range = "yes" == params.get("test_dhcp_range", "no")
    test_dns_host = "yes" == params.get("test_dns_host", "no")
    test_qos_bandwidth = "yes" == params.get("test_qos_bandwidth", "no")
    test_pg_bandwidth = "yes" == params.get("test_portgroup_bandwidth", "no")
    test_qos_remove = "yes" == params.get("test_qos_remove", "no")
    test_ipv4_address = "yes" == params.get("test_ipv4_address", "no")
    test_ipv6_address = "yes" == params.get("test_ipv6_address", "no")
    test_guest_libvirt = "yes" == params.get("test_guest_libvirt", "no")
    username = params.get("username")
    password = params.get("password")

    # Destroy VM first
    if vm.is_alive():

    # Back up xml file.
    netxml_backup = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml("default")
    iface_mac = vm_xml.VMXML.get_first_mac_by_name(vm_name)
    params["guest_mac"] = iface_mac
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    vms_list = []
    if "floor" in ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound):
        if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 1):
            raise error.TestNAError("Not supported Qos"
                                    " options 'floor'")

    # Build the xml and run test.
        if test_dnsmasq:
            # Check the settings before modifying network xml
            if net_dns_forward == "no":
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain-needed", exists=False)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("local", "//", exists=False)
            if net_domain:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain", net_domain, exists=False)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("expand-hosts", exists=False)

        # Prepare pxe boot directory
        if pxe_boot:
        # Edit the network xml or create a new one.
        if create_network:
            net_ifs = utils_net.get_net_if(state="UP")
            # Check forward device is valid or not,
            # if it's not in host interface list, try to set
            # forward device to first active interface of host
            forward = ast.literal_eval(params.get("net_forward",
            if (forward.has_key('mode') and forward['mode'] in
                ['passthrough', 'private', 'bridge', 'macvtap'] and
                forward.has_key('dev') and
                    forward['dev'] not in net_ifs):
                logging.warn("Forward device %s is not a interface"
                             " of host, reset to %s",
                             forward['dev'], net_ifs[0])
                forward['dev'] = net_ifs[0]
                params["net_forward"] = str(forward)
            forward_iface = params.get("forward_iface")
            if forward_iface:
                interface = [x for x in forward_iface.split()]
                # The guest will use first interface of the list,
                # check if it's valid or not, if it's not in host
                # interface list, try to set forward interface to
                # first active interface of host.
                if interface[0] not in net_ifs:
                    logging.warn("Forward interface %s is not a "
                                 " interface of host, reset to %s",
                                 interface[0], net_ifs[0])
                    interface[0] = net_ifs[0]
                    params["forward_iface"] = " ".join(interface)

            netxml = libvirt.create_net_xml(net_name, params)
            except xcepts.LibvirtXMLError, details:
                if define_error:
                    raise error.TestFail("Failed to define network")
        # Edit the interface xml.
        if change_iface_option:
        # Attach interface if needed
        if attach_iface:
            iface_type = params.get("iface_type", "network")
            iface_model = params.get("iface_model", "virtio")
            for i in range(int(iface_num)):
                logging.info("Try to attach interface loop %s" % i)
                options = ("%s %s --model %s --config" %
                           (iface_type, net_name, iface_model))
                ret = virsh.attach_interface(vm_name, options,
                if ret.exit_status:
                    logging.error("Command output %s" %
                    raise error.TestFail("Failed to attach-interface")

        if multiple_guests:
            # Clone more vms for testing
            for i in range(int(multiple_guests)):
                guest_name = "%s_%s" % (vm_name, i)
                timeout = params.get("clone_timeout", 360)
                utils_libguestfs.virt_clone_cmd(vm_name, guest_name,
                                                True, timeout=timeout)

        if test_bridge:
            bridge = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)
            br_if = utils_net.Interface(bridge['name'])
            if not br_if.is_up():
                raise error.TestFail("Bridge interface isn't up")
        if test_dnsmasq:
            # Check the settings in dnsmasq config file
            if net_dns_forward == "no":
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("local", "//")
            if net_domain:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain", net_domain)
            if net_bridge:
                bridge = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("interface", bridge['name'])
                if bridge.has_key('stp') and bridge['stp'] == 'on':
                    if bridge.has_key('delay'):
                        br_delay = float(bridge['delay'])
                        cmd = ("brctl showstp %s | grep 'bridge forward delay'"
                               % bridge['name'])
                        out = utils.run(cmd, ignore_status=False).stdout.strip()
                        logging.debug("brctl showstp output: %s", out)
                        pattern = (r"\s*forward delay\s+(\d+.\d+)\s+bridge"
                                   " forward delay\s+(\d+.\d+)")
                        match_obj = re.search(pattern, out, re.M)
                        if not match_obj or len(match_obj.groups()) != 2:
                            raise error.TestFail("Can't see forward delay"
                                                 " messages from command")
                        elif (float(match_obj.groups()[0]) != br_delay or
                                float(match_obj.groups()[1]) != br_delay):
                            raise error.TestFail("Foward delay setting"
                                                 " can't take effect")
            if dhcp_start_ipv4 and dhcp_end_ipv4:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("dhcp-range", "%s,%s"
                                         % (dhcp_start_ipv4, dhcp_end_ipv4))
            if guest_name and guest_ipv4:
                run_dnsmasq_host_test(iface_mac, guest_ipv4, guest_name)

        if test_dns_host:
            if net_dns_txt:
                dns_txt = ast.literal_eval(net_dns_txt)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("txt-record", "%s,%s" %
            if net_dns_srv:
                dns_srv = ast.literal_eval(net_dns_srv)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("srv-host", "_%s._%s.%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" %
                                         (dns_srv["service"], dns_srv["protocol"],
                                          dns_srv["domain"], dns_srv["target"],
                                          dns_srv["port"], dns_srv["priority"],
            if net_dns_hostip and net_dns_hostnames:
                run_dnsmasq_addnhosts_test(net_dns_hostip, net_dns_hostnames)

        # Run bandwidth test for network
        if test_qos_bandwidth:
        # Check routes if needed
        if routes:

            # Start the VM.
            if start_error:
                raise error.TestFail("VM started unexpectedly")
            if pxe_boot:
                # Just check network boot messages here
                    ["Loading vmlinuz", "Loading initrd.img"],
                output = vm.serial_console.get_stripped_output()
                logging.debug("Boot messages: %s", output)

                if serial_login:
                    session = vm.wait_for_serial_login(username=username,
                    session = vm.wait_for_login()

                if test_dhcp_range:
                    dhcp_range = int(params.get("dhcp_range", "252"))
                    utils_net.restart_guest_network(session, iface_mac)
                    vm_ip = utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(session, iface_mac)
                    logging.debug("Guest has ip: %s", vm_ip)
                    if not vm_ip and dhcp_range:
                        raise error.TestFail("Guest has invalid ip address")
                    elif vm_ip and not dhcp_range:
                        raise error.TestFail("Guest has ip address: %s"
                                             % vm_ip)
                    dhcp_range = dhcp_range - 1
                    for vms in vms_list:
                        # Start other VMs.
                        sess = vms.wait_for_serial_login()
                        vms_mac = vms.get_virsh_mac_address()
                        # restart guest network to get ip addr
                        utils_net.restart_guest_network(sess, vms_mac)
                        vms_ip = utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(sess,
                        if not vms_ip and dhcp_range:
                            raise error.TestFail("Guest has invalid ip address")
                        elif vms_ip and not dhcp_range:
                            # Get IP address on guest should return Null
                            # if it exceeds the dhcp range
                            raise error.TestFail("Guest has ip address: %s"
                                                 % vms_ip)
                        dhcp_range = dhcp_range - 1
                        if vms_ip:
                            ping_s, _ = ping(dest=vm_ip, count=5,
                                             timeout=10, session=sess)
                            if ping_s:
                                raise error.TestFail("Failed to ping, src: %s, "
                                                     "dst: %s" % (vms_ip, vm_ip))

                # Check dnsmasq settings if take affect in guest
                if guest_ipv4:

                # Run bandwidth test for interface
                if test_qos_bandwidth:
                # Run bandwidth test for portgroup
                if test_pg_bandwidth:
                    pg_bandwidth_inbound = params.get(
                        "portgroup_bandwidth_inbound", "").split()
                    pg_bandwidth_outbound = params.get(
                        "portgroup_bandwidth_outbound", "").split()
                    pg_name = params.get("portgroup_name", "").split()
                    pg_default = params.get("portgroup_default", "").split()
                    iface_inbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
                    iface_outbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
                    iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)
                    if_source = ast.literal_eval(iface_source)
                    if if_source.has_key("portgroup"):
                        pg = if_source["portgroup"]
                        pg = "default"
                    for (name, df, bw_ib, bw_ob) in zip(pg_name, pg_default,
                        if pg == name:
                            inbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ib)
                            outbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ob)
                        elif pg == "default" and df == "yes":
                            inbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ib)
                            outbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ob)
                        # Interface bandwidth settings will
                        # overwriting portgroup settings
                        if iface_inbound:
                            inbound = iface_inbound
                        if iface_outbound:
                            outbound = iface_outbound
                        check_class_rules(iface_name, "1:1", inbound)
                        check_filter_rules(iface_name, outbound)
                if test_qos_remove:
                    # Remove the bandwidth settings in network xml
                    logging.debug("Removing network bandwidth settings...")
                    # Should fail to start vm
                    if restart_error:
                        raise error.TestFail("VM started unexpectedly")
                if test_ipv6_address:
                    run_ip_test(session, "ipv6")
                if test_ipv4_address:
                    run_ip_test(session, "ipv4")

                if test_guest_libvirt:

        except virt_vm.VMStartError, details:
            if start_error or restart_error:
                raise error.TestFail('VM Failed to start for some reason!')
예제 #6
def run(test, params, env):
    Test interafce xml options.

    1.Prepare test environment,destroy or suspend a VM.
    2.Edit xml and start the domain.
    3.Perform test operation.
    4.Recover test environment.
    5.Confirm the test result.
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    host_arch = platform.machine()

    def prepare_pxe_boot():
        Prepare tftp server and pxe boot files
        pkg_list = ["syslinux", "tftp-server",
                    "tftp", "ipxe-roms-qemu", "wget"]
        # Try to install required packages
        if not utils_package.package_install(pkg_list):
            test.error("Failed ot install required packages")
        boot_initrd = params.get("boot_initrd", "EXAMPLE_INITRD")
        boot_vmlinuz = params.get("boot_vmlinuz", "EXAMPLE_VMLINUZ")
        if boot_initrd.count("EXAMPLE") or boot_vmlinuz.count("EXAMPLE"):
            test.cancel("Please provide initrd/vmlinuz URL")
        # Download pxe boot images
        process.system("wget %s -O %s/initrd.img" % (boot_initrd, tftp_root))
        process.system("wget %s -O %s/vmlinuz" % (boot_vmlinuz, tftp_root))
        process.system("cp -f /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 {0};"
                       " mkdir -m 777 -p {0}/pxelinux.cfg".format(tftp_root), shell=True)
        ldlinux_file = "/usr/share/syslinux/ldlinux.c32"
        if os.path.exists(ldlinux_file):
            process.system("cp -f {0} {1}".format(ldlinux_file, tftp_root), shell=True)
        pxe_file = "%s/pxelinux.cfg/default" % tftp_root
        boot_txt = """
DISPLAY boot.txt
LABEL rhel
        kernel vmlinuz
        append initrd=initrd.img
        with open(pxe_file, 'w') as p_file:

    def modify_iface_xml(sync=True):
        Modify interface xml options

        :param sync: whether or not sync vmxml after the iface xml modified,
                    default to be True
        vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        if pxe_boot:
            # Config boot console for pxe boot
            osxml = vm_xml.VMOSXML()
            osxml.type = vmxml.os.type
            osxml.arch = vmxml.os.arch
            osxml.machine = vmxml.os.machine
            osxml.loader = "/usr/share/seabios/bios.bin"
            osxml.bios_useserial = "yes"
            if utils_misc.compare_qemu_version(4, 0, 0, False):
                osxml.bios_reboot_timeout = "-1"
            osxml.boots = ['network']
            del vmxml.os
            vmxml.os = osxml

        xml_devices = vmxml.devices
        iface_index = xml_devices.index(
        iface = xml_devices[iface_index]
        if not sync:
            params.setdefault('original_iface', vmxml.devices[iface_index])
        iface_bandwidth = {}
        iface_inbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
        iface_outbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
        if iface_inbound:
            iface_bandwidth["inbound"] = iface_inbound
        if iface_outbound:
            iface_bandwidth["outbound"] = iface_outbound
        if iface_bandwidth:
            bandwidth = iface.new_bandwidth(**iface_bandwidth)
            iface.bandwidth = bandwidth

        iface_type = params.get("iface_type", "network")
        iface.type_name = iface_type
        source = ast.literal_eval(iface_source)
        if not source:
            source = {"network": "default"}
        net_ifs = utils_net.get_net_if(state="UP")
        # Check source device is valid or not,
        # if it's not in host interface list, try to set
        # source device to first active interface of host
        if (iface.type_name == "direct" and
                'dev' in source and
                source['dev'] not in net_ifs):
            logging.warning("Source device %s is not a interface of host, reset to %s",
                            source['dev'], net_ifs[0])
            source['dev'] = net_ifs[0]
        del iface.source
        iface.source = source
        if iface_model:
            iface.model = get_iface_model(iface_model, host_arch)
        if iface_rom:
            iface.rom = eval(iface_rom)
        if iface_boot:
            iface.boot = iface_boot
        logging.debug("New interface xml file: %s", iface)
        if sync:
            vmxml.devices = xml_devices
            return iface

    def get_iface_model(iface_model, host_arch):
        Return iface_model. In case of s390x modify iface_model and log the change.
        :param iface_model: iface_model from params
        :param host_arch: host architecture, e.g. s390x
        :return: //interface/model@type
        if 's390x' == host_arch:
            logging.debug("On s390x only valid model type are the virtio(-*)."
                          " Using virtio and ignoring config value %s" % iface_model)
            return "virtio"
            return iface_model

    def run_dnsmasq_default_test(key, value=None, exists=True, name="default"):
        Test dnsmasq configuration.

        :param key: key in conf file to check
        :param value: value in conf file to check
        :param exists: check the key:value exist or not
        :param name: The name of conf file
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/%s.conf" % name
        if not os.path.exists(conf_file):
            test.cancel("Can't find %s.conf file" % name)

        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file, 'r') as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if value:
            config = "%s=%s" % (key, value)
            config = key

        if not configs.count(config):
            if exists:
                test.fail("Can't find %s=%s in configuration file" % (key, value))
            if not exists:
                test.fail("Found %s=%s in configuration file" % (key, value))

    def run_dnsmasq_addnhosts_test(hostip, hostnames):
        Test host ip and names configuration
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.addnhosts"
        hosts_re = ".*".join(hostnames)
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file, 'r') as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if not re.search(r"%s.*%s" % (hostip, hosts_re), configs, re.M):
            test.fail("Can't find '%s' in configuration file" % hostip)

    def run_dnsmasq_host_test(iface_mac, guest_ip, guest_name):
        Test host name and ip configuration for dnsmasq
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.hostsfile"
        config = "%s,%s,%s" % (iface_mac, guest_ip, guest_name)
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file, 'r') as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if not configs.count(config):
            test.fail("Can't find host configuration in file %s" % conf_file)

    def check_class_rules(ifname, rule_id, bandwidth):
        Check bandwidth settings via 'tc class' output
        cmd = "tc class show dev %s" % ifname
        class_output = process.run(cmd, shell=True).stdout_text
        logging.debug("Bandwidth class output: %s", class_output)
        class_pattern = (r"class htb %s.*rate (\d+)(K?M?)bit ceil (\d+)(K?M?)bit burst (\d+)(K?M?)b.*" % rule_id)
        se = re.search(class_pattern, class_output, re.M)
        if not se:
            test.fail("Can't find outbound setting for htb %s" % rule_id)
        logging.debug("bandwidth from tc output:%s" % str(se.groups()))
        rate = None
        if "floor" in bandwidth:
            rate = int(bandwidth["floor"]) * 8
        elif "average" in bandwidth:
            rate = int(bandwidth["average"]) * 8
        if rate:
            if se.group(2) == 'M':
                rate_check = int(se.group(1)) * 1000
                rate_check = int(se.group(1))
            assert rate_check == rate
        if "peak" in bandwidth:
            if se.group(4) == 'M':
                ceil_check = int(se.group(3)) * 1000
                ceil_check = int(se.group(3))
            assert ceil_check == int(bandwidth["peak"]) * 8
        if "burst" in bandwidth:
            if se.group(6) == 'M':
                tc_burst = int(se.group(5)) * 1024
                tc_burst = int(se.group(5))
            assert tc_burst == int(bandwidth["burst"])

    def check_filter_rules(ifname, bandwidth, expect_none=False):
        Check bandwidth settings via 'tc filter' output

        :param ifname: name of iface to be checked
        :param bandwidth: bandwidth to be match with
        :param expect_none: whether or not expect nothing in output,
                            default to be False
        :return: if expect nothing from the output,
                            return True if the output is empty,
                            else return False
        cmd = "tc -d filter show dev %s parent ffff:" % ifname
        filter_output = process.run(cmd, shell=True).stdout_text
        logging.debug("Bandwidth filter output: %s", filter_output)
        if expect_none:
            return not filter_output.strip()
        if not filter_output.count("filter protocol all pref"):
            test.fail("Can't find 'protocol all' settings in filter rules")
        filter_pattern = r".*police.*rate (\d+)(K?M?)bit burst (\d+)(K?M?)b.*"
        se = re.search(r"%s" % filter_pattern, filter_output, re.M)
        if not se:
            test.fail("Can't find any filter policy")
        logging.debug("bandwidth from tc output:%s" % str(se.groups()))
        logging.debug("bandwidth from setting:%s" % str(bandwidth))
        if "average" in bandwidth:
            if se.group(2) == 'M':
                tc_average = int(se.group(1)) * 1000
                tc_average = int(se.group(1))
            assert tc_average == int(bandwidth["average"]) * 8
        if "burst" in bandwidth:
            if se.group(4) == 'M':
                tc_burst = int(se.group(3)) * 1024
                tc_burst = int(se.group(3))
            assert tc_burst == int(bandwidth["burst"])

    def check_host_routes():
        Check network routes on host
        for rt in routes:
                route = ast.literal_eval(rt)
                addr = "%s/%s" % (route["address"], route["prefix"])
                cmd = "ip route list %s" % addr
                if "family" in route and route["family"] == "ipv6":
                    cmd = "ip -6 route list %s" % addr
                output = process.run(cmd, shell=True).stdout_text
                match_obj = re.search(r"via (\S+).*metric (\d+)", output)
                if match_obj:
                    via_addr = match_obj.group(1)
                    metric = match_obj.group(2)
                    logging.debug("via address %s for %s, matric is %s"
                                  % (via_addr, addr, metric))
                    assert via_addr == route["gateway"]
                    if "metric" in route:
                        assert metric == route["metric"]
            except KeyError:

    def run_bandwidth_test(check_net=False, check_iface=False):
        Test bandwidth option for network or interface by tc command.
        iface_inbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
        iface_outbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
        net_inbound = ast.literal_eval(net_bandwidth_inbound)
        net_outbound = ast.literal_eval(net_bandwidth_outbound)
        net_bridge_name = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)["name"]
        iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)

            if check_net and net_inbound:
                # Check qdisc rules
                cmd = "tc -d qdisc show dev %s" % net_bridge_name
                qdisc_output = process.run(cmd, shell=True).stdout_text
                logging.debug("Bandwidth qdisc output: %s", qdisc_output)
                if not qdisc_output.count("qdisc ingress ffff:"):
                    test.fail("Can't find ingress setting")
                check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:1",
                                  {"average": net_inbound["average"],
                                   "peak": net_inbound["peak"]})
                check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:2", net_inbound)

            # Check filter rules on bridge interface
            if check_net and net_outbound:
                check_filter_rules(net_bridge_name, net_outbound)

            # Check class rules on interface inbound settings
            if check_iface and iface_inbound:
                check_class_rules(iface_name, "1:1",
                                  {'average': iface_inbound['average'],
                                   'peak': iface_inbound['peak'],
                                   'burst': iface_inbound['burst']})
                if "floor" in iface_inbound:
                    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 1):
                        test.cancel("Not supported Qos options 'floor'")

                    check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:3",
                                      {'floor': iface_inbound["floor"]})

