예제 #1
def three_event_channel():
    stim_amp, stim_grad, stim_env = np.zeros((1, raw.n_times)), np.zeros(
        (1, raw.n_times)), np.zeros((1, raw.n_times))
    for evt in spikes_df.values:
        if evt[1] == 'amp':
            stim_amp[0][evt[4]] = 1
        elif evt[1] == 'grad':
            stim_grad[0][evt[4]] = 1
            stim_env[0][evt[4]] = 1

    info_amp = mne.create_info(['AMP'], raw.info['sfreq'], ['stim'])
    info_grad = mne.create_info(['GRAD'], raw.info['sfreq'], ['stim'])
    info_env = mne.create_info(['ENV'], raw.info['sfreq'], ['stim'])
    amp_raw = mne.io.RawArray(stim_amp, info_amp)
    grad_raw = mne.io.RawArray(stim_grad, info_grad)
    env_raw = mne.io.RawArray(stim_env, info_env)
    raw.add_channels([amp_raw, grad_raw, env_raw], force_update_info=True)
    raw.reorder_channels([selected_channel, 'AMP', 'GRAD', 'ENV'])
    if original_sf > 1000:
    sp = Sleep(data=raw._data,
    sp.replace_detections('peak', peak_index)
    sp.replace_detections('spindle', spikes_index)
# Rapid eye movement function
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# This function does NOT perform a real REM detection. It illustrates how to
# replace the default detection behavior by a basic thresholding function.
# Note that the function returns a boolean array indicating samples that are
# above a specific threshold.

def fcn_rem(data, sf, time, hypno):  # noqa
    """New REM detection function."""
    mean_data = np.mean(data)
    std_data = np.std(data)
    # Threshold is mean + 3 * STD
    return data > mean_data + 3. * std_data

# Replace existing methods
# Now we use the :class:`visbrain.gui.Sleep.replace_detections` method to
# overwrite existing spindles and REM detections.

# Replace the spindle detection function :
sp.replace_detections('spindle', fcn_spindle)
# Replace the REM detection function :
sp.replace_detections('rem', fcn_rem)

# Finally, open the graphical user interface :
예제 #3
# Define the function to replace :
def fcn_slowwave(data, sf, time, hypno):  # noqa
    """New slowwave detection function.

    See : https://wonambi-python.github.io/api/wonambi.detect.slowwave.html
    for an exhaustive list of implemented detections inside wonambi.
    out = detect_Massimini2004(data, sf, time, opts_sw)
    indices = np.zeros((len(out), 2))
    for i, k in enumerate(out):
        indices[i, 0] = k['start']
        indices[i, 1] = k['end']
    indices *= sf
    return indices.astype(int)

# Replace existing methods
# Now we use the :class:`visbrain.gui.Sleep.replace_detections` method to
# overwrite existing spindles and slow-waves detections.

# Replace the spindle detection function :
sp.replace_detections('spindle', fcn_spindle)
# Replace the slow-wave detection function :
sp.replace_detections('sw', fcn_slowwave)

# Finally, open the graphical user interface :
예제 #4
# Define spindles function
def fcn_spindle(data, sf, time, hypno):
    """Replace Visbrain built-in spindles detection by YASA algorithm.
    See http://visbrain.org/sleep.html#use-your-own-detections-in-sleep
    # Apply on the full recording
    # sp = spindles_detect(data, sf)
    # NREM sleep only
    sp = spindles_detect(data, sf, hypno=hypno)
    return (sp[['Start', 'End']].values * sf).astype(int)

# Define slow-waves function
def fcn_sw(data, sf, time, hypno):
    """Replace Visbrain built-in slow-wave detection by YASA algorithm.
    # On N2 / N3 sleep only
    # Note that if you want to apply the detection on N3 sleep only, you should
    # use sw_detect(..., include=(3))
    sw = sw_detect(data, sf, hypno=hypno)
    return (sw[['Start', 'End']].values * sf).astype(int)

# Replace the native Visbrain detections
sl.replace_detections('spindle', fcn_spindle)
sl.replace_detections('sw', fcn_sw)

# Launch the Graphical User Interface
예제 #5
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# This function does NOT perform a real REM detection. It illustrates how to
# replace the default detection behavior by a basic thresholding function.
# Note that the function returns a boolean array indicating samples that are
# above a specific threshold.

def fcn_rem(data, sf, time, hypno):  # noqa
    """New REM detection function."""
    mean_data = np.mean(data)
    std_data = np.std(data)
    # Threshold is mean + 3 * STD
    return data > mean_data + 3. * std_data

# Replace existing methods
# Now we use the :class:`visbrain.gui.Sleep.replace_detections` method to
# overwrite existing spindles and REM detections.

# Replace the spindle detection function :
sp.replace_detections('spindle', fcn_spindle)
# Replace the REM detection function :
sp.replace_detections('rem', fcn_rem)

# Finally, open the graphical user interface :
예제 #6
info_amp = mne.create_info(['AMP'], raw.info['sfreq'], ['stim'])
info_grad = mne.create_info(['GRAD'], raw.info['sfreq'], ['stim'])
info_env = mne.create_info(['ENV'], raw.info['sfreq'], ['stim'])
amp_raw = mne.io.RawArray(stim_amp, info_amp)
grad_raw = mne.io.RawArray(stim_grad, info_grad)
env_raw = mne.io.RawArray(stim_env, info_env)
raw.add_channels([amp_raw, grad_raw, env_raw], force_update_info=True)
# raw.reorder_channels([selected_channel, 'AMP', 'GRAD', 'ENV'])
# if original_sf > 1000:
#     raw.resample(500)
sp = Sleep(data=raw._data,
sp.replace_detections('peak', peak_index)
# sp.replace_detections('spindle', spikes_index)

# edf = 'C:\\Lilach\\402_for_tag.edf'
# raw = mne.io.read_raw_edf(edf)
# data, sf, chan = raw.get_data(), raw.info['sfreq'], raw.info['ch_names']
# Sleep(data=data, sf=sf, channels=chan, annotations=raw.annotations).show()
# print(1)