            # Check filter rules on interface outbound settings
            if check_iface and iface_outbound:
                check_filter_rules(iface_name, iface_outbound)
        except AssertionError:
            test.fail("Failed to check network bandwidth")

    def check_name_ip(session):
        Check dns resolving on guest
        # Check if bind-utils is installed
        if "ubuntu" in vm.get_distro().lower():
            pkg = "bind9"
            pkg = "bind-utils"
        if not utils_package.package_install(pkg, session):
            test.error("Failed to install bind-utils on guest")
        # Run host command to check if hostname can be resolved
        if not guest_ipv4 and not guest_ipv6:
            test.fail("No ip address found from parameters")
        guest_ip = guest_ipv4 if guest_ipv4 else guest_ipv6
        cmd = "host %s | grep %s" % (guest_name, guest_ip)
        if session.cmd_status(cmd):
            test.fail("Can't resolve name %s on guest" % guest_name)

    def check_ipt_rules(check_ipv4=True, check_ipv6=False):
        Check iptables for network/interface
        br_name = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)["name"]
        net_forward = ast.literal_eval(params.get("net_forward", "{}"))
        net_ipv4 = params.get("net_ipv4")
        net_ipv6 = params.get("net_ipv6")
        net_dev_in = ""
        net_dev_out = ""
        if "dev" in net_forward:
            net_dev_in = " -i %s" % net_forward["dev"]
            net_dev_out = " -o %s" % net_forward["dev"]
        if libvirt_version.version_compare(5, 1, 0):
            input_chain = "LIBVIRT_INP"
            output_chain = "LIBVIRT_OUT"
            postrouting_chain = "LIBVIRT_PRT"
            forward_filter = "LIBVIRT_FWX"
            forward_in = "LIBVIRT_FWI"
            forward_out = "LIBVIRT_FWO"
            input_chain = "INPUT"
            output_chain = "OUTPUT"
            postrouting_chain = "POSTROUTING"
            forward_filter = "FORWARD"
            forward_in = "FORWARD"
            forward_out = "FORWARD"
        ipt_rules = (
            "%s -i %s -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT" % (input_chain, br_name),
            "%s -i %s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT" % (input_chain, br_name),
            "{0} -i {1} -o {1} -j ACCEPT".format(forward_filter, br_name),
            "%s -o %s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp" % (forward_in, br_name),
            "%s -i %s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp" % (forward_out, br_name))
        if check_ipv4:
            ipv4_rules = list(ipt_rules)
                ["%s -i %s -p udp -m udp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT" % (input_chain, br_name),
                 "%s -i %s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 67 -j ACCEPT" % (input_chain, br_name),
                 "%s -o %s -p udp -m udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT" % (output_chain, br_name),
                 "%s -o %s -p udp -m udp --dport 68 "
                 "-j CHECKSUM --checksum-fill" % (postrouting_chain, br_name)])
            ctr_rule = ""
            nat_rules = []
            if "mode" in net_forward and net_forward["mode"] == "nat":
                nat_port = ast.literal_eval(params.get("nat_port"))
                p_start = nat_port["start"]
                p_end = nat_port["end"]
                ctr_rule = " -m .* RELATED,ESTABLISHED"
                nat_rules = [("{0} -s {1} ! -d {1} -p tcp -j MASQUERADE"
                              " --to-ports {2}-{3}".format(postrouting_chain, net_ipv4, p_start, p_end)),
                             ("{0} -s {1} ! -d {1} -p udp -j MASQUERADE"
                              " --to-ports {2}-{3}".format(postrouting_chain, net_ipv4, p_start, p_end)),
                             ("{0} -s {1} ! -d {1}"
                              " -j MASQUERADE".format(postrouting_chain, net_ipv4))]
            if nat_rules:
            if (net_ipv4 and "mode" in net_forward and
                    net_forward["mode"] in ["nat", "route"]):
                rules = [("%s -d %s%s -o %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (forward_in, net_ipv4, net_dev_in, br_name, ctr_rule)),
                         ("%s -s %s -i %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (forward_out, net_ipv4, br_name, net_dev_out))]

            output = process.run('iptables-save', shell=True).stdout_text
            logging.debug("iptables: %s", output)
            if "mode" in net_forward and net_forward["mode"] == "open":
                if re.search(r"%s|%s" % (net_ipv4, br_name), output, re.M):
                    test.fail("Find iptable rule for open mode")
                output_again = process.run('iptables-save', shell=True).stdout_text
                if re.search(r"%s|%s" % (net_ipv4, br_name), output_again, re.M):
                    test.fail("Find iptable rule for open mode after restart "
                    logging.info("Can't find iptable rule for open mode as expected")
                for ipt in ipv4_rules:
                    if not re.search(r"%s" % ipt, output, re.M):
                        test.fail("Can't find iptable rule:\n%s" % ipt)
            return ipv4_rules
        if check_ipv6:
            ipv6_rules = list(ipt_rules)
                ("INPUT -i %s -p udp -m udp --dport 547 -j ACCEPT" % br_name)])
            if (net_ipv6 and "mode" in net_forward and
                    net_forward["mode"] in ["nat", "route"]):
                rules = [("%s -d %s%s -o %s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (forward_in, net_ipv6, net_dev_in, br_name)),
                         ("%s -s %s -i %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (forward_out, net_ipv6, br_name, net_dev_out))]
            output = process.run("ip6tables-save", shell=True).stdout_text
            logging.debug("ip6tables: %s", output)
            if "mode" in net_forward and net_forward["mode"] == "open":
                if re.search(r"%s|%s" % (net_ipv6, br_name), output, re.M):
                    test.fail("Find ip6table rule for open mode")
                output_again = process.run('ip6tables-save', shell=True).stdout_text
                if re.search(r"%s|%s" % (net_ipv6, br_name), output_again, re.M):
                    test.fail("Find ip6table rule for open mode after restart "
                for ipt in ipv6_rules:
                    if not re.search(r"%s" % ipt, output, re.M):
                        test.fail("Can't find ip6table rule:\n%s" % ipt)
            return ipv6_rules

    def run_ip_test(session, ip_ver):
        Check iptables on host and ipv6 address on guest
        if ip_ver == "ipv6":
            # Clean up iptables rules for guest to get ipv6 address
            session.cmd_status("ip6tables -F")

        # It may take some time to get the ip address
        def get_ip_func():
            return utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(session, iface_mac,

        utils_misc.wait_for(get_ip_func, 5)
        if not get_ip_func():
            utils_net.restart_guest_network(session, iface_mac,
            utils_misc.wait_for(get_ip_func, 5)
        vm_ip = get_ip_func()
        logging.debug("Guest has ip: %s", vm_ip)
        if not vm_ip:
            test.fail("Can't find ip address on guest")
        ip_gateway = net_ip_address
        if ip_ver == "ipv6":
            ip_gateway = net_ipv6_address
            # Cleanup ip6talbes on host for ping6 test
            process.system("ip6tables -F")
        if ip_gateway and not routes:
            ping_s, _ = ping(dest=ip_gateway, count=5,
                             timeout=10, session=session)
            if ping_s:
                test.fail("Failed to ping gateway address: %s" % ip_gateway)

    def run_guest_libvirt(session):
        Check guest libvirt network
        # Try to install required packages
        if "ubuntu" in vm.get_distro().lower():
            pkg = "libvirt-bin"
            pkg = "libvirt"
        if not utils_package.package_install(pkg, session):
            test.error("Failed to install libvirt package on guest")
        # Try to load tun module first
        session.cmd("lsmod | grep tun || modprobe  tun")
        # Check network state on guest
        cmd = ("service libvirtd restart; virsh net-info default"
               " | grep 'Active:.*yes'")
        if session.cmd_status(cmd):
            test.fail("'default' network isn't in active state")
        # Try to destroy&start default network on guest
        for opt in ['net-destroy', 'net-start']:
            cmd = "virsh %s default" % opt
            status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd)
            logging.debug("Run %s on guest exit %s, output %s"
                          % (cmd, status, output))
            if status:
        if not utils_package.package_remove("libvirt*", session):
            test.error("Failed to remove libvirt packages on guest")

    start_error = "yes" == params.get("start_error", "no")
    define_error = "yes" == params.get("define_error", "no")
    restart_error = "yes" == params.get("restart_error", "no")

    # network specific attributes.
    net_name = params.get("net_name", "default")
    net_bridge = params.get("net_bridge", "{'name':'virbr0'}")
    net_domain = params.get("net_domain")
    net_ip_address = params.get("net_ip_address")
    net_ipv6_address = params.get("net_ipv6_address")
    net_dns_forward = params.get("net_dns_forward")
    net_dns_txt = params.get("net_dns_txt")
    net_dns_srv = params.get("net_dns_srv")
    net_dns_hostip = params.get("net_dns_hostip")
    net_dns_hostnames = params.get("net_dns_hostnames", "").split()
    dhcp_start_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_start_ipv4")
    dhcp_end_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_end_ipv4")
    dhcp_start_ipv6 = params.get("dhcp_start_ipv6")
    dhcp_end_ipv6 = params.get("dhcp_end_ipv6")
    guest_name = params.get("guest_name")
    guest_ipv4 = params.get("guest_ipv4")
    guest_ipv6 = params.get("guest_ipv6")
    tftp_root = params.get("tftp_root")
    pxe_boot = "yes" == params.get("pxe_boot", "no")
    routes = params.get("routes", "").split()
    net_bandwidth_inbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_inbound", "{}")
    net_bandwidth_outbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_outbound", "{}")
    iface_bandwidth_inbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_inbound", "{}")
    iface_bandwidth_outbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_outbound", "{}")
    iface_num = params.get("iface_num", "1")
    iface_source = params.get("iface_source", "{}")
    iface_rom = params.get("iface_rom")
    iface_boot = params.get("iface_boot")
    iface_model = params.get("iface_model")
    multiple_guests = params.get("multiple_guests")
    create_network = "yes" == params.get("create_network", "no")
    attach_iface = "yes" == params.get("attach_iface", "no")
    serial_login = "******" == params.get("serial_login", "no")
    change_iface_option = "yes" == params.get("change_iface_option", "no")
    test_bridge = "yes" == params.get("test_bridge", "no")
    test_dnsmasq = "yes" == params.get("test_dnsmasq", "no")
    test_dhcp_range = "yes" == params.get("test_dhcp_range", "no")
    test_dns_host = "yes" == params.get("test_dns_host", "no")
    test_qos_bandwidth = "yes" == params.get("test_qos_bandwidth", "no")
    test_pg_bandwidth = "yes" == params.get("test_portgroup_bandwidth", "no")
    test_qos_remove = "yes" == params.get("test_qos_remove", "no")
    test_ipv4_address = "yes" == params.get("test_ipv4_address", "no")
    test_ipv6_address = "yes" == params.get("test_ipv6_address", "no")
    test_guest_libvirt = "yes" == params.get("test_guest_libvirt", "no")
    test_dns_forwarders = "yes" == params.get("test_dns_forwarders", "no")
    net_no_bridge = "yes" == params.get("no_bridge", "no")
    net_no_mac = "yes" == params.get("no_mac", "no")
    net_no_ip = "yes" == params.get("no_ip", "no")
    net_with_dev = "yes" == params.get("with_dev", "no")
    update_device = 'yes' == params.get('update_device', 'no')
    remove_bandwidth = 'yes' == params.get('remove_bandwidth', 'no')
    loop = int(params.get('loop', 0))
    username = params.get("username")
    password = params.get("password")
    forward = ast.literal_eval(params.get("net_forward", "{}"))
    boot_failure = "yes" == params.get("boot_failure", "no")
    test_netmask = "yes" == params.get("test_netmask", "no")
    ipt_rules = []
    ipt6_rules = []
    define_macvtap = "yes" == params.get("define_macvtap", "no")
    net_dns_forwarders = params.get("net_dns_forwarders", "").split()

    # Destroy VM first
    if vm.is_alive() and not update_device:

    # Back up xml file.
    netxml_backup = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml("default")
    iface_mac = vm_xml.VMXML.get_first_mac_by_name(vm_name)
    params["guest_mac"] = iface_mac
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    vms_list = []
    if "floor" in ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound):
        if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 1):
            test.cancel("Not supported Qos options 'floor'")

    # Enabling IPv6 forwarding with RA routes without accept_ra set to 2
    # is likely to cause routes loss
    sysctl_cmd = 'sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra'
    original_accept_ra = process.run(sysctl_cmd + ' -n', shell=True).stdout_text
    if test_ipv6_address and original_accept_ra != '2':
        process.system(sysctl_cmd + '=2')

    # Build the xml and run test.
        if test_dnsmasq:
            # Check the settings before modifying network xml
            if net_dns_forward == "no":
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain-needed", exists=False)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("local", "//", exists=False)
            if net_domain:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain", net_domain, exists=False)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("expand-hosts", exists=False)

        # Prepare pxe boot directory
        if pxe_boot:
        # Edit the network xml or create a new one.
        if create_network:
            net_ifs = utils_net.get_net_if(state="UP")
            # Check forward device is valid or not,
            # if it's not in host interface list, try to set
            # forward device to first active interface of host
            if ('mode' in forward and forward['mode'] in
                    ['passthrough', 'private', 'bridge', 'macvtap'] and
                    'dev' in forward and
                    forward['dev'] not in net_ifs):
                logging.warning("Forward device %s is not a interface of host, reset to %s",
                                forward['dev'], net_ifs[0])
                forward['dev'] = net_ifs[0]
                params["net_forward"] = str(forward)
            if define_macvtap:
                for i in [0, 2, 4]:
                    cmd = "ip l add li %s macvtap%s type macvtap" % (forward['dev'], i)
                    process.run(cmd, shell=True, verbose=True)
                process.run("ip l", shell=True, verbose=True)
            forward_iface = params.get("forward_iface")
            if forward_iface:
                interface = [x for x in forward_iface.split()]
                # The guest will use first interface of the list,
                # check if it's valid or not, if it's not in host
                # interface list, try to set forward interface to
                # first active interface of host.
                if interface[0] not in net_ifs:
                    logging.warning("Forward interface %s is not a interface of host, reset to %s",
                                    interface[0], net_ifs[0])
                    interface[0] = net_ifs[0]
                    params["forward_iface"] = " ".join(interface)

            netxml = libvirt.create_net_xml(net_name, params)
            if "mode" in forward and forward["mode"] == "open":
                netxml.mac = utils_net.generate_mac_address_simple()
                    if net_no_bridge:
                    if net_no_ip:
                    if net_no_mac:
                except xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError:
                if net_with_dev:
                    net_forward = netxml.forward
                    net_forward.update({"dev": net_ifs[0]})
                    netxml.forward = net_forward
            logging.info("netxml before define is %s", netxml)
            except xcepts.LibvirtXMLError as details:
                if define_error:
                    test.fail("Failed to define network")

        # Check open mode network xml
        if "mode" in forward and forward["mode"] == "open":
            netxml_new = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml(net_name)
            logging.info("netxml after define is %s", netxml_new)
                if net_no_bridge:
                    net_bridge = str(netxml_new.bridge)
                if net_no_mac:
            except xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError as details:
                test.fail("Failed to check %s xml: %s" % (net_name, details))
            logging.info("mac/bridge still exist even if removed before define")

        # Edit the interface xml.
        if change_iface_option:
                if update_device:
                    updated_iface = modify_iface_xml(sync=False)
                    virsh.update_device(vm_name, updated_iface.xml,
                                        ignore_status=False, debug=True)
            except xcepts.LibvirtXMLError as details:
                if define_error:
                    if not str(details).count("Failed to define"):
                        test.fail("VM sync failed msg not expected")
                    test.fail("Failed to sync VM")
        # Attach interface if needed
        if attach_iface:
            iface_type = params.get("iface_type", "network")
            for i in range(int(iface_num)):
                logging.info("Try to attach interface loop %s" % i)
                options = ("%s %s --model %s --config" %
                           (iface_type, net_name, iface_model))
                ret = virsh.attach_interface(vm_name, options,
                if ret.exit_status:
                    logging.error("Command output %s" %
                    test.fail("Failed to attach-interface")

        if multiple_guests:
            # Clone more vms for testing
            for i in range(int(multiple_guests)):
                guest_name = "%s_%s" % (vm_name, i)
                timeout = params.get("clone_timeout", 360)
                utils_libguestfs.virt_clone_cmd(vm_name, guest_name,
                                                True, timeout=timeout)

        if test_bridge:
            bridge = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)
            br_if = utils_net.Interface(bridge['name'])
            if not br_if.is_up():
                test.fail("Bridge interface isn't up")
        if test_dnsmasq:
            # Check dnsmasq process
            dnsmasq_cmd = process.run("ps -aux|grep dnsmasq", shell=True).stdout_text
            if not re.search("dnsmasq --conf-file=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/%s.conf"
                             % net_name, dnsmasq_cmd):
                test.fail("Can not find dnsmasq process or the process is not correct")

            # Check the settings in dnsmasq config file
            if net_dns_forward == "no":
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("local", "//")
            if net_domain:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain", net_domain)
            if net_bridge:
                bridge = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("interface", bridge['name'], name=net_name)
                if 'stp' in bridge and bridge['stp'] == 'on':
                    if 'delay' in bridge and bridge['delay'] != '0':
                        # network xml forward delay value in seconds, while on
                        # host, check by ip command, the value is in second*100
                        br_delay = int(bridge['delay']) * 100
                        logging.debug("Expect forward_delay is %s ms" % br_delay)
                        cmd = ("ip -d link sh %s | grep 'bridge forward_delay'"
                               % bridge['name'])
                        out = process.run(
                            cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=False).stdout_text
                        logging.debug("bridge statistics output: %s", out)
                        pattern = (r"\s*bridge forward_delay\s+(\d+)")
                        match_obj = re.search(pattern, out, re.M)
                        if not match_obj:
                            test.fail("Can't see forward delay messages from command")
                        elif int(match_obj.group(1)) != br_delay:
                            test.fail("Foward delay setting can't take effect")
                            logging.debug("Foward delay set successfully!")
            if dhcp_start_ipv4 and dhcp_end_ipv4:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("dhcp-range", "%s,%s"
                                         % (dhcp_start_ipv4, dhcp_end_ipv4),
            if dhcp_start_ipv6 and dhcp_end_ipv6:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("dhcp-range", "%s,%s,64"
                                         % (dhcp_start_ipv6, dhcp_end_ipv6),
            if guest_name and guest_ipv4:
                run_dnsmasq_host_test(iface_mac, guest_ipv4, guest_name)

            if test_netmask and libvirt_version.version_compare(5, 1, 0):
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("dhcp-range", ",,")
            # check the left part in dnsmasq conf
            run_dnsmasq_default_test("strict-order", name=net_name)
            if libvirt_version.version_compare(6, 0, 0):
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("pid-file", "/run/libvirt/network/%s.pid" % net_name, name=net_name)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("pid-file", "/var/run/libvirt/network/%s.pid" % net_name, name=net_name)
            run_dnsmasq_default_test("except-interface", "lo", name=net_name)
            run_dnsmasq_default_test("bind-dynamic", name=net_name)
            run_dnsmasq_default_test("dhcp-no-override", name=net_name)
            if dhcp_start_ipv6 and dhcp_start_ipv4:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("dhcp-lease-max", "493", name=net_name)
                range_num = int(params.get("dhcp_range", "252"))
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("dhcp-lease-max", str(range_num + 1), name=net_name)
                                     "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/%s.hostsfile" % net_name,
                                     "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/%s.addnhosts" % net_name,
            if dhcp_start_ipv6:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("enable-ra", name=net_name)

        if test_dns_host:
            if net_dns_txt:
                dns_txt = ast.literal_eval(net_dns_txt)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("txt-record", "%s,%s" %
            if net_dns_srv:
                dns_srv = ast.literal_eval(net_dns_srv)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("srv-host", "_%s._%s.%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" %
                                         (dns_srv["service"], dns_srv["protocol"],
                                          dns_srv["domain"], dns_srv["target"],
                                          dns_srv["port"], dns_srv["priority"],
            if net_dns_hostip and net_dns_hostnames:
                run_dnsmasq_addnhosts_test(net_dns_hostip, net_dns_hostnames)
        if test_dns_forwarders:
            if net_name == "isolatedtest":
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("no-resolv", name=net_name)
                net_dns_forwarder = [ast.literal_eval(x) for x in net_dns_forwarders]
                for forwarder in net_dns_forwarder:
                    if ('domain' in forwarder) and ('addr' in forwarder):
                        run_dnsmasq_default_test("server", "/%s/%s" % (forwarder['domain'], forwarder['addr']))
                    elif "domain" in forwarder:
                        run_dnsmasq_default_test("server", "/%s/#" % forwarder['domain'])
                    elif "addr" in forwarder:
                        run_dnsmasq_default_test("server", "%s" % forwarder['addr'])
        # Run bandwidth test for network
        if test_qos_bandwidth and not update_device:

        # If to remove bandwidth from iface,
        # update iface xml to the original one
        if remove_bandwidth:
            ori_iface = params['original_iface']
            virsh.update_device(vm_name, ori_iface.xml,
                                ignore_status=False, debug=True)

        # Check routes if needed
        if routes:

            # Start the VM.
            if not update_device:
            if start_error:
                test.fail("VM started unexpectedly")
            if define_macvtap:
                cmd = "ls /sys/devices/virtual/net"
                output = process.run(cmd, shell=True, verbose=True).stdout_text
                macvtap_list = re.findall(r'macvtap0|macvtap1|macvtap2|macvtap3'
                logging.debug("The macvtap_list is %s" % macvtap_list)
                if set(macvtap_list) != set(['macvtap' + str(x) for x in range(8)]):
                    test.fail("Existing macvtap device %s is not expected! should be macvtap(0-7)" % macvtap_list)
            if pxe_boot:
                # Just check network boot messages here
                        ["Loading vmlinuz", "Loading initrd.img"],
                except ExpectTimeoutError as details:
                    if boot_failure:
                        logging.info("Fail to boot from pxe as expected")
                        test.fail("Fail to boot from pxe")
                if serial_login:
                    session = vm.wait_for_serial_login(username=username,
                    session = vm.wait_for_login()

                if test_dhcp_range:
                    dhcp_range = int(params.get("dhcp_range", "252"))
                    utils_net.restart_guest_network(session, iface_mac)
                    vm_ip = utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(session, iface_mac)
                    logging.debug("Guest has ip: %s", vm_ip)
                    if not vm_ip and dhcp_range:
                        test.fail("Guest has invalid ip address")
                    elif vm_ip and not dhcp_range:
                        test.fail("Guest has ip address: %s" % vm_ip)
                    dhcp_range = dhcp_range - 1
                    for vms in vms_list:
                        # Start other VMs.
                        sess = vms.wait_for_serial_login()
                        vms_mac = vms.get_virsh_mac_address()
                        # restart guest network to get ip addr
                        utils_net.restart_guest_network(sess, vms_mac)
                        vms_ip = utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(sess,
                        if not vms_ip and dhcp_range:
                            test.fail("Guest has invalid ip address")
                        elif vms_ip and not dhcp_range:
                            # Get IP address on guest should return Null
                            # if it exceeds the dhcp range
                            test.fail("Guest has ip address: %s" % vms_ip)
                        dhcp_range = dhcp_range - 1
                        if vms_ip:
                            ping_s, _ = ping(dest=vm_ip, count=5,
                                             timeout=10, session=sess)
                            if ping_s:
                                test.fail("Failed to ping, src: %s, "
                                          "dst: %s" % (vms_ip, vm_ip))

                # Check dnsmasq settings if take affect in guest
                if guest_ipv4:
                # Run bandwidth test for interface
                if test_qos_bandwidth:
                # Run bandwidth test for portgroup
                if test_pg_bandwidth:
                    pg_bandwidth_inbound = params.get(
                        "portgroup_bandwidth_inbound", "").split()
                    pg_bandwidth_outbound = params.get(
                        "portgroup_bandwidth_outbound", "").split()
                    pg_name = params.get("portgroup_name", "").split()
                    pg_default = params.get("portgroup_default", "").split()
                    iface_inbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
                    iface_outbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
                    iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)
                    if_source = ast.literal_eval(iface_source)
                    if "portgroup" in if_source:
                        pg = if_source["portgroup"]
                        pg = "default"
                    for (name, df, bw_ib, bw_ob) in zip(pg_name, pg_default,
                        if pg == name:
                            inbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ib)
                            outbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ob)
                        elif pg == "default" and df == "yes":
                            inbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ib)
                            outbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ob)
                        # Interface bandwidth settings will
                        # overwriting portgroup settings
                        if iface_inbound:
                            inbound = iface_inbound
                        if iface_outbound:
                            outbound = iface_outbound
                        check_class_rules(iface_name, "1:1", inbound)
                        check_filter_rules(iface_name, outbound)
                if test_qos_remove:
                    # Remove the bandwidth settings in network xml
                    logging.debug("Removing network bandwidth settings...")
                    # Should fail to start vm
                    if restart_error:
                        test.fail("VM started unexpectedly")
                if test_ipv6_address:
                    ipt6_rules = check_ipt_rules(check_ipv4=False, check_ipv6=True)
                    if not ("mode" in forward and forward["mode"] == "open"):
                        run_ip_test(session, "ipv6")
                if test_ipv4_address:
                    ipt_rules = check_ipt_rules(check_ipv4=True)
                    if not ("mode" in forward and forward["mode"] == "open"):
                        run_ip_test(session, "ipv4")
                if test_guest_libvirt:

        except virt_vm.VMStartError as details:
            if not (start_error or restart_error):
                test.fail('VM failed to start:\n%s' % details)

        # Destroy created network and check iptable rules
        if net_name != "default":
        if ipt_rules:
            output_des = process.run('iptables-save', shell=True).stdout_text
            for ipt in ipt_rules:
                if re.search(r"%s" % ipt, output_des, re.M):
                    test.fail("Find iptable rule %s after net destroyed" % ipt)
        if ipt6_rules:
            output_des = process.run('ip6tables-save', shell=True).stdout_text
            for ipt in ipt6_rules:
                if re.search(r"%s" % ipt, output_des, re.M):
                    test.fail("Find ip6table rule %s after net destroyed" % ipt)
        if remove_bandwidth:
            iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)
            cur_xml = virsh.dumpxml(vm_name).stdout_text
            if 'bandwidth' in cur_xml:
                test.fail('bandwidth still in xml')
            if not check_filter_rules(iface_name, 0, expect_none=True):
                test.fail('There should be nothing in output')
        if update_device and loop:
            loop -= 1
            if loop:
                # Rerun this procedure again with updated params
                # Reset params of the corresponding loop
                loop_prefix = 'loop' + str(loop) + '_'
                for k in {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k.startswith(loop_prefix)}:
                    params[k.lstrip(loop_prefix)] = params[k]
                params['loop'] = str(loop)
                run(test, params, env)

        # Recover VM.
        if vm.is_alive():
        for vms in vms_list:
            virsh.remove_domain(vms.name, "--remove-all-storage")
        logging.info("Restoring network...")
        if net_name == "default":
            # Destroy and undefine new created network

        if test_ipv6_address and original_accept_ra != '2':
            process.system(sysctl_cmd + "=%s" % original_accept_ra)
        if define_macvtap:
            cmd = "ip l del macvtap0; ip l del macvtap2; ip l del macvtap4"
            process.run(cmd, shell=True, verbose=True)
예제 #7
def run(test, params, env):
    Since 3.3.0, Coalesce setting is supported.

    This case is to set coalesce and check for 4 network types and each guest interface type.

    Only network/bridge guest interface type take effect for setting interface coalesce.

    For each host network type, guest can use bridge/network interface type to set coalesce
    except macvtap network type.
    Execute 'ethtool -c ${interface}|grep "rx-frames"' and anylize the output to check
    whether coalesce setting take effect or not.

    For macvtap network type, guest can start but query coalesce will fail.

    1. For default host network

    network definition is below:
       <bridge name="virbr0"/>
       <ip address="" netmask="">
             <range start="" end=""/>

    This is default network.

    1) guest interface type 'bridge' and set coalesce:
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:a7:4d:f7'/>
      <source bridge='virbr0'/>
      <target dev='vnet0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='64'/>
      <alias name='net0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>

    2) guest interface type 'network' and set coalesce:
    <interface type='network'>
      <source network='default'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='32'/>

    2. For bridge host network
    This mode need true bridge in host network.
    'nmcli con add type bridge con-name br0 ifname br0'

    1) guest interface type 'bridge' and set coalesce:
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:8e:f3:6f'/>
      <source bridge='br0'/>
      <target dev='vnet0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='64'/>
      <alias name='net0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x0a' function='0x0'/>

    2) guest interface type 'network' and set coalesce:
    First, define one virtual network for bridge br0
    'virsh net-define net-br0.xml'
    'virsh net-dumpxml net-br0'
       <forward mode='bridge'/>
       <bridge name='br0'/>
    Secondly, use this network for guest
    <interface type='network'>
      <source network='net-br0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='32'/>

    3. For openvswitch bridge host network
    This mode need true openvswitch bridge in host network.
    'ovs-vsctl add-br ovsbr0'

    1) guest interface type 'bridge' and set coalesce:
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:8e:f3:6f'/>
      <source bridge='ovsbr0'/>
      <virtualport type='openvswitch'/>
      <target dev='vnet0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='64'/>
      <alias name='net0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x0a' function='0x0'/>

    2) guest interface type 'network' and set coalesce:
    First, define one virtual network for openvswitch bridge ovsbr0
    'virsh net-define net-ovsbr0.xml'
    'virsh net-dumpxml net-ovsbr0'
       <forward mode='bridge'/>
       <bridge name='ovsbr0'/>
       <virtualport type='openvswitch'/>

    Secondly, use this network for guest
    <interface type='network'>
      <source network='net-ovs0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='32'/>

    4. For macvtap bridge mode on host network
    For this mode, first, create one virtual network.
    Note, should set dev to one ture physical interface.
    'virsh net-define net-br-macvtap.xml'
    'virsh net-dumpxml net-br-macvtap'
       <forward dev='eno1' mode='bridge'>
           <interface dev='eno1'/>
    Set guest to use this macvtap network and set coalesc
    <interface type='network'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:6e:f4:f1'/>
      <source network='net-br-macvtap'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='32'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>

    Steps in this test:
    1. Prepare test environment,destroy or suspend a VM.
    2. Prepare network if necessary.
    3. Edit guest interface with definite network and set coalesce.
    4. Start guest and check whether coalesce setting take effect.
    5. Recover network and guest.

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(3, 3, 0):
            "Coalesce setting is only supported by libvirt3.3.0 and above")

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    def get_first_phy_iface():
        Get first physical network interface from output of 'ls /sys/class/net'

        #ls /sys/class/net
         eno1  lo  virbr0  virbr0-nic

        :return: interface name
        interface = ''
        lines = process.run('ls /sys/class/net').stdout_text.splitlines()
        interfaces = lines[0].split()
        for iface in interfaces:
            if iface != 'lo' and 'vir' not in iface:
                interface = iface
        if interface == '':
            test.fail("There is no physical network interface")
        return interface

    def modify_iface_xml():
        Modify interface xml options
        Two methods to modify domain interfae:
        1. modify guest xml, define it
        2. attach one interface for running guest

        :return: 0 for successful negative case
                 test.fail is fail for positive/negative case
                 None for successful positive case
        if hotplug_iface:
            iface = Interface(iface_type)
            vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
            xml_devices = vmxml.devices
            iface_index = xml_devices.index(
            iface = xml_devices[iface_index]

        if iface_type == 'network':
            iface.type_name = iface_type
            source = {iface_type: net_name}
        elif iface_type == 'bridge' and bridge_name:
            iface.type_name = iface_type
            source = {iface_type: bridge_name}
        elif iface_type == 'direct':
            iface.type_name = iface_type
            source = {'dev': interface, 'mode': 'bridge'}

        if source:
            del iface.source
            iface.source = source
        iface_model = params.get("iface_model", "virtio")
        iface.model = iface_model
        iface.coalesce = {'max': coalesce_value}
        if network_type == "ovsbridge" and iface_type == "bridge":
            iface.virtualport_type = "openvswitch"

        if not hotplug_iface:
            vmxml.devices = xml_devices
            except xcepts.LibvirtXMLError as details:
                if status_error:
                    # Expect error for negetive test
                    return 0
                    test.fail("Define guest: FAIL")
            if not vm.is_alive():
                # Wait guest boot completely
                ret = virsh.attach_device(vm_name,
            except process.CmdError as error:
                if status_error:
                    # Expect error for negetive test
                    return 0
                    test.fail("Define guest: FAIL")

    start_error = "yes" == params.get("start_error", "no")
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")

    # Get coalesce value.
    expect_coalesce = params.get("expect_coalesce", "")
    coalesce_value = params.get("coalesce", "15")
    if expect_coalesce == '':
        expect_coalesce = coalesce_value

    # Network specific attributes.
    network_type = params.get("network_type", "default")
    net_name = params.get("net_name", "default")
    net_bridge = params.get("net_bridge", "{'name':'virbr0'}")

    # Get guest interface type
    iface_type = params.get("iface_type", "network")

    # Whether attach interface
    hotplug_iface = "yes" == params.get("hotplug_iface", "no")
    error_info = params.get("error_info", "")

    # Destroy the guest first
    if vm.is_alive():

    # Back up xml file.
    netxml_backup = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml("default")
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)

    # Build the xml and run test.
        interface = get_first_phy_iface()

        # Prepare network for specific network type.
        # Create bridge/ovsbridge for host bridge/ovsbridge network type
        if network_type == "default" and iface_type == "bridge":
            bridge_name = "virbr0"
        elif network_type == "bridge":
            bridge_name = eval(net_bridge)['name']
            bridge = utils_net.Bridge()
            # Try to add bridge if not exist
            if bridge_name not in bridge.list_br():
        elif network_type == 'ovsbridge':
            bridge_name = eval(net_bridge)['name']
            # Try to add ovs bridge if not exist
            if not utils_net.ovs_br_exists(bridge_name):

        if iface_type == "network":
            # Define virtual network if not exist for 'network' type of guest interface
            network = NetworkXML()
            network.name = net_name
            # Prepare virtual network required parameters
            params['net_forward'] = "{'mode':'bridge'}"
            if network_type == "ovsbridge":
                params['net_virtualport'] = "openvswitch"
            if network_type == "macvtap":
                # For bridge type of macvtap network, one true physical interface shold be added
                # Check whether physical interface has been added into one bridge. if yes, skip macvtap test
                # If interface already added to a bridge, the output of the nmcli
                # command will include "connection.slave-type: bridge"
                out = process.run('nmcli dev show %s' % interface).stdout_text
                con_l = re.findall(r'GENERAL.CONNECTION:(.+?)\n', out)
                if not con_l:
                    test.cancel("no connection for the interface")
                    con = con_l[0].strip()
                if "bridge" not in process.run('nmcli con show "%s"' %
                    params['forward_iface'] = interface
                        'net_forward'] = "{'mode':'bridge', 'dev': '%s'}" % interface
                        "interface %s has been added into one brige, but macvtap"
                        "need also add this interface, so current network can't"
                        "suit macvtap testing" % interface)
            if not network.exists():
                netxml = libvirt.create_net_xml(net_name, params)
                virsh.net_dumpxml(network.name, debug=True)
        # Edit the interface xml.
        # For successful negative case, return 0 to specify PASS result directly
        ret = modify_iface_xml()
        if ret == 0:
            return 0
            # Get all interface
            link_before = set(
                process.run('ls /sys/class/net').stdout_text.splitlines())
            # Start the VM.
            if start_error:
                raise test.fail("VM started unexpectedly")
            # Get guest virtual network interface
            link_after = set(
                process.run('ls /sys/class/net').stdout_text.splitlines())
            newinterface = (link_after - link_before).pop()
            out = process.run('ethtool -c %s' % newinterface,
            if network_type == 'macvtap':
                # Currently, output coalesce for macvtap is not supported
                err_msg = "Cannot get device coalesce settings: Operation not supported"
                std_msg = "Coalesce parameters for %s:" % newinterface
                if err_msg not in out.stderr_text or std_msg not in out.stdout_text:
                    test.fail("coalesce setting on %s failed." % network_type)
                # Get coalesce value and check it is true
                if out.exit_status == 0:
                    for line in out.stdout_text.splitlines():
                        if 'rx-frames:' in line:
                            coalesce = line.split(':')[1].strip()
                            if expect_coalesce != coalesce:
                                test.fail("coalesce setting failed for %s" %
                    test.fail("coalesce setting on %s failed." % network_type)
        except virt_vm.VMStartError as details:
            if not start_error:
                test.fail('VM failed to start:\n%s' % details)

        # Recover VM.
        if vm.is_alive():
        logging.info("Restoring network...")
        if net_name == "default":
            # Destroy and undefine new created network
        # Try to recovery bridge
        if network_type == "bridge" and bridge_name:
            if bridge_name in bridge.list_br():
        elif network_type == "ovsbridge" and bridge_name:
            if utils_net.ovs_br_exists(bridge_name):
예제 #8
def run(test, params, env):
    Test interface devices update
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    network_name = params.get('network_name', 'default')
    new_network_name = params.get("net_name")
    expect_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    expect_err_msg = params.get("expect_err_msg")

    iface_driver = params.get("iface_driver")
    iface_driver_host = params.get("iface_driver_host")
    iface_driver_guest = params.get("iface_driver_guest")
    iface_model = params.get("iface_model")
    iface_mtu = params.get("iface_mtu")
    iface_rom = params.get("iface_rom")
    iface_filter = params.get("iface_filter")
    iface_boot = params.get('iface_boot')
    iface_coalesce = params.get('iface_coalesce')

    new_iface_driver = params.get("new_iface_driver")
    new_iface_driver_host = params.get("new_iface_driver_host")
    new_iface_driver_guest = params.get("new_iface_driver_guest")
    new_iface_model = params.get("new_iface_model")
    new_iface_rom = params.get("new_iface_rom")
    new_iface_inbound = params.get("new_iface_inbound")
    new_iface_outbound = params.get("new_iface_outbound")
    new_iface_link = params.get("new_iface_link")
    new_iface_source = params.get("new_iface_source")
    new_iface_target = params.get("new_iface_target")
    new_iface_addr = params.get("new_iface_addr")
    new_iface_filter = params.get("new_iface_filter")
    new_iface_mtu = params.get("new_iface_mtu")
    new_iface_type = params.get("new_iface_type")
    create_new_net = "yes" == params.get("create_new_net")
    new_iface_alias = params.get("new_iface_alias")
    new_iface_coalesce = params.get('new_iface_coalesce')
    cold_update = "yes" == params.get("cold_update", "no")
    del_addr = "yes" == params.get("del_address")
    del_rom = "yes" == params.get("del_rom")
    del_filter = "yes" == params.get("del_filter")
    check_libvirtd = "yes" == params.get("check_libvirtd")
    new_iface_filter_parameters = eval(
        params.get("new_iface_filter_parameters", "{}"))
    rules = eval(params.get("rules", "{}"))
    del_mac = "yes" == params.get("del_mac", "no")
    del_coalesce = 'yes' == params.get('del_coalesce', 'no')

    del_net_bandwidth = 'yes' == params.get('del_net_bandwidth', 'no')

    # Backup the vm xml for recover at last
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    netxml_backup = network_xml.NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml(network_name)

        # Prepare network
        netxml = network_xml.NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml(network_name)
        logging.debug('Network xml before update:\n%s', netxml)
        if del_net_bandwidth:
        logging.debug('Network xml after update:\n%s', netxml)

        # According to the different os find different file for rom
        if (iface_rom and "file" in eval(iface_rom)
                and "%s" in eval(iface_rom)['file']):
            if rpm.RpmBackend().check_installed('ipxe-roms-qemu', '20200823'):
                logging.debug("Update the file path since " "ipxe-20200823-5:")
                iface_rom_new = iface_rom.replace('qemu-kvm', 'ipxe/qemu')
                iface_rom = iface_rom_new
            if os.path.exists(eval(iface_rom)['file'] % "pxe"):
                iface_rom = iface_rom % "pxe"
            elif os.path.exists(eval(iface_rom)['file'] % "efi"):
                iface_rom = iface_rom % "efi"
                logging.error("Can not find suitable rom file")
        iface_dict_bef = {}
        iface_dict_aft = {}
        names = locals()
        # Collect need update items in 2 dicts for both start vm before and after
        update_list_bef = [
            "driver", 'driver_host', 'driver_guest', "model", "mtu", "rom",
            "filter", 'boot', 'coalesce'
        for update_item_bef in update_list_bef:
            if names['iface_' + update_item_bef]:
                    {update_item_bef: names['iface_' + update_item_bef]})

        update_list_aft = [
            "driver", "driver_host", "driver_guest", "model", "rom", "inbound",
            "outbound", "link", "source", "target", "addr", "filter", "mtu",
            "type", "alias", "filter_parameters", "coalesce"
        for update_item_aft in update_list_aft:
            if names["new_iface_" + update_item_aft]:
                    {update_item_aft: names["new_iface_" + update_item_aft]})
        logging.info("iface_dict_bef is %s, iface_dict_aft is %s",
                     iface_dict_bef, iface_dict_aft)

        del_list = [
            "del_addr", "del_rom", "del_filter", "del_mac", "del_coalesce"
        for del_item in del_list:
            if names[del_item]:
                iface_dict_aft.update({del_item: names[del_item]})

        # Operations before updating vm's iface xml
        if iface_boot:
            disk_boot = params.get('disk_book', 1)
            vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
            # Remove os boot config
            vm_os = vmxml.os
            vmxml.os = vm_os
            # Add boot config to disk
            disk = vmxml.get_devices('disk')[0]
            target_dev = disk.target.get('dev', '')
            logging.debug('Will set boot order %s to device %s', disk_boot,
            vmxml.set_boot_order_by_target_dev(target_dev, disk_boot)

        # Update vm interface with items in iface_dict_bef and start it
        if iface_dict_bef:
            libvirt.modify_vm_iface(vm_name, "update_iface", iface_dict_bef)
        logging.info("vm xml is %s", vm.get_xml())

        if not cold_update:

        if iface_mtu:
            # Do check for mtu size after start vm
            target_dev = libvirt.get_interface_details(vm_name)[0]['interface']
            cmd = "ip link show %s | grep 'mtu %s'" % (target_dev,

            def check_mtu():
                Check the mtu setting take effect for interface
                ret = process.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True)
                if ret.exit_status:
                    test.fail("Can not find mtu setting in cmd result")


        # Create new network if need
        if create_new_net:
            new_net_xml = libvirt.create_net_xml(new_network_name, params)

        # Do update for iface_driver
        logging.info('Creating new iface xml.')
        new_iface_xml = libvirt.modify_vm_iface(vm_name, "get_xml",
        bef_pid = process.getoutput("pidof -s libvirtd")
        ret = virsh.update_device(vm_name,
        libvirt.check_exit_status(ret, expect_error)
        if check_libvirtd:
            aft_pid = process.getoutput("pidof -s libvirtd")
            if aft_pid != bef_pid:
                test.fail("libvirtd crash after update-device!")
                logging.info("libvirtd do not crash after update-device!")
        if expect_error:
            real_err_msg = ret.stderr.strip()
            if not re.search(expect_err_msg, real_err_msg, re.IGNORECASE):
                test.fail("The real error msg:'%s' does not match expect one:"
                          '%s' % (real_err_msg, expect_err_msg))
                logging.info("Get expect result: %s", real_err_msg)
            if new_iface_inbound:
                iface_bandwidth = {}
                iface_bandwidth = vm_xml.VMXML.get_iftune_params(vm_name)
                for bound_para in ["inbound", "outbound"]:
                    for tune_para in ["average", "peak", "burst"]:
                        get_value = iface_bandwidth.get(bound_para).get(
                        expect_value = eval(names["new_iface_" +
                        logging.info("Get value for %s:%s is %s, expect is %s",
                                     bound_para, tune_para, get_value,
                        if get_value != expect_value:
                            test.fail("Get value is not equal to expect")
            vmxml_aft = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
            iface_aft = list(vmxml_aft.get_iface_all().values())[0]
            if new_iface_link:
                iface_link_value = iface_aft.find('link').get('state')
                if iface_link_value == new_iface_link:
                    logging.info("Find link state is %s in xml",

                    # Checking the statue in guest
                    mac_addr = iface_aft.find('mac').get('address')
                    state_map = "%s.*\n.*%s" % (iface_link_value.upper(),
                    session = vm.wait_for_serial_login()
                    logging.info("ip link output:%s",
                                 session.cmd_output("ip link"))
                    if_name = utils_net.get_net_if(runner=session.cmd_output,
                    if not check_iface_link(session, mac_addr, new_iface_link):
                        test.fail('iface link check inside vm failed.')
                    if if_name:
                        logging.info("Find iface state %s for %s",
                                     iface_link_value, mac_addr)
                            "Can not find iface with mac %s and state %s" %
                            (mac_addr, iface_link_value))
                        "Check fail to get link state, expect %s, but get %s" %
                        (iface_link_value, new_iface_link))
            if create_new_net and new_iface_source:
                iface_source_value = iface_aft.find('source').get('network')
                if iface_source_value == eval(new_iface_source)['network']:
                    logging.info("Get %s in xml as set", iface_source_value)
                    test.fail("Get source %s is not equal to set %s" %
                              (iface_source_value, new_iface_source))
            if new_iface_filter:
                iface_filter_value = iface_aft.find('filterref').get('filter')
                if iface_filter_value == new_iface_filter:
                    logging.info("Get %s in xml as set", iface_filter_value)
                    test.fail("Get filter %s is not equal to set %s" %
                              (iface_filter_value, new_iface_filter))
            if new_iface_filter_parameters:
                ebtables_outputs = process.run("ebtables -t nat -L",
                for rule in rules:
                    if rule not in ebtables_outputs:
                            "Can not find the corresponding rule after update filter with parameters!"
            if del_filter:
                # if the filter is deleted, it should not exists in the xml and the rules should be deleted as well
                iface_filter_value = iface_aft.find('filterref')
                if iface_filter_value is not None:
                    test.fail("After delete, the filter still exists: %s" %
                ebtables_outputs = process.run("ebtables -t nat -L",
                logging.debug("after nwfilter deleted, ebtables rules are %s" %
                entries_num = re.findall(r'entries:\s+(\d)', ebtables_outputs)
                for i in entries_num:
                    if i != '0':
                        test.fail("After delete, the rules are still exists!")
            if new_iface_alias:
                iface_alias_value = iface_aft.find('alias').get('name')
                if iface_alias_value == eval(new_iface_alias)['name']:
                    logging.info("Get %s in xml as set", iface_alias_value)
                    test.fail("Get alias %s is not equal to set %s" %
                              (iface_alias_value, new_iface_alias))
            if 'update_coalesce' in params['name'] or new_iface_coalesce:
                iface_coalesce_val = iface_aft.find('coalesce').find(
                if iface_coalesce_val == str(eval(new_iface_coalesce)['max']):
                    logging.info('coalesce update check PASS.')
                    test.fail('coalesce value not updated.')
            if del_coalesce:
                if iface_aft.find('coalesce') is None:
                    logging.info('coalesce delete check PASS.')
                    test.fail('coalesce not deleted.')

        if create_new_net:
예제 #9
def run(test, params, env):
    Test openvswitch support for network.

    1.Prepare test environment,destroy or suspend a VM.
    2.Edit xml and start the domain.
    3.Perform test operation.
    4.Recover test environment.
    5.Confirm the test result.
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    def modify_iface_xml():
        Modify interface xml options
        vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        xml_devices = vmxml.devices
        iface_index = xml_devices.index(xml_devices.by_device_tag("interface")[0])
        iface = xml_devices[iface_index]

        iface_type = params.get("iface_type")
        if iface_type:
            iface.type_name = iface_type
        source = eval(iface_source)
        if source:
            del iface.source
            iface.source = source
        iface_model = params.get("iface_model", "virtio")
        iface.model = iface_model
        iface_virtualport = params.get("iface_virtualport")
        if iface_virtualport:
            iface.virtualport_type = iface_virtualport
        logging.debug("New interface xml file: %s", iface)
        vmxml.devices = xml_devices

    def check_ovs_port(ifname, brname):
        Check OVS port that created by libvirt
        pg_name = params.get("porgroup_name", "").split()
        pg_vlan = params.get("portgroup_vlan", "").split()
        if_source = eval(iface_source)
        port_vlan = {}
        if if_source.has_key("portgroup"):
            pg = if_source["portgroup"]
            for (name, vlan) in zip(pg_name, pg_vlan):
                if pg == name:
                    port_vlan = eval(vlan)
        # Check bridge name by port name
        _, bridge = utils_net.find_current_bridge(ifname)
        assert bridge == brname
        # Get port info from ovs-vsctl output
        cmd = "ovs-vsctl list port %s" % ifname
        output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
        logging.debug("ovs port output: %s", output)
        for line in output.splitlines():
            if line.count("tag"):
                tag_info = line.rsplit(":")
                if port_vlan.has_key("id") and tag_info[0] == "tag":
                    assert port_vlan["id"] == tag_info[1]
            elif line.count("vlan_mode"):
                mode_info = line.rsplit(":")
                if port_vlan.has_key("nativeMode") and mode_info[0] == "vlan_mode":
                    assert port_vlan["nativeMode"] == "native-%s" % mode_info[1]

    start_error = "yes" == params.get("start_error", "no")

    # network specific attributes.
    net_name = params.get("net_name", "default")
    net_bridge = params.get("net_bridge", "{'name':'virbr0'}")
    iface_source = params.get("iface_source", "{}")
    create_network = "yes" == params.get("create_network", "no")
    change_iface_option = "yes" == params.get("change_iface_option", "no")
    test_ovs_port = "yes" == params.get("test_ovs_port", "no")

    # Destroy the guest first
    if vm.is_alive():

    # Back up xml file.
    netxml_backup = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml("default")
    iface_mac = vm_xml.VMXML.get_first_mac_by_name(vm_name)
    params["guest_mac"] = iface_mac
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)

    bridge_name = eval(net_bridge)["name"]
    # Build the xml and run test.
        # Edit the network xml or create a new one.
        if create_network:
            # Try to add ovs bridge first
            if not utils_net.ovs_br_exists(bridge_name):
            netxml = libvirt.create_net_xml(net_name, params)
        # Edit the interface xml.
        if change_iface_option:
            # Try to add bridge if needed
            source = eval(iface_source)
            if source:
                if source.has_key("bridge"):
                    if not utils_net.ovs_br_exists(source["bridge"]):

            # Start the VM.
            if start_error:
                raise error.TestFail("VM started unexpectedly")

            iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)
            if test_ovs_port:
                check_ovs_port(iface_name, bridge_name)

        except virt_vm.VMStartError, details:
            if start_error:
                raise error.TestFail("VM Failed to start for some reason!")

        # Recover VM.
        if vm.is_alive():
        logging.info("Restoring network...")
        if net_name == "default":
            # Destroy and undefine new created network
        # Try to recovery ovs bridge
        if utils_net.ovs_br_exists(bridge_name):
예제 #10
def run(test, params, env):
    Test interface devices update
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    new_network_name = params.get("net_name")
    expect_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    expect_err_msg = params.get("expect_err_msg")

    iface_driver = params.get("iface_driver")
    iface_model = params.get("iface_model")
    iface_mtu = params.get("iface_mtu")
    iface_rom = params.get("iface_rom")
    iface_filter = params.get("iface_filter")

    new_iface_driver = params.get("new_iface_driver")
    new_iface_driver_host = params.get("new_iface_driver_host")
    new_iface_driver_guest = params.get("new_iface_driver_guest")
    new_iface_model = params.get("new_iface_model")
    new_iface_rom = params.get("new_iface_rom")
    new_iface_inbound = params.get("new_iface_inbound")
    new_iface_outbound = params.get("new_iface_outbound")
    new_iface_link = params.get("new_iface_link")
    new_iface_source = params.get("new_iface_source")
    new_iface_target = params.get("new_iface_target")
    new_iface_addr = params.get("new_iface_addr")
    new_iface_filter = params.get("new_iface_filter")
    new_iface_mtu = params.get("new_iface_mtu")
    new_iface_type = params.get("new_iface_type")
    create_new_net = "yes" == params.get("create_new_net")
    new_iface_alias = params.get("new_iface_alias")
    cold_update = "yes" == params.get("cold_update", "no")
    del_addr = "yes" == params.get("del_address")
    del_rom = "yes" == params.get("del_rom")
    del_filter = "yes" == params.get("del_filter")

    # Backup the vm xml for recover at last
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)

        # According to the different os find different file for rom
        if (iface_rom and "file" in eval(iface_rom)
                and "%s" in eval(iface_rom)['file']):
            if os.path.exists(eval(iface_rom)['file'] % "pxe"):
                iface_rom = iface_rom % "pxe"
            elif os.path.exists(eval(iface_rom)['file'] % "efi"):
                iface_rom = iface_rom % "efi"
                logging.error("Can not find suitable rom file")
        iface_dict_bef = {}
        iface_dict_aft = {}
        names = locals()
        # Collect need update items in 2 dicts for both start vm before and after
        update_list_bef = ["driver", "model", "mtu", "rom", "filter"]
        for update_item_bef in update_list_bef:
            if names['iface_' + update_item_bef]:
                    {update_item_bef: names['iface_' + update_item_bef]})

        update_list_aft = [
            "driver", "driver_host", "driver_guest", "model", "rom", "inbound",
            "outbound", "link", "source", "target", "addr", "filter", "mtu",
            "type", "alias"
        for update_item_aft in update_list_aft:
            if names["new_iface_" + update_item_aft]:
                    {update_item_aft: names["new_iface_" + update_item_aft]})
        logging.info("iface_dict_bef is %s, iface_dict_aft is %s",
                     iface_dict_bef, iface_dict_aft)

        del_list = ["del_addr", "del_rom", "del_filter"]
        for del_item in del_list:
            if names[del_item]:
                iface_dict_aft.update({del_item: "True"})

        # Update vm interface with items in iface_dict_bef and start it
        if iface_dict_bef:
            libvirt.modify_vm_iface(vm_name, "update_iface", iface_dict_bef)
        logging.info("vm xml is %s", vm.get_xml())

        if not cold_update:

        if iface_mtu:
            # Do check for mtu size after start vm
            target_dev = libvirt.get_interface_details(vm_name)[0]['interface']
            cmd = "ip link show %s | grep 'mtu %s'" % (target_dev,

            def check_mtu():
                Check the mtu setting take effect for interface
                ret = process.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True)
                if ret.exit_status:
                    test.fail("Can not find mtu setting in cmd result")


        # Create new network if need
        if create_new_net:
            new_net_xml = libvirt.create_net_xml(new_network_name, params)

        # Do update for iface_driver
        new_iface_xml = libvirt.modify_vm_iface(vm_name, "get_xml",
        ret = virsh.update_device(vm_name,
        libvirt.check_exit_status(ret, expect_error)
        if expect_error:
            real_err_msg = ret.stderr.strip()
            if not re.search(expect_err_msg, real_err_msg, re.IGNORECASE):
                test.fail("The real error msg:'%s' does not match expect one:"
                          '%s' % (real_err_msg, expect_err_msg))
                logging.info("Get expect result: %s", real_err_msg)
            if new_iface_inbound:
                iface_bandwidth = {}
                iface_bandwidth = vm_xml.VMXML.get_iftune_params(vm_name)
                for bound_para in ["inbound", "outbound"]:
                    for tune_para in ["average", "peak", "burst"]:
                        get_value = iface_bandwidth.get(bound_para).get(
                        expect_value = eval(names["new_iface_" +
                        logging.info("Get value for %s:%s is %s, expect is %s",
                                     bound_para, tune_para, get_value,
                        if get_value != expect_value:
                            test.fail("Get value is not equal to expect")
            vmxml_aft = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
            iface_aft = list(vmxml_aft.get_iface_all().values())[0]
            if new_iface_link:
                iface_link_value = iface_aft.find('link').get('state')
                if iface_link_value == new_iface_link:
                    logging.info("Find link state is %s in xml",

                    # Checking the statue in guest
                    mac_addr = iface_aft.find('mac').get('address')
                    state_map = "%s.*\n.*%s" % (iface_link_value.upper(),
                    session = vm.wait_for_serial_login()
                    logging.info("ip link output:%s",
                                 session.cmd_output("ip link"))
                    if_name = utils_net.get_net_if(runner=session.cmd_output,
                    if if_name:
                        logging.info("Find iface state %s for %s",
                                     iface_link_value, mac_addr)
                            "Can not find iface with mac %s and state %s" %
                            (mac_addr, iface_link_value))
                        "Check fail to get link state, expect %s, but get %s" %
                        (iface_link_value, new_iface_link))
            if create_new_net and new_iface_source:
                iface_source_value = iface_aft.find('source').get('network')
                if iface_source_value == eval(new_iface_source)['network']:
                    logging.info("Get %s in xml as set", iface_source_value)
                    test.fail("Get source %s is not equal to set %s" %
                              (iface_source_value, new_iface_source))
            if new_iface_filter:
                iface_filter_value = iface_aft.find('filterref').get('filter')
                if iface_filter_value == new_iface_filter:
                    logging.info("Get %s in xml as set", iface_filter_value)
                    test.fail("Get filter %s is not equal to set %s" %
                              (iface_filter_value, new_iface_filter))
            if del_filter:
                iface_filter_value = iface_aft.find('filterref')
                if iface_filter_value:
                    logging.debug("After delete, the filter still exists: %s",
            if new_iface_alias:
                iface_alias_value = iface_aft.find('alias').get('name')
                if iface_alias_value == eval(new_iface_alias)['name']:
                    logging.info("Get %s in xml as set", iface_alias_value)
                    test.fail("Get alias %s is not equal to set %s" %
                              (iface_alias_value, new_iface_alias))
        if create_new_net:
예제 #11
def run(test, params, env):
    Test interafce xml options.

    1.Prepare test environment,destroy or suspend a VM.
    2.Edit xml and start the domain.
    3.Perform test operation.
    4.Recover test environment.
    5.Confirm the test result.
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    def prepare_pxe_boot():
        Prepare tftp server and pxe boot files
        pkg_list = ["syslinux", "tftp-server",
                    "tftp", "ipxe-roms-qemu", "wget"]
        # Try to install required packages
        if not utils_package.package_install(pkg_list):
            test.error("Failed ot install required packages")
        boot_initrd = params.get("boot_initrd", "EXAMPLE_INITRD")
        boot_vmlinuz = params.get("boot_vmlinuz", "EXAMPLE_VMLINUZ")
        if boot_initrd.count("EXAMPLE") or boot_vmlinuz.count("EXAMPLE"):
            test.cancel("Please provide initrd/vmlinuz URL")
        # Download pxe boot images
        process.system("wget %s -O %s/initrd.img" % (boot_initrd, tftp_root))
        process.system("wget %s -O %s/vmlinuz" % (boot_vmlinuz, tftp_root))
        process.system("cp -f /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 {0};"
                       " mkdir -m 777 -p {0}/pxelinux.cfg".format(tftp_root), shell=True)
        pxe_file = "%s/pxelinux.cfg/default" % tftp_root
        boot_txt = """
DISPLAY boot.txt
LABEL rhel
        kernel vmlinuz
        append initrd=initrd.img
        with open(pxe_file, 'w') as p_file:

    def modify_iface_xml():
        Modify interface xml options
        vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        if pxe_boot:
            # Config boot console for pxe boot
            osxml = vm_xml.VMOSXML()
            osxml.type = vmxml.os.type
            osxml.arch = vmxml.os.arch
            osxml.machine = vmxml.os.machine
            osxml.loader = "/usr/share/seabios/bios.bin"
            osxml.bios_useserial = "yes"
            osxml.bios_reboot_timeout = "-1"
            osxml.boots = ['network']
            del vmxml.os
            vmxml.os = osxml

        xml_devices = vmxml.devices
        iface_index = xml_devices.index(
        iface = xml_devices[iface_index]
        iface_bandwidth = {}
        iface_inbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
        iface_outbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
        if iface_inbound:
            iface_bandwidth["inbound"] = iface_inbound
        if iface_outbound:
            iface_bandwidth["outbound"] = iface_outbound
        if iface_bandwidth:
            bandwidth = iface.new_bandwidth(**iface_bandwidth)
            iface.bandwidth = bandwidth

        iface_type = params.get("iface_type", "network")
        iface.type_name = iface_type
        source = ast.literal_eval(iface_source)
        if not source:
            source = {"network": "default"}
        net_ifs = utils_net.get_net_if(state="UP")
        # Check source device is valid or not,
        # if it's not in host interface list, try to set
        # source device to first active interface of host
        if (iface.type_name == "direct" and
            source.has_key('dev') and
                source['dev'] not in net_ifs):
            logging.warn("Source device %s is not a interface"
                         " of host, reset to %s",
                         source['dev'], net_ifs[0])
            source['dev'] = net_ifs[0]
        del iface.source
        iface.source = source
        iface_model = params.get("iface_model", "virtio")
        iface.model = iface_model
        logging.debug("New interface xml file: %s", iface)
        vmxml.devices = xml_devices

    def run_dnsmasq_default_test(key, value=None, exists=True):
        Test dnsmasq configuration.
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf"
        if not os.path.exists(conf_file):
            test.cancel("Can't find default.conf file")

        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if value:
            config = "%s=%s" % (key, value)
            config = key

        if not configs.count(config):
            if exists:
                test.fail("Can't find %s=%s in configuration file" % (key, value))
            if not exists:
                test.fail("Found %s=%s in configuration file" % (key, value))

    def run_dnsmasq_addnhosts_test(hostip, hostnames):
        Test host ip and names configuration
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.addnhosts"
        hosts_re = ".*".join(hostnames)
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if not re.search(r"%s.*%s" % (hostip, hosts_re), configs, re.M):
            test.fail("Can't find '%s' in configuration file" % hostip)

    def run_dnsmasq_host_test(iface_mac, guest_ip, guest_name):
        Test host name and ip configuration for dnsmasq
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.hostsfile"
        config = "%s,%s,%s" % (iface_mac, guest_ip, guest_name)
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if not configs.count(config):
            test.fail("Can't find host configuration in file %s" % conf_file)

    def check_class_rules(ifname, rule_id, bandwidth):
        Check bandwidth settings via 'tc class' output
        cmd = "tc class show dev %s" % ifname
        class_output = process.system_output(cmd)
        logging.debug("Bandwidth class output: %s", class_output)
        class_pattern = (r"class htb %s.*rate (\d+)Kbit ceil"
                         " (\d+)Kbit burst (\d+)(K?M?)b.*" % rule_id)
        se = re.search(class_pattern, class_output, re.M)
        if not se:
            test.fail("Can't find outbound setting for htb %s" % rule_id)
        logging.debug("bandwidth from tc output:%s" % str(se.groups()))
        ceil = None
        if bandwidth.has_key("floor"):
            ceil = int(bandwidth["floor"]) * 8
        elif bandwidth.has_key("average"):
            ceil = int(bandwidth["average"]) * 8
        if ceil:
            assert int(se.group(1)) == ceil
        if bandwidth.has_key("peak"):
            assert int(se.group(2)) == int(bandwidth["peak"]) * 8
        if bandwidth.has_key("burst"):
            if se.group(4) == 'M':
                tc_burst = int(se.group(3)) * 1024
                tc_burst = int(se.group(3))
            assert tc_burst == int(bandwidth["burst"])

    def check_filter_rules(ifname, bandwidth):
        Check bandwidth settings via 'tc filter' output
        cmd = "tc -d filter show dev %s parent ffff:" % ifname
        filter_output = process.system_output(cmd)
        logging.debug("Bandwidth filter output: %s", filter_output)
        if not filter_output.count("filter protocol all pref"):
            test.fail("Can't find 'protocol all' settings in filter rules")
        filter_pattern = ".*police.*rate (\d+)Kbit burst (\d+)(K?M?)b.*"
        se = re.search(r"%s" % filter_pattern, filter_output, re.M)
        if not se:
            test.fail("Can't find any filter policy")
        logging.debug("bandwidth from tc output:%s" % str(se.groups()))
        logging.debug("bandwidth from setting:%s" % str(bandwidth))
        if bandwidth.has_key("average"):
            assert int(se.group(1)) == int(bandwidth["average"]) * 8
        if bandwidth.has_key("burst"):
            if se.group(3) == 'M':
                tc_burst = int(se.group(2)) * 1024
                tc_burst = int(se.group(2))
            assert tc_burst == int(bandwidth["burst"])

    def check_host_routes():
        Check network routes on host
        for rt in routes:
                route = ast.literal_eval(rt)
                addr = "%s/%s" % (route["address"], route["prefix"])
                cmd = "ip route list %s" % addr
                if route.has_key("family") and route["family"] == "ipv6":
                    cmd = "ip -6 route list %s" % addr
                output = process.system_output(cmd)
                match_obj = re.search(r"via (\S+).*metric (\d+)", output)
                if match_obj:
                    via_addr = match_obj.group(1)
                    metric = match_obj.group(2)
                    logging.debug("via address %s for %s, matric is %s"
                                  % (via_addr, addr, metric))
                    assert via_addr == route["gateway"]
                    if route.has_key("metric"):
                        assert metric == route["metric"]
            except KeyError:

    def run_bandwidth_test(check_net=False, check_iface=False):
        Test bandwidth option for network or interface by tc command.
        iface_inbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
        iface_outbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
        net_inbound = ast.literal_eval(net_bandwidth_inbound)
        net_outbound = ast.literal_eval(net_bandwidth_outbound)
        net_bridge_name = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)["name"]
        iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)

            if check_net and net_inbound:
                # Check qdisc rules
                cmd = "tc -d qdisc show dev %s" % net_bridge_name
                qdisc_output = process.system_output(cmd)
                logging.debug("Bandwidth qdisc output: %s", qdisc_output)
                if not qdisc_output.count("qdisc ingress ffff:"):
                    test.fail("Can't find ingress setting")
                check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:1",
                                  {"average": net_inbound["average"],
                                   "peak": net_inbound["peak"]})
                check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:2", net_inbound)

            # Check filter rules on bridge interface
            if check_net and net_outbound:
                check_filter_rules(net_bridge_name, net_outbound)

            # Check class rules on interface inbound settings
            if check_iface and iface_inbound:
                check_class_rules(iface_name, "1:1",
                                  {'average': iface_inbound['average'],
                                   'peak': iface_inbound['peak'],
                                   'burst': iface_inbound['burst']})
                if iface_inbound.has_key("floor"):
                    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 1):
                        test.cancel("Not supported Qos options 'floor'")

                    check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:3",
                                      {'floor': iface_inbound["floor"]})

            # Check filter rules on interface outbound settings
            if check_iface and iface_outbound:
                check_filter_rules(iface_name, iface_outbound)
        except AssertionError:
            test.fail("Failed to check network bandwidth")

    def check_name_ip(session):
        Check dns resolving on guest
        # Check if bind-utils is installed
        if not utils_package.package_install(['bind-utils'], session):
            test.error("Failed to install bind-utils on guest")
        # Run host command to check if hostname can be resolved
        if not guest_ipv4 and not guest_ipv6:
            test.fail("No ip address found from parameters")
        guest_ip = guest_ipv4 if guest_ipv4 else guest_ipv6
        cmd = "host %s | grep %s" % (guest_name, guest_ip)
        if session.cmd_status(cmd):
            test.fail("Can't resolve name %s on guest" % guest_name)

    def check_ipt_rules(check_ipv4=True, check_ipv6=False):
        Check iptables for network/interface
        br_name = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)["name"]
        net_forward = ast.literal_eval(params.get("net_forward", "{}"))
        net_ipv4 = params.get("net_ipv4")
        net_ipv6 = params.get("net_ipv6")
        ipt_rules = ("FORWARD -i {0} -o {0} -j ACCEPT".format(br_name),
                     "FORWARD -o %s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp" % br_name,
                     "FORWARD -i %s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp" % br_name)
        net_dev_in = ""
        net_dev_out = ""
        if net_forward.has_key("dev"):
            net_dev_in = " -i %s" % net_forward["dev"]
            net_dev_out = " -o %s" % net_forward["dev"]
        if check_ipv4:
            ipv4_rules = list(ipt_rules)
            ctr_rule = ""
            nat_rules = []
            if net_forward.has_key("mode") and net_forward["mode"] == "nat":
                nat_port = ast.literal_eval(params.get("nat_port"))
                p_start = nat_port["start"]
                p_end = nat_port["end"]
                ctr_rule = " -m .* RELATED,ESTABLISHED"
                nat_rules = [("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p tcp -j MASQUERADE"
                              " --to-ports {1}-{2}".format(net_ipv4, p_start, p_end)),
                             ("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p udp -j MASQUERADE"
                              " --to-ports {1}-{2}".format(net_ipv4, p_start, p_end)),
                             ("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p udp"
                              " -j MASQUERADE".format(net_ipv4))]
            if nat_rules:
            if (net_ipv4 and net_forward.has_key("mode") and
                    net_forward["mode"] in ["nat", "route"]):
                rules = [("FORWARD -d %s%s -o %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv4, net_dev_in, br_name, ctr_rule)),
                         ("FORWARD -s %s -i %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv4, br_name, net_dev_out))]

            output = process.system_output('iptables-save')
            logging.debug("iptables: %s", output)
            for ipt in ipv4_rules:
                if not re.findall(r"%s" % ipt, output, re.M):
                    test.fail("Can't find iptable rule:\n%s" % ipt)
        if check_ipv6:
            ipv6_rules = list(ipt_rules)
            if (net_ipv6 and net_forward.has_key("mode") and
                    net_forward["mode"] in ["nat", "route"]):
                rules = [("FORWARD -d %s%s -o %s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv6, net_dev_in, br_name)),
                         ("FORWARD -s %s -i %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv6, br_name, net_dev_out))]
            output = process.system_output("ip6tables-save")
            logging.debug("iptables: %s", output)
            for ipt in ipv6_rules:
                if not output.count(ipt):
                    test.fail("Can't find ipbtable rule:\n%s" % ipt)

    def run_ip_test(session, ip_ver):
        Check iptables on host and ipv6 address on guest
        if ip_ver == "ipv6":
            # Clean up iptables rules for guest to get ipv6 address
            session.cmd_status("ip6tables -F")

        # It may take some time to get the ip address
        def get_ip_func():
            return utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(session, iface_mac,
        utils_misc.wait_for(get_ip_func, 5)
        if not get_ip_func():
            utils_net.restart_guest_network(session, iface_mac,
            utils_misc.wait_for(get_ip_func, 5)
        vm_ip = get_ip_func()
        logging.debug("Guest has ip: %s", vm_ip)
        if not vm_ip:
            test.fail("Can't find ip address on guest")
        ip_gateway = net_ip_address
        if ip_ver == "ipv6":
            ip_gateway = net_ipv6_address
            # Cleanup ip6talbes on host for ping6 test
            process.system("ip6tables -F")
        if ip_gateway and not routes:
            ping_s, _ = ping(dest=ip_gateway, count=5,
                             timeout=10, session=session)
            if ping_s:
                test.fail("Failed to ping gateway address: %s" % ip_gateway)

    def run_guest_libvirt(session):
        Check guest libvirt network
        # Try to install required packages
        if not utils_package.package_install(['libvirt'], session):
            test.error("Failed ot install libvirt package on guest")
        # Try to load tun module first
        session.cmd("lsmod | grep tun || modprobe  tun")
        # Check network state on guest
        cmd = ("service libvirtd restart; virsh net-info default"
               " | grep 'Active:.*yes'")
        if session.cmd_status(cmd):
            test.fail("'default' network isn't in active state")
        # Try to destroy&start default network on guest
        for opt in ['net-destroy', 'net-start']:
            cmd = "virsh %s default" % opt
            status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd)
            logging.debug("Run %s on guest exit %s, output %s"
                          % (cmd, status, output))
            if status:
        if not utils_package.package_remove("libvirt*", session):
            test.error("Failed to remove libvirt packages on guest")

    start_error = "yes" == params.get("start_error", "no")
    define_error = "yes" == params.get("define_error", "no")
    restart_error = "yes" == params.get("restart_error", "no")

    # network specific attributes.
    net_name = params.get("net_name", "default")
    net_bridge = params.get("net_bridge", "{'name':'virbr0'}")
    net_domain = params.get("net_domain")
    net_ip_address = params.get("net_ip_address")
    net_ipv6_address = params.get("net_ipv6_address")
    net_dns_forward = params.get("net_dns_forward")
    net_dns_txt = params.get("net_dns_txt")
    net_dns_srv = params.get("net_dns_srv")
    net_dns_hostip = params.get("net_dns_hostip")
    net_dns_hostnames = params.get("net_dns_hostnames", "").split()
    dhcp_start_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_start_ipv4")
    dhcp_end_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_end_ipv4")
    guest_name = params.get("guest_name")
    guest_ipv4 = params.get("guest_ipv4")
    guest_ipv6 = params.get("guest_ipv6")
    tftp_root = params.get("tftp_root")
    pxe_boot = "yes" == params.get("pxe_boot", "no")
    routes = params.get("routes", "").split()
    net_bandwidth_inbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_inbound", "{}")
    net_bandwidth_outbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_outbound", "{}")
    iface_bandwidth_inbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_inbound", "{}")
    iface_bandwidth_outbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_outbound", "{}")
    iface_num = params.get("iface_num", "1")
    iface_source = params.get("iface_source", "{}")
    multiple_guests = params.get("multiple_guests")
    create_network = "yes" == params.get("create_network", "no")
    attach_iface = "yes" == params.get("attach_iface", "no")
    serial_login = "******" == params.get("serial_login", "no")
    change_iface_option = "yes" == params.get("change_iface_option", "no")
    test_bridge = "yes" == params.get("test_bridge", "no")
    test_dnsmasq = "yes" == params.get("test_dnsmasq", "no")
    test_dhcp_range = "yes" == params.get("test_dhcp_range", "no")
    test_dns_host = "yes" == params.get("test_dns_host", "no")
    test_qos_bandwidth = "yes" == params.get("test_qos_bandwidth", "no")
    test_pg_bandwidth = "yes" == params.get("test_portgroup_bandwidth", "no")
    test_qos_remove = "yes" == params.get("test_qos_remove", "no")
    test_ipv4_address = "yes" == params.get("test_ipv4_address", "no")
    test_ipv6_address = "yes" == params.get("test_ipv6_address", "no")
    test_guest_libvirt = "yes" == params.get("test_guest_libvirt", "no")
    username = params.get("username")
    password = params.get("password")

    # Destroy VM first
    if vm.is_alive():

    # Back up xml file.
    netxml_backup = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml("default")
    iface_mac = vm_xml.VMXML.get_first_mac_by_name(vm_name)
    params["guest_mac"] = iface_mac
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    vms_list = []
    if "floor" in ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound):
        if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 0, 1):
            test.cancel("Not supported Qos options 'floor'")

    # Enabling IPv6 forwarding with RA routes without accept_ra set to 2
    # is likely to cause routes loss
    sysctl_cmd = 'sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra'
    original_accept_ra = process.system_output(sysctl_cmd + ' -n')
    if test_ipv6_address and original_accept_ra != '2':
        process.system(sysctl_cmd + '=2')

    # Build the xml and run test.
        if test_dnsmasq:
            # Check the settings before modifying network xml
            if net_dns_forward == "no":
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain-needed", exists=False)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("local", "//", exists=False)
            if net_domain:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain", net_domain, exists=False)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("expand-hosts", exists=False)

        # Prepare pxe boot directory
        if pxe_boot:
        # Edit the network xml or create a new one.
        if create_network:
            net_ifs = utils_net.get_net_if(state="UP")
            # Check forward device is valid or not,
            # if it's not in host interface list, try to set
            # forward device to first active interface of host
            forward = ast.literal_eval(params.get("net_forward",
            if (forward.has_key('mode') and forward['mode'] in
                ['passthrough', 'private', 'bridge', 'macvtap'] and
                forward.has_key('dev') and
                    forward['dev'] not in net_ifs):
                logging.warn("Forward device %s is not a interface"
                             " of host, reset to %s",
                             forward['dev'], net_ifs[0])
                forward['dev'] = net_ifs[0]
                params["net_forward"] = str(forward)
            forward_iface = params.get("forward_iface")
            if forward_iface:
                interface = [x for x in forward_iface.split()]
                # The guest will use first interface of the list,
                # check if it's valid or not, if it's not in host
                # interface list, try to set forward interface to
                # first active interface of host.
                if interface[0] not in net_ifs:
                    logging.warn("Forward interface %s is not a "
                                 " interface of host, reset to %s",
                                 interface[0], net_ifs[0])
                    interface[0] = net_ifs[0]
                    params["forward_iface"] = " ".join(interface)

            netxml = libvirt.create_net_xml(net_name, params)
            except xcepts.LibvirtXMLError, details:
                if define_error:
                    test.fail("Failed to define network")
        # Edit the interface xml.
        if change_iface_option:
        # Attach interface if needed
        if attach_iface:
            iface_type = params.get("iface_type", "network")
            iface_model = params.get("iface_model", "virtio")
            for i in range(int(iface_num)):
                logging.info("Try to attach interface loop %s" % i)
                options = ("%s %s --model %s --config" %
                           (iface_type, net_name, iface_model))
                ret = virsh.attach_interface(vm_name, options,
                if ret.exit_status:
                    logging.error("Command output %s" %
                    test.fail("Failed to attach-interface")

        if multiple_guests:
            # Clone more vms for testing
            for i in range(int(multiple_guests)):
                guest_name = "%s_%s" % (vm_name, i)
                timeout = params.get("clone_timeout", 360)
                utils_libguestfs.virt_clone_cmd(vm_name, guest_name,
                                                True, timeout=timeout)

        if test_bridge:
            bridge = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)
            br_if = utils_net.Interface(bridge['name'])
            if not br_if.is_up():
                test.fail("Bridge interface isn't up")
        if test_dnsmasq:
            # Check the settings in dnsmasq config file
            if net_dns_forward == "no":
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("local", "//")
            if net_domain:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain", net_domain)
            if net_bridge:
                bridge = ast.literal_eval(net_bridge)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("interface", bridge['name'])
                if bridge.has_key('stp') and bridge['stp'] == 'on':
                    if bridge.has_key('delay'):
                        br_delay = float(bridge['delay'])
                        cmd = ("brctl showstp %s | grep 'bridge forward delay'"
                               % bridge['name'])
                        out = process.system_output(
                            cmd, shell=True, ignore_status=False)
                        logging.debug("brctl showstp output: %s", out)
                        pattern = (r"\s*forward delay\s+(\d+.\d+)\s+bridge"
                                   " forward delay\s+(\d+.\d+)")
                        match_obj = re.search(pattern, out, re.M)
                        if not match_obj or len(match_obj.groups()) != 2:
                            test.fail("Can't see forward delay messages from command")
                        elif (float(match_obj.groups()[0]) != br_delay or
                                float(match_obj.groups()[1]) != br_delay):
                            test.fail("Foward delay setting can't take effect")
            if dhcp_start_ipv4 and dhcp_end_ipv4:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("dhcp-range", "%s,%s"
                                         % (dhcp_start_ipv4, dhcp_end_ipv4))
            if guest_name and guest_ipv4:
                run_dnsmasq_host_test(iface_mac, guest_ipv4, guest_name)

        if test_dns_host:
            if net_dns_txt:
                dns_txt = ast.literal_eval(net_dns_txt)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("txt-record", "%s,%s" %
            if net_dns_srv:
                dns_srv = ast.literal_eval(net_dns_srv)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("srv-host", "_%s._%s.%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" %
                                         (dns_srv["service"], dns_srv["protocol"],
                                          dns_srv["domain"], dns_srv["target"],
                                          dns_srv["port"], dns_srv["priority"],
            if net_dns_hostip and net_dns_hostnames:
                run_dnsmasq_addnhosts_test(net_dns_hostip, net_dns_hostnames)

        # Run bandwidth test for network
        if test_qos_bandwidth:
        # Check routes if needed
        if routes:

            # Start the VM.
            if start_error:
                test.fail("VM started unexpectedly")
            if pxe_boot:
                # Just check network boot messages here
                    ["Loading vmlinuz", "Loading initrd.img"],
                output = vm.serial_console.get_stripped_output()
                logging.debug("Boot messages: %s", output)

                if serial_login:
                    session = vm.wait_for_serial_login(username=username,
                    session = vm.wait_for_login()

                if test_dhcp_range:
                    dhcp_range = int(params.get("dhcp_range", "252"))
                    utils_net.restart_guest_network(session, iface_mac)
                    vm_ip = utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(session, iface_mac)
                    logging.debug("Guest has ip: %s", vm_ip)
                    if not vm_ip and dhcp_range:
                        test.fail("Guest has invalid ip address")
                    elif vm_ip and not dhcp_range:
                        test.fail("Guest has ip address: %s" % vm_ip)
                    dhcp_range = dhcp_range - 1
                    for vms in vms_list:
                        # Start other VMs.
                        sess = vms.wait_for_serial_login()
                        vms_mac = vms.get_virsh_mac_address()
                        # restart guest network to get ip addr
                        utils_net.restart_guest_network(sess, vms_mac)
                        vms_ip = utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(sess,
                        if not vms_ip and dhcp_range:
                            test.fail("Guest has invalid ip address")
                        elif vms_ip and not dhcp_range:
                            # Get IP address on guest should return Null
                            # if it exceeds the dhcp range
                            test.fail("Guest has ip address: %s" % vms_ip)
                        dhcp_range = dhcp_range - 1
                        if vms_ip:
                            ping_s, _ = ping(dest=vm_ip, count=5,
                                             timeout=10, session=sess)
                            if ping_s:
                                test.fail("Failed to ping, src: %s, "
                                          "dst: %s" % (vms_ip, vm_ip))

                # Check dnsmasq settings if take affect in guest
                if guest_ipv4:

                # Run bandwidth test for interface
                if test_qos_bandwidth:
                # Run bandwidth test for portgroup
                if test_pg_bandwidth:
                    pg_bandwidth_inbound = params.get(
                        "portgroup_bandwidth_inbound", "").split()
                    pg_bandwidth_outbound = params.get(
                        "portgroup_bandwidth_outbound", "").split()
                    pg_name = params.get("portgroup_name", "").split()
                    pg_default = params.get("portgroup_default", "").split()
                    iface_inbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
                    iface_outbound = ast.literal_eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
                    iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)
                    if_source = ast.literal_eval(iface_source)
                    if if_source.has_key("portgroup"):
                        pg = if_source["portgroup"]
                        pg = "default"
                    for (name, df, bw_ib, bw_ob) in zip(pg_name, pg_default,
                        if pg == name:
                            inbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ib)
                            outbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ob)
                        elif pg == "default" and df == "yes":
                            inbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ib)
                            outbound = ast.literal_eval(bw_ob)
                        # Interface bandwidth settings will
                        # overwriting portgroup settings
                        if iface_inbound:
                            inbound = iface_inbound
                        if iface_outbound:
                            outbound = iface_outbound
                        check_class_rules(iface_name, "1:1", inbound)
                        check_filter_rules(iface_name, outbound)
                if test_qos_remove:
                    # Remove the bandwidth settings in network xml
                    logging.debug("Removing network bandwidth settings...")
                    # Should fail to start vm
                    if restart_error:
                        test.fail("VM started unexpectedly")
                if test_ipv6_address:
                    run_ip_test(session, "ipv6")
                if test_ipv4_address:
                    run_ip_test(session, "ipv4")

                if test_guest_libvirt:

        except virt_vm.VMStartError as details:
            if not (start_error or restart_error):
                test.fail('VM failed to start:\n%s' % details)
예제 #12
def run(test, params, env):
    Since 3.3.0, Coalesce setting is supported.

    This case is to set coalesce and check for 4 network types and each guest interface type.

    Only network/bridge guest interface type take effect for setting interface coalesce.

    For each host network type, guest can use bridge/network interface type to set coalesce
    except macvtap network type.
    Execute 'ethtool -c ${interface}|grep "rx-frames"' and anylize the output to check
    whether coalesce setting take effect or not.

    For macvtap network type, guest can start but query coalesce will fail.

    1. For default host network

    network definition is below:
       <bridge name="virbr0"/>
       <ip address="" netmask="">
             <range start="" end=""/>

    This is default network.

    1) guest interface type 'bridge' and set coalesce:
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:a7:4d:f7'/>
      <source bridge='virbr0'/>
      <target dev='vnet0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='64'/>
      <alias name='net0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>

    2) guest interface type 'network' and set coalesce:
    <interface type='network'>
      <source network='default'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='32'/>

    2. For bridge host network
    This mode need true bridge in host network.
    'nmcli con add type bridge con-name br0 ifname br0'

    1) guest interface type 'bridge' and set coalesce:
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:8e:f3:6f'/>
      <source bridge='br0'/>
      <target dev='vnet0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='64'/>
      <alias name='net0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x0a' function='0x0'/>

    2) guest interface type 'network' and set coalesce:
    First, define one virtual network for bridge br0
    'virsh net-define net-br0.xml'
    'virsh net-dumpxml net-br0'
       <forward mode='bridge'/>
       <bridge name='br0'/>
    Secondly, use this network for guest
    <interface type='network'>
      <source network='net-br0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='32'/>

    3. For openvswitch bridge host network
    This mode need true openvswitch bridge in host network.
    'ovs-vsctl add-br ovsbr0'

    1) guest interface type 'bridge' and set coalesce:
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:8e:f3:6f'/>
      <source bridge='ovsbr0'/>
      <virtualport type='openvswitch'/>
      <target dev='vnet0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='64'/>
      <alias name='net0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x0a' function='0x0'/>

    2) guest interface type 'network' and set coalesce:
    First, define one virtual network for openvswitch bridge ovsbr0
    'virsh net-define net-ovsbr0.xml'
    'virsh net-dumpxml net-ovsbr0'
       <forward mode='bridge'/>
       <bridge name='ovsbr0'/>
       <virtualport type='openvswitch'/>

    Secondly, use this network for guest
    <interface type='network'>
      <source network='net-ovs0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='32'/>

    4. For macvtap bridge mode on host network
    For this mode, first, create one virtual network.
    Note, should set dev to one ture physical interface.
    'virsh net-define net-br-macvtap.xml'
    'virsh net-dumpxml net-br-macvtap'
       <forward dev='eno1' mode='bridge'>
           <interface dev='eno1'/>
    Set guest to use this macvtap network and set coalesc
    <interface type='network'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:6e:f4:f1'/>
      <source network='net-br-macvtap'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
          <frames max='32'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>

    Steps in this test:
    1. Prepare test environment,destroy or suspend a VM.
    2. Prepare network if necessary.
    3. Edit guest interface with definite network and set coalesce.
    4. Start guest and check whether coalesce setting take effect.
    5. Recover network and guest.

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(3, 3, 0):
        test.skip("Coalesce setting is only supported by libvirt3.3.0 and above")

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    def get_first_phy_iface():
        Get first physical network interface from output of 'ls /sys/class/net'

        #ls /sys/class/net
         eno1  lo  virbr0  virbr0-nic

        :return: interface name
        interface = ''
        lines = process.run('ls /sys/class/net').stdout_text.splitlines()
        interfaces = lines[0].split()
        for iface in interfaces:
            if iface != 'lo' and 'vir' not in iface:
                interface = iface
        if interface == '':
            test.fail("There is no physical network interface")
        return interface

    def modify_iface_xml():
        Modify interface xml options
        Two methods to modify domain interfae:
        1. modify guest xml, define it
        2. attach one interface for running guest

        :return: 0 for successful negative case
                 test.fail is fail for positive/negative case
                 None for successful positive case
        if hotplug_iface:
            iface = Interface(iface_type)
            vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
            xml_devices = vmxml.devices
            iface_index = xml_devices.index(
            iface = xml_devices[iface_index]

        if iface_type == 'network':
            iface.type_name = iface_type
            source = {iface_type: net_name}
        elif iface_type == 'bridge' and bridge_name:
            iface.type_name = iface_type
            source = {iface_type: bridge_name}
        elif iface_type == 'direct':
            iface.type_name = iface_type
            source = {'dev': interface, 'mode': 'bridge'}

        if source:
            del iface.source
            iface.source = source
        iface_model = params.get("iface_model", "virtio")
        iface.model = iface_model
        iface.coalesce = {'max': coalesce_value}
        if network_type == "ovsbridge" and iface_type == "bridge":
            iface.virtualport_type = "openvswitch"

        if not hotplug_iface:
            vmxml.devices = xml_devices
            except xcepts.LibvirtXMLError as details:
                if status_error:
                    # Expect error for negetive test
                    return 0
                    test.fail("Define guest: FAIL")
            if not vm.is_alive():
                # Wait guest boot completely
                ret = virsh.attach_device(vm_name, iface.xml,
            except process.CmdError as error:
                if status_error:
                    # Expect error for negetive test
                    return 0
                    test.fail("Define guest: FAIL")

    start_error = "yes" == params.get("start_error", "no")
    status_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")

    # Get coalesce value.
    expect_coalesce = params.get("expect_coalesce", "")
    coalesce_value = params.get("coalesce", "15")
    if expect_coalesce == '':
        expect_coalesce = coalesce_value

    # Network specific attributes.
    network_type = params.get("network_type", "default")
    net_name = params.get("net_name", "default")
    net_bridge = params.get("net_bridge", "{'name':'virbr0'}")

    # Get guest interface type
    iface_type = params.get("iface_type", "network")

    # Whether attach interface
    hotplug_iface = "yes" == params.get("hotplug_iface", "no")
    error_info = params.get("error_info", "")

    # Destroy the guest first
    if vm.is_alive():

    # Back up xml file.
    netxml_backup = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml("default")
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)

    # Build the xml and run test.
        interface = get_first_phy_iface()

        # Prepare network for specific network type.
        # Create bridge/ovsbridge for host bridge/ovsbridge network type
        if network_type == "default" and iface_type == "bridge":
            bridge_name = "virbr0"
        elif network_type == "bridge":
            bridge_name = eval(net_bridge)['name']
            bridge = utils_net.Bridge()
            # Try to add bridge if not exist
            if bridge_name not in bridge.list_br():
        elif network_type == 'ovsbridge':
            bridge_name = eval(net_bridge)['name']
            # Try to add ovs bridge if not exist
            if not utils_net.ovs_br_exists(bridge_name):

        if iface_type == "network":
            # Define virtual network if not exist for 'network' type of guest interface
            network = NetworkXML()
            network.name = net_name
            # Prepare virtual network required parameters
            params['net_forward'] = "{'mode':'bridge'}"
            if network_type == "ovsbridge":
                params['net_virtualport'] = "openvswitch"
            if network_type == "macvtap":
                # For bridge type of macvtap network, one true physical interface shold be added
                # Check whether physical interface has been added into one bridge. if yes, skip macvtap test
                # If interface already added to a bridge, the output of the nmcli
                # command will include "connection.slave-type: bridge"
                out = process.run('nmcli dev show %s' % interface).stdout_text
                con_l = re.findall(r'GENERAL.CONNECTION:(.+?)\n', out)
                if not con_l:
                    test.cancel("no connection for the interface")
                    con = con_l[0].strip()
                if "bridge" not in process.run('nmcli con show "%s"' % con).stdout_text:
                    params['forward_iface'] = interface
                    params['net_forward'] = "{'mode':'bridge', 'dev': '%s'}" % interface
                    test.cancel("interface %s has been added into one brige, but macvtap"
                                "need also add this interface, so current network can't"
                                "suit macvtap testing" % interface)
            if not network.exists():
                netxml = libvirt.create_net_xml(net_name, params)
                virsh.net_dumpxml(network.name, debug=True)
        # Edit the interface xml.
        # For successful negative case, return 0 to specify PASS result directly
        ret = modify_iface_xml()
        if ret == 0:
            return 0
            # Get all interface
            link_before = set(process.run('ls /sys/class/net').stdout_text.splitlines())
            # Start the VM.
            if start_error:
                raise test.fail("VM started unexpectedly")
            # Get guest virtual network interface
            link_after = set(process.run('ls /sys/class/net').stdout_text.splitlines())
            newinterface = (link_after - link_before).pop()
            out = process.run('ethtool -c %s' % newinterface, ignore_status=True)
            if network_type == 'macvtap':
                # Currently, output coalesce for macvtap is not supported
                err_msg = "Cannot get device coalesce settings: Operation not supported"
                std_msg = "Coalesce parameters for %s:" % newinterface
                if err_msg not in out.stderr_text or std_msg not in out.stdout_text:
                    test.fail("coalesce setting on %s failed." % network_type)
                # Get coalesce value and check it is true
                if out.exit_status == 0:
                    for line in out.stdout_text.splitlines():
                        if 'rx-frames:' in line:
                            coalesce = line.split(':')[1].strip()
                            if expect_coalesce != coalesce:
                                test.fail("coalesce setting failed for %s" % network_type)
                    test.fail("coalesce setting on %s failed." % network_type)
        except virt_vm.VMStartError as details:
            if not start_error:
                test.fail('VM failed to start:\n%s' % details)

        # Recover VM.
        if vm.is_alive():
        logging.info("Restoring network...")
        if net_name == "default":
            # Destroy and undefine new created network
        # Try to recovery bridge
        if network_type == "bridge" and bridge_name:
            if bridge_name in bridge.list_br():
        elif network_type == "ovsbridge" and bridge_name:
            if utils_net.ovs_br_exists(bridge_name):
예제 #13
def run(test, params, env):
    Test interafce xml options.

    1.Prepare test environment,destroy or suspend a VM.
    2.Edit xml and start the domain.
    3.Perform test operation.
    4.Recover test environment.
    5.Confirm the test result.
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    def prepare_pxe_boot():
        Prepare tftp server and pxe boot files
        pkg_list = ["syslinux", "tftp-server",
                    "tftp", "ipxe-roms-qemu", "wget"]
        # Try to install required packages
        if not utils_misc.yum_install(pkg_list):
            raise error.TestNAError("Failed ot install "
                                    "required packages")
        boot_initrd = params.get("boot_initrd")
        boot_vmlinuz = params.get("boot_vmlinuz")
        # Download pxe boot images
        utils.run("wget %s -O %s/initrd.img"
                  % (boot_initrd, tftp_root))
        utils.run("wget %s -O %s/vmlinuz"
                  % (boot_vmlinuz, tftp_root))
        utils.run("cp -f /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 {0};"
                  " mkdir -m 777 -p {0}/pxelinux.cfg".format(tftp_root))
        pxe_file = "%s/pxelinux.cfg/default" % tftp_root
        boot_txt = """
DISPLAY boot.txt
LABEL rhel
        kernel vmlinuz
        append initrd=initrd.img
        with open(pxe_file, 'w') as p_file:

    def modify_iface_xml():
        Modify interface xml options
        vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        if pxe_boot:
            # Config boot console for pxe boot
            osxml = vm_xml.VMOSXML()
            osxml.type = vmxml.os.type
            osxml.arch = vmxml.os.arch
            osxml.machine = vmxml.os.machine
            osxml.loader = "/usr/share/seabios/bios.bin"
            osxml.bios_useserial = "yes"
            osxml.bios_reboot_timeout = "-1"
            osxml.boots = ['network']
            del vmxml.os
            vmxml.os = osxml

        xml_devices = vmxml.devices
        iface_index = xml_devices.index(
        iface = xml_devices[iface_index]
        iface_bandwidth = {}
        iface_inbound = eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
        iface_outbound = eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
        if iface_inbound:
            iface_bandwidth["inbound"] = iface_inbound
        if iface_outbound:
            iface_bandwidth["outbound"] = iface_outbound
        if iface_bandwidth:
            bandwidth = iface.new_bandwidth(**iface_bandwidth)
            iface.bandwidth = bandwidth

        iface_source = params.get("iface_source")
        if iface_source:
            source = eval(iface_source)
            if source:
                iface.source = source
        logging.debug("New interface xml file: %s", iface)
        vmxml.devices = xml_devices

    def run_dnsmasq_default_test(key, value=None, exists=True):
        Test dnsmasq configuration.
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf"
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if value:
            config = "%s=%s" % (key, value)
            config = key

        if not configs.count(config):
            if exists:
                raise error.TestFail("Can't find %s=%s in configuration"
                                     " file" % (key, value))
            if not exists:
                raise error.TestFail("Found %s=%s in configuration"
                                     " file" % (key, value))

    def run_dnsmasq_addnhosts_test(hostip, hostnames):
        Test host ip and names configuration
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.addnhosts"
        hosts_re = ".*".join(hostnames)
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if not re.search(r"%s.*%s" % (hostip, hosts_re), configs, re.M):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find '%s' in configuration"
                                 " file" % hostip)

    def run_dnsmasq_host_test(iface_mac, guest_ip, guest_name):
        Test host name and ip configuration for dnsmasq
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.hostsfile"
        config = "%s,%s,%s" % (iface_mac, guest_ip, guest_name)
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if not configs.count(config):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find host configuration"
                                 " in file %s" % conf_file)

    def check_class_rules(ifname, rule_id, bandwidth):
        Check bandwidth settings via 'tc class' output
        cmd = "tc class show dev %s" % ifname
        class_output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
        logging.debug("Bandwidth class output: %s", class_output)
        class_pattern = (r"class htb %s.*rate (\d+)Kbit ceil"
                         " (\d+)Kbit burst (\d+)(K?M?)b.*" % rule_id)
        se = re.search(class_pattern, class_output, re.M)
        if not se:
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find outbound setting"
                                 " for htb %s" % rule_id)
        logging.debug("bandwidth from tc output:%s" % str(se.groups()))
        ceil = None
        if bandwidth.has_key("floor"):
            ceil = int(bandwidth["floor"]) * 8
        elif bandwidth.has_key("average"):
            ceil = int(bandwidth["average"]) * 8
        if ceil:
            assert int(se.group(1)) == ceil
        if bandwidth.has_key("peak"):
            assert int(se.group(2)) == int(bandwidth["peak"]) * 8
        if bandwidth.has_key("burst"):
            if se.group(4) == 'M':
                tc_burst = int(se.group(3)) * 1024
                tc_burst = int(se.group(3))
            assert tc_burst == int(bandwidth["burst"])

    def check_filter_rules(ifname, bandwidth):
        Check bandwidth settings via 'tc filter' output
        cmd = "tc -d filter show dev %s parent ffff:" % ifname
        filter_output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
        logging.debug("Bandwidth filter output: %s", filter_output)
        if not filter_output.count("filter protocol all pref"):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find 'protocol all' settings"
                                 " in filter rules")
        filter_pattern = ".*police.*rate (\d+)Kbit burst (\d+)Kb.*"
        se = re.search(r"%s" % filter_pattern, filter_output, re.M)
        if not se:
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find any filter policy")
        logging.debug("bandwidth from tc output:%s" % str(se.groups()))
        if bandwidth.has_key("average"):
            assert int(se.group(1)) == int(bandwidth["average"]) * 8
        if bandwidth.has_key("burst"):
            assert int(se.group(2)) == int(bandwidth["burst"])

    def run_bandwidth_test(check_net=False, check_iface=False):
        Test bandwidth option for network or interface by tc command.
        iface_inbound = eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
        iface_outbound = eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
        net_inbound = eval(net_bandwidth_inbound)
        net_outbound = eval(net_bandwidth_outbound)
        net_bridge_name = eval(net_bridge)["name"]
        iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)

            if check_net and net_inbound:
                # Check qdisc rules
                cmd = "tc -d qdisc show dev %s" % net_bridge_name
                qdisc_output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
                logging.debug("Bandwidth qdisc output: %s", qdisc_output)
                if not qdisc_output.count("qdisc ingress ffff:"):
                    raise error.TestFail("Can't find ingress setting")
                check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:1",
                                  {"average": net_inbound["average"],
                                   "peak": net_inbound["peak"]})
                check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:2", net_inbound)

            # Check filter rules on bridge interface
            if check_net and net_outbound:
                check_filter_rules(net_bridge_name, net_outbound)

            # Check class rules on interface inbound settings
            if check_iface and iface_inbound:
                check_class_rules(iface_name, "1:1",
                                  {'average': iface_inbound['average'],
                                   'peak': iface_inbound['peak'],
                                   'burst': iface_inbound['burst']})
                if iface_inbound.has_key("floor"):
                    check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:3",
                                      {'floor': iface_inbound["floor"]})

            # Check filter rules on interface outbound settings
            if check_iface and iface_outbound:
                check_filter_rules(iface_name, iface_outbound)
        except AssertionError:
            raise error.TestFail("Failed to check network bandwidth")

    def check_name_ip(session):
        Check dns resolving on guest
        # Check if bind-utils is installed
        if not utils_misc.yum_install(['bind-utils'], session):
            raise error.TestNAError("Failed to install bind-utils"
                                    " on guest")
        # Run host command to check if hostname can be resolved
        if not guest_ipv4 and not guest_ipv6:
            raise error.TestFail("No ip address found from parameters")
        guest_ip = guest_ipv4 if guest_ipv4 else guest_ipv6
        cmd = "host %s | grep %s" % (guest_name, guest_ip)
        if session.cmd_status(cmd):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't resolve name %s on guest" %

    def check_ipt_rules(check_ipv4=True, check_ipv6=False):
        Check iptables for network/interface
        br_name = eval(net_bridge)["name"]
        net_forward = eval(params.get("net_forward", "{}"))
        net_ipv4 = params.get("net_ipv4")
        net_ipv6 = params.get("net_ipv6")
        ipt_rules = ("FORWARD -i {0} -o {0} -j ACCEPT".format(br_name),
                     "FORWARD -o %s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp" % br_name,
                     "FORWARD -i %s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp" % br_name)
        net_dev_in = ""
        net_dev_out = ""
        if net_forward.has_key("dev"):
            net_dev_in = " -i %s" % net_forward["dev"]
            net_dev_out = " -o %s" % net_forward["dev"]
        if check_ipv4:
            ipv4_rules = list(ipt_rules)
            ctr_rule = ""
            nat_rules = []
            if net_forward.has_key("mode") and net_forward["mode"] == "nat":
                nat_port = eval(params.get("nat_port"))
                p_start = nat_port["start"]
                p_end = nat_port["end"]
                ctr_rule = " -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED"
                nat_rules = ["POSTROUTING -s %s -d -j RETURN" % net_ipv4,
                             "POSTROUTING -s %s -d -j RETURN" % net_ipv4,
                             ("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p tcp -j MASQUERADE"
                              " --to-ports {1}-{2}".format(net_ipv4, p_start, p_end)),
                             ("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p udp -j MASQUERADE"
                              " --to-ports {1}-{2}".format(net_ipv4, p_start, p_end)),
                             ("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p udp"
                              " -j MASQUERADE".format(net_ipv4))]
            if nat_rules:
            if (net_ipv4 and net_forward.has_key("mode") and
                    net_forward["mode"] in ["nat", "route"]):
                rules = [("FORWARD -d %s%s -o %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv4, net_dev_in, br_name, ctr_rule)),
                         ("FORWARD -s %s -i %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv4, br_name, net_dev_out))]

            output = utils.run("iptables-save").stdout.strip()
            logging.debug("iptables: %s", output)
            for ipt in ipv4_rules:
                if not output.count(ipt):
                    raise error.TestFail("Can't find iptable rule:\n%s" % ipt)
        if check_ipv6:
            ipv6_rules = list(ipt_rules)
            if (net_ipv6 and net_forward.has_key("mode") and
                    net_forward["mode"] in ["nat", "route"]):
                rules = [("FORWARD -d %s%s -o %s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv6, net_dev_in, br_name)),
                         ("FORWARD -s %s -i %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv6, br_name, net_dev_out))]
            output = utils.run("ip6tables-save").stdout.strip()
            logging.debug("iptables: %s", output)
            for ipt in ipv6_rules:
                if not output.count(ipt):
                    raise error.TestFail("Can't find ipbtable rule:\n%s" % ipt)

    def run_ip_test(session, ip_ver):
        Check iptables on host and ipv6 address on guest
        if ip_ver == "ipv6":
            # Clean up iptables rules for guest to get ipv6 address
            session.cmd_status("ip6tables -F")
        utils_net.restart_guest_network(session, iface_mac,

        # It may take some time to get the ip address
        def get_ip_func():
            return utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(session, iface_mac,

        utils_misc.wait_for(get_ip_func, 10)
        vm_ip = get_ip_func()
        logging.debug("Guest has ip: %s", vm_ip)
        if not vm_ip:
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find ip address on guest")
        ping_cmd = "ping -c 5"
        ip_gateway = net_ip_address
        if ip_ver == "ipv6":
            ping_cmd = "ping6 -c 5"
            ip_gateway = net_ipv6_address
        if ip_gateway:
            if utils.system("%s %s" % (ping_cmd, ip_gateway),
                raise error.TestFail("Failed to ping gateway address: %s"
                                     % ip_gateway)

    def run_guest_libvirt(session):
        Check guest libvirt network
        # Try to install required packages
        if not utils_misc.yum_install(['libvirt'], session):
            raise error.TestNAError("Failed ot install libvirt"
                                    " package on guest")
        result = True
        # Check network state on guest
        cmd = ("service libvirtd restart; virsh net-info default"
               " | grep 'Active:.*no'")
        if session.cmd_status(cmd):
            result = False
            logging.error("Default network isn't in inactive state")
        # Try to start default network on guest, check error messages
        if result:
            cmd = "virsh net-start default"
            status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd)
            logging.debug("Run command on guest exit %s, output %s"
                          % (status, output))
            if not status or not output.count("already in use"):
                result = False
                logging.error("Failed to see network messges on guest")
        if session.cmd_status("rpm -e libvirt"):
            logging.error("Failed to remove libvirt packages on guest")

        if not result:
            raise error.TestFail("Check libvirt network on guest failed")

    start_error = "yes" == params.get("start_error", "no")
    restart_error = "yes" == params.get("restart_error", "no")

    # network specific attributes.
    net_name = params.get("net_name", "default")
    net_bridge = params.get("net_bridge", "{'name':'virbr0'}")
    net_domain = params.get("net_domain")
    net_ip_address = params.get("net_ip_address")
    net_ipv6_address = params.get("net_ipv6_address")
    net_dns_forward = params.get("net_dns_forward")
    net_dns_txt = params.get("net_dns_txt")
    net_dns_srv = params.get("net_dns_srv")
    net_dns_hostip = params.get("net_dns_hostip")
    net_dns_hostnames = params.get("net_dns_hostnames", "").split()
    dhcp_start_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_start_ipv4")
    dhcp_end_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_end_ipv4")
    guest_name = params.get("guest_name")
    guest_ipv4 = params.get("guest_ipv4")
    guest_ipv6 = params.get("guest_ipv6")
    tftp_root = params.get("tftp_root")
    pxe_boot = "yes" == params.get("pxe_boot", "no")
    net_bandwidth_inbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_inbound", "{}")
    net_bandwidth_outbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_outbound", "{}")
    iface_bandwidth_inbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_inbound", "{}")
    iface_bandwidth_outbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_outbound", "{}")
    multiple_guests = params.get("multiple_guests")
    create_network = "yes" == params.get("create_network", "no")
    serial_login = "******" == params.get("serial_login", "no")
    change_iface_option = "yes" == params.get("change_iface_option", "no")
    test_bridge = "yes" == params.get("test_bridge", "no")
    test_dnsmasq = "yes" == params.get("test_dnsmasq", "no")
    test_dhcp_range = "yes" == params.get("test_dhcp_range", "no")
    test_dns_host = "yes" == params.get("test_dns_host", "no")
    test_qos_bandwidth = "yes" == params.get("test_qos_bandwidth", "no")
    test_qos_remove = "yes" == params.get("test_qos_remove", "no")
    test_ipv4_address = "yes" == params.get("test_ipv4_address", "no")
    test_ipv6_address = "yes" == params.get("test_ipv6_address", "no")
    test_guest_libvirt = "yes" == params.get("test_guest_libvirt", "no")

    if serial_login:
        # Set serial console for serial login
        if vm.is_dead():
        session = vm.wait_for_login()
        # Set console option
        vm.set_kernel_console("ttyS0", "115200")
        # Shutdown here for sync fs
        if vm.is_alive():

    # Back up xml file.
    netxml_backup = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml("default")
    iface_mac = vm_xml.VMXML.get_first_mac_by_name(vm_name)
    params["guest_mac"] = iface_mac
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    vms_list = []

    # Build the xml and run test.
        if test_dnsmasq:
            # Check the settings before modifying network xml
            if net_dns_forward == "no":
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain-needed", exists=False)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("local", "//", exists=False)
            if net_domain:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain", net_domain, exists=False)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("expand-hosts", exists=False)

        # Prepare pxe boot directory
        if pxe_boot:
        # Edit the network xml or create a new one.
        if create_network:
            libvirt.create_net_xml(net_name, params)
        # Edit the interface xml.
        if change_iface_option:

        if multiple_guests:
            # Clone more vms for testing
            for i in range(int(multiple_guests)):
                guest_name = "%s_%s" % (vm_name, i)
                utils_libguestfs.virt_clone_cmd(vm_name, guest_name, True)

        if test_bridge:
            bridge = eval(net_bridge)
            br_if = utils_net.Interface(bridge['name'])
            if not br_if.is_up():
                raise error.TestFail("Bridge interface isn't up")
        if test_dnsmasq:
            # Check the settings in dnsmasq config file
            if net_dns_forward == "no":
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("local", "//")
            if net_domain:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain", net_domain)
            if net_bridge:
                bridge = eval(net_bridge)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("interface", bridge['name'])
                if bridge.has_key('stp') and bridge['stp'] == 'on':
                    if bridge.has_key('delay'):
                        br_delay = float(bridge['delay'])
                        cmd = ("brctl showstp %s | grep 'bridge forward delay'"
                               % bridge['name'])
                        out = utils.run(cmd, ignore_status=False).stdout.strip()
                        logging.debug("brctl showstp output: %s", out)
                        pattern = (r"\s*forward delay\s+(\d+.\d+)\s+bridge"
                                   " forward delay\s+(\d+.\d+)")
                        match_obj = re.search(pattern, out, re.M)
                        if not match_obj or len(match_obj.groups()) != 2:
                            raise error.TestFail("Can't see forward delay"
                                                 " messages from command")
                        elif (float(match_obj.groups()[0]) != br_delay or
                                float(match_obj.groups()[1]) != br_delay):
                            raise error.TestFail("Foward delay setting"
                                                 " can't take effect")
            if dhcp_start_ipv4 and dhcp_end_ipv4:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("dhcp-range", "%s,%s"
                                         % (dhcp_start_ipv4, dhcp_end_ipv4))
            if guest_name and guest_ipv4:
                run_dnsmasq_host_test(iface_mac, guest_ipv4, guest_name)

        if test_dns_host:
            if net_dns_txt:
                dns_txt = eval(net_dns_txt)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("txt-record", "%s,%s" %
            if net_dns_srv:
                dns_srv = eval(net_dns_srv)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("srv-host", "_%s._%s.%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" %
                                         (dns_srv["service"], dns_srv["protocol"],
                                          dns_srv["domain"], dns_srv["target"],
                                          dns_srv["port"], dns_srv["priority"],
            if net_dns_hostip and net_dns_hostnames:
                run_dnsmasq_addnhosts_test(net_dns_hostip, net_dns_hostnames)

        # Run bandwidth test for network
        if test_qos_bandwidth:

            # Start the VM.
            if start_error:
                raise error.TestFail("VM started unexpectedly")
            if pxe_boot:
                # Just check network boot messages here
                    ["Loading vmlinuz", "Loading initrd.img"],
                output = vm.serial_console.get_stripped_output()
                logging.debug("Boot messages: %s", output)

                if serial_login:
                    session = vm.wait_for_serial_login()
                    session = vm.wait_for_login()

                if test_dhcp_range:
                    # First vm should have a valid ip address
                    utils_net.restart_guest_network(session, iface_mac)
                    vm_ip = utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(session, iface_mac)
                    logging.debug("Guest has ip: %s", vm_ip)
                    if not vm_ip:
                        raise error.TestFail("Guest has invalid ip address")
                    # Other vms cloudn't get the ip address
                    for vms in vms_list:
                        # Start other VMs.
                        sess = vms.wait_for_serial_login()
                        vms_mac = vms.get_virsh_mac_address()
                        # restart guest network to get ip addr
                        utils_net.restart_guest_network(sess, vms_mac)
                        vms_ip = utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(sess,
                        if vms_ip:
                            # Get IP address on guest should return Null
                            raise error.TestFail("Guest has ip address: %s"
                                                 % vms_ip)

                # Check dnsmasq settings if take affect in guest
                if guest_ipv4:

                # Run bandwidth test for interface
                if test_qos_bandwidth:
                if test_qos_remove:
                    # Remove the bandwidth settings in network xml
                    logging.debug("Removing network bandwidth settings...")
                    # Should fail to start vm
                    if restart_error:
                        raise error.TestFail("VM started unexpectedly")
                if test_ipv4_address:
                    run_ip_test(session, "ipv4")
                if test_ipv6_address:
                    run_ip_test(session, "ipv6")

                if test_guest_libvirt:

        except virt_vm.VMStartError, details:
            if start_error or restart_error:
                raise error.TestFail('VM Failed to start for some reason!')

        # Recover VM.
        if vm.is_alive():
        for vms in vms_list:
            virsh.remove_domain(vms.name, "--remove-all-storage")
        logging.info("Restoring network...")
        if net_name == "default":
            # Destroy and undefine new created network
예제 #14
def run(test, params, env):
    Test interafce xml options.

    1.Prepare test environment,destroy or suspend a VM.
    2.Edit xml and start the domain.
    3.Perform test operation.
    4.Recover test environment.
    5.Confirm the test result.
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    def prepare_pxe_boot():
        Prepare tftp server and pxe boot files
        pkg_list = ["syslinux", "tftp-server",
                    "tftp", "ipxe-roms-qemu", "wget"]
        # Try to install required packages
        if not utils_misc.yum_install(pkg_list):
            raise error.TestNAError("Failed ot install "
                                    "required packages")
        boot_initrd = params.get("boot_initrd")
        boot_vmlinuz = params.get("boot_vmlinuz")
        # Download pxe boot images
        utils.run("wget %s -O %s/initrd.img"
                  % (boot_initrd, tftp_root))
        utils.run("wget %s -O %s/vmlinuz"
                  % (boot_vmlinuz, tftp_root))
        utils.run("cp -f /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 {0};"
                  " mkdir -m 777 -p {0}/pxelinux.cfg".format(tftp_root))
        pxe_file = "%s/pxelinux.cfg/default" % tftp_root
        boot_txt = """
DISPLAY boot.txt
LABEL rhel
        kernel vmlinuz
        append initrd=initrd.img
        with open(pxe_file, 'w') as p_file:

    def modify_iface_xml():
        Modify interface xml options
        vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
        if pxe_boot:
            # Config boot console for pxe boot
            osxml = vm_xml.VMOSXML()
            osxml.type = vmxml.os.type
            osxml.arch = vmxml.os.arch
            osxml.machine = vmxml.os.machine
            osxml.loader = "/usr/share/seabios/bios.bin"
            osxml.bios_useserial = "yes"
            osxml.bios_reboot_timeout = "-1"
            osxml.boots = ['network']
            del vmxml.os
            vmxml.os = osxml

        xml_devices = vmxml.devices
        iface_index = xml_devices.index(
        iface = xml_devices[iface_index]
        iface_bandwidth = {}
        iface_inbound = eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
        iface_outbound = eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
        if iface_inbound:
            iface_bandwidth["inbound"] = iface_inbound
        if iface_outbound:
            iface_bandwidth["outbound"] = iface_outbound
        if iface_bandwidth:
            bandwidth = iface.new_bandwidth(**iface_bandwidth)
            iface.bandwidth = bandwidth

        iface_source = params.get("iface_source")
        if iface_source:
            source = eval(iface_source)
            if source:
                iface.source = source
        logging.debug("New interface xml file: %s", iface)
        vmxml.devices = xml_devices

    def run_dnsmasq_default_test(key, value=None, exists=True):
        Test dnsmasq configuration.
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf"
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if value:
            config = "%s=%s" % (key, value)
            config = key

        if not configs.count(config):
            if exists:
                raise error.TestFail("Can't find %s=%s in configuration"
                                     " file" % (key, value))
            if not exists:
                raise error.TestFail("Found %s=%s in configuration"
                                     " file" % (key, value))

    def run_dnsmasq_addnhosts_test(hostip, hostnames):
        Test host ip and names configuration
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.addnhosts"
        hosts_re = ".*".join(hostnames)
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if not re.search(r"%s.*%s" % (hostip, hosts_re), configs, re.M):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find '%s' in configuration"
                                 " file" % hostip)

    def run_dnsmasq_host_test(iface_mac, guest_ip, guest_name):
        Test host name and ip configuration for dnsmasq
        conf_file = "/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.hostsfile"
        config = "%s,%s,%s" % (iface_mac, guest_ip, guest_name)
        configs = ""
        with open(conf_file) as f:
            configs = f.read()
        logging.debug("configs in file %s: %s", conf_file, configs)
        if not configs.count(config):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find host configuration"
                                 " in file %s" % conf_file)

    def check_class_rules(ifname, rule_id, bandwidth):
        Check bandwidth settings via 'tc class' output
        cmd = "tc class show dev %s" % ifname
        class_output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
        logging.debug("Bandwidth class output: %s", class_output)
        class_pattern = (r"class htb %s.*rate (\d+)Kbit ceil"
                         " (\d+)Kbit burst (\d+)(K?M?)b.*" % rule_id)
        se = re.search(class_pattern, class_output, re.M)
        if not se:
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find outbound setting"
                                 " for htb %s" % rule_id)
        logging.debug("bandwidth from tc output:%s" % str(se.groups()))
        ceil = None
        if bandwidth.has_key("floor"):
            ceil = int(bandwidth["floor"]) * 8
        elif bandwidth.has_key("average"):
            ceil = int(bandwidth["average"]) * 8
        if ceil:
            assert int(se.group(1)) == ceil
        if bandwidth.has_key("peak"):
            assert int(se.group(2)) == int(bandwidth["peak"]) * 8
        if bandwidth.has_key("burst"):
            if se.group(4) == 'M':
                tc_burst = int(se.group(3)) * 1024
                tc_burst = int(se.group(3))
            assert tc_burst == int(bandwidth["burst"])

    def check_filter_rules(ifname, bandwidth):
        Check bandwidth settings via 'tc filter' output
        cmd = "tc -d filter show dev %s parent ffff:" % ifname
        filter_output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
        logging.debug("Bandwidth filter output: %s", filter_output)
        if not filter_output.count("filter protocol all pref"):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find 'protocol all' settings"
                                 " in filter rules")
        filter_pattern = ".*police.*rate (\d+)Kbit burst (\d+)Kb.*"
        se = re.search(r"%s" % filter_pattern, filter_output, re.M)
        if not se:
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find any filter policy")
        logging.debug("bandwidth from tc output:%s" % str(se.groups()))
        if bandwidth.has_key("average"):
            assert int(se.group(1)) == int(bandwidth["average"]) * 8
        if bandwidth.has_key("burst"):
            assert int(se.group(2)) == int(bandwidth["burst"])

    def run_bandwidth_test(check_net=False, check_iface=False):
        Test bandwidth option for network or interface by tc command.
        iface_inbound = eval(iface_bandwidth_inbound)
        iface_outbound = eval(iface_bandwidth_outbound)
        net_inbound = eval(net_bandwidth_inbound)
        net_outbound = eval(net_bandwidth_outbound)
        net_bridge_name = eval(net_bridge)["name"]
        iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)

            if check_net and net_inbound:
                # Check qdisc rules
                cmd = "tc -d qdisc show dev %s" % net_bridge_name
                qdisc_output = utils.run(cmd).stdout
                logging.debug("Bandwidth qdisc output: %s", qdisc_output)
                if not qdisc_output.count("qdisc ingress ffff:"):
                    raise error.TestFail("Can't find ingress setting")
                check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:1",
                                  {"average": net_inbound["average"],
                                   "peak": net_inbound["peak"]})
                check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:2", net_inbound)

            # Check filter rules on bridge interface
            if check_net and net_outbound:
                check_filter_rules(net_bridge_name, net_outbound)

            # Check class rules on interface inbound settings
            if check_iface and iface_inbound:
                check_class_rules(iface_name, "1:1",
                                  {'average': iface_inbound['average'],
                                   'peak': iface_inbound['peak'],
                                   'burst': iface_inbound['burst']})
                if iface_inbound.has_key("floor"):
                    check_class_rules(net_bridge_name, "1:3",
                                      {'floor': iface_inbound["floor"]})

            # Check filter rules on interface outbound settings
            if check_iface and iface_outbound:
                check_filter_rules(iface_name, iface_outbound)
        except AssertionError:
            raise error.TestFail("Failed to check network bandwidth")

    def check_name_ip(session):
        Check dns resolving on guest
        # Check if bind-utils is installed
        if not utils_misc.yum_install(['bind-utils'], session):
            raise error.TestNAError("Failed to install bind-utils"
                                    " on guest")
        # Run host command to check if hostname can be resolved
        if not guest_ipv4 and not guest_ipv6:
            raise error.TestFail("No ip address found from parameters")
        guest_ip = guest_ipv4 if guest_ipv4 else guest_ipv6
        cmd = "host %s | grep %s" % (guest_name, guest_ip)
        if session.cmd_status(cmd):
            raise error.TestFail("Can't resolve name %s on guest" %

    def check_ipt_rules(check_ipv4=True, check_ipv6=False):
        Check iptables for network/interface
        br_name = eval(net_bridge)["name"]
        net_forward = eval(params.get("net_forward", "{}"))
        net_ipv4 = params.get("net_ipv4")
        net_ipv6 = params.get("net_ipv6")
        ipt_rules = ("FORWARD -i {0} -o {0} -j ACCEPT".format(br_name),
                     "FORWARD -o %s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp" % br_name,
                     "FORWARD -i %s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp" % br_name)
        net_dev_in = ""
        net_dev_out = ""
        if net_forward.has_key("dev"):
            net_dev_in = " -i %s" % net_forward["dev"]
            net_dev_out = " -o %s" % net_forward["dev"]
        if check_ipv4:
            ipv4_rules = list(ipt_rules)
            ctr_rule = ""
            nat_rules = []
            if net_forward.has_key("mode") and net_forward["mode"] == "nat":
                nat_port = eval(params.get("nat_port"))
                p_start = nat_port["start"]
                p_end = nat_port["end"]
                ctr_rule = " -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED"
                nat_rules = ["POSTROUTING -s %s -d -j RETURN" % net_ipv4,
                             "POSTROUTING -s %s -d -j RETURN" % net_ipv4,
                             ("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p tcp -j MASQUERADE"
                              " --to-ports {1}-{2}".format(net_ipv4, p_start, p_end)),
                             ("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p udp -j MASQUERADE"
                              " --to-ports {1}-{2}".format(net_ipv4, p_start, p_end)),
                             ("POSTROUTING -s {0} ! -d {0} -p udp"
                              " -j MASQUERADE".format(net_ipv4))]
            if nat_rules:
            if (net_ipv4 and net_forward.has_key("mode") and
                    net_forward["mode"] in ["nat", "route"]):
                rules = [("FORWARD -d %s%s -o %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv4, net_dev_in, br_name, ctr_rule)),
                         ("FORWARD -s %s -i %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv4, br_name, net_dev_out))]

            output = utils.run("iptables-save").stdout.strip()
            logging.debug("iptables: %s", output)
            for ipt in ipv4_rules:
                if not output.count(ipt):
                    raise error.TestFail("Can't find iptable rule:\n%s" % ipt)
        if check_ipv6:
            ipv6_rules = list(ipt_rules)
            if (net_ipv6 and net_forward.has_key("mode") and
                    net_forward["mode"] in ["nat", "route"]):
                rules = [("FORWARD -d %s%s -o %s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv6, net_dev_in, br_name)),
                         ("FORWARD -s %s -i %s%s -j ACCEPT"
                          % (net_ipv6, br_name, net_dev_out))]
            output = utils.run("ip6tables-save").stdout.strip()
            logging.debug("iptables: %s", output)
            for ipt in ipv6_rules:
                if not output.count(ipt):
                    raise error.TestFail("Can't find ipbtable rule:\n%s" % ipt)

    def run_ip_test(session, ip_ver):
        Check iptables on host and ipv6 address on guest
        if ip_ver == "ipv6":
            # Clean up iptables rules for guest to get ipv6 address
            session.cmd_status("ip6tables -F")
        utils_net.restart_guest_network(session, iface_mac,

        # It may take some time to get the ip address
        def get_ip_func():
            return utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(session, iface_mac,

        utils_misc.wait_for(get_ip_func, 10)
        vm_ip = get_ip_func()
        logging.debug("Guest has ip: %s", vm_ip)
        if not vm_ip:
            raise error.TestFail("Can't find ip address on guest")
        ping_cmd = "ping -c 5"
        ip_gateway = net_ip_address
        if ip_ver == "ipv6":
            ping_cmd = "ping6 -c 5"
            ip_gateway = net_ipv6_address
        if ip_gateway:
            if utils.system("%s %s" % (ping_cmd, ip_gateway),
                raise error.TestFail("Failed to ping gateway address: %s"
                                     % ip_gateway)

    def run_guest_libvirt(session):
        Check guest libvirt network
        # Try to install required packages
        if not utils_misc.yum_install(['libvirt'], session):
            raise error.TestNAError("Failed ot install libvirt"
                                    " package on guest")
        result = True
        # Check network state on guest
        cmd = ("service libvirtd restart; virsh net-info default"
               " | grep 'Active:.*no'")
        if session.cmd_status(cmd):
            result = False
            logging.error("Default network isn't in inactive state")
        # Try to start default network on guest, check error messages
        if result:
            cmd = "virsh net-start default"
            status, output = session.cmd_status_output(cmd)
            logging.debug("Run command on guest exit %s, output %s"
                          % (status, output))
            if not status or not output.count("already in use"):
                result = False
                logging.error("Failed to see network messges on guest")
        if session.cmd_status("rpm -e libvirt"):
            logging.error("Failed to remove libvirt packages on guest")

        if not result:
            raise error.TestFail("Check libvirt network on guest failed")

    start_error = "yes" == params.get("start_error", "no")
    restart_error = "yes" == params.get("restart_error", "no")

    # network specific attributes.
    net_name = params.get("net_name", "default")
    net_bridge = params.get("net_bridge", "{'name':'virbr0'}")
    net_domain = params.get("net_domain")
    net_ip_address = params.get("net_ip_address")
    net_ipv6_address = params.get("net_ipv6_address")
    net_dns_forward = params.get("net_dns_forward")
    net_dns_txt = params.get("net_dns_txt")
    net_dns_srv = params.get("net_dns_srv")
    net_dns_hostip = params.get("net_dns_hostip")
    net_dns_hostnames = params.get("net_dns_hostnames", "").split()
    dhcp_start_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_start_ipv4")
    dhcp_end_ipv4 = params.get("dhcp_end_ipv4")
    guest_name = params.get("guest_name")
    guest_ipv4 = params.get("guest_ipv4")
    guest_ipv6 = params.get("guest_ipv6")
    tftp_root = params.get("tftp_root")
    pxe_boot = "yes" == params.get("pxe_boot", "no")
    net_bandwidth_inbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_inbound", "{}")
    net_bandwidth_outbound = params.get("net_bandwidth_outbound", "{}")
    iface_bandwidth_inbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_inbound", "{}")
    iface_bandwidth_outbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_outbound", "{}")
    multiple_guests = params.get("multiple_guests")
    create_network = "yes" == params.get("create_network", "no")
    serial_login = "******" == params.get("serial_login", "no")
    change_iface_option = "yes" == params.get("change_iface_option", "no")
    test_bridge = "yes" == params.get("test_bridge", "no")
    test_dnsmasq = "yes" == params.get("test_dnsmasq", "no")
    test_dhcp_range = "yes" == params.get("test_dhcp_range", "no")
    test_dns_host = "yes" == params.get("test_dns_host", "no")
    test_qos_bandwidth = "yes" == params.get("test_qos_bandwidth", "no")
    test_qos_remove = "yes" == params.get("test_qos_remove", "no")
    test_ipv4_address = "yes" == params.get("test_ipv4_address", "no")
    test_ipv6_address = "yes" == params.get("test_ipv6_address", "no")
    test_guest_libvirt = "yes" == params.get("test_guest_libvirt", "no")

    if serial_login:
        # Set serial console for serial login
        if vm.is_dead():
        session = vm.wait_for_login()
        # Set console option
        vm.set_kernel_console("ttyS0", "115200")
        # Shutdown here for sync fs
        if vm.is_alive():

    # Back up xml file.
    netxml_backup = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml("default")
    iface_mac = vm_xml.VMXML.get_first_mac_by_name(vm_name)
    params["guest_mac"] = iface_mac
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    vms_list = []

    # Build the xml and run test.
        if test_dnsmasq:
            # Check the settings before modifying network xml
            if net_dns_forward == "no":
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain-needed", exists=False)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("local", "//", exists=False)
            if net_domain:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain", net_domain, exists=False)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("expand-hosts", exists=False)

        # Prepare pxe boot directory
        if pxe_boot:
        # Edit the network xml or create a new one.
        if create_network:
            libvirt.create_net_xml(net_name, params)
        # Edit the interface xml.
        if change_iface_option:

        if multiple_guests:
            # Clone more vms for testing
            for i in range(int(multiple_guests)):
                guest_name = "%s_%s" % (vm_name, i)
                utils_libguestfs.virt_clone_cmd(vm_name, guest_name, True)

        if test_bridge:
            bridge = eval(net_bridge)
            br_if = utils_net.Interface(bridge['name'])
            if not br_if.is_up():
                raise error.TestFail("Bridge interface isn't up")
        if test_dnsmasq:
            # Check the settings in dnsmasq config file
            if net_dns_forward == "no":
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("local", "//")
            if net_domain:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("domain", net_domain)
            if net_bridge:
                bridge = eval(net_bridge)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("interface", bridge['name'])
                if bridge.has_key('stp') and bridge['stp'] == 'on':
                    if bridge.has_key('delay'):
                        br_delay = float(bridge['delay'])
                        cmd = ("brctl showstp %s | grep 'bridge forward delay'"
                               % bridge['name'])
                        out = utils.run(cmd, ignore_status=False).stdout.strip()
                        logging.debug("brctl showstp output: %s", out)
                        pattern = (r"\s*forward delay\s+(\d+.\d+)\s+bridge"
                                   " forward delay\s+(\d+.\d+)")
                        match_obj = re.search(pattern, out, re.M)
                        if not match_obj or len(match_obj.groups()) != 2:
                            raise error.TestFail("Can't see forward delay"
                                                 " messages from command")
                        elif (float(match_obj.groups()[0]) != br_delay or
                                float(match_obj.groups()[1]) != br_delay):
                            raise error.TestFail("Foward delay setting"
                                                 " can't take effect")
            if dhcp_start_ipv4 and dhcp_end_ipv4:
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("dhcp-range", "%s,%s"
                                         % (dhcp_start_ipv4, dhcp_end_ipv4))
            if guest_name and guest_ipv4:
                run_dnsmasq_host_test(iface_mac, guest_ipv4, guest_name)

        if test_dns_host:
            if net_dns_txt:
                dns_txt = eval(net_dns_txt)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("txt-record", "%s,%s" %
            if net_dns_srv:
                dns_srv = eval(net_dns_srv)
                run_dnsmasq_default_test("srv-host", "_%s._%s.%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" %
                                         (dns_srv["service"], dns_srv["protocol"],
                                          dns_srv["domain"], dns_srv["target"],
                                          dns_srv["port"], dns_srv["priority"],
            if net_dns_hostip and net_dns_hostnames:
                run_dnsmasq_addnhosts_test(net_dns_hostip, net_dns_hostnames)

        # Run bandwidth test for network
        if test_qos_bandwidth:

            # Start the VM.
            if start_error:
                raise error.TestFail("VM started unexpectedly")
            if pxe_boot:
                # Just check network boot messages here
                    ["Loading vmlinuz", "Loading initrd.img"],
                output = vm.serial_console.get_stripped_output()
                logging.debug("Boot messages: %s", output)

                if serial_login:
                    session = vm.wait_for_serial_login()
                    session = vm.wait_for_login()

                if test_dhcp_range:
                    # First vm should have a valid ip address
                    utils_net.restart_guest_network(session, iface_mac)
                    vm_ip = utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(session, iface_mac)
                    logging.debug("Guest has ip: %s", vm_ip)
                    if not vm_ip:
                        raise error.TestFail("Guest has invalid ip address")
                    # Other vms cloudn't get the ip address
                    for vms in vms_list:
                        # Start other VMs.
                        sess = vms.wait_for_serial_login()
                        vms_mac = vms.get_virsh_mac_address()
                        # restart guest network to get ip addr
                        utils_net.restart_guest_network(sess, vms_mac)
                        vms_ip = utils_net.get_guest_ip_addr(sess,
                        if vms_ip:
                            # Get IP address on guest should return Null
                            raise error.TestFail("Guest has ip address: %s"
                                                 % vms_ip)

                # Check dnsmasq settings if take affect in guest
                if guest_ipv4:

                # Run bandwidth test for interface
                if test_qos_bandwidth:
                if test_qos_remove:
                    # Remove the bandwidth settings in network xml
                    logging.debug("Removing network bandwidth settings...")
                    # Should fail to start vm
                    if restart_error:
                        raise error.TestFail("VM started unexpectedly")
                if test_ipv4_address:
                    run_ip_test(session, "ipv4")
                if test_ipv6_address:
                    run_ip_test(session, "ipv6")

                if test_guest_libvirt:

        except virt_vm.VMStartError, details:
            if start_error or restart_error:
                raise error.TestFail('VM Failed to start for some reason!')

        # Recover VM.
        if vm.is_alive():
        for vms in vms_list:
            virsh.remove_domain(vms.name, "--remove-all-storage")
        logging.info("Restoring network...")
        if net_name == "default":
            # Destroy and undefine new created network
예제 #15
def run(test, params, env):
    Test interface devices update
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    new_network_name = params.get("net_name")
    expect_error = "yes" == params.get("status_error", "no")
    expect_err_msg = params.get("expect_err_msg")

    iface_driver = params.get("iface_driver")
    iface_model = params.get("iface_model")
    iface_mtu = params.get("iface_mtu")
    iface_rom = params.get("iface_rom")

    new_iface_driver = params.get("new_iface_driver")
    new_iface_driver_host = params.get("new_iface_driver_host")
    new_iface_driver_guest = params.get("new_iface_driver_guest")
    new_iface_model = params.get("new_iface_model")
    new_iface_rom = params.get("new_iface_rom")
    new_iface_inbound = params.get("new_iface_inbound")
    new_iface_outbound = params.get("new_iface_outbound")
    new_iface_link = params.get("new_iface_link")
    new_iface_source = params.get("new_iface_source")
    new_iface_target = params.get("new_iface_target")
    new_iface_addr = params.get("new_iface_addr")
    new_iface_filter = params.get("new_iface_filter")
    new_iface_mtu = params.get("new_iface_mtu")
    new_iface_type = params.get("new_iface_type")
    create_new_net = "yes" == params.get("create_new_net")
    new_iface_alias = params.get("new_iface_alias")
    cold_update = "yes" == params.get("cold_update", "no")
    del_addr = "yes" == params.get("del_address")
    del_rom = "yes" == params.get("del_rom")

    # Backup the vm xml for recover at last
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)

        # According to the different os find different file for rom
        if (iface_rom and "file" in eval(iface_rom)
                and "%s" in eval(iface_rom)['file']):
            if os.path.exists(eval(iface_rom)['file'] % "pxe"):
                iface_rom = iface_rom % "pxe"
            elif os.path.exists(eval(iface_rom)['file'] % "efi"):
                iface_rom = iface_rom % "efi"
                logging.error("Can not find suitable rom file")
        iface_dict_bef = {}
        iface_dict_aft = {}
        names = locals()
        # Collect need update items in 2 dicts for both start vm before and after
        update_list_bef = [
            "driver", "model", "mtu", "rom"
        for update_item_bef in update_list_bef:
            if names['iface_'+update_item_bef]:
                iface_dict_bef.update({update_item_bef: names['iface_'+update_item_bef]})

        update_list_aft = [
            "driver", "driver_host", "driver_guest", "model", "rom", "inbound",
            "outbound", "link", "source", "target", "addr", "filter", "mtu", "type",
        for update_item_aft in update_list_aft:
            if names["new_iface_"+update_item_aft]:
                iface_dict_aft.update({update_item_aft: names["new_iface_"+update_item_aft]})
        logging.info("iface_dict_bef is %s, iface_dict_aft is %s",
                     iface_dict_bef, iface_dict_aft)

        del_list = ["del_addr", "del_rom"]
        for del_item in del_list:
            if names[del_item]:
                iface_dict_aft.update({del_item: "True"})

        # Update vm interface with items in iface_dict_bef and start it
        if iface_dict_bef:
            libvirt.modify_vm_iface(vm_name, "update_iface", iface_dict_bef)
        logging.info("vm xml is %s", vm.get_xml())

        if not cold_update:

        if iface_mtu:
            # Do check for mtu size after start vm
            target_dev = libvirt.get_interface_details(vm_name)[0]['interface']
            cmd = "ip link show %s | grep 'mtu %s'" % (target_dev, eval(iface_mtu)['size'])

            def check_mtu():
                Check the mtu setting take effect for interface
                ret = process.run(cmd, ignore_status=True, shell=True)
                if ret.exit_status:
                    test.fail("Can not find mtu setting in cmd result")


        # Create new network if need
        if create_new_net:
            new_net_xml = libvirt.create_net_xml(new_network_name, params)

        # Do update for iface_driver
        new_iface_xml = libvirt.modify_vm_iface(vm_name, "get_xml", iface_dict_aft)
        ret = virsh.update_device(vm_name, new_iface_xml, ignore_status=True, debug=True)
        libvirt.check_exit_status(ret, expect_error)
        if expect_error:
            real_err_msg = ret.stderr.strip()
            if not re.search(expect_err_msg, real_err_msg, re.IGNORECASE):
                test.fail("The real error msg:'%s' does not match expect one:"
                          '%s' % (real_err_msg, expect_err_msg))
                logging.info("Get expect result: %s", real_err_msg)
            if new_iface_inbound:
                iface_bandwidth = {}
                iface_bandwidth = vm_xml.VMXML.get_iftune_params(vm_name)
                for bound_para in ["inbound", "outbound"]:
                    for tune_para in ["average", "peak", "burst"]:
                        get_value = iface_bandwidth.get(bound_para).get(tune_para)
                        expect_value = eval(names["new_iface_"+bound_para]).get(tune_para)
                        logging.info("Get value for %s:%s is %s, expect is %s",
                                     bound_para, tune_para, get_value, expect_value)
                        if get_value != expect_value:
                            test.fail("Get value is not equal to expect")
            vmxml_aft = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_dumpxml(vm_name)
            iface_aft = list(vmxml_aft.get_iface_all().values())[0]
            if new_iface_link:
                iface_link_value = iface_aft.find('link').get('state')
                if iface_link_value == new_iface_link:
                    logging.info("Find link state is %s in xml", new_iface_link)

                    # Checking the statue in guest
                    mac_addr = iface_aft.find('mac').get('address')
                    state_map = "%s.*\n.*%s" % (iface_link_value.upper(), mac_addr)
                    session = vm.wait_for_serial_login()
                    logging.info("ip link output:%s", session.cmd_output("ip link"))
                    if_name = utils_net.get_net_if(runner=session.cmd_output, state=state_map)[0]
                    if if_name:
                        logging.info("Find iface state %s for %s", iface_link_value, mac_addr)
                        test.fail("Can not find iface with mac %s and state %s"
                                  % (mac_addr, iface_link_value))
                    test.fail("Check fail to get link state, expect %s, but get %s"
                              % (iface_link_value, new_iface_link))
            if create_new_net and new_iface_source:
                iface_source_value = iface_aft.find('source').get('network')
                if iface_source_value == eval(new_iface_source)['network']:
                    logging.info("Get %s in xml as set", iface_source_value)
                    test.fail("Get source %s is not equal to set %s"
                              % (iface_source_value, new_iface_source))
            if new_iface_filter:
                iface_filter_value = iface_aft.find('filterref').get('filter')
                if iface_filter_value == new_iface_filter:
                    logging.info("Get %s in xml as set", iface_filter_value)
                    test.fail("Get filter %s is not equal to set %s"
                              % (iface_filter_value, new_iface_filter))
            if new_iface_alias:
                iface_alias_value = iface_aft.find('alias').get('name')
                if iface_alias_value == eval(new_iface_alias)['name']:
                    logging.info("Get %s in xml as set", iface_alias_value)
                    test.fail("Get alias %s is not equal to set %s"
                              % (iface_alias_value, new_iface_alias))
        if create_new_net:
예제 #16
def run(test, params, env):
    Test openvswitch support for network.

    1.Prepare test environment,destroy or suspend a VM.
    2.Edit xml and start the domain.
    3.Perform test operation.
    4.Recover test environment.
    5.Confirm the test result.
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    # install openvswitch on host.
    if distro.detect().name == 'Ubuntu':
        pkg = "openvswitch-switch"
        pkg = "openvswitch"

    ovs_service = service.Factory.create_service(pkg)

    if not shutil.which('ovs-vsctl') and not utils_package.package_install(
        test.cancel("Failed to install dependency package %s" " on host" % pkg)
    if not ovs_service.status():
        logging.debug("Restart %s service.." % pkg)

    def check_ovs_port(ifname, brname):
        Check OVS port that created by libvirt
        pg_name = params.get("porgroup_name", "").split()
        pg_vlan = params.get("portgroup_vlan", "").split()
        if_source = eval(iface_source)
        port_vlan = {}
        if "portgroup" in if_source:
            pg = if_source["portgroup"]
            for (name, vlan) in zip(pg_name, pg_vlan):
                if pg == name:
                    port_vlan = eval(vlan)
        # Check bridge name by port name
        _, bridge = utils_net.find_current_bridge(ifname)
        assert bridge == brname
        # Get port info from ovs-vsctl output
        cmd = "ovs-vsctl list port %s" % ifname
        output = process.run(cmd, shell=True).stdout_text
        logging.debug("ovs port output: %s", output)
        for line in output.splitlines():
            if line.count("tag"):
                tag_info = line.rsplit(':')
                if ("id" in port_vlan and tag_info[0] == "tag"):
                    assert port_vlan["id"] == tag_info[1]
            elif line.count("vlan_mode"):
                mode_info = line.rsplit(':')
                if ("nativeMode" in port_vlan and mode_info[0] == "vlan_mode"):
                    assert (port_vlan["nativeMode"] == "native-%s" %

    start_error = "yes" == params.get("start_error", "no")

    # network specific attributes.
    net_name = params.get("net_name", "default")
    net_bridge = params.get("net_bridge", "{'name':'virbr0'}")
    iface_source = params.get("iface_source", "{}")
    create_network = "yes" == params.get("create_network", "no")
    change_iface_option = "yes" == params.get("change_iface_option", "no")
    test_ovs_port = "yes" == params.get("test_ovs_port", "no")
    iface_inbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_inbound")
    iface_outbound = params.get("iface_bandwidth_outbound")
    test_qos = "yes" == params.get("test_qos", "no")
    hotplug = "yes" == params.get("hotplug", "no")
    iface_type = params.get("iface_type", "bridge")
    iface_model = params.get("iface_model", "virtio")
    iface_virtualport = params.get("iface_virtualport")
    live_add_qos = "yes" == params.get("live_add_qos", 'no')

    # Destroy the guest first
    if vm.is_alive():

    # Back up xml file.
    netxml_backup = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml("default")
    iface_mac = vm_xml.VMXML.get_first_mac_by_name(vm_name)
    params["guest_mac"] = iface_mac
    vmxml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)

    bridge_name = eval(net_bridge)['name']
    # Build the xml and run test.
        # Edit the network xml or create a new one.
        if create_network:
            # Try to add ovs bridge first
            if not utils_net.ovs_br_exists(bridge_name):
            netxml = libvirt.create_net_xml(net_name, params)
        # Edit the interface xml.
        if change_iface_option:
            # Try to add bridge if needed
            source = eval(iface_source)
            if source:
                if "bridge" in source:
                    if not utils_net.ovs_br_exists(source["bridge"]):
            iface_dict = {
                'type': iface_type,
                'model': iface_model,
                'source': iface_source,
                'virtualport_type': iface_virtualport,
                'inbound': iface_inbound,
                'outbound': iface_outbound
            if live_add_qos:
            if not hotplug:
                libvirt.modify_vm_iface(vm_name, 'update_iface', iface_dict)
                iface_attach_xml = os.path.join(data_dir.get_data_dir(),
                    libvirt.modify_vm_iface(vm_name, 'get_xml', iface_dict),
                libvirt_vmxml.remove_vm_devices_by_type(vm, 'interface')

            # Start the VM.
            if start_error:
                test.fail("VM started unexpectedly")
            if hotplug:
            iface_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)
            if test_ovs_port:
                check_ovs_port(iface_name, bridge_name)
            if live_add_qos:
                inbound_opt = ",".join(re.findall(r'[0-9]+', iface_inbound))
                outbount_opt = ",".join(re.findall(r'[0-9]+', iface_outbound))
            if test_qos:
                iface_mac = vm_xml.VMXML.get_first_mac_by_name(vm_name)
                tap_name = libvirt.get_ifname_host(vm_name, iface_mac)
                logging.info("Test inbound:")
                res1 = utils_net.check_class_rules(
                    tap_name, "1:1", ast.literal_eval(iface_inbound))
                logging.info("Test outbound:")
                res2 = utils_net.check_filter_rules(
                    tap_name, ast.literal_eval(iface_outbound))
                if not res1 or not res2:
                    test.fail("Qos test fail!")

        except virt_vm.VMStartError as details:
            if not start_error:
                test.fail('VM failed to start:\n%s' % details)

        # Recover VM.
        if vm.is_alive():
        logging.info("Restoring network...")
        if net_name == "default":
            # Destroy and undefine new created network
        # Try to recovery ovs bridge
        if utils_net.ovs_br_exists(bridge_name):
        if "iface_attach_xml" in locals